i StanHaril Jon Oice, -...

i mm MBllBflEI mitT ShTSnSAT At BREWSTERS, N. T. (ON THE HABLEM R. ?.) 0. H, MILLER, Eflitor ui Ppopriotor TERMS: One Tp«r »a-60 ArtterttilnaTcnMcashpobl»l«*il« thecfflfr In ihe Town null. SlnflvCaplcBSCHta. ForMtrt OLIVER H. MILLER, Editor And Proprietor. lNl>EPEWl>13NT*-NOX I<fEtJX»AL. TERMS : 2.«0 per Annrnn, in Advitnce VOL. V. BREWSTERS, N. Y.. SATURDAY, DECEMRER 21. 1872. NO. 47. m StanHaril Jon Oice, lawellitockodTritli fill tlienecei8MyT»# Onrflit, Pitper, Ink, Ac, for •xoeatlng wm nMlnoBHnnd dinpBioh allordertfor CARDS, CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS BALL INVITATION!^, Orders of Vnncfttff^ ^c-1 ^c, Orderi hj mhil will BcMtve Prompt Att»ti« IN THE TOWN HALt, BitEfrsTKRS, jv^. r. O. H. Miller, Proprietor. 19 ( riLT.AGF. niltECTORW cniTRcnrs. /I. E. rinirrli. rrv. Philip Onrtnnna. rutOF. JItptiBt Church, l.rv. Intiik Kl. tehbf. Pi««l>jtpr1ftn chnrrli. HOT. A. 11. MkMmbray. J)Pia*n mtholic ChurtU, Rev. Fsthor MrKf'UVi. acnooiA Brcwslar (•ro.lcl flrhnrl, rr"f. J. H. Wnrph^. rrlft. S«lM>l Bcfaorvl, MUi UI>t)lo (i>v, Priiirlpnl, rrolfffl Rlrrr ^•^^i^.n.^l n»oV. F. H. FortM. Onjitw. >ptniini I'O'inty HmvlnRi m>aV. I'. A. Ho.*t, Tpe««. K'OTARirA PVBIJIO. r. E. r«<lt-;'. >>flai(4 rii^«r. A. J. VlllPr, 0 . n . lUllat; RortrriR!!, »onth KMt IMT. fl. of T. No. 131. T. O. ofojil rollnwo. MiiODlcS,iolRl Club. pnT«iriAx«. l>r. J. TTom^rStnilh, r>r. N. 11. FrcrlRDA, Ht, *. W. Xlgrath, TrT^rottApn orrfCK*. Wnt«rTi Vnion, AUkuUc ft Fmcine. MEnoiIAlTTS, T. B. rosier A C».. P r r OfWtN, OrncarlM, A. V. I,oTi[tfi| A Co.. •• •' •abln«: Hmilti, " •• KMd ft MvK»tt, •• '• •BDOU .V DWOHI •• •• VA?roX«l<MMW. MiM-ixrnT. iBsa A*i11e ^'uti Rroy, r.il'.niril Sloa«, .Ti:wj:i.RRf«. OIMK Jb U i m r l u H - nOTCM. J riwalar IT'in>"«. Abhi>tt A M<-MBhnn. )ntli Kaiil Uolcl, uco. W. Dimglilr. l-lTEItY nnd EXcnA-KflllE, Brtwalcr l.!rerj-, Elhrrl Of.rt, South KliNt Ltrarr. HJllii ni>7«Mto. nTTiAjir MII.I.S, »»kof 4 nrnil. PI lcli> of ilic IVnt," riftnriiig 4 F«#C TnwnMiiil liro*., "QIIBCH uf ttia South," " rOAX< DEAI^ER*!. r. H. Finlfr, TuirDifnd IJrop,, A. F. I<«>hd<4l Jh 0 « L , ««o. W. lEMl. ' I.r.UnRR nnd BriLIIERS, Xikvr A Iliiut, Bragg ft polUn], rARRIAOR MAWVFACTVRKaa, F. R. IU11, L. 8cluu-fon1>iire- nARltWARK. W. Kfl'ih'iin. P. O. Mooro k Ron, S. O. ATfry. MEAT MARKRT*. JI»yb»r ft Wfwcnnjb, C. K. ToirnMud, F i u k WMU- buitlc. , ni.ArRHMBTIII*. fn»t A: V.'f^a, Wm. MHkitiucr, RAILROAns, Mew Toil:, llirl.^m fc AUinny, K^w Vork At BMtoa, fiofton, llnittiirU A: lirli;. Xtl.M.VO COMPAME*. nrM-it'r Iro:i Minn. 4. I, Itlihiidl, IJO^I-P. Tillr Foster Miiiltit; Co., AUtlren- CoagiUt, 8upt. CARPCXTERS nnd tllTILOERa. J. r. UowcB. Jlnnry I'urcell, Eilwird llowm. J*bi riirocr, E. U. Hiietiil, Jaonh BlorsiB, Uflnrr TcMi^ k«M. Hi-iir)-HnrBb, Otorfre Finlnii, QrwM^WK ftaac URDIPT. ^ ^ PAIKTIXU. llnrtln i:>irli, Jujiriih llninn, T. R. Knox A RflM. .'iiullliA; Wormi, IIi:iiJsmlul>7kcmau, Knmutl B^rrx. 1^ IIO W CO M P A X f E«. ITowr" nt>'nl Liii'lnn rtrcHP.—T.g, C Wn-^cr., Uui. ('feiiliol 1*111 k Muiinii'crli' i'.iiil In'orti.ilx'iial Clrmii ' II. Iiurniiiii. Aliii>i*r. V»n Auil«irf.'I('H ""Iro-t GoldcQ Mciind-'i!-.— Jlji.tll'ioit, MitiBsw. Aitornpy a:;.! niun«tll(ir.-.-Abm. J. Wilier, J arvi v'T i.ii.l r;vil L'agliirtr.-Geo. fl. E< trhuR. J'tirtcna ;t,r.—A. Y. Lobadl. limit.t.-It. 1'. Jlilkr. Sui'trilwir.-DaJiifl r.:li.r. ToH-n ac-.l-.-Fin'iU WiTs. ••Jollcclor-.ricm;- Hooper. l;ohlnn>!i l,il)mry ppiLFriio TTrn.lln* •«•-• - -...^v.-. .: .r.'LiTBlirAro. S-'. 1. .Tobti Dar. ror'>m»Ti. Protrrtcr Iluiw Co. No, ] , GarHi» lIoornHjrrk, *• 3'bol<iKrupl!!T —1. llonrj' I'olBoia. Turu»ii:c onil UiibolHUiry.—Owi. w. Rn>llb, Umlfrlatiiig.- 0. W, fimilb, Aucustuit KtKix. MoQum<'UtQl IJartilo^VorLx—J. V. llibir. ValidDcJ Lxprri-w nflicp 1". V. Illg^lni, AffpnL DrnflH C"<1 Mi'ili' tiice \i, T. ilaDiins .V Smilh. Clfikr M&iiiirucliirnr,—Lowl* Lrvj-. Boot Jt Shoe Mnuiifartiircr.—P. 3. Itccil, D. P. Wtt HOtifcCj., 'lliiiinaHC ](t-«il. !rBilura.—Jobn Limp, Frrd Htbcccbor. B a m e M MaiiuDic'iirRr!!.— Lcuiianl SLL-or, J r b n Day Znaumiirc.—L, II. Ituliril*, T. II. k 3. A, lUad Frawk W.1I-. flpwinf! Mnrbliji-B—Jati)i>B A. Pn-k, John A. ItMd AtblQ A: Hiiiiih. Bakaryr.ml ronfpcl'oncry.—Philip DIrhl. Ktwa De]M'l mill IVult.—Tuomaa Trrlour. Fruit, Vicitjhlnoiia ridU Markit.—A. k V. DIahl. Comiulujoii MrrcbBuU.—Cbai-IoR llrnloo, UMffT Uodpcr, aordoH'a riiii'loHHt.l MUk romptuy.—John O. B»r. dtiu, Maiiat:<'r, J. B. £uu, Hupl.. Frank WaUi, Caabicr. flub and Wind Faolory.—W. P. BmwMor. ' Croton Itlvcr Drotn Hand.—3. VL Clmrdi. Baa'y. N. II. FUEELAND, M. D,. Physician & Surgeon, , 3t iM-;'\vs'ri':it HI, N . Y . 4 ABRAM J. MILLER, .\N1) XOTAItY PTJIJLIC. TOWN HALL, Browsters. DENTIST, BHEWSTERS. New York. la pr«i«l«'1 to do all work in hla llur. In a naajiu aurpuMd by Boaa, hatlkfai-tU.u (uarautMA. GKouoa-: i:. IVKS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, <'ar]H'nler«' TiKila, FwrnlBr I n p U u M t a , *«. WHIT£ ST.. DanbuiT. Ct. Rei/u old's Saloon. SiTu-'d liai.r RaU oT Dbuibl/'a M«M, BKBWSTKKfi, N.Y. Deer, Poller, baraa|MUiUii, Kola Water. 1 qunlliy of ALB BK^:: at Flva O.iu i>cr aUra. MSAT ZAARSBT. ' BaHiitf oiMucd a ProriidnD Markr-l on MAIN ST ] MQ prcjMJcl lufiirulub cualuuinrN wiUi Ueat at kka rarjlcwialitrk-:. Francis Washburn*. LTSCHARFENBERC, CaiTia£8aaiIWapiiMal[flr. BEEWSXEaS, New York. AUoTdera fur Palutiu.T. Trlmuilnc rod Rr-ti«irlu ^ruiDjnl/ atUwdad tu. Tt r u « t mail, au Jaya. Wheeler & Wilson SEAVIXGJIACHINE AGENT & MACHINIST, BBEWSTEKS, Kew York. Oppoalta Uic MrlliiHluL('bun;li. Qidaii ——•—« wUl«w jtiui.iualij aiuaded to. ^ ^ '••««• s. o. AVEI^Y; TIN SMITH, BREW6TERS. New York. A iTJ lALTY OF Tin Eooflng & Jobbing:. *;ii;:.i pen JAiucw IAT»*X •olid Body Milk Oan. If ffc Would* ITre would bat oliock the apsakw When liottpoUiitiln neighbor^ ftmo, Tf TTo wonW but hnlp the crritiRt Ere wc nM<^ irordu of Mi»!rfR j If wo wonld, ho* tn*!*)- might i\e TnmffofiipAlhsoriiin ind shinip. Ah, the «Tonp! thtt might bo righted ir wo would bnl POO the way 1 Ah, the P&IDB thnt mtght be lightonod Kvoi'.v honrnnd cvoiy dov, If wo would bat hear the ploadf nfra Ofthe hearts that go aalMy. Lot as stop ontn^do Iho stronghold Of our Klf1shnom> and pride; r,iOt a* ttft our niinting Irrdth'*^, Ltt TIB strcng'lhpn'erti »c chide ; Let HB, rre we MttJno thn fBlJen, Hold * ITg^it lo chcos and galdc. Ah, how bipRped- ah, how blanecd Earth woaM IKS if we'd bnt Iry Thitn to aid and right the weaker, Thno to chock each brother's sigh ; TliQBto talkot dnty'apathway To onr better life on high. In each Hfe, howtrer lowl.v, Tlif-re arc accds nfmiphtj- gortd *. Btill, we shrink from souls #r'pt:&ltng With a timid "if w-. cowld*;" But a Oodwho Jiidgolh ail things KnoWB thp truth is, "ifwewonld." MARRIAGE UNDER DIFFICULTIES. - ItwiwSiindny, and I hnd i-elumcd from the nioininR 8er^-lce in our chA]wl st Kouth ShicldK, Durham, England. The servant csme to the dining-room to nay two irflntlo- men were waiting In the purior h) KC mc. I found (liem lolw Mr. Dtnttttwm, the chattel keeper, atiJ a htg, round, joJIy wan, who grinned ami Imwed on being inlrodnccd ns " Mr. Jolwon." Tlie former said It wan the latter who had huslncRRwith me ; and, when 1 inquired, after some delay, what the buiM. neas might be, Mr. Jolnon answered ; •* Well, filr, I want to !» mnrrted.'' "Avery nalnral wlali," I replied, "and one Uiat may he pTrtllAcd. Tliero is uo diffi- cnity In tho flay, if the iadybc In the anme mind." "81ie*Bnlliighl,sir." " Where and when do von wish to bo mar- H*d V " In the chapel that you prflsrhod In ttila mominj:, three wceka to-morrow, at nine o'clock." " I HOC : as Pooli as the notice required hy Iiiw expires. Yet you do not seem to Imv'o been In a hurry to cxclmngc fingle bli-wod- ncBB. VoumuBthc—what? Forty?" " Ven. I am more than it." "Very well, Mr. .loheon, I will Ire there at tiie Mmt." Intimating tliat my wife wat; waiting din- ner, I was proceeding to open the door for the gentleman to leave, wlicn the eipectant hrldeurram iiftkiHl, ia a tone of uurpiiBe, if I tould not "takedown the names." Cer- tftiniy, if he deH'rvd ; tliougli it was notnec- esHnry llien. After giving mo hiK lirxl mini*, lie gave me tiint of hlB Jiaiicrr, Mrs. N, Wut- kina. She had been married before. IIIH anxiety that I should take the names, bis formal manner attogethbr In Bdvising inc thUH early of tlie wedding led me—when 1 thought of the matter, a day or two after- wiird~to wonder «rhother he Himioscd that in order to give the legal notice ho liud onb' to speak to the mioiKtcr. Mr. Uivklnsoii, to whom 1 mcnlUmed the matter, thought he •r^U notoiukcHurrhfl mirilake ; but-i»».-^"i>i iufi I was reqUcstsd to atep into llicir house, which wiiH Hdjoiniiig the chapel. Jobson had como to nee me again ; ana It wait SB I fearsd. Not nnlil that day had he given notice to the public officer, wiioso duty it wos to regiKt«r the births, deaths and mar- riageit iu tlic district wlicre ho rctjideil. Of courBe I ackAowloiigod the miupUaieot Im- plied lu his conaidering It quite sufficient to tell me about ; and endeavored to coiuole hiia t)y snying the desired event wuuld be poutpfmed only Keren days, n o d i single woek waB not long with one who hud wuitetl more than forty ycaiB. He admitted that ; hut could nut see wliy ]>ort<ouB oiiger to be JoiiiiHl iu mnlriuiony siiould lutve their pAt](5ni% tried twenty-one days before the great sub- ject of their lives eould be realized, WJiich 1 gave him to undcratimd wan nat ahsolntelv noccssary, for by Fitecial licMiBe he migh't havo his mntrimeuial dccires aocompIiKhed in two or three days. He was nf u fnigal mind, however; and, when told it vfouid cost coniiidenible more, he Ihouglit he should wait, 'llje three weeks spread on rapid wiugwiUi tue; bul luovi-d on lemlni fsel, no doubt with thorn, ruuctuaiiy at thir liour appoint- ed 1 wita ut the ctui[M)l g a t e ; hut, tiudlng theiti cloHcd, I turned around the comer and kuoekcd at the Stixtoo's door. " A r e theiiC weddingR come*" " Hush I h—u—8—h !" whJHpered that coutioUK dauie, au, willi winkK and geiitures, uho signaled lliut I might lie overheard, at the Biuiie time leading me through one room into the kitchen It^'hlud. 'Jliere sat the Jolly man, his ruddy couulenance henming like the rising KUP. He Kmtlod all over his fuc« aB he saluted me. A buxom ludy sat on theoppot)it4- fido of the room, apitareiitiy "fair, fat and forty," but so airuyifd in u blue dross, a flaring red shawl, a large bun- uet, aud a large groen vail that her figure Bud yearK were partially eonceuled. No ouc ofl'cred to iutroduoe her ; HO J addnwHcd Mr. Joltsou : " Mrn. Wutkias, I pri'Bumc .'" •' YcB, Bir," Buld he, witli a proud look. ITiafB W . " I iHiwodtu her. She IOBC, conrttviedffrace- fully, and Bniirked : "Good-morning air." " lathe regibtrnrnottYjme, Uis, Dickinson. " Not yet. He's sure to !« lien* soon though.^ » We fell into e<iHven(atiou. It being a fine inoralng, I congratulated the nuplio] italr upuuit, hoping the Kuushiuewuu typioul o their future liveH. >Vhi'n I could talk of tlie weather uo lunger, I hiiid to the jauitor's wife: " I s the regibtrur n.-iml!y hifeon OWTUSIOUB of tUBkindf^ " No indeed. He likes hlK fot* too well." W e couvu-(«ed on other topics. I bad to explain why we could not proceed with the cereuiouy without tlie rcgiBfnir. WbeuMrs. Watkiiib h:id the huppinesxof U-iug led to Ibe hyiuciiial altar hctori', it WUB in one of the ooniiuci'ated cdilites of the EetaMuihed Cbun.-b, oud uo nuch oRicer wut>in attcnduooe there No doubt but the wise uudcjuul laws of lijiglaiid iuKist on one being prescut when evsB a marriaKe Isboieiunlsed iu a Noneon- formiht meeting-houbo. 'J'hofie dibbenti-mm-e a mcuj) lot, aud iiot to be trusted. Wliilc we thuti luiked, iiu'old clock that huos over <bc uiautelblielf kept on sHlngiug its loug pt-uduluiu ueuilya yard each way, till the liguice poiutvU 10 \t:'AQ, 9:&S aud 10 o'clock. I grew restlehS. " It j<t ut,ruuge thla iiiun does ucl come. 1 hope Uiere !b uo mistake uguiu, Mr. Jobsonl" "'ITiere cannot be, air." •• Vou gave nolicu at NewcusUe,'" ' duluioly. I came dowu uu pur|>Ottti to loll you BO." " AudatSbiulds*" •'bhieidh! ShicldB, hir! What, mus tlmt uecwaarv T" " Astturedly, hoeiug that Mri, Watkins re- Hilto here. You cauuot be marriod." "'J'hat'sa bad job." "A bad job! I should Ihiuk it is!" ex- einiuit'd a femule voice on tiic olhor side of tberoom. " What u dibappoiutmcut! Vou stupid! How cauie jou to luokc such u bluuticr ? Aud it'b the second liute, too." " But you noodu't look and wjeak to him like that, though, " re|'llod Mrs. Dickiosou, promptly and gravely t«kiug hiB port. *' Didn't 1 t<'H yuu mywlf to tell Liuj that he would have to give notiiH; iu both dihti-ietii in the town whcie Lu lives and iu thib towu, wbeis you live," "Ko you did" "Wby didn't jou, then ,'' "1 thought it was enoityh for tiim to loll tjie poopic of KcKoihtlc. without coming and letting cvwylxwJy down here koow about it. I didu't want the nbolc oouotxy to talk of it." " Why i What is tiiore to be asbuaod or afraid off Xsu't your olherhusbaud dead, or souiutbiogf" "Tliat's toy busiooiw, ma'oto." " But jou'd ouly told uic. aow," said Joli- •OB, s.irowfuHy, but not icpruachfully. " I t ' s a bud juh wc'vr aiit>Mxi it^uiu." "Jiftd! What fools we must eeem. Just ^0« the houbC is fuii of people, isvitod to Ad (laud breiikfast w« provldtd- Uisfrlaods *lir« there, spy fhwds ai« tbtie, my otber hnshand's rrkrilH. and some df.Uie t*ciphl''els.' And tiow'we mofiiiW, Kifft and saV wn are hot muTiei! tillH all. What R disappoint Went i J hever did meet with auch a disap- pointment in all my life—never." What e.,uld I say to comfort such dlacon- Bolate ones T It was pnrl of my profession lo adminlfitor coiisolalion ; bnt I had never had to do with such mourners lieforo. Was it not natural that I should ITC sllont, AS thn rest of the company vmn, durinir the hcyt fow mlniil^'fl f AtlPnglh nbrfghl idea struck the dlsnppclnltHl Itldy. \Voald 1, l*^o k*nd as to gtj ahd confer With t^ofti[t«itrnv? .Tob- KOtt had not a shadsfr of ft doubt that, if tlie two WleO of in*porlanoo as he Bind I could lApttifM together, anything wonid be accom- ;;libncdjthat was not harder than merely set- ting fisidc the laws nf England. Seeing that that would console them, 1 felt it my duty lo [to, though I knew It was naeleBB; nnd they thanked ine enrneh-ttv, snylng they woujil never foigct ray kindtietis as long as they lived. On my reliim, they both asked mo, ever more eiimcstly : "Can we marrr, sir!" ••yes; bnt—-' " Thsiik Heaven I" exclaimed the ladv. "Wait a mnmeht. Vol) inlerrtiJH'mie, mii'am, Vo»t cftn lie miinted ; lint not for throe WftkP, I ftni Borry to say. Tlie regis- War ASinired me tlmt the Uuccn herself could not be marrlod ngahi in this chapel without lili presence, and that he would not attend 0 princcKS's mnrrlnge without beingconBultcd Iwforehand in the regular way," " Wliat conceit! I wiah "the Queen were here, just to show him sho can make him do whatcvershe llkcH. It's my opinion you can marry usJiiBtns well without him as with him. Will you do It, sir?" " I could go through the ceremony its wbll wlthnnt him ; but ilio marriage would l>o nicgnl. "What of that 7 If it'nail right in the sightof Hod, what does it matter if it's not right In the sight of man?" " J'hat is a bold bnt not a WIHG thing for a woman to say. A ministerial frieml. of mine married a couple of the hifihest poaitioo in a oertnfn town In Lancashire. Tliey went to Bwhsorland to ftjicnd n hmg huncymnon. Before they returned the minister received ofticint information tliat their marriugc waa Invalid, owing tosomo irregularity nlmut the person who attended to witnera and record thn marriage. TIic rcglRtrar WHB from home on vacation and had appointed a deputy to ai-t for him, who, ae it turned out was dis- qtmlificd in some way for ocUng in tliat capa^- ty. Hy IVieud tmraedlately informed the palvntB of iho young oonple, who wrote them tocomc home InHtnntlyand gothrough the cereinonv again in iirivate. If that j'ouDg geutlcmao liad l>cen n villidn, and wished to abandon tho young lady, he could have done so, aixnrdiiig io the law. If he had been killed on his way home, and aho, morally but not legally bis wife, hod lieoomo a modier, andclalmeu a ]>ortion of his ex teiixive proiKtrty for hcrsL-K and child, she could not have obtained R farthing by law. MdrringciBa civil contrast as well as n rc' ligioiis institution; and of eounte, hns Its advantages In being right hi the sight of man as well as In the slglit of (iod. There in another difKculty in the way of my marry- ing yon without the rcgistinr. Ilic law would iiunisli mo Heverely if I did It. " I don't want In get you into trouble. But it la an nufortmiate affair, very. I never did meet with such a dit<appointinvut I'll noteometo a Di8Bent'"« ei'Mwl to be married any more." , , "Yon'!"'*« "i'*"d to lie mamed again, mit'umr' "One doesn't know what may happen." We rclasjicd into sllenuo again, which con- a low Htool, with elbow 01) his kiT^Jc-Jlii^ Sil tkcv. on his hands, absaijicd in thought and looking intently at the fire. Cortrtiii geometri- cal lines visible in the embers enablt^l him to solve the problem of the hour. Ijooklng up suddenly he said to me : "I'll tell vou what I'll do, cir." "Wiiat will you do?" "I'll go this miuute to tlio reghttrnr here in this town and give notice afroHli.'" "Thatis mauly," said 1, admiring h\n decision and enei^fy. " If you itrotieed like that, ysu will got married.'^' I walked along the street with him, In- ctnicting him in every jinrticnlar. Never did I euler into auch det^iilB wiUi anv one before or biiice. Ho expressed his graiilnde for my kindncbx, which he asserted in a very Boleray and empimtic mauner should never be forgotten. Ho would see me the following Kabbalh, to lei lue know the day and hour. In this he fnih!, for he did not aiiimar cither that Sunday or tlie next again. But on thu third Mou(lav (he sexton cullo'I on mc tossy that "thai wedding" had to come ofl"thc foliowjng morning at W o'clock. That was an inconvenient hour, u*! had an engagement in Newnistle at noou, and must toku tiie eleven o'clock train to keep it, wliich 1 could not do if theie was any delay. For ho it uuderBtood that the marriage servit-c IB sometimes a piolracted one in Kiigluud, and ulwnyH much longer than iu this country. I'oople there would not consider tliemFclvcH married ut all by the utterance of the twpor three sentciicea with which I littvii seen mln- isterBhcro bind loving ones in lioly wedlock. I urged Kir. Dickinson tu engage aomo one else to officiate; but he thought the |iarlKs would be in time, and wiKhed me to see tlie end of tbo extraordinary affair. I wh-hed it too, and accordingly wosat my post promptly thu next day. The galeii not huvlug lieeii ojieneii, 1 «ciit to the chapel house, and was conducted lo Ihe kitchen us lK.-foro. Kir. .loh- Bon had arriv»rd liefore me, and was there all alone iu bis tclory. " is Mra. Watkins nut coining r" "No ; But Hhu'il Im here prenciitly, hIr." AVIIbinfivu minutes the iiii))uioi)g form of the registrar mode its ap]K!urauce, passing thekiicben window slowly and hlalely. If ever officer bad a due upiircciutlon of his Ktatiou and gave rci^pouhibility. It was h e ; Uiough I may say, to avoid making invidious coUiiuirisotiK, tliat the murk a]>plii-s to every one iu the aome ofhce. It is not loo much toaflirm thatu more Just sense of his im- portanaf, dinnilv and right even Calcmfi, Hpr .Majesty's celebratiKi exocutiouer, did not i ioseetw on tiio occaMou of ills arriving at u ail where he had buaincbs awaiting him (for lewos late), but could not elbow ids way through the crowd to the turukev's door. "Make way," he csllrd imi>eriou^Jy to the sundngmass. "Make way, I suy ; u-Ahiiig cun be done without loe." 'ITie instant tlie reghitrar's msJ.-sUc foot crossed the kilcbeu thresbuM, he pointed to the aged time piece over thu miintlu-Bhelf, and, ciibliug a wither- ing gluucc ut Mrs. Dickinson, said : " D o you see tliut cluck, madaui,'' Already four miuutus after thu time a])ji<iinte<l fur this luiiiriu^'e, aud the doors of the cliapcl and the gate leading thereto are still closod. It is coutran' tu the law, luudum. 1 sav cou- trary totbelaw." " Why. mother, how bluptd it is of you," rciuurkeduu uulidy youug woman, who sat liceliug iiotaloes ut tbo talde. " Didu't I tell you twenty minutes sinue to go and open tliodoor?" "'J'hat'sthc way my daugbti-r si>eaks to me, gentlemen. 'J'he fact is, I bad a lit a Week aiucc to day, and I hove bccu expocting auotlier all moiititig aud could tbuik of uotliiugelbe." Disregaiding (he cbattc-r of these women, with the sui>erdliouiuiehb tliat become him, aud turiiiii-r with a grand ulr toward Johsou, the public luuctiouery inquired : "Have you boeuto ibe ollicef" " Ko, sir ; but I um just going." "Just going! Whv did you nut go be- foie?" Jobsoo did not wait to answer. " Whore is he going, bij i" 1 ventured to ask. "'J'omy oflice. When be caoio to u e , three weeks ago, I directed luui to call there, on ilia way fiom tlie btation here, uud bring (lie iiocttosary docnuicnts along with biui, and have rue the tiouble of going. ' ('I'he great man did not buy whether Jobsuu hud to sue a suiHuior Of a tubordiuat*; ol his at the office ) •'And he came right by the door of the office without culling, aud now li' Itoephig me wuii- ins bore. I liavc buwuess iu court at half past teu. It is ciocodingly iuuouveaiciil, excooduigly. My time is too valuable to be wasted ou fcuub people. But here the loau ib back. He has not been loug." "If you plcubc, hir, can yuu uarrv me without the lloense, the doc-, t^e papen from NewcutitJo.'" ^^ '' Certaiuiy Dot, man. Why, whwo it it?** '• It's at Sewcaatle, sir," " Ibc gentleman said I must come and ask yon If yon would marry me without it." " Strange thing of him sending such A question as thst. I will go and sec what he means." Then tumtna to me, and speaking nift vcee he addod : " You stay hero. I saw his license three weeks ago, showing ho had given due nolicc in Newcnstlo. My tesll- mony to that riTiTt mny be aatlBlkcloty." " roil mudt mnUt! hnstn liai^k. If I wall. , 1 have to take tlic.pifiYJlr tValH. I. lin^l po " ,, "f^T^d.i'yn sliRil, rlr," broke in Mrs. hlek- tnnoh, who had just relumed from opening the doors. " "R hat do they mean coming here time after time making such a fool of onrmlnlRter? I'd goat once, sir, and not Imthor with them any longer. I tell you, sir, I'm not sattaficrl with this wedding. I don't know the other husband Is doad or thai Ihore Isn't some other legsl 'podlmoni," "Tliat IB their concern not mine." Mrs. Dickinson. Here Is Jobson reluming Hgaln. Where Is the rcglBtrar, Mr. Jobson f" "Gone In the chapel, sir." "All right. Airs. Wntkins; where ts she?" "What! Isn't she como yetT This wopian must 1»e mod I" he trtattertd I'd lilmseli, ns lie stnl-ted oB oH the rim to seek her. I proceeded to tha chapel by a private iwiBsapc from the hoii-e. Seeing inc approach- ing him very leisurely, the Impatient public functionary Ruld : "Come, air, do make haste. Whore are they?" "Echo Answers, Where." "What do yon mean?" "Simply thnt the bride has not come, nnd the bridegroom hns gone to hnnt her." "Extroordinnry jieoplc I 'I'hcy seem In- cftpsblo of understandInu how to act li;! the^o mntt'Ts. . H^ tftlka fien&lbly rnoligh, too, on other snbjocls. It must be tnic that lore Is blind. Holloa I madam, wbHt is the matter with yon ?" LThis to Mrs. Dickinson, who hod jiipt come in upon us at the aide door, and WAS holding her sides, laughing im- moderately. He cvidsntly thought her "lit" had oome] "Ars you In a conVnlsioh, msdam ?" "The bride's found, sir. She's found. Oar Mary Ann was In Queen street, and found her lookin^ln the toy-shop window." " 1 will do the lady the jnstlce to oliscrve that she exercises Homo fore-thought. Where is she f" " In our houBC," I went back to the hotiie. "Good inohilnR, ma'*m." "Dooti morning, Bir." " We Becin to !« at CToss-purposos against this morning." "So it appears." " Where is Mr. Jolison?" "Qime to seek rao, I hear. Silly man 1 Ho migbtbavc known I should como." " I fear I shall have to give you short metcrin Ihescrvlce." Tlio shoricr the better, sir. 'Short the sweet,' as wo say sermons shouhl ho," [Job- son came dashing in at tha door, sweating profusely and breathing like a broken- winded horse.] " Where have j'ou been ? What ft Bight you are." "Come, never mind bis condition. There is no time to lose. Where are your wit- nesses?" " Witnesses ? We have no witnesses, sir *' "You ought lo hove bad : n'^^.-'^,'*' ,^''^ have licen married .V'" **"?V. ^ l"'^" known it ** - Dickinson and Alary Ann, y„.. .^uot'bo witncHscs." 'Ilieso two, mother and daughter, strongly protested against Btondtng with such people as those, and "in such cloUies, too." But I InsiHted, Everything went right In tho ceteaiony until we were Intcinipted by the sncctatois. A irowd had gathered, and the Bight of^tjl^ij^i^ir jjiiJc-ffT?"'" and tho buxom an^Msry Ann inber Hueheafor tbecom|jany -».. ..-r*. ••»>" i-" mu«h for their gravity. One general poalof langliter followed another, BO tkiit we oiiiild not iiave got through at all if the leglstrur hail not risen to his feet and frowned. With eommctidable pKtprlety did tlie two who wore undergoing liie transfor- mation from quiility lo unitv "say after me" the woi-dsprcsciibcil hv tbo act of parliament, and we had reacho«l the point of which the emblem of the bridal union should be forth- coming. "Tho ring," said I as a hint for Jobson to prodnco K. "'Ilw ring," said he still " saying after me." "'Hie ring," taid 1, alidle louder, looking alao iiH bigniltciintly as I could. "Tbo ring," said he, louder than over. When the lady shrieked : " 'ihe ring, the ring ! Find the ring." He drew it out of his vest jiockct, among Bomc screws, imttonii and a handful of other Kinall arllcIcB useful to a bachelor. I pro- nounced the I)eiiediction, signed my name first in the register's book, and ran to the deiHit, where J waa just In time to bo too late. I returned to tbo chapel vestry. The imrty were on the point of separating. J hlutMl lo Job)ton that It was usual to give (111) clin]>el kce]>er a trifle. Ho handed Mr. Dickinson binH'ncc. She askeil him if Uie iniuibt^ir were not to liave something for his tiouble." "Ccrtolnly, certainly," said he. I under- stood he had to have half what I gave tlie rcgiKtiar. He's had all the work, and I shall never forget his kindness as long as I ]ivc-~ that I will not. Ho then phicoda (M>IU In lay baud also- It wos a Khlllini;, " What ib it dokiif there ?" '•llrltit." Why did you leav* it ?* " I forgot it, sir." •• Fool 1 Vou caouot he mairlod, aud you Uo not dt*ervc to be. What was said to y«i at IhetrfBt*? ' . A Kew York Block Corner. Now Voik city has just passej through another of those " curuers" which every few weeks so efleetuully arouAe her. This time it was iu Northwestern Rail- way stock, nnd drew into it somo of the leading hi'okcrs and Bpeculators of the city, iucludiuK Dauiel Drew, Jay Gould and others. J Jy the coriier North western stock was forced up from Buy OOuGH to 2<XI, iiiaay uf the setlleiueDts being however made at from 125 t^l7a. Gould and Smith, former purtuen, hut now operating oguiubteach other were prom- invut actors iu the fight, and out of this grow the arrest of Gould charged with appro])riatiug to his own ano $>'9,6U0«- <KK> lidouging to tho Erie road. During tho "cjiner" Northwestern stock would vary from lOo to ItiO and 2UU in n few hours, but the combiuatiou was strong t-uough to keep it from go- ing dowu to legitimate figures until they hud accomphhhed their object. The losses of acme of tho speculntors must be immense. One mun it is said Lad to dniw u]>ou his bank account fully two million dollurs to bottle ; another to tbo tuneofSl.OlXXt.OOO and soon through the chui>ter. It is claimed that the ring made from m.OW.iiOO to 11^12,000,000, but of course iliey alone know the amount which the corner bus put to then credit. It may be more—it cau bcarccly be less then the ilgures given above- Tbo "corner''uuHcttled the stock mar- ket lo such un extent that in Wall alreet little sympathy jf felt for the lowers, uud the only regret U that all concerned in the corner did not loao by it. SHAitp TiuGK.—In that aiistocratic old suburb of Bt. Germains, France, is a church whose poor-boxes havo quite a reputation for being wcU filled, and not only coin but bank-notes for a cout^ider- ublo amount urefrequeutly dropited into these leceptacles by tho oluuitable faith- ful. When they wei-e emptied on a le- ceni oouu^ioD many of the notus were found to be mysl*.-iioubIy glued together with a sticky preparation. This excited suspicion. A utiict watch wu« kept, which resulted iu the apj>earance of an iugt'uious youug man, who, with a piece of thin vbu^cboue for a rod. aud a mor- sol {of \ety titrong glue tor bait, pro- oeeocd to angle for bunk notea, witii auc- oess. A 'WE.Simva DBBBS. — A royal blue superfine doth lilugliuU fiock ooat of mcdiuu length of wuist aud {iruportion- aU' lcufi:th of skirt, fiilk breabt facings to the button hoios aud ihe edgus flat braid- ed, five button holes workod in the luppels, three to be worn buttoned, and ihe upper one to be used for a flovtur; a double-bieastej white cloth wuibtcoat, bh'jwing three quarters ol en inch above thu turiiuver of tha coat, and a lijfht oolortKl diciisud due^kin iiouaei-N lavender or ulvor gray belDji tba moat CW14H3L 'ihe gIovt:8 iiud MuTahould be of (lie wine eihode as Uie trousrrB. The V(nA •t the Gnnlemalfc Cftpt A. T. DonglflB, of (ho rflciflc Mail Steamship Oaatemnln, gWes an so- euiint of tho wreck of his ship. He ap- pearn to Ihiuk that the Crtlamily was doe to the miscalcnlation of the third offlcor, wlio, he wirs, strpvcd n wrong crtni*sc nnd disol'eyM ordrt-d. Aftfcrdo- WrilJiHg ilib ttlatiiler )i^ wlUfcU t h o s h i p ran ngroiind and the torriblo difficulty of innnching tli« lionte, ho says : "At «ix o'clock tho pnsBciigcrs and the crow wore in the boats nnd tho sliip rapidly gning to pieces. I found it im- E racticable to land caatwnrd of lonaln iar as tho surf was mnning very high, and wo went westward with Iho inten- tion of reaching Hatlnns Cntz. We hnd no provisions and mnny of ns h a l no oloMiing, with the exception of onr night-cldthes; everything, inclntnng n gront many vnhiflbles, wnfl left !n the •hip., The chief, pftcet wis J?lftced in charge of the i>ort forward boat, con- tsining in all fonrtfien persons; the purser in charge of the gig, with seven persons ; tho second ofBccr in cimrgo of the life-boat, with thirteen iwrsons, and tbo third officer in charge of tho star- Iioard forwani boat and I retained the port quarter boat, with eleven in all. Abont nine hours after leaving tho ship the pnrscr landed and nil in tho boat wire nearly drowned in the attempt. I went in-shore, bnt doclog two men stretched oil tile beach conclndcd they had been drowned, and did not land, bnt kept to the westward. That after- noon and night the windUlew fresh, and tho boats were all in sight at sundown. On t h e H t h a t 6 A. M., A etroog north- west gale Wow, and wo found it neces- sary to land, OS it was impossible to keep within sishi of the land any longer and remain at sea. At 0 A. M. wo landed; but in the eflbrt wo were all thrown into tho water, yet got to shore safely. After a good deal of diffiiralty, and by first capturing the chief of the ludinn tribe who occupied the plafOj and threatening him with dr?atil, we succeeded in obtain- ing waggons and oxen, and made for the Tillnge of San Francisco dci Mnr. Tho purser and myself got horses and wont along the bcocli in search of the other boats, and wo found two pasacngcrs, Scnor Tadilla and his son. who had como ashore in the second mate's boat, and 1)0 informed us that tho whole party hnd landed. U p t o leaving Sal- mas Cruz nothing had been hoard of the chief ofilcer's boat, nil parties sent in senrch of them having returned without tidings couceming them. I hnyo no doubt they were lost on the 14th of Oc- tober, inn strong northwest gale Id'^**' ing at thnt time." Robbloff « Chnrdi* Tho congregation of Dr. Talmage's Tabernacle in Brooklyn was much excited i>y the announcement that the money boxes had been robbed of large sums some time during tho past three tnonthe. The scats in the Tabernacle are free, bnt those who occupy thnm voluntarily give sums varying from S50 to 8250 a year. These subscriptions arc enclosed in envelope*) and i>at JQ the boxoB which aro pABsed boiVB°ar"e long an^l/fcloollectorB. The filled, are set in a 1^.^31' J"hA,'?'" either side of tho platforTif m.^.'^^ff^ moved by tho treasurer sttcr tho servlceK are over. Tho church nffioers wore great- ly puzzled to find out who robbed the boxes or how it could have been done un- noticed. While a deacon was seated in his pew, a fow woeks ogo, his eye do- tecteil a mysterious movement of one of the money boxes, ft was ohstrved to quietly slide inward in its place in thi pigenn-bolo until even Its long handle was out of sight and as quietly slide back again to Its original position. Subsequent- ly another and another of the boxes van- ished and reappeared to the astonished gaze of the worthy deacon, who, after tho service Was over, made a critical examin- ation of the rack, but could discover no cause for the mysterious movement and neither did ho detect the loss of any money. A couple of detectives secreted themselves is the organ loft and watched closely for any inovemeut of tho boxes. Their vigilance wos at last rewarded, for when the morning service was nearly ever, a son oi the sexton of tho Taberna- cle, was detected coming out from nnder the platform. lie was at once arrested, and finding that his inannvres had been watched, confcsBed the whole sUiry. Ills brother, he said, knew he robbed the boxes, and levied blackmail on him on each and every oc^jsston after m'aklng a raid. He had ingeniously removed the woodwork at the end of the pigeon-hole and then drew iho boxes toward him, taking out the large subscrlptionB in the envelopes, and leaving the stamps undis- turbed. Over S600 had been stolen in this way, and shared between the sexton's sons. The sexton himself was much af- fected, and cried like a child when he heard of the disgraceful proceedings. COOL ENOUOH. Pennsylvania has some astonishing cool-headed young ladies. Tlie Titusvjilo lh,nl<l (e|]» a story of one who should have the medal. On tho Union uud Tilusville Itailroad there is a long, higli frestle, which is ou one side eonoealcd from the engineer of an approaching train liy a sharp curve in the road. A short time ago, as a train wheeled uronud tho cun-e, the engineer was horrified discover a lady midway on the trestle. Quick ae thought he checked the train, though be knew it was an utter ianposibility to bring it to a stand in season to prevent a dire ca- tastrophe. The ludy heard the warning whistle, and turning her head, auw Ihe ij'on monster almost upon her. Escape seemed impossible ; to remain woa cer- tain death; to jump to the ground be- neatli, a distAUcc of thirty or forty feet, equally ccrfuju death ; and to attempt to run abend uud escape was out of the question. Kho neither screamed nor niinted, but uftod. Thii-ty inches be- low the cuds of tho tired, uud imme- diately uuder the bti iuger which supports them, there was a joist five inches wide runnipK from one support of Iho trestle to auotjjer. Quickly bhe swung herself dowu to this narrow thread with the np parent euso of a gymuaat, aud with her arms clasi>ed around it, stretched her- self at fuU length along it as the train thuudeied by almj>st over her. As euou as the engineer saw her action he ilircw off hi5 Ijreaks, aud ]iutting ou steam, hoj-ricd pust us soon as possible, when bhu uimbly sprang tu t^ie truck ugaiu, and piusued her jouruey in though nothing had happened- tiPDiEite.—There ia a young man who is said to have lost uouuy by biitting— on kuidcis. Uo wugerod that a spider whicdi he would jjroduco would cross u plate quickej- than a spider proilucud by a friend. Each spider wua to ha\'u its own j>lute- Uis uijider, however ou be- ing btaj'tcd would not btii', while its lival ran v.itb imuenso speed. The bet uuii conbcqaeutJv lost, iiud ihe looer t>oou fouud out the leuson: bis friend had u hot phite. SevjuiTeKv KXI»VSKO OrncE* TO HX. Asoueii£u.—The Committee on Ways aud Means, at Waahiugtou, have reporivd a bill uboliahiog all Internal Kwvenue offices, except CiUeutors- This will dis- pose of about 1,700 officers in this de- partmtiut of the uivjl MMTJue. AH the work of assesaiug and ooUeoting the luterusJ fieveoue Urns falls ou tiie ooHec- iurs aloiie. It is olaiuied that this re- duction will Hfre the iUor«rnme<il oa« uulliuu ofdolUnu In far-ofl* Nevada a train oi cars was rutui;:^ plong at rapid speed, the locomo- tive being mounted ny : ^'•'"'r cngiiicpr. Suddenly tho train whirled roillid aCMV^T, entcrinir a fimnci six hundred nnd fifty feot In JenEttb, Wo wmchtiiiin hnd pivon wArtilng dt ddngch hdt flie (JuicJt « t 6 tfl (hi: eiipiii'^ci' cniTj^Iit s'plit of fx;d, rcWririg flames nnd dcn<ie sfiiokl; nh^nd—the other end of (bo tnnnci wnsa ficrj' mass. Thcie was bnt a fi»«h of time for thought; no poisibility of stopping; to i-evoi-so the engine nnd whistle down brakes. would bring the cars to a stand in tho midst of the raging flaniss : the only hdflo WBS to rush on with whirlwind speed. With quick hand tho pnglneer tlittw open tho valve J he held fast to tholcvcr, cloi^cd hie eyes nnd ttlc.1 to prny. Tliroilglj smoke nnd flame nnd falling timber, one instant, and the ^tcriiflcd jtosf'-n^r'n b^llfejd Uie cool dnyltght beyond -^ nil saved through the daring tact of tliismin knowii fnmilinr- ly as Johnny Bnrtholomew. Another laittifitt engineer was on one cf the tiaiii^ which recently collided on the Amboy division of t h e Pennsylvania Rail- road in consequence of A mistake in a telegraphic dispitcli. The story is hnef. The tnftinecr steod by his cnnino to the last, nnd was dangeron«ly Injured. The fireman told him to j u m p oil", but he ro- ftwcd. As he afterwards sold to his friondf: " I cou'd not leuve iny engine ) I had to stop her, nnd 1 did almost do It. I timnk God lor one thing : I can die with n clear conscience, for it was not my fault." DAIre of the Dying for Rest, In their Inst hour men nnd women want physical rest and ease above aught else; aud I have kno^n Instances in which tho replies of persona near their dissolnliou wcro in such'sharp contrnst to inquiries made of them as to become grotesque. I was present when an ac- quaintnuse, having been struck down in the street by a falling chimney, was car ried home in a dying state. As soon as he hnd recovered consciousness, his wife, half frantic with terror, leaned over llie sofa on which ho lay, and said, " O ! my darling, do yon really love mo 'i*'* The response was, '• Yes, if you will pull off my boots;"and these were his last words. A gentleman; long ill of n wasting fever, bad reached that condition where a de- sire for rest usually heralds the grand transformation. His betrothed, who had devotedly nursed him,'said, "Dear- est, do you die happy ?" "I should,*' was tho answer, '* if that infer"-' •"j wouldn't bothcrmc." «"•' -r«Keno more. "Would"'*»"" ""'^ '*^° y°^^ father'^' .•u.|uii-cd a doting mother of her only son, as his life was ebbing fast. ** Of course I sliould, but I'd rather have my face washed." Such words, oppnrontly harsh and uDfceliDg, come from persons of natural sensibility and tenderness, because in their dying hour the desire for material corafoit oftcu crowds out cvciy other consideration. I'oi'ui.ATioN OF NEW YOUK.—According to tho census tabloajust completed, of the 942.202 inhabitsntB of this city, 623,108 were born in the United States, 510,053 are white, 12,043 colored, and 2 Indlaus ; and 413,0y4 were born in foreign coantries, 41^,040 wl.it«, and 429 colorsd. Austria has contributed 2,737, Africa 50, Asia 18, AjUantin Islands 20. AustralaBla 78, Bobo- ayrt, Nov'a*'Scotla''41oT KRH'ui*''SJiTC!i Island 7, Hritish America 4,119, Central .\inerica 30, China 125, Cuba 1,394, Denmark 682. Franco 8.265, Haden 6.728, Uavnrial3,S07, Brunswick 106, Hamburg 612, llunover 3,090, Ilessen 7,741, Lubeck 24, Mecklenburg ]81, Nassau ^64, Olden- burg 95. PruBflia 81,r)ll, Saxony 1,857, Weiiner 0, WHrtcinburg4,616—total from Germany 151,216 ; Gihralicr 0, Kngland 24,442, Ireland 201,990, Scotland 7,502. Wales 584, Greece 43. Holland 1,237, Hungary 521, India 23, Italy 2,79», Japan 4, Luxemburg 19, Malta 4, Mexico 61, Norway 372, Pacific Islands 1, Poland 2,393, Portugal 92,Uu86ia l.lSO.Sandwicb Islands 7, South America 211, Spoin 453, Sweden 1,558, Switzerland 2,178, Turkey 38, West Indies 480, at sea :!6. Other cities of more than 100,000, inhabitants are Philadeli>hia,674,023 ; Brooklyn,390,- 099 ; St. Louis 310,864 ; Chicago, 298,- !»77: Baltimore, 267.354; Boston, 260i- 526 ; Cincinuntti, 216,230 ; New Orleans, 101,418; San Francisco, 149,473; Buffalo, 117,714; WaFhington, 109.199; Newark, New Jersey, 105,050, and Louisville, Ky., 100,758. . A ItEVEiUE.—Thei-e is an almost fear- ful imprcssivenoss iu the thought that WR g o t o onr quiet sleep each night with no foreshadowing of the dread cilamities that may be revealed when we unfold tho morning paper. How many heails were rent with «u'lden anxiety aiyl sor- row on nmding the telegraphic dis- patches of Ihitt fatal Sunday morning when Boston wits in flames! Thost iunocent-looking wires sent swUt, Bh:ir]>, lightning strokes through the land, and they tjuiitu one and auolber, seemingly wilhont mcrey. Tho dctuils of that des- olating conflagration ure uow known far and wide, from east to west—the fea- turct>of peculiar painfuluess as well as those of merciful eompcuBation. llome- h'ss thousands have uut been forced to live JM l4>nl6, us after the Chioago fire wiiH neeessiiry ; the treasures of science, art aud literulurc were untouched by the devoui ju^ element; the oM historical moiiHmeut)^, lu which Boston gloried us linking the city to its early lite aud licv- olutiouary struggle^, were spared. Amid the sorrow ariniug out of thuse blnckeuod ruins, and the Kyiuimthy which Irom all quarters is extended toward the sufierers, there aro eomo comforting reflcclions connected with the disaster; and to u great extent wh,it has bocn lout will be restored by the energy and courage, wlii(!h have so often been displayed in times of trouble by tho people of Bos- ton. A WAUNIKU rou MEIUCUANTS.—A case has been decided iu u Livcrxwol court, which, the law beuriug upou the ease being the HUiuo in this State as iu Eu- glaud, bhould waru dealers iu luxuries against selling too freely on credit to extravagant wnmeu. The'wife of a mer- chant in moderate circumstauees voa- Iraeted a bill with a hair-di-uHSer,for hair bh-aching,false cuils.complexiou washes, eU.:, auiouiitiiig to about one hundred dollars. The hubband may have noticed tbo generalefiect of these 1>cautifiers,but probably he ascribid it to nutuie. Uo was undeceived, however, when ilio bill was iireseuted for payment which he re- fusod, He was sued, aud uj>on the trial of ihe case he swore that his uifo hud no authoritjv' from him to buy Ihe things and that his fiuauciuJ couditiou would not admit of such extravaguuee. The Judge decided that a husbauu cannot be oompellod to pay for lu.vuj'itis bought by his Mile, unless he is aware of ihe pur- chase at the time, or his mcAUb sullicient to afford them. ^ A Timunui; AULIU^NT.—The scufibld- iugiu a new buiidiutf ut Ihe tVuter-w*rks iu Cincinnati fell, carrying down eight workmvn^ killing four of them iustautly, aud wounding fourothern. Theacailold had been erected by a sub-ooutruotor for tlie pui-jxiM- uf putaug up wroughi-irou ii-Ubbcs fur the roof of the building, aud at the time it gave way was over-burden- ed with the weight of three iron trubses weighing uiu^y ions. Tht3 workmen h a d L>een v a r u e d by the engiueei* of tlie building that the scuflold was weak, but hicdletialy added to the mutoi of iron oomporing Uie tiuHscs uutii tiie scufltild gave wuy, |'ieeipit4!iiug I'll of them to the gtouud and waturbeise)iih,a dibluAoe gf atout (ightji- feet. A Lessen for Boya» *'Cojii»«('rcifl/, M i l / a n d Oei'mnn Nma I" shouted a ragged little folio* one after- noon lately, ns ho rnshflil iSrWufffi n street car in which wo had jnst takCa .•: acftt^ "9»W^f'*c'"4 "if r'.said he, turn- InR fowartt iw and pianniia ?. Iiorrihiy taildd.r WTO fftot flat upon oiir newly polished btjqt; "fi Wt'rrotokcd nnd rairrca rt lirlnt^ to TVusii. the .to,t off,. l>?tt he wris too aiiick for tis. •Ytarling bnrlt he bowed profoundly, rind m the bland- est possible manner, said : "Flcase ex- cuse file, sir I I'm really very sorry ; I couldn't help it—that big gent shoved me. Tell tis where your office is, boss, t blacken mornings—eatl and shine 'em ttp for nolhin', F.ir.'' Wc wore so much plensod and struck with this dispint of ready polilcnt^ss. nnd, desirite (he dirt, Ilia pleasant, honest faCe, thnt *e gave him a card nnd told him to call as he wished^ OQ ili6 following morning a stmn^o boy entered tfi'.r ofnw witli n blacking-box slung over his shoiildor and our cord in his hand. Said he, eyeing on* bootsi ".Bo yon tho gent ns mve 'Tinsoy* this ero card 7" "Who is Tinsoy ?" we asked, "Tho fellow tunt sloshed yer boots in the car hist night. His mother's awful sick, aud he's got t-o stay and mind his little sister. He says he's sorry ho couldn't como and give ye's n shine hisself, bnf 'Tinsoy' and me often go wac.ks, and I'll shine 'em for you just tho same, frec-^tia-for-noth' ing." Thiii helped to confirnj the good opinion we hnd of the iiew.'ib'dy; rttld so wo asked the bootblack to tell "Tinsoy," as ho called him, that when it was con- vonirnt for him, wo should bo pleased to have him call. Two or three days afterward, "Tinsey cnllcd, ragged and bareiooiod n:: tJeforc; Ho. toM us thnt his father had been dead twd J'oors i that his mother and two sisters were very poor, living in a rear basement in Ooerick street, nnd he himself lived at the Boy's Lodging House in Bivingtou street, paying flvo cciits tdt his rtnp'per, bed and breakfast. His enruinga aver- aged from fifty to seventy-five cents a day, and most of it went to support his mother, who was T«iry sickly, aud only made n few cents occasionittly peddling tinware. This fact accottnts for the cog- nomen "Tinsoy," by which tho boy was known. Considerably improved in appearance, we dismissed the hoy, sor- ing that wo shoujd cnll ""•' .f^^o '"» mother, and iniiV- i.-imry regarding IUIH at bit i.-Jging-liousp, and if reports were favorable we should givo him work l:i our office. The poor boy was ovorjoyod at this; aud said ho would so like to get regular work, because tho conductors kicked him off tho cjirs, and big boys drove him from tho best blacking stantfs. The nuperinlendcut of the Bivingttm street Iiodging House knew "Tinsoy" well, and spoke very highly of liim. lIo said ho was one of the fow street boyi who did not use tobacco, awear or stay out late at night. Uo always nttendi^ night school niid Sunday meetings, aud genernlly had a book from the librniy. His affection for his mother and sisters was # r j ' great, and when he was Imrd puslied would sell his shoes aud best garments in order to mirchnae trifiing delicacies for his sick pareuf* His mnthor snid ChnH"*' '"* '^'^nt i" "Tin sey V ri^bt name—was the hvmi oi ttoys, and the mainstny of the family. He vlm.f ot il.n l*i,i.—Y*->Ti HtlVft, Jjodgiug House, sho snid, where he had received most of bis education and much good advice. These innuiries satisfied us thnt "Tinscy" deserved a helping haad. flc IS now iu our employment, an active, intelligent, trustworthy boy. JIo is neither bare footod now, nor wears rag- ged clothes, but earns a competent sal- ary, nndlivcs with his mbther in a com- fortable home. He is uow ou tho pri- mary steps of a ladder that leads to iu- llitenoo and independence, with a fair prospect of one day sljinding on the top- most round.—JV; V. Ptificr, Drinking too Much. Five-sixths of au auiinal body is made up ot water. A man weighing two hun- dred luay be dried into a mummy not weighing over about sixteen pounds, in- cluding bones of the skeleton. Water, therefore, is largely employed iu giving form, fiexihility and beautiful lines. Enough is taken iu with the food to meet all demands of the system. The predse quantity, and indeed quality, is regulated by a sense of tliirst. But that vital sen- tinel may he corrupted hy excosfivo in- dulgence. When simple water is taken, a morbid thirst never follows. If, how- ever, stimulating fluids nro Fwalluwcd, a morbid craving may be generated, which, if not reBtraincd, may become an unsatis- fied pafslon, to tho positive Injury of organs ou the regular lUDctioDs of which sound health depends. There is danger in indulging in artitlcial drinki!!. Nature dlutils over in the eloni- Ach by her own chemical processes—sepa- rating ilio water from them, which is used for legitimato purposes, hut reje^rli. all the rest, throwing it out of tlie body through the kidneys and skin. By work- ing thu renal aparntus beyond a normal gauge, to carry off oll'ending elements, they fall into diseasehoyolid the leBouices of medicine. This explains & prodigious advance of Brigltt's disease—that ic, a degeneration and loss of ability in thoee organs to do what they must accompliKh fortitahility in health. Nonool tholower animals have kidney uisease, because they never drink to excess or burden the stomach with oompound beverages. Suu Domingo Again. In June, \m% tho * President of the Uuited States njij)oiuted an agent to ob- tiin information about the Dominican Republic, and Geuerul Bubcock was finally sent out Ihere. In Sei'teuiljer, ]f>G9, he negotiated a preliminary treaty, which was approved by I'roHideut Grant, and in November a regular treaty with President Baez was ooueludtd. The mat- ter was debated iu Congress, a commis- sion was sent to the isiand in January, 1871, and finally in Ajiril of that year President Gmut relinquished the plan. But it has since been taken up by bome prominent business men ot thu oouatry, says the New York Wortif^ who were per- suaded that it would bo ]>rofitabl« to them to secure what the Govermuoni had re- jected. Some of them have visited Sanio Domingo, and the rosiilt is that the steamer Tyhce has just taken out, with other valuable cargo, the money required by tho Baez Government for a certain specified amouut of territory, iucludiog the Bay of Saiuana, and for whieb Con- gress refused au appropriatiou. It is re- ported iti bueiiuess circles tliat one gain that will accrue to the new company will be in the al.ape of 10 per cent, of the port dues. MABUIX DJSASXEUK.—Statistics of mari- time disatitera for the mouth of October of the present year, from klie luUi na- tional Sigiiif^r 0/Shippiiiff, dated Novem- ber 12, show that during October 240 suilinc vessels and 18 bteameia of lUl flogs nave been lepoi-ted lost. Among the furuer, the number lost, aJoovo ten, are as follows: U8 English, 21 Nor- Ui'giuu, le Dutch. 17 Geimau, aud 14 Freuuh, The American loss of vessels was 9. Of the steumei-b lust 9 were En- glish, 3 Dutch, and one each Uilongiug IA) the United States, France, hitizii, Norway and Sweden. Among the sail' Prtxe FlghUng In (ho East. A correspondofit of the London Stand- ard, writioR from ftong Kong, describes one (rf tho cntcrtiilnmcnts supplied by th»; Mnharnjaib of Singapore to the Ornnd Duke Aitiip, In hdnot (>f the visit of t h e Inttf-r to tl'e inland. Uc Mfa * "Afltr luncheon t''0 pntiy proceeded ffl l^ii- noRs ft fight between a buffalo nnd n tiger.- Tiioso who have never seen a coffitoit of th*s hind wotild have been in- clined to IVcE ffcf-ly on tho latter ; b u t the natives srtid that ihO chnrtcen were in favor c! *ho bitfTnlo, and, indeed, that the tiger was ui tcr known to win. The arena in which the animnis w'Jro to fight was of an oval form, some fifty foe* long by about twenty wide, in nu inclosure oi bamboo poles, fifteen foot high, firm- ly driven into the ground nnd strongly fastened together. Similar poles, laid ntfrrtsa the top, formed the roof. Tho whole stnicltJie has tho appearance of n gignntio cage. A phdform, bnilt out- ride, enabled the more distinguished visitors {o hnve a good view of tho in- terior, at a ?afe aisl.*;ne^.- fhiough tho space between tho poles, whllo the gen- eral nnblic crowded around the cigo liS close as lt:t*r wpyccfc for tho claws of tho tiger would alio'.;. Tlin buffalo wns confined to one end of the £';»9 by a oanvns curtain stretched ncross (lie nrenn ; ibe tiger was inclosed nt the other extremity by jjolrs placed across from ono wall to another. When tho fight Was to begin tho curtains were withdra^-n, !ho |ToIea were removed, and the rfniranls ivere for the first time scon by the rpeotritors. The buftalo stood lor some moments til hlfl end of the cage, looking with little apparent interest to- ward his foe, Tlie tiger was sittittg mi his haunches, seemingly unconscious of the presence of his formidable ndvcrsnrvi hii flfteillcp bciug attracted by the crowd outside. Aftc*" waiting for some time, tho buifalo seemed to (hiuk he mi"ht as well make a closer Inspection, and slowly and deliberately walked to the other end. Tlie tijier was now clear- ly aware of his p:cfjen'e, for he turned his head over his shoulder, licd WAtched the approach of tho buffalo with cviuent anxiety. His eye glaroil, bnt ho did not moved a muscle. The buffalo v«»n almost hear enaitgh to to«ch liim with his mnzale. J^at nt length, and before il.u nuilnio mnde any sJgn oF attacking him, he jumped np and gnllnped off us fast ns his legs would carry Lim roflnd the cage. The buffalo followed, niid jammed him against the w.ill with his horns. Tho tiller, in return, gave the buffalo ono scratch na tho neck nad an- other over tho eve, just as a Cat might do, and then fell, apparently dead. 13ut his breathing betrayed him; he was only shamming. No ono seemed to understand this better than tho buffalo, who stood closo by, and kept his eye ou him, but disdained to touch ^im while ho was down. For some time tho animals niaintaiued their respective po- sitions, till at length the public began to bo impatient. They stirred up tbo tiger with n pole, but thai was of no use; they theu tried crackers, and for some time tlioy succccdoil im ItuUaf vi —.•- not until a bundle wns throwu close Io the tiger's nose that he got thoroughly ."^.«n^ , Bnt ho hod evidently no in- tention of ffgfitinti, jtte again ran round the cage, was again pursQeu \.j i.jn TG- luntloas cuciuy, niid severely gored, and once more ?auk to the ground. This proce.is was repeated several times, always with the same result—the tiger would not fight the buffalo, and the buflalo could not kill the tiger. Ai length the men ou fho roof lowered a a rope with a noose iu the end. in which they caught up the tiger by one of his hind legs, nnd while ho was hanging, the buffalo eoinxilefely finithed him. But tho Grand Duke was suared-the pain of witnessing the latter part of tho spec- fncle, as he left when the tiger counter- feited death for tho second time. The uutivea were right—tho tiger fights un- willingly when ho cannot surprise his enemy. But the Kajuh had taken uii- tisuiil pains to make the combat as equal us possible, for the tiger wns a very savage one while the buffalo, but two days before, had been quietly draw- ing n cart along the road." Wanted to Sse a Siuot^h Up. As a train ou the road from Albany to Springfield was turning a curve tho engineer caught sight of an obstacle of some tort. "There was no chance to stop, and on the train dashed. By a providen- tial kiodoesB the obstruction, which was a block of wood wedged between the ticH, was rotten at tho heart, and split as tho pilot struck it. Hall sunk to the road bed, liannlesB; the other half wns carried several rods by the engine, caus- ing an oneosy hop it its movements, hut not throwing it from the track. Tbo train proceeded on Its eastern way. Ksainining into the matter it was found that a boy had placed the obstruction upon the road. The boy was then ace^nu- paiik-d to the spot, and made to show how ho disposed the block of wood. After he had llxcd it he said lie went up into the woods to watch the result, and after the train ])i>ssed, he went to the place of his employment. When asked what motive ho had for such a deed, lie BBM simply that he wanted to see how it would work —that is, he W»B simply curious lo wil- ness the horrible crash and slaughter of a railway train, crowded with passengers, burled down a precipice fifty fevt to the water nnd rocks below, In which he had read and heard in many a newspaper. Willy Clark is a smooth faced, innocent- looking, steady hoy, uud it is hard io c«n- oeive how he could ever have contem- plated so fearful a work. He does not ap[)ear to ai>preci&to its enormity. lie WHS eium'acd at Chester, Mass., for obstructing the railroad track, pleaded guilty, and wan oiderei to give bail in the sum of $20,000 for his appearance he- fore the Superior Court at Spriugfield. ing vesbols m e u •rs 1 i>-i*orle<J lufL uiatiou n 111 bo! Augnstu Ja«. 17. FJ vug iho steuiu- Publishejh' Atay- wiuter beauov **^ iJUiu's birt^ day. A IVulau VriHuner. Ur. Iteddin, one of the FeuJans sen- tenced to five years' impriboument for eonnectiou with tho rescue of Kelly in Manchei^ter, has published iu the Dublin E.^}n»t au account of his ]mx>risoument, which is a horrible revelation of brutali- ty ou the i>art of the prison officials who had him iu charge. Mr. Beddin sjKnt the priucipal part of his imprisoumeut iu Uoorehousc jail, where he wus fre- quently punished because it was pbysi- oally imi>ossible for him to accomplish the work assigned to him. Ou one occu- bjou he was ordered to ihe parade ground, and being too ill iuwalk, he was dragged fiist by two ]irisouers aud iifter- wards by two wuiders, after which he was thrust into the penal cell, where he was stripi^ed naked aud left for four horn's. While suffering from paialysis the most a nel experiments were reaorted io under fho pretcuee of uscertuiuing wkethor he was shamming. These in- cluded burning with hot iiour. piercing his legs with ueedlos, the application of a galvanic battery lo various parts of his body, and the no^ekexpedieul of throw- ing him up iu the uir and peimittiug him lo full on his bed. Finally ho was placed iu a solitary cell, where he re- mained uutil a short time before his dis- charge. Other brutaUlics, too revolting for description, were inflicted on the un- fortunate man, who, at the expiration of his fccntence, left jn-isou parul^itod aud compUtcly broken down. Mr, Beddiu's btateuieiiti. i J i\-«ard to barhwroub tieat- Uient he received are vouched for by two witnesses, and his friends hiive challengeJ the Govcirument to iubtitute a puUlic Uid impartial inquizy into ihe £aof«. Fitct« nnd Fancleft. A ffr(WJ. m n n y d o g s in Michigan have the horse disease. Two children ^cfs Jaiely bitten by n mad cat in St. Lonis. Ban Francisco proposes to build the biggest hotel on tho continent. Of the 32 gr.ircs owned by Newton, Knnsan, ai nro oociipiod by i>erson8 kill- ed by crime or accident., Imitntiou poodh'.s and other pet dogs, on velvet onshions, are tho newest trca'* in " ornamental" furniture. TITS flunshino of life is to ho found In our own hearffl. If wo posEoss it, not all the clonds of misfortune can obscure iU* brlghlNCBs. New nsmpshiro poBsesses a natornl cnriosity in one of its ponds in tho shape of a genuine floating island, 06 feet In cir- CQinfcrenco. The ship UUnift wns abandoned by her crew while on a voyage from Qiioben for Bristol. Eight persons were washed ofl tho vessel nnd drownod. It is stated that tho most marked feature of tbo book trade at the inescnt moment U the large and increasing demand lor scientific works and periodicals. A Danville, Pa., youth refused to keep a marriage contract because bis betrothed smoked a pipe. If the rnle shonld be re- versed, who wonld bo a Benedict J The Bostnn Transcript thinks ''The re- cent rise in the price of leather will do something towards making up tho losses sustained by mnny dealers by the great ftrc," Au indiscreet yonth in Cairo hns been fined for violently kissing the school mn'ttiu. Sho wns so homely that tho judge fi.iid there was absolutely no excuse lor him. "Justico" writes to the President <rom New York enclosing ^50 to l>e apptiod to the internal revenue service. Tho letter was sent to the Treasurj- Deiwrt- ment. By nuthority of an order issued by Judge Durell, nnd by tho aid of United rJtates troops, ^farshal Packard took pnsflessfon of the Louisiana Stato-houBO in Now Orleans. Tho st^-uraship Cresswoll, from Fal- mouth, England, for Cork, was lost at sea during the lato terrible storm along the const. Twenty-ono of the passengers and tho crew perished. All vnclaimcd Chinese young ladies iu Buddhist convents nro to bo married at public auction, by order of t h e Govern- ment, the religious establishmenta in que<)tioii having been surpresscd. Tho widow of the founder of tho trity of Adrian, Mich., Ihe late Addison J. Coni- slock, recently died. Sho was mother of tho first child born in the city, and at the time of her denth the oldest resi- dent. Tiie stockholders of tho WallkiU National Dank aud the citizens of Mid- dletown are determined to make good the capital slock and reooustrneOba Wftfihiugtou grant suffieitnt time. A despatch from Cairo says tho Khedivo IS about to send a force of 5,000 troops under command of ono of the American otficers now serving in tho Egypuuo o,.m.y, to aid Dr. Liviugstouo and search for titn source of the ^ilc. At a late wedding a calcium light was throwu on tho bride as soon ns she left tlio church, nnd was so managed ns to flood the carringo with light, and thus exhibit tho toilet of the blushing brido nnd grcom to un admiring multi- tude. Xo less than five female fritnchiiiistB are prosecutlug or being prosecuted in legal tribunals in connection with tho right of suffrage; Michigan, Missouri, Oregon, Connecticut, and New York being severally the scenes of their doing or Kufieriug. In tho Court of General Sessions of Now York, James O. Clmuibers, mom1>er of a trades-union, was sentenced to tho Stat« Prison for seven jears for felon- iously ussnulting a workman lust summer l>ecuuso tlie latter refused to join the parties theu ou strike. A deputuitou of Americans had an audience with tho Pope at Bome nnd prchcnted an address expressing tho de- votion ot American Catholics to tho Holy See. The Pope made a feeling response, aud concluded by giving his bloesing to the Catholics of America, Tho largest turkey ever brought int<j Boston was received from Khodo Islnud. It weighs thirly-faix pounds aud a half. Two other turkeys irom the same Stuto weigh together forty-eight pounds; and uuothor, twenty pounds, making a. weight of 104i iiouuds for four turkeys. Ono of t h e tanks for frying out hud at Plou kington aud Armour's packing- house, at Milwaukee, exploded scattcr- iug boiling laid iu nil directions and carrying the top of the tank 2(X) feet. Fortunately it happened ut un early hour wheu the workmen were not on duty, uud no one was injured. Tho young lad-os of Lowell, Muss*, have Invented a new plan for securing hus- bands. They go out boating with tho man of their choice, contrive to upset the boat, end then seize him and save his life. The victim, in his first burst ot gratitude and admiration, generally makes tho desired proposal to his heroic pre- server. Tho " best man" a t a hito wedding iu New Yolk made a funny blunder. When it became his duty to uimd the oflicia- ting ciergyinttu his fee, our friend, from some peciiliur confusion of ideas, preat- cd the money iuto the hand QI one of tie guests, murmured an acknowledc- ment and fled before the Hsteiiished gen- tleman could suy a word. It was some time before tho mi.-t'ike could be cor- rected. What is the matter f Not men only, hut horses, cattle, swine, deer, domestic fowls, etc., are being attacked with all sorts of strange diseases. The deer, hares and pheasants are dying by hundreds near Bath, Kngland, and post mortem examin- ations develop the fact that the livers of the dead hares are- full of worms, aud that the deaths of the pheasauts too are owing to the presence of parasites in their bodies. Just us u paseeuger train on the Detroit and Milwaukee Itoad was cWar of DetrAit, and ruuuiug at the rate of twelve miles an hour, an old muu sud- denly leaped from his scat and rushed to the platform, aud bounded off, turn- iug about forty somersaults before he brought uj> against the fence. I n a short time he uppoaxed at tho dui^ot looking all around, and then exclaimed; "What au old fool! I thought I had left my umbrella heie, aud jumji«d ofi t h o curs to get it. and uow, hong me, if I don't remember chucking it uuder the seat"—Itiii-jit Fr^m Pre«s. Tug ANuau Ml nnsit TBIAL.—The trial of Kmil Andre for the miirdei ot his wile iu New York was dosed a few days since. The court-room was filled with spectators anxieus to see how the prisoni-r would be dispo^d of. The Judge charged the jury that the evidence for the people dearly proved that Andre killed his wife ou ths IBth of June last, and that the defence set uj'for the prisoner was "inaauity." About hull-]>ust n'ae T. M-, the foremau ol the jury auuouncod that they had agreed upon a verdiutof uiauslsughtar iu the third degree, and were thereupon disoharged.

Transcript of i StanHaril Jon Oice, -...

Page 1: i StanHaril Jon Oice, - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031640/1872-12-21/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · MEAT MARKRT*. JI»yb»r ft Wfwcnnjb, C. K. ToirnMud, Fiuk WMU

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MBllBflEI mitT ShTSnSAT At



0. H, MILLER, Eflitor u i Ppopriotor

TERMS: One Tp«r »a-60

ArtterttilnaTcnMcashpobl»l«*il« thecfflfr In ihe Town null. SlnflvCaplcBSCHta. ForMtrt

OLIVER H. MILLER, Editor And Proprietor. l N l > E P E W l > 1 3 N T * - N O X I < f E t J X » A L . TERMS : 2.«0 per Annrnn, in Advitnce


m StanHaril Jon Oice, lawellitockodTritli fill t l i enece i8MyT»#

Onrflit, Pitper, Ink, A c , for •xoeatlng w m nMlnoBHnnd dinpBioh a l lorder t for


Orders of Vnncfttff^ ^c-1 ^c,

Orderi hj mhil will BcMtve Prompt A t t » t i «

IN THE TOWN HALt, BitEfrsTKRS, jv . r.

O. H . M i l l e r , Propr ie tor .




cniTRcnrs. / I . E. rinirrli. r r v . Philip Onrtnnna. rutOF. JItptiBt Church, l.rv. Intiik Kl. tehbf. Pi««l>jtpr1ftn chnrrli . HOT. A. 11. MkMmbray. J)Pia*n mthol i c ChurtU, Rev. Fsthor MrKf'UVi.

acnooiA Brcwslar (•ro.lcl flrhnrl, rr"f. J. H. Wnrph^. rrlft. S«lM>l Bcfaorvl, MUi UI>t)lo (i>v, Priiirlpnl,

rrolfffl Rlrrr • i .n. l n»oV. F. H. FortM. O n j i t w . >ptniini I'O'inty HmvlnRi m>aV. I'. A. Ho.*t, Tpe««.

K ' O T A R i r A P V B I J I O .

r . E. r«<lt-;'. >>flai(4 rii^«r. A. J. VlllPr, 0 . n . lUllat;

RortrriR!!, »onth KMt IMT. fl. of T. No. 131. T. O. o f o j i l rollnwo. MiiODlcS,iolRl Club.

p n T « i r i A x « . l>r. J. TTom^rStnilh, r>r. N. 11. FrcrlRDA, Ht, *. W.


TrT^rottApn orrfCK*. Wnt«rTi Vnion, AUkuUc ft Fmcine.

M E n o i I A l T T S , T. B. r o s i e r A C».. P r r OfWtN, OrncarlM, A. V. I,oTi[tfi| A Co.. •• •' • a b l n « : Hmilti, " •• KMd ft MvK»tt, •• '• • B D O U .V DWOHI •• ••

V A ? r o X « l < M M W .

M i M - i x r n T . iBsa A*i11e 'uti Rroy, r.il'.niril Sloa«,

. T i : w j : i . R R f « . O I M K Jb UimrluH-

n O T C M .

Jriwalar IT'in>"«. Abhi>tt A M<-MBhnn. )ntli Kaiil Uolcl , uco . W. Dimglilr.

l - l T E I t Y n n d E X c n A - K f l l l E , Brtwalcr l.!rerj-, Elhrrl Of.rt,

South KliNt Ltrarr. HJllii ni>7«Mto.

n T T i A j i r M I I . I . S , »»kof 4 nrnil . • P I lcli> of ilic IVnt ," riftnriiig 4 F « # C TnwnMiiil liro*., "QIIBCH uf ttia South ," "

rOAX< D E A I ^ E R * ! . r . H. Finl fr , TuirDifnd IJrop,, A. F. I<«>hd<4l Jh 0 « L ,

« « o . W. lEMl. '

I . r . U n R R n n d B r i L I I E R S , Xikvr A Iliiut, Bragg ft p o l U n ] ,

r A R R I A O R M A W V F A C T V R K a a , F. R. IU11, L. 8cluu-fon1>iire-

n A R l t W A R K . W. Kfl'ih'iin. P. O. Mooro k Ron, S. O. ATfry.

M E A T M A R K R T * . JI»yb»r ft Wfwcnnjb, C. K. ToirnMud, F i u k W M U -

buitlc . ,

n i . A r R H M B T I I I * . fn»t A: V.'f^a, Wm. MHkitiucr,

R A I L R O A n s ,

Mew Toil:, llirl.^m fc AUinny, K^w Vork At BMtoa , fiofton, llnittiirU A: lirli;.

X t l . M . V O C O M P A M E * . nrM- i t ' r Iro:i Minn. 4 . I, It l ihi idl , IJO^I-P. Ti l lr Foster Miiiltit; Co., AUtlren- CoagiUt, 8upt.

C A R P C X T E R S n n d t l l T I L O E R a . J . r. UowcB. Jlnnry I'urcell, Eilwird l l o w m . J * b i

r i irocr, E. U . Hiietiil, Jaonh BlorsiB, Uflnrr TcMi^ k«M. Hi-iir)-HnrBb, Otorfre Finlni i , Q r w M ^ W K ftaac U R D I P T . ^ ^

P A I K T I X U . l lnrt ln i:>irli, Jujiriih l l n i n n , T. R. Knox A RflM. .'iiullliA; Wormi , IIi:iiJsmlul>7kcmau, Knmutl B^rrx.

1 I I O W C O M P A X f E « . ITowr" nt>'nl Liii'lnn rtrcHP.—T.g, C Wn-^cr., U u i . ('feiiliol 1*111 k Muiinii'crli' i'.iiil In'orti.ilx'iial Clrmii —

' II. Iiurniiiii. Aliii>i*r. V»n Auil«irf.'I('H ""Iro-t GoldcQ Mciind-'i!-.—

J l j i . t l l ' i o i t , MitiBsw. Aitornpy a:;.! niun«tll(ir.-.-Abm. J. Wilier, J arvi v 'T i.ii.l r ;vi l L'agl i irtr . -Geo. fl. E< trhuR. J'tirtcna ;t,r.—A. Y. Lobadl . l i m i t . t . - I t . 1'. J l i lkr . Sui ' tr i lwir . -DaJi i f l r.:li .r. ToH-n ac - . l - . -F in ' iU WiTs . ••Jollcclor-.ricm;- Hooper.

l;ohlnn>!i l,il)mry ppiLFriio TTrn.lln* • « • - • -- . . . ^ v . - . .: .r.'LiTBlirAro. S-'. 1. .Tobti Dar. ror'>m»Ti. Protrrtcr Iluiw Co. No, ] , GarHi» lIoornHjrrk, *• 3'bol<iKrupl!!T — 1 . l lonrj' I'olBoia. Turu»i i :c onil UiibolHUiry.—Owi. w . Rn>llb, U m l f r l a t i i i g . - 0. W, fimilb, Aucustuit KtKix. MoQum<'UtQl IJartilo^VorLx—J. V. l l i b i r . ValidDcJ Lxprri-w nflicp 1". V. Il lg^lni , AffpnL DrnflH C"<1 Mi'ili' tiice \i, T. i laDiins .V Smilh. Clfikr M&iiiirucliirnr,—Lowl* Lrvj-. Boot Jt Shoe Mnuiifartiircr.—P. 3. Itccil, D . P. W t t

HOtifcCj., 'lliiiinaHC ](t-«il. !rBilura.—Jobn Limp, Frrd Htbcccbor. B a m e M MaiiuDic'iirRr!!.— Lcuiianl SLL-or, Jrbn Day Znaumiirc.—L, II. Ituliril*, T. II. k 3. A, l U a d

Frawk W.1I-. flpwinf! Mnrbliji-B—Jati)i>B A. Pn-k, John A. I tMd

AtblQ A: Hiiiiih. Bakaryr.ml ronfpcl'oncry.—Philip DIrhl. Ktwa De]M'l mill IVult.—Tuomaa Trrlour. Fruit, V ic i t jh lno i ia ridU Markit.—A. k V. DIahl. Comiulujoi i MrrcbBuU.—Cbai-IoR l lrn loo , UMffT

Uodpcr, aordoH'a riiii'loHHt.l MUk romptuy.—John O. B»r.

dtiu, Maiiat:<'r, J. B. £uu , Hupl.. Frank WaUi, Caabicr.

flub and Wind Faolory.—W. P. BmwMor. ' Croton Itlvcr Drotn Hand.—3. VL Clmrdi . Baa'y.

N. II. F U E E L A N D , M. D,.

P h y s i c i a n & Surgeon , , 3t i M - ; ' \ v s ' r i ' : i t HI, N . Y .



X O T A I t Y P T J I J L I C .

T O W N HALL, B r o w s t e r s .

D E N T I S T , B H E W S T E R S . N e w Y o r k .

l a pr«i«l«'1 to do all work in hla llur. In a n a a j i u a u r p u M d by Boaa, hatlkfai-tU.u (uarautMA.

GKouoa-: i:. I V K S ,

BUILDER'S HARDWARE, <'ar]H'nler«' TiKila, FwrnlBr I n p U u M t a , * « .

W H I T £ ST.. DanbuiT. Ct.

Rei/u old's Saloon. SiTu-'d liai.r RaU oT D b u i b l / ' a M « M ,


Deer, Poller, baraa|MUiUii, Kola Water.

1 qunlliy of ALB BK^:: at Flva O . i u i>cr a U r a .

MSAT ZAARSBT. ' BaHiitf oiMucd a ProriidnD Markr-l on MAIN ST ] MQ prcjMJcl lufiirulub cualuuinrN wiUi Ueat at kka rar j l cwia l i t rk- : .

F r a n c i s W a s h b u r n * .


CaiTia£8aaiIWapiiMal[flr. B E E W S X E a S , N e w Y o r k .

AUoTdera fur Palutiu.T. T r l m u i l n c rod Rr-ti«irlu ^ruiDjnl/ atUwdad tu. Tt r u « t mail, au Jaya.

Wheeler & Wilson



Oppoalta Uic MrlliiHluL('bun;li. Q i d a i i ——•—« wUl«w jtiui.iualij aiuaded to. ^ ^ ' • • « « •

s. o. AVEI^Y;

TIN SMITH, B R E W 6 T E R S . N e w York.


Tin Eooflng & Jobbing:. *;ii;:.i pen JAiucw I A T » * X

•olid Body Milk Oan.

If ffc Would* I T r e would bat oliock the apsakw

When lio ttpoUii tiln neighbor^ ftmo, Tf TTo wonW but hnlp the crritiRt

Ere wc nM<^ irordu of Mi»!rfR j If wo wonld, ho* tn*!*)- might i\e

TnmffofiipAlhsoriiin ind shinip.

Ah, the «Tonp! th t t might bo righted ir wo would bnl POO the way 1

Ah, the P&IDB thnt mtght be lightonod Kvoi'.v honrnnd cvoiy dov,

If wo would bat hear the ploadf nfra Ofthe hearts that go aalMy.

Lot as stop ontn^do Iho stronghold Of our Klf1shnom> and pride;

r,iOt a* ttft our niinting Irrdth'*^, Lt t TIB strcng'lhpn'erti »c chide ;

Let HB, rre we MttJno thn fBlJen, Hold * ITg it lo chcos and galdc.

Ah, how bipRped- ah, how blanecd Earth woaM IKS if we'd bnt Iry

Thitn to aid and right the weaker, Thno to chock each brother's sigh ;

TliQBto talkot dnty'apathway To onr better life on high.

In each Hfe, howtrer lowl.v, Tlif-re arc accds nfmiphtj- gortd *.

Btill, we shrink from souls #r'pt:&ltng With a timid "if w-. cowld*;"

But a Oodwho Jiidgolh ail things KnoWB thp truth is, "ifwewonld."


- ItwiwSiindny, and I hnd i-elumcd from the nioininR 8er^-lce in our chA]wl s t Kouth ShicldK, Durham, England. The servant csme to the dining-room to nay two irflntlo-men were waiting In the purior h) K C mc. I found (liem lolw Mr. Dtnttttwm, the chattel keeper, atiJ a htg, round, joJIy wan, who grinned ami Imwed on being inlrodnccd ns " Mr. Jolwon." Tlie former said It wan the latter who had huslncRRwith me ; and, when 1 inquired, after some delay, what the buiM. neas might be, Mr. Jolnon answered ;

•* Well, filr, I want to !» mnrrted.'' " A v e r y nalnral wlali," I replied, " and

one Uiat may he pTrtllAcd. Tliero is uo diffi-cnity In tho flay, if the iadybc In the anme mind."

"81ie*Bnlliighl,sir." " Where and when do von wish to bo mar-

H*d V " In the chapel that you prflsrhod In ttila

mominj:, three wceka to-morrow, at nine o'clock."

" I HOC : as Pooli as the notice required hy Iiiw expires. Yet you do not seem to Imv'o been In a hurry to cxclmngc fingle bli-wod-ncBB. VoumuBthc—what? Forty?"

" Ven. I am more than it ." "Very well, Mr. .loheon, I will Ire there

at tiie Mmt." Intimating tliat my wife wat; waiting din­

ner, I was proceeding to open the door for the gentleman to leave, wlicn the eipectant hrldeurram iiftkiHl, ia a tone of uurpiiBe, if I tould not " t akedown the names." Cer-tftiniy, if he deH'rvd ; tliougli it was notnec-esHnry llien. After giving mo hiK lirxl mini*, lie gave me tiint of hlB Jiaiicrr, Mrs. N, Wut-kina. She had been married before. IIIH anxiety that I should take the names, bis formal manner attogethbr In Bdvising inc thUH early of tlie wedding led me—when 1 thought of the matter, a day or two after-wiird~to wonder «rhother he Himioscd that in order to give the legal notice ho liud onb' to speak to the mioiKtcr. Mr. Uivklnsoii, to whom 1 mcnlUmed the matter, thought he •r^U notoiukcHurrhfl mirilake ; but-i»».-^"i>i

iufi I was reqUcstsd to atep into llicir house, which wiiH Hdjoiniiig the chapel. Jobson had como to nee me again ; ana It wait SB I fearsd. Not nnlil that day had he given notice to the public officer, wiioso duty it wos to regiKt«r the births, deaths and mar-riageit iu tlic district wlicre ho rctjideil. Of courBe I ackAowloiigod the miupUaieot Im­plied lu his conaidering It quite sufficient to tell me about ; and endeavored to coiuole hiia t)y snying the desired event wuuld be poutpfmed only Keren days, nod i single woek waB not long with one who hud wuitetl more than forty ycaiB. He admitted that ; hut could nut see wliy ]>ort<ouB oiiger to be JoiiiiHl iu mnlriuiony siiould lutve their pAt](5ni% tried twenty-one days before the great sub­ject of their lives eould be realized, WJiich 1 gave him to undcratimd wan nat ahsolntelv noccssary, for by Fitecial licMiBe he migh't havo his mntrimeuial dccires aocompIiKhed in two or three days. He was nf u fnigal mind, however; and, when told it vfouid cost coniiidenible more, he Ihouglit he should wait,

'llje three weeks spread on rapid wiugwiUi tue; bul luovi-d on lemlni fsel, no doubt with thorn, ruuctuaiiy at thir liour appoint­ed 1 wita ut the ctui[M)l gate; hut, tiudlng theiti cloHcd, I turned around the comer and kuoekcd at the Stixtoo's door.

"Are theiiC weddingR come*" " Hush I h—u—8—h !" whJHpered that

coutioUK dauie, au, willi winkK and geiitures, uho signaled lliut I might lie overheard, at the Biuiie time leading me through one room into the kitchen It^'hlud. 'Jliere sat the Jolly man, his ruddy couulenance henming like the rising KUP. He Kmtlod all over his fuc« aB he saluted me. A buxom ludy sat on theoppot)it4- fido of the room, apitareiitiy "fair , fat and forty," but so airuyifd in u blue dross, a flaring red shawl, a large bun-uet, aud a large groen vail that her figure Bud yearK were partially eonceuled. No ouc ofl'cred to iutroduoe her ; HO J addnwHcd Mr. Joltsou :

" Mrn. Wutkias, I pri'Bumc .'" •' YcB, Bir," Buld he, witli a proud look.

ITiafB W . " I iHiwodtu her. She IOBC, conrttviedffrace-

fully, and Bniirked : "Good-morning air." " lathe regibtrnrnottYjme, Uis, Dickinson. " Not yet. He's sure to !« lien* soon

though.^ » We fell into e<iHven(atiou. It being a fine

inoralng, I congratulated the nuplio] italr upuuit , hoping the Kuushiuewuu typioul o their future liveH. >Vhi'n I could talk of tlie weather uo lunger, I hiiid to the jauitor's wife:

" I s the regibtrur n.-iml!y hifeon OWTUSIOUB of tUBkindf^

" No indeed. He likes hlK fot* too well." We couvu-(«ed on other topics. I bad to

explain why we could not proceed with the cereuiouy without tlie rcgiBfnir. WbeuMrs. Watkiiib h:id the huppinesxof U-iug led to Ibe hyiuciiial altar hctori', it WUB in one of the ooniiuci'ated cdilites of the EetaMuihed Cbun.-b, oud uo nuch oRicer wut>in attcnduooe there No doubt but the wise uudcjuul laws of lijiglaiid iuKist on one being prescut when evsB a marriaKe Isboieiunlsed iu a Noneon-formiht meeting-houbo. 'J'hofie dibbenti-mm-e a mcuj) lot, aud iiot to be trusted. Wliilc we thuti luiked, iiu'old clock that huos over <bc uiautelblielf kept on sHlngiug its loug pt-uduluiu ueuilya yard each way, till the liguice poiutvU 10 \t:'AQ, 9:&S aud 10 o'clock. I grew restlehS.

" It j<t ut,ruuge thla iiiun does ucl come. 1 hope Uiere !b uo mistake uguiu, Mr. Jobsonl"

"'ITiere cannot be, air." •• Vou gave nolicu at NewcusUe,'" ' duluioly. I came dowu uu pur|>Ottti to

loll you BO." " AudatSbiulds*" •'bhieidh! ShicldB, hir! What, mus tlmt

uecwaarv T" " Astturedly, hoeiug that Mri, Watkins re-

Hilto here. You cauuot be marriod." " 'J 'hat 'sa bad job." " A bad job! I should Ihiuk it i s ! " ex-

einiuit'd a femule voice on tiic olhor side of tberoom. " What u dibappoiutmcut! Vou stupid! How cauie jou to luokc such u bluuticr ? Aud it'b the second liute, too."

" But you noodu't look and wjeak to him like that, though, " re|'llod Mrs. Dickiosou, promptly and gravely t«kiug hiB port. *' Didn't 1 t<'H yuu mywlf to tell Liuj that he would have to give notiiH; iu both dihti-ietii — in the town whcie Lu lives and iu thib towu, wbeis you live,"

"Ko you d i d " " W b y didn't jou, then , ' ' "1 thought it was enoityh for tiim to loll

tjie poopic of KcKoihtlc. without coming and letting cvwylxwJy down here koow about it . I didu't want the nbolc oouotxy to talk of i t . "

" Why i What is tiiore to be asbuaod or afraid off Xsu't your olherhusbaud dead, or souiutbiogf"

"Tliat 's toy busiooiw, ma'oto." " But jou'd ouly told uic. aow," said Joli-

•OB, s.irowfuHy, but not icpruachfully. " I t ' s a bud juh wc'vr aiit>Mxi it^uiu."

"Jiftd! What fools we must eeem. Just ^ 0 « the houbC is fuii of people, isvitod to Ad (laud breiikfast w« provldtd- Uisfrlaods

*lir« there, spy fhwds ai« tbtie, my otber

hnshand's rrkrilH. and some df.Uie t*ciphl''els.' And tiow'we mofiiiW, Kifft and saV wn are hot muTiei! tillH all. What R disappoint Went i J hever did meet with auch a disap­pointment in all my life—never."

What e.,uld I say to comfort such dlacon-Bolate ones T I t was pnrl of my profession lo adminlfitor coiisolalion ; bnt I had never had to do with such mourners lieforo. Was it not natural that I should ITC sllont, AS thn rest of the company vmn, durinir the hcyt fow mlniil^'fl f AtlPnglh nbrfghl idea struck the dlsnppclnltHl Itldy. \Voald 1, l*^o k*nd as to gtj ahd confer With t^o fti[t«itrnv ? .Tob-KOtt had not a shadsfr of ft doubt that, if tlie two WleO of in*porlanoo as he Bind I could !« lApttifM together, anything wonid be accom-;;libncdjthat was not harder than merely set­ting fisidc the laws nf England. Seeing that that would console them, 1 felt it my duty lo [to, though I knew It was naeleBB; nnd they thanked ine enrneh-ttv, snylng they woujil never foigct ray kindtietis as long as they lived. On my reliim, they both asked mo, ever more eiimcstly :

"Can we marrr, s i r !" • •yes ; b n t — - ' " Thsiik Heaven I" exclaimed the ladv. "Wai t a mnmeht. Vol) inlerrtiJH'mie,

mii'am, Vo»t cftn lie miinted ; lint not for throe WftkP, I ftni Borry to say. Tlie regis-War ASinired me tlmt the Uuccn herself could not be marrlod ngahi in this chapel without lili presence, and that he would not attend 0 princcKS's mnrrlnge without beingconBultcd Iwforehand in the regular way,"

" Wliat conceit! I wiah "the Queen were here, just to show him sho can make him do whatcvershe llkcH. It's my opinion you can marry usJiiBtns well without him as with him. Will you do It, sir?"

" I could go through the ceremony its wbll wlthnnt him ; but ilio marriage would l>o nicgnl.

" W h a t of that 7 If it'nail right in the sightof Hod, what does it matter if i t 's not right In the sight of man?"

" J'hat is a bold bnt not a WIHG thing for a woman to say. A ministerial frieml. of mine married a couple of the hifihest poaitioo in a oertnfn town In Lancashire. Tliey went to Bwhsorland to ftjicnd n hmg huncymnon. Before they returned the minister received ofticint information tliat their marriugc waa Invalid, owing tosomo irregularity nlmut the person who attended to witnera and record thn marriage. TIic rcglRtrar WHB from home on vacation and had appointed a deputy to ai-t for him, who, ae it turned out was dis-qtmlificd in some way for ocUng in tliat capa^-ty. Hy IVieud tmraedlately informed the palvntB of iho young oonple, who wrote them tocomc home InHtnntlyand gothrough the cereinonv again in iirivate. If that j'ouDg geutlcmao liad l>cen n villidn, and wished to abandon tho young lady, he could have done so, aixnrdiiig io the law. If he had been killed on his way home, and aho, morally but not legally bis wife, hod lieoomo a modier, andclalmeu a ]>ortion of his ex teiixive proiKtrty for hcrsL-K and child, she could not have obtained R farthing by law. MdrringciBa civil contrast as well as n rc' ligioiis institution; and of eounte, hns Its advantages In being right hi the sight of man as well as In the slglit of (iod. There in another difKculty in the way of my marry­ing yon without the rcgistinr. Ilic law would iiunisli mo Heverely if I did It.

" I don't want In get you into trouble. But it la an nufortmiate affair, very. I never did meet with such a dit<appointinvut I 'll no teometo a Di8Bent'"« ei'Mwl to be married any more." , ,

"Yon'!" '*« "i '*"d to lie mamed again, mit 'umr'

"One doesn't know what may happen." We rclasjicd into sllenuo again, which con-

a low Htool, with elbow 01) his kiT^Jc-Jlii^ Sil tkcv. on his hands, absaijicd in thought and looking intently at the fire. Cortrtiii geometri­cal lines visible in the embers enablt^l him to solve the problem of the hour. Ijooklng up suddenly he said to me :

" I ' l l tell vou what I'll do, cir." "Wiiat will you do?" " I ' l l go this miuute to tlio reghttrnr here

in this town and give notice afroHli.'" " T h a t i s mauly," said 1, admiring h\n

decision and enei^fy. " If you itrotieed like that, ysu will got married.'^'

I walked along the street with him, In-ctnicting him in every jinrticnlar. Never did I euler into auch det^iilB wiUi anv one before or biiice. Ho expressed his graiilnde for my kindncbx, which he asserted in a very Boleray and empimtic mauner should never be forgotten. Ho would see me the following Kabbalh, to lei lue know the day and hour. In this he fnih!, for he did not aiiimar cither that Sunday or tlie next again.

But on thu third Mou(lav (he sexton cullo'I on mc tossy that " t h a i wedding" had to come ofl"thc foliowjng morning at W o'clock. That was an inconvenient hour, u* ! had an engagement in Newnistle at noou, and must toku tiie eleven o'clock train to keep it, wliich 1 could not do if theie was any delay. For ho it uuderBtood that the marriage servit-c IB sometimes a piolracted one in Kiigluud, and ulwnyH much longer than iu this country. I'oople there would not consider tliemFclvcH married ut all by the utterance of the twpor three sentciicea with which I littvii seen mln-isterBhcro bind loving ones in lioly wedlock. I urged Kir. Dickinson tu engage aomo one else to officiate; but he thought the |iarlKs would be in time, and wiKhed me to see tlie end of tbo extraordinary affair. I wh-hed it too, and accordingly wosat my post promptly thu next day. The galeii not huvlug lieeii ojieneii, 1 «ciit to the chapel house, and was conducted lo Ihe kitchen us lK.-foro. Kir. .loh-Bon had arriv»rd liefore me, and was there all alone iu bis tclory.

" is Mra. Watkins nut coining r" " N o ; But Hhu'il Im here prenciitly, hIr." AVIIbinfivu minutes the iiii))uioi)g form of

the registrar mode its ap]K!urauce, passing thekiicben window slowly and hlalely. If ever officer bad a due upiircciutlon of his Ktatiou and gave rci^pouhibility. It was he ; Uiough I may say, to avoid making invidious coUiiuirisotiK, tliat the murk a]>plii-s to every one iu the aome ofhce. It is not loo much toaflirm tha tu more Just sense of his im-portanaf, dinnilv and right even Calcmfi, Hpr .Majesty's celebratiKi exocutiouer, did not

iioseetw on tiio occaMou of ills arriving at u ail where he had buaincbs awaiting him (for lewos late), but could not elbow ids way

through the crowd to the turukev's door. "Make way," he csllrd imi>eriou^Jy to the sundngmass. "Make way, I suy ; u-Ahiiig cun be done without loe." 'ITie instant tlie reghitrar's msJ.-sUc foot crossed the kilcbeu thresbuM, he pointed to the aged time piece over thu miintlu-Bhelf, and, ciibliug a wither­ing gluucc ut Mrs. Dickinson, said :

" D o you see tliut cluck, madaui,'' Already four miuutus after thu time a])ji<iinte<l fur this luiiiriu^'e, aud the doors of the cliapcl and the gate leading thereto are still closod. It is coutran' tu the law, luudum. 1 sav cou-trary to tbelaw."

" Why. mother, how bluptd it is of you," rciuurkeduu uulidy youug woman, who sat liceliug iiotaloes ut tbo talde. " Didu't I tell you twenty minutes sinue to go and open tliodoor?"

" 'J 'hat 'sthc way my daugbti-r si>eaks to me, gentlemen. 'J'he fact is, I bad a lit a Week aiucc to day, and I hove bccu expocting auotlier all moiititig aud could tbuik of uotliiugelbe."

Disregaiding (he cbattc-r of these women, with the sui>erdliouiuiehb tliat become him, aud turiiiii-r with a grand ulr toward Johsou, the public luuctiouery inquired :

"Have you boeuto ibe ollicef" " Ko, sir ; but I um just going." " J u s t going! Whv did you nut go be-

foie?" Jobsoo did not wait to answer. " Whore is he going, bij i" 1 ventured to

ask. " 'J 'omy oflice. When be caoio to u e ,

three weeks ago, I directed luui to call there, on ilia way fiom tlie btation here, uud bring (lie iiocttosary docnuicnts along with biui, and have rue the tiouble of going. ' ('I'he great man did not buy whether Jobsuu hud to sue a suiHuior Of a tubordiuat*; ol his at the office ) •'And he came right by the door of the office without culling, aud now li' Itoephig me wuii-ins bore. I liavc buwuess iu court at half past teu. It is ciocodingly iuuouveaiciil, excooduigly. My time is too valuable to be wasted ou fcuub people. But here the loau ib back. He has not been loug."

" I f you plcubc, hir, can yuu uar rv me without the lloense, the d o c - , t^e papen from NewcutitJo.'" ^ ^

' ' Certaiuiy Dot, man. Why, whwo it it?** '• It 's at Sewcaatle, sir,"

" I b c gentleman said I must come and ask yon If yon would marry me without i t . "

" Strange thing of him sending such A question as thst. I will go and sec what he means." Then tumtna to me, and speaking nift vcee he addod : " You stay hero. I saw his license three weeks ago, showing ho had given due nolicc in Newcnstlo. My tesll-mony to that riTiTt mny be aatlBlkcloty."

" roil mudt mnUt! hnstn liai^k. If I wall. , 1 have to take tlic.pifiYJlr tValH. I. lin^l po " ,, "f^T^d.i'yn sliRil, rlr ," broke in Mrs. hlek-

tnnoh, who had just relumed from opening the doors. " "R hat do they mean coming here time after time making such a fool of onrmlnlRter? I'd goa t once, sir, and not Imthor with them any longer. I tell you, sir, I 'm not sattaficrl with this wedding. I don't know the other husband Is doad or thai Ihore Isn't some other legsl 'podlmoni,"

"Tliat IB their concern not mine." Mrs. Dickinson. Here Is Jobson reluming Hgaln. Where Is the rcglBtrar, Mr. Jobson f"

"Gone In the chapel, sir." "All right. Airs. Wntkins; where ts she?" "Wha t ! Isn't she como yetT This wopian

must 1»e mod I" he trtattertd I'd lilmseli, ns lie stnl-ted oB oH the rim to seek her.

I proceeded to tha chapel by a private iwiBsapc from the hoii-e. Seeing inc approach­ing him very leisurely, the Impatient public functionary Ruld :

"Come, air, do make haste. Whore are they?"

"Echo Answers, Where." "What do yon mean?" "Simply thnt the bride has not come, nnd

the bridegroom hns gone to hnnt her." "Extroordinnry jieoplc I 'I'hcy seem In-

cftpsblo of understandInu how to act li;! the^o mntt'Ts. . H^ tftlka fien&lbly rnoligh, too, on other snbjocls. I t must be tnic that lore Is blind. Holloa I madam, wbHt is the matter with yon ?" LThis to Mrs. Dickinson, who hod jiipt come in upon us at the aide door, and WAS holding her sides, laughing im­moderately. He cvidsntly thought her "l i t" had oome] "Ars you In a conVnlsioh, msdam ?"

" T h e bride's found, sir. She's found. Oar Mary Ann was In Queen street, and found her lookin^ln the toy-shop window."

" 1 will do the lady the jnstlce to oliscrve that she exercises Homo fore-thought. Where is she f"

" In our houBC," I went back to the hotiie. "Good inohilnR, ma'*m." "Dooti morning, Bir." " We Becin to !« at CToss-purposos against

this morning." "So it appears." " Where is Mr. Jolison?" "Qime to seek rao, I hear. Silly man 1

Ho migbtbavc known I should como." " I fear I shall have to give you short

metcrin Ihescrvlce." Tlio shoricr the better, sir. 'Short the

sweet,' as wo say sermons shouhl ho," [Job-son came dashing in at tha door, sweating profusely and breathing like a broken-winded horse.] " Where have j'ou been ? What ft Bight you are."

"Come, never mind bis condition. There is no time to lose. Where are your wit­nesses?"

" Witnesses ? We have no witnesses, sir *' "You ought lo hove bad : n'^^.-'^,'*' ,^ ' ' ^

have licen married . V ' " **"?V. ^ l"'^" known it ** - Dickinson and Alary Ann, y„.. .^uot'bo witncHscs."

'Ilieso two, mother and daughter, strongly protested against Btondtng with such people as those, and "in such cloUies, too." But I InsiHted, Everything went right In tho ceteaiony until we were Intcinipted by the sncctatois. A irowd had gathered, and the Bight of tjl ij i ir jjiiJc-ffT?"'" and tho buxom an^Msry Ann inber Hueheafor tbecom|jany -».. ..-r*. ••»>" i-" mu«h for their gravity. One general poalof langliter followed another, BO tkiit we oiiiild not iiave got through at all if the leglstrur hail not risen to his feet and frowned. With eommctidable pKtprlety did tlie two who wore undergoing liie transfor­mation from quiility lo unitv "say after me" the woi-dsprcsciibcil hv tbo act of parliament, and we had reacho«l the point of which the emblem of the bridal union should be forth­coming.

"Tho ring," said I as a hint for Jobson to prodnco K.

" ' I lw ring," said he still " saying after me."

"'Hie ring," taid 1, a l id le louder, looking alao iiH bigniltciintly as I could.

"Tbo ring," said he, louder than over. When the lady shrieked : " 'ihe ring, the ring ! Find the ring." He drew it out of his vest jiockct, among

Bomc screws, imttonii and a handful of other Kinall arllcIcB useful to a bachelor. I pro­nounced the I)eiiediction, signed my name first in the register's book, and ran to the deiHit, where J waa just In time to bo too late. I returned to tbo chapel vestry. The imrty were on the point of separating. J hlutMl lo Job)ton that It was usual to give (111) clin]>el kce]>er a trifle. Ho handed Mr. Dickinson binH'ncc. She askeil him if Uie iniuibt^ir were not to liave something for his tiouble."

"Ccrtolnly, certainly," said he. I under­stood he had to have half what I gave tlie rcgiKtiar. He's had all the work, and I shall never forget his kindness as long as I ]ivc-~ that I will not.

Ho then phicoda (M>IU In lay baud also- It wos a Khlllini;,

" What ib it dokiif there ?" ' • l l r l t i t . " • • Why did you leav* it ?* " I forgot it, sir." •• Fool 1 Vou caouot he mairlod, aud you

Uo not dt*ervc to be. What was said to y«i a t IhetrfBt*? ' .

A Kew York Block Corner .

Now Voik city has just passe j th rough another of those " curuers" which every few weeks so efleetuully arouAe her . Th is t ime it was iu Northwestern Rail­way stock, nnd drew into it somo of t h e leading hi'okcrs and Bpeculators of the city, iucludiuK Dauie l Drew, J a y Gould and others . J Jy the coriier North western stock was forced up from Buy OOuGH to 2<XI, iiiaay uf the setlleiueDts being however made a t from 125 t ^ l 7 a . Gould and Smi th , former p u r t u e n , hut now operat ing oguiubteach o ther were prom-invut actors i u the fight, and ou t of th is grow the arrest of Gould charged with appro])riatiug to his own ano $>'9,6U0«-<KK> l idouging to tho Er ie road.

D u r i n g tho " c j i n e r " Northwestern stock would vary from lOo to ItiO and 2UU in n few hours , but t h e combiuatiou was s t rong t-uough to keep i t from go­ing dowu to legit imate figures until they hud accomphhhed their object. The losses of acme of tho speculntors must be immense. One mun i t is said Lad t o dniw u]>ou his bank account fully two million dollurs to bottle ; another to tbo tuneofSl.OlXXt.OOO and s o o n through t h e chui>ter. I t is claimed tha t the r ing made from m.OW.iiOO to 11^12,000,000, b u t of course iliey alone know the amount which the corner bus p u t to then credit . I t may b e more—it cau bcarccly be less then the ilgures given above-Tbo "co rne r ' ' uuHc t t l ed the stock mar­ket lo such un extent tha t in Wall alreet little sympathy jf felt for the lowers, uud the only regret U tha t all concerned in the corner did no t loao by i t .

SHAitp TiuGK.—In tha t ai istocratic old suburb of Bt. Germains, France, is a church whose poor-boxes havo quite a reputat ion for being wcU filled, and n o t only coin bu t bank-notes for a cout^ider-ublo amount urefrequeut ly dropited into these leceptacles by tho oluuitable faith­ful. When they wei-e emptied on a l e -ceni oouu^ioD many of the notus were found to be mysl*.-iioubIy glued together with a sticky prepara t ion. Th i s excited suspicion. A utiict watch wu« kept , which resulted iu the apj>earance of an iugt'uious youug man, who, with a piece of thin vbu^cboue for a rod. aud a mor-sol {of \ety titrong glue tor bait, pro-oeeocd to angle for bunk notea, witii auc-oess.

A 'WE.Simva DBBBS. — A royal blue superfine d o t h lilugliuU fiock ooat of m c d i u u length of wuist aud {iruportion-aU' lcufi:th of skirt , fiilk breabt facings to the bu t ton hoios aud ihe edgus flat braid­ed, five but ton holes workod in the luppels, t h ree t o be worn but toned, a n d ihe upper one to be used for a flovtur; a double-b ieas te j white cloth wuibtcoat, bh'jwing three quar ters ol en inch above thu turi iuver of tha coat , and a lijfht oolortKl diciisud due^kin iiouaei-N — lavender or u lvor gray belDji tba moat CW14H3L 'ihe gIovt:8 iiud MuTahould be of (lie wine eihode as Uie trousrrB.

The V(nA •t the Gnnlemalfc

Cftpt A. T. DonglflB, of (ho rflciflc Mail Steamship Oaatemnln, gWes an so-euiint of tho wreck of h is ship. H e ap-pearn t o Ihiuk t h a t t h e Crtlamily was doe to t h e miscalcnlation of the th i rd offlcor, wlio, h e wirs, strpvcd n wrong crtni*sc nnd disol 'eyM ordrt-d. Aftfcrdo-WrilJiHg ilib ttlatiiler )i^ wlUfcU tho ship ran ngroiind and the torriblo difficulty of innnching tli« lionte, ho says :

"At «ix o'clock tho pnsBciigcrs and t h e crow wore in the boats nnd tho sliip rapidly gning to pieces. I found i t im-

Eracticable to land caatwnrd of lona ln iar as tho surf was m n n i n g very high,

and wo went westward with Iho inten­tion of reaching Hatlnns Cntz . W e hnd no provisions and mnny of ns h a l no oloMiing, with t h e exception of onr n igh t -c ld thes ; everything, inc ln tnng n gront many vnhiflbles, wnfl left !n the • h i p . , The chief, pftcet w i s J?lftced in charge of the i>ort forward boat, con-ts in ing in all fonrtfien pe r sons ; t h e purser in charge of the gig, with seven persons ; t h o second ofBccr in cimrgo of the life-boat, with thir teen iwrsons, and tbo th i rd officer in charge of tho star-Iioard forwani boat and I retained the por t quar te r boat , with eleven in all. Abont nine hours after leaving tho ship the pnrscr landed and nil in tho boat w i r e near ly drowned in the at tempt . I went in-shore, b n t doclog two men stretched oil tile beach conclndcd they had been drowned, and did no t land, b n t kep t t o the westward. T h a t after­noon and n igh t the windUlew fresh, and tho boats were all in sight a t sundown. On the H t h a t 6 A. M. , A etroog north­west gale Wow, and wo found i t neces­sary to land, OS it was impossible to keep within s i s h i of the land any longer and remain a t sea. At 0 A. M. wo landed; b u t in the eflbrt wo were all thrown in to tho water, yet got to shore safely. After a good deal of diffiiralty, and b y first cap tur ing t h e chief of t h e ludinn t r ibe who occupied t h e plafOj and threatening him with dr?atil, we succeeded in obtain­ing waggons and oxen, and made for the Tillnge of San Francisco dci Mnr. Tho purser and myself got horses and wont a long the bcocli in search of the other boats , and wo found two pasacngcrs, Scnor Tadilla and his son. who had como ashore in the second mate's boat , and 1)0 informed us tha t tho whole par ty hnd landed. U p to leaving Sal-mas Cruz no th ing had been hoard of the chief ofilcer's boat, nil part ies sent in senrch of them having re turned without t idings couceming them. I hnyo no doubt they were lost on the 14th of Oc­tober, i nn s t rong northwest gale Id'^**' i ng a t thnt t ime . "

Robbloff « Chnrdi*

Tho congregation of Dr. Talmage's Tabernacle in Brooklyn was much excited i>y the announcement that the money boxes had been robbed of large sums some time during tho past three tnonthe. The scats in the Tabernacle are free, bnt those who occupy thnm voluntarily give sums varying from S50 to 8250 a year. These subscriptions arc enclosed in envelope*) and i>at JQ the boxoB which aro pABsed boiVB°ar"e long an^l/fcloollectorB. The

filled, are set in a 1 ^ . ^ 3 1 ' J " h A , ' ? ' " either side of tho platforTif m.^ . ' ^^ f f^ moved by tho treasurer s t tcr tho servlceK are over. Tho church nffioers wore great­ly puzzled to find ou t who robbed the boxes or how it could have been done un­noticed. While a deacon was seated in his pew, a fow woeks ogo, his eye do-tecteil a mysterious movement of one of the money boxes, ft was ohstrved to quietly slide inward in its place in thi pigenn-bolo until even Its long handle was out of sight and as quietly slide back again to Its original position. Subsequent­ly another and another of the boxes van­ished and reappeared to the astonished gaze of the worthy deacon, who, after tho service Was over, made a critical examin­ation of the rack, but could discover no cause for the mysterious movement and neither did ho detect the loss of any money. A couple of detectives secreted themselves i s the organ loft and watched closely for any inovemeut of tho boxes. Their vigilance wos at last rewarded, for when the morning service was nearly ever, a son oi the sexton of tho Taberna­cle, was detected coming out from nnder the platform. l i e was at once arrested, and finding tha t his inannvres had been watched, confcsBed the whole sUiry. I l ls brother, he said, knew he robbed the boxes, and levied blackmail on him on each and every oc^jsston after m'aklng a raid. H e had ingeniously removed the w o o d w o r k a t the end of the pigeon-hole and then drew iho boxes toward him, taking out the large subscrlptionB in the envelopes, and leaving the stamps undis­turbed. Over S600 had been stolen in this way, and shared between the sexton's sons. The sexton himself was much af­fected, and cried like a child when he heard of the disgraceful proceedings.

COOL ENOUOH. — Pennsylvania has some astonishing cool-headed young ladies. Tlie Titusvjilo lh,nl<l (e|]» a s to ry of one who should have t h e medal. On tho Union uud Tilusville Itailroad there is a long, higli frestle, which is ou one side eonoealcd from t h e engineer of an approaching train liy a sharp curve in the road. A shor t t ime ago, as a train wheeled uronud tho cun-e, the engineer was horrified t« discover a lady midway on the trest le . Quick ae though t he checked the t ra in , though be knew it was an u t te r ianposibility to b r ing it to a s tand in season t o prevent a d i re ca­tast rophe. T h e ludy heard the warning whistle, and tu rn ing her head, auw Ihe ij'on mons te r almost upon her . Escape seemed impossible ; t o remain woa cer­tain d e a t h ; to j ump to the ground be-neatli , a distAUcc of th i r ty or forty feet, equally ccrfuju dea th ; a n d to a t tempt to run abend uud escape was out of the question. Kho ne i the r screamed nor niinted, b u t uftod. Thii-ty inches be­low t h e cuds of t h o tired, uud imme­diately uude r the bti iuger which supports them, there was a joist five inches wide runnipK from one suppor t of Iho trest le to auotjjer. Quickly bhe swung herself dowu to th is narrow th read with t h e np parent euso of a gymuaat , aud with her arms clasi>ed a round i t , stretched her­self at fuU length along i t as the train thuude ied by almj>st over her . As euou as the engineer saw h e r action h e ilircw off hi5 Ijreaks, aud ] iut t ing ou steam, hoj-ricd pust us soon as possible, when bhu uimbly sprang tu t^ie truck ugaiu, and p iusued her jouruey in though no th ing had happened-

tiPDiEite.—There ia a young man who is said t o have lost u o u u y b y biitting— on kuidcis. Uo wugerod tha t a spider whicdi he would jjroduco would cross u plate quickej- than a sp ider proilucud by a friend. Each sp ider wua to ha\'u i t s own j>lute- Uis uijider, however ou be­ing btaj'tcd would n o t btii', while i ts l ival ran v.itb i m u e n s o speed. The bet uuii conbcqaeutJv lost, iiud ihe looer t>oou fouud out the leuson: b is friend had u ho t phite.

SevjuiTeKv KXI»VSKO OrncE* TO HX. A s o u e i i £ u . — T h e Committee on Ways aud Means, at Waahiugtou, have reporivd a bill uboliahiog all Internal Kwvenue offices, except CiUeutors- This will dis­pose of about 1,700 officers in this de-partmtiut of the uivjl MMTJue. AH the work of assesaiug and ooUeoting the luterusJ fieveoue Urns falls ou tiie ooHec-iurs aloiie. I t is olaiuied tha t this re­duction will Hfre t h e iUor«rnme<il oa« uulliuu ofdolUnu

In far-ofl* Nevada a train oi cars was rutui;:^ plong a t rapid speed, the locomo­tive being mounted ny : ^ ' • ' " ' r cngiiicpr. Suddenly tho train whirled roillid aCMV^T, entcrinir a fimnci six hundred nnd fifty feot In JenEttb, Wo wmchtiiiin hnd pivon wArtilng dt ddngch hdt flie (JuicJt « t6 tfl (hi: eiipiii'^ci' cniTj^Iit s'plit of fx;d, rcWririg flames nnd dcn<ie sfiiokl; nh^nd—the other end of (bo tnnnci wnsa ficrj' mass. Thcie was bn t a fi»«h of t ime for t h o u g h t ; no poisibility of s topping; to i-evoi-so the engine nnd whistle down brakes . would bring the cars to a stand in tho midst of the raging flaniss : the only hdflo WBS to rush on with whirlwind speed. With quick hand tho pnglneer t l i t tw open tho valve J he held fast to tholcvcr, cloi^cd hie eyes nnd ttlc.1 to prny. Tliroilglj smoke nnd flame nnd falling timber, one instant, and the tcriiflcd jtosf'-n^r'n b^llfejd Uie cool dnyltght beyond - ^ nil saved through the daring tact of t l i i smin knowii fnmilinr-ly as Johnny Bnrtholomew.

Another laittifitt engineer was on one cf the tiaiii^ which recently collided on the Amboy division of the Pennsylvania Rail­road in consequence of A mistake in a telegraphic dispitcli. The story is hnef. The tnftinecr steod by his cnnino to the last, nnd was dangeron«ly Injured. The fireman told him to jump oil", but he ro-ftwcd. As he afterwards sold to his friondf: " I cou'd not leuve iny engine ) I had to stop her, nnd 1 did almost do It. I timnk God lor one thing : I can die with n clear conscience, for i t was no t m y fault."

DAIre of the Dying for Res t , I n the i r Inst hour men nnd women

want physical res t and ease above aught else; aud I have k n o ^ n Instances in which tho replies of persona near their dissolnliou wcro in such ' sha rp contrnst to inquir ies made of them as to become grotesque. I was present when an ac-quaintnuse, having been struck down in the s t reet b y a falling chimney, was car ried home in a dy ing state. As soon as he hnd recovered consciousness, h is wife, half frantic with terror, leaned over llie sofa on which ho lay, and said, " O ! my darl ing, do yon really love mo 'i*'* The response was, '• Yes, if you will pull off my boo t s ; "and these were his last words. A gent leman; long ill of n wasting fever, bad reached tha t condition where a de­sire for rest usually heralds the grand transformation. H i s betrothed, who had devotedly nursed him, 'said, " D e a r ­est, do you die happy ?" " I should,*' was tho answer, '* if t ha t in fe r" - ' •"j wouldn' t b o t h c r m c . " «"• ' - r « K e n o more. " W o u l d " ' * » " " "" '^ ^° '*^° y°^^ father'^' .•u.|uii-cd a dot ing mother of h e r only son, as his life was ebbing fast. ** Of course I sliould, b u t I ' d r a the r have my face washed." Such words, oppnrontly harsh and uDfceliDg, come from persons of na tura l sensibil i ty and tenderness, because in the i r dying hour the desire for material corafoit oftcu crowds out cvciy o ther consideration.

I'oi'ui.ATioN OF N E W YOUK.—According to tho census tabloajust completed, of the 942.202 inhabitsntB of this city, 623,108 were born in the United States, 510,053 are white, 12,043 colored, and 2 Indlaus ; and 413,0y4 were born in foreign coantries, 41^,040 wl.it«, and 429 colorsd. Austria has contributed 2,737, Africa 50 , Asia 18, AjUantin Islands 20. AustralaBla 78, Bobo-

ayrt, Nov'a*'Scotla''41oT KRH'ui*''SJiTC!i Island 7, Hritish America 4,119, Central .\inerica 30, China 125, Cuba 1,394, Denmark 682. Franco 8.265, Haden 6.728, Uavnrial3,S07, Brunswick 106, Hamburg 612, llunover 3,090, Ilessen 7,741, Lubeck 24, Mecklenburg ]81, Nassau ^64, Olden­burg 95. PruBflia 81,r)ll, Saxony 1,857, Weiiner 0, WHrtcinburg4,616—total from Germany 151,216 ; Gihralicr 0, Kngland 24,442, Ireland 201,990, Scotland 7,502. Wales 584, Greece 43. Holland 1,237, Hungary 521, India 23, Italy 2,79», Japan 4, Luxemburg 19, Malta 4, Mexico 61, Norway 372, Pacific Islands 1, Poland 2,393, Portugal 92,Uu86ia l.lSO.Sandwicb Islands 7, South America 211, Spoin 453, Sweden 1,558, Switzerland 2,178, Turkey 38, West Indies 480, at sea :!6. Other cities of more than 100,000, inhabitants are Philadeli>hia,674,023 ; Brooklyn,390,-099 ; St. Louis 310,864 ; Chicago, 298,-!»77: Baltimore, 267.354; Boston, 260i-526 ; Cincinuntti, 216,230 ; New Orleans, 101,418; San Francisco, 149,473; Buffalo, 117,714; WaFhington, 109.199; Newark, New Jersey, 105,050, and Louisville, Ky., 100,758. .

A ItEVEiUE.—Thei-e is an almost fear­ful imprcssivenoss iu the thought that WR g o to onr quiet sleep each n ight with no foreshadowing of the dread cilamities tha t may be revealed when we unfold tho morning paper. How many heai ls were rent with «u'lden anxiety aiyl sor­row on nmding the telegraphic dis­patches of Ihitt fatal Sunday morning when Boston wits in flames! Thos t iunocent-looking wires sent swUt, Bh:ir]>, l ightning strokes through the land, and they tjuiitu one and auolber, seemingly wilhont mcrey. Tho dctuils of tha t des­olating conflagration ure uow known far and wide, from east t o west—the fea-turct>of peculiar painfuluess as well as those of merciful eompcuBation. l lome-h'ss thousands have uu t been forced to live JM l4>nl6, us after the Chioago fire wiiH neeessiiry ; the treasures of science, a r t aud li terulurc were untouched by the devoui ju^ e lement ; the oM historical moiiHmeut)^, lu which Boston gloried us l inking t h e ci ty t o i t s early lite aud l icv-olutiouary struggle^, were spared. Amid the sorrow ariniug out of thuse blnckeuod ru ins , and the Kyiuimthy which Irom all quar te r s is extended toward t h e sufierers, there aro eomo comforting reflcclions connected with the disas ter ; and to u great extent wh,it has bocn lout will be restored by the energy and courage, wlii(!h have so often been displayed in times of trouble by tho people of Bos­ton.

A WAUNIKU rou MEIUCUANTS.—A case has been decided iu u Livcrxwol court , which, the law beuriug upou t h e ease being the HUiuo in this S ta te as iu E u -glaud, bhould waru dealers iu luxuries against selling too freely on credi t t o extravagant wnmeu. The'wife of a mer­chant in moderate circumstauees voa-Iraeted a bill with a hair-di-uHSer,for hair bh-aching,false cuils.complexiou washes, eU.:, auiouiitiiig to about one hundred dollars. T h e hubband may have noticed tbo generalefiect of these 1>cautifiers,but probably he ascr ib id it to nu tu ie . Uo was undeceived, however, when ilio bill was iireseuted for payment which he re-fusod, H e was sued, aud uj>on t h e trial of i h e case h e swore t h a t h is uifo hud no authoritjv' from h im to buy Ihe things and tha t his fiuauciuJ couditiou would not admi t of such extravaguuee. The J u d g e decided tha t a husbauu cannot be oompellod to pay for lu.vuj'itis bough t by his Mile, unless he is aware of ihe pur­chase at the t ime, or h i s mcAUb sullicient to afford them. ^

A Timunui ; A U L I U ^ N T . — T h e scufibld-i u g i u a new buiidiutf ut Ihe tVuter-w*rks iu Cincinnat i fell, carrying down eight workmvn^ killing four of them iustautly, aud wounding fourothern. Theacailold had been erected by a sub-ooutruotor for tlie pui-jxiM- uf p u t a u g up wroughi-irou ii-Ubbcs fur the roof of the building, aud at the t ime it gave way was over-burden­ed with t h e weight of th ree i ron trubses weighing uiu^y ions . Tht3 workmen had L>een va rued by the engiueei* of tlie bui lding tha t the scuflold was weak, but hicdletialy added t o t h e mutoi of iron oomporing Uie tiuHscs uut i i tiie scufltild gave wuy, |'ieeipit4!iiug I'll of them to the g touud and waturbeise)iih,a dibluAoe gf a t o u t (ightji- feet.

A Lessen for Boya» *'Cojii»«('rcifl/, M i l / a n d Oei'mnn Nma I"

shouted a ragged little folio* one after­noon lately, ns ho rnshflil iSrWufffi n street car in which wo had j n s t takCa .•: acftt^ "9»W^f'*c'"4 "if r ' .said he , tu rn -InR fowartt iw and pianni ia ?. Iiorrihiy taildd.r WTO fftot flat upon oiir newly polished btjqt; " f i W t ' r r o t o k c d nnd rairrca rt lirlnt^ to TVusii. the .to,t off,. l>?tt h e wris too aiiick for tis. •Ytarling bnrlt he bowed profoundly, rind m t h e bland­est possible manner , said : "Flcase ex­cuse file, sir I I ' m really very sorry ; I couldn' t help i t—that b ig gent shoved me . Tel l tis where y o u r office is , boss, t blacken mornings—eatl and shine 'em ttp for nolhin ' , F.ir.'' Wc wore so much plensod and struck with this d i sp in t of ready polilcnt^ss. nnd, desirite ( he di r t , Ilia pleasant, honest faCe, thnt * e gave h im a card nnd told him to call as he wished^ O Q ili6 following morn ing a s tmn^o boy entered tfi'.r ofnw witli n blacking-box s lung over his shoiildor and our cord in his hand. Said he, eyeing on* bootsi ".Bo yon tho gen t ns mve 'Tinsoy* this ero card 7" " W h o is Tinsoy ?" we asked, " T h o fellow tunt sloshed yer boots in the car hist n ight . H i s mother ' s awful sick, aud he ' s got t-o stay and mind his little sister. H e says he 's sorry ho couldn' t como and give ye 's n shine hisself, bnf 'Tinsoy' and me often go wac.ks, and I'll shine 'em for you j u s t tho same, f r e c - ^ t i a - f o r - n o t h ' i ng . " Thiii helped to confirnj the good opinion we hnd of the iiew.'ib'dy; rttld so wo asked the bootblack to tell "Tinsoy," as ho called h im, tha t when it was con-vonirnt for him, wo should bo pleased to have him call. Two or th ree days afterward, "Tinsey cnllcd, ragged and bareiooiod n:: tJeforc; H o . toM us thnt his father h a d been dead twd J'oors i t h a t his mother and two sisters were very poor, l iving in a rear basement in Ooerick street, nnd he himself lived a t t h e Boy 's Lodg ing House in Bivingtou street , paying flvo cciits tdt his rtnp'per, bed and breakfast. His enruinga aver­aged from fifty to seventy-five cents a day , and most of i t went t o suppor t h i s mother , who was T«iry sickly, aud only made n few cents occasionittly peddl ing tinware. T h i s fact accottnts for t h e cog­nomen "T insoy , " by which tho boy was known. Considerably improved in appearance, we dismissed the hoy, sor­ing t h a t wo shoujd cnll " " • ' .f^^o ' " » mother, and iniiV- i . - imry regarding IUIH a t bi t i.-Jging-liousp, and if reports were favorable we should givo him work l:i our office. The poor boy was ovorjoyod a t t h i s ; aud said ho would so like to get regular work, because tho conductors kicked him off tho cjirs, and big boys drove h im from tho best blacking stantfs.

The nuperinlendcut of the Bivingttm street I iodging House knew "T insoy" well, and spoke very highly of liim. l Io said ho was one of the fow street boyi who did not use tobacco, awear or stay out late a t n ight . Uo always n t t end i^ night school niid Sunday meetings, aud genernlly had a book from the librniy. His affection for his mother and sisters was # r j ' great , and when he was Imrd puslied would sell h i s shoes aud best garments in order to mirchnae trifiing delicacies for his sick pareuf* His mnthor snid ChnH"*' ' "* ' ' nt i" "Tin sey V r i^bt name—was the hvmi oi ttoys, and the mainstny of the family. He v l m . f o t i l . n l*i,i.—Y*->Ti H t l V f t , J j o d g i u g House, sho snid, where he had received most of bis education and much good advice. These innuir ies satisfied us thnt "T inscy" deserved a he lp ing h a a d . flc IS now iu our employment , an active, intelligent, t rustworthy boy. JIo is nei ther bare footod now, nor wears rag­ged clothes, bu t earns a competent sal­ary, nndl ivcs with h i s mbthe r in a com­fortable home. H e is uow ou tho p r i ­mary steps of a ladder t h a t leads to iu-llitenoo and independence, with a fair prospect of one day sljinding on t h e top­most round.—JV; V. Ptificr,

Drink ing too Much. Five-sixths of au auiinal body is made

up ot water. A man weighing two hun­dred luay be dried into a mummy not weighing over about sixteen pounds, in­cluding bones of the skeleton. Water, therefore, is largely employed iu giving form, fiexihility and beautiful lines. Enough is taken iu with the food to meet all demands of the system. The predse quantity, and indeed quality, is regulated by a sense of tliirst. Bu t tha t vital sen­tinel may he corrupted hy excosfivo in­dulgence. When simple water is taken, a morbid thirst never follows. If, how­ever, stimulating fluids nro Fwalluwcd, a morbid craving may be generated, which, if not reBtraincd, may become an unsatis­fied pafslon, to tho positive Injury of organs ou the regular lUDctioDs of which sound health depends.

There is danger in indulging in artitlcial drinki!!. Nature dlutils over in the eloni-Ach by her own chemical processes—sepa­rating ilio water from them, which is used for legitimato purposes, hut reje^rli. all the rest, throwing it out of tlie body through the kidneys and skin. By work­ing thu renal aparntus beyond a normal gauge, to carry off oll'ending elements, they fall into diseasehoyolid the leBouices of medicine. This explains & prodigious advance of Brigltt 's disease—that ic, a degeneration and loss of ability in thoee organs to do what they must accompliKh fortitahility in health. Nonool tholower animals have kidney uisease, because they never drink to excess or burden the stomach with oompound beverages.

Suu Domingo Again.

In June, \m% tho * President of the Uuited States njij)oiuted an agent to ob-t i i n information about the Dominican Republic, and Geuerul Bubcock was finally sent out Ihere. In Sei'teuiljer, ]f>G9, he negotiated a preliminary treaty, which was approved by I'roHideut Grant , and in November a regular treaty with President Baez was ooueludtd. The mat­ter was debated iu Congress, a commis­sion was sent to the isiand in January, 1871, and finally in Ajiril of that year President G m u t relinquished the plan. But i t has since been taken up by bome prominent business men ot t h u oouatry, says the New York Wortif^ who were per­suaded that it would bo ]>rofitabl« to them to secure what the Govermuoni had re­jected. Some of them have visited Sanio Domingo, and the rosiilt is tha t the steamer Tyhce has just taken out, with other valuable cargo, the money required by tho Baez Government for a certain specified amouut of terr i tory, iucludiog the Bay of Saiuana, and for whieb Con­gress refused au appropriatiou. I t is re­ported iti bueiiuess circles tliat one gain that will accrue to the new company will be in the al.ape of 10 per cent, of the port dues.

MABUIX DJSASXEUK.—Statistics of mar i ­t ime disatitera for t h e m o u t h of October of the present year, from klie luUi na­tional Sigiiif^r 0/Shippiiiff, da ted Novem­ber 12, show tha t d u r i n g October 240 suilinc vessels and 18 bteameia of lUl flogs nave been lepoi-ted lost. Among the fu ruer , the n u m b e r lost, aJoovo ten, a re as follows: U 8 Engl i sh , 21 Nor-Ui'giuu, l e Dutch . 17 Ge imau , aud 14 Freuuh, The American loss of vessels was 9. Of t h e steumei-b lust 9 were En­glish, 3 Dutch , and one each Uilongiug IA) the United States, F rance , hitizii, Norway and Sweden. Among the sai l '

Prtxe FlghUng In (ho East. A correspondofit of the London Stand­

ard, writioR from ftong Kong, describes one (rf tho cntcrt i i lnmcnts supplied by th»; Mnharnjaib of Singapore t o the Ornnd Duke Aitiip, In hdnot (>f the visit of the Inttf-r to tl 'e inland. Uc Mfa * "Af l t r luncheon t ' '0 pn t iy proceeded ffl l^ii-noRs ft fight between a buffalo nnd n tiger.- Tiioso who have never seen a coffitoit of th*s hind wotild have been in­clined t o IVcE ffcf-ly on tho la t te r ; bu t the natives srtid tha t ihO chnrtcen were in favor c! *ho bitfTnlo, and, indeed, that the t iger was ui t c r known to win. The arena in which t h e animnis w'Jro t o fight was of an oval form, some fifty foe* long by about twenty wide, in nu inclosure oi bamboo poles, fifteen foot high, firm­ly driven in to the ground nnd strongly fastened together. Similar poles, laid ntfrrtsa the top , formed the roof. Tho whole stnicltJie has tho appearance of n gignntio cage. A phdform, bnil t out­ride, enabled the more dist inguished visitors {o hnve a good view of tho in­terior, a t a ?afe aisl.*;ne^.- fhiough t h o space between tho poles, whllo the gen­eral nnblic crowded around the c igo liS close as lt:t*r wpyccfc for tho claws of tho t iger would alio'.;. Tlin buffalo wns confined to one end of the £';»9 by a oanvns curtain stretched ncross (lie nrenn ; ibe t iger was inclosed nt the other extremity by jjolrs placed across from ono wall to another. When tho fight Was to begin tho cur ta ins were withdra^-n, !ho |ToIea were removed, and the rfniranls ivere for t h e first t ime scon by the rpeotritors. The buftalo stood lor some moments til hlfl end of the cage, looking with little apparent interest to­ward his foe, Tlie t iger was sittittg mi his haunches, seemingly unconscious of the presence of his formidable ndvcrsnrvi h i i flfteillcp bc iug attracted by the crowd outside. Aftc*" wait ing for some time, tho buifalo seemed to (hiuk h e mi"h t as well make a closer Inspection, and slowly and deliberately walked to the other end. Tlie tijier was now clear­ly aware of his p:cfjen'e, for he turned his head over his shoulder, licd WAtched the approach of tho buffalo with cviuent anxiety. H i s eye glaroil, bn t ho did no t moved a muscle. The buffalo v«»n almost hear enaitgh to to«ch liim with his mnzale. J^at nt length, and before il.u nuilnio mnde any sJgn oF at tacking h im, h e j u m p e d np and gnllnped off us fast ns his legs would carry Lim roflnd the cage. The buffalo followed, niid jammed him against the w.ill with his horns . Tho tiller, in re tu rn , gave t h e buffalo ono scratch na tho neck nad an­other over tho eve, just as a Cat might do, and then fell, apparent ly dead. 13ut his brea th ing betrayed h i m ; he was only shamming. No ono seemed to unders tand this bet ter than tho buffalo, who stood closo by, and kept h is eye ou him, bu t disdained to touch ^im while ho was down. Fo r some time tho animals niaintaiued the i r respective po­sitions, till a t length t h e public began to bo impatient . They st irred u p tbo tiger with n pole, b u t thai was of no use ; they theu tried crackers, and for some time tlioy succccdoil im ItuUaf vi —.•-not until a bundle wns throwu close Io the t iger 's nose tha t he got thoroughly . "^ .«n^ , Bnt ho hod evidently no in­tent ion of ffgfitinti, jtte again ran round the cage, was again pursQeu \.j i.jn TG-luntloas cuciuy, niid severely gored, and once more ?auk to the ground. Th i s proce.is was repeated several t imes, always with the same resul t—the tiger would not fight the buffalo, and the buflalo could n o t kill t h e t iger . A i length the men ou fho roof lowered a a rope with a noose iu the end. in which they caught up the t iger by one of his hind legs, nnd while ho was hanging , the buffalo eoinxilefely finithed h im. But tho Grand Duke was suared-the pain of witnessing the lat ter part of tho spec-fncle, as h e left when t h e t iger counter­feited death for tho second time. The uutivea were r ight—tho tiger fights un­willingly when ho cannot surpr ise h is enemy. B u t the Kajuh had taken uii-tisuiil pains to make the combat as equal us possible, for the t iger wns a very savage one while t h e buffalo, b u t two days before, had been quiet ly draw­ing n cart along the road."

Wanted to Sse a Siuot^h Up . As a train ou the road from Albany to

Springfield was turning a curve tho engineer caught sight of an obstacle of some tort. "There was no chance to stop, and on the train dashed. By a providen­tial kiodoesB the obstruction, which was a block of wood wedged between the ticH, was rotten at tho heart, and split as tho pilot struck it. Hall sunk to the road bed, liannlesB; the other half wns carried several rods by the engine, caus­ing an oneosy hop i t its movements, hut not throwing it from the track. Tbo train proceeded on Its eastern way.

Ksainining into the matter it was found that a boy had placed the obstruction upon the road. The boy was then ace^nu-paiik-d to the spot, and made to show how ho disposed the block of wood. After he had llxcd it he said lie went up into the woods to watch the result, and after the train ])i>ssed, he went to the place of h is employment. When asked what motive ho had for such a deed, lie BBM simply that he wanted to see how it would work —that is, he W»B simply curious lo wil-ness the horrible crash and slaughter of a railway train, crowded with passengers, burled down a precipice fifty fevt to the water nnd rocks below, In which he had read and heard in many a newspaper. Willy Clark is a smooth faced, innocent-looking, steady hoy, uud it is hard io c«n-oeive how he could ever have contem­plated so fearful a work. He does not ap[)ear to ai>preci&to its enormity. l i e WHS eium'acd at Chester, Mass., for obstructing the railroad track, pleaded guilty, and wan oidere i to give bail in the sum of $20,000 for his appearance he-fore the Superior Court at Spriugfield.

ing vesbols m e u •rs 1 i>-i*orle<J

lufL uiatiou n 111 bo! Augnstu J a « . 17. FJ

v u g i h o steuiu-

Publ ishejh ' Atay-wiuter beauov **^

iJUiu's b i r t ^ day.

A IVulau VriHuner. U r . I teddin, one of the FeuJans sen­

tenced to five years ' impriboument for eonnectiou with tho rescue of Kelly in Manchei^ter, has published iu t h e Dublin E.^}n»t au account of his ]mx>risoument, which is a horr ible revelation of brutali­ty ou the i>art of the prison officials who had h im iu charge. Mr. Beddin sjKnt the priucipal par t of his imprisoumeut iu Uoorehousc jail, where h e wus fre­quent ly punished because it was pbysi-oally imi>ossible for him to accomplish the work assigned to h im. Ou one occu-bjou he was ordered to ihe parade ground, and being too ill iuwalk , h e was dragged fiist by two ]irisouers aud iifter-wards by two wuiders, after which he was th rus t in to the penal cell, where he was stripi^ed naked aud left for four horn's. While suffering from paialysis the most a nel experiments were reaorted io unde r fho pretcuee of uscertuiuing wkethor h e was shamming. These in­cluded burning with ho t i iour . piercing his legs with ueedlos, the application of a galvanic bat tery lo various par ts of his body, and the no^ekexpedieul of throw­ing him up iu the uir and peimit t iug him lo full on his bed. Final ly ho was placed i u a solitary cell, where h e re ­mained uuti l a shor t t i m e before his dis­charge. Other brutaUlics, too revolting for description, were inflicted on the un­fortunate man, who, a t the expirat ion of his fccntence, left jn-isou parul^itod aud compUtcly broken down. Mr, Beddiu 's btateuieiiti. i J i\-«ard to barhwroub t ieat-Uient he received are vouched for by two witnesses, and h i s friends hiive chal lengeJ the Govcirument t o iubti tute a puUlic Uid impar t ia l inquizy i n t o ihe £aof«.

Fitct« nnd Fancleft.

A ffr(WJ. mnny dogs in Michigan have the horse disease.

Two children ^ c f s Jaiely b i t ten by n mad ca t i n S t . Lonis.

Ban Francisco proposes to build t h e biggest hotel on tho continent.

Of the 32 gr.ircs owned b y Newton, Knnsan, a i nro oociipiod by i>erson8 kill­ed by cr ime or accident.,

Imitnt iou poodh'.s and o ther pe t dogs, on velvet onshions, a re tho newest trca'* in " o rnamenta l " furniture.

TITS flunshino of life is to ho found In our own hearffl. I f wo posEoss i t , no t all t h e clonds of misfortune can obscure iU* brlghlNCBs.

New nsmpsh i ro poBsesses a natornl cnriosity in one of its ponds in tho shape of a genuine floating island, 06 feet In cir-CQinfcrenco.

T h e sh ip UUnift wns abandoned b y h e r crew while on a voyage from Qiioben for Bristol. E i g h t persons were washed ofl tho vessel nnd drownod.

I t is stated tha t tho most marked feature of tbo book t rade a t the inescnt moment U the large and increasing demand lor scientific works and periodicals.

A Danville, Pa., youth refused to keep a marriage contract because bis betrothed smoked a pipe. I f the rnle shonld be r e ­versed, who wonld bo a Benedict J

The Bostnn Transcript thinks ' ' T h e re ­cent rise in t h e price of leather will do something towards making up tho losses sustained by mnny dealers by the great ftrc,"

Au indiscreet yonth i n Cairo hns been fined for violently kissing t h e school mn'ttiu. Sho wns so homely t h a t tho j u d g e fi.iid there was absolutely no excuse lor him.

" J u s t i c o " writes to the Pres iden t <rom New York enclosing ^50 to l>e apptiod to t h e in ternal revenue service. Tho letter was sent to the Treasurj- Deiwrt-ment .

By nuthor i ty of an order issued b y J u d g e Durel l , nnd by tho aid of Uni ted rJtates t roops, ^farshal Packard took pnsflessfon of the Louisiana Stato-houBO in Now Orleans.

Tho st^-uraship Cresswoll, from Fal ­mouth, England, for Cork, was lost a t sea du r ing the lato ter r ib le storm a long the const. Twenty-ono of the passengers and tho crew perished.

All vnclaimcd Chinese young ladies iu Buddhis t convents nro t o bo marr ied a t public auction, by order of t h e Govern­ment , the religious establ ishmenta in que<)tioii hav ing been surpresscd.

Tho widow of the founder of tho trity of Adrian, Mich. , Ihe late Addison J . Coni-slock, recently died. Sho was mothe r of tho first child born in t h e ci ty, and at the t ime of her denth the oldest resi­dent .

Ti ie s tockholders of tho WallkiU National Dank aud the cit izens of Mid-dletown are determined to m a k e good the capital slock and r e o o u s t r n e O b a

Wftfihiugtou gran t suffieitnt t ime.

A despatch from Cairo says t h o Khedivo IS about to send a force of 5,000 troops u n d e r command of ono of t h e American otficers now serving in tho Egypuuo o,.m.y, to aid Dr. Liviugstouo and search for titn source of the ^ i l c .

At a late wedding a calcium light was throwu on tho bride as soon ns she left tlio church , nnd was so managed ns t o flood the carringo with l ight , and t h u s exhibit tho toilet of t h e blushing brido nnd grcom to un admir ing mul t i ­tude.

Xo less than five female fritnchiiiistB are prosecutlug or being prosecuted in legal tr ibunals in connection with tho right of suffrage; Michigan, Missouri , Oregon, Connecticut, and New York being severally the scenes of the i r doing or Kufieriug.

I n tho Court of General Sessions of Now York, James O. Clmuibers, mom1>er of a trades-union, was sentenced to tho Stat« Pr ison for seven j e a r s for felon­iously ussnulting a workman lust summer l>ecuuso tlie la t ter refused to join t h e part ies t heu ou str ike.

A deputui tou of Americans had an audience with tho P o p e at Bome nnd prchcnted an address expressing tho de­votion o t Amer ican Catholics t o t h o Holy See. The P o p e made a feeling response, aud concluded by giving his bloesing t o the Catholics of America,

Tho largest turkey ever b r o u g h t int<j Boston was received from Khodo Islnud. I t weighs thirly-faix pounds aud a half. Two o ther tu rkeys i r o m t h e same Stuto weigh together forty-eight pounds ; and uuothor, twenty pounds , making a. weight of 104i i iouuds for four t u rkeys .

Ono of t h e t anks for frying out h u d a t Plou kington aud Armour ' s packing­house, a t Milwaukee, exploded scattcr-iug boil ing laid iu nil direct ions and carrying t h e t o p of the tank 2(X) feet. For tuna te ly it happened ut un early hour wheu t h e workmen were no t on duty, uud no one was injured.

Tho young lad-os of Lowell, Muss*, have Invented a new plan for securing hus­bands. They go out boating with tho man of their choice, contrive to upset the boat, end then seize him and save his life. The victim, in his first burst ot gratitude and admiration, generally makes tho desired proposal to his heroic pre­server.

Tho " best m a n " a t a hito wedding i u New Yolk made a funny blunder. When it became his du ty to uimd the oflicia-ting ciergyinttu h is fee, our friend, from some peciiliur confusion of ideas, preat -cd the money iuto the hand QI one of t i e guests, murmured an acknowledc-ment and fled before the Hsteiiished gen­tleman could suy a word. I t was some time before tho mi.-t'ike could be cor­rected.

What is the matter f Not men only, hut horses, cattle, swine, deer, domestic fowls, etc., are being attacked with all sorts of strange diseases. The deer, hares and pheasants are dying by hundreds near Bath, Kngland, and post mortem examin­ations develop the fact tha t the livers of the dead hares are- full of worms, aud that the deaths of the pheasauts too are owing to the presence of parasites in their bodies.

Jus t us u paseeuger train on t h e Detroi t and Milwaukee Itoad was cWar of DetrAit, and ruuu iug at the ra te of twelve miles an hour , an old muu sud­denly leaped from his scat and rushed to the platform, aud bounded off, t u rn -iug about forty somersaults before h e brought uj> against t h e fence. I n a short t ime he uppoaxed a t tho dui^ot looking all around, and then exclaimed; " W h a t au old fool! I though t I had left my umbrella he ie , aud jumji«d ofi t h o curs to get it . and uow, hong me, if I don ' t remember chucking i t uuder t h e seat"—I t i i i - j i t Fr^m Pre«s.

Tug ANuau Ml nnsit TBIAL.—The trial of Kmil Andre for the miirdei ot his wile iu New York was dosed a few days since. The court-room was filled with spectators anxieus to see how the prisoni-r would be d i spo^d of. The Judge charged the j u r y that the evidence for the people dear ly proved tha t Andre killed his wife ou ths IBth of June last, and tha t the defence set uj ' for the prisoner was " inaau i t y . " About hull-]>ust n ' ae T. M-, the foremau ol the jury auuouncod that they had agreed upon a verdiutof uiauslsughtar iu the third degree, and were thereupon disoharged.