I /OR SALE—th e thre story brick dwelling lioTis and *m 18/Troy NY Daily... · 2012. 11. 22. ·...

TROY DAILY WHIG PI iiL'SHED KVKHY MORN INS. AT 18.00 PER YEAH BY GEORGE ABBOTT. F. H . i n miF.r.I Editor. TK >Y D A I L Y V i ' l l I O A l Y V K R T i a i N a RATES mi*: RATES* or ADVERTISING, IN THETROY DAILY Willi* »te as follow*i I mi' LINKS OK L»8»! Out - day.,, '. , i • u day* ruiHr day* >. I'..»' day* Onewt-vh, $1 80 rin .|0 60 cent*. .. ISO " 11 i 185 IKJ Vffts J 00 Three weeks ... ' i;l One cioiilH I •• Three months, Six mouths,., Situs mouths. Twelve months... id," I 00 1H0O m oo JOB PRINTING THE T R O T D A I L Y WHIG (Piper lu liti.tlnij.yd,) IVTrsi I tdveill f. ntt.Is charged onnhairaddltloual o the .i'.uv< KuLfn . . > Uogth, or for longer time, charged In roporilon, AU <.•!•( •.•Hi.'iit* not iiccompnnled with written directions, v, itil I irl'l'l, and charged accordingly. 1. ,i'.. . . ', *'KLV AuvKBfiKtMo, by the situ**-** or. hali i'iu ir.i, w\ i hi' made knowu un application at the office. THE THI>V AMERICAN, (weekly, for the country.) Li putil -i-"il ill this utllce, at $1,00 per annum, payable ID a.!\ ••<•••. or »l nd of the year. Uf-Ot ce.No VOLUME XXX, TROY, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 7. 1863. NUMBER 10,558. ,'ili River Straet FOR lOL-NTRV SALE & TO LET. f HIVKTRY HKM HENCE KOK SAI.K-SHuaie l.S \j unit)* irottv rroy—comprising about vu acres of first Quality Ian t. Thee is a tiiiilly jouug apple orchard and Otter [roir iruetj also, a tenant house, burn with cellar, and QUtltoaset on lite place It la well supplied with wa- ter. Tuc noose U new an 1 lutlli lu a'sub'tniittal manner of back. Alio, about IS acres of excellent laud one-tnlrd ol a mile north 01 t.ic Aforesaid farm. For particular* apply to PECK. IIILLMA* A PARKS, Ia'4d*w Wee 4 Mutual Rulluliig. Stntrj Street. _ 3 ,1 IKrtl* Hill BALE—A lalill 01 60 at tea ul good till- . able I .ltd. I nvinr 't soon bouse and burn on the place. aboil 2-niUes from Plttafleld Awe, a farm of 01 acre«,wcll wate nd.ii ml'.a tiorih-we t oi Mecl.anlcvllle. Tiietel'a comfortable d s-ellim', a aew baru and ahed* on the place, Jr.il par..i.Ulalia|.p.yio PKCK, Hll.I.MAN-* PARKS, i..'.i « MatnelBaHalag, Stat*at mo RlaNT-DOCR to rant la rear of Whig o f i , Ro- X autre or Iniiuj II.VWI.KY * (;o..iio4lj§>r»t_ I /O II SALE- I weutv one ucr-s ul Unci, with u good dwelling, barn, and outhouse*, on Hie plank roaa be- tween Wt»l ftroy ami Cohoe*, In the town of Watervllet, - K, v , l o r lotnij and particular*, apply to l'LCK, HLLLSiAra A A'AUBJ. 4 Mutual Building, taliiKviv Sti.lo ht'ett. } , 4MI SALE—'I'll*' t:. —t ehiea tlwelttu^ house and lot No, W, I'll si i.t. For t'-artittSni'S apply to fiii K. 1UL1.-.1.-.N i !'AtlK<.4Miit. Building, gtate at I .MMt S.VI.E-^A etcoud-baud J4UGQV, lor sale, ku- _m1J K I, MAI.I.MIV. Foot i.l llranil nivl.lm. nf, I / D K SALE—Sixteen Ke.es land, bflttir i part of the . I -rui Known us '•aanny HU!^e."lmxt eotttto ol Howard iurt'a.ne* hjarjiloo. This Is a very dislrable place for a . Kt-iiiliMiiaii'- •.iiiuiiki- ri'sllpiiee. For pa'Mi ulars upply to ) >OK s'.Li •• A line two story Frama'CoKairoa Klibth i t , noar the bead ol .lacob at... double lot, Two-thirds Of till puie.ha.ic uiJUey may, if dedred, remain on boud umt morU'a^c. Abo, on tame terms a house and lot on Fifth St., and ouc oa first it.—both first ciasa. Apply at ii*.\H i n v e n t . I jlOR SALE—lhe two stori f:ame cottage, 1D0 Second ^ street, lined up wl'l| all Uie modern improvements.— There Is a line brick barn iu the rear. Lot 2a by laoteet.— i'or puruitilura spply to 1'JM k, lm.l.sirtS <k i'AKKS, I Mat'l Building, State st. flXO LET—ltrlcJi„iilore N<x i s ! ltlver at., now occufiodJ, .1 by tli•• o,:..ir .•' An.lie* Wlilie r'or ptirilculars en- quire of K. 1. Ma'.lery, or of Mallery & luKaila, next door north. f.iiii- I ^OKSALK-HouleNo. CO Thirn street, Troy, ' _llouse Ko. 100Third are ' " l'el7u ll\0 LET-MRHK HOUSE, N o . « l fl_ consisting Of 2 rooms and^ bed ro irix2o, feet—one square room and 2 bed ' Apply to " 'V. I'Alt'lSII I)G 1)EX A CO. fit*' LET—Housein II irrisoti street, lteui $0 per month X imjiilre of tdi| LOT ACKl.Ki'. 2,'J lUver at, . US EIGHTH WT7, rooms—large parlor ..„ , , bed roomi and attic— . in all fioeaeaary pansries, presses and sub-cellar; gas and heal el hjf T- uiutrcn, nii'l Uxtures, Including chandeliers; pra* nilsea now belnis painted u:id Htt«d up with stone »toop and Iron lallit.K: well and cistern water—to a small lamlly —permanent teoant preterred, Possession linuiedlately.— Beat tan, luqMreol JAUK8 fKKIOT, Oulce rooms 27 and SB n o a r d m a n Building, oc3l - (At llielheiid of 2d pair of stairs.) DOR HE«T-»TOKE No. 1811 KIVER-tsTKEET. i<' uciO Esquire of T. £. & O. V. lJSOALLS, 165 ltlver it. I/OR EXCHANGE-A GOOU FARM. WELL L stocked, tree aud cl'-.ar of all incumhrances—SO miles fcest r i the city of Hudson—will be exchauuod for city f iroperty: a first class residence preferred. The dltfereuco, f any will be made u p in caan, or good property A ice- .Oiiirfariu may be had ii wauled. Apply lor lull particular! al.2s3S< lilvnrst. OD2a T airea ol 'and Schuyler, felS FOR SALE &; TO LET. 1 /OR SALE—The three story and bnseiucnl, and the two story and liayernrnt brick ilwelllny limiai-s \.-» •:. and "7 r nth at., with brlcsHmllduiaslu the rear, tacb lot 25 bv HWIest. s'or piirtUMibi'B apply to PECK. H1LI.MAN * PACKS, i Sim, Hullillng, State St. to EET-8torei Nos. 5, Ii aud 7 Wotkyui' block- Real low. Office* Nos. 19 and a'-cracected. '»and?l-cot.nected. Aud No. 21—sluiilc room, on Uie second lorf. Also, single or BUIIH of rooms in the third wtory. tlwemng Houses Nos. 10U and Ul U H W SI., aud 11 Divi- sion street. ' F'or Sale or to Let—A fir«t cbiss dwelling house and 5:< n the Albany and McAdam Road, pear Port A. WOTKyN3.7Sniid75Tiilrdst. LT»H SALE—A two"story FriTviTTD'weillnst House on P Teatb St., near MlddUburgh, Terms eaiy. Knqulre of lfe!3] STUDDAUU ii UUKTO v , 89 Congress st. 'OK *ALE—Numerous Lots, variously located"in the village of LsminKtiurgh. For parti' ulars sonly to CK nlLLMAN t PAKlvS.I Mutual imildlng. State st. 1 /OR~SA"i,E—Tho north half of a double 2 story Brick House, situate on ihewest side of Pitt, between Grove and Richard sU_ Laus'ngliurirh. Lot 21 bv 120 feet. For particulars apply to PECK. HI1.I-MAN 4 PARKS, _fell f Mntnal Itulld'.ng, State st. t ~ xOR SALE 1 street. It 1 barn in the rear. Lot 25 by 1;:0 t»et. lv.vs, s-lon civeu May lsi. For particulars ap[ Iv to PECK Hll.I.MAN & PAUK8,1 Mut'l Daildlng, State st. 1 / O R S A L E - H use and lot No. 77 Fifth st. Lot 30x130. 1 Terms easy. Apply at Ho. 2S j>4 Uiyerst ni6 1 / O R SALE—25 acres of vaiu-ibie land, -huaie on Tib- 1 bits Avenue, In ( h e town >f Bums all It, known as"Mt, St. Mary's." '1 be buildings are new and substantia). Tei uis e 'sv. For panlculars apply to VKCK, HiLLMAN * PARKS, 1 Mutual Building, State st. TL/ARN FOR SALE:-The farm known as tit* Kddy P Farm, situate in the town of Brunswick, near Mlllville, consisting of about £1 acres of choice land in a good con- dltton, well watered iind bitSldlnns lu good repair. Terms easv. For partfleularsapply to PKCK. HILLMAN I PAuKl-,4 M-itmil Blllldo ri:« TbelH story frame cottage No. ISO S e c o n d ll is llt.c'l up In good order. There is a frame IX)U SALE & TO LET. I ^ltR SALE—The frame dwelling and out bullrtlcgi on . the i wo & lee' Iota . n Hie wast side of Third St. ue.vt north of the A ba Read Steamer house. '1 he purc'-aaer to. remove aalti 1'iitl'i us"* on ilm tlrit nay of May next. Pro- posala lor said buitolrgs 10 be lefi at the illlce of M t CUUMIMUR, Aiiliit.ct, over the Market Bauk, River »t. . aultf T O LET "From the l«i •>' M i) r i" \\ 'he lower pert ot house, 2)1. corner ol F.'ch'h erd Jacob et*„ suliabie onlv for d small family, FI.I.U.. e of a_patr J'HIN s.ir r fvji, L " ANSINOOUKflH-fii Hi N'-'riiii the lsi ••. ! V next, the ploasantly bond .urge bri. i tfwe Una house, with Irult bearing orchanl-attached, Htn .te on Anu s reel, near the reildenco of Dr. Leou-ild. Fjr terms sp- ply to the subset iber In Lauslngburgh. apltr .1. HOLME A low Mb Btflta St. 1/Olt SALE-KI ,bt acres of choice una eligibly loiuied F laud, sltujated 2!i miles front Albany on the road lead- 4 Mtitual Bulld'nc, to State at. 'pficK.liii l.MAN & PAliKS, 1^_ I /OK SALE—A pleasant residence, lust north of Lam 1 singbtirgh, and wiliiln a quarter of a mile of the Troy and Lanslngburgb it. It., constating of ten ai:res of laud.— Good brick dwelling and baru, nearly new. There Is a choice abundance of finit on the plac". For particulars apply to PKCK. HiLLMAN «fc PARKS, lea Mo. 4 Mutual Building. State Street. T/OK SALE -''be lot siitih east coiner of Federal and X" North Third st*. No ground rent, size 5S by 54 feet,— ,¥*n riartleulars apply to PKCK, Hll.I.MAN A PARKS. I Mutual Building,Slalest. :iOR SALE-A beautiful Country Residence, Willi all 1 the appendages and am rounding! of an elegant coun- - " situate In l i e in-st part ot Union Village, Wash- " Y. Inquire of PKCK. HILLMAN 4, PARKS. No. 4 Mutaal Building. State St. a little north mcing to Hi 70 River st. try Beat. lusto.s couuty, N fei I/OK SALE-ltrlckhouse on Tenth stre't, X of Archibald's brick yard, with eight belonging to the same. Inquire of Mi LET—From the 1st of May next, three rooms In the rpt Museum Buildings. 1/OR STORES, OF»l( I I S A N U ROOMS, APPLY X to W. r. HiiARDMAN, in No.37, or when ho Is abseut IVom the city, to JOHN L FLAGO, No. 21 First street. 1 / O R S A L E - A 'J W o S t o r y F r a m e 1) w e l l i n g Ileus* lii the sohlhcasl part of this city. Gardeii Is tilled wllk vincri and young, irult trees. Price $1200. For particulars apply 10 PECK. HILLMAN & PARKS, m o LET-IN THE AILSELM BLILJUINGS— A Rooms, sinjilft or in, pairs, with water, gas, closets, &c, suitable for Lawyers, Doctors, Ai lists, gentlemen'! luiiuii.^ rooms, i^c. ALSO, for the shirt Collar, or Riiy light manufacturing busln, 48, Apply to mb-JO-tf w. C. uoAKDMAN. oHice 37, Sd itory. Orto JOHN L. FLAGU, 21 First st. -RC1LDING IN KfuVllOK HOUSE NO. .suitable for Laundry or Carpenter Shop. PH, 3Wlliver.it. l'|t«»LET. X ye FourtU'St luqitire of March 10.1S02. T- Collar Man sluci lite < and well i li. E. & WrALLKNDORPl OVER THE .VlAN UFAC- •-ftra ..,, , rpose ection of the buildlug. They are large, ploasanl _ lined. S'.-iiiU power will be lurnisbed if desired Possession may be had iminedlateiy. ALSO TO L«r.—One store lu the Manufacturers' Bank Block. Inquire at the Bank. mhl8 m o LET-TWO ROOMS I N T H E Till It U S T O - X RV ol mybulhllu,',cornarof Broodway and Fourth suitable for Aitlsu' roomB, or olllccs. Possession third story of my building, cor. Broadway and Fourth street, suitable far Artisls' Studios, or other purposes. Ii.i HAS M HAL GREEN, fitO LET—From the first oi M'a'jr n e x t , a Urst class brick J. Dwelling House, No. 10U Second street, west side Washington Park, at preECULnccujlLed by Itev. H. C. Pol- or. For particulars enquire of Ju28 . J.O. BACON, Agent, 279 River^_ fltO LETINMISELM BLILDIISGS-Two Stores JL ou Fulton street, each connecting wllh rooms in the second story—well knowu fur many years past as Milliners' stores. Two fine Oillees In tl e second story on the corner of ltlver st. One single Oltice on ihe same iloor. lilne pair of Oritur* In the third slory, a large room on the fourth Iloor, and one room wl. Ii a sky light. Possession of the stores on the first ol April, For terms or further information apply to W. C.ltOAKD "' ibseuci*, to JOHN L MAN, la Office No. 27, or In his FLAGO. No. 21 Fir.t st. i.ii.lf 1 /OR SALE—The YV, story frame dwelling No. 301 ' Elglith-st. Lot 25 by .100 feet. No grouud rent. Pos- session riven May 1st. For psrUculars apply to PECk, HILLMAN & PARKS, J*2iS 4 Mutual Building. State St. I j^OR SALU—A Farm of about itt acres of land, with an abundance of fruit of all ginds; 4 miles from Troy, Inquire of Ju2l LOT ACKLEV',270 Hiver st. i / O R S A L E - T w o W o o d D w e l l i n g s on Twelfth St., north ' ot Jacob St. Inquire of Ja24 ' LOT ACKLF.T, 1279 River at. I .-'OR SALE—A Farm, Trotte northeast of the Railroad Bridge; contait lug 32 acres of tiii.d, with fruit of all klpds. UJB very convenient, it^beitujsoneiir the city.— I HOI IE FAHM OF lOO ACRES tor «ale C b c i p - situate on the south side of the Mottawk river at the cr i.equtduct. Watcrvllet, N. T. There arc two good two story dwellings, barns and rut-houses, in One order, on tbsplaco. There B a eood orchard. Five aces are wood- land. Terms lavorable: Annlv to PECK. HILLMAN & PAi'.KS, I Mut'l Buleling^State st I JIOR FALF. IN LANSINGIIURGH-The new and 1 comtnoi lous Brick House, sliuated on the wi st side ol congress st.. b"tween Lar»iu« and Hoolik streets. The house Is finished In the beat und latest s'yle. and Is In every re• pert dn liable as a laiully residence. The lot la 1C0by 1V0 f ei, and there Is &m tho premises a large fire proof bar* and other conveniences, iriut trees, 4c. Price ^.'•,000. if not sold by the first of April, the premises will be let. Aln the commodious Inlck dwelling, MB)Con»reis at., occupied by Dr. lia G. Fnsi'er. Tills If one of the beat liousna fn the vllls^v, and la In every particular,on* of the) most disirable family resldenoes in town. For parUeirlars apple at V3 «t ate street, Lanslngburgh. mila&wtiiil R. HYATT. L IO LET—From the 1st of May next, house No.70 ltlver street. Kent SJ25. Knqulre 0' apl JASON J, G1LLKSPY.271 ltlv*r St. 1/OR SALE—Two lou ou the corner of Grand Division JT and louith 8t»„ fronton Fn nkiln Suuare. The pro- pe f lv la vaiuable. and worth the attention of any poison wishing to invest their u j a i r , 'I be sale will he held open "ids week only. It will be withdrawn Sa'urdav al'ctnnon. Iti'i'iiieol m31 | LOT ACKLKY. 270 ltlver at, ihe priue. p il, baseuienl and third story of R e n t sfJUO per \ftir Apply ti PKCK. HILI.M.VN & PARKS. fltO KENT I 'i. Ferry st I .^OR S l l . E CHEAP-The frame dwelling house and lot25I! Slate si.. I.ans'ugburgh. Lot 25 by iiilleet. No ground rent, For particulars applvto PKCK. Hli.LMAN * PARKS, 4 Mitt. Building, State St. V.U.L'AULE FARM for Bale at a Bargain. II Troy and !.', miles da-ellings. All the bams and A farm tii lies from Co- V T 1/OR SAEE OR , _ . . I Mlok residence and 3jicreii of land adiotnlhgtb" Inquire on* Ja24 LOT ACKLEV. 2,0 River St. fltO LET—Two well lighted rooms, suitable lor offices X or light manufacturing purposes. These rooms front on Washington Square, on its upper cud, bolng the most prominent nlact 'salt ••- ' in Hie city. En. Street- given Immadiitoly. Troy, 17th v.arelt. 1 J t o LET . lug of r.'oms. and 1SG2. m o LET-THE PKINC X lug ol two HANNIBAL GKKKN. miilSU PAL iwo parlors, dining roc one bcili'i STORY, L'OKSIST- .... „, . - , kitchen, and one bed- ,. ..„..room in front, on 3d story of house No. 1'.'I,;),-1;,.-;. Gas Fixtures thronrjnont. Kent «1«. In- quire of Mrs. MORRIS, Alula Road; or JAMES FKKIOT (#0 River st.. 2d Hour. Also, the 2d story of house 42 Fulton, nesr Dlh-st. Kent »7 pernio. U'.quireaf lup23| JtMKS FRJIOTT. Nine seres o''bind lu suburbs of the village for building lots or garden- , _ , state of cultivation and well stocked with young Irnit trees. Theie Is a two story brick building ou the place, bof particular* apply to PECU.lULbMAN * PARKS. uo;<i l Mutual Building.State-st._ kL'»>il Mill) 1*> LOAN on Bond and Mortgage In D-id\J IMJU sums lroin $1000 to »3000. Apply to PKCK, HILLMAN li PAUtvS. «.«, 4 Mutual Buildings,fatal*it. "I/O K SA LE—Nine seres 5' h X of Liibaiiigbuigli, suitable : big purposes It is In a high s now A I'RKI' 'l.."'l'.l< M.KV.rllt! River It. giouCo. N.x, I/OR SALE Meat X era. ija'.'i) 1 /OR SALE-A F'anii of 67X acres, half a mile from 1 West Troy, upon a rise of ground ovi riooklng the Hudson river, Troy and Lansliigbiirgh. Tbu Inrni is admi- rably adapted lor Market and Gardening purposes. An excellent quality of moulding sand Is on tue place, which la sold to the Troy Foundries, For particulars apply u> PKCK, HILLMAN * PARKS, JalO 4 Mutual Building Slate st. F O K S A L E - T h e subscriber oilers lor sale lostwo sto- ry Brick Dwelling House, situated on the corner of Third and Hudson streets, Waterford. The property 1B lliat class, on a large lot stocked with Irult, and will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, Innu.reon the premises. jsl.l.ll J, LAWKKN'IB. T/OR SALE— Four Vacant Lota, known as the Orphan luin Property, ou Graud Division street, running Inqube of LOT ACKLKY, 279 ltlver street _ A Farm of 22 acres, cast of Jacob St., and _ feet east ot Thirteenth, to the west line of said farm, lnqurc of LOT ACKLKY, 279 River st. i\. ol 2tn acres, 4 miles from Tro hoes, having two first ulars dwell „ . octliousts are lu line repair The soil is good. Terms easy Apply to PKCK. Hli.LMAN & PARKS, lu 0 4 Mm mil Building, Slate St. t O L E T - l l o n s e 100 Third St. Kl-qulre ot ti.ll W, K. HAOAN, I First St. 10 LET—To single gentlemen, iir To a email laniiiy _ without children, the second flour and basement ol house N o . 13 Second st. Enquire of ni21tf L. C. WHEELER. I /OR SALE-The two story frame dwelling house and * lot 500 River st. No ground rent F'or particulars ap- '' PKCK. HILLMAN ft PARKS. 4 Mut Building. State St. H ORSES *OR~SALE-ABtlne a driving single horae . as can be found any where—voung, sound andkliiil—•_ maybe seen at 2sA>£ R i v e r st. Also, a very lastTrotting Poi.y. Also, a second band Rockaway Wagon aud a Top Bmrgy. mostly new, and Tor sale reasonable, ni25 EXCHANGE-Tlie v"••.•>• d e s i r a b l e _ _. id 3 acres of land adioinlng th" Cam. bridge Valley Bank. In Forth White Cieek. Via blngtou Co. N. Y. The grounds are taslelully biitl out, aud ihere is • cbiice variety if frtaft trees Ihe Depot is but a short distance from tue place. This is a rare opportunity lor a g* nltenian wishing a country seat. Apply to PKCK. HILLMAN & PARKS, 4 MuU building. Ftate B'. f I'O LET—From the 1st of April, the store No 9 Museum X Bulldlugs. Apply to W.C. HOAliDMAN, ._ui2»tf or JOHN L. FLAGG, 2) First st._ F 'OR SALE—The ioliowitig Vacant LotB, belonging to the Estate of the late Henry Nazro : 3 lots, each 25 by 100 feet, on ea»t side of North F'ourth street, be.ween Federal ant North F'ourth ats. 1 lot, 25by 120 leet on the wctt s : de of Fourth strec*, be- tween Ferry and Division sis Knqulre at the Water Wmks Office of jinhJHdilitl ALK.\. McUALL. Bal@ of Real Estate, etc. ritHE FOLLOWING PROP*:RTY will he sold at X Auction, on the 23d day of A p r i l , 1KK1, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the office of N. Forayllt, No. 3d Congress St.. Troy, viz r Lot I'.li, » est side of River at., Troy. 23 feet wide, ex- tending to Hudson river; Lots Ofi, 101,103 Ob'o St.: «, norlli half 61 Burlinifton s t : 15 (tcnesee St.; south third -IB Water St.: 75 Whitehall St.: 23 K. OB tat to st; lal. south two-thirds 7 Broad St., In the vlllaze of West Troy. Also, thu follow- ing leases of West t'rov lota, reserving yearly rents, viz: No. 12 en 20 Water BI.: S o . 48 ou Ii Pier; No 15 onS9 Ohio st. Also, 20-J xbarei Brunswick and Pittslowu Turnpike Cotu- any stock. lnquiilca concerning the same niiiv be. made to mSftlm N.FOuSYTH, orGADF. & AIDEN. -Sltiiati'd In (Williani st. Alley.) Fiee from all incumbrances. Enquire of MRS. OVtEN I RKANOIL 353 FOUfUl sk.Troy, New York Advertisem'ts ESTABLISHED 1760. PETEE L0ERILAED, Snuff & Tobacco Manufacturer, 0 10 a u d 18 < I I \nill us ST., (Furmerly 42 Chumberi Street, New York,) Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz i BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demlgros, Fine Rappee. .• Pure Virginia, Coarse Rippee, Kachltocbes, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. \ E L L O W SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Hcotxh. High Toast Pcotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toast, FruSh tcotch. or Luudyfoot, { 3 T A TTaVT10>f 19 CALLED TO Trig I H O I MDFCTIOH raio*a oy FtNgi i T CH*wmo AKD S.VOKINO Toa*.oooe, WBTOJI W ILL l.k FOl Nil OF a SLFMiao* til ALITY. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINK CUT CHEWING. SMOKING, Long, P. A. L, or plain. S.Jago. No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet. Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Srcnted Oronoco Canister, Noa.l 4 2 m'xed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, Granulated. miodyll N. B.—A Circular of Prices will be sent on application. WM. B. BRADBURY'S Piano Forte Establishment, NO, 427 BROOME-ST., NEW YORK. The gnlMcrlbor rcjpcctfwlly Invito the «tlent!on of his fcU nils and the puhllc generally to his Pi»noKorteE»t»vb- li»iiiuf*..it. ut No, 4.i Broome street, comer of Crosby street. Htiviiiat wlllidrawa his Interest, ati ck Hiid tiiuieriiils from thelatu firm of "LleUte * Bradburys,** which llrm wusdis- solved ou the 31»t January, ult„ mid having purchased the entire stock ol Fluno Fartea aud Pia«o Forte ^laterfal. owned by his brother. Edward O. Bradbury, In thu said linn he hi now prepared to supply the Increased demand for bitt celebrated Piano Fortes. Employing the most skill* _ i, with a large stock of the best and most thoroughly reasoned material, and an abup ful ami experienctd workmen, rlancn of capital, he has taken In hand the personal super virion of the whole bu*tue»s of inauufacturlnL; his lurtru men-?, and la enabled to turn mitPiauo Fortes ol unequal* led t"tte and durableH&H. BRADBURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO FORTE. In the arrangement of our new scale, drawn aud prepar- ed with thu utmost care; expressly for onr tew lustrn- nicnts, we have added every Improvement which can lu any way tend to the perfection of the Piano Forte, and we can confidently assert, that for delicacy of touch, volume, purity, brllllarcy and sweetness ol tone, combined with that strength and Boildlly of frame necessary to durability, these Instruments arc unequal ed. "SrgKtiTU ANU BKAI'TV'' la our motto, and we Invite tie* closest criticism of Hie beBt unbiased J udves In the land. HfEvery Instrument warranted for five years. WM. B. BKADBUKY 4.1 Broome street, ni5:Sm Cor. of Crosby, New York, WATER PROOF "Vienna and Stvelln. Mntches Tlioc Matches are made without sulphur, and being free from disagreeable odor, are not only very desirable but almost Indlipensable for use in the parlor and sleeping chamber They are put un In fancy colored boxes and small packages for lamlly use, aud are also carefully pack ed In cases for transportation, F'or sale wholesale and re* tail by JAMK8K.DKY. No. 00 Cortlandt St., New Tork. P. 8.—Country merchants will do well to call and exam- ine our nock. fein;2ulH ESTABLISHED IN 1809. U OISE ANU HALF L O T F O R si A L E rear of 181 Fif a at. ~ K Asyi , through to Fedeial it. Inqulie of J 1 _ _ _ J ^OR SALE- 1 about I .iOR SALE-The Eagle HotcUon-W-ver-atreatr-w««t ? Side, a little north ol Ferry st. Inquire c-f 11 LOT ACKLKY, 279 River st. und thirteen acres, eltiven acres of It wood, with Iruil and good farm bouse, aud other out-butldttiga, situated In F.uai Town, near Derltera Ferry. Itts one mile and a had tn.m Scliuylcrvi'.le, which la a good market. Pilcc >u ihoiuand dollars. Thirty-live hunured can re ninlli on boud and morigat'e. Inquire o, Oi of .lKr,ig B. 1- CKV.-.N, Kaatowu, Washln 11*15 1 /OR SALE O R T O KENT-IIIKTHKEE STORV . frame dwelling house on Seventh street, at the head ol State, known *s No. 7 Ida Terrace. Will accommodate eU, titer one or two families. The! house haa ail the modern liiipi-"Vcntciita—gas, water closets, &c. Possession given May 1st. i'"f particulars as to teiiita, iuquireot GKO. H. FR;-;K.'I!AN, 1 timber Dealer, corner lttyer and Liberty sit nets. \^mbll 1 /ORSAI.E ONE UOM SAMPSONi PAT." PLAT- 1 FORA1 SCALE, and two OoO do. Also one Wheeler* Wilson Sawing Machine, at 1 and 2 Harmony Building. nihil J.J.ALDKN-. SALE.-OOTHH: HOlisE AT SLHAOHTr coke. It la uemly new, haadsomcly iltuattd, with large lot. Pi ice low, and most of the purchase money can remain on the premises. Inquire of 1. T. G RANT. Junction, Rensselaer Co., N. T. BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE—No, »9 Tiilrd-it. Tr-iy. rortevm. Iintutrc of I, T. GRAN T, Junction, or a 817 and 359 ttlverst., frov. i*Ut Farm aud Stock for Sale, N OW CNDEtl (LIT IVATION-Vl/.: 14 AIRES lb Oats, w Inch will) ield from 45 to 5B bushels the acre. 2 acres In Corn—yield from 50 to Ui bushels the acre, 8 acres In Potatoes—yield about 100 bushels the acre. 8 acres in liuckwneat, * 28 acres in Meadow—yields from 35 to 40 toni hay. 50 a*res of Timber or Woodland. 5 «.'"ws ; 9 yearling! ; 4 calves; 2 steers; 2 horses, (one a hiare with foal; 3 pigs; 1 a"ow, with Utter of piga. The owner la about changing bla business, and will sell at a great bat-fain. Persons dSilfo.fi* to Inquire for location '| , 0 LET—Principal and basement of house No 190 Eighth X street. Knqulru of J" 7 _ WILLIAM F l U p a S J O l Illver st_ T O LET The principal of house In - Harrison"sti-eci.— Inquire of d-1. LOT At KI.KV, J.'.i River st. V ACANT LOTS FOn SALE la the Burnt District and other patts ol the city. Inquire of PKCK,IIlLl.MAN *PAP,KS, dl2 4 Mutual Building, stateat^ Fnquireof i OWKN '1 l.FAN ile—Washingt For Sale-Washington Park Lots. rTTHE subscriber ofl'era lor rale three, lots, 2^ by 130 feet X each, on the cast side of Washington Park—the best unoccupied lots for dwellings in the city—adioinlng the re- sideline of ltiley Loomia, Esq. March it, 1H03. ml* _ JOKL MALLARY. t SOR SALE—"Ibe valuable building lot on Fourth St., 1 next south of the residence oI_T]|-)8. White, Esq. Lot r 130 feet dt ep. Apply to ' Mttl :'D feet front by 1 ,. PKCK. HILLMAN * PAltKS. 4 flat Building. State st 'AIO 1.IOR SALE— I tie throe story brick store situate on the X east able of aud_knuwn_as No. 181 I'lv^er at nulara apply to ml7 TORE FLVTL'RES—Two Counter* with Cases oi Drawers, twe outside Show Cases, and one large HUcR . . Inut do., wilh large sash and glass—could bo turned'lm I to a very "extra bookcase. *" '• * it. IS All lor sale Tow, at 285H River dia. FT TflOR SALE trees ou thu premises. d!6 A neat Gothic Cottage-House and a half :. There ar~ *— artlculars a "* acre of Land on Cemetery Avenue, i here are fruit HILL'VIANAFAU For terms and i PECK, HILLMAN* PARKS," Mutual lljlldtng, State-it, OH Ml.I. ' known as No. 181 River at. For parti PKCK, HILL«A« * PARKS, 4 Mutual Buihltig, State st. I " /OR SALE—the three story brick dwelling lioTise and 1 lot No. 14.lacob at. Lot about 25 by 71 feet. Fornartl- cnlaia apply to PECK. HILLMAN PARKS, Jllt7 4 Mutual Building, State street. $100,000 To Loan on Bond & NortjniRe '1H1ETROV SAVINGS RANK WILL LOAN MO- X ncy on nrencumbered Heal Ksttite, situated in -t.be counties of Rensselaer Albuny, Saratoga, Schenectady, Washington, or Columbia. The BanK Is now adowed by Law to loan on well Improved city p Jperty a larger pro- mrtlon oi the vaiue than It has ht.etoforc done. For onus apply to the Bunk or ol GEOKGK GOULD, T, M VA1 Mortgage Ltnitt Committed. HARDWARE, &c. H A R D W A R E , (AT THK ofON OF THE PAULOCKJ No. 181 RIVER STREET, TROT, N.T. H EARTT It CO.. IMPORTERS ANU DEALERS IN ENGLISH AND UK KM A N HAKJJVVAHK. A fuU assortment of AMERICAN GOODS. English and American Table and Pocket CUTLKKT. Wilkinson's Uunuiuu SHKEP BUEAltS. FILES. Butcher*, Ibbotson, Peace * Co.'* Imperial Files, with other approved brands, V Builders' Trlmm ugi and Carpenters' Tool*. t OUNB. Cox * Ely's Double Water Proof Percussion C'a HATCHETS. •blugbug, Lathing aud Claw Hatchets, assorted qnallUat. AXES. Hunt's. Blood'*, Simmons' and other makers Axo*. SHOVELS AND SPADES. Ames', Washburn's, Pierce * Wood's, and Old Colony Shovels and Spades. Douglass" Patent FUMFB. Steel, Lead, Anvils, Vices and Chaina. t Wrought aud Cut Nails, and Spikes, AGENTS for Beardsley * Harris' Grain and Grass Scythes. Seymour, Brother* Co. s Patent Blind ButU and Fasten- ings; Fair Haven Cut Nail*. 8HIP CHANDLERY COOD8. A full assortment of Hepe In all lu varieties. Twluea, Oakum. Caulking Irons, Psi iiog, Pitch. and Mallets. Spun Yarn, Marline, and other Bhip Chandlery Goods, All of which, with a complete aasortmeut ol SUKLF HAKUWARK, are offered to Ihe country trade aud con- sumers generally, ou the lowest terms. apis HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, 'AT TBI BION OF Till ANVIL AMD 8LKIX1*.) Nos. 341 A 243 River Street, Troy. N. T., OPPOSITE THE TROY HOU8K. J. M. WABBEN Jte CO., IMPORTERS O FFER T«, THE COUSTRV TRADE. 1*1ANU- FALTltREltS aiid DEA1.KKS generally, a large and complete stock of Bar and Sheet Iron, Steel, Tin, Copper, Nails, Spikes, Burden's Patent Hone Shoes, aud Foreign aud Domestic Hardware, comprising everything and In all varieties uBed or required by the trade. Manufacturers of Waovear Nine, WAsacaa, CAKBIAQ* and TISK BOLTS, 4C. Agents for SABLI NAILS and Bi'iKas, and Pnau Hoasi Snoa iBOV, " ' " Ho« * Co.'a MtLL and CIBCI/LA* Siwa. ** " FAtBHANK'a SCALI*. All of which will bu sold at lowest market rates. my INSURANCE. AOENOT Corn Exchange Fire and luland Navigation lnsuranc Co.,..^ ....... .7. N.T Coutlnetftal Insurance Co. (Insured participate In fits) Great WcBtcrn Marine Insurance Co... Pacific Mutual Marine Insurance Co. Pacific Fire Norwich do Fulton do Hampden do l.oug Island do Ocbhard do Mechanics do '. Commonwealth d„ Albany Mutual do do do do do do r do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSOCIATED INSURANCE COMPANIES OFTna NEW TORK BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. Oitice 249 River at., over Telegraph Offic E. BABC0CK, Agent. | Fire.Foreigutt lulaud Marine Insurance Exchange Fire and luland J pat* in pi /...Y.'.'.'.'.'.'.Y.S'A N.T N. T Norwich, Conn •prlugfield. Mas! Brooklyn N.Y N. Y. N.Y. ^ _ _. N.Y Presenting an aggregate Capital of 15,553,413— all paid In cash, and securely Invested In Bonds and Mortgageifn Heal Estate lu New York aud Brooklyn, which, with an accumu- lated surplus, renders these Companies undoubted security for Insurers. I tHf~ ltatea a* low as any other Agency. FIRE INSURANCE. On Merchandise, Household Furniture Store*. Dwell ngs. Mills, Manufactories, Lumber, Ac FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE. On Cargoes, Freights and Vessels to and from all p tt o the world. INLAND INSURANCE. On Goods by River, Canals, l*kes sud Land Gar age to and from all parts of the country. FIRE AND MARINE. Risk! taken on Hulls, Steamboats, Barge*, BaU easels Canal Boats, &c. The uuderslgned Invites the strictest scrutiny Into the character of-the Companies represented, both a* to their liberality In settling aud ability to pay loBies. aud beg* leave ' to refer, either In regard to the standing of the Companies or the Agency, to D, T. Vail, £»q., Ps-cs't Merchants' * Mechanic*' Bank P. A. Moor* * Co., Troy Grain Elevator, J. C. Osgood, Kaq. Van Schoonhoven & Proudflt, 227 River at. Loveland. Crissey A Co., 141 River st. Lovelaud, Howland A Co., 143 River st. 1ST All commmunleatlons by mall will receive promp ileiiti-- ffiON, STEEL SPRINGS HEAVY HARDWARE WAREHOUSE CORNER OF BROADWAY AMD FOURTHSTKKET8 NEAR UNION RAILROAD DEPOT T H E S U B S C R I B E R W O U L D C A L L T H E A T T E N - TION of Merchants, Machinists, Carriage Makers, Blacksmiths and the trade geuerall), lo Ida large stock, particularly suited to their wants, constantly ou hand— IRON anu STF'KL,ofail descriptions: Cut Nails and Spikes, ht Boat and Ship Spikes, BURDKN.S PATENT fSHOKS, HORSE NAILS MxU)K BY HAND. Anvils Wrought '" R8E _ Boat and Ship Spikes, BURDKN.S PA' HORtfE SHOES. HOltSK NAILS MxU)K BY ILAND. A Vices, Smith's Bellows, Carriage, ftr* a ud Plough Bolts Common, Half Patent, latent and Caa* hardened Axles, Nuts, Washers, Files, bcrews, Malleabl* iron, Irou Wire Stocks and Dies, Coil Chaina, Boiler RITSts, NAIL HOBS NUT aud SPIKE IRON, and HORSE SJOK LRON, naar BB.INIIS WASB.1KTXII, Stove Bolt*, Stove ltlveU, 8tove Range and Furnace Rods, Moulders' Shovel*, Riddles, &c. Manufacturer of STKKL SPRINGS of every descripUon. CUTTER, SLKtGH aud BOB SHOES, ALL STKKL. CROW BARS AND PICKS, all of which I* ottered on favorable terms. ap!2 HANNIBAL ORKKN. nd terms, will Troy. JuneS- •iMic apply totiie subscriber. W T. Wll-l.ARD.OOFIr* at. 1 /OR SALE-IDA TEKKACE.-TWO VACANT 1 Lots in block Inquire of LOT AC El KY, at 279 River street, at the olllce 01 J, G. bacon. Insurance Agent. Je23 1/ORSALE; THEIRJILDINOKNOWNASEAOLE JP HOTEL, N_c. 231 River at., Including tliedec^kin nsar.— Possession let Ma- Fulton st.. or of is- next, inuuireofX BUNNKi-L, No. 11 I J. UILLF.SPY * CO.. 2;i'J River st. riUVO HOUSES FOR SAI.E.-NO. 11« NORT1* I Second street, antl 41 North Tldrd street. They will be F°RWi%VwrcHahtt«L 00 Filth sirect,_ tri n. Klin D, Wf( OHT. 1/OK SALE—Vacant Lot on lite loutb west corner of 1? Fulton and Seventh. Inquire of _tfl0 _ LOT ACKLKY. 279 ttlverst. I /OK SALE-The first class Dwelling House and / lot, situated ou the sou'.h west corner of Canal and Ohio streets, In West Troy, near the Railroad Depot. This building Is new. substantial and finished In the very'best style with all the modern Improvements. Attached to It are several lots tilled with choice fruit and shrubbery. The proper y c o s t 114.000, and will be so. at a discount tor cash, or will be exchanged for city pronci ty. Apply to au29 PECK & HILLMAN. Mtitual Hi .ld'g. State at. To Capitalists. NTHECITVOFTROY,NEW YORK, ... . with rights of Ferriage. The premises are situate at the corner of Ferry and Front streets, next nonh of the Eastern Lauding of Hie present Fe'ry be- tween Troy and West Troy. Th* lot is eighty feet lront on Hudson's ltlver, by about one hundred and four feet on Ferry-it. Upon the lot Is a four itory brick building. The mouopoly of lerrlage previously existing, wasabolisued by the State law ol I8r,4, by which the owner of these premi- ses la secured equal rights with the old proprietors. The Income of the prcsenwferry Is at least *20,00.i annually above all expenses, ana no llcenie feas are now payable by aald ferry to the Corporation of Troy. The property will be disposed of one-third below Us actual value. Inquire ol Syir.tr J. STRAIIAN. 125 Rlver-st... T r o y ^ rflW LET.—Two large Rooms, OO l«*et deep, corner L of River and Ferry street, suitable for light mauulac,. turlng purposes. Also 80 feet 01*dock, north of the Ferry Lendtn , J. STKAHAN, 125 ltlver street, myltt-' ' corner of Ferrv. > 111) LET—Tin i w o ;i stOTV brick buildings, Nos. liFaiTd L 12 > Third st, corner ol Ferry It., lu goijd order—has gas and water. Possesion on the first ot May n ~' nnl NlFLMAt.t.AUT. «T 0C31 JAItKD S. WEED. _Troy Savings Hank, Troy. October 110. IMS fltO LET—The large room 25 bv 80 feet, with eonil light X iinfi a convenienlentrance tor mechanics! or other bu- siness over Bbutcbard's No. 3 Fulton st. Apply to PKCK. IIILLMW &PAHKS.4 Mut, Building. State^it. H OTEL »OK SALE—A Hot-1 80 miles from Troy and one mile trctu a K. It, Depot, and sill-rounded by beau- tiful scenery. Good school* and every Inducement to make hotel-keeping pleasBnt ainl pi ofltable. Bua'ness to the full ciipac'ty of the house guaranteed bv the owner. For par- ticbira apply to PKCK, HILLMAN * PARKS, mil 4 Mutual Building, State St. I " /OH SALE A T A BAR«AIN—The iwostory frame ' dwelling and four lots silualad on the north side of Washington st., Albla. There l^a burn and tenomenthonse on the pbic'-. grulf trees and a well of water are also on the nrptul-ei. Terms easy. F'or pavllculara aprdy to I'M K, HILLMAN * PARKS, 4 Mut. Mulb'.Ing. Rtate s* 1 /OR SALE—That lot ol land on the "north side of State st, east of Fonda's Market. Size about 51 by 85 fest — House and lot 2111 Cougre*sst. Also a lot on Sixth street about SI by 82 feet. There is no ground rent on cither ol these places For parilcttlsrs apply to PKCK. HILLMAN * PARKS. 4 Mut. Building, State St. 1 /OK SALE-The place known as the Judge isham Pro- 1 pertv In Ilenulrgton, Vt., consisting ol about! acrca ol land, a fine two nory residence, a barn and all the neccs- ry outhouaes. For4taritciil'irs at nly to FKCK, HILLMAN & PARKS. 4 Mut. Building. State st. TEI BEST AND CHEAPEST SOAP IK "USB. Manufactured from the best material, and ENTIRELY FREE FROM ALL INJURIOUS SUBSTANCES, ao com- mon in soap. It is pronounced UNRIVALLED for WASH- ING FINE GOODS, or for Family U»e of any kind. We manufacture several other qualities and" brands of Soap, viz: BEST (Family) PALE, aud No. 1, which gives universally satisfaction whercvor nsed FINE TOILET SOAP, dltrerent styles, > Also CANDLES, various Blzcs, Onr house having been established upwards ef fifty years, with ample facilities to command the Beft Stock In the Market, and a Manufactory perfect In every detail, under onr constant supervision, purchasers can rely Bpon lludlug the luctiti/ of our gootlt as represented. N4B.—Cash paid for tallow and gi ease at the beat market rates. E. MORGAN'S SONS, l»U Washington. S t . , N e w York. J. W. MOltfJAN, W«, II, MsnnA-f feC-ly BURDEN'S Horse Shoes. WE HAVE USED Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes exclo lively on our horses for the past two year*, and they have given entire satisfaction. We have found them to be mad from an excellent aud uniform quality of iron, and to wear fully equal to any forged by hand. Our experience prove* the use of these Shoes to be a great saving over the oiu process of forging by hand. K. S. DICKINSON, oup't 2d A v . Horse R. R. C o , N . Y. sJ : WM. EBB1TT. 8up't 6th Av. Horse IS. P., Co„ N. Y O.K. HUNTER, Foreman Black h Dep't 6th Av. Horse It, R Co. N . T JOHN PITT8, Foreman Dep't Middlesex Horse It It. Co., Boston. ( E x t r a c t jtvm testimonial of the Arch Duke William, "At mee ober Vomniundo" uf the Empire ofAustriu.i The Horse Shoes that are made by Mr. Henry Burden machinery were subjected to the requlBlte proofs, and hay erfectly answered all the requirements. £eT~ For Bale by Hannibal Green, J. M. Warren * Co. .leant * Co. and Calllu * Sexton, Troy, N . Y . felS attention. d!4 llCK CO LIQUORS, &rc. ^ *m * IMPORTERS s .. Buy HIP and 1*11 do you Good." $100.00 HEWABJ >For a medicine that will cure COUGHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING ia the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, Or reUeve CONSUMPTIVE COUGH as quick as COB'S # WINES&LJQUGRS, 813 RIVER STREET, TROY, IV. V., H AVING RENEWED FACILITIES O F G E T - ting their Wines aud Liquors more DIRECT, would »'ost respectfully Bollclt the attention of the Merchants, H itel Keepers, Druggists and Connolseurs. and ask theni to call and examine our stock, which consists In part, as follows: Juiee, Robin * Co., J. * F". MarteL", Otard, Dupuy * Co, J. B, Godard * Selgnett's Brandies, Meder Swan, London Excise, Dew Drop, Grape Leaf and St. Nicholas Olns. St. Croix, Jamaica and Antique Rums, London Port, Sout Side, Maderla aud Sherry Wines, Bourbon, Magnolia, old Rye, Uorlne and Moaongahels Whiskeya. WESTERN MASS. INSURANCE COMPANY, Ca*b Capital aud Surplus over »200,000 Will insure Real and Peraonaj Property against Fire. ENSIGN 11. KELLOOO, President. J. C. GoODStcnit, Secretary. R.CRUIKSUANK. Agent, 265 River street. MASSASOIT INSURANCE COMPANY/ BVKINCi FIELD, MASS. All losses adjusted and paid with promptneaa and libe- rality. R. CRi: I lit.ll AN K, Agent, 255 River street. Cain Capital and Surplus «204,199.T5. A. W. CHAPiN, President B. 3. HALL, Secretary. \ _myS0 It. CRUIKBIIANK,, Agen\265 Biver_at._ GILBERT GEER, Jr, fe IS AGENT FOK B EEKMAN INSURANCE CO., OF Capital and Surplus. ... THEMONTAt'K FIRE INSURANCE CO, of Capital and Surplus , t MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANT Springfield, Mass, And will procure Policies in the Willlamsburfh, City Harmony, Commercial, Metropolitan, and other A No Insurance Companies, OFFICE, MARKET BANK BUILDING, ae23 No. 282 Itlver-etreet. TR.OY AC3-E.2STOY OF tUI ARCTIC UBfSfUMAJS Cm COMPANY, NEW YOKKCITY, N"o. 18 Wall Street. Cash Capital, - - «»£5*50,000 WITH A LARGE AND ACCUMULATING SURPLUS. Fire Insurance In all Us branches. Navigation Risks ukeu on t argoea, aeon the Lakes, Riv- ers and Canals. Open Policies issued to cover shipments made by For- warders. ALBERT WARD, President VINOKNT TILYON, Secretary. POLICIES of this old and reliable Company, leaned and renewed by the undersigned, authorised Agent lor Troy and vicinity. OILBKRT GEEIt, Jr., Agent. omc.e Market Bank Bulldlne. 282 Rlver-st. _Je$ty G ARFIELD'S INSURANCE AGENCY, NO "«T Congress street, Mrov. - CITY FII'.K INSURANCE CO., OF N E W HAVEN. CONN Chartered Capital gftOO.OOO. Cosh Pnld In »00,000. Surplus »S,e*S. .WELLS SOUTUWOHTB, Preiluent. L. B. BBAOLRY, Scc'y. , ni'UMKKI'K INSttKAS'OC 0 0 . , OF AI.BA.fT, N- T . Capi'uf aud Surplus »»»o,000. ADAM VAN ALLKN. President. TIIOS. SCHUYLER, Vice, do. C. A. VAN Ai.tnr, Rec'y. HIEXCTOBS—Adam Van Allen, Thomas Schuyler, John H. Reynolds, Archibald McClure, M. H. Read, Isaac A. Chapln, Jesse C. Potts, Cltas. II. Lansing, Peter Montrath, Theo. F. Humphrey, H.:T>. Hawkins, Js». W. Eaton, Chas H. Adams, Chas B Redlield, L. U. Palmer, R. A. Devraux, Vlscher Ten Kyck. ALSO ALBANY CITY FIB* I.NS. COMPAKT. Capital _ SIOO.OOO. J. II. Kres,«ee'y.- WM. TILLLNGHAST, Pres't. ftr All responsible, 11 rst-elusa Companies. my9 JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT la rusKiiuiu wiru ALL xisns or TYPE, MATKH1AL8 AN!' PHEU8EH, ro* T U » lamaniAT* axacuTtoir OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTINO SSIieiHU, IX FABT CARDS-VisrnKO, w»Doi»e AKP Httsma**. B I L L H E A D S - Ri'i.EUTOAJiy PAITIIX oa PL*. * SHIPPING III L I S . CIRCULARS- FIKK A»uCoa»;i NEWSPAPERS. STORE IIII.LS. H A N D H I L L S -OF A ^ u a o * . PAMPHLETS. REPORTS. LAW BLANKS?: LA U ELS, kc, k«. TOSSTBXB WLTU Willi Ik Goto Leaf, Bronzes and Colored Inks AI,I. OF wnlou ia Fumtaiiao ATTBI LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. No tt3 RIVER 8TRKET TROY. N.Y. 9> BUSINESS DIRECTORY. F. A. FALES, •vboleiale Dealer in Pro visions, Flour and Qrocarle*. Pork. Salt, Hams, Lard. Butter, Cheese, Grass Seed*. Pea* Be ins, Dried Fruit, A c and General CommissionMerca- ani. N o . 147 River Street, Troy, N. Y. d,!). Particular attention paid to the purchase and sal* ol Dressed Hogs, In their season. •>olit FBAMOia A. FAijaa. H. O. SHELDON, o. 3M River Street, Troy, N. Y„ Drugglit and Apomeearr. and Dealer In Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paint*, P»r- futnery, Rich Tuilet and Fancy Articles. Agent for all the popular Patent Medicines. Physicians' Prescription* carefully compounded and dispensed. LYAVTD MANN, luccessor to W. T. Wlllard, Storage and Forwarding— To Boston, Providence. New York, Philadelphia, and other Eastern and Southern Port*. Olllce, 306 River St, _T.roy, N. Y. nil* 8. O. GLEASON, (Successor to U. II. Becker,) 214 River Street, (a few doors above the Museum.) froy, Dealer In Drugs, Medicines. Paints Oils, Dy* Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Perruuery, F'attcy Articles Ac, CLARK TOMPKINS, tmplre Machine Company, Mount Ida, Troy, New Terk Manufacturer of Machinery lu general. Mill Work, Shaft- ing, Hangings, Pulleys, Ac. Turning Lathes, Geer Cutting, Brass Castings, and a general varle.y of Jobbing la tk* line of Kxpcrnuentlug and Machine Building. tW~ All orders promptly attended to. fit HADLEY, STERLING A THAYER. Attorneys and Counsellora at Law. Office, No. 1* Naaaaa Street, New York City. I UADLIV WSC. O. BTTSLINO. IAS. a. THAT**. BOilNTY LANDS _ UsTACRKS U. S: LAI All who have served the United States 14 days sine* the ar of . ,00, are untitled to ICO a c r e s ol U.S. Lands, a*d all utters who muy have been in battle, although not having erved ttte the 14 day*. Those who have already ?*ceiv*d Land Warrants for a less quantity than 160 acres, are en- tiled to more land, to 160 acres in all, 1 offer my servlcse to ae eld soldiers, in acslutlug them to obtain their land*. Office ccruer of First and Ferry Streets. Troy. W.f, WiLLARD, mhtSftc late of the U. 8. Army._ Medicines. W ISTARS BALSAM OF WILD CHKHHI Peruvian Syrup. » Oxygenated Bitters. Ayers' Cherry PectoraL Mbrehead's Magnetic Plaatcr.1 Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Dr. Jayues' Medicines. Sanford's Liver lnvlgorator. . L. Bsdeau's Liver Cure. Vegetable H-.taatuic Elixir. " Pultuouary lUlsam. Molfatfl Bitter*. Brown's Shaker Extract of Valeruw Kennedy's Medtcal Discovery. Hyatt's Life Balsam. Brown's Bronchial Troche*. Swalm'a Panacea. Buchan's Hungarian Balaam of Life. JTor sale by W. C. BADE AH, IX Congreu n. TROY MOULDING MILL AND PLANK MANUFACTORY, OFFICE AND SALESROOM. NO. «55 RIVER ST. OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. TROY, N Y. riOHNII E, CROWN, BASE, HAND, PANEL AND " "'ouldlnga. Beads, Hand Italia, Circular and Kb Mugs, Pew; Caps, Pew Arms, Newels, Bales- yre Frames, Ac. Mouldings of any dsiired attern workcdNnany kind of wood at short uotlct, AA " Turning, ScXoll Sawing, &c„ done to order. Ck Walnut Carved Moulding ahwayi on hand. \ Bench and Moulding Planei of all kind* on hand made to order, — ^ Importer and Dealer la all kind! of Mechanic* Tool* Spear & Jackson's Saws, File*, Ac. ~ CYRUS CARTER. Proprietor 1 au23 SILVER PLATED WARE. W AITERS, TEA SETS, URNS, CASTORS, " CAKE BASKETS, SUGAR DISHES. BUTTER COOLKHS SPOONS, FOIIKS, Ac,** From the best English and American Factorlei. Jut roo.dlve.l bv JAM KM W. CIISACK, 24H River St. Champagnes, Clarets, &c, Ac. N. U.—AgentB for Longworth'a (Jig Brown A Drake a Catawba Bitters a and le» YINE p Bauk block. Knqulre of ,/Olt SALE. LOT ACKLEY. am River at. HOI S K N o , 1 4 » NINTH STREET, ,-OR SALE AT A BAI&AIN-SO Minrea Centra ii X between Jacob ar.d Eagle Sueota, east ildc, new and In gootl order, l'licu *12u0. Knqulre of mnii LOT ACKLKY. 279 River Street, F OR SALE OR TO EV'CHANGK FOR OTHER PROPKlSTY. A Farm of about ninety acres. In N'aaaau, capable, of supporting from twelve to fifteen c o w s the year t»tiw**>. The lerm baa about ilHy acres In wood, and the balance In plow mid meadow land. There are suitable bull aiuiiaon tue farm, ami a variety of fruit. Fitiqtiir.) of the subscriber at Bandluke, or of I\OB**T II. M'lCLKLLAK, Troy. Sautllake, Dec. 15,1857. i : , i WM. CAHMICHAEL 1 /«»K SALE—ihe north half of the ('.until* t«'o atory " Oame co/tane known as N o . 2'U Eighth »t. It t* fitted up with ga*,-and Is In thorough repair. Lot about 25 by 130 leet. For particulars apply to PKCK, HILI.M AN A PAltKH. 4 Mut Building. State st. A GOOD WATER POWER AND - little land Inquire ol 279 River at. S,ll>r..-,\ liltuil >,/i.r... . u .*. 1 property In F.ai'.t llciinlngtou. Also, a : i amal) dwellings, for sale at a bargain. . LOT ACKLKY 279 "1/OR SALE X Mill ami nor Ivl8 J /OR SALE. SIV V.H ANT LOTS, N O S . * « « , ' 2rai. 2UH, 2i0, 272,27;*, on the Kaat side of Second street, iwccn Madison antl Monroe street*, near the proposed line "I the Horse Railroad. ael2 I/Oh >-Al I,, JltilllV SHAKES OF TRO* I'lTY X Bunk Slock, iniittlte *l«S River street, of LOT ACK- LEY, at Ute oilice of J. G. Bacon, Insurance Agent. Jc2d l.'Oi. SALE. A VACANT L O T O N T H E WEST X fid' ' a reet, toittth lot Irom the corner ol liroatlv-uy itiet't. north. Inquire or LOT ACKLKY, 279 River "rr.'I, at the e.illcn of.I. U, Bacon. Je2d WITH •/OR SALE-The Uiree itory brick dwelling. No 97 X North Third st.-titled up with gas sod water. For particularsenqatre of PKCK, HILLMAN A PARKS, No 4 Mutual Rnlldinr, Rlate street 1JEAI. ESTATE FOR SALE 'rn- lour story brick LV building. 125 hlver street, coiner or Ferry. Al«o, me three story brick building, corner of Ferry and Front sta„ adjoluliig the above. Brick bulidn.g 127 River street. Ateo, Lot lit River at, 28 reet front and rear, by 124 feet deep; extends to From at. Aiso. the brick dwelling house 72 River it., with ihe ad- joining, low, being 100 feet on ltlver st. and 120 feci on Lib erty st. 'ty sv. 500 acre* of land in Ks'ex connty, N. Y., a ihort distance from the Adrlondac, Iron Works. Aiso the four slor> brick building and lo's. corner Front and Ferry sls„ together with the, right of ferriage. Ibis utere of property, with the right of lerrla».c la very valua- ble, and will be sold for one third its real vain "or particular!apply to J. STISAilAN 128 River 8 HEALTH AND STRENGTH SECURED, UV TUB I 81 OT Til* GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEBI6ME, DR. LANGLEY'S Root and Herb Bitters, CampatfH nf SnrmpmHlln, Wild Cherry, Yellow f)orl, Prtvilef Aiii, Tho ou k'rort, hhiilmtu. tfotulrnke. l/ande linn, itc, nil of which are "i compounded at te act in, con- cn-t. and tixalut Aulnrr. in eratiicntitiff ZMMOM, Thla medicine has been before lite public for over fonr | tccujeai,*. wllh cunsl«n.tiy.ljicre.iis.!ng >tu cess, and la now T H E S T A N D A R D MEDICINE O F T H E AGE ! It« effort upon the system It moat wonderful—acting di- rectly upon the icat of dlseaae cleansing tiie howela, re- moving all obstructions from tlia Internal organs, stimula- ting th«n Into nealtey action, purifying Ihe blood, divest lag It of all htirnots, building up the weakened siBtetn, and rcstorlnjps^he Invalid to health and uiefnlncaa. They cute and eradicate Irom Ihe aystem. Liver Complaint, that main- wheel of so many diseases; Jaundice In Its wont forma, all ltilnut* DlaMMs and Foul stomach. Dypepu*.Cosilv«ne*t, all klnda of'Huinora, Indigestion, Headache, Dlzzlnca, Ptlea, Heartburn, Weaknesa, Pains In the Hide and Howela, Flatulency, I.oaa of Appetite, and a Torpid or Dlsimcd Liver, a Disordered Stomach, or Bad Blood, to which all *rc more or lea* aubject in Spring and Summer. It ia highly recommended by Physicians every wnere.— Try It, and you will never regret It. No medicine can be like It. in It* salutary effect, therefore Inquire for LANOLBY'B BlTTIS* and lake no other. only 'tVstitd 50 cents per Potlle. Fold by Dealers Ii- Medlclae everywhere. Order* addreascd to GEO. C. GOODWIN Ir CO., apIK 81 Honover SL, Boston. A BRASS COUNTER KAI a ai-i }'•>. ] /IIK SALE- 1 Scroll Fast-tnlhga, ADo, a.**Cond hand Soda Coutiier with marble slab aim cooler box—by null W K, IIAGAN, lOftateit. I/OK SALE Reuse •"• Cemeteryi Road—third boose X MttTrl nr ,t; <>. Msrlam'*, one acr» of «ood laml with •e, In good order--It 1* very convenient for a amall family. Enquire of mi* A hou For particulars appiy to o. naanss, fell! . 125 U1.VJT 8', corner of Ferry, 1 /OR SALE—The two atory brick dwelling liott.e and 1 lot slluate en the weat side or and known a* No. Urn Ktete Bt,. Lnnrlngburgh lot about ft) by 120 leet. There Is a barn In the rear, 'I here are Trnlt tree* and grape vines In the yard, als* a fine well of water. For particulars amdy KENT ral.. -_.--.. There are ri;ult trees and grnpe vines In "" IT parti . Bulk i et.. n P- 1'" •r yeir. I 1 or particulars rnqi AlAN A PARKS. I Mat Building. Hta'e 8L No. 5 Fulton street,, now occupied "R7M.Coventry as a paint; shop. Possession May -Stoic tr, rtar t ^ t r AC1KLHT, 279 Rive, at. I'OR SALE—A BARGAIN. LOT OF LAND IAO IIV * 00 FF.ET ON TIB* _ III 18 A VKN i. K ; ?. new two story dwellinghouae, out- macs, and a good well ol nivoii WITH, on thepremlaeB; .. IOU'.. in minute* walk from the CoHrtiloo.se In Troy. The position la healthy. The lot has a variety of fruit trees be* been carefully cultured. It oilers * fnl as well as desirable place of residence. Knqulre for W. T. WILLARD, ,i;f First corner ef Ferryat*. I/O It SALE. THE VEKV DESIRABLE FRO* X periy. consia'.bik ol one modern Ballt three story and bTiaeiueni brick dwelling hotiae,one two-story frame build- ing, (92 by *) feet) on lotto, two Irame tenement houaes on lot 1st, all sliuated on the weat aloe ot River st„ In the Tenth W*TB, torcmamllng innfbMi.ii n invent, and a line of ,iil) «t„ eji'iirting itim River at. to thi Hudson leet more or lea*. Thsfe Is on lot ,'s) a n e v e r 1*11- lug »prina aif pure water, and oilier rare convenience*. For further pnft <nlata, apply on the premise* corner River niyJO J /OR SALE. TEN VACANT LOTS ON THIK"- ' teenth alreet. South of Jncoo'to-wlt: Soa. i:t\ ma, 1:17, HO, 111,142, Hi and lit. Two vacant lots on east aide of I f u at.. No*, lull, no. i hrce vacant lots do On 11th II, 91 and N, live iota on Thirteenth, north OI f.'agie; two do on Ipjtthwent corner of Twelfth and Hut t."i *ta„ Noa, f"j anrrKOi foar lots do on Ragle it.; two do on the east aide ol Klev.rlh St.; eighteen vacant Iota do on II,e west side of Klev.nth at., to wit No*, Wft. £*, en 2a», I, 215,2 Id, 4 7 , 24K. Ma, m, «l and 2M, .ove lot* will ba sold at a baigr-ln. But a amnal Por- ll«n ni the puic.haae money want- >i down. KiiuulliOr |*I2 LOTACKLK1 l«»iyyer»t. laRIN PLACE. ri'o A by , - - , . lit. Rent | - 2.'0 per yeir. F or particular* rnqulre of PRCK. HILLMAN « PARKS. I Mut Building. Ht* fl'O LET—Six rrew ant conimoilloii* dwelling hoaaes. X being tin iiiaci known as Union l'lac*, situ- ate on Broadw»y, cor. Fifth. The dwelling* are to be tin. Ished in first cl**" style, wllh all lha modern Improvement* -gas, heater, hot and cold water, ballt room, closet*. Ac, by the l.'ith ol April. Peraons having hnalnrea with Mr, Beach can aeehlm attheollic." of the undcralvned, between thehoaraof landlP. M. PKCK. Hll.I.MAN A PAi.Ks f l t O L E T - - T h e principal itory of hevst No.-ai Llheily X »treet, conalalu* of 2 room*, "imngt om, kitchen anu bed room, and one larte room and a bed room In 'he third story. Water and gna introduced. Possession c*n b*had 1st May,—or perhaps by arrangement with the tenant now there, Immediately, as he la i olng Into the country, Rent *200 Inquire of JAMES FKKIOT, Hooini31*fa* fe28 lloauliinn Building, (up 2 pair stair* ) t MMt S A L E A valuable Water Power, Including good IbuiblluKS, water wheel, shafting. Ac, For particulars apply to PKCK, HILLMAN * PARKS, ItOl 4 Mutual Building*. Sta'e at F water. SOMETHING NEW. MALT COFFEE. The aulircrlhera, In offering Ibis article to the public, do ao wllh eiiibe c.ontiilence, and recommend II for Its highly nutritive properties, Its Perfect Purity and Its Cheapness A* being the best «ubstitule for genuine Coffee yet Intro- duced. ITS HEALTHY ACTION ON THE SYSTEM Renders It especially desirable for dyspeptic* and persons ef nervous temperament. Tula Coffee will be found io require LESS SWEET- »4lNG than other Coffee, owing to the sachartne created by Hie proceaa of Malting, Manufactured by WHITE A MOORF. fei] tf rand wuay its. Albany. COUGH BALSAM. O V E R F I V E T H O U S A N D BOTTLES nave been sold In Its native town, and not a tingle instance ot Its failure la known, *• We have, In our poaaeBslon, any quantity of certificate* some of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS, who have nsed It In their p' actlce, and given it the pre-em luence over any other compound. It does not dry up a COUGH, hut loosens It. so a* to enable the patient to expectorate freely. TWO ORTIIRliE DOSES WILL INVARIABLY CUKE TICKLING IN THE THROAT. A HALF BOTTLE has often completely cured the most STUBBORN COUGH, and yet, though it Is so sure and Speedy In Its operation. It is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It ia very agreeable to Hie taste, aud may be administered to children of any age. In cases of CBOUP we will guarantee A CURE, If taken in season. No Futility- Should be Without It. It Ii within the reach of all, the price being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Aud If an Investment and thorough trial foes not "back up" the above statement, the money will b* relundcd. We aay this knowing it* merits, and feel confident that one trial will secure for it a home In every household. Do not waste away wllh Coughing, when io iiiiall an in- vestment will core you. It may be had of any respectable Drugglit ia town, who will furnish you with a circular ol genuine certificates of cures it ha* made. O. G. CLARK A CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CT. W. R. HAOAN, 1 Flrat sl„ »nd 8. O, GLKA80N, 812 River street. Agents, Troy. d!7;4m XX ALLS, M '•* S. PARKS, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 mutual Itiillilitic*., State-street. I V 8KB AllVHhTlsKMItNT IV AHCfTHXB Olll.llgg. fail HONORABLE. RELIABLE 1AKD FOSTER, For Bottling or Draught. 5 JL Full Aiierlment always o n h a m I. Depot In N e w Tork, 56 Liberty Street, A. A. DUNLOP, WEST TROY. Order* by mail to A, A. DtmLOr, We»t Troy, or left wltt J. J, Gillespie * Co., 271 Klver street, will receive attention. PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. DR. S . W . HALL Would Inform hli friends and the public that his office Is at* Filth St.. Udoora south of Broadway, where be can be found night and day (except when on professional business) ready to attend to all calls In his profession. Dr. Hall's predict Is purely physiological. He reject* in medication evetj agent and article inimical to the human constitution (esps clally mercurial poisons,) and uses for the cure of disease MARKET FIREJNSURANCE CO. CAPITAL, SBOO.OOO SURPLUS, Over S«0,000 AB11UR TAYLOR, President. H. P. FREEMAJN, Secretary. NO. 3T W A L L S T R E E T , N. Y. PARKS. Asr.i.i' LONG ISLAND INSURANCE CO. ORGANIZED 1833. CAPITAL saoo.OO SURPLUS, J a n 1 , 1SAO, ISO.SS'I B W. DE LAMATER, Frea't W. W, HKNSTIAW, Bec'y. APPLICATIONS FOR INSURANCE In the cltyol Tro »nd vicinity, to be made to HARWOOD * CIPPKRLTl Agent*, 2d3 Hlver Street. apll tf WM. W. HENSHAW eoT- UK. S. YOI/JKG, SPECIAL PHYSICIAA Who Devotes himself entirely to the Treatment (tf VENEREAL DISEASES, In all their different stages, lias permanently located htm iclfat 200 Eiver Street, Corner of State. (UP STAIRS) TROT. N. T. The Doctor devotes hla whole time exclusively te the reatmen t ol these dbrensca, knowing that from th*r»*Atr les aud weakness of the human race, such a specialty 1* necessitated; and having In my experience observed the terrible elfectB of the mistreatment of such diseases by ill- advised and unlearned quacks, the distressing maladJu arising from these diseases, necessitate that the patient bould be very discriminating In bis employment of a pro per Physician, Tho dizziness In the head, rlugtngla the ars, palpitation, general Indisposition to labor, languor assltudayloas of memory, headache, Ac, arising from s* nilnal weakness, hould lead those afflicted to employ Im- mediately a physician who devotes himself to that class of lseases exclusively. I a m prepared to treat, on the latest scientific plana, all cases of GONUUKUKA, BTPUILIB—Prl mary, Becoudary, and Tertiary. TO THE LADIES. I also devote my personal attention 'o all clane* of Fe- x ALI DISHASSS, and separate apartments for their (special accommodation, will always be in readiness. The Doctor has no hirelings or aASOCIatea, but attends to all hla busi- ness personally. I constantly kelp on hand Female Pills. They are not made In France, or London, or In any foreign country, but made by a e expreaBly from a receipt that ha* been long tried, and found succeasfal In every case of ob- struction oliucusca, from whatevercauBe. Ladleithatare pregnant are Tequeated not to tako them. They will b* mailed to any part of the United State* or Canauai, apou the receipt of *1.00, the price per box. IF" The Doctor would also state that he Is preparing a ' Private Medical and Scientific Work," which will be of /est service to the human family, and will be baaed to the public at an early day, notice of which will be given la the preai throughout the entire country. Olllce hours dally from 8 In the morning till 9 at night. - Sundays from 2lo3i*. a. OF" Patient* communicating to the Doctor their symp- toms by letter, will meet with prompt attention, lleseaaa medicine*, with particular directions, to any part of tk* United State* or Canada*. All correspondence treated ltrlctly confidential. •*** >-.. .1 STEAMSHIPS. UTEAiVI WEEKLY TO LI VEP.POOL, JJ QUKKNSTOWN, _ ., touching at __ (COKK lfAiitiOK.) The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company Intend doa- patchlng their full-powered Clyde built Iron Steamships a* follows; CITY OF BALTIMORE ••" .... Saturday, March II, KDlNBilROU, ..... SaturiUv. March't. ./ETNA Saturuay. April 1, and every succeeding Saturday, at (toon, irom Piur M North River. »AT*« OF PA«8A(J* t l'» YAIH.S IN (101.11. OR I CS KO.l-tVll.lNT IS OPREIXCY harmony with pkyiologlcul laws, and these he applies In the way and manner that best accord with sound experience and the exigencies of the case. ' Or All calls In the city or country will be promptly and laithfully attended to feW SANFORD'S CHALLENGE HEATERS No. 3»t» RIVER STREET. T HESE: II EATEItS were introduced nlno year* ago, and have had a Career of unparalleled Suc.ee**. many thonaaiida having been hro't Into nae to warm dwellings churches, public building* itorea, iteamcr*. etc. Three premium* have been awarded by the Amorttan Imtltnte and premium* too numerous to mention, by the various State and County Agricultural Societies, at whose fair* the Heater* have been exhibited by our agent* Thla fact, na well a* the testimony ol experienced mechanics through- out the country, nausea u* to claim, and to challenge con- tradiction, that the Sanford Challenge Heaters have no su- perior. dltf £. C. FAF| Agent, 261 River it N OTICE TO TIIE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN of Troy.—Those desiring Help or Servants can hear ol six or eight good Girls to do general housewor*; also three oi fovr Women who will be willing to go into the country: aome fifteen of them can do alt kfada of needlework, and can come well recommended. Situations obtained for men out of einployment. ftr Olllce N o . 10 Flrat Street, Basement of Athenomm. MICHAEL IlOtniAN, n9 Boot and Shoe Maker and Repairer SCALES. VERGENNE8 SCALES, SAMSON'S PATENT. 8CALR8 FOR WEIGH LOCKS. SCAI.KH FOR RAIL ROAli TRACKS, SCALES FOR RAIL BOAT) DKPOTt, SCALES FOR COAL DEALERS A FARMBBaV CAR SCALES, r COUNTER SCALES, TROY STEAM B»5OK BINDERY. No. 211 River Street, orer Dally Budget OfBoe. H AVING AVAILED MYSELF OF STEAM POW- Kit, and added to my Bindery a large amount of new machinery ,f am now prepared to execute aUordera In my /OR SALE or TO LET-A Imatl nou»R In AMKS FKKIOT, Itooin»27 and 2* noardmnfl burgh roaaeaalon 'at Ma; al*o a larao barn In the rear Inquire "f Laralng cistern and well 1 . II rl SALE. ONE wwualdool Km an I north oi ,1 •ontii of Jtf.eb Street. I •,!,. i Lot*!"., V*. «>e«t able ol h,.Ks,K9.eaat*i-- Ber of Jacob and feoth _. „jtM.on i LoU 41. 12. w**t aide of Eighth t. Lot a, ' a*t side of Eighth, and >,i* v, 41. 40, SO eaalBlde of Ninth *). 61, «i west side of Ninth Street, of Ninth Street, Lot* 74, 75,',*, 7) i, S»,81,«it», SL«B,M, Two lota aotJa weat cor Enoulre of LOT ACELKV.aO River Street fe23r f Hnlltllngs, (up 2 pair Main.) s I I .Mlli.lt V AKU TO HEM' SHuatcdon theaouln J weat. corner of River and Liberty »!*., extending to me liver, at present, occupied by Oeo. II, Fr. irnaa. A W | | 0 IAHKD S. WKFil THIK SALE-A home,barn and four full lots. alYiiated r In Ha icatown, near llic Stale Dam Thi* la a desirable pri.i.erty ami will be sold low. Apply to 1 p.-iii.i C. W. BRUSH, r niton Va-k».t, Troy. _ O NE LARGE 0*FM V. I»E««K FOK •»ALI low. mil i K. A" I INi.ALLS. I-* River st. ittHSALE Hie heaiitilul en • nee known at the I>r A (• Benedict Ptaoa, in the village of Hutklrk'1 idge. comprising «n elegant two story brick dwelllot and about two acre* of land Ihe ground* are taatefnliy ornametiled wph tree* and *hrnh 11* also a fine barn en the place. For partlrulara Inquire ot pk« k, lifLLMAS A PARKS, I Mm. Building, Wat* at 1-iOH SAI.E-In Uie village of Binnmgion Centra, a large V two atotf bona" wmi three torn ol Ii nd, a line garuen, *• »•"* 1.. .„., .... «. ..a .II „.,...,.,» out hitlldlnga, luqairenf imsi tan M*~ *t«»'. .tw ™»M *t. Troy, CERTIFICATE OF IIR. CHU.TON.-nEAD. OFFIC* O F T H * LAIIIIATO«Y OF JA8. K, CHIITON A C<», 1 Ne. 'riPrli.ee atre.-t. New York, Nb.IV.fWf I M'»»r». WBITI A Mi OK* having lulmillted to ua aaani' pie of their ••Malt ( oflee" for analyala, Ac. From Ihe remit of our examinalliin we are anehled report, that alter giving it a thorough lnveat'gatlon, i lit- mically we have not. lonnd «.nyth!iiir In iticempoiltlon that l« ol.lec.tion»ldc, or In any way do rlmental to health; on thi' contrary/w« believe ihat It* n*e aa a substitute for Coffee will fror.e- ll'A- temmr and Nutrition*. JAS. B.CHILIOM * Co., AnaljU alClicmlaU. CAITION. The nnrleralgned were the flnt to plaice the above named article hiiore tha public. II* nnpiecedentcd anacea* ha* Induced nihera to attempt it* wanu m-inrc It Ismannfae- v a nroca**knownonlj aeeaiseivr*. and the pubile are canlloned ig*ln»l purrhaalng an In'Mtor quality. WHITE *> M O O R E , » o l e .Mniufncl.irera. Noa 2, 4, il, * and lu lib eker at, Albany, N. T. 11ROCRRS' SCALES, rarda Agent*, t great variety of iralltteet indall nrcetaary luqnlreof UnS| LOT AcVfLRT. 179 W |J»OR SALE-OIF OF FAYni TKNONINO MA- ; NOTICETOTHE LADIES MISS MULLER B F O S L F A V E to lnfoim tltme of her cn*tomcra wboae KID IH.OVKS were rrrfnieii dyeing In the bn»lcat sea aon, trlatihet* now prepared to fake In any order for DYf.l\<* OR t i.l V M M . K I D , Ai alio, every other article In the branch of DYEING, SCOURING* AC, AT HKIt Ofil«"<" TVo. «»Mtnttf-Piti*o«it, SEAR RIVKR. N. Bt-JtELECT Second Hand I.adlei Wear Hoaghl and Sold. PLATFORM SCALES, all sUe*,34 lira and upward* Foraaleby IIKARIT ACO, Agenl . an5 o * Sign of the Padlock, No. iKlTtlverit. "iTAmBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' RAILROAD TRACK SCAUM, FAIRBANKS' HAY SCALES, FAIRBANKS' COAL SCALES, FAIRBANKS' ROLLINO MILL 8CALM, FAIRBANKS' MINERS' SCALES, FAIRBANKS' DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES FAIRHANKS' POrtTABLB SCALES, FAIIOIANK8' SCALES. ON WHKKIaS, FAIRBANKS' WHKKLBARIMIW SCALES FA1KBANKH- FLOUR PACKING SCALE*, FAIRBANKS' FAMILY SCALES, welghlag from hall an 02, to 2-10 lbs. .FAIRBANKS' OROCKRS' SCALES frrtleri by mall or otherwise will receive attaattoa. Sold wbolcs^cor reu.,^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ap'flSdn Nos. 241 and 248 River Street Robiruon'i Patent System of Ventilation, EMONSTRAHLY CtfRHECT IN THEORV, Is unlvoia*lly BOcCea*fiil in practice. School Houses. Room., Dw*lllug Units**, Masonic Lodges, Hospl tals, Prison*. Stable*, or other Buildings, new or old. per- fectly and satisfactorily ventilated by Li I HKit ItoillNSOrf. 4e Congress *tre«t, ocgrsUwTTAS ,'OBTON V IRGINIA ErFeR OIL TIP* is a pore Oil frem th* roci* *f n.irih weMern Virginia, »nd ha* been exten- •Iveiy naed on ral'road and manufacturing machinery. »nd la anpartor many other oil, a* It Weat s longer and doe* not | 'atl " aTODDAHH* BURTON, SOCongrtM at. US llneot bn*ine««on very eliort notice. It I* m y IntentUn that all work turned ont of my establishment aliall be marked by the peculiarity of excellence, durability and beautiful workmanahtp. Having a eerefally selected aaaortment of the different grade* of paper, I will manufacture either In large or small quantities. Also Invite attention to my atyln* of printed Job Binding, Harper'* Magazine, Lady 8 Hook, and other Madeline*, together with all Job Work, which will be done lu a auperlor atyle of workmanship. I also Invite attention to a new style of Pagnlng or Nnm. berlng Machine which I have, it being the only one outol New-York city. It will number Check*, Draft*. Bank Note* and Ticket*, page Hooka, and in fact it will do atl work In which figurea ar* required, on any kind ef Blanks. Music will be paged and Indexed without any extra charge. The attention of Banka, Manufacturing Companies, Koogiellen and itatlonwa, la called to till* Machine. My establishment la furnished wllh all the Tenia and Ma chlnery. Including Cutting Machlnea of the yery4*test Im provcnnmta. Publisher* and others will find It to their advantage to give me a call. All work will fb* don* «t le**t thirty per eent lower than any other establishment In thi* city. The patronage of Uie puhllc I* rcjpectftilly solicited. OKORGK W. SHKPAKD, No. 21* River Street 0C It, Over the Troy Dally Budget Oflee. W O O D WORTH'S CONDITION POWDERS, for Yv "otaca and Cattle. These Powder* may be given with great advantage In all case* or loa* or appetite, roughness of inn hair or coat, horse dlalamber, hide bound, and alio wlllbacken thehe»vea, and lu recent cases effect a cure,— In lact there la ho disease among horse* and cattle wner* the** powders are not c.lbnl d>r. For *»le by acid STODDARD A BURTON, M Congress *t WEDDING and FlHlTINCi INSURANCE AGENCY. 263 River-Street, Troy, N . Y FIRE, IILANO RAVtBATiON AID LIFE IMURAREE Pollclea written and renewed, and Loaaes equitably ad nsted and promptly paid for tho following reliable com penles: PHOENIX INSURANCE OO. OF HARTFORD, CONN". Cash Capital *40e,d00. Asset* 600,000. PHC3N1X FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF BROOKLYN, N.Y. 1 ' Principal office GD Wall street,'New York, Cash Capital 1200,000, Assets 1300,000. PROVTDENOE WASHINGTON INS. OO. OF PROVIDENCE It I. Incorporated 1790—one of the oldest and belt Companies In the United State*. Caah Capital (200,000. Aaaet* t44S,000, ATLANTIC FIRE A MARINE INS. OO OF PROVIDENCE R I., Ca*h Capital ||.V),000. A u e t s $248,000, HOPE INSURANCE OO. OF PROVIDENCE, R, L Cash Capital IISO.OOO. Asset* $164,000. The subscriber also procures Insurance la other first class New York and Eastern Com panic*. Life Ininranc* effected IB UNION MUTUAL LIFE INS. OO. OF BOSTON, MASS. « AaieU oyer $700,000. UNITED STATES LIFE INS, OO, OF NEW YORK. Assail over $600,001 JOHN C. COLB, Agent, lyl Office No. 25« River street Troy, H. Y, FIRST CABIN, ...... 4 $S0.00 do to London, ... ai 00 do. to Pari* !n.(K> d >. to Hamburg,.. UO.OO STEKRAGE $31JS do, to London,... MM no. to Parli ...... Mid do, to Hamburg, *7.M Pa**engers also forwarded to Havre, Brenen, ltotterdam, Antwerp, Ac, at equally low rates. Fa'C* from Llverppol or Queenatown: Flrat Cabin, fl\ $»S, $105, Steerage from Liverpool, $10. From Qneana- t o w n , $1:1. T h o s e who wl*h to lend for their frlendi caa buy tlcaeta here at these rates. For further Information apply at the Company'a OfBcea, dii JOHN O DALE, Agont, W'Hroadway, N. T. $F"For further Information, through tickets, and plaas of Cabins, apply to B. A TILLI.1GHA8I' A SON, Agenia, Bauk of Troy Building, N o . 17 First street, Troy. MISCELLANEOUS^ P. HONTEOOU'8 B OOT AND SHOE STOKE, N o . 1 1 CON6RES* STREET. Thla old eatabllahrnent Is now fully supplied METROPOLITAN FIRE l\sriM\f'K rOMPA.W, NEW YORK. Cash (lanital $300,000 W Aa*eta January I, !%«„ , .tSDu.1 .MBS. 1 •AIM .txitrroae. Jamc* Lorlmer Orsh m, Joseph B. Varnimi, Leonard Appleby, Frederick If. WolcoR, William K. Strong, Mo«e« Taylor, Janic* o. SMklen, John C. Henderaon, Joseph B. Varnntn, Jr., Watson K. Case, Edward Macoantief. Daniel Pariah, Onitavna A. conover Martin Bate*, Jr., Chart** L. Vo*e, Warren Delano, Jr. Henry V. Bntler, Boi/ea R. Mcllvalne, Gilbert L. Beeckmaa L.dieyB. Fuller l^orraln Freeman J a's Lorlmer Graham Jrfl, STREET, ^__ or aprlng and auniiner trade. On hand, a full (trick ol ton* HANiFAiTitax; also, a large supply of N*w York lad Kaateru made work, of cholr-e quallllea and low price*, rhla stock eoiuprtaci nearly every variety of Men a, Wo- nen's Boys' Misses' and Children's BOOTS, OA ITERS. UIOKB, SLIPPKItS, * 0 „ l a great variety. All of which vlll be sold at LOW FBIO.B, the quality being fully eqaal to .he best in the city. fr Special attention given to custom work. Th* pttrn* ire ef the public, la respectfully solicited. ma.au POWDER. J J.OILI.ESPY*CO.,A(1ENTSFORTHE*ALB a of W. Rnar-ell A Ao.'a Hinat ng and Sporting Powdtr, nanuufactured at Bennington, Vt„ are prepared to deliver t promptly In any part of th* city la all the variety at tackages, kegB, half and quarter kega, pound, half and inartcr pound canisters, at the manufacturers' prices. Also Igenta for the celebrated orange Gunpowder, manufactured ly Roeera A Co., at Nnwburgh, N. Y mhU IM\K WORK. tank Vaults, Vault Doors ant) Frames, MADE OF CHILLED IRON. ilao Burglar and Fire Proof Safes, with. U l l l E I IMPROVED RANI AID SAFE LORIt onataully on band ami made to erder. This Is the only eatabliahment In the United State* where til of tli* above article* are made, and where an- reliable ruarentee can be had by the purchaser of ontt «' aatlara*. ion. Reference and any other Itiforniatlon '.an he had bf »ddrcsilng LEWIS 1.ILLIB, myM m Manufactnrer and Propr' ^tor. TrovT If. T EW HOOKS The Pen'ateuoh M,,, |, OOK of Jo , ho , lined, llv t'.a R ikop of Natal y 0 i Falil**: Otlglnalanl Sc'^cUd. Critically lenao, D II,, Itisho Kvamlned. llv t'.e Ht. Rev. Joon Wm. Co- of Natal v'ol. I now ready. Price Ma. - in 1 ""ecled. By (i. Motr Hoaa.y, Ii :*.i'.r»'el wllh numcrou* angratlngs by On In Smith. CrntA A^mitTrrWoTTuT*macliir*^franalat*dby Hawk.worth. FmhallUhed Willi upward* ol 100 Engravings. Cloth prlc* The SI* Milton Book* By Annt Fanny. Anthor ef th* Night Cap Soi lea, utc. Price tk pur vol. For sale by YOUNO A HKNHiix, Mt Itlv.r and « Fir*' «•», v f DWAHC A, STAHIBUBT, Scc'y. hla c< ' lompany 1* iirepared to reeoiyo »pnllcaUoni ibr maiirarana, ror tills city and vicinity, and Itaue Vollclet wltk. oni r*ferenc* to the New York oflio*. Lo»*o* equitably ad- lusted and paid at tpj« Agency. apl2 HA It' ' * CII'PJRLY. Agent*. rsCTroy, *u Illver i C A B D 8 , ENGRAVED AND PRINTED I *u$l A. J HOFFMAN'S, ik, ltlver BUeet Trov, over Market Bank, TROY AGENCY OITBI MERCHANTS'INSURANCE CO., OJ HARTFORD, CONN. Caati dapttalis, « » 1800,000. Surplus, - 80,000. MA11K H O W A R D Prealdent 1, TUOMA8 LOBDRLL Secretary. rKCK A HILLMAN, Agent*. No 4 M n i n a l H n l M I n * . S»«»» a» ndkiu -i 8 tr* fin e a g o StiWyTlcd Be .HON AND HALLIBDT Also, chl leel anil Sn/ar tlured llama thiia* *x 4tiecelved»t LSRKKD'S, fiSConjrrea* at,, Hand a 11*11. IF*lie tore to go to Reed's lor Wilbur i cld*r Vinegar, fe>| SUPERIOR DRAIN OF VITRIFIED STONE WARE ALL, 8IZE8, FroroLjI to III incbci dlameter.with Hand* aad Branches tot the«*mc, for sale at loaniitacturcr*' prices at Trt y AgrW culural Warehouse and Seed Store, Mai River itreast. ana H. WaRHBtt Patent HoiiMng Machines, B ATTKRSHAI.I^ GRAVIfS At V A N A I.ST V Nil are Agents for Troy, foi an Improvaa machme, adapt- ed to light or heavy bualnesa, and unlvenally aboptwl by Store* and Warehonaea, Bnlbleri and others ar* Invite*) te call and examln* ihoae n o w In n*a hv 'hem. at Ml aa* ga Rival *»«•* and Navy Fay Collected. Army S O L D I E R S H O N O R A RI.Y DI<t IIAHOKJO.FROM n dfaahlllly Incurred in service, ami Ms r**>*»**taEvaai of deceased aoldlara, can ftava Uiair elalm* mad* 0*1 aad collected by appltoatltia L> »o»«t H PARiail iMipga Trov /'IHE \j man*'J'ulmoii |r*aktu»ily at er t oy»b ic Balaam of air Piute. In Tan Mlnntcaby ,i.i Bg Or « o o - aam of air Putt, Just re< atva.j a Idl*l liLAAaON'«, lit Hlver «%, PRINT INDISTINCT IN PLACES ]OPY MUTILATED IN PLACES Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of I /OR SALE—th e thre story brick dwelling lioTis and *m 18/Troy NY Daily... · 2012. 11. 22. ·...

Page 1: I /OR SALE—th e thre story brick dwelling lioTis and *m 18/Troy NY Daily... · 2012. 11. 22. · TROY DAILY WHIG PI iiL'SHED KVKHY MORN INS. AT 18.00 PER YEAH BY GEORGE ABBOTT.



F H i n m i F r I E d i t o r

T K gtY D A I L Y V i l l I O A l Y V K R T i a i N a R A T E S mi RATES o r A D V E R T I S I N G IN T H E T R O Y

DAILY Willi raquote as followi bull I m i LINKS OK L raquo 8 raquo

Out- d a y i bull u day ruiHr day gt Iraquo day

Onewt-vh $1 80


| 0 60 cent ISO

11 i bull 185

I K J V f f t s J 00 Three weeks i l

One cioiilH I bullbull

Three months Six mouths Situs mouths Twelve months


I 00 1H0O

m oo



(Piper lu lititlnijyd) I V T r s i I tdve i l l f nt t I s charged onnhairaddltloual

o the iuvlt K u L f n gt Uogth or for longer time charged In roporilon A U ltbullbull( bullbullHiiit not iiccompnnled with written directions

v itil I irlll and charged accordingly 1 i KLV AuvKBfiKtMo by the situ- or hali

iiu iri w i hi made knowu un application at the office T H E THIgtV A M E R I C A N (weekly for the country)

Li putil -i-il ill this utllce at $100 per annum payable ID a bull bullbullltbullbullbull or raquol nd of the year

Uf-Ot c e N o


ili River S trae t

FOR l O L - N T R V

SALE amp TO LET f H I V K T R Y H K M H E N C E K O K S A I K - S H u a i e lS j unit) irottv rroymdashcomprising about vu acres of first Quality Ian t T h e e is a tii i i l ly j o u u g apple orchard and Otter [roir iruetj also a tenant house burn with cellar and

QUtltoaset on lite place It la well supplied with washyter Tuc noose U new an 1 lutlli lu asubtniittal manner of back Al io about IS acres of excel lent laud one-tnlrd ol a mile north 01 tic Aforesaid farm For particular apply to

PECK I IILLMA A PARKS Ia4dw Wee 4 Mutual Rulluliig Stntrj Street _

31 I K r t l H i l l B A L E mdash A lalill 01 60 at tea ul good till- able I ltd I nvinr t s o o n bouse and burn on the place

a b o i l 2-niUes from Plttafleld Awe a farm of 01 acrelaquowcll wate ndii ml a tiorih-we t oi Meclanlcvllle T i i e t e l a comfortable d s-ellim a a e w baru and ahed on the place Jril par i U la l ia | p y io PKCK Hl l I MAN- PARKS

ii laquo MatnelBaHalag S t a t a t

m o R l a N T - D O C R t o rant la rear of Whig o f i Ro-X autre or Iniiuj I I V W I K Y ( o i i o 4 l j sect gt r raquo t _

I O II S A L E - I weutv one ucr-s ul Unci with u good dwell ing barn and outhouse on Hie plank roaa beshy

tween Wtraquol ftroy ami Cohoe In the town of Watervllet - K v l o r lotnij and particular apply to

lLCK HLLLSiAra A A A U B J 4 Mutual Building taliiKviv Stilo htett

4MI SALEmdashIll t mdasht ehiea tlwelttu^ house and lot No W Ill si it For t-artittSniS apply to

f i i i K 1UL1-1-N i AtlKlt4Miit Building g tate at

IMMt SVIE-^A etcoud-baud J4UGQV lor sale ku-

_m1J K I MAII MIV Foot il llranil n iv l lm nf

I D K S A L E mdash S i x t e e n Kees oraquo land bflttir i part of the I -rui Known us bullaanny HU^elmxt eotttto ol Howard

i u r t a n e hjarjiloo This Is a very dislrable place for a Kt-iiiliMiiaii- bulliiiuiiki- risllpiiee For paMi ulars upply to

) gtOK s L i bullbull A line t w o story F r a m a C o K a i r o a Kl ibth i t noar the bead ol lacob at double lot Two-thirds

Of t i l l puiehaic uiJUey may if dedred remain on boud umt morUa^c

A b o on tame t e r m s a house and lot on Fifth St and ouc oa f i rs t itmdashboth first ciasa Apply at iiH i n v e n t

Ij l O R S A L E mdash l h e two s t o r i fame cottage 1D0 Second ^ street l ined up wl l | all Uie modern improvementsmdash

There Is a line brick barn iu the rear Lot 2a by laoteetmdash ior puruitilura spply to

1JM k lmlsirtS ltk iAKKS I Matl Building State st f l X O LETmdashltrlcJibdquoiilore Nltx i s ltlver at now occuf iodJ 1 by tlibullbull oir bull A n l i e Wlilie ror ptirilculars enshy

quire of K 1 Malery or of Mallery amp luKaila next door n o r t h f i i i i -

I^ O K S A L K - H o u l e N o CO Thirn street Troy _ l louse Ko 100Third a r e


ll0 L E T - M R H K H O U S E N o laquo l fl_ consist ing Of 2 rooms a n d ^ bed ro

irix2o feetmdashone square room and 2 bed

Apply to V IAltlSII I)G 1)EX A CO f i t LETmdashHouse in II irrisoti street lteui $0 per month X imjiilre of t d i | LOT ACKlKi 2J lUver at

U S E I G H T H WT7 roomsmdashlarge parlor

bdquo bed roomi and atticmdash in all fioeaeaary pansries presses and sub-cellar gas and heal el hjf T- uiutrcn niil Uxtures Including chandeliers pra nilsea now belnis painted uid Httlaquod up with stone raquotoop and Iron lallitK well and cistern watermdashto a small lamlly mdashpermanent teoant preterred Possess ion linuiedlatelymdash Beat t a n luqMreo l J A U K 8 fKKIOT

Oulce rooms 27 and SB noardman Building oc3l - (At llielheiid of 2d pair of stairs)

D O R H E laquo T - raquo T O K E N o 1811 K I V E R - t s T K E E T ilt

uciO Esquire of

T pound amp O V lJSOALLS 165 ltlver it

I O R E X C H A N G E - A G O O U F A R M W E L L L stocked tree aud cl-ar of all incumhrancesmdashSO miles fcest r i the city of Hudsonmdashwill be exchauuod for city

firoperty a first class residence preferred The dltfereuco f any will be made u p in caan or good property A ice-

Oiiirfariu may be had ii wauled Apply lor lull particular al2s3Slt l i lvnrst OD2a


airea ol and Schuyler felS

FOR SALE amp TO LET 1 O R S A L E mdash T h e three story and bnseiucnl and the

t w o story and liayernrnt brick ilwelllny limiai-s -raquo bull and 7 r nth at with brlcsHmllduiaslu the rear t a c b lot 25 bv HWIest sor piirtUMibiB apply to

PECK H1LIMAN PACKS i Sim Hullillng State St

t o E E T - 8 t o r e i Nos 5 Ii aud 7 Wotkyui block- Real low

Office Nos 19 and a - c r a c e c t e d raquo a n d l - c o t n e c t e d Aud No 21mdashsluiilc room on Uie second lorf

Also s ingle or BUIIH of rooms in the third wtory t l w e m n g Houses N o s 10U and U l U H W SI aud 11 Divishy

sion street For Sale or to LetmdashA firlaquot cbiss dwelling house and 5lt

n the Albany and McAdam Road pear Port A W O T K y N 3 7 S n i i d 7 5 T i i l r d s t

L T raquo H S A L E mdash A twostory FriTviTTDweillnst House on P Teatb St near MlddUburgh Terms eaiy Knqulre of l fe3] STUDDAUU ii U U K T O v 89 Congress st

OK A L E mdash N u m e r o u s Lots variously locatedin the vil lage of LsminKtiurgh For parti ulars son ly t o

CK n l L L M A N t PAKlvSI Mutual imildlng State st

1 O R ~ S A i E mdash T h o north half of a double 2 story Brick House s i tuate on i h e w e s t side of Pitt be tween Grove

and Richard sU_ Lausngliurirh Lot 21 bv 120 feet For particulars apply to PECK HI1I-MAN 4 PARKS _ f e l l f Mntnal Itulldng State st

t~ x O R S A L E 1 street It 1

barn in the rear Lot 25 by 10 traquoet lvvs s-lon c iveu May l s i For particulars ap[ Iv to

PECK Hll I MAN amp PAUK81 Mutl Daildlng State st

1 O R S A L E - H use and lot No 77 Fifth st Lot 30x130 1 Terms easy Apply at Ho 2S jgt4 Uiyerst ni6

1 O R SALEmdash25 acres of vaiu-ibie land -huaie on Tib-1 bits Avenue In (he town gtf B u m s a l l It known asMt

St Marys 1 be buildings are new and substantia) Tei uis e sv For panlcu lars apply to VKCK HiLLMAN PARKS 1 Mutual Building State st T L A R N F O R S A L E - T h e farm known as tit Kddy P Farm situate in the town of Brunswick near Mlllville cons i s t ing of about pound1 acres of choice land in a good con-dltton well watered iind bitSldlnns lu good repair Terms easv For partfleularsapply to PKCK HILLMAN I PAuKl- 4 M-itmil Blllldo


T b e l H story frame cottage No ISO Second l l is lltcl up In good order There is a frame

IX)U SALE amp TO LET I^ l t R S A L E mdash T h e f r a m e dwel l ing and out bullrtlcgi on

the i wo amp lee Iota n Hie wast side of Third St uevt north of the A ba Read Steamer house 1 he purc-aaer to remove aalti 1iitli us on ilm tlrit nay of May next Pro-posala lor said buito lrgs 10 be lefi at the i l l l ce of M t CUUMIMUR A i i l i i t c t over the Market Bauk River raquot


TO L E T From the llaquoi bullgt M i ) r i he lower pert ot house 2)1 corner ol Fchh e r d Jacob etbdquo suliabie

onlv for d smal l family F I I U e of a_patr JHIN sir r bull fvji

L A N S I N O O U K f l H - f i i Hi N - r i i i i the lsi bullbull V next the ploasantly b o n d urge bri i tfwe Una

house with Irult bearing orchanl-attached Htn te on Anu s reel near the rei ldenco of Dr Leou-ild Fjr terms spshyply to the subset iber In Lauslngburgh

apltr 1 HOLME

A l o w

Mb Btflta St 1 O l t S A L E - K I b t acres of choice una el igibly l o iu i ed F laud sltujated 2i miles front Albany on the road lead-

4 Mtitual Bulldnc to State at p f i c K l i i i l MAN amp PAliKS 1 ^ _

I O K S A L E mdash A pleasant residence lust north o f Lam 1 singbtirgh and wiliiln a quarter of a mile o f the Troy

and Lanslngburgb it It constating of ten aires of laudmdash Good brick dwell ing and baru nearly new There Is a choice abundance of finit on the plac For particulars apply to PKCK HiLLMAN laquofc PARKS

lea Mo 4 Mutual Building State Street T O K S A L E - be lot s i i t ih east coiner of Federal and X North Third st N o ground rent s i z e 5S by 54 feetmdash

yenn riartleulars apply to PKCK Hll I MAN A PARKS I Mutual B u i l d i n g S l a l e s t

iOR S A L E - A beautiful Country Residence Willi all 1 the appendages and am rounding of an elegant c o u n -

- situate In l i e in-st part ot Union Village Wash- Y Inquire of

PKCK HILLMAN 4 PARKS No 4 Mutaal Building State St

a little north mcing to Hi 70 River st

try Beat lustos couuty N

fei I O K S A L E - l t r l c k h o u s e on Tenth stre t X of Archibalds brick yard with eight belonging to the same Inquire of

Mi L E T mdash F r o m the 1st of May next three rooms In the rpt

Museum Buildings 1 O R S T O R E S O F raquo l ( IIS A N U R O O M S A P P L Y X to W r HiiARDMAN in No37 or when ho Is abseut IVom the city to JOHN L FLAGO No 21 First street

1 O R S A L E - A J Wo S t o r y F r a m e 1) w e l l i n g I l e u s bull lii the s o h l h c a s l part of this c ity Gardeii Is tilled wllk

vincri and young irult trees Price $1200 For particulars apply 10 PECK HILLMAN amp PARKS m o L E T - I N T H E A I L S E L M B L I L J U I N G S mdash A Rooms sinjilft or in pairs with water gas c losets

amp c suitable for Lawyers Doctors Ai lists gent lemen luiiuii^ rooms i^c

A L S O for the shirt Collar or Riiy light manufacturing busln 48 Apply to

mb-JO-tf w C u o A K D M A N oHice 37 Sd i tory Orto JOHN L FLAGU 21 First st

- R C 1 L D I N G IN K f u V l l O K H O U S E N O sui table for Laundry or Carpenter Shop

PH 3Wlliverit

l | t laquo raquo L E T X ye FourtUSt

luqitire of March 101S02

T-Collar Man sluci lite lt and well i

l i E amp WrALLKNDORPl

O V E R T H E VlAN U F A C -bull- ftr a

bdquo rpose ection of the buildlug They are large ploasanl

_ lined S-iiiU power will be lurnisbed if desired Possession may be had iminedlateiy

A L S O TO LlaquormdashOne s t o r e lu the Manufacturers Bank Block Inquire at the Bank mhl8 m o L E T - T W O R O O M S IN T H E T i l l It U S T O -X RV ol m y b u l h l l u c o r n a r o f Broodway and Fourth

suitable for A i t l s u roomB or olllccs Possession

third story of my building cor Broadway and Fourth street suitable far Artisls Studios or other purposes

Iii H A S M HAL GREEN f i t O L E T mdash F r o m the first oi Majr next a Urst class brick J Dwell ing House N o 10U Second street west side

Washington Park at preECULnccujlLed by Itev H C Pol -or For particulars enquire of Ju28 J O BACON Agent 279 R i v e r ^ _

f l t O L E T I N M I S E L M B L I L D I I S G S - T w o Stores JL ou Ful ton street each connecting wllh rooms in the

second storymdashwell knowu fur many years past as Milliners stores

T w o fine Oillees In tl e second story on the corner of l t lver st One single Oltice on ihe same iloor

lilne pair of Oritur In the third slory a large room on the fourth Iloor and one room wl Ii a sky light

Possess ion of the stores on the first ol April For terms or further information apply to W C l tOAKD

ibseuci to JOHN L MAN la Office N o 27 or In his FLAGO N o 21 Fir t st i i i l f

1 O R S A L E mdash T h e YV story frame dwel l ing No 301 Elglith-st Lot 25 by 100 feet No grouud rent Posshy

session r iven May 1st For psrUculars apply to PECk HILLMAN amp PARKS

J2iS 4 Mutual Building State St

Ij^OR S A L U mdash A Farm of about itt acres of land with an abundance of fruit of all ginds 4 miles from Troy

Inquire of Ju2l LOT ACKLEV270 Hiver st

i O R S A L E - T w o W o o d Dwellings on Twelfth St north ot Jacob St Inquire of

Ja24 LOT ACKLFT 1279 River at

I-OR S A L E mdash A Farm Trotte nor theas t of the Railroad Bridge contait lug 32 acres of tiiid with fruit of all

klpds U J B very convenient i t^beitujsonei ir the citymdash

I HOI I E F A H M O F l O O A C R E S tor laquoale C b c i p -situate on the south s ide of the Mottawk river at the

cr i equtduct Watcrvl let N T There arc t w o good two story dwell ings barns and rut-houses in One order on t b s p l a c o There B a eood orchard F i v e a c e s are woodshyland Terms lavorable Annlv to

PECK HILLMAN amp PAiKS I Mutl Buleling^State st

IJIOR F A L F I N L A N S I N G I I U R G H - T h e n e w and 1 comtnoi lous Brick House s l iuated on the wi st side ol

congress st btween Larraquoiulaquo and H o o l i k streets The house Is finished In the beat und latest syle and Is In every rebull pert dn l iab le as a laiully residence The lot la 1C0by 1V0 f ei and there Is ampm tho premises a large fire proof bar and other conveniences iriut trees 4 c Price bull000 i f not sold by the first of April the premises will be let

A l n the commodious Inlck dwel l ing MB)Conraquoreis at occupied by Dr l i a G Fns i er Tills If one of the beat liousna fn the vllls^v and la In every particularon of the) most d i s irable family resldenoes in town For parUeirlars apple at V3 laquot ate street Lanslngburgh

mi laampwti i i l R HYATT

LIO L E T mdash F r o m the 1st of May next house No70 ltlver street Kent SJ25 Knqulre 0

apl JASON J G1LLKSPY271 ltlvr St 1 O R S A L E mdash T w o l o u ou the corner of Grand Division JT and l o u i t h 8traquobdquo f r o n t o n F n nkiln Suuare The pro-pe f lv la vaiuable and worth the attention of any poison wishing to invest their u j a i r I be sale will he held open ids week only It will be wi thdrawn Saurdav al ctnnon Itiiiiieol m31 | LOT ACKLKY 270 ltlver at

i h e priue p il baseuienl and third story of Rent sfJUO per f t ir Apply t i


f l t O K E N T I i Ferry st

I^OR S l l E C H E A P - T h e frame dwell ing house and lot25I Slate si Iansugburgh Lot 25 by i i i l leet N o

ground rent For particulars a p p l v t o PKCK Hli LMAN PARKS 4 Mitt Building State St

V U L A U L E F A R M for Bale at a Bargain II Troy and miles da-ellings All the b a m s and

A farm tii lies from Co-


1 O R S A E E O R _ I Mlok residence and 3jicreii o f land adiotnlhgtb

Inquire o n Ja24 LOT ACKLEV 20 River St

f l t O L E T mdash T w o wel l lighted rooms suitable lor offices X or light manufacturing purposes These rooms front

on Washington Square on its upper cud bolng the most prominent nlact

salt bullbull- in Hie city En

Street-g iven Immadi i to ly

Troy 17th varelt 1

J t o L E T lug of

roms and

1SG2 m o L E T - T H E P K I N C X lug ol two


P A L iwo parlors dining roc one bcilii

S T O R Y L OKSIST- bdquo - kitchen and one bed-

bdquoroom in front on 3d story of house N o 1I)-1- Gas Fixtures thronrjnont Kent laquo 1 laquo Inshyquire of Mrs MORRIS Alula Road or JAMES FKKIOT (0 River st 2d Hour

Also the 2d story of house 42 Fulton nesr Dlh-st Kent raquo7 pern io Uquireaf lup23| J t M K S F R J I O T T

Nine seres obind lu suburbs of the vil lage for building lots or garden-

_ state of cultivation and wel l s tocked with young Irnit trees T h e i e Is a t w o story brick building ou the place bof particular apply to

P E C U l U L b M A N PARKS uolti l Mutual BuildingState-st_

k L raquo gt i l M i l l ) 1gt L O A N on Bond and Mortgage In D - i d J I M J U sums lroin $1000 to raquo3000 Apply to

PKCK HILLMAN li PAUtvS laquolaquo 4 Mutual Buildings fatal i t

I O K SA LEmdashNine seres 5 h X of Liibaiiigbuigli suitable big purposes It is In a high s

n o w


llllt MKVrllt River It g i o u C o N x

I O R S A L E M e a t X era ijai)

1 O R S A L E - A Fanii of 67X acres half a mile from 1 West Troy upon a rise of ground ovi riooklng the

Hudson river Troy and Lansliigbiirgh Tbu Inrni is admishyrably adapted lor Market and Gardening purposes An e x c e l l e n t quality of moulding sand Is on tue place which la sold to the Troy Foundries For particulars apply ugt PKCK HILLMAN P A R K S

JalO 4 Mutual Building Slate st

FOK S A L E - T h e subscriber oilers lor sale l o s t w o stoshyry Brick Dwel l ing House situated on the corner of

Third and Hudson streets Waterford The property 1B lliat c lass on a large lot stocked with Irult and will be sold at a bargain For particulars Innureon the premises


T O R S A L E mdash Four Vacant Lota known as the Orphan luin Property ou Graud Division street running

Inqube of mdash LOT ACKLKY 279 lt lver s t r e e t

_ A Farm of 22 acres cast of Jacob St and _ feet east o t Thirteenth to the west line of said farm lnqurc of LOT ACKLKY 279 River st

i ol 2tn acres 4 miles from Tro hoes having two first ulars dwell bdquo oc t l ious t s are lu line repair The soil is good Terms easy Apply to PKCK Hli LMAN amp PARKS

lu 0 4 Mm mil Building S late St tO L E T - l l o n s e 100 Third St Kl-qulre ot

till W K HAOAN I First St 1 0 L E T mdash T o single gent lemen i ir To a email laniiiy

_ without children the second flour and basement ol house No 13 Second st Enquire of

ni21tf L C WHEELER

I O R S A L E - T h e two story frame dwell ing house and lot 500 River st N o ground rent For particulars ap-

PKCK HILLMAN ft P A R K S 4 Mut Building State St

H O R S E S O R ~ S A L E - A B t l n e a driving single horae as can be found any wheremdashvoung sound andkliiilmdashbull_

m a y b e seen at 2sAgtpound River st Also a very las tTrot t ing Poiy Also a second band Rockaway Wagon aud a Top Bmrgy most ly new and Tor sale reasonable ni25

E X C H A N G E - T l i e vbullbullbullgtbull desirable _ _ id 3 acres of land adioinlng th Cam bridge Valley Bank In F o r t h White Cieek Via blngtou Co N Y The grounds are tas le lul ly biitl out aud ihere is bull c b i i c e variety i f frtaft trees I h e Depot is but a short distance from tue place This is a rare opportunity lor a g nltenian wishing a country seat Apply to

PKCK HILLMAN amp PARKS 4 M u U building Ftate B f I O L E T mdash F r o m the 1st of April the store N o 9 Museum X Bulldlugs Apply to WC HOAliDMAN

_ui2raquotf or JOHN L FLAGG 2) First s t _

F O R S A L E mdash T h e io l iowit ig Vacant LotB belonging to the Estate of the late Henry Nazro

3 lots each 25 by 100 feet on earaquot side of North Fourth street be ween Federal a n t North Fourth ats

1 lot 25by 120 leet on the w c t t s de of Fourth strec beshytween Ferry and Division s i s Knqulre at the Water W m k s Office of jinhJHdilitl ALK McUALL

Bal of Real Estate etc r i t H E F O L L O W I N G P R O P R T Y will he sold at X Auction on the 23d day of April 1KK1 at 10 oclock A

M at the office of N Forayllt N o 3d Congress St Troy viz r Lot Ili raquo est side of River at Troy 23 feet wide e x shytending to Hudson r iver Lots Ofi 101103 Obo St laquo norlli half 61 Burlinifton s t 15 ( tcnesee St south third -IB Water St 75 Whitehall St 23 K O B tat to s t lal south two-thirds 7 Broad St In the vl l laze of West Troy Also thu fo l lowshying leases of West trov lota reserving yearly rents v i z No 12 en 20 Water BI S o 48 ou Ii Pier No 15 onS9 Ohio st Also 20-J xbarei Brunswick and Pi t ts lowu Turnpike Cotu-

any stock lnquii lca concerning the same niiiv be made to mSftlm N F O u S Y T H orGADF amp A I D E N

-Sltiiatid In (Will iani st Alley) F i e e from all

incumbrances Enquire of MRS OVtEN I RKANOIL 353 FOUfUl skTroy

New York Advertisemts E S T A B L I S H E D 1 7 6 0


Snuff amp Tobacco Manufacturer 0 1 0 a u d 1 8 lt I I n i l l u s S T

(Furmerly 42 Chumberi Street N e w York) Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture viz i

B R O W N S N U F F Macaboy Demlgros

Fine Rappee bull Pure Virginia Coarse R i p p e e Kachltocbes

American Gentleman Copenhagen E L L O W S N U F F

Scotch H o n e y Dew Hcotxh High Toast Pcotch Fresh Honey Dew Scotch

Irish High Toast FruSh t c o t c h or Luudyfoot

3TA TTaVT10gtf 19 CALLED TO Trig I H O I MDFCTIOH l yen r a i o a o y F t N g i i T C H w m o AKD SVOKINO Toaoooe WBTOJI W ILL lk FOl Nil OF a SLFMiao t i l ALITY


No 1 Cavendish or Sweet Spanish No 2 Sweet Srcnted Oronoco Canister

Noa l 4 2 mxed Tin Foil Cavendish Turkish Granulated miody l l

N BmdashA Circular of Prices will be sent on application


Piano Forte Establishment NO 427 BROOME-ST

N E W Y O R K The gnlMcrlbor rcjpcctfwlly I n v i t o the laquotlenton of his

fcU nils and the puhllc generally to his PiraquonoKorteEraquotraquovb-liraquoiiiufit ut No 4 i Broome street c o m e r of Crosby street

Htiviiiat wll l idrawa his Interest ati ck Hiid tiiuieriiils from the la tu firm of LleUte Bradburys which llrm w u s d i s -solved ou the 31raquot January ultbdquo mid having purchased the entire stock ol Fluno Fartea aud Pialaquoo Forte ^laterfal owned by his brother Edward O Bradbury In thu said l inn he hi now prepared to supply the Increased demand for bitt celebrated Piano Fortes Employing the most skill

_ i with a large stock of the best and most thoroughly reasoned material and an abup ful ami exper ienctd workmen

rlancn of capital he has taken In hand the personal super virion of the who le butueraquos of inauufacturlnL his lurtru men- and la enabled to turn mi tP iauo Fortes ol unequal led ttte and durableHampH

BRADBURYS NEW SCALE PIANO FORTE In the arrangement of our new scale drawn aud preparshy

ed with thu utmost care expressly for onr t e w lustrn-nicnts we have added every Improvement which can lu any way tend to the perfection of the Piano Forte and w e can confidently assert that for delicacy of touch vo lume purity brllllarcy and sweetness ol tone combined with that strength and Boildlly of frame necessary to durability these Instruments arc unequal ed

SrgKtiTU A N U B K A I T V la our motto and we Invite tie closest criticism of Hie beBt unbiased J udves In the land

H f E v e r y Instrument warranted for five years WM B BKADBUKY 41 Broome street

ni5Sm Cor of Crosby New York


V i e n n a a n d S t v e l l n M n t c h e s T l i o c Matches are made without sulphur and being free

from disagreeable odor are not only very desirable but almost Indlipensable for use in the parlor and sleeping chamber They are put un In fancy colored boxes and small packages for lamlly use aud are also carefully pack ed In cases for transportation For sale wholesale and re tail by J A M K 8 K D K Y

N o 00 Cortlandt St New Tork P 8mdashCountry merchants will do well to call and e x a m shy

ine our n o c k fein2ulH

E S T A B L I S H E D IN 1809

UO I S E A N U H A L F L O T F O R si A L E rear of 181 Fif a a t ~

K Asyi bdquo through to Fedeia l i t Inqulie of J1 _ _ _ J^OR S A L E -

1 about

IiOR S A L E - T h e Eagle HotcUon-W-ver-atreatr-wlaquolaquot Side a l itt le north ol Ferry st Inquire c-f 11 LOT ACKLKY 279 River st

und thirteen acres eltiven acres of It wood with Iruil and good farm bouse aud other out-butldttiga situated In Fuai Town near Derltera Ferry I t ts one mile and a had tnm Scliuylcrvile which la a good market P i l cc gt u ihoiuand dollars Thirty-l ive hunured can re ninlli on boud and morigate Inquire o

Oi of lKrig B 1- CKV-N Kaatowu Washln 1115

1 O R S A L E O R T O K E N T - I I I K T H K E E S T O R V frame dwelling house on Seventh street at the head o l

State known s No 7 Ida Terrace Will accommodate eU titer one or t w o families The house haa ail the modern liiipi-Vcntciitamdashgas water closets ampc Possession g iven May 1st if particulars as to teiiita i u q u i r e o t GKO H FR-KIAN 1 timber Dealer corner lttyer and Liberty sit nets ^ m b l l

1 O R S A I E O N E U O M S A M P S O N i P A T P L A T -1 FORA1 SCALE and t w o OoO d o Also one W h e e l e r

Wilson Sawing Machine at 1 and 2 Harmony Building n ihi l J J ALDKN-

S A L E - O O T H H H O l i s E A T S L H A O H T r coke It la uemly new haadsomcly i l tuattd wi th

large lot Pi ice low and most of the purchase money can remain on the premises Inquire of

1 T G RANT Junct ion Rensselaer Co N T BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALEmdashNo raquo9 Tiilrd-it

Tr-iy r o r t e v m Iintutrc of I T GRAN T Junction or a 817 and 359 tt lverst f r o v iUt

Farm aud Stock for Sale

NO W C N D E t l ( L I T I V A T I O N - V l 1 4 A I R E S lb Oats w Inch w i l l ) ield from 45 to 5B bushels the acre

2 acres In Cornmdashyield from 50 to Ui bushels the acre 8 acres In Potatoesmdashyield about 100 bushels the acre 8 acres in l iuckwneat bdquo 28 acres in Meadowmdashyields from 35 to 40 toni hay 50 ares of Timber or Woodland 5 laquows 9 yearl ing 4 ca lves 2 s teers 2 horses (one a

hiare with foa l 3 pigs 1 aow with Utter of piga The owner la about changing bla business and will sell at

a great bat-fain Persons dSilfofi to Inquire for location

| 0 LETmdashPrincipal and basement of house No 190 Eighth X street Knqulru of J 7 _ WILLIAM F l U p a S J O l Illver s t _

TO L E T The principal of house In-Harrisonsti-ecimdash Inquire of d-1 LOT At KIKV Ji River st

V A C A N T L O T S F O n S A L E la the Burnt District and other patts ol the city Inquire of

PKCKIIlLlMAN P A P K S dl2 4 Mutual Building s t a t e a t ^

F n q u i r e o f i OWKN 1 l FAN

ilemdashWashingt F o r Sale -Washington Park Lots r T T H E subscriber oflera lor rale three lots 2^ by 130 feet X each on the cast side of Washington Parkmdashthe best

unoccupied lots for dwel l ings in the citymdashadioinlng the re-sideline of lt i ley Loomia Esq March it 1H03


tSOR SALEmdashIbe valuable building lot on Fourth St 1 nex t south of the residence oI_T]|-)8 White Esq L o t

r 130 feet dt ep Apply to Mttl

D feet front by 1 bdquo PKCK HILLMAN PAl tKS 4 flat Building State s t AIO

1IOR S A L E mdash I tie throe story brick store situate on the X east able of aud_knuwn_as N o 181 Ilv^er at nulara apply to


T O R E FLVTLRESmdashTwo Counter with Cases oi Drawers t w e outs ide Show Cases and one large HUcR

Inut do wilh large sash and glassmdashcould bo turnedlm I to a very extra b o o k c a s e bull

i t

IS All lor sale Tow at 285H River



T f l O R S A L E

trees ou thu premises d6

A neat Gothic Cottage-House and a half There ar~ mdash artlculars a

acre of Land on Cemetery Avenue i here are fruit

HILLVIANAFAU For terms and i

PECK H I L L M A N PARKS Mutual l l j l ldtng State-it

OH M l I known as N o 181 River at For parti PKCK H I L L laquo A laquo PARKS

4 Mutual Buihl t ig State st

I O R S A L E mdash t h e three story brick dwelling lioTise and 1 lot No 14lacob at Lot about 25 by 71 feet Fornart l -

cnlaia apply to bull PECK HILLMAN bull PARKS Jllt7 4 Mutual Building State street

$100000 To Loan on Bond amp NortjniRe 1 H 1 E T R O V S A V I N G S R A N K W I L L L O A N M O -X ncy on n r e n c u m b e r e d Heal Ksttite situated in -tbe

counties of Rensselaer Albuny Saratoga Schenectady Washington or Columbia The BanK Is now adowed by Law to loan on well Improved city p Jperty a larger pro-mrtlon oi the vaiue than It has ht e to forc done For onus apply to the Bunk or ol


Mortgage Ltnitt


H A R D W A R E ampc H A R D W A R E




assortment of AMERICAN GOODS English and American Table and Pocket CUTLKKT Wilkinsons Uunuiuu SHKEP BUEAltS

F I L E S Butcher Ibbotson Peace Co Imperia l Fi les with

other approved brands V Builders Trlmm ugi and Carpenters Tool t

O U N B Cox Elys Double Water Proof Percuss ion Ca

H A T C H E T S bullb lugbug Lathing aud Claw Hatchets a s sor ted qnallUat

A X E S Hunts Blood Simmons and other m a k e r s A x o

S H O V E L S A N D S P A D E S Ames Washburns Pierce Woods and Old Colony

Shovels and Spades Douglass Patent FUMFB Steel Lead Anvils Vices and Chaina t Wrought aud Cut Nails and Spikes AGENTS for Beardsley Harris Grain and Grass Scythes

Seymour B r o t h e r Co s Patent Blind B u t U and Fastenshyi n g s Fair Haven Cut Nail

8HIP CHANDLERY C O O D 8 A full assortment of Hepe In all l u varieties

Twluea Oakum Caulking Irons Psi i i o g Pitch and Mallets Spun Yarn Marline and other Bhip Chandlery Goods

All of which with a complete aasortmeut ol SUKLF HAKUWARK are offered to Ihe country trade aud conshysumers generally ou the lowest terms apis


Nos 341 A 243 River Street Troy N T OPPOSITE T H E TROY HOU8K

J M W A B B E N Jte C O I M P O R T E R S

OF F E R T laquo T H E C O U S T R V T R A D E 11ANU-F A L T l t R E l t S aiid DEA1KKS generally a large and

complete s tock of Bar and Sheet Iron Steel Tin Copper Nails Spikes Burdens Patent H o n e Shoes aud Foreign aud Domest ic Hardware comprising everyth ing and In all varieties uBed or required by the trade

Manufacturers of W a o v e a r N i n e W A s a c a a C A K B I A Q and T I S K B O L T S 4 C

Agents for S A B L I N A I L S and BiiKas and P n a u H o a s i S n o a iBOV

H o laquo Coa MtLL and C I B C I L A S i w a FAtBHANKa SCALI

All of which will bu sold at lowest market rates my


Corn E x c h a n g e Fire and luland Navigat ion lnsuranc C o ^ 7 N T

Coutlnetftal Insurance Co (Insured participate In fits)

Great WcBtcrn Marine Insurance Co Pacific Mutual Marine Insurance Co Pacific Fire Norwich d o Ful ton do Hampden d o l oug Island d o Ocbhard do Mechanics d o Commonweal th dbdquo Albany Mutual

do do do do do do r do do

do do do do do do do do do

do do do do do do do do do



Oitice 2 4 9 River at over Telegraph Offic

E BABC0CK Agent | FireForeigutt lulaud Marine Insurance

E x c h a n g e Fire and luland

J pat in pi


Norwich Conn

bullprlugf ie ld Mas Brook lyn


^ _ _ N Y Presenting an aggregate Capital of 15553413mdash all paid In

cash and securely Invested In Bonds and Mortgage i fn Heal Estate lu N e w York aud Brooklyn which with an accumu-lated surplus renders these Companies undoubted security for Insurers I

tHf~ ltatea a low as any other Agency F I R E I N S U R A N C E

On Merchandise Household Furniture Store D w e l l ngs Mills Manufactories Lumber A c

F O R E I G N M A R I N E I N S U R A N C E On Cargoes Freights and Vessels to and from all p tt o

the world I N L A N D I N S U R A N C E

On Goods b y River Canals l k e s sud Land Gar a g e to and from all parts of the country

F I R E A N D M A R I N E Risk taken o n Hulls Steamboats Barge BaU easels

Canal Boats ampc The uuderslgned Invites the strictest scrut iny Into the

character o f - t h e Companies represented both a t o their liberality In set t l ing aud ability to pay loBies aud beg l eave

to refer e i ther In regard to the standing of the Companies or the Agency to

D T Vail poundraquoq Ps-cst Merchants Mechanic Bank P A Moor Co Troy Grain Elevator J C Osgood Kaq Van Schoonhoven amp Proudflt 227 River at Loveland Crissey A Co 141 River st Lovelaud Howland A Co 143 River s t 1ST All commmunleat lons by mall wi l l r e c e i v e promp i l e i i t i - -




TH E S U B S C R I B E R W O U L D C A L L T H E A T T E N shyTION of Merchants Machinists Carriage Makers

Blacksmiths and the trade geueral l ) lo Ida large stock particularly suited to their wants c o n s t a n t l y ou handmdash

IRON anu STFKLofail descriptions Cut Nails and Spikes h t Boat and Ship Spikes B U R D K N S PATENT fSHOKS HORSE NAILS MxU)K BY H A N D Anvils

Wrought R8E

_ Boat and Ship Spikes B U R D K N S PA HORtfE SHOES HOltSK NAILS MxU)K BY ILAND A Vices Smiths Bel lows Carriage ftr a ud Plough Bolts Common Half Patent l a t e n t and Caa hardened Axles Nuts Washers Files bcrews Malleabl i ron Irou Wire Stocks and Dies Coil Chaina Boiler RITSts N A I L HOBS N U T aud S P I K E IRON and HORSE S J O K LRON naar BBINIIS WASB1KTXII

Stove Bolt S tove l t lveU 8tove Range and Furnace Rods Moulders Shovel Riddles ampc Manufacturer of STKKL SPRINGS of every descripUon CUTTER SLKtGH aud BOB SHOES A L L STKKL CROW BARS A N D PICKS all of which I ottered on favorable terms


nd terms will Troy JuneS-

bulliMic apply to t i i e subscriber W T Wll-lARDOOFIr at

1 O R S A L E - I D A T E K K A C E - T W O V A C A N T 1 Lots in block Inquire of LOT AC E l KY at 279 River

street at the olllce 01 J G bacon Insurance Agent Je23 1 O R S A L E T H E I R J I L D I N O K N O W N A S E A O L E JP HOTEL N_c 231 River at Including tliedec^kin nsarmdash Possession let Ma-Ful ton st or of

is- next i n u u i r e o f X BUNNKi-L N o 11 I J UILLFSPY CO 2iJ River st

r i U V O H O U S E S F O R S A I E - N O 1 1 laquo N O R T 1 I Second street antl 41 North Tldrd street They will be


00 Filth sirect_ tri n Klin


1 O K S A L E mdash V a c a n t Lot on lite loutb wes t corner of 1 Fulton and Seventh Inquire of _tf l0 _ LOT ACKLKY 279 t t lvers t

I O K S A L E - T h e f i r s t c l a s s D w e l l i n g H o u s e a n d lot situated ou the souh west corner of Canal and

Ohio streets In W e s t Troy near the Railroad Depot This building Is new substantial and finished In the v e r y b e s t s tyle with all the modern Improvements Attached to It are several lots tilled with choice fruit and shrubbery The proper y cos t 114000 and will be so at a discount tor cash or wil l be exchanged for city pronci ty Apply to

au29 PECK amp HILLMAN Mtitual Hi ldg State at

T o Capitalists N T H E C I T V O F T R O Y N E W Y O R K

w i t h rights of Ferriage The premises are situate at the corner of Ferry and Front s treets nex t n o n h of the Eastern Lauding of Hie present F e r y beshytween Troy and West Troy Th lot is eighty feet lront on Hudsons lt lver by about one hundred and four feet on Ferry-it Upon the l o t Is a four itory brick building The mouopo ly of lerrlage previously existing w a s a b o l i s u e d by the State law ol I8r4 by which the owner of these premishyses la secured equal rights with the old proprietors The Income of the prcsenwferry Is at least 2000i annually above all expenses ana no l lcenie feas are now payable by aald ferry to the Corporation of Troy The property will be disposed of one-third below Us actual value Inquire o l

Syirtr J STRAIIAN 125 Rlver-st T r o y ^ r f l W L E T mdash T w o l a r g e R o o m s OO llaquoet d e e p c o r n e r

L of River and Ferry street suitable for l ight mauulac turlng purposes A l s o 80 feet 01dock north of the Ferry Lendtn J STKAHAN 125 ltlver street

myltt- corner of Ferrv gt 111) L E T mdash T i n i w o i stOTV brick buildings Nos liFaiTd

L 12 gt Third s t corner ol Ferry It lu goijd ordermdashhas gas and water P o s s e s i o n on the first ot May n ~

nnl NlFLMAt t AUT laquo T

0C31 JAItKD S WEED _ T r o y Savings Hank Troy October 110 IMS f l t O L E T mdash T h e large room 25 bv 80 feet with eonil l ight X iinfi a conven ien len trance tor mechanics or other bushy

siness over Bbutcbards No 3 Fulton st Apply to PKCK I I I L L M W amp P A H K S 4 Mut Building State^it

HO T E L raquo O K S A L E mdash A Hot-1 80 miles from Troy and one m i l e trctu a K It Depot and sill-rounded by beaushy

tiful scenery Good school and every Inducement to m a k e hotel-keeping pleasBnt ainl pi ofltable Buaness to the full ciipacty of the house guaranteed bv the owner For par-ticbira apply to PKCK HILLMAN PARKS

mil 4 Mutual Building State St

I O H S A L E A T A B A R laquo A I N mdash T h e i w o s t o r y frame dwel l ing and four lots s i lua lad on the north s ide of

Washington st Albla There l^a burn and tenomenthonse on the pbic- grulf trees and a well of water are also o n the nrptul-ei Terms easy For pavllculara aprdy to

IM K HILLMAN PARKS 4 Mut MulbIng Rtate s

1 O R S A L E mdash T h a t lot ol land on the north side of State bull s t east of Fondas Market Size about 51 by 85 fest mdash

House and lot 2111 Cougress t Also a lot on Sixth street about SI by 82 feet There is no ground rent on cither ol these places For parilcttlsrs apply to

PKCK HILLMAN P A R K S 4 Mut Building State St

1 O K S A L E - T h e place known as the Judge i sham Pro-1 pertv In Ilenulrgton Vt consisting ol a b o u t acrca ol

land a fine two n o r y residence a barn and all the neccs-ry o u t h o u a e s For4taritciilirs at nly to

FKCK HILLMAN amp PARKS 4 Mut Building State st


BEST AND CHEAPEST SOAP IK USB Manufactured from the best material and ENTIRELY

FREE FROM A L L I N J U R I O U S SUBSTANCES ao comshymon in soap It is pronounced U N R I V A L L E D for WASHshyING F I N E GOODS or for Family Uraquoe of any kind

We manufacture several o ther qualities and brands of Soap v i z BEST (Fami ly ) PALE aud N o 1 which gives universally satisfaction whercvor nsed F I N E TOILET SOAP dltrerent s ty les gt

Also CANDLES various Blzcs Onr house having been established upwards ef fifty

years with ample facilities to command the Beft Stock In the Market and a Manufactory perfect In every detail under onr constant supervis ion purchasers can rely Bpon l ludlug t h e luctiti of our gootlt as represented

N4BmdashCash paid for tallow and gi ease at the beat market rates

E M O R G A N S S O N S l raquo U W a s h i n g t o n S t N e w Y o r k

J W MOltfJAN Wlaquo II MsnnA-f feC-ly


Horse Shoes W E H A V E U S E D Burdens Horse and Mule Shoes exc lo

l ively on our horses for the past t w o year and they have given entire satisfaction We have found them to be mad from an e x c e l l e n t aud uniform quality of iron and to wear fully equal to any forged by hand Our e x p e r i e n c e prove the use of these Shoes to be a great saving over the oiu process of forging by hand

K S DICKINSON oupt 2d A v Horse R R C o N Y

mdash sJ WM EBB1TT 8upt 6th A v Horse IS P Cobdquo N Y

OK H U N T E R F o r e m a n Black h Dept 6th A v Horse It R C o N T

JOHN PITT8 F o r e m a n Dept Middlesex Horse It It Co Boston

( E x t r a c t jtvm testimonial of the Arch Duke William At mee ober Vomniundo uf the Empire ofAustriui

The Horse Shoes that are made by Mr Henry Burden machinery w e r e subjected to the requlBlte proofs and hay

erfectly a n s w e r e d all the requirements

poundeT~ For Bale by Hannibal Green J M Warren Co l e a n t C o and Calllu Sexton Troy N Y felS

attention d4



^ m I M P O R T E R S s

Buy HIP and 111 do you Good

$10000 HEWABJ gtFor a medicine that will cure



bull Or reUeve CONSUMPTIVE COUGH as quick as



HA V I N G R E N E W E D F A C I L I T I E S O F G E T -ting their Wines aud Liquors more D I R E C T would raquoost

respectfully Bollclt the attention of the Merchants H itel Keepers Druggists and Connolseurs and ask theni to call and examine our stock which consists In part as fol lows

Juiee Robin Co J F MarteL Otard Dupuy Co J B Godard Selgnetts Brandies

Meder Swan London Excise D e w Drop Grape Leaf and St Nicholas Olns

St Croix Jamaica and Antique Rums London Port Sout Side Maderla aud Sherry Wines

Bourbon Magnolia o l d Rye Uorlne and Moaongahels Whiskeya


Cab Capital aud Surplus over raquo200000 Will insure Real and Peraonaj Property against Fire

ENSIGN 11 KELLOOO Pres ident J C GoODStcnit Secretary

R C R U I K S U A N K Agent 265 River street


B V K I N C i F I E L D M A S S Al l losses adjusted and paid with promptneaa and libeshy

rality R CRi I litll AN K Agent 255 River s treet C a i n C a p i t a l a n d S u r p l u s laquo 2 0 4 1 9 9 T 5

A W C H A P i N P r e s i d e n t B 3 H A L L Secretary

_myS0 It CRUIKBIIANK A g e n 2 6 5 Biver_at_



Capital and Surplus T H E M O N T A t K FIRE INSURANCE C O of Capital and Surplus t MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL L I F E INSURANT

Springfield Mass And will procure Policies in the Wi l l lamsburfh City

Harmony Commercial Metropolitan and other A N o Insurance Companies

OFFICE MARKET B A N K B U I L D I N G ae23 N o 282 Itlver-etreet

T R O Y A C 3 - E 2 S T O Y O F t U I



No 1 8 W a l l S t r e e t C a s h C a p i t a l - - laquo raquo pound 5 5 0 0 0 0


Fire Insurance In all Us branches Navigat ion Risks u k e u on t argoea a e o n the Lakes Rivshy

ers and Canals Open Pol ic ies issued to cover shipments made by Forshy

warders ALBERT W A R D P r e s i d e n t V I N O K N T T I L Y O N Secretary

POLICIES of this old and reliable Company leaned and renewed by the undersigned authorised A g e n t lor Troy and vicinity OILBKRT GEEIt Jr A g e n t

omce Market Bank Bulldlne 282 Rlver-st _ J e $ t y

GA R F I E L D S I N S U R A N C E A G E N C Y N O laquoT Congress street Mrov -

CITY FIIK INSURANCE CO OF N E W H A V E N CONN C h a r t e r e d C a p i t a l g f t O O O O O C o s h P n l d In raquo 0 0 0 0 0 S u r p l u s raquo S e S

W E L L S SOUTUWOHTB Pre i luent L B B B A O L R Y Sccy

niUMKKIK INSttKASOC 0 0 OF A I B A f T N- T C a p i u f a u d S u r p l u s raquoraquoraquoo000


C A V A N A i t n r Recy H I E X C T O B S mdash A d a m Van Allen T h o m a s Schuyler John

H Reynolds Archibald McClure M H Read Isaac A Chapln J e s s e C Potts Cltas II Lansing Peter Montrath Theo F Humphrey HTgt Hawkins J sraquo W Eaton Chas H Adams Chas B Redlield L U Palmer R A Devraux Vlscher Ten Kyck

ALSO ALBANY CITY F I B INS C O M P A K T C a p i t a l _ S I O O O O O

J II K r e s laquo e e y - WM TILLLNGHAST Prest ftr All responsible 11 rst-elusa Companies my9

JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT la r u s K i i u i u w i r u ALL x i s n s o r

T Y P E M A T K H 1 A L 8 A N P H E U 8 E H

r o T U raquo lamaniAT axacuTtoir OF


C A R D S - V i s r n K O w raquo D o i raquo e A K P Httsma B I L L H E A D S - RiiEUTOAJiy P A I T I I X o a PL

S H I P P I N G III L I S C I R C U L A R S - F I K K A raquo u C o a raquo i


H A N D H I L L S -OF A ^ u a o P A M P H L E T S


LA U E L S kc k laquo T O S S T B X B WLTU W i l l i I k

Goto Leaf Bronzes and Colored Inks AII OF w n l o u ia F u m t a i i a o A T T B I

L O W E S T P O S S I B L E P R I C E S N o t t3 RIVER 8 T R K E T TROY N Y



F A FALES bullvboleiale Dealer in Pro visions Flour and Qrocarle Pork

Salt Hams Lard Butter Cheese Grass Seed Pea Be ins Dried Fruit A c and General CommissionMerca-ani No 147 River Street Troy N Y

d) Particular attention paid to the purchase and sal ol Dressed Hogs In their season

bullgtolit FBAMOia A FAijaa

H O S H E L D O N o 3M River Street Troy N Ybdquo Drugglit and Apomeearr and Dealer In Drugs Medicines Chemicals Paint Praquor-futnery Rich Tuilet and Fancy Articles Agent for all the popular Patent Medicines Physicians Prescription carefully compounded and dispensed

L Y A V T D M A N N luccessor to W T Wlllard Storage and Forwardingmdash

To Boston Providence N e w York Philadelphia and other Eastern and Southern Port Olllce 306 River S t

_Troy N Y ni l

8 O G L E A S O N (Successor to U II Becker)

214 River Street (a f ew doors above the Museum) froy Dealer In Drugs Medicines Paints Oils Dy Stuffs Patent Medicines Perruuery Fattcy Articles Ac

C L A R K TOMPKINS tmplre Machine Company Mount Ida Troy New Terk

Manufacturer of Machinery lu general Mill Work Shaftshying Hangings Pulleys Ac Turning Lathes Geer Cutting Brass Castings and a general varley of Jobbing la tk line of Kxpcrnuentlug and Machine Building tW~ All orders promptly attended to f i t

H A D L E Y S T E R L I N G A T H A Y E R Attorneys and Counsellora at Law Office No 1 Naaaaa

Street New York City I U A D L I V WSC O BTTSLINO IAS a T H A T


All who have served the United States 14 days sine the ar of 00 are untitled to ICO acres ol U S Lands ad all

utters who muy have been in battle although not having erved ttte the 14 day Those who have already ceivd

Land Warrants for a less quantity than 160 acres are enshytiled to more land to 160 acres in all 1 offer my servlcse to ae eld soldiers in acslutlug them to obtain their land Office ccruer of First and Ferry Streets Troy bull

W f WiLLARD mhtSftc late of the U 8 A r m y _

Medic ines

W I S T A R S B A L S A M O F W I L D C H K H H I Peruvian Syrup raquo

Oxygenated Bitters Ayers Cherry PectoraL Mbreheads Magnetic Plaatcr1 Wlnslows Soothing Syrup Dr Jayues Medicines Sanfords Liver lnv lgorator L Bsdeaus Liver Cure Vegetable H-taatuic Elixir

Pultuouary l U l s a m Molfatf l Bitter Browns Shaker Extract of Valeruw Kennedys Medtcal Di scovery Hyatts Life Balsam Browns Bronchial Troche Swalma Panacea Buchans Hungarian Balaam of Life

JTor sale by W C BADE AH IX Congreu n



r i O H N I I E C R O W N B A S E H A N D P A N E L A N D ouldlnga Beads Hand Italia Circular and Kb

Mugs P e w Caps Pew Arms Newels Bales-yre Frames A c Mouldings of any ds i ired

attern w o r k c d N n a n y kind of wood at short uotlct AA Turning ScXoll Sawing ampcbdquo done to order

Ck Walnut Carved Moulding ahwayi on hand

Bench and Moulding P l a n e i of all kind on hand made to order mdash ^

Importer and Dealer la all kind of Mechanic Tool Spear amp Jacksons Saws File Ac

~ C Y R U S CARTER Proprietor 1 au23






A c From the best English and American Factorlei J u t

roodlvel bv JAM KM W CIISACK 24H River St

Champagnes Clarets amp c Ac N UmdashAgentB for Longwortha (Jig

Brown A Drake a Catawba Bitters a and leraquo


Bauk block Knqulre of

O l t S A L E

LOT ACKLEY am River at

HOI S K N o 1 4 raquo N I N T H S T R E E T

-OR S A L E A T A B A I amp A I N - S O M i n r e a C e n t r a


X between Jacob ard Eagle Sueota east i ldc new and In gootl order llicu 12u0 Knqulre of

m n i i LOT ACKLKY 279 River Street

FOR S A L E O R T O E V C H A N G K F O R O T H E R PROPKlSTY A Farm of about ninety acres In Naaaau

capable of supporting from twe lve to fifteen c o w s the year traquotiwgt The lerm baa about ilHy acres In wood and the balance In plow mid meadow land There are suitable bull aiuiiaon tue farm ami a variety of fruit

Fitiqtiir) of the subscriber at Bandluke or of I O B T II MlCLKLLAK Troy Sautllake Dec 151857


1laquoraquoK S A L E mdash i h e north half of the (until tlaquoo atory Oame cotane known as No 2U Eighth raquot It t fitted

up with ga-and Is In thorough repair Lot about 25 by 130 leet For particulars apply to

PKCK HILIM AN A PAltKH 4 Mut Building State st

A G O O D W A T E R P O W E R A N D - little land

Inquire ol 279 River at

S l l gt r - l i l t u i l gt i r u 1 property In Fait llciinlngtou Also a i amal) dwell ings for sale at a bargain


1 O R S A L E X Mill ami nor


J O R S A L E SIV VH A N T L O T S N O S laquo laquo 2rai 2UH 2i0 27227 on the Kaat side of Second street iwccn Madison antl Monroe street near the proposed

l ine I the Horse Railroad ael2 I O h gt-Al I J l t i l l l V S H A K E S O F T R O I l T Y X Bunk Slock iniittlte l laquo S River street o f LOT ACK-LEY at Ute oilice of J G Bacon Insurance Agent Jc2d

l O i S A L E A V A C A N T LOT ON T H E W E S T X fid a reet toittth lot Irom the corner ol liroatlv-uy itiett north Inquire or LOT ACKLKY 279 River rr I at the eillcn ofI U Bacon Je2d


bull O R S A L E - T h e Uiree i tory brick dwel l ing No 97 X North Third s t - t i t l ed up with gas s o d water For particularsenqatre of PKCK HILLMAN A PARKS

No 4 Mutual Rnlldinr Rlate street

1 J E A I E S T A T E F O R S A L E rn- lour story brick L V building 125 hlver street co iner or Ferry

Allaquoo m e three story brick building corner of Ferry and Front stabdquo adjoluliig the above

Brick bulidng 127 River street Ateo Lot l i t River at 28 reet front and rear by 124 feet

deep extends to From at Aiso the brick dwell ing house 72 River i t with ihe adshy

joining low being 100 feet on ltlver st and 120 feci on Lib erty st ty sv

500 acre of land in Ksex connty N Y a ihor t distance from the Adrlondac Iron Works

Aiso the four slorgt brick building and los corner Front and Ferry slsbdquo together with the right of ferriage I b i s utere of property with the right of lerrlaraquoc la very valuashyble and will be sold for one third its real vain bull

or part icularapply to J STISAilAN 128 River 8




Root and Herb Bitters CampatfH nf SnrmpmHlln Wild Cherry Yellow f)orl Prtvilef Aiii Tho ou krort hhiilmtu tfotulrnke lande linn i t c nil of which are i compounded at te act in con-cn-t and tixalut Aulnrr in eratiicntitiff ZMMOM

Thla medic ine has been before lite public for over fonr | tccujeai wllh cunsllaquontiyljicreiisng gttu cess and la now

T H E S T A N D A R D M E D I C I N E O F T H E A G E Itlaquo effort upon the sys tem It moat wonderfulmdashacting dishy

rectly upon the i ca t of dlseaae cleansing tiie howela reshymoving all obstructions from tlia Internal organs stimulashyting t h laquo n Into nealtey act ion purifying Ihe blood d ivest lag It of all htirnots building up the weakened siBtetn and rcstorlnjps^he Invalid to health and uiefnlncaa They c u t e and eradicate Irom Ihe aystem Liver Complaint that main-wheel of so many diseases Jaundice In Its w o n t forma all ltilnut DlaMMs and Foul s tomach D y p e p u C o s i l v laquo n e t all klnda of Huinora Indigestion Headache D l z z l n c a Ptlea Heartburn Weaknesa Pains In the Hide and Howela Flatulency Ioaa of Appet i te and a Torpid or D l s i m c d Liver a Disordered Stomach or Bad Blood to which all rc more or lea aubject in Spring and Summer

It ia highly recommended by Physicians every wneremdash Try It and you will never regret It No medicine can be like It in It salutary effect therefore Inquire for L A N O L B Y B BlTTIS and lake no other

o n l y t V s t i t d 5 0 cents per Pot l le Fold by Dealers Ii-Medlclae everywhere Order addreascd to

G E O C G O O D W I N Ir C O apIK 8 1 H o n o v e r S L B o s t o n

A B R A S S C O U N T E R K A I a ai-i


] I I K S A L E -1 Scroll Fast-tnlhga ADo aCond hand Soda Coutiier with marble slab aim cooler boxmdashby

nul l W K IIAGAN l O f t a t e i t I O K S A L E Reuse bullbull Cemeteryi Roadmdashthird boose

X MttTrl nr t ltgt Msrlam o n e acrraquo of laquoood laml with bulle In good order--It 1 very convenient for a amall

family Enquire of m i

A hou

For particulars appiy to o n a a n s s fell 125 U1VJT 8 corner of Ferry

1 O R S A L E mdash T h e two atory brick dwel l ing liotte and 1 lot s l luate en the weat side or and known a No Urn

Ktete Bt Lnnrlngburgh lo t about ft) by 120 leet There Is a barn In the rear I here are Trnlt tree and grape vines In the yard a ls a fine well of water For particulars amdy


ral - _ - - There are riult trees and grnpe vines In

IT parti Bulk i et n P- 1

bullr ye ir I1 or particulars rnqi A l A N A PARKS I Mat Building Htae 8L

No 5 Fulton street now occupied R 7 M C o v e n t r y as a paint shop Possess ion May

-Stoic tr rtar

t ^ t r AC1KLHT 279 Rive at

IOR S A L E mdash A B A R G A I N L O T O F L A N D IAO IIV 0 0 F F E T O N T I B

_ III 1 8 A VKN i K new t w o story dwell inghouae out-macs and a good well ol nivoii W I T H on thepremlaeB

IOU i n minute walk from the CoHrtiloose In Troy The position la healthy The lot has a variety of fruit trees

be been carefully cultured It oilers fnl as well as desirable place of residence Knqulre for

W T WILLARD i f First corner ef Ferryat

I O It S A L E T H E V E K V D E S I R A B L E F R O X periy consiabik ol one modern Ballt three story and bTiaeiueni brick dwell ing hotiaeone two-story frame buildshying (92 by ) feet) on lo t to t w o Irame tenement houaes on lot 1st all sliuated on the weat aloe ot River stbdquo In the Tenth WTB torcmamllng innfbMiii n i n v e n t and a line of

iil) laquotbdquo eji i irt ing i t i m River at to thi Hudson leet more or lea Thsfe Is on lot s) a never 111-

lug raquoprina aif pure water and oilier rare convenience For further pnft ltnlata apply on the premise corner River


J O R S A L E T E N VACANT L O T S ON T H I K - teenth alreet South of J n c o o t o - w l t Soa it ma 117

HO 111142 H i and l i t T w o vacant lots on east aide of I f u at No lull no i hrce vacant lots do On 11th

II 91 and N l i v e iota on Thirteenth north OI fagie two do on Ipjtthwent corner of Twelfth and Hut ti tabdquo Noa fj anrrKOi foar lots do on Ragle it t w o do on the east aide ol Klev r lh St eighteen vacant Iota do on IIe west side of Klev nth at to wit No Wft pound en 2araquo

I 2152 Id 4 7 24K Ma m laquo l and 2M ove lot will ba sold at a baigr-ln But a amnal Por-

lllaquon ni the puichaae money want- gti down Ki iuu l l iOr |I2 LOTACKLK1 l laquo raquo i y y e r raquo t


r i o A by - - l i t Rent |-20 per ye ir F or particular rnqulre of

PRCK HILLMAN laquo PARKS I Mut Building Ht f l O L E T mdash S i x rrew a n t conimoilloii dwel l ing hoaaes X being tin iiiaci known as Union llac situshy

ate on Broadwraquoy cor Fifth The dwell ing are to be tin Ished in first cl style wllh all lha modern Improvement - g a s heater hot and cold water ballt room closet A c by the lith ol April Peraons having hnalnrea with Mr Beach can aeehlm attheollic of the undcralvned be tween t h e h o a r a o f l a n d l P M PKCK Hll I MAN A P A i K s f l t O L E T - - The principal i tory of h e v s t No-ai Llhei ly X raquotreet c o n a l a l u of 2 room imngt om kitchen anu

bed room and one larte room and a bed room In he third story Water and gna introduced Possession cn b h a d 1st Maymdashor perhaps by arrangement with the tenant now there Immediately as he la i olng Into the country Rent 200 Inquire of JAMES FKKIOT Hoo in i31fa

fe28 l loaul i inn Building (up 2 pair stair )

tMMt S A L E A valuable Water Power Including good IbuiblluKS water wheel shafting Ac For particulars

apply to PKCK HILLMAN PARKS ItOl 4 Mutual Building Sta e at

F water


M A L T C O F F E E The aulircrlhera In offering Ibis article to the public do

ao wllh e i i ibe contiilence and recommend II for Its highly nutrit ive properties

Its Perfect Purity and Its Cheapness A be ing the best laquoubstitule for genuine Coffee ye t Introshyduced

ITS HEALTHY ACTION ON THE SYSTEM Renders It especially desirable for dyspeptic and persons ef nervous temperament

Tula Coffee will be found io require L E S S S W E E T -raquo4lNG than other Coffee owing to the sachartne created by Hie proceaa of Malting

Manufactured by WHITE A MOORF f e i ] tf rand wuay i t s A l b a n y


nave been sold In Its native town and not a tingle instance ot Its failure la k n o w n bull

W e have In our poaaeBslon any quantity of certificate some of them from

EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have nsed It In their p actlce and given it the pre-em luence over any other compound

It does not dry up a COUGH hut loosens It so a to enable the patient to expectorate freely


A HALF BOTTLE has often complete ly cured the most

S T U B B O R N COUGH and yet though it Is so sure and Speedy In Its operation It is perfectly harmless being purely vegetable It ia very agreeable to Hie taste aud may be administered to chi ldren of any age

In cases of CBOUP we will guarantee A C U R E

If taken in season

N o F u t i l i t y - S h o u l d b e W i t h o u t I t

It Ii within the reach of all the price being

ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Aud If an Investment and thorough trial f o e s not back

up the above statement the m o n e y will b relundcd W e aay this k n o w i n g it merits and feel confident that one trial will secure for it a home In every household

Do not was te away wl lh Coughing when i o iiiiall an inshyvestment will c o r e you It may be had of any respectable Drugglit ia t o w n w h o wil l furnish you with a circular ol genuine certificates of cures it ha made

O G CLARK A CO Proprietors

NEW HAVEN CT W R HAOAN 1 Flrat slbdquo raquond 8 O GLKA80N 812 River

street Agents Troy d74m



S P A R K S INSURANCE AGENT No 4 m u t u a l Itiil l i l itic S t a t e - s t r e e t I V 8 K B A l l V H h T l s K M I t N T IV AHCfTHXB O l l l l l g g f a i l



FOSTER F o r B o t t l i n g o r D r a u g h t

5 JL F u l l A i i e r l m e n t a l w a y s o n h a m I

D e p o t In N e w Tork 5 6 Liberty Street

A A DUNLOP WEST TROY Order by mail t o A A DtmLOr Weraquot Troy or left wlt t

J J Gil lespie Co 271 Klver street wil l rece ive attention


Would Inform hl i friends and the public that his office Is a t Filth St Udoora south of Broadway where be can be found night and day (except when on professional business) ready to attend to all calls In his profession Dr Halls p r e d i c t Is purely physiological He reject in medicat ion eve t j agent and article inimical to the human const i tut ion (esps clally mercurial poisons) and uses for the cure of disease

MARKET FIREJNSURANCE CO C A P I T A L S B O O O O O S U R P L U S O v e r S laquo 0 0 0 0

AB11UR TAYLOR Pres ident H P FREEMAJN Secretary

N O 3 T W A L L S T R E E T N Y P A R K S A s r i i


O R G A N I Z E D 1 8 3 3 C A P I T A L s a o o O O S U R P L U S J a n 1 1SAO I S O S S I


APPLICATIONS FOR INSURANCE In the c l t y o l Tro raquond vicinity to be made to HARWOOD CIPPKRLTl Agent 2d3 Hlver Street

apl l tf WM W H E N S H A W eoT-



Who Devotes himself entirely to the Treatment (tf

VENEREAL DISEASES In all their different s tages lias permanently located htm ic l fa t

200 Eiver Street Corner of State ( U P STAIRS) TROT N T

The Doctor devo te s hla w h o l e t ime exclusively t e the reatmen t ol these dbrensca knowing that from thrraquoAtr les aud weakness of the h u m a n race such a specialty 1

necess i tated and having In my experience observed the terrible elfectB of the mistreatment of such diseases by ill-advised and unlearned quacks the distressing maladJu arising from these diseases necessitate that the patient

bould be very discriminating In bis employment of a pro per Physician Tho dizziness In the head r lugtngla the

ars palpitation general Indisposition to labor languor assltudayloas of memory headache A c arising from s nilnal weakness hould lead those afflicted to employ Imshymediately a physician w h o devotes himself to that class of

lseases exclus ively I am prepared to treat on the latest scientific plana all cases o f GONUUKUKA B T P U I L I B mdash P r l mary Becoudary and Tert iary

TO T H E L A D I E S I also devote my personal attention o all c l a n e of Fe-

x A L I D I S H A S S S and separate apartments for their ( spec ia l accommodation wi l l a l w a y s be in readiness The Doctor has no hirelings or aASOCIatea but attends to all hla busishyness personally I cons tant ly ke lp on hand Female Pil ls They are not made In France or London or In any foreign country but made by a e expreaBly from a receipt that ha been long tried and found succeasfal In every case of obshystruction o l i u c u s c a from whatevercauBe L a d l e i t h a t a r e pregnant are Tequeated n o t to tako them They wil l b mailed to any part of the United State or Canauai apou the receipt of 100 the price per box

I F The Doctor would a l so state that he Is preparing a Private Medical and Scientific Work which will be of e s t service to the human family and will be baaed to the public at an early day no t i ce of which will be given la the preai throughout the ent ire country

Olllce hours dally from 8 In the morning till 9 at night -Sundays from 2 l o 3 i a

OF Patient c o m m u n i c a t i n g to the Doctor their s y m p shytoms by letter will m e e t with prompt attention l l e s e a a a medicine with particular directions to any part of t k United State or Canada All correspondence treated ltrlctly confidential bull

gt- 1


_ t o u c h i n g a t _ _ ( C O K K lfAiitiOK) The Liverpool N e w

York and Philadelphia Steamship Company Intend doa-patchlng their ful l -powered Clyde built Iron Steamships a fol lows

CITY OF BALTIMORE bull bull Saturday March II KDlNBi lROU Satur iUv M a r c h t ETNA Saturuay April 1

and every succeeding Saturday at (toon irom Piur M North River

raquo A T laquo OF PAlaquo8A(J t lraquo YAIHS IN (10111 OR I CS K O l - t V l l l N T I S O P R E I X C Y

harmony with pkyiologlcul laws and these he applies In the way and manner that best accord with sound experience and the ex igencies of the case Or All ca l l s In the c i ty or country wi l l b e promptly and laithfully attended to feW


TH E S E II E A T E I t S were introduced nlno year ago and h a v e had a Career of unpara l le led Sucee many

thonaaiida having been hrot Into nae to warm dwell ings churches publ ic building itorea i teamcr etc Three premium h a v e been awarded by the Amort tan Imtltnte and premium too numerous to ment ion by the various State and County Agricultural Societies at whose fair the Heater h a v e been exhibited by our agent Thla fact na wel l a the test imony ol experienced mechan ic s through-out the country nausea u to claim and to chal lenge c o n shytradiction that the Sanford Chal lenge Heaters have no su shyperior

d l t f pound C F A F | A g e n t 261 River i t bull

NO T I C E T O T I I E L A D I E S A N D G E N T L E M E N of TroymdashThose desiring Help or Servants can hear ol

six or eight good Girls to do general h o u s e w o r also three oi fovr W o m e n who will be will ing to go into the country aome fifteen of them can do alt kfada of needlework and can c o m e wel l recommended Situations obtained for men out of einployment

ftr Olllce No 10 Flrat Street Basement of Athenomm MICHAEL I l O t n i A N

n9 Boot and Shoe Maker and Repairer






T R O Y S T E A M B raquo 5 O K B I N D E R Y No 211 River Street orer Dally Budget OfBoe

HA V I N G A V A I L E D M Y S E L F O F S T E A M P O W -Kit and added to my Bindery a large amount of new

machinery f am now prepared to e x e c u t e aUordera In my

O R S A L E o r T O L E T - A Imatl nouraquoR In

AMKS FKKIOT Itooinraquo27 and 2 noardmnfl

burgh roaaeaalon at Ma

alo a larao barn In the rear Inquire f

Laralng cistern and well

1 II rl S A L E O N E

w w u a l d o o l Km an I north oi 1 bullontii of Jtf eb Street I bull i Lot

V laquogtelaquot able ol hKsK9eaati--Ber of Jacob and f e o t h

_ bdquo j t M o n i LoU 41 12 wt aide of Eighth t Lot a at side of Eighth and gti v 41 40 SO eaalBlde of Ninth ) 61 laquo i west side of Ninth Street of Ninth Street Lot 74 75 7)

i Sraquo 81 laquo i traquo SLlaquoBM T w o lota aotJa weat cor

Enoulre of LOT ACELKVaO River S t r e e t

fe23r mdashf bull Hnlltllngs (up 2 pair Main ) s

I I M l l i l t V A K U TO H E M S H u a t c d o n t h e a o u l n J weat corner of River and Liberty raquo ex tending to

m e l iver at present occupied by Oeo II Fr irnaa A W | | 0 IAHKD S WKFi l

T H I K S A L E - A home barn and four full lo ts alYiiated r In Ha icatown near llic Stale Dam Thi la a desirable priierty ami will be sold low Apply to 1 p-iiii C W BRUSH r niton Va-kraquot Troy _

ON E L A R G E 0 F M V IraquoElaquolaquoK F O K bullraquoALI low mi l i K A I I N i A L L S I- River st

i t t H S A L E Hie heaiitilul en bull nee known at the Igtr A (bull Benedict Ptaoa in the vi l lage of Hutklrk1

idge comprising laquon elegant two story brick dwe l l l o t and about two acre of land I h e ground are taatefnliy ornameti led w p h tree and hrnh 11 also a fine barn en the place For partlrulara Inquire ot

pklaquo k l i f L L M A S A PARKS I Mm Building Wat at 1 - i O H S A I E - I n Uie village of Binnmgion Centra a large V t w o atotf bona wmi three t o r n ol Ii nd a line garuen bull raquobull 1 bdquo laquo a I I bdquo raquo out hitlldlnga l u q a i r e n f i m s i t a n M ~ t laquo raquo tw traderaquoM t Troy

C E R T I F I C A T E O F I I R C H U T O N - n E A D O F F I C OF T H L A I I I I A T O laquo Y OF J A 8 K C H I I T O N A Cltraquo 1

Ne riPrli ee atre-t New York N b I V f W f I Mraquoraquorraquo W B I T I A Mi O K having lulmil l ted to ua aaani

pie of their bullbullMalt ( oflee for analyala Ac From Ihe remi t of our examinalli in we are anehled tlaquo

report that alter g iv ing it a thorough lnveatgatlon i lit-mically w e have not lonnd laquonythiiir In i t i c e m p o i l t l o n that llaquo ollectionraquoldc or In any way do rlmental to health on thi c o n t r a r y w laquo bel ieve ihat It ne aa a substitute for Coffee will frore- llA- temmr and Nutrition

JAS BCHILIOM Co AnaljU alCl icmlaU C A I T I O N

The nnrleralgned were the flnt to plaice the above named article h i iore tha public II nnpiecedentcd anacea ha Induced nihera to attempt it wanu m-inrc It Ismannfae-

v a nrocaknownonl j aeea i se ivr and the pubile are canl loned iglnraquol purrhaalng an InMtor quality

W H I T E gt M O O R E raquo o l e M n i u f n c l i r e r a Noa 2 4 il and lu lib eker a t Albany N T

11ROCRRS SCALES rarda Agent

t great variety of i r a l l t t e e t i n d a l l nrcetaary l u q n l r e o f UnS| LOT AcVfLRT 179 W | J raquo O R S A L E - O I F O F F A Y n i T K N O N I N O M A -


BF O S L F A V E to lnfo im tltme of her cntomcra wboae KID IHOVKS were rrrfnieii dyeing In the bnraquolcat s e a

aon tr lat ihet now prepared to fake In any order for

D Y f l lt OR t il V M M K I D A i al io every other article In the branch of


Ofillaquolt TVo laquo raquo M t n t t f - P i t i o laquo i t S E A R RIVKR

N B t - J t E L E C T S e c o n d H a n d I a d l e i W e a r H o a g h l a n d S o l d

PLATFORM SCALES all sUe34 lira and upward F o r a a l e b y IIKARIT A C O Agenl

a n 5 o Sign of the Padlock No iKlTtlveri t



frrtleri by mall or otherwise will receive attaattoa Sold w b o l c s ^ c o r r e u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

apflSdn Nos 241 and 248 River S t r e e t

Robiruoni Patent System of Ventilation E M O N S T R A H L Y C t f R H E C T I N T H E O R V Is unlvoially BOcCeafiil in practice School Houses

R o o m Dwll lug Units Masonic Lodges Hospl tals Prison Stable or other Buildings new or old pershyfectly and satisfactorily ventilated by

Li I HKit ItoillNSOrf 4e Congress trelaquot ocgrsUwTTAS OBTON

V I R G I N I A E r F e R O I L TIP is a pore Oil frem th r o c i f nirih weMern Virginia raquond ha been e x t e n -

bullIveiy naed on ralroad and manufacturing machinery raquond la anpartor m a n y other oil a It Weat s longer and doe not |

a t l a T O D D A H H BURTON SOCongrtM at


l lneo t bninelaquolaquoon very eliort notice It I my IntentUn that all work turned ont of my establ ishment aliall be marked by the peculiarity of excel lence durabil i ty and beautiful workmanahtp

Having a eerefal ly selected aaaortment of the different grade of paper I wil l manufacture either In large or small quantities Also Invite attention to m y atyln of printed Job Binding Harper Magazine Lady 8 Hook and other Madeline together with all Job Work which will be done lu a auperlor atyle of workmanship

I a lso Invite attention to a new sty le of Pagnlng or Nnm berlng Machine which I have it being the only one o u t o l New-York city It wil l number Check Draft Bank Note and Ticket page Hooka and in fact it wi l l do atl work In which figurea ar required on any kind e f Blanks Music will be paged and Indexed without any extra charge The attention of Banka Manufacturing Companies K o o g i e l l e n and i ta t lonwa la called to till Machine

My establishment la furnished wl lh all the Tenia and Ma chlnery Including Cutting Machlnea of the yery4tes t Im provcnnmta

Publisher and others will find It to their advantage to g ive m e a call All work will fb d o n laquot let thirty per eent l o w e r than any other establishment In thi city

The patronage o f Uie puhllc I rcjpectftilly solicited OKORGK W SHKPAKD

No 21 River S tree t 0C It Over the Troy Dally Budget Of lee

W O O D W O R T H S C O N D I T I O N P O W D E R S for Yv otaca and Cattle These Powder may be given with

great advantage In all case or loa or appetite roughness of inn hair or coat horse dlalamber h ide bound and a l i o w l l l b a c k e n theheraquovea and lu recent cases effect a curemdash In lact there la ho disease among horse and cattle wner the powders are not c lbnl dgtr For raquole by

acid STODDARD A BURTON M Congress t

W E D D I N G and FlHlTINCi

INSURANCE AGENCY 2 6 3 River-Street Troy N Y

FIRE IILANO RAVtBATiON AID LIFE IMURAREE Pollclea written and renewed and Loaaes equitably ad

nsted and promptly paid for tho fo l lowing rel iable c o m penles


Cash Capital 40ed00 Asset 600000 P H C 3 N 1 X F I R E I N S U R A N C E CO

OF BROOKLYN N Y 1 Principal office GD Wall s treet New York

Cash Capital 1200000 Asse ts 1300000 P R O V T D E N O E W A S H I N G T O N I N S OO

OF PROVIDENCE I t I Incorporated 1790mdashone of the oldest and b e l t Companies

In the United State Caah Capital (200000 Aaaet t44S000


Cah Capital ||V)000 A u e t s $248000


Cash Capital IISOOOO Asset $164000 The subscriber also procures Insurance la other first

class N e w York and Eastern Com panic Life Ininranc effected IB


laquo AaieU oyer $700000


Assail over $600001 J O H N C C O L B A g e n t

l y l Office No 25laquo River s t r e e t Troy H Y

FIRST CABIN 4 $S000 do to London a i 00 do to Pari n(Kgt d gt to Hamburg UOOO

STEKRAGE $31JS do to London MM no to P a r l i M i d do to Hamburg 7M

Paengers also forwarded to Havre Brenen l totterdam Antwerp A c at equal ly l o w rates

FaC from Llverppol or Queenatown Flrat Cabin fl $raquoS $105 Steerage from Liverpool $10 From Qneana-town $11 Those w h o wlh to lend for their frlendi caa buy tlcaeta here at these rates

For further Information apply at the Companya OfBcea dii JOHN O DALE Agont WHroadway N T $FFor further Information through tickets and plaas

o f Cabins apply to B A TILLI1GHA8I A SON Agenia Bauk of Troy Building N o 17 First street Troy


BOOT A N D S H O E S T O K E N o 1 1 C O N 6 R E S STREET Thla old eatabllahrnent Is now fully supplied



Cash (lanital $300000 W Aaeta January I laquobdquo


MBS1 bullAIM

t x i t r r o a e J a m c Lorlmer Orsh m J o s e p h B Varnimi Leonard Appleby Frederick If WolcoR Will iam K Strong Molaquoelaquo Taylor Janic o SMklen J o h n C Henderaon J o s e p h B Varnntn Jr Watson K Case Edward Macoantief

Daniel Pariah Onitavna A c o n o v e r Martin Bate Jr Chart L Voe Warren Delano J r Henry V Bntler Boi ea R Mcl lva lne Gilbert L B e e c k m a a L d i e y B Ful ler l^orraln Freeman J as Lorlmer Graham Jrfl

STREET ^__ or aprlng and auniiner trade On hand a full (trick o l t o n HANiFAiTitax also a large supply of Nw York lad Kaateru made work of cholr-e quallllea and l o w price rhla stock eoiuprtaci nearly every variety of Men a Wo-nens Boys Misses and Childrens BOOTS OA ITERS UIOKB SLIPPKItS 0 bdquo la great variety All of which vlll be sold at LOW F B I O B the quality being fully eqaal to he best in the city

f r Special attention g iven to custom work Th p t t r n ire ef the public la respectfully solicited maau


J J O I L I E S P Y C O A ( 1 E N T S F O R T H E A L B a of W Rnar-ell A Aoa Hinat ng and Sporting Powdtr

nanuufactured at Bennington Vtbdquo are prepared to deliver t promptly In any part of th city la all the variety at tackages kegB half and quarter kega pound half and inartcr pound canisters at the manufacturers prices Also Igenta for the celebrated o r a n g e Gunpowder manufactured ly Roeera A Co at Nnwburgh N Y m h U

I M K W O R K tank Vaults Vault Doors ant) Frames


i l ao Burglar and F ire Proof Safes with UlllEI IMPROVED RANI AID SAFE LORIt

onataully on band ami made to erder This Is the only eatabliahment In the United State where

til of tli above article are made and where a n - rel iable ruarentee can be had by the purchaser of ontt laquo aatlara ion Reference and any other Itiforniatlon an he had b f

raquoddrcsilng LEWIS 1ILLIB myM

m Manufactnrer and Propr ^tor TrovT If T

E W H O O K S The Penateuoh M | O O K o f J o h o l ined llv ta R mdash

ikop of Natal y 0 i Falil O t l g l n a l a n l Sc ^cUd

Critically lenao D II Itisho

Kvamlned llv te Ht Rev Joon Wm Co-of Natal vol I now ready Price Ma

- in 1 e c l e d By (i Motr Hoaay I i irraquoel wllh numcrou angrat lngs by On In Smith CrntA

A^mitTrrWoTTuTmacli ir^franalatdby Hawkworth FmhallUhed Willi upward ol 100 Engravings Cloth prlc

The SI Milton Book By Annt Fanny Anthor e f th Night Cap Soi lea utc Price tk pur vol For sale by

Y O U N O A HKNHiix Mt Itlvr and laquo Fir laquobullraquo v fDWAHC A S T A H I B U B T Sccy

hla clt lompany 1 iirepared to reeoiyo raquopnl lcaUoni ibr maiirarana ror tills city and vicinity and Itaue Vol lc le t wltk oni rferenc to the New York oflio Loraquoo equitably ad-lusted and paid at tpjlaquo Agency

apl2 HA It CII PJRLY Agent

r s C T r o y u Illver i

C A B D 8



ik ltlver BUeet Trov over Market Bank



C a a t i d a p t t a l i s bull bull laquo raquo 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 S u r p l u s - bull 8 0 0 0 0

MA11K H O W A R D Prealdent 1 T U O M A 8 LOBDRLL Secretary

rKCK A HILLMAN Agent No 4 Mninal HnlMIn Sraquolaquoraquoraquo araquo

ndkiu bull -i

8 tr fin

e a g o StiWyTlcd Be HON A N D H A L L I B D T Also chl leel anil S n a r tlured llama thiia x

4 t i e c e l v e d raquo t L S R K K D S fiSConjrrea at Hand a 1111

I F l i e tore to go to Reeds lor Wilbur i c ldr Vinegar

fegt| S U P E R I O R D R A I N OF V I T R I F I E D S T O N E W A R E

ALL 8IZE8 FroroLjI to III incbc i dlameterwith Hand aad Branches tot thelaquomc for sale at loaniitacturcr prices at Trt y AgrW culural Warehouse and Seed Store Mai River itreast

ana H W a R H B t t

Patent HoiiMng Machines

BA T T K R S H A I I ^ G R A V I f S At V A N A I S T V N i l are Agents for Troy foi an Improvaa machme adapt-

ed to light or heavy bualnesa and un lvena l ly aboptwl by Store and Warehonaea Bnlbleri and others ar Invite) t e call and examln ihoae now In na hv hem at Ml a a g a Rival raquo laquo bull

and N a v y F a y Collected Army S O L D I E R S H O N O R A RI Y D I lt t I I A H O K J O F R O M n dfaahlllly Incurred in service ami Ms rgtraquotaEvaai of deceased aoldlara can ftava Uiair elalm mad 01 aad collected by appltoatltia Lgt

raquo o raquo laquo t H PARiai l i M i p g a Trov

I H E j manJulmoii | rakturaquo i ly at

er t o y raquo b ic Balaam of air Piute

In Tan Mlnntcaby i i B g Or laquo o o -aam of air P u t t Just relt atvaj a

Idll liLAAaONlaquo l i t Hlver laquo

P R I N T I N D I S T I N C T I N P L A C E S ] O P Y M U T I L A T E D I N P L A C E S

Untitled Document

fileC|Documents20and20SettingsAdministratorDesktophellohtml2182007 110103 AM

Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
