i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your...

© Monday Campaigns, Inc. take a mindful moment MOnday i Being mindful – paying attention to the present moment in a gentle, non-judgmental way – can help relieve stress and make life feel like less of a struggle. Here are several ways to take s mindful moment today. Mindful eating: Turn off the TV, computer, and phone and sit with your meal in front of you. Now slowly take a bite and focus all your attention on the taste and texture of what you’re eating. Savor every flavor. Take each bite this deliberately. You’ll find you’re less likely to over eat and more likely to enjoy it. i i Mindful observing: When we’re rushing around it’s easy to miss the beauty of our natural environment. So pick one bit of nature’s handiwork to focus on – a tree, a cloud, a flower – and spend a minute or two just looking at it, as if you’re seeing it for the first time. One Mindful Monday can change the way you look at everything. i Mindful Breathing: Sit comfortably and simply focus on your breathing, on the breath coming up through your belly and in through your nose, the pause, then your exhale. When your mind wanders into the past or the future, just gently return to your breathing and to the here and now. i Mindful walking: We walk & text, walk & talk, walk & eat – but sometimes it’s refreshing to just walk. Focus on each step, from your heel hitting the ground to the ball of your foot to your toes. Don’t worry about where you have to get to, just focus on the act of walking. It’s almost like being a toddler again. i Select a piece of instrumental music (lyrics can be distracting.) Put on headphones, close your eyes, and let it play. Allow yourself to get lost in the music. Don’t think about the genre or get caught up in judging it, just fully immerse yourself in every moment. i Mindful listening: Healthy Monday Reset Your

Transcript of i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your...

Page 1: i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and renew yourself with some deep, cleansing breaths. i Focus on your breathing

© Monday Campaigns, Inc.

take a mindful moment MOnday i

Being mindful – paying attention to the present moment in a gentle, non-judgmental way – can help relieve stress and make life feel like less of a struggle. Here are several ways to take s mindful moment today.

Mindful eating:Turn off the TV, computer, and phone and sit with your meal in front of you. Now slowly take a bite and focus all your attention on the taste and texture of what you’re eating. Savor every flavor. Take each bite this deliberately. You’ll find you’re less likely to over eat and more likely to enjoy it. i


Mindful observing:When we’re rushing around it’s easy to miss the beauty of our natural environment. So pick one bit of nature’s handiwork to focus on – a tree, a cloud, a flower – and spend a minute or two just looking at it, as if you’re seeing it for the first time. One Mindful Monday can change the way you look at everything.i

Mindful Breathing:Sit comfortably and simply focus on your breathing, on the breath coming up through your belly and in through your nose, the pause, then your exhale. When your mind wanders into the past or the future, just gently return to your breathing and to the here and now.i

Mindful walking:We walk & text, walk & talk, walk & eat – but sometimes it’s refreshing to just walk. Focus on each step, from your heel hitting the ground to the ball of your foot to your toes. Don’t worry about where you have to get to, just focus on the act of walking. It’s almost like being a toddler again.i

Select a piece of instrumental music (lyrics can be distracting.) Put on headphones, close your eyes, and let it play. Allow yourself to get lost in the music. Don’t think about the genre or get caught up in judging it, just fully immerse yourself in every moment. iMindful listening:

Healthy Monday ResetYour

Page 2: i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and renew yourself with some deep, cleansing breaths. i Focus on your breathing

© Monday Campaigns, Inc.

This week, reduce your stress by taking a break

There’s a growing body of research indicating that taking breaks can reduce your stress, boost your productivity, and improve your health. Most of us are working so hard every day we’ve forgotten

how to take a break, so here are some suggestions.

smile more:Studies show that smiling can reduce your anxiety, lower your blood pressure, and trigger your brain’s reward center (like eating chocolate.) Taking a break to smile tells your brain it feels good, and when your brain feels good it tells you to smile more. Then people see you smiling and smile back, which makes you smile even more. So smile and start a chain reaction of happiness.i


listen to soothing music:Studies have found that listening to music reduces stress and anxiety. Particularly slow, quiet classical music can have a deeply relaxing effect on the mind and body lowering blood pressure and decreasing the levels of stress hormones. So next time you’re stressed, take a music break. Let music take you to a more peaceful place. i

do a Monday mile:Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to step away from it for a bit. From CEOs to scientists, people say their best ideas come during mid-day walks. So take a walk outdoors and breathe in some fresh air. Or walk indoors - a Stanford study found that even walking on a treadmill can help boost your creativity.i

try a guided meditation:If you don’t work at a place that has a meditation room (who does?) you can always just slip on headphones and let a guided meditation take you to a calmer place. Try a 5 minute meditation for a quick refresher or a longer one for lunch. i


The NY Metropolitan Museum has a wonderful resource called 82nd & Fifth. It’s five minute recordings by 100 different curators about works of art that they love. Taking a break tocontemplate something artistic is a great wayto DeStress. And shifting your attention, can often refresh and renew your attention.

take an art break:

iHealthy Monday ResetYour

Page 3: i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and renew yourself with some deep, cleansing breaths. i Focus on your breathing

© Monday Campaigns, Inc.

happy new week! Try the monday reset practice to

feel peaceful and energized.i i

breathe:Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and renew yourself with some deep, cleansing breaths. Focus on your breathing to help settle your mind.i

be mindful:Gather the past and future into the present moment. Observe your thoughts with openness.i

spread the happiness:Share your positive energy with others and watch it multiply.iLet go of stresses and worries. Move

towards happiness, clarity and calm. Wish others well. i shift to the positive:


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Healthy Monday ResetYour

Page 4: i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and renew yourself with some deep, cleansing breaths. i Focus on your breathing

It’s Monday. Time to move! 5 ways to ‘deskercise.’

Sitting at a desk hour after hour and day after day can take a toll on your body. Here are some simple exercises you can do to get your muscles working and your blood flowing (which can also get ideas flowing.)

It’s always good to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.

STRETCHES:Your back, neck, and shoulders a break from sitting, especially if you’re staring at a screen. So stand up and stretch from your fingertips to your toes. It’ll improve your flexibility and relieve stress. Best of all, stretching your body can refresh your mind.

BAG CURLS:Any purse with a strap will work. Start with your arm by your thighs. Bend your elbow and curl your arm up toward your chest, pause, then lower it. Try 10-15 reps with each arm (depending on how much you keep in your purse.) Men can use a water bottle – or a purse if that’s how you roll.

SIDE SWIVELS:Work your obliques without getting out of your chair. Start by sitting upright with your feet hovering over the floor. Holding your desk with your hands, use your core to swivel the chair from side to side. Try not to say ‘’Wheeee!’ too loudly.

i KNEE-UPS:Raise your arms up in the air. Now bring them down while lifting one of your knees up - as if you’re breaking a twig over your knee. Then raise your arms and try it with the other knee. It’s great for your hip flexors and quads. And great if you have some twigs to break.

If you’re going to use a chair, make sure it’s the non-rolling variety – otherwise, use a secure desk. Grip the chair’s edges on both sides and slide to the front edge of the chair. With your arms straight and your legs extended, dip by bending your arms. Push yourself up, then dip again. Continue until your triceps say ‘Uncle!’



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It’s Monday. Time to move! 5 ways to ‘deskercise.’

Healthy Monday ResetYour

Page 5: i iyour breathing and to the here and now. iIt’s almost ...€¦ · Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and renew yourself with some deep, cleansing breaths. i Focus on your breathing

This Monday stretch yourself. Try chair yoga.

Chair Yoga can reduce your stress, improve flexibility and refresh your mind. Check with your healthcare provider before trying it.

SEATED CAT:Begin sitting tall, hands on thighs.Inhale: tilt pelvis back and bring belly to back of your spine.Exhale: curve spine toward the back of the chair.forward, drop shoulders, with your chest facing up.Inhale: round shoulders and look down toward your lap.Exhale: return to sitting tall.

SIDE STRETCH:Inhale: raise left arm up toward the ceiling, with palm facing inward.Exhale: reach left arm up and stretch toward your right.Inhale: feeling your left torso open.Exhale: breathing space between your left ribs.Inhale: stretch a tiny bit further.Exhale: back to center. Repeat with the right arm raised, left arm on thigh.

NECK STRETCH:Start with a tall neck.Inhale: ease your right ear toward your right shoulder. Exhale: feel left neck muscles stretch.Inhale: making space on your left side.Exhale: left shoulder relaxes.Inhale: lengthen, careful not to strain.Exhale: return head to center.Repeat on other side.

SIDE STRETCH:Inhale: sitting tall, aligning your head, shoulders, spine & hips.Exhale: twisting to your right, placing right hand on seat of chair, resting left hand on right thigh.Inhale: feeling your spine lengthen.Exhale: twisting a bit more.Inhale: spine gets taller.Exhale: release your twist, and come back to center, resting arms. Repeat the steps, twisting in the opposite direction.

This Monday stretch yourself. Try chair yoga.

Healthy Monday ResetYour