I International Symposio Transnational relations and the Arts … · 2017-09-18 · Art, politics,...

Art, politics, and diplomacy in the Modern Era (XVI - XVIIIth centuries) FLUCTUATING ALLIANCES I International Symposio Transnational relations and the Arts Technische Universität Berlin 21st - 22nd September 2017 Sebastiano Conca, The education of Aquiles, Museo del Prado, oil on canvas, 1727 Scientific direction Dr. Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira Scientific committee Prof. Dr. Bärbel Küster (TU, Berlin) Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy (TU, Berlin) Dr. Phil. Andrea Sommer-Mathis (Austrian Accademy of Sciences, Vienna) Dr. Cloe Cavero de Carondelet (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich) Dr. Carlos Pena Buján (Independent scholar) Dr. Mar García Arenas (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Organization Technische Universität, Berlin Institut für Kunstwissenschaften und Historische Urbanistik, Fachgebiet Kunstgeschichte, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152 10623 Berlin

Transcript of I International Symposio Transnational relations and the Arts … · 2017-09-18 · Art, politics,...

Page 1: I International Symposio Transnational relations and the Arts … · 2017-09-18 · Art, politics, and diplomacy in the Modern Era (XVI - XVIIIth centuries) FLUCTUATING ALLIANCES

Art, politics, and diplomacy in the Modern Era (XVI - XVIIIth centuries)


I International SymposioTransnational relations and the ArtsTechnische Universität Berlin21st - 22nd September 2017



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Scientific directionDr. Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira

Scientific committeeProf. Dr. Bärbel Küster (TU, Berlin)Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy (TU, Berlin)Dr. Phil. Andrea Sommer-Mathis (Austrian Accademy of Sciences, Vienna)Dr. Cloe Cavero de Carondelet (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich)Dr. Carlos Pena Buján (Independent scholar)Dr. Mar García Arenas (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

OrganizationTechnische Universität, Berlin Institut für Kunstwissenschaften und Historische Urbanistik, Fachgebiet Kunstgeschichte, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152 10623 Berlin

Page 2: I International Symposio Transnational relations and the Arts … · 2017-09-18 · Art, politics, and diplomacy in the Modern Era (XVI - XVIIIth centuries) FLUCTUATING ALLIANCES




9:15 - Welcome by the convenor

I Morning session: War and PeaceChair: Prof. Guy Rowlands (University of St. Andrews, UK)

9:30 - 9:55 Alberto Rodríguez Martínez (UPO, Sevilla), An impossible peace: views and representations of the Twelve Years Truce from 1609 to 1621.

9:55 - 10:20 Anna Lisa Schwartz (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg), Iunguntur Iupiter et Sol: Picturing Peace between Louis XIV and Charles VI after the Treaty of Rastatt (1714).

10:20 - 10:45 Francisco Zamora Rodríguez (CHAM-Centro de Humanidades, UNL-Lisboa), Microconflictos e imagen en espacios portuarios “neutrales” durante la Guerra de Sucesión Española.

10:45 - 11:20 Discussion

11:20 - 11:40 Coffee break

II Morning session: Jesuits and diplomacyChair: Dr. Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira (TU, Berlin)

11:40 - 12:05 Lise Puyo (University of Pennsylvania), The 1676 Huron-Wendat Wampum Belt: Indigenous Negotiations with the Divine.

12:05 - 12:30 Mar García Arenas (CHAM-Centro de Humanidades, UNL-Lisboa), Las implicaciones diplomáticas de la reconciliación entre Roma y Lisboa a través de la numismática conmemorativa (1769-1770).

12:30 - 13:00 Discussion

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break

Afternoon session: Negotiating with Faith

14:55 - 15:20 Pierre-Olivier Oullet (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada), France bringing faith to the Hurons of New France: the regent Anne of Austria and the taking over of the colony by Louis XIV.

15:20 - 15:45 Iris Haist (Graphischen Sammlung, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz), Herrschaft aus Marmor und Papier – Die Grabmonumente für Maria Clementina Sobieska und Jacob III. Stuart als Repräsenta-tionsinstrumente der römisch-katholischen Kirche.

15:45-16:20 Discussion


I Morning session: Court and diplomatic celebrationsChair: Dr. Nicole Hegener (Humboldt Universität, Berlin)

9.00-9:25 Philippa Woodcock (University of Warwick/ Oxford Brookes/ CNAM Paris), L‘ambition de l‘Espagnol: fireworks and frontiers in Bourbon Paris.

9:25-9:50 Roland Béhar (École Normale Supérieure, Paris), Le héros qui sauve du monstre marin : les fêtes de 1612 et l’émulation sym-bolique franco-espagnole.

9:50 - 10:10 Discussion

10:10-10:30 Coffee break

II Morning session: Court and diplomatic celebrations IIChair: Dr. Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira (TU, Berlin)

10:30-10:55 Danièle Lipp (Wien Universität), Emperor Charles‘ VI of Habsburg politics of recruitment of his music chapels.

10:55-11:20 Luis Méndez Rodríguez and Rocío Orellana (Universidad de Sevilla), Arte y diplomacia en el siglo XVIII: La corte española en el Lustro Real.

11:20-12:30 Final discussion with the chairs.

Closing remarks by Dr. Diego Valverde Villena (Director of the Instituto Cervantes)

In January 1722 after a few days of heavy rain in Rome the ephemeral “macchina d’artificio” built to celebrate the wedding between the Prince of Asturias and Isabel d’Orleans was finally burnt before the palazzo di Spagna. The machine, designed by Domenico Paradisi, showcased a clear message of unity and power between the former enemies, France and Spain. At the summit, allegories of both countries shook hands before the re-presentation of the Four Continents. This functioned as a gentle reminder to their enemies after the years of turmoil surrounding the War of Spanish Succession, which had deeply affected the balance of power in Europe. The I International Symposium on Transnational Relations and The arts is devoted to Fluctuating alliances: art, politics and dip-lomacy in the Modern Era (s. XVI-XVIII), seeks to explore the role played by prints, drawings, and any kind of artistic production, such as music and literature, which represented the changing alliances among kings, rulers and countries in the fluctuating early modern political environment. Taking as an example the War of Spanish Succession, but not limited to it, we encourage researchers to explore the uses of art for that purpose.

Chair: Dr. Francisco Zamora Rodríguez (CHAM-Centro de Humanidades, UNL-Lisboa)

14:30 - 14:55 Amanda Van der Drift (The University of Queensland, Brisbane), Picturing politics and diplomacy in the early years of the Franco-Ottoman Alliance (XVI).

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