I-An Idea I - Fultonhistory.com 23/Calera AL Shelby Sentinel... · 1 tech 3 moi $ 5, 6 mos $ S, 12...

wr--* - •'/-. SHELBY SENTINEL ing about 8 o'clock, She was the »hter of Mr. Andrew Ga'lowi PJi3LI3-< = O EVERY THURSDAY. One Copy, one year tin advance) $1.00 (.'ne Copy, six months, •' 5U ADVERTISING RATKS. On* dollar per Inch forfir»tin.<*rvJon; (0 cents for each sub-equfent insertion. 1 tech 3 moi $ 5, 6 mos $ S, 12 mos $12 s. 18, 21), IS 25 3C $25 $40 £100 Quarter colutun 3 roo^ SIS; 6 mo* " " 12 mos 4 changes Out column ti mos $60. IL' mo«i Trnnclent, advertisements, where the parties are riot, known to us, Tiutl be pait 3 lor in advance. A toertisementa not marked with the r?am er of inseitious f^'ired. will be Charge d tc»r at the regular rates Until or- uered out. Obituary Notices, Tributes of Respect. dfcc, exceeding ten lines, Charged tiis asuil advertising rates. Communications intended for publica- tion must be accompanied by the name oi '.lie writer. Notices in local column, 10 cents a lin« fo- ouch insertion. Address all letters to "THE SHELBY SHNTlXKTn" Calera, Alabiitila. this place, was about sixteen years of ago and was a bright and lovely girl. The whole community sympathizes with the stricken f•imil.y in this their sudden and sore bereavement. ITS VALUE RECOGNIZED PHYSICIANS. to \~ .i rule T am oppose etury medicines. Still 1 value it goo :1 one, especially wheti such is the source ot relief from plain. As a topi- cal (external) application I have found I Chamberlain's Pain Balm the best rentedy I liiiVfl ever used for neuralgia Velnri was to love her: there was a sweetness in the tones of her voice; there was an affectionate nature that I impressed every one who knew her. She seemed in some way to recognise | her approaching death and spoke of it in loving terms. Shelefi those who held i dear in the deepest sorrow .'in 1 i ne away to live with the angels, i but earth is better by her having occu- pied it this short space, ami heaven is j propri- I brighter and more inviting. A precious one from us lias gone, A voice we love is "till. A place is vacant in the home, 'lhat never can be filled. N ANN I1C NABORS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report BY -- -- V HT »uf- PURE t>i any kind I have conscientiously recommended it to many persons. William Home. M, D., Janesville, Wis. Sold bv druggists. BRIDGETOH LOCALS. The health of the people is very | good at this time. We Are needlHa rain iri these parts just now. If.it don't corrle soon the turnip crop will be a failure. COUNTY OFFICERS. Probate Judge—D. R. McMillan. Circuit Clerk—W. R. A. Milner. , Register iri Chancery, Gordon DuBose Sheriff—11. W. Nelson. Tax Collector—A. F. Smith. Tax Assessor—John II. Hammorids. County Treasurer—VV. A. Thompson. Supt.oi lulncation—Thos. A. Huston. County Solicitdt—J. L. Peters. County Commissioners—.tames T\fc- tiowan, Rufus Walker, \V. C Powers, 1>. C. Davis. Cotiny Sur-eyor—S. J. Perry. II OX T.S PLOWMAN NOMINATED ON BALLOT 1818. We clip from the Anniston Hot- > Blast the following full report of the proceedings of the convention : After having cast 1818 ballots the Democratic convention of the Fourth district nominated Hon. T S Plowman, We notice that our county eommis ; |i Ivi let* the contract to i'r, John A. Edwards, of Ohidersburg, to put in a system of Waterworks for the and jail at Columbiana at ($3,100) thirty-one hundred dollars. I It strikes the Sontiuel that these are pretty steep figurea and tnat said waterworks would be a costly luxury for the county, We understand that twoof the coir. niissioners, Mi ters and Shaw, of Talladega, at Shelby Springs laSt opposed the measure, and the other Saturday night. The convention met Friday after- noon, and the first ballot was practi- Garner, of Dry Valley ! cally the same as the last ballot mist at Selma, resulting in smith 10 ; T'lo'w- nwii, 10; Kelly, 11; Kobbins, G; Mer- rell j 4, Balloting was continued witli practi- MissMary who lias l>eon visiting relatives at this place for some lime returned home last week. Messel's R. M. DeShazo and S. M. Bass visited Helena last week. The M. E. Church South are build- ing a very nice house just acioss the line of Shelby and Jefferson county, near Prof. VVhitemore's, vvhieh speaks RAILROAD I'IME TABLE. LOUISVILLE ft NASHVILLE. NO. 1, South Bound, 5:05 a.m. !i :25 p. m. fi:30 a. in. 10:25 " 10:S0 p. m (i :12 p . in. 3, i) " " 2, North Bound, 4 •< 10, " well for that community. The Rev. Judge Wiism and son! two favored it. As we stated above il strikes the Sentinel that a $3,100 waterworks for the court house and jail is a very costly luxury for the county, narhfc! it Tlie Calera High School opened lasl week With a good BttenJance. T arc uncut ihitl v live pupils in Ht'endm.eH ihis wefck. Prof. Blalock is in charge. Several years ago 1 was ti k)n with a severe attack ot flux. I was sick iti bed ftbout ten day.-! bu*. could get nothing to relieve me-nnljl i nci-il ('hamberl .in's Colic. Cl'.olrra and l>i iinhoeH Remedy, which cured mpiinrl | has bcfiii a iiousehold remedy with us ever since. .T. O. MiHoTT, ]>ecai:,r- vilie. Mo. For. sale by druggf-sta hoiv :•••><>, - . I Imtsam The CI».«ape*(,t*«r*4i •'-'!•! «<•«< I'noilr j .. ... UM wmnSi , f-of »ion of Spirits. SOL". ; ' ; •• •••• - •«. «>•. Mnrivafed rstileiy h WAMUMd W( W '>?i*ti«n fctloglBpartictsef Ml I ii PURELY Ihdi.gestlon, IJtfadactle. A plcasari'c laxative. Ail I>ru££ists. coniaini : u>4 tUfb all-wi . ,iy dtr* Livcf Dlottcs most pi'«...; ii vji.t <«r« »\t Diseases caused 3>y t>«rii,iu#«.<-iif n* th« Livav- RIMJ ItowcJ*. The SYMPTOMS ••,•.., ' . nsWtil tn U«ti or bad «BM* Id tbamofubi P»ln In l»«BMfc,tt4«» cf Joints^ often ftii^atti«n »"or 1t^«'.»ffl^»trt; v NtomiKiht I.!is9 ' Costive and iay ; H':t mil ' J - u - " •?• painful sens;,! «•• IMMthtaf) ivhicll aught (n (live besn *»•; iJ^hiiUf't S4IW t pirits; a t.liick, yellow apiM»af»ne« M the; $Y d yes; .1 dry I' . n : kl til fi I f V*i . > limes ^iQtiy •- ?ftc*i^l (fee I era very few bu< (ho hivxn, the. largest organ in {he body, J5 ger>er*d'y ths s»;as. fjf »htl ^li»e«ic, and if not Regulated in ttibesgroM nxSning/itrfttdi Edness tind B K 4 . T H will cn*(ie. The " tlly-«sttt«inad - I ' let i\te> ViVn:i. bf SIMMONS LIVED RP.OVI.ATOH: G«a,W,S, iv a jftw,'« n Prcs, Ga, S. V ; , J, R, jftlitt,, s Aotice. -;. ; t:.iiW The Sentinel be'lieies it can Probate court. Estate of French Nabors, deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of said deceased having been granted lo cally'the same result until Saturday man ves several whj will tne undersigned on the 6tli dav nf Au man, yes several, wnj w u gnflt | g!)6i bv th Hon _ D R MoMil , ennrrnct Intinr in ivrr,nrivfif ;s r...i ';. ,c .1, . n •. . y-. .. r,. . ' '.ake the contract to put in waterworks that will furnish an nbiindant supply evening, when the deleg'U'on fi Calhoun held a conference, and. with- of water for both court house and jail Jndjreof the Piobate Court of ShelDy County, notice is hereby given that ail persons having claims ajrainst said estate; j are hereby required to present the same >upt. . W'^ Jiave tested Us tit'tu?s personally, ;i'tf know lhat for Dyspepsia, liiHou^nrss und I'hfobbing Head^ ache, it is the best medicine the world «v»r *aw. We hive tfled forty -jtiicr remedies before ^imniona l.ive^ Kegulatov, and non« of them gave ua fnor^ than tern-, porary relief; the Regulator not only fAiwr.d, but c«re<? *1S."—ED. TfiLEGKAPH AriD MBSSBRGEH, MACONfOA MANUFACTURED OKLY BY H. K. ZEIHN Si CO., PhiladalpM*, P». out opposition decided that, as there for five hundred or six hundred dollars w i t hin she iin'e allowed by law, or, th seemed no r;haiice to secure the nom ination of a, Calhoun county man, that each n 'iiber of the delegation should go into the convention and at the outside. If was at Calera where it ought to be we would guarantee waterworks for court house a lid jail for live bundled dollars and thereby save the county in one cast his ballot as be saw proper. It was generally believed th:i f , this , decision meant the nomination ol isited ddrj commuity this week to e itber Smith in- Plowman on the next : look at some land with a view of pur- ! ballot, but such was not the result. the court house [same 1 will be barred. Sarah E, Nabors, Ailms., E. S. l.ymiin, Adinr., an<:20-(;t. Est. French Nabors, dee'd. however, the object is to supply, not chasing We hope they will decide ' When the Host ballot was called only the court house and jail but the to biy'as we think they would be I ^ l l h o U I 1 v o t f.?J for Smi ' h Tu ^-^ citv of Columhiana, heuce thfe cxtrav 1 lowman wmc!) sravo the following ,. quite an addition to our settlement. result: Smith 25, Plo.vman '22, Rob- a ? iintp u S ures> Final Settlement. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. in liffect June 21 ;... :-*elma..urlll.luain j 0.-2 pm!..Monicvallo. .| 9.0 am •;IM0X. ALA. jriNERAL 11. R. CO. No. 8«, north, L'v. Calera. 10:35, a.m Xo. 85, pouth, Arr. Ca'era, ttln.n.m 6lTY AMD COUNTY bins, G. Balloiirig continued with practically an unchanged result until late Hatm- ilr. Howie, of The difference between Pills and Sim- mons Liver Regulator is just this: Pills Dr. S. \V. Jones, formerly of this county, was a pleasant citlier at the Sentinel oTice vesterdav. LIST OS JUKOKS. Circuit Court will commence JMon- j day afternoon when day September 21. The | a list of the grand and petit : Ibis term. ( IKAXD JURY. E J Griffin, J H Robertson, E T | of the ballot; Mi 1 . Walter Merrill, who from Constipation, Biliousness, Wifherby, 1 C Rhrader, R M Lee. Jno. following is Cltburne east Cleburne's -I votes far ,.;.;,, f Smith, which gave the following re- suit-Sniit.Ii, 27, Plowman, 20. This gave Smith the nomination. But just as chairma'n Howie declared the res'.iit don't co down very easy with moist peo- ple, and you feel tl em afterwards. While Simmon's Liver Regulator in li- quid or powder is very pleasant to take,, and the only feeling that you have rffttfr- wards is the jjreat relief that it give? Mrs. S. A. Latham and two little nieces of Montevallo spent the day in the city on last Monday. They were the guests of Mrs. 8. J[ Gist. Rev. J. !'. Word and famiiv. f Quitiaan, Ga., arrived nt this place, liieir old home, on last Thursday even- ing and are n \v stoppina; at, their fJantation two miles in the country. 'I'hei;' friends hero are always, glad to welcome them. I MARVE! OUS RE! ULTS. From n letter written by Rev. .1 (rucderman, of Uimondale, Mich., we lire permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending i)v. King's Now Discory, as the res.ilts were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at IliveS Juuctioi 'vas brought down by pneimionia suc- ceeding J.a Gfrtppe. Terrible parox- ysms of coughing would last foi- hours \vitb lii.to interruption and it seemfetl us if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery : it was quick in its vvorfe and highly satisfactory in results. Trial bottles free at Duron's drug Store- Regular size 50e. and ipl.OO. Two freight trains collided at the railroad crossing !n th'is place on last Thursday afternoon. One was on the Southern road and the other an the h & N. A pretty good wreck was the resuU. Two cars and the tender of the L & N train were pretty badly tlaniflged, the two cars being hurled from the track and do\vn_lhe embank- ment, and the locomotive of the South- ern was badly smashed and thrown across the L & N track. Fortunately no one was hurt. The wrecking train Of the L & X was oilfcb'escene within Hn hour after the wreck occurred and 'he track wassoCm cleared, there being no delay of train's. \\'e iieter learned to whom the blame was attached. I ELECTtilC BITTEllS. i ElectrJc Hitters is a medicine for Hny season, but perhaps more' gener- ally neodc<l,' when the languid exhaus- ted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the heed of a (onto and alterative is fcJt. A prompt use of (his medicine h>\ ! often averted ong and perhaps fatal billions fovers. No medicine will act. more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial pcn'Sofa. Headache, In.iigestion, Constipation, Dizziness ti Blect'ric Blliors. ~;0c and $1 per bottle .il C. T>. D'uran's drugstore. DKATH OF .'Miss MABEL GAL LOW This whole community was blocked 6n yesteaday morning by the an nouueement thnt Mi-s Mabel Galloway vas dead. It was known to compar- atively few that she was sick. She bad been confined t o h e r bed for the past two or three days with a fever but no one apprehended any serious re- Suits. On Tuesday night congestion , '•' '-.:.: rlnv morn W Wyatt, S S Holbrook, E C Bristow, .1 B Adams, J M Spearman, J F McGraw, A W Wilson, W B Douglass, John A ICincaicle, J 15 Alexander, II j 1) Adams, L Tl Gould, Johr. Davidson, i ,! L) Hardy, 'Villia.ni Cocks, ST Shaw. PETIT JUEOKS—First week. J 0 Elliott, J I) Payne, T 31 Allen, j D\VKi..ld,J CC-shat, C () All xander, j John liUek, James Waldpn, D L Ba- ker, Wm. AVeldon, A J Davis, J J, OJ-den, D M Merrell, J K Elliott, John a Pitts, Jas. M Adams, W R Moon ! T Williams, J G Kirklin, I! F .Utaway. I W Bailey, C C Elliott, L L.PttdgBlt. D V Salver, S J May, E P Ray, J VV Acker, Henry Jlowell. J A JaekSon: Hiirdy Nelson, Second Weefc. J S Corley, E JNl Care, Isaac Perry- man, J Stone, W It Alexander. E B Jo'linson, I C Trer.dwell, Wm. Whit- field, T '•: Jackson, O U Bragg, J H Let, W S Brock, W N Gilbert, B B Banks, A J Rav, 8 M Borum, J il • Vickj \V M Cromwell, J P Spencer II Brfvviin,J E Roach, J W Prestndge, Frank West, Lewis Horton, J T J Wilder, W P Gilbert, \t- II Collins, VV T Horton, J D Atkinson, J A ] Spearman. Third Week. John StifJSon, J O Thompson; Xewton Sfiith, J II Harmou, Jno. W Pitts. Jno. W Willis, H M Strange, W T Darnell, M E Merrell, James I'inley, J Kroel, Geo. W Peel, James M fowler, VV J Ferrel, J H Mason, J T Tose.y, II C C Ulackerby, N C Bilbry, It L Poindexter, I) VV Smith; VV A llaaker, A VV S trick lank, John W Attaway, S i) Horton, T VV While, C L Whittenmore, J W Payne, A J Lawley., J A Williams. K E11A11K A BLE C U K E S. The book now being sent out for j one cent stamp by the Blood Balm Co., ! of Atlanta, Ga.. certainly shows Bo- ! tanic Blood Balm, (H. B. B.) to be a ! wonderful remedy for building tip and curing'all manner of blood and skin diseases. Their certificates are from well-known people, and the cures performed almost stagger credulity. It is a fine medicine; far better than the many substitutes, said to be "jusf as good." Buy the old reliable and long tested druggists, had been out came into the hail challenged the vote of Clcburne. stated that Mr. Howie had cast anu Ho Cle- Ii is a Sick mild No. +-i 7.26am 9. loam • r.BrBi'ham.lv 6.31 am lv... Al-ron ..ar ..' in ; Dsboro.. .... Mnnon .... ar..Selma. ..lv burne's 4 votes for Smith through a misunderstanding of his instructions when he lert the hall. Upon this statement a verification of the vele d and Cieburue WHS al- to 2 for Chilton it) cluing:: her vote Smith nil ' 2 for Plowman. Headache and Dyspe >sia. laxative and a tonic. The Saif.s of Hood's Sarsapavilla are I'M largest in the world because the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilia are wonderful, perfect, per- manent. It is Th Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic und lifer medl :iud. Harmless, reliable, sure. tiien changed her 5 votes lo Itohb n j .. and a nominotion was prevented. Balloting continued until alter 9 o'clock when the Dalhji delegation '/",-, asked to be allowed to retire fftr fifteen 'iiinut.es and held a conference. Tho delegation returned and cast 16 votes for li A Thomason, of Calhoun. When this vote was announced for a Calhoun man, the Calhoun delegation asked time to confer; and after hold- ing a eonferen e lor a lew minutes the delegation returned and cast 7 votes for Thomason and i votp« Plowman. To make up for the 4 votes from Calhoun, Cleburne gave her four votes to Thompson, which gave him the necessarv 27. Befoi-e the result was announced Talladega and Shelby changed their voles from Plowman to Smith, and Dallas changed to Smith, which caused the Tiillndega and Shol- TIIE STATE OF AtABAMA-SHELBi efcf-UNrV. Probate Court, 17th day of Aug., 1896. Estates of K T. Senkdi, deceased, and of Lila M. ar>d Jas. M. C-ntell, minors. This day came II. J. Falls, Adminis- trator of said estate and as guardian of above miliors aim filed his account, vouchers, evidences and statement, for a final settlement of bis administration and guardianship of said estates. It is ordered that the lliii Say of September, 1S9G, be appointed a day for making such settlement at which time all part es in interest can appear and contest the same if they think proper. I), R. M#Mir,T,AN, ' c >-"t Judyenf !Mo. "191 No. tU l.Hmm 2 03am 1 ax Assessor's and Tax Col-\ lectof'9 Rounds. WE WILL ATTEND AT THE following places at the times, named below for the purpose" of assessing the st;'te and county taxes for the year ISi? . and collecting thfe slate and county taxes for the year 18'.)G. Ad- ditional cost alter the Isi day of Jan- lv. lueriuiaa.ar ti.' Cain j Yo*"k . .. 7.0.:aiE . Demopolis... ar.Unient'n.lv 8.55am I). CO m Montevallo.. m Cii lera 11.3~ain Columbian:!.. Childersburg. :! .V:,;:n . .Tal adega... .. Oxford .... 6.0Cam No. t-6 6pm ii.31pnx 4.16pm 3.00pm N'o. *IS 5.3Spm X f>8pm S.l.-pm No. »15 10.-2 pm B.Mpm 7.67pm 7.17pmj 9 lUpml O.O.-ipm! 11.10am. <I.0Spni! 9.05am 3.ft3pmJ 2.54 pm -.'. 11pm p 1.33pm .. .Anniston .... I. 2pm .JaelTyonvill c. l-.41pxn .. Piedmont...12.17pm p 3.15am .Cave springs : n 30am s r>< pm Rome j 10.50am ar .Atlanta..lv 7.3U..m No. +ir 7.41pm 6.55pm 6 15pm. 5.00pm 4.0)pm •3i I *37 |p. m. |p.m. p.m Iv.Binn'liam.ar 12. :0 1U.I0 .... Pell City.... 110.55 8.54 WOBKintheJent.il line from surrounding Country. glflrOfnce over Wrig'ht gtore. s Drug 5-6 ly i:t ...Anniston ... Oxford .... Heflin Edwardsville. . Fruithnrst... .. Tallapoosa .. ,.Doug asviile.. IJihia spring!- ar... Atiatita. .lv n,. m \ p m t ; ,- Bound 8..= 8 8.S5 8.1 6.61 6.00 . m. 7.5U 7.40 7.00 .... 6.49 .... 8.40 .... ! 6.20 9.0U . => 15 7.K5. 7.2:2 4 15 p.m. 6.S|t p.m So. H iNo. uary. r, KST I! .1X1). Bamford, heat u, Tuesday, October G. iiiri.ee beat 4, Wednesday, October 7. Dogwood, beat 4,Thursday, October S\ MontevaUo, beat 4, Fiiday, October ; ; . Calera, bent 3, Saturday, October 10. by delegations to change back to Plow- Bridgeton, beat 13, Monday, October mixn, which resulted in no nomina- tion. On the next, ballot Dallas again ffnat her Hi votes for Thomason; Talladeg.i and Shelby again chaftged and Dallas did likewise and prevented a nomina- tion. The performance was again re pea'ted. Ca'houn then through her delegates served notice <>n Dallas that she did not propose to lo made a foot ball of, and if Dallas again withdrew her vote from Thomason that Calhoun ifould cast, her vote for Plowman. On the next ballot Dallas withdrew her vote fo'm Thomason, am'. Calhoun cast 10 votes for Plowman, which gave him the nomination. A committee was appointed, and brought Capt. Plowman in to address the convention. He accepted the rominatiofl in a strong speech, pledging his best eiforts in behalf of the enactment of a fiee silver coinage bill at 16 to 1. Owing to our lfmited space -we omit bis Speech in this i.-r>tie, but will print it in Cur in lv r,,;,in i.ouamj -l.uupm Knoxville U.OOanii 8.00am 1 8.50pm 3.15pm! P.atSam 10.15pni ; ,94ptn i i..»4pm hoi . nan iii i.Oipin JV'oticc JVo 1815J. Laud Oflice at Montgomery, Ala.) July, «, iS'.m. Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing-named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support \\-.'. u !.,!,.,,, ,, .,, .ir? 7 of bis claim, and that said proot will be made before the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Columbiana. Ala., on October 12th, 189b", viz: William Lacy, Homestead entry, 23,145, for t-nxjr of se qr, section 20, tp. 24, north of r 12 east. He names the following witnesses to pro\e his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Allen Short, Longview, Ala., Alex Morpland, Gilbert Buries, Andrew Graham, Brier- field, Ala. JulvlG-Ot Salisbury (Ireensboro Kaletgo p 3.2 >pm 11.53am | 3. -npin i ! .40pm 9 fv-'pm 7.1 Jam lli.iam f>. 30am No. 1? Pullman Sleeping car Knoxville to Ashcviile ar d liot Springs 10 New York. No. IG Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper Chat-_ ianooga. to Norfolk. Connection at Norfolk with Steamers for Baltimore New York und Boston. Ccnnrt'tion a; Ui-oen-sboro with U S Fast Mail for Washington and Xc.vYork. i No. 9 Lv: I-An Idea I B. li. B. For sa DEATH OF LKTLE VEL1IA ED- DISGS. Gorfc dla those whom he loveili, and why should 1 He not claim His own little j::we!s to shine in Iiis bouse though onr In a recent letter to the inannfa'c Hirers Mr. \V. F. Benjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rusbford N. V., says ' It, may be a pleasure to you to know the high esteem Jn which Chamber- lain's medicines are held in your own state, where they must he best known An aunt of mine, who resides at Dex- ter. Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leading In wrote me, asking if they- were sold here, stating if they were not she : ntlty with li •;-. as she did nut like to he Without, them'." rfl'lie medicines referred to are Ciiam- own be made sad ond dreary? Such tberiaits Cough Remedy, famous for biana from December l»jli t< was the honVe of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. its cures of colds afta Croup; Cham 12, ~2, p. m. Highland,-beat 12, Tuesday, October 13. Helena, bent 6, Wednesday. Oct. 14. Pelhani, beat 17. Thursday, Oct. 15. l'ragg's Tank, b-at, 7, Friday, Oct. 1C. Long-view, beat 7, Saturday, Oct. 17. Columbiana, beat 1. Monday, Oct. 10. Spring Creek, beat 2, Tuesday, t. 20. Shelby, beat 1, Wednesday, Oct. 21. Wilsonville, Iwat 9, Thursday, Oct. 22. Hnrpersville, beat 10, Friday, Oct. 23, Vincent, beat 10, Saturday, Oct.. 21. Weldon, beat 11, Monday! Oct 2(5. Martins, beat 8. Tuesday, Oct. 27. Vandiver, beat li, Wednesday, Oct. 28. Dunnivant, beat IS, Thursday .Oct. 2',). Sterrett, beat 15, Friday, Oct*. 'M. SECOND KOtST>. Ramfofff, beat 5, Tuesday, STov. 10. Gurnee, beat 4, Wednesday. Nov. Jt. Doifwooil, beat A, Thursday, Nov. ll\ Monteva?fo, beat. 4, Fiiday. Nov. 13. Calera, beat 3, Saturday, N'.iy. 1-1. Bridgeton, beat 13, Monday, Nov. 1'>. Highland, beat 1L', Tuesi'dy, Nov. 17. Helena, beat (i. Wednesdiy Nov. 18. Pelham. beat 17, Thursday, Nov. 10. Kragg's Tank, heat 7, Fti.iay. Nov. 20. Longview, beat 7, Saturday, Ifov. 21 . olumbiana, heat 1, Monday, .".'ov. 23. Spring Creek, beat. 'I, Tuesday, ftov 2-t. Slieiby, beal I, Wednesdlfllv, Nov. 2S; Wilsonvilfe, heat!). Thursday, Nov. •_'.', Harpersvilie, beatlfif, Friauy, Nov. L'7. Vincent, beat Hi, Paturday. Nov. Weldon, beat II, "Monday, Nov. :;t). Martin's, beat. 8, Tuesday, l/V-c. 1. Vaadjvef, beat 14, Wednesday Her, 2. Dunnivant, lieat 18, ThnrsHay, 1), .-. ,1. Sterrett, beat 15, Friday, December-I. Tax payers wi'i pierce meet us promptly with legal description of real estate. Otherwise the assessor cannot be responsible for error that ftiav occur in land numbers. Have a 1 correct, lisl of personal property and fume prepared lo ; !•'" , vul .'"' pay tares fur 1896. Will be in Oolnni- ,' *","•', i certain deed e.xi cute I In p 7.20pm T.15am 7.--'0ar« Cincinnati ilie No. 9, Pullman sleeping car Rome to Cincin- nati and Chattanooga to Louisville fit. r; Reaisler. Who can thinfc of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write J6HN WEDDEKBURN & CO., Pitent Attor- neys, Washington, 1>. o., for their (1,800 prize offer <*Mia list of ;wo hundred Juventtons wanted. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabides cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabulea cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Tiipzns Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabuies: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans'!'. gists. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. AI liiiiui . harl. tic Danville Lynchour^ ( harlotf. svillc. . Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York lv \o 3 \'o. 36 i2 Ounn 111. l^pm 8.20pm| S.SOatn . li.OOam 1.50pm. ., 1.58am s.SOprn. . 3 3:iam 5.50pm. 8.4-:aml " . S.Oilam .10.15am 8.30am, .Ir2..i3pm 6:;3, Wbo can think of some slmplb tiling to patent- 1 Protect your ideas: they may brinir you wojiith. Write JOHN AVEDDERBURN & CO.. Patent Attnr noys. Washington, .D. C, for their 81.800 prize offer neys. Wasbfn and 11-jt of tw C, for their $1,800 prize dl iuvontlonc wunted. Mortgage Sale. the bisl ITNDEtt A MOFITGAOK MADK i )N the lllb day of April, l>'.)\. by L-'annia Stein ami Simon yt"in, '111.•' Nalional Giiiirantee Loan and Ti n;t (lonipaiiv, as Moitjraseu. will sell to ihu bitrhest bid- der (or cash in frmil ot Ihu Oourl llo-isn of Shell iv . oun'y, Ala., \vithin I lie lo^al hours of sale on Afomlny th6 2>Uli dav nf September IS'Jti. the followin<>il6iscr!bpil real estate, lo wil : l,.,l >,o. I, \\.r\ ..- survey of ilie Orchard Ad.iiion in 11,<• <-ia. said lol fronting 27 feet Stre.-l. and running back <;."> the lirsl lot d' sci ibed in a .1. ].). Hardy und wife to Aniuliii 11 irsher Eddin;;s Saddened when the white winged messerigef cr.me on Sunday' raorninor, Auaust 30th, and carried away on its pinions tiie sweet spirit of little berlain's PainBalrftfcr rheumatism, all taxes not paid by the ls| of and Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand , l)ia)f'.ioea Cure for bowel complaint?. ' ' dav of December, execrit the 2otli. On >•;"'" ," '."' '" l - 4 " ii;!li , 1 "' ": sllir at1< l! " ll! her heirs to Samuel SSteiii .• .-., situalutl in Shelby ennnty, Ala. . by March' '''",' I vO., have These medicines have been in Velma. Thegende little facethey loved j gtant u8e in [owa ,,,, almost a to see, and the echo of the sweet, softU er ,,f : , century. The people yoice has gone to its eternal home. learned that thev are articles of great.' Velraa was a sweet little girl of only six worth and merit, and uuequaled by • summers, thus a little life had be?;unj apy other. They are for sale here lijf nn 1 en led *!thoi« a sti . • i Jons S. PITTS, Tas A isc SI Iby counly, JOHN li. KOUEKTSON, Tax Collector Shelby county. Kipans Tabules cure ipdig' iti I •>••,: 11 TabTil s wire i Presidenl. flic.vKY I!. I3KOV S. Attorney. s.-i i:;td BENT. Vox a tern' of years. I !• r- \,r>; Lime Kill planl in l ho county. For ' - 1 / . : I'lio .Seutii For [).U'- uiricfr No. 38 " Washington and Southwestern reun- ited." Solid Pullman Vestibule train Atlanta to- New York, carrying Pullman Slesping car I.MrmlncnamtoNow York Dining enr Atlanta, to On fensboro and Washington to New York* No. 36. t iillnian Drawing Room Bullet Sleep- ing cars Atlanta to New YorK. tDaily Except Sunday. SSuriday Only. W. II GREEN,.Gen Supt. Washington, D. C. J.M Cl Mgr Washington, U C. W. A. TURK, <}. P. A Washtnstton. D. C , r.A.ilKNSCOTKli.A.i;.!' A. Chlltiannoga,'!>nn Delightful Summer Travel— Beauti- ful route and tfiiattractive Sched- ule to the EUst. The Souf.iern Railway ahvaj'S on the alert to afford its patrons the best possi- ble ac6ofnniodation, Iia'J inaugurated and placed in service a new solid train be- i Chattanooga and fToffolk without cliangi?, rori&isling of c6inbination bay e ir and coach, an'I an elegant Pull innn Drawing Room Sleeping car, Tiain iii leaves Calera at 11.13 a m, arrives al Ooltewaii Junction 5,&5pni, make;-, ilosc connection with train, thw Ihrongli pchedule nuin^ as follown: 1 ea\ e Oalera al 11. i;>, a m, arrive at 1,'uino ;;.5o, p iii, leave Home 4.00, p m, HIrivi* sit Ooltewali Junction 5.50, i m leave Uoltewah ,Tnfi'ctioni>.56, pm, arriv. |i m , ai rive Asbville I ( Jim, Greensboro 8.35 a in, Raleigh I'. I » in, Norfolk 5 20, ]' 111. Close coiinpc lion is made at Norfolk 'vitli boa: VVashiiiston, Baltimore,'New York, atii ' Boston, liius affording one of the most delinhtlVil summer trips to Lasteru cities' itial ran be obtained. Wostbouml: This train will IOJIVO Nor- folk 1D.'-">. a m, and arrive at Oolleual' Junction 7.45 am, next dav, leave Oolte wah .1 unction 3.45, at Home 10.50, a in,' and arrive nt Calera 3,53, p in. Tabul $ > • :• Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of I-An Idea I - Fultonhistory.com 23/Calera AL Shelby Sentinel... · 1 tech 3 moi $ 5, 6 mos $ S, 12...

Page 1: I-An Idea I - Fultonhistory.com 23/Calera AL Shelby Sentinel... · 1 tech 3 moi $ 5, 6 mos $ S, 12 mos $12 s. 18, 21), IS 25 3C $25 $40 £100 Quarter colutun 3 roo^ SIS; 6 mo*" "

wr--* - •'/-. •

SHELBY SENTINEL ing about 8 o'clock, She was the»hter of Mr. Andrew Ga'lowi


One Copy, one year t in advance) $1.00(.'ne Copy, s ix m o n t h s , •' 5U

ADVERTISING RATKS.On* dollar per Inch for fir»t in.<*rvJon;

(0 cents for each sub-equfent insertion.1 tech 3 moi $ 5, 6 mos $ S, 12 mos $12





Quarter colutun 3 roo^ S I S ; 6 mo*" " 12 mos 4 changes

Out column ti mos $60. IL' mo«iTrnnclent, advertisements, where the

parties are riot, known to us, Tiutl be pait3

lor in advance.A toertisementa not marked with the

r?am er of inseitious f^ ' i red. will beCharge d tc»r at the regular rates Until or-uered out.

Obituary Notices, Tributes of Respect.dfcc, exceeding ten lines, Charged tiisasuil advertising rates.

Communications intended for publica-tion must be accompanied by the name oi'.lie writer.

Notices in local column, 10 cents a lin«fo- ouch insertion.

Address all letters to" T H E S H E L B Y SHNTlXKTn"

Calera, Alabiitila.

this place, was about sixteen years ofago and was a bright and lovely girl.The whole community sympathizeswith the stricken f•imil.y in this theirsudden and sore bereavement.


to\~ .i rule T am opposeetury medicines. Still 1 value it goo :1one, especially wheti such is thesource ot relief from plain. As a topi-cal (external) application I have found

I Chamberlain's Pain Balm the bestrentedy I liiiVfl ever used for neuralgia

Velnri was to love her: there was asweetness in the tones of her voice;there was an affectionate nature that Iimpressed every one who knew her.She seemed in some way to recognise |her approaching death and spoke of itin loving terms. Shelefi those who held

i dear in the deepest sorrow .'in 1 ine away to live with the angels, i

but earth is better by her having occu-pied it this short space, ami heaven is j

propri- I brighter and more inviting.A precious one from us lias gone,

A voice we love is "till.A place is vacant in the home,

'lhat never can be filled.N ANN I1C N A B O R S .

Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report


-- -- V HT



t>i any kind I have conscientiouslyrecommended it to many persons.William Home. M, D., Janesville,Wis. Sold bv druggists.


The health of the people is very| good at this time.

We Are needlHa rain iri these partsjust now. If.it don't corrle soon theturnip crop will be a failure.

COUNTY OFFICERS.Probate Judge—D. R. McMillan.Circuit Clerk—W. R. A. Milner. ,Register iri Chancery, Gordon DuBoseSheriff—11. W. Nelson.Tax Collector—A. F. Smith.Tax Assessor—John II. Hammorids.County Treasurer—VV. A. Thompson.Supt.oi lulncation—Thos. A. Huston.County Solicitdt—J. L. Peters.County Commissioners—.tames T\fc-

tiowan, Rufus Walker, \V. C Powers,1>. C. Davis.

Cotiny Sur-eyor—S. J. Perry.


We clip from the Anniston Hot- >Blast the following full report of theproceedings of the convention :

After having cast 1818 ballots theDemocratic convention of the Fourthdistrict nominated Hon. T S Plowman,

We notice that our county eommis• ; |i Ivi let* the contract to i ' r ,

John A. Edwards, of Ohidersburg, toput in a system of Waterworks for the

and jail at Columbianaat ($3,100) thirty-one hundred dollars.

I It strikes the Sontiuel that these arepretty steep figurea and tnat saidwaterworks would be a costly luxuryfor the county,

We understand that twoof the coir.niissioners, Mi ters and Shaw,

of Talladega, at She lby Sp r ings laSt opposed the measure, a n d the otherSaturday night.

The convention met Friday after-noon, and the first ballot was practi-

Garner, of Dry Valley ! cally the s ame as the last ba l lo t mistat Selma, resulting in s m i t h 10 ; T'lo'w-nwii, 1 0 ; Ke l ly , 1 1 ; Kobbins, G; Mer-rell j 4,Ballot ing was cont inued witli practi-

MissMarywho lias l>eon v is i t ing relatives a t thisplace for some lime returned homelast week.

Messel's R. M. DeShazo and S. M.Bass visited Helena last week.

The M. E. Church South are build-ing a very nice house just acioss theline of Shelby and Jefferson county,near Prof. VVhitemore's, vvhieh speaks


NO. 1, South Bound, 5:05 a .m.!i :25 p. m.fi:30 a. in.

10:25 "10:S0 p. m(i :12 p . in.

3,i) " "2, North Bound,4 •<

10, "

well for that community.The Rev. Judge Wiism and son!

two favored it. As we stated above ilstrikes the Sentinel that a $3,100waterworks for the court house andjail is a very costly luxury for the

county,narhfc! it

Tlie Calera High School opened laslweek With a good BttenJance. Tarc uncut ihitl v live pupils in Ht'endm.eHihis wefck. Prof. Blalock is in charge.

Several years ago 1 was ti k)n witha severe attack ot flux. I was sick itibed ftbout ten day.-! bu*. could getnothing to relieve me-nn l j l i nci-il( 'hamberl . in 's Colic. Cl'.olrra and l>iiinhoeH Remedy, which cured mpiinrl |has bcfiii a iiousehold remedy with usever since. .T. O. MiHoTT, ]>ecai:,r-vilie. Mo. For. sale by druggf-sta


: • • • > < > ,

- .

I Imtsam

The CI».«ape*(,t*«r*4i •'-'!•! «<•«< I'noilr j.. ... UM wmnSi

, f-of • •

»ion of S p i r i t s . S O L " . ; ' ; •• •••• - •«. «>•.Mnrivafed rstileiy h WAMUMd W( W '>?i*ti«n

fctloglBpartictsef Ml • I ii


Ihdi.gestlon, IJtfadactle.A plcasari'c laxative. Ail I>ru££ists.

coniaini : u>4 tUfball-wi . ,iy dtr*Livcf Dlottcs most pi'«...; ii vji.t <«r« »\tDiseases c a u s e d 3>y t>«rii,iu#«.<-iif n* t h «Livav- RIMJ ItowcJ*.

T h e SYMPTOMS • • , • . . , ' . n s W t i l tn • U« t ior bad «BM* Id tbamofub i P»ln In l»«BMfc, t t4«» cfJoints^ often ftii^atti«n »"or 1t^«'.»ffl^»trt; vNtomiKiht I.!is9 'Costive and iay ; H':t mil ' J-u- " •?•painful sens;,! «•• IMMthtaf)ivhicll aught (n (live besn * » • ; iJ^hiiUf't S4IW

tp i r i t s ; a t.liick, yellow apiM»af»ne« M the; $Y dyes; .1 dry I' . n : kl til fi I f V*i

. > limes ^iQtiy • •- ?ftc*i l (feeI era very few • bu< (ho hivxn, the. largest

organ in {he body, J5 ger>er*d'y ths s»;as. fjf »htl ^li»e«ic,and if not Regulated in ttibesgroM nxSning/itrfttdiEdness tind B K 4 . T H will cn*(ie.

The " tlly-«sttt«inad - I ' let i\te>ViVn:i. bf SIMMONS LIVED RP.OVI.ATOH: G«a ,W,S ,


a j f t w , ' « n Prcs, Ga, S. V ; , J, R, jftlitt,,s Aotice. •-;.;t:.iiW

The Sentinel be'lieies it can

Probate court.Estate of French Nabors, deceased.

Letters of administration on the estateof said deceased having been granted lo

cally'the same result until Saturday

man ves several whj will t n e undersigned on the 6tli dav nf Auman, yes several, wnj w u g n f l t |g ! ) 6 i b v t h H o n_ D R M o M i l ,e n n r r n c t I n t i n r i n ivrr ,nr ivf i f ; s r . . . i ';. ,c .1 , . n •. . y-. .. r,. . ''.ake the contract to put in waterworks

that will furnish an nbiindant supplyevening, when the deleg'U'on fiCalhoun held a conference, and. with- of water for both court house and jail

Jndjreof the Piobate Court of ShelDyCounty, notice is hereby given that ailpersons having claims ajrainst said estate;

j are hereby required to present the same

>upt. .W' Jiave tested Us tit'tu?s personally, ;i'tf know

lhat for Dyspepsia, liiHou^nrss und I'hfobbing Head^ache, it is the best medicine the world «v»r *aw. Wehive tfled forty -jtiicr remedies before ^imniona l.ive^Kegulatov, and non« of them gave ua fnor^ than tern-,porary relief; the Regulator not only fAiwr.d, but c«re<?*1S."—ED. TfiLEGKAPH AriD MBSSBRGEH, MACONfOA


H. K. Z E I H N Si CO., PhiladalpM*, P».

out o p p o s i t i o n d e c i d e d tha t , a s there for five h u n d r e d or s ix hundred d o l l a r s • w i t h i n she i i n ' e a l lowed by law, or, ths e e m e d no r;haiice to s e c u r e t h e n o mination of a, Calhoun county man,that each n 'iiber of the delegationshould go into the convention and

at the outside. Ifwas at Calera where it ought to be wewould guarantee waterworks for courthouse a lid jail for live bundled dollarsand thereby save the county in one

cast his ballot as be saw proper.It was generally believed th:if, this

, decision meant the nomination olisited ddrj commuity this week to eitber Smith in- Plowman on the next :

look at some land with a view of pur- ! ballot, but such was not the result.

the court house [same1 will be barred.Sarah E, Nabors, Ailms.,E. S. l.ymiin, Adinr.,

an<:20-(;t. Est. French Nabors, dee'd.

however, the object is to supply, notchas ing W e h o p e they will decide ' W h e n the Host bal lot was called only the cou r t house and jail but t he

to biy'as we think they would be I ^ l l h o U I 1 v o tf .?J f o r S m i ' h Tu ^-^ c i t v of Columhiana, heuce thfe cxtrav1 lowman wmc!) sravo the following ,.

quite an addition to our settlement. result: Smith 25, Plo.vman '22, Rob- a ? i i n t p u S u r e s >


in liffect June 21

;... :-*elma..urlll.luainj 0.-2 pm!..Monicvallo. . | 9.0 am


ALA. jriNERAL 11. R. CO.No. 8«, north, L'v. Calera. 10:35, a.mXo. 85, pouth, Arr. Ca'era, ttln.n.m


bins, G.

Balloiirig continued with practicallyan unchanged result until late Hatm-

i l r . Howie, of

The difference between Pills and Sim-mons Liver Regulator is just th i s : Pills

Dr. S. \V. Jones, formerly of this

county, was a pleasant citlier at the

Sentinel oTice vesterdav.

LIST OS JUKOKS.Circuit Court will commence JMon- j day afternoon when

day September 21. The| a list of the grand and petit: Ibis term.


E J Griffin, J H Robertson, E T | of the ballot; Mi1. Walter Merrill, who from Constipation, Biliousness,Wifherby, 1 C Rhrader, R M Lee. Jno.

following is Cltburne east Cleburne's -I votes far, . ; . ; , , f Smith, which gave the following re-

suit-Sniit.Ii, 27, Plowman, 20. Thisgave Smith the nomination. But justas chairma'n Howie declared the res'.iit

don't co down very easy with moist peo-ple, and you feel tl em afterwards.While Simmon's Liver Regulator in li-quid or powder is very pleasant to take,,and the only feeling that you have rffttfr-wards is the jjreat relief that it give?

Mrs. S. A. Latham and two littlenieces of Montevallo spent the day inthe city on last Monday. They werethe guests of Mrs. 8. J[ Gist.

Rev. J. !'. Word and famiiv. • f

Q u i t i a a n , Ga. , arr ived nt t h i s p l a c e ,

liieir old home, on last Thursday even-ing and are n \v stoppina; at, theirfJantation two miles in the country.'I'hei;' friends hero are always, glad towelcome them.


From n letter written by Rev. .1(rucderman, of Uimondale, Mich., welire permitted to m a k e th i s ex tract : "Ihave no hes i t a t ion in r e c o m m e n d i n gi)v. King's Now Discory, as the res.iltswere almost marvelous in the case ofmy wife. While I was pastor of theBaptist church at IliveS Juuctioi'vas brought down by pneimionia suc-ceeding J.a Gfrtppe. Terrible parox-ysms of coughing would last foi- hours\vitb lii.to interruption and it seemfetlus if she could not survive them. Afriend recommended Dr. King's NewDiscovery : it was quick in its vvorfe andhighly satisfactory in results. Trialbottles free at Duron's drug Store-Regular size 50e. and ipl.OO.

Two freight trains collided at therailroad crossing !n th'is place on lastThursday afternoon. One was on theSouthern road and the other an theh & N. A pretty good wreck was theresuU. Two cars and the tender ofthe L & N train were pretty badlytlaniflged, the two cars being hurledfrom the track and do\vn_lhe embank-ment, and the locomotive of the South-ern was badly smashed and thrownacross the L & N track. Fortunatelyno one was hurt. The wrecking trainOf the L & X was oil fcb'e scene withinHn hour after the wreck occurred and'he track wassoCm cleared, there beingno delay of train's. \\'e iieter learnedto whom the blame was attached.


ElectrJc Hitters is a medicine forHny season, but perhaps more' gener-ally neodc<l,' when the languid exhaus-ted feeling prevails, when the liver istorpid and sluggish and the heed of a(onto and alterative is fcJt. A promptuse of (his medicine h>\ ! often avertedong and perhaps fatal billions fovers.

No medicine will act. more surely incounteracting and freeing the systemfrom the malarial pcn'Sofa. Headache,In.iigestion, Constipation, Dizziness

ti Blect'ric Blliors. ~;0c and $1per bottle .il C. T>. D'uran's drugstore.


This whole community was blocked6n yesteaday morning by the ann o u u e e m e n t t h n t M i - s Mabel G a l l o w a y

vas dead. It was known to compar-a t i v e l y few t h a t s h e w a s s i c k . S h e

b a d been conf ined to h e r bed for t h e

past two or three days with a fever butno one apprehended any serious re-Suits. On Tuesday night congestion

, '•' ' - . : . : rlnv morn

W Wyatt, S S Holbrook, E C Bristow,.1 B Adams, J M Spearman, J FMcGraw, A W Wilson, W B Douglass,John A ICincaicle, J 15 Alexander, II

j 1) Adams, L Tl Gould, Johr. Davidson,i ,! L) Hardy, 'Villia.ni Cocks, ST Shaw.

PETIT JUEOKS—First week.

J 0 Elliott, J I) Payne, T 31 Allen,j D\VKi..ld,J CC-shat , C () All xander,j John liUek, James Waldpn, D L Ba-ker, Wm. AVeldon, A J Davis, J J,OJ-den, D M Merrell, J K Elliott,John a Pitts, Jas. M Adams, W RMoon ! T Williams, J G Kirklin, I!F .Utaway. I W Bailey, C C Elliott,L L.PttdgBlt. D V Salver, S J May,E P Ray, J VV Acker, Henry Jlowell.J A JaekSon: Hiirdy Nelson,

Second Weefc.J S Corley, E JNl Care, Isaac Perry-

man, J Stone, W It Alexander. E BJo'linson, I C Trer.dwell, Wm. Whit-field, T '•: Jackson, O U Bragg, J HLet, W S Brock, W N Gilbert, B BBanks, A J Rav, 8 M Borum, J i l

• Vickj \V M Cromwell, J P SpencerII B rfvviin, J E Roach, J W Prestndge,Frank West, Lewis Horton, J T JWilder, W P Gilbert, \t- II Collins,VV T Horton, J D Atkinson, J A

] Spearman.Third Week.

John StifJSon, J O Thompson;Xewton Sfiith, J II Harmou, Jno. WPitts. Jno. W Willis, H M Strange,W T Darnell, M E Merrell, JamesI'inley, J Kroel, Geo. W Peel, JamesM fowler, VV J Ferrel, J H Mason,J T Tose.y, II C C Ulackerby, N CBilbry, It L Poindexter, I) VV Smith;VV A llaaker, A VV S trick lank, JohnW Attaway, S i) Horton, T VV While,C L Whittenmore, J W Payne, A JLawley., J A Williams.

K E11A11K A BLE C U K E S.

The book now being sent out forj one cent stamp by the Blood Balm Co.,! of Atlanta, Ga.. certainly shows Bo-! tanic Blood Balm, (H. B. B.) to be a! wonderful remedy for building tip

and curing'all manner of blood andskin diseases. Their certificates arefrom well-known people, and the curesperformed almost stagger credulity.It is a fine medicine; far better thanthe many substitutes, said to be "jusfas good." Buy the old reliable andlong testeddruggists,

had been out came into the hailchallenged the vote of Clcburne.stated that Mr. Howie had cast



Ii is aSickmild

No. +-i

7.26am9. loam

• r.BrBi'ham.lv

6.31 amlv . . . Al-ron . .ar..' in ; Dsboro... . . . Mnnon . . . .ar..Selma. ..lv

burne's 4 votes for Smith through amisunderstanding of his instructionswhen he lert the hall. Upon thisstatement a verification of the vele

d and Cieburue WHS al-to 2 forChilton

it) cluing:: her voteSmith nil ' 2 for Plowman.

Headache and Dyspe >sia.laxative and a tonic.

T h e Saif .s of Hood's Sarsapavilla are I'Mlargest in the world because the cures byHood's Sarsaparilia are wonderful, perfect, per-manent. It is Th Blood Purifier.

H o o d ' s Pills are the best family catharticund lifer medl :iud. Harmless, reliable, sure.

tiien changed her 5 votes lo Itohb nj..and a nominotion was prevented.

Balloting continued until alter 9o'clock when the Dalhji delegation '/",-,asked to be allowed to retire fftr fifteen'iiinut.es and held a conference. Thodelegation returned and cast 16 votesfor l i A Thomason, of Calhoun.When this vote was announced for aCalhoun man, the Calhoun delegationasked time to confer; and after hold-ing a eonferen e lor a lew minutesthe delegation returned and cast 7votes for Thomason and i votp«Plowman. To make up for the 4 votesfrom Calhoun, Cleburne gave her fourvotes to Thompson, which gave himthe necessarv 27. Befoi-e the resultwas announced Talladega and Shelbychanged their voles from Plowman toSmith, and Dallas changed to Smith,which caused the Tiillndega and Shol-


Probate Court, 17th day of Aug., 1896.Estates of K T. Senkdi, deceased, and

of Lila M. ar>d Jas. M. C-ntell, minors.This day came II. J. Falls, Adminis-

trator of said estate and as guardian ofabove miliors aim filed his account,vouchers, evidences and statement, fora final settlement of bis administrationand guardianship of said estates. It isordered that the

l l i i i Say of September, 1S9G,be appointed a day for making suchsettlement at which time all part es ininterest can appear and contest the sameif they think proper.

I), R. M#Mir,T,AN,' c>-"t Judyenf

!Mo. "191

No. tUl.Hmm2 03am

1 ax Assessor's and Tax Col-\lectof'9 Rounds.

WE WILL ATTEND AT THEfollowing places at the times, namedbelow for the purpose" of assessing thest;'te and county taxes for the yearISi? . and collecting thfe slate andcounty taxes for the year 18'.)G. Ad-ditional cost alter the Isi day of Jan-

lv. lueriuiaa.arti.' Cain j Yo*"k . ..7.0.:aiE . Demopolis...

ar.Unient 'n.lv8.55amI). CO m

Montevallo..m Cii lera

11.3~ain Columbian:!..• • Childersburg.

:! .V:,;:n . .Tal adega..... Oxford... .

6.0CamNo. t-6

6 p mii.31pnx4.16pm3.00pm

N'o. *IS

5.3SpmX f>8pmS.l.-pm

No. »1510.-2 pmB.Mpm7.67pm7.17pmj9 lUpmlO.O.-ipm! 11.10am.<I.0Spni! 9.05am3.ft3pmJ2.54 pm-.'. 11pmp1.33pm

.. .Anniston.... I. 2pm

.JaelTyonvill c . l-.41pxn

.. Piedmont...12.17pmp3.15am .Cave springs : n 30ams r>< pm Rome j 10.50am

ar .Atlanta..lv 7.3U..m

No. +ir7.41pm6.55pm6 15pm.5.00pm4.0)pm

•3i I *37|p. m. |p.m. p . m

Iv.Binn ' l iam.ar 12. :0 1U.I0. . . .Pe l l City....110.55 8.54

WOBKintheJent. i l linefrom surrounding Country.

glflrOfnce over Wrig'htgtore . •

s Drug5-6 ly

i : t

. . .Anniston

... Oxford . . . .Heflin

Edwardsville.. Fruithnrst..... Tallapoosa ..

,.Doug asviile..IJihia spring!-ar... Atiatita. .lv

n,. m \ p mt ; ,- Bound

8..= 8


6.616.00. m.

7.5U7.407.00 . . . .6.49 . . . .8.40 . . . . !6.20 9.0U.=> 15 7.K5.

7.2:24 15


So. H iNo.

uary.r , K S T I ! . 1 X 1 ) .

Bamford, heat u, Tuesday, October G.• iiiri.ee beat 4, Wednesday, October 7.Dogwood, beat 4,Thursday, October S\MontevaUo, beat 4, Fiiday, October ;;.Calera, bent 3, Saturday, October 10.

by delegations to change back to Plow- Bridgeton, beat 13, Monday, Octobermixn, which resulted in no nomina-tion.

On the next, ballot Dallas again ffnather Hi votes for Thomason; Talladeg.iand Shelby again chaftged and Dallasdid likewise and prevented a nomina-tion. The performance was again repea'ted.

Ca'houn then through her delegatesserved notice <>n Dallas that she didnot propose to lo made a foot ball of,and if Dallas again withdrew her votefrom Thomason that Calhoun ifouldcast, her vote for Plowman.

On the next ballot Dallas withdrewher vote fo'm Thomason, am'. Calhouncast 10 votes for Plowman, whichgave him the nomination.

A committee was appointed, andbrought Capt. Plowman in to addressthe convention.

He accepted the rominatiofl in astrong speech, pledging his best eifortsin behalf of the enactment of a fieesilver coinage bill at 16 to 1. Owingto our lfmited space -we omit bisSpeech in this i.-r>tie, but will print itin Cur in

• lv r,,;,in i.ouamj -l.uupmKnoxvil le U.OOanii 8.00am1 8.50pm

3.15pm! P.atSam 10.15pni; ,94ptn i i..»4pm

hoi . nan iii i.Oipin

JV'oticc JVo 1815J.

Laud Oflice at Montgomery, Ala.)July, «, iS'.m.

Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-named settler lias filed notice of hisintention to make final proof in support \\-.'.u!.,!,.,,, ,, .,, .ir?7

of bis claim, and that said proot will bemade before the Clerk of the CircuitCourt at Columbiana. Ala., on

October 12th, 189b",viz: William Lacy, Homestead entry,23,145, for t-nxjr of se qr, section 20, tp.24, north of r 12 east.

He names the following witnesses topro\e his continuous residence upon andcultivation of. said land, viz: AllenShort, Longview, Ala., Alex Morpland,Gilbert Buries, Andrew Graham, Brier-field, Ala.



p3.2 >pm

11.53am |3. -npini!.40pm9 fv-'pm7.1 Jam

lli.iamf>. 30am

N o . 1? Pullman Sleeping car Knoxville t oAshcviile ar d liot Springs 10 New York.

No. IG Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper Chat-_ianooga. to Norfolk. Connection at Norfolk withSteamers for Baltimore New York und Boston.Ccnnrt'tion a; Ui-oen-sboro with U S F a s t Mailfor Washington and Xc.vYork.

i No. 9Lv:

I-An Idea I

B. li. B. For sa


Gorfc dla t h o s e w h o m h e l ove i l i , a n d

w h y should1 H e n o t c l a i m H i s o w n l i tt le

j : :we!s t o sh ine in I i i s b o u s e t h o u g h onr

In a recent letter to the inannfa'cHirers Mr. \V. F. Benjamin, editor ofthe Spectator, Rusbford N. V., says' It, may be a pleasure to you to knowthe high esteem Jn which Chamber-lain's medicines are held in your ownstate, where they must he best knownAn aunt of mine, who resides at Dex-ter. Iowa, was about to visit me a fewyears since, and before leading Inwrote me, asking if they- were soldhere, stating if they were not she

: ntlty with li •;-. asshe did nut like to he Without, them'."

rfl'lie medicines referred to are Ciiam-own be made sad ond dreary? Such tberiaits Cough Remedy, famous for biana from December l»jli t<was the honVe of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. its cures of colds afta Croup; Cham

12, ~2, p. m.Highland,-beat 12, Tuesday, October

13.Helena, bent 6, Wednesday. Oct. 14.Pelhani, beat 17. Thursday, Oct. 15.l'ragg's Tank, b-at, 7, Friday, Oct. 1C.Long-view, beat 7, Saturday, Oct. 17.Columbiana, beat 1. Monday, Oct. 10.Spring Creek, beat 2, Tuesday, O« t. 20.Shelby, beat 1, Wednesday, Oct. 21.Wilsonville, Iwat 9, Thursday, Oct. 22.Hnrpersville, beat 10, Friday, Oct. 23,Vincent, beat 10, Saturday, Oct.. 21.Weldon, beat 11, Monday! Oct 2(5.Martins, beat 8. Tuesday, Oct. 27.Vandiver, beat li, Wednesday, Oct. 28.Dunnivant, beat IS, Thursday .Oct. 2',).Sterrett, beat 15, Friday, Oct*. 'M.


Ramfofff, beat 5, Tuesday, STov. 10.Gurnee, beat 4, Wednesday. Nov. Jt.Doifwooil, beat A, Thursday, Nov. l l \Monteva?fo, beat. 4, Fiiday. Nov. 13.Calera, beat 3, Saturday, N'.iy. 1-1.Bridgeton, beat 13, Monday, Nov. 1'>.Highland, beat 1L', Tuesi'dy, Nov. 17.Helena, beat (i. Wednesdiy Nov. 18.Pelham. beat 17, Thursday, Nov. 10.Kragg's Tank, heat 7, Fti.iay. Nov. 20.Longview, beat 7, Saturday, Ifov. 21 .

olumbiana, heat 1, Monday, .".'ov. 23.Spring Creek, beat. 'I, Tuesday, ftov 2-t.Slieiby, beal I, Wednesdlfllv, Nov. 2S;Wilsonvilfe, heat!). Thursday, Nov. •_'.',Harpersvilie, beatlfif, Friauy, Nov. L'7.Vincent, beat Hi, Paturday. Nov.Weldon, beat II, "Monday, Nov. :;t).Martin's, beat. 8, Tuesday, l/V-c. 1.Vaadjvef, beat 14, Wednesday Her, 2.Dunnivant, lieat 18, ThnrsHay, 1), .-. ,1.Sterrett, beat 15, Friday, December-I.Tax payers wi'i pierce meet us

promptly with legal description of realestate. Otherwise the assessor cannotbe responsible for error that ftiav occurin land numbers. Have a1 correct, lisl ofpersonal property and fume prepared lo ; !•'" , v u l . ' " 'pay tares fur 1896. Will be in Oolnni- ,' *" ," • ' ,

i certain deed e.xi cute I In



No. 9, Pullman sleeping car Rome to Cincin-nati and Chattanooga to Louisville

fit. r ;Reaisler.

Who can thinfcof some simplething to patent?

Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth.Write J6HN WEDDEKBURN & CO., Pitent Attor-neys, Washington, 1>. o., for their (1,800 prize offer<*Mia list of ;wo hundred Juventtons wanted.

Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.Ripans Tabules cure headache.Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.Ripans Tabides cure liver troubles.Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.Ripans Tabulea cure biliousness.Ripans Tabules.Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.Tiipzns Tabules: pleasant laxative.Ripans Tabuies: one gives relief.Ripans Tabules assist digestion.Ripans'!'. gists.Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.Ripans Tabules cure flatulence.Ripans Tabules cure constipation.

AI liiiiui. harl . t icDanvilleLynchour^( harlotf. svillc. .WashingtonBaltimorePhiladelphiaNew York

l v

\ o 3 \'o. 36i2 Ounn 111. l^pm8.20pm| S.SOatn

. li.OOam 1.50pm.

., 1.58am s.SOprn.

. 3 3:iam 5.50pm.8.4-:aml "

. S.Oilam

.10.15am 8.30am,

.Ir2..i3pm 6:;3,

Wbo can thinkof some slmplbtiling to patent-1

Protect your ideas: they may brinir you wojiith.Write JOHN AVEDDERBURN & CO.. Patent Attnrnoys. Washington, .D. C , for their 81.800 prize offerneys. Wasbfnand 11-jt of tw

C, for their $1,800 prizedl iuvontlonc wunted.

Mortgage Sale.

the bisl

ITNDEtt A MOFITGAOK MADK i )Nthe l l l b day of April , l>'.)\. by L-'anniaStein ami Simon yt" in , '111.•' NalionalGii i i rantee Loan and Ti n ; t ( lonipai iv , asMoitjraseu. will sell to ihu bitrhest bid-der (or cash in frmil ot Ihu Oourl llo-isnof Shell iv . o u n ' y , Ala. , \vithin I lie lo^alh o u r s of sale on Afomlny th6 2>Uli dav nfSep tember IS'Jti. t h e followin<>il6iscr!bpilreal e s t a t e , lo wil : l,.,l >,o. I, \\.r\ ..-survey of ilie Orchard Ad.ii ion in 11,<•

<-ia. said lol fronting 27 feetStre.-l. and runn ing back <;.">the lirsl lot d' sci ibed in a

.1. ].). H a r d yund wife to Aniuliii 11 irsher

Eddin;;s Saddened when the whitewinged messerigef cr.me on S u n d a y 'raorninor, Auaust 30th, and carried awayon its pinions tiie sweet spir i t of little

berlain's PainBalrftfcr rheumatism, • all taxes not paid by the l s | of

and Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand ,l)ia)f'.ioea Cure for bowel complaint?. '

' dav of December, execrit the 2otli. On >•;"'" ," '."' ' " l-4" i i ; ! l i,1 "' " : s l l i r at1< l ! " l l !

her heirs to Samuel SSteiii .• .-., situalutlin Shelby ennnty, Ala.

. by March' '''",'I v O . ,


These medicines have been inVelma. Thegende little facethey loved j g t a n t u 8 e i n [ o w a ,,,, almost ato see, and the echo of the sweet, softUe r ,,f :, century. The peopleyoice has gone to its eternal home. • learned that thev are articles of great.'Velraa was a sweet little girl of only six worth and merit, and uuequaled by •summers, thus a little life had be?;unj apy other. They are for sale here lijfnn 1 en led *!thoi« a sti . • i

Jons S. PITTS,

Tas A isc SI Iby counly,JOHN l i . KOUEKTSON,

Tax Collector Shelby county.

Kipans Tabules cure ipdig' iti I•>••,: 11 T a b T i l s w i r e i

Presidenl.flic.vKY I!. I3KOV S. Attorney.

s.-i i:;td

• BENT.Vox a tern' of years. I !• r- \,r>; Lime

K i l l planl in l ho county. For' - 1 / . : I'lio .Seutii

For [).U'-uiricfr

No. 38 " Washington and Southwestern reun-ited." Solid Pullman Vestibule train Atlanta to-New York, carrying Pullman Slesping carI.MrmlncnamtoNow York Dining enr Atlanta,to On fensboro and Washington to New York*

No. 36. t iillnian Drawing Room Bullet Sleep-ing cars Atlanta to New YorK.

tDaily Except Sunday.SSuriday Only.

W. II GREEN,.Gen Supt. Washington, D. C.J.M Cl Mgr Washington, U C.W. A. TURK, <}. P. A Washtnstton. D. C ,r.A.ilKNSCOTKli.A.i;.! ' A. Chlltiannoga,'!>nn

Delightful Summer Travel— Beauti-

ful route and tfiiattractive Sched-

ule to the EUst.

The Souf.iern Railway ahvaj'S on thealert to afford its patrons the best possi-ble ac6ofnniodation, Iia'J inaugurated andplaced in service a new solid train be-

i Chattanooga and fToffolk withoutcliangi?, rori&isling of c6inbination bay

e ir and coach, an'I an elegant Pullinnn Drawing Room Sleeping car,

Tiain iii leaves Calera at 11.13 a m,arrives al Ooltewaii Junction 5,&5pni,make;-, ilosc connection with train, thwIhrongli pchedule nuin^ as follown:

1 ea\ e Oalera al 11. i;>, a m, arrive at1,'uino ;;.5o, p iii, leave Home 4.00, p m,HIrivi* sit Ooltewali Junction 5.50, i mleave Uoltewah ,Tnfi'ctioni>.56, pm, arriv.

|i m , ai r ive A s b v i l l e I (

J i m , G r e e n s b o r o 8.35 a in , R a l e i g h I ' . I

» in, Norfolk 5 20, ] ' 111. C l o s e co i inpc

lion is m a d e a t Norfo lk 'vitl i b o a :

VVashiiiston, Baltimore,'New York, atii 'Boston, liius affording one of the mostdelinhtlVil summer trips to Lasteru cities'itial ran be obtained.

Wostbouml: This train will IOJIVO Nor-folk 1D.''-">. a m, and arrive at Oolleual 'Junction 7.45 am, next dav, leave Ooltewah .1 unction 3.45, at Home 10.50, a in,'and arrive nt Calera 3,53, p in.

T a b u l $ > • • :•

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