THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SATURDAY NOV 6 1909 7 STRUCTURAL IRON- WORKER 4 IS KILLED John V Hagan Falls From a- Beam and Suffers In I stant Death Overtaken by the sudden fear of being in a high place which Is tlrc terror of every structural ironworker John W Hagan a structural steel worker employed on the new addition to the Z C M I building In South Temple street lost his balance on a fourth floor beam yesterday morning and fell to Instant death In the base ment four stories below Hagans head struck the edge of a concret wall as lie fell and his skull was fractured at the base ot the brain A dozen workmen witnessed the ac Ident anil turned horrorfilled eyes away as the body of Hagan struck the basement floor with a sickening force A column was being swung to Hagan and he was standing with A ti Munro on a large beam when the fear of his position seemed to strike him and before he could be reached by lds companllon he swayed dizzily and lurched from the beam with arms out stretched The mans neck was broken and his left arm and several ribs frac- tured Dr C F Wilcox was summoned and Mated that death had been instanta- neous The body was removed to the undertaking establishment of S M Taylor after being viewed by Acting Coroner Stanley A JHanks It being dear that the death was due to acci- dent Coroner Hanks decided to hold Ill Inquest John W Hagan was 25 years of age and had been living at No 906 west Second South street for the past six months During that time he had been employed by A and J McDonald con tractors The man was unmarried and Ors family lives at Fort Collins Colo The young man has a brother living III Denver and a telegram was sent to Ills brother last night The mans mother at Fort Collins was also noti fied of the death Hagan was a mem- ber of the Structural Ironworkers of America and Is believed to have also teen a member of the Eagles He had worked In Salt Lake at various times during the past five years and was t man of excellent character A S Munro the man who was near est to Hagan when he fell says that only one explanation can be given for the mans fall He stated that Hagan was probably seized with the fear of being In a high place which conies at some time to almost all men employed In the hazardous work of placing steel IIagan was known to Ills fellows as a skillful workman and a steady man The body will ba held at the Taylor undertaking establishment until ad- vices are received from members crt the family TIRES OF WEDLOCK IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR otter a married life of leas than a ar ltosctta Louisa Yung has ap pealed to the courts for arntion trout James K Young whom Ae married in Salt Lake on Dee 19 1908 The wife sags her husband Ias net supported her fr sir i months ar3 that she has hart to iepenl upon the charity ot her rela- tives and friends for subsistence though James earns about S15 a week BESlds the nonsupport the wife hargr that on Sept la inst her hus band said he would swipe her In the fart and was cruel In other way She IRks for the custody of a sun no six elf = uM and alimony A COMMUNICATION r I I J I o tni J r rho HraldRepublicaJ- II Tr intereat Is i μ aaitesail hare = itttIW- e r nsivenwaa of Dolly Dimples II some of the Baia boys had a ehi at- rhere IS no doubt but what tilE capture Lt the fair polly would speedily ensue Thpse boys are aceustomeI to captur- ar thing from crosseyed sheep pierfaced I rnge cattlo anl scrub brouchos to Pi rtes and six ounce boales of JIllRIcA ging- eInfortunately thlr mthods do not nform to the rzgmrements of The Her v id Rublican They generally make the objet of their hse Oaptjve Oret and is- Ouige In satl1tatlQnil afterwards Then oo the words are trlkingly different rm those specified fhe desert boys are excellent trailers They can trail anything from a red ant nd a blow snake to a deserting burro Ird a calico skirt costing j otntM per 1Krd Pierre is Billy Wrinkles of Spring Val > Giye hint plenty of rope and the- m went of a tack Mad In the sand and Billy knows at ruse that the missing naver1ek Is out somewherE on the wide Oman grazing with a fellow who does om oleing with carpet tacks J n such cases Billy gets out his rope LJ when he catchs up with his quest oes lie exclaim My dear ellArIDlng ex- ut ite absent one how I irnve mlued r our sweet personality Xo Maam He whites when he doer with an awful dUmded salute so filled with wrinkles r1 corrugations that a reproduction in pr would grow too warm to carry veil ° ad linEs Put If Dolly Di uples rrail ° wants tt t caught let h r 1rop off the San Pedro t Beryl in the heart of the Escalante exert and Billy Wrinkles of Spring Val V Xvada ullmtees to capture liar w thjlut a salutatirn and tvili use only a- re and a copy of The lierahiRepub- n I al- TllS should be agreeable to the shy doll as It Is rar from the madding WI nd there is so much more room r mor about In w r nkles will give Dimples ten miles of a tut in any dlracdon- h s IS a jolly start md shoukl make dandy ending Does Dolly wait it- yl s oj na Nov I 111I19 ORPHANS HOME DEED IS FILED FOR RECORD T I deed 9f the Orphans Hume w I It v Nursery company to Salt Lake udy tor the old orphans homE prop ty at Twelfth South and State streets s brd in the county recorders of e yesterday the price being 810000 Tp land waa purchased by the county lilt tare ago anti the old nursery l be converted into a tletenthol1- It r Chicago Excursion 1 I Salt Lake Route very low round trips rates In effect aU stations In Utah N n 16 and 17 Good returning to Dec 13 Los Angeles LImited 2t days from Juab or Milford to Chicago Electric lighted team heated Observation buffet car Ask any Salt Lake Rout agent- Only 250 to Logan and Return aturday Nov 6 via Oregon Short Line for football game Fort Douglas vs Agricultural collegE Special will le we union depot 750 a m returning after the game Tickets limited to Nov th Ogden Race Excursion Via Bamber- ger Line 100 Round Trip On sale every race day starting Oct O for special train 11 a m Tickets good returning any train date of sale or on the following day Return train leaves Ogden 645 p m Dancing School r Learn to dance now Class for be ginners commences Tuesday evening at R OdEon Qcadem Ind 4300 You can buy an Introduction to a buyer for your propertyfee the cost of some classiflel adver tlsie Vagnrlea ot a Cold You can never j be quite sure where a cold Is going to hit you In the fall and winter It may 1 settle In the bowels producing severe pain Do not be alarmed nor torment yourself with fears ot appendcltls At the first slgrl or a cramp take Perry Davis PaInkiller In warm sweetened water and relief cones at once There Is but onE Painkiller Perry Davis Mulletts Clothing Store See our two special ads In this morn Incs papar Thh Dolly Dimples Throw Scarfs for ladles and the Phoenix Mufflers for men women and children See our show windows MULLETT CLOTHING COMPANY Half block west from Main and Second Sout- hi EXCURSIONS OGDEN RACES Via Oregon Short Line 119 round trip dally except Sundays I to Nov 13 Train leaves 1 p m Last train rptMrninsr levos Oedpn 90 p m i r Jf1- i If THE i 50000 STOCK Consisting of wearables for men women and cMl dren which was slightly damaged by FIREW- ill be placed on sale THURSDAY NOV 11 at 20c 25c and 50c- on the Dollar The Baron Co 254256 State Street i l KEI Tfl O1KIEN 90 I I- v i U The Opening of the Doll Section I I- rqJD We Are Nering Christmas Time Will Be a Feature of the Day IrqJD 1 Be in the throng that will surge the aisles of the big popular store Take advantage of the many many tempting reductions which every department is offering Bring the boys and girls and fit them oAt for winter They will need clothing and dresses and shoes and stockipgs e- 1J1 and underwear and other accessories flake Saturday Ku day for home purchasing Come and meet your friends Enjoy an hour ortwo in the store The displays are inviting They are full of suggestions In the evening a delightful concert by the Philharmonic orchestra Saturday v 1 of the- Winter 1k91r f i Shoe Sale p e WOMENS SHOESYou never before found such values 335 in all sizes and widths You never found so many new and pretty styles and lasts to choose from WOlIENS STRAP PUMPS DRESS SLIPPERS AND 395 OXFORDSIn bronze suede patents satins All of our new 500 and 600 values at this price BOYS SCHOOL SHOES that we know 225 wear 145 BOYS SCHOOL SHOES on bargain table vici kid tan Russia or box calf tcI I s 125 WARM styles SLIPPERS FOR YOlllEN over twentyfive 500 MENS theme SHOES the best made l Ye want you to see 1W T0 Encourage Early Christmas Shopping Beautiful German Silver Mesh Bagsyalues 795 1095 1195 1295 and 1395 will be placed on sale this morning at 495 Each bag is in a box Each bag is white kid lined Only limited number Belts and BeltingTo close out Wash rags size 12x14 sold every a lot of ladies belts in elastic where else for 1Oc our price is 5c silk or leather the seasons latest An odd lot of box stationery for Trades values to 75ci forlOco Oc box This price is to close out Beltingsr elastics and silks 1 ½ Hat pins jet or gilt heads t and I inches in width all col and teninch stems value up to f inch for 75c for 25c ors values up to 5e an lc auI inch Jet hat pins with twelveinch Traveling companions and roller steel stems worth 25c and 35c ups from 100to 300 for one for 1Oc each third less Fancy hand carved back combs A onepound roll of sterilized ab in shell and amber values up to sorbent cotton for 25e 250 for 50c L MEN S SECTION q Mens bath robes to suit the most exacting taste Smoking jackets f of all desIgns g The robes are in all the new wear shades with deep collars two pockets and collar and waist cords Panel effects and pretty designs in figures and stripes The smoking jackets are in deep garnet blue bottle green and iron gray Cuffs and collars trimmed with neat lin- ings + Prices to suit any purse Let us show you through the two lines suit- iOur I Sale of Sample Garments Consisting of Coats Capes 1 Evening Coats 1 Utility Coats Velvet oats Duchess c oats Al50 Suits and Dresses- t i I f fc- I > L > Jt I 0 f < j- t p 2y r w- t I b I i- fS tr 7 4 t ti R s < i 0 1 t i hHi j i i t R f J 7- < GY s- 1rR ikip f f Di I I- l S K l I I I- ill u w t I t J s < I I- I J 1 1- t r I I I hIktEJS 1 t t is r yyt f 1 1z I y KS I Y y5 J f 6 < rt- t > + t I v J wt 1- t r 1 t rx s cQ t ct i t II t 1 w Wlf f- I l I d 1 f I i- f1 > I A y rK f r- g l Yi t I J Sy rL Y- tSJ j < < cr < < t 1 r v f i J 5 < r r < 1 f 1 1 U Jf 1 1 WJl fr 1 4 I 7 5 t < J- ftX1 < < F- N > > In this lot of evening coats are white and rose broadcloth coats lined with peau de cygne linings tan and pearl gray coats full lined capes in every variety bright red pale blue pink peach Nile green topaz and walnut specially priced 2500 Capes at 1250 3500 Coats at 1750 5000 Coats at 2500- r 2750 Cripes at 1375 3950 Coats at 1975 5750 Coats at 2875- 3500 Capes at 175t > 4500 Coats at 9200 6500 Coats at 3250- 2500 Coats at 1250 4750 Coats a 2375 p7500 Coats at 3750- All Alterations Extra i 1- In Our Suit Section We Will 1 o CI h S rqJD Place on Sale 250 Suits J ot Ul ts- i t i Broadcloth novelty cloths cheviots and mannish mix Broadcloth chevIOts and manmsli mIxtures Coats hues All the fashionable shades and the oat lengths I that are approved this season 3Sinch 42 inch and 42r 45 and 52 inches longall the leading shades 45 inch lengths Values up to 2750r in 15 00 and black lrllues up to 4500 in 97 50 tIllS sale at thIS sale at iterations Extra All Alterations Extra H i5 t 1 17- I rqJD- I r r y s J a i I- I I rqJD MILLINERY Moderately Priced IJD- g There are the exquisite big shapes with ostrich plumes the f refined beaver hat and the be coming turbans Tile latter fol low after the Moorish grenadier the Cossack and the military ef- fects Of course velvet hats are in most demand fJf The exclusiveness of our head wear is further emphasized by popular prices Manicwring hair dressing 4J scalp tratrnent massage and cltiropody third floor These different specialties are executed with compe- tencySWEATERS v jr 4 t t 1 i v i f Special Saturday rq1J One lot of sweaters in white M red brown green and combina- tions or red and white blue and white and green and white box and semifitted styles Values u1 to 500 for 195- g Saturday Only Silk Waists inj all colors fancy and tailored f styles values up to 700 for S 295 f f- I1T Learn Metallography It jJ is sample Free class once a week It is hammered brass and a very interesting work Makes unique Christmas gttts + Inexpensive toot Q i I SUESTO GET INSURANCE Woman Seeks to Recover on a Policy Issued to Her Former Husband SuIt was filed In the United States district court of this dIstrict Friday by Lillian Light against the supreme lodge of the Fraternal Union pt America a Colorado corporation to recover on a policy Issued by the order to John Pawlas her former husband in 1895 The statement sets forth that Mr and Mrs Pawlns were livIng In OgdEn about Nov 1 1898 when the policy Is alleged to have been Issued to Pawlas The husband died Sept 25 1908 as the result of Injuries received In an accI- dent on the Great Northern railroad near Youngs Point Mont It is alleged that there was due Mrs Pawlas on the policy 1950 and thIs amount Is asked In the suit together with Interest from Jan f 1909 the fate when payment Is said to have been re fused by the organization STATE AND CITY AID Murray Municipality to Pay Only a Part of Inspection Fees A petition from McMillan S Sons of Murray butchers was received bY the tty recorder yesterday and will be tak en up by the council next Monday night asking for continued cUr Inspection The city granted the Murray plant Inspection for one month though the Inspection sys- tem was plannEd only for slaughter hcuses In Salt Lake Much of the meat from this plant comes Into Salt Lake and the city fathers therefore determined to grant inspection there until some other arrangement could be made It Is now planned to have the state and the city of Murray act with Salt Lake In paYing an inspector for the McMillan plant though the city Inspection bureau believes all of this expense should be maintained by the state MAKES LOVE WITH KNIFE TO WOULDBE SUICIDE On the chttrge of assault with n dead ly weapn W E Lucas the soldier who has had a grEat deal of notoriety through his vh lent attentions to Mrs Caroline Hasttrd of Roosevelt avenue was bound I over to thedistriet court by I Judge J M Bowman yesterday morn In It Is alleged that Lucas latest at- tempt to annoy Mrs Hmmru consisted of threatening her with a knife In front of the postoice last Saturday night Following the incarceration of Lucas Mrs Hasard attempted to end her own life Sunday afternoon The prompt ar rival or the police patrol and the atten tion given by the police surgeon pre vented serIous results from poison swallowed by the young woman Luca was taken to the county jail yesterday afternoon FAIR ASSOCIATION DOES NOT HOLD A MEETING Members of the Utah State Fair as- sociation were to have held their an nual meeting yesterday but it was postponed until the week beginning Nov 14 because the report of the sec retary was not ready Bills Incurred at the last state fair have been corning In slowly and H S Ensign secretary of the association will make a special ef fort to get all or the statements In so that the meeting can be called for Nov 15 and complete reports handed in at that time BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN IN EMERSON J WARD A benefit entertaInment in which some good local talent particlJOted was given last night at the Emerson ward amusement hall Among those whose names were on the program were Miss Leah Smith Joseph Acocks Professor B Morris Young Mrs George Goff Mrs Hattie Anstee Rulon Robinson William Clements and Retta Heystek The program closed with the farce The Limerick Boys those taking part in this being as follows W B Scott Fred Hnndle Irwin Merrill A Wil- liams Myrtle McKniglit Emeline Jes person and Leah Smith BUZZARD ARRIVES A blizzard not scheduled by the weather man struck the Kenyon hotel yesterday when A H Snow E L Snow and A Snow with a few little Snow flakes in the party came in during the day and registered as guests The hIli- zard came without warning as the Snows registered from both east 1nd west


Page 1: i 90 KEITfl O1KIENTHE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SATURDAY NOV 6 1909 7 STRUCTURAL IRON- 4 WORKER IS KILLED John V Hagan Falls From a- Beam and Suffers In stant Death I ...





John V Hagan Falls From a-

Beam and Suffers InI

stant Death

Overtaken by the sudden fear ofbeing in a high place which Is tlrcterror of every structural ironworkerJohn W Hagan a structural steelworker employed on the new additionto the Z C M I building In SouthTemple street lost his balance on afourth floor beam yesterday morningand fell to Instant death In the basement four stories below Hagans headstruck the edge of a concret wall aslie fell and his skull was fractured atthe base ot the brain

A dozen workmen witnessed the acIdent anil turned horrorfilled eyesaway as the body of Hagan struck thebasement floor with a sickeningforce A column was being swung toHagan and he was standing with Ati Munro on a large beam when thefear of his position seemed to strikehim and before he could be reached bylds companllon he swayed dizzily andlurched from the beam with arms outstretched The mans neck was brokenand his left arm and several ribs frac-tured

Dr C F Wilcox was summoned andMated that death had been instanta-neous The body was removed to theundertaking establishment of S MTaylor after being viewed by ActingCoroner Stanley A JHanks It beingdear that the death was due to acci-dent Coroner Hanks decided to holdIll Inquest

John W Hagan was 25 years of ageand had been living at No 906 westSecond South street for the past sixmonths During that time he had beenemployed by A and J McDonald contractors The man was unmarried andOrs family lives at Fort Collins Colo

The young man has a brother livingIII Denver and a telegram was sent toIlls brother last night The mans

mother at Fort Collins was also notified of the death Hagan was a mem-ber of the Structural Ironworkers ofAmerica and Is believed to have alsoteen a member of the Eagles He hadworked In Salt Lake at various timesduring the past five years and wast man of excellent character

A S Munro the man who was nearest to Hagan when he fell says thatonly one explanation can be given forthe mans fall He stated that Haganwas probably seized with the fear ofbeing In a high place which conies atsome time to almost all men employedIn the hazardous work of placing steelIIagan was known to Ills fellows as askillful workman and a steady man

The body will ba held at the Taylorundertaking establishment until ad-vices are received from members crtthe family



otter a married life of leas than aar ltosctta Louisa Yung has ap

pealed to the courts for arntion troutJames K Young whom Ae married inSalt Lake on Dee 19 1908 The wifesags her husband Ias net supported herfr siri months ar3 that she has hart toiepenl upon the charity ot her rela-tives and friends for subsistencethough James earns about S15 a weekBESlds the nonsupport the wifehargr that on Sept la inst her hus

band said he would swipe her In thefart and was cruel In other way SheIRks for the custody of a sun no six

elf = uM and alimonyA





o tni J r rho HraldRepublicaJ-II Tr intereat Is iµaaitesail hare = itttIW-

er nsivenwaa of Dolly DimplesII some of the Baia boys had a ehi at-

rhere IS no doubt but what tilE captureLt the fair polly would speedily ensue

Thpse boys are aceustomeI to captur-ar thing from crosseyed sheep pierfacedI rnge cattlo anl scrub brouchos to Pirtes and six ounce boales of JIllRIcA

ging-eInfortunately thlr mthods do notnform to the rzgmrements of The Her

v id Rublican They generally make theobjet of their hse Oaptjve Oret and is-Ouige In satl1tatlQnil afterwards Thenoo the words are trlkingly differentrm those specified

fhe desert boys are excellent trailersThey can trail anything from a red antnd a blow snake to a deserting burroIrd a calico skirt costing j otntM per1Krd

Pierre is Billy Wrinkles of Spring Val> Giye hint plenty of rope and the-

m went of a tack Mad In the sand andBilly knows at ruse that the missingnaver1ek Is out somewherE on the wideOman grazing with a fellow who doesom oleing with carpet tacksJ n such cases Billy gets out his ropeLJ when he catchs up with his quest

oes lie exclaim My dear ellArIDlng ex-ut ite absent one how I irnve mlued r

our sweet personality Xo Maam Hewhites when he doer with an awful

dUmded salute so filled with wrinklesr1 corrugations that a reproduction inpr would grow too warm to carry veil°ad linEsPut If Dolly Di uples rrail ° wants ttt caught let h r 1rop off the San Pedrot Beryl in the heart of the Escalanteexert and Billy Wrinkles of Spring ValV Xvada ullmtees to capture liar

w thjlut a salutatirn and tvili use only a-re and a copy of The lierahiRepub-

nI al-TllS should be agreeable to the shydoll as It Is rar from the maddingWI nd there is so much more roomr mor about Inw r nkles will give Dimples ten miles of

a tut in any dlracdon-h s IS a jolly start md shoukl makedandy ending

Does Dolly wait it-yl s

oj na Nov I 111I19


T I deed 9f the Orphans Hume wI It v Nursery company to Salt Lake

udy tor the old orphans homE propty at Twelfth South and State streets

s brd in the county recorders ofe yesterday the price being 810000Tp land waa purchased by the countylilt tare ago anti the old nurseryl be converted into a tletenthol1-

It r

Chicago Excursion1 I Salt Lake Route very low roundtrips rates In effect aU stations In UtahN n 16 and 17 Good returning to Dec13 Los Angeles LImited 2t days fromJuab or Milford to Chicago Electriclighted team heated Observationbuffet car Ask any Salt Lake Routagent-

Only 250 to Logan and Returnaturday Nov 6 via Oregon ShortLine for football game Fort Douglasvs Agricultural collegE Special willle we union depot 750 a m returningafter the game Tickets limited to Novth

Ogden Race Excursion Via Bamber-ger Line 100 Round Trip

On sale every race day starting OctO for special train 11 a m Ticketsgood returning any train date of saleor on the following day Return trainleaves Ogden 645 p m

Dancing Schoolr Learn to dance now Class for beginners commences Tuesday evening atR OdEon Qcadem Ind 4300

You can buy an Introduction toa buyer for your propertyfeethe cost of some classiflel advertlsie

Vagnrlea ot a Cold You can never j

be quite sure where a cold Is going tohit you In the fall and winter It may 1

settle In the bowels producing severepain Do not be alarmed nor tormentyourself with fears ot appendcltls Atthe first slgrl or a cramp take PerryDavis PaInkiller In warm sweetenedwater and relief cones at once ThereIs but onE Painkiller Perry Davis

Mulletts Clothing StoreSee our two special ads In this morn

Incs paparThh Dolly Dimples Throw Scarfs for

ladles and the Phoenix Mufflers formen women and children


Half block west from Main and SecondSout-


Via Oregon Short Line119 round trip dally except Sundays

I to Nov 13 Train leaves 1 p m Lasttrain rptMrninsr levos Oedpn 90 p m


r Jf1-



i 50000STOCK

Consisting of wearablesfor men women and cMldren which was slightlydamaged by


ill be placed on sale


at20c 25c and 50c-

on the Dollar

The Baron Co254256 State Street

i l





The Opening of the Doll Section II-

rqJDWe Are Nering Christmas Time Will Be a Feature of the Day


1 Be in the throng that will surge the aisles of the big popular store Take advantage of the many many tempting reductions which every

department is offering Bring the boys and girls and fit them oAt for winter They will need clothing and dresses and shoes and stockipgs e-

1J1 and underwear and other accessories flake Saturday Ku day for home purchasing Come and meet your friends Enjoy an hour ortwo inthe store The displays are inviting They are full of suggestions In the evening a delightful concert by the Philharmonic orchestra

Saturdayv1 of the-

Winter 1k91r f



Salep e

WOMENS SHOESYou never before found such values335 in all sizes and widths You never found so many new andpretty styles and lasts to choose from

WOlIENS STRAP PUMPS DRESS SLIPPERS AND395 OXFORDSIn bronze suede patents satins All of ournew 500 and 600 values at this price

BOYS SCHOOL SHOES that we know225 wear

145 BOYS SCHOOL SHOES on bargain table vici kid tanRussia or box calf

tcI I s125 WARMstyles

SLIPPERS FOR YOlllEN over twentyfive

500 MENStheme

SHOES the best made lYe want you to see


T0 Encourage Early Christmas ShoppingBeautiful German Silver Mesh Bagsyalues 795 1095 11951295 and 1395 will be placed on sale this morning at 495 Each

bag is in a box Each bag is white kid lined Only limited number

Belts and BeltingTo close out Wash rags size 12x14 sold everya lot of ladies belts in elastic where else for 1Oc our price is 5c

silk or leather the seasons latest An odd lot of box stationery forTrades values to 75ci forlOco Oc box This price is to close outBeltingsr elastics and silks 1½ Hat pins jet or gilt heads t

and I inches in width all col and teninch stems value up to finch for 75c for 25cors values up to 5e an

lc auI inch Jet hat pins with twelveinchTraveling companions and roller steel stems worth 25c and 35c

ups from 100to 300 for one for 1Oc eachthird less Fancy hand carved back combs

A onepound roll of sterilized ab in shell and amber values up to

sorbent cotton for 25e 250 for 50c


MEN S SECTIONq Mens bath robes to suit the most exacting taste Smoking jackets fof all desIgnsg The robes are in all the new wear shades with deep collars twopockets and collar and waist cords Panel effects and pretty designsin figures and stripes The smoking jackets are in deep garnet bluebottle green and iron gray Cuffs and collars trimmed with neat lin-



Prices to suit any purse Let us show you through the two lines

suit-iOurI Sale of Sample Garments Consisting of

Coats Capes1 Evening Coats 1 Utility Coats

Velvet oats Duchess coats Al50 Suits and Dresses-



I f fc-


> L > JtI




2y r w-

tI bI i-


tr 7 4

t tiR





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cQ t ct i tIIt 1 wWlf f-II


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<t 1r v f iJ 5

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f 11 U

Jf11 WJl fr

1 4 I 75 t< J-

ftX1< <

F- N>


In this lot of evening coats are white and rose broadcloth coats lined with peau de cygne linings tan and

pearl gray coats full lined capes in every variety bright red pale blue pink peach Nile green topaz

and walnut specially priced

2500 Capes at 1250 3500 Coats at 1750 5000 Coats at 2500-

r2750 Cripes at 1375 3950 Coats at 1975 5750 Coats at 2875-

3500 Capes at 175t> 4500 Coats at 9200 6500 Coats at 3250-

2500 Coats at 1250 4750 Coats a 2375 p7500 Coats at 3750-

All Alterations Extrai


In Our Suit Section We Will 1 o CI h SrqJD Place on Sale 250 Suits J ot Ults-i

ti Broadcloth novelty cloths cheviots and mannish mix

Broadcloth chevIOts and manmsli mIxtures Coatshues All the fashionable shades and the oat lengths


that are approved this season 3Sinch 42 inch and 42r 45 and 52 inches longall the leading shades

45 inch lengths Values up to 2750r in 15 00 and black lrllues up to 4500 in 97 50tIllS sale at thIS sale at

iterations ExtraAll Alterations Extra

H i5 t1


I rqJD-






i I-



MILLINERYModerately Priced IJD-

g There are the exquisite bigshapes with ostrich plumes the frefined beaver hat and the becoming turbans Tile latter follow after the Moorish grenadierthe Cossack and the military ef-

fects Of course velvet hats arein most demandfJf The exclusiveness of our headwear is further emphasized bypopular prices

Manicwring hair dressing4J scalp tratrnent massageand cltiropody third floorThese different specialties areexecuted with compe-



44 tt






Special Saturdayrq1J

One lot of sweaters in whiteM

red brown green and combina-tions or red and white blue andwhite and green and white boxand semifitted styles Valuesu1 to 500 for 195-

g Saturday Only Silk Waists injall colors fancy and tailored fstyles values up to 700 forS295 ff-

I1T Learn Metallography ItjJ is sample Free class once

a week It is hammered brassand a very interesting workMakes unique Christmas gttts +


toot Qi



Woman Seeks to Recover on a PolicyIssued to Her Former


SuIt was filed In the United Statesdistrict court of this dIstrict Friday byLillian Light against the supreme lodgeof the Fraternal Union pt America aColorado corporation to recover on apolicy Issued by the order to JohnPawlas her former husband in 1895

The statement sets forth that Mr andMrs Pawlns were livIng In OgdEnabout Nov 1 1898 when the policy Isalleged to have been Issued to PawlasThe husband died Sept 25 1908 as theresult of Injuries received In an accI-dent on the Great Northern railroadnear Youngs Point Mont

It is alleged that there was due MrsPawlas on the policy 1950 and thIsamount Is asked In the suit togetherwith Interest from Jan f 1909 the fatewhen payment Is said to have been refused by the organization


Murray Municipality to Pay Only aPart of Inspection Fees

A petition from McMillan S Sons ofMurray butchers was received bY thetty recorder yesterday and will be taken up by the council next Monday nightasking for continued cUr Inspection Thecity granted the Murray plant Inspectionfor one month though the Inspection sys-tem was plannEd only for slaughterhcuses In Salt Lake Much of the meatfrom this plant comes Into Salt Lakeand the city fathers therefore determinedto grant inspection there until some otherarrangement could be made It Is nowplanned to have the state and the cityof Murray act with Salt Lake In paYingan inspector for the McMillan plantthough the city Inspection bureau believesall of this expense should be maintainedby the state


On the chttrge of assault with n deadly weapn W E Lucas the soldierwho has had a grEat deal of notorietythrough his vh lent attentions to MrsCaroline Hasttrd of Roosevelt avenuewas boundI over to thedistriet court byI

Judge J M Bowman yesterday mornIn It Is alleged that Lucas latest at-tempt to annoy Mrs Hmmru consistedof threatening her with a knife In frontof the postoice last Saturday nightFollowing the incarceration of LucasMrs Hasard attempted to end her ownlife Sunday afternoon The prompt arrival or the police patrol and the attention given by the police surgeon prevented serIous results from poisonswallowed by the young woman Lucawas taken to the county jail yesterdayafternoon


Members of the Utah State Fair as-sociation were to have held their annual meeting yesterday but it waspostponed until the week beginningNov 14 because the report of the secretary was not ready Bills Incurred atthe last state fair have been corning Inslowly and H S Ensign secretary ofthe association will make a special effort to get all or the statements In sothat the meeting can be called for Nov15 and complete reports handed in atthat time


A benefit entertaInment in whichsome good local talent particlJOted wasgiven last night at the Emerson wardamusement hall Among those whosenames were on the program were MissLeah Smith Joseph Acocks ProfessorB Morris Young Mrs George GoffMrs Hattie Anstee Rulon RobinsonWilliam Clements and Retta HeystekThe program closed with the farce

The Limerick Boys those taking partin this being as follows W B ScottFred Hnndle Irwin Merrill A Wil-liams Myrtle McKniglit Emeline Jesperson and Leah Smith

BUZZARD ARRIVESA blizzard not scheduled by the

weather man struck the Kenyon hotelyesterday when A H Snow E L Snowand A Snow with a few little Snowflakes in the party came in during theday and registered as guests The hIli-zard came without warning as the Snowsregistered from both east 1nd west