I'charlottenc.gov/CityClerk/Resolutions/September 9, 2002.pdf · September 9, 2002 Resolution Book...

September 9, 2002 Reso1~!5em kak 37, Pqe 550 I' Resoiution Authorizing Sale of Personal Property by Public Awetion Whereas, G.S. 160-27m) dows the City Council to sell personal property at ptlbb auction upon adoption of a resolution or order au$o~i%& the appropriate oficid to dispose of the property at public auction; 'WEIEW,,,& ,Qiy Mawg,~ has mrmmW &at the prq&y listed on rhe ambed &bibit A shodd be sold af pdfic mfim as s@h prop* now therefore, Be it lesaL~ed, by the Ckblte City Cmd that the Citybhager or ber designee h ~ ~ e d to at public adb on the 21' day of SepkdmP 2002 at 10::~ am.; cab. 28th.daiy of &ptmk at 10:M am, .d #.@day of October, 2W.&I&.mig,m, ~t !to City6tmtysrUph P - Fwility,.W,l North I- 85 Semicdb&, CharIo&;Notth Caroh the mrp1us pm&d&M .&Exhibit A and @aa)g$, ;, M,&,- .@ specw & ~tion8er;.m;ces contract by ,& -1 a d -ce Gsy, 160A-270($ji % of the '&b.'sh@ be pt 4. 'Tlhe City m g ~ r ix his I her is di&W to gxllbhsh! at least~wrce.md wt kw than ten (10) days bgfw 'the date mctio& it copy bithis resolution oo aymtice dzing its content as required by Rorth blj, braP Smb 1,60A-27o(b). & Nw s.Gibrt, Deputy City Clurk of the City of Chluhte, &rth Oda, DO @BEBY CERTIFY tht b fagoing jtr a ~ut, ad em@ adoptsd by tb bety &ddthr, City of C~&e,rNo~kC~~ ia mgdm d~tmnmndon ~.9mclo~,&Bq&~, -2, &e &mw. having &ejel43mu@ 1118, iundd '.:I b fanin:E~&~.titiou Book $7 ntP* $50-@66.

Transcript of I'charlottenc.gov/CityClerk/Resolutions/September 9, 2002.pdf · September 9, 2002 Resolution Book...

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September 9, 2002 Reso1~!5em kak 37, P q e 550


Resoiution Authorizing Sale of Personal Property by Public Awetion

Whereas, G.S. 160-27m) dows the City Council to sell personal property at ptlbb auction upon adoption of a resolution or order au$o~i%& the appropriate oficid to dispose of the property at public auction;

'WEIEW,,,& ,Qiy Mawg,~ has mrmmW &at the prq&y listed on rhe ambed &bibit A shodd be sold af pdfic mfim as s@h prop* now therefore,

Be it lesaL~ed, by the C k b l t e City C m d that the Citybhager or ber designee h ~ ~ e d to at public a d b on the 21' day of SepkdmP 2002 at 1 0 : : ~ am.; cab. 28th.daiy of &ptmk at 10:M am, .d #.@day of October, 2W.&I&.mig,m, ~t !to City6tmtysrUph P- Fwility,.W,l North I- 85 Semicdb&, CharIo&;Notth C a r o h the mrp1us pm&d&M .&Exhibit A and @aa)g$, ;, M,&,- .@ specw & ~tion8er;.m;ces contract by ,& -1 a d -ce Gsy, 160A-270($ji % of the '&b.'sh@ be pt 4. 'Tlhe City m g ~ r ix his I her is di&W to gxllbhsh! at least~wrce.md wt kw than ten (10) days bgfw 'the date mctio& it copy bithis resolution oo aymtice d z i n g its content as required by Rorth blj, b r a P Smb 1,60A-27o(b).

& N w s.Gibrt, Deputy City Clurk of the City of Chluhte, &rth O d a , DO @BEBY CERTIFY tht b fagoing jtr a ~ u t , a d em@ adoptsd by tb bety &ddthr, City of C ~ & e , r N o ~ k C ~ ~ ia mgdm d ~ t m n m n d o n ~ . 9 m c l o ~ , & B q & ~ , -2, &e &mw. having &ejel43mu@ 1118, i u n d d '.:I b fanin:E~&~.titiou Book $7 ntP* $50-@66.

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September 9, 2002 Resolution Book 37, Page 951

City of Chsrlorte Exhbit A Onits for Auction

Prepared by Norma F. Kerns

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September 9 , 2002

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September 9 , 20.02 Resolution Bohk 37, Page 953

C& Ch- &ybf@ waits iwlqudion

P h r e d by N m a F. Kems 3

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September 9, 2002 Resolution Book 33, Page 954

G?ltyoPc%mto& EkMBlt A UMsJbr Auction

CAU 122, 1965 &&let I ' S 10 1 i?Wup~&. -~ I IGCCS14E1~216093?

spt$fimj ve& I ~- -

I ~~ -~ I

I I / / I I

Vans I I

Prepared by Norma F. Kms

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September 9, 2002 Besolution Book 37, Page 955

Cify ofcharf~tte EW4W UaltsforllsrctibR

P& by Norma F. Kerns

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Septembelr 9, 2W2 Resolution Book 37, Page 956

Oetober 10,2002 Exhibit B

Computers Printers Office Trap Cid~d&01s h m Jot P&tm Twwitax Fax Maehirtes Video Cmette Player Trophies '

SaloonMirmr Room Dividers Drafkhg Trrlatew LmP Caffee Pots E l e c t r i c H m Trip& Shelving File Cabinets Televisions Me@ Cab'mets Desks chairs Crede~as Printex Stands Tables

Surplus Auction

m d by Norma F. Keros August 12,2002

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September 9, 2002 Resolution Book 37, Page 997


Reference is made t~ the schedule of 'Taxpayers and Refunds Requested" attached to the Docket for consideration of the City Comcil. On fhe basis of that schedule, which is iaco~porated - herein, the following facts are found:

,I. The City-County Tax Collwtor has colleoted propexty taxes from the taxpayers set out on the k t attached lo the Docket.

2. The City-County Tax Collector has certified that those taxpayers hiwa ma& proper demand in writing for refund of the mounts set out on ttie sch&&e within the required time Wts .

3. The amounh listed on the schedule were collected through either a chkd or assessor m r .

NOW, THEREFORE, BE RESOLW by the City Council of the City of Chad&% Nerfh Carolina, in regular session assembled this 9th day of September, 2002 that those taxpayatlisted on the schedule of Taxpayers andRefunds Requested" be refunded in the amounts therein wt up and that the schedule ;utd this resolution be spread upon the minutes of t$is meeting.

I, Naney 9. G W , Deputy City Clerk ofthe City of Cbrhte, Molth Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTfFY that the forego@ is a true and exact copy of a kLubion adopted by the City C o d o f the City of Charlotte, North bh, in regular h n wnved onsbe he day of September, WZ, tha reference having been made in Minute Book 118, a ~ d mdad in full in Resolukion Book 97 at Fsges 957-BM.

RTlNQB my ltand and tbe corporate saal of the City of Chatlottie, No& Cmliaa, t b tbe l Q L day of S e p w r , ZWZ.

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September 9, 2002 Resolution Book 37, Page 958


M o m THAN 51130

Homestead USA

Maniott City Center

Maniott City Center

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September 9 , 2002 Reso-lutioa Boob 37, Page 959

. . , 8


A motion was made by Councilmember Lochman and seconded by . Councilsnember Tabor for the adoption of the following Resolution, and upon being put .. ,

to a vote was duly adopted:

WHERMS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in accordance with the Transportation

Equity Act for the 21" Century solicited applications for Transportation and Community and System

Preservation (TCSP) grant funds and,

WHEREAS, this project shall consistof a study to identify ways to connect neighbomoods for non-

motorized transportation by hiring a public involvement, transportation planning1 landscape

architecture firm (or a combination of firm) to develop recommendations of pedestrian and bicyde

connectiins to the Mecklenburg County Greenway system, emphasizing the comrection of on-street

bicycle systems and the greenway systems to schools, neighborhoods, transit stops, employment

and retail centers. and;

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) agreed to administer said

TCSP grant funds on behalf of FHWA for a project submi8ed by the Mbnicipalii in accordance with

the awarded project scope of work in the amount of $198,261.00

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agreement between the North Carolina

Department of Transportation and the City of Charlotte Department of Tra~sportat'in, is hereby

formally approved by the Ci Council of the City of Charlotte and the Director of Transportation and

Clerk of this MunidpaNty are hereby empowered to sign and execute the Agreement with the

Department of Trampostation.

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September 9, 2002 Resolution Book 37. Page 960

CErnRCARON , . . ,

I, Nancy S. G&& &puty.Oity Wkofthe,,J&dCJmrIb$te4 Nprth CaPaline,,KB H E R B Y CERTIFY that the fbmgcbg iu, a true d emrkmpfof a f b s o 1 h ' a d ' e H $ the C X i Weil of the. City of Chw.ae, N& blina,>& &&f, mw&*$b SI$.&. of Wsph*, m, the referenm havins bsea 4 8 iR hdinata W k 118, and meaFded in full in Rw1~tion B d t $7 at Pages 869.960.

mf bud a d tbmpc+mb saruldth City a f W & t a , North~adkw, this tbe be@ day of %pbombr, ma.

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September 9, 2002 Resolution Book 37, Page 961

MIEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes Section 16OA-274 autEo'rizes the City to donate eitypmp.erty to &&her g o u - d agency; and

WHEREAS, the City of Charlotte owns the laptop computers listed an Exhibit 4 and

WHEREAS, the equipment is no longer needed by the City; and

WHEREAS the Classroom Connection program administrators have expressed a need for this technology related equipment; and

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Charlotte City Council that the City Manager or her designee is authorized to donate the pcoperty to the " Classroom Connection" program.

Adopted on this 9 t h day of Septeaber ,2002

I, Namy 9. G M , bputy City Clerk of the Crty of Chgdotte, N o d C a r o h , DO BEREBP CEPDBT that the foregoing ia true and exact copy ofa h l u t i e a adophed by t?~e City Couwilof khe City af Chdotts, North Garolina, in reg& wssie~l m v d Qn the @day crf Septembw, W02, the miemnee having; been me& &I Minute Book 118, and mrded in MI in Resolution Book 37 at Pages 961-362.

WI!l'NESS my bod and the corporate seal of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, ttris the 10" day of September, 2002. /

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September 9 , 2002 Resolution Book 3 7 , Page 962

Exhibit A

Surplus Laptop Computers

Digital HiNote VP Laptop Computer Digital HiNote Laptop Computer Dell Laptop Computer Dell Laptop Camputer Dell Laptop Computer Dell Laptop Computer Dell Lqtty Cimputer Dell Laptop Computer D d W@,(lowager -.

Fujitm Laptop Computer

Serial Number

Prepared August 23,2002 Page one

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September 10,2002 R880lutbn Book 37, Page 063

A magon we5 made by Counciknenrb bxhman , and saconded by Coundknemb ~ f o r t h e a d o p t r o n a f t h a f ~ n g d u t h , anduponbeirrgputtoavctewosduly

WHEREAS, a Grant in the mt of S580.OM) has be811 appw6d by Ule D@a@wnt based on lot01 edimW cast d;#&@&&&and

W R E A S , m amount equal to or p & r than pmjed cwt has been appropriated by $re Sponsor for fils Pro$d

NOW f HEREFORE, BE A'ND IT IS RESOLVED THAT THE Aviation D&&. J m Orr of the spMtsot k and he hemby is aumized and mpowed lo enter into a Orant Agrrwmeni with the Deperbnsnt, Mreby bhrdhg the Sponsor to the MMhnant of its obIig&rn incurred undw this Grant Agreement or any mutually agW upon rnodkation thenrof.


I, Nancy S. Gilbert, Deplsty CNy Clerk of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY fhat the foregoing is a true and exad copy of a ResduZion adopted by fhe Ciw Council of the City of CharM, North Caroliina, in regular session convened on the 9th day af September, 2002, b reference having bean made in Minute Book 118, and recarded in MI in Resdutign Book 37 at page 963.

WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the C i of Charlotte, Morth Carolina, this the 10th day of September, 2002.

I I - Na& 8. Gilbert, CMC, Deputy City Clerk

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September 9,2802 hlutim Book ST, Page 964

W A S , the City ,Couwildkkd%p ofC_lggbdte @+a% a fsctwitb nwssarg to acquirs certain property as inithtedbelow for the WE 9 AND 10 PROJECT;

the City either in,$cuod faith hw uurderhke~ to megotate hortkbpmhase of thia pmperty .to an [email protected]&hb b w ~ & ~ t h & ~ ~ . p ~ @ , , I I & r j r wmnable

,*-.@q 1

h w t o e m m fez the FAIWi-QNWfBIENtNQ-pH. 9 AND 10 P R ~ C T and estimated to be a ~ P d $ W ~ $ ~ ~ i ? ~ w : k e e : f ! W ~ h ; ~ . $ e d % B-qG#&~%dk Ese.em~fit, T~ l l !po~ l ry tkmtsuan h e m m i a d eav additbd P ~ B B I ~ V er bkw& as t b Citv mav cfetemh~ tn .- .

mmpiete tbe Pm*, sa it relates to Tas P ~ ~ N O 183-161:87: eaii property -ntiyo;nedby THE TC- FAIRINGTON COMPANY, TAR1 L. FLANNERY. Trmtecs BONNlE M KERNEY. Trrube: THE FIBST - .-.

NATION@, BANg OF e Y L A N D , ~ e e e 5 ~ , B. D. F ~ M E B , T w MASON REAL W A q SgBVICeS, we., lbneEoiug., .ad Any Otbr Pnrflm In Into- or the ownera' succeseor-in-

is hereby North Carolina,

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S e p t m h 9 , r n Resolrrtiw Ebk 37, Page 965

1 .

The f d o w i i members of the City Cmcil wete abmC C m r Cannon.

c,&L~,&tbe.~& & . a ' U ~ , w B : m

THE ISSUm OR $80,000#00 a GEMML Oe~m!cm BUSL& f h e 3 6 s B'QW OP Tm ClTY OF c- NOBTB CiLROrnA," and UEm OaDER AtmommG TIE ISSUANCE M* $q000,000 OF Gmm~ OELIC~TWN tiZm&m Mms OP I!& Cm ,w CHAIW~, Non~lf CAROLMA," which we= intrducal at a meting of the City Council on ~ u p s t 2 6 , &, ~ e r e p u b W o a A u g u t 2 9 , r n , w % ~ t i S t ~ C i t y C ~ d hold a public baring thereon on Sep$tnber 9,2002 at 7:00 p.m. % City Cbfk abo d that there M filed in her o f & @ a st- nf debt miplybg with ppisi~s of the L o e a l G a r ~ W & k a s t & ' . ~ ~ a s f i l e d , ~ t h e n a ~ o f b t e Citytobe 1.7396 o f h @ ~ ~ o f p r ~ i n & ~ @ & j e d t o ~ ~ n .

At 7:OQ o'clock p.m., the Mayor ammmced tbat the City Cmmcil w d beat anyone who wished to be heard on the qu&ao of validity of aad the advisakility of issuiag bonds for the General Obligitim Public Impso~mttQ B d Ordet; and w the @om of validity of a n d t b e a d 7 r i s a B ' d i t y o f i s s u i n p b o s d s f o r ~ ~ l ~ ~ H ~ B o n d ~ .

A ~ ~ C i ~ C O E Z B G j l h r l $ ~ ~ ~ w b ~ r o b e h e a t d i n c a n n e c t l o n with the foregohng questim, C a k d Metl lb~ Graham mwed W the @tic hearing be closed. The motion WJS d e d by Council Member Carter and was u&mly adop$d.

C d Menrber Wheeler moved that the City WII adopt witBonf change or ameadment a d direel the City Cierk to publish notices of adopion, as p r e s ~ l i by The Local

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M 9, Resolution BooL 37, Page %6

h e ~ n m e n t Bgnd Act, of the boatd ~ r d a entitled, u B ~ ~ ~ ORDER A- TAE I S S U A N C E ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G E N B ~ A L ~ K ; A ~ P W B W ~ ~ ~ O F T B ~ CITY OF CH&&@TTE, NaRmi G&W+N,@. and 'BOW ORbER A W R I Z W TBE IssuMCE OF & , ~ 0 0 0 Oe G , w DfiIt&U"l' BOtBW B O W # THE CRT OF (Xmm~&, NORTE CAROLINA," as k o d m d at the meering. of the City Council held on August 26,2082.

m Endimwas s 4 e d by Counci! Mentbec Wtchell an4 was ldaptedbg the f W g vste:

AYES: Unanimons


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September 9,2m Resolab Boolr 37, Page 967

* * * 1\. && w,&"&&,$,& *($ city

camp) wag held in the Cl&)g$f -lot$*-!*-

OOP4sni~d h r , 600 Eag FottFth Street, Chsriae, N& Cittelina 2 W 2 , at 7:W p.m. mtSepeemberB, 2002(the *Uk?&@''j, & ~ ~ p c p r o p e f ~ , a n d ~ ~ t o ~ b y t h e Mayor. 3% fallaRiag w&bers of the Cltg Cwncil miwered preJent: C- C-, C*, @ a h , Lechgl9a, M i W , h k ~ f e p d , Spem?er, T h . W b ~ l e r ~ aarl White.

The f o b v i i m e d m of& City Council were &W: Ccmncbmber Cannon.

& p n t Man- Syfert, City Atkmsy McCarley, and Deputy CiEy Clerk G i b d

m r W b k r intmducod the E&u@ resol& (the " W m " ) a sumnaaty ofv&& had h proviBrri to each Cow& umber, a copy of whit% was avBlbbIe withtheCiCtarlrandwhich wag &by title:

WfBW, t h e ~ C o u n c i l o f t h e C ~ o f C h a r l o # a , N o r t h C ~ t r o l i a n ~ ~ ~ following boed ordem and such bond orders $hould be submittefd to the vohm of tbe Ci of C h a t h ~ , N& Caraha f o ~ their approval or diqqrwal in onler to @y with the -&WaofNorthCarolirra:

"BOND ORDEB AUT8ORrn m l!#iwa o@ Sacr,OlYO,m - 0-TlON ~ B O N B S O P ~ C F F Y O P C ~ PWB~CAPOL~A;" and

NOW, fXtBElW1Ps, be it d y e d by the C i Ccmcil (the 'City WcC1I) of the City of Charlafte* North Carolina, as follow%

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seZltember9,m Resohion BooL 37, Page 968

[email protected].~ofatg~rbrhpnym~,WW&W%Mspbmittea'mh q@&d vo&rs'ef sahi CiQ a$ a ,* bod xefawhm to: be heM in gaid %"Ida Nmmiber 5, am. (3 ' 'par & ,ofd&&8 the questicril ww qum vm;d&

Charlm, N & C s r o l i a g W 1 p p m 0 ~ ~ v e ( a ~ t h s ~ t o b e ~ ~ b y ~ ,eqqim H W ~ m y of k c i M b p y M mier,

shag .:&by,jraj*ktl;ew a : .... fairh .-the . ,

levy ofa trur for & h e o f , $&,Jf&, (K& ~ ~ , ~ . & , * ~ "b of wid C3q @ a;spaiol lxmd re- to beheld tosaid City op Naoernber 5,.W2.

(3) T 6 e C l F g C M i s W y ~ i n d M b p u B W a ~ o f M ~

bepbcibedatleasttwice. ~ h e ~ ~ ~ h a t l b e ~ h t h a n 1 4 & ~ : & d k : ~ e e o n d bW.7 daybeforetbeMday ~aarhichvommayragkfor the

widen&, extdmge paving* or impr* sidcmks* dls ,

gnttm, dralnq bridgwh, o v ~ ~ , ,waderp- and grade C T ~ ~ and ~~ related ~ m g , l i g E t t i n g a n 8 ~ ~ I s , ~ ~ n ~ ~ ; l a d t f i e ~ ~ a f h m d a n d righbof-way in laad required thefor, and a tax to be levid for the payment thereof be i4)prOv&?'*;

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'ZO0•: "•u•dos jo ,• q•6 s!q• ff3AO•ddV ffAr• 0"3_.1400•

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wi'DW&gy bamdand.&!xgwm@ SI& of~fthe.C&y o f C h ~ b @ , N& @ o b , tbis the lotbdnyQff3ep~,2cm2