Hypogastric artery preservation with sandwich technique short summary massmann

Sandwich Techniques for Hypogastric Artery Preservation Dr. med. Alexander Massmann, MD Saarland University Medical Center Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 66421 Homburg/Saar Germany

Transcript of Hypogastric artery preservation with sandwich technique short summary massmann

  • 1. Dr. med. Alexander Massmann, MD Saarland University Medical Center Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 66421 Homburg/Saar GermanySandwich Techniques for Hypogastric Artery Preservation

2. Lombard Aorfix + Gore Viabahn Sandwich for internal iliac artery 66-year-aged patient smoker 50 py CHD stroke >5 years open aortic repair >5 years stenting CIA/EIA with occlusion IIA 2 years progressive aneurysm right CIA/EIA 3.5 cm progressive aneurysm left CIA 3 cm and IIA 2.5 cm 3. Lombard Aorfix + Advanta V12 Sandwich for internal iliac artery 73-year-aged patient smoker >100 py (FEV1 0.7 l) CHD AAA 6.7 cm aneurysm left CIA 2.5 cm and IIA 3 cm 4. Cook Zenith + Iliac Side Branch + Atrium Advanta V12 Sandwich for superior & inferior gluteal artery 59-year-aged patient CHD diabetes mellitus type 2 PAD walking distance 200 m aggravation of right-sided claudication after covered-stent implantation right IIA 1 month ago