Human Trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico Border

uman att er e I Reil l y Boales Universit y of· Noh Fior�da Jacks,onvI le, Florida 32224 Introduion Human Tc:k i ng· is defined · by . e Unid. N. ati , ons . as. �'th . e ; ruen ra·ns . p o, atio n , 1nsfier, ha:bong or veccipt of' peo, pl, e through orce, :nd or dec,tion, with. the .am. of p , omog· 1:h . 1 :r profit�,; Human . affio:king r . at have een inc:reas , ing, ming it 1: he �� second test , o , wing mil �ndust, . Just behind . ,g afficg'" . vorte y th . e U.S. Dqa,r11 , ent , o, f Jus. tic, e .. · t l 1 . d . . · · . · · · · · I · · · ... · · · · · I -� • · · · . · · · -. .. .. · · · Th . e a-re m . y , e ements . . . t p. ay a ro e 1n . n1 ng . e ro ot pr o blems , o , f' huan. tr . affic: k i n g in latio i ex. cking· and. fooed labor.. Th . e look of' enforc, emen , of' existing laws . and impr , oper prced 1 1e at tb . e U.S.-Mexico Border . we ,dictly ,coelated r is i ng· sex and , . lbor . afficldng tes. . e goal , o,f my resear: h was. expl , ove wht fueh . hFnman cci ng· d emand, why it i s . so pron , ent . at th . e bo , rer, and . how , corruption in. the Mexc,. an d. . ecan g;ov , e . ents oontb, ut e .. Findings Accoing to, sc ; hol Ev . a iMizn- Oc:hodni ,can . ova, th . e U .. S . . , s1ves as the �'wor1 l d '\s secon . d. brgest d estition ,co r tmt for women a· nd ,children who . we iaon. aly c:ked, ··� esit e havg on . e , o,f the highest n , b ers. , of' t- . afficldng laws (iizn-Oc: hodni ,cai . ova 2:). U nocum nted. miant women . and . c:hil&en . e t:h . e mo i st . usceptibe ·to hu1 n. . affickmg .. Mexico�s border is eiy ce . s. sib�e ·to . sfer inm. ai ti, o,n a!iy . a·fficlood · victi ms. to, the United Stes. Findings ſtom l ·nr t · -�-"· o•f wo·en· e "� o, uy · · a · 1 · ,,; 1 �-d 1� . .. .1v n . -.. .. -.' .1+�. . ·�, " - . ,.. ., lJ \. :ros, s. the · u.S.-Mexico ord c o,n,clud ed. 1:bat ••,o- c d -�- l d ' e, �e , 1, a to dep · oa · · �on · -,�.; :� } •�.. _. ,�ru, :: ·�i· . . 11, · :1u., . i. 1 · i . J. . 1. 1110: 1 .i:.::_ as fiorce migra m , o,n , . and. v, ounta m . oi[ity sex w, o, rk em . erg. th, emes ills. . ating h . ow oircr um . t . oes learin , g to, . an, d :oe suti1g· ſtom : . oNlity shape vomunra sex work eny and se · a m e�p- ! o t · on'' , ( · · G , o idebe-� , ? al 3 1 0 1 ) , X .X . .. a ... . · · . . .. _ .. . . . . . . . . M ,,, y · c-m· s ae- ·. · · ·· . c 1 · ,,,; 1 �e- · · d· - , e - ·t· , o , u 'S- . . ,u I I, . .- !. - I. J�.A ... - ' uu . . . - . , _... employers� deman , ds :or , c.heap lbor. e der , op . ates :in tms , o,f favo, r . abll e ou, omes fr U.S, , emptoyer .. . A . ooording G , e Nova . d. Lo, ��some a , dod. mn o that most . ay rr1ain (un- d . eo,ed) . wors. Cap, i i talist desires fr a tlexile, do, ble worko,me with ile chang; e to, the OTent lbor ,c, o,nditions. It is w , e: U doc. , ented . that p ,o r to, m'9 1 5 the Bor , der P. a , o , di d ,o,pen. and. close th, e bo,er . at i, c times according , the needs , o,f US employers'" (P . alacios 12 ml) .. Th, e Imi . atii o111. and N . aaliza i tio,n S,vice w✆. c a l led the �' 1 st vu in, eb le cptio,· b , y . a n , . a[ News . . i_,cle, . and e New ,k. Times v , eai that ''·been 2005 and. 2015, am , o, s . t 2 1 00 empl o y, e es. , o, f the De pa:rrient , of' Home . d Sec: urity to ok neary 1s · lliio111 dollars mn bes:' ( Palaci , os. 12 m S). "0 Mil l lio in Modern Slave and 1 52 milli , o i Mode 1 Labor Ar , ound �h@· Wo l d ." lnte rnti-onJ Labor Oanatr o .n, h s ;lJo, QCb (b out- tbe-iewomgwsMS 5JZ1 o" --g indb In . a 2 , 0,ms interview , o,f m : &O M en,can mint uggles, , �e out of fo, �nteiewe es (77.2%) indicad . that some US immw . ation. agents. w,e , c, o,upt they oep, ted bribes to altow und . oc , end. bo,der aros,smngs: · · ,(P . alacios m2 m9). M exc, o, also has laws. in. ple t o, ev , ent human . a' c:ng , whcl Me sevely d , er , en·oed. , o, r in . coecty impm., e n . ted, the most impoj n being · t h . e Mexican .. Anti. - . a·cing Law .. A . oc , ordffing· t o , O . z ··e law h as n , ot yet e en equt ey ilemented oy , o, ne ,c,o,nvi c rtion h . been . . achieved. · to ,da· ( Gza #0 1 ). is law , states that the Mexican F, , el 0 , o , vernment 0ld. implem . ent . an n : t-Sea ,C 1 ommissin. of v . :ious , g , o , vem r men agencies. d called fr . a Nmo,na Pro , , am. Prevent 81 nd. Satn . cmon T . cking in. Persons' ' ( ( rza 44l ). This mmission h stmffl n o,t een impiem , ented. Th e law . also lets , c, o,nvicted. ,c ers . gu . e t:hat the v�cms c, onsented to be smuggled, ming it haLfd . to p , v, e viims. we t rac , kd. if urnd , , coercion or , s1 e pr , omises. T . he toco cooarmn s. a p , r , o ,vision. making conse nt ineev. t wheve c, oo cive means e u sied to, oain l abor or seni c, es .. , ho , w , eveT th e M i ca. Anti-T . clcin· w , o,mit ted . it'" (rza 443) . . olpuch, 1ad. "Migrant th i ild 1 ren lld i+ a,cility N - �@d Access to D, octors, Att oey Sa y s." June 1 Q t , z.019. bps;v ,tb G� uai a ,com/us ·o ew2o1 Y l/08/m i g rant-cbi Idmo dtcntjo o-ce oter - tcxas-aoroGY·b G l t b-cri sis Huma:n. traffiking has . becom . e a:n , idio and it's . up to, , eve in. dvi. dual to shwe is iofor1aon and , do their pt to, . abo , lish it. Th . e lac:k of ,or o11ent . and p , voper pc, edur e at the U.S.-Mexi, c o B,o,d , er play , s . a major r , oe i n. rising hn . afficing rates, whch oſten lea t o, ex . af . c . king . d. ed. mua [abo, r. Pp p,uoce1r . oth govents, a in, ce in adleinic iting about , c, o , ptio,n amon , g U.S . . emplo , y , . an d their role in fic: kin . and a ilat . a� pehip beeen the U.S. ai nd. Mexico c-ou ld .ali etly benefit individa!s wo, are cld . in · N, oh America. The Mexi, ca:n. ti-Tc:ki ng· Law needs · to be . affit, ered. mak , e co:nsent an ꝏimp,o;ruun t :facr, . an Int, er- Seal Commission n . es to e plemented by th, e Mexi , c. go , vemm . e·nt, d. the United . Staites . nes . to p , pmy . ain CBP' offi_, ci aWs to fi a:nd. id . nti viis. If' Mexico , does n . ot oompy with. inteational law, . an H'' th , e U.S. d . oes not put · th . eir ias . asd . e, we ll nev , . aboisl · traffic:k , g. A ilat. al pa , ship be , n the U.S . . . and . Mi c. , o, , c 1 oud be ideal. m , entlon . ed b , y Gza, with a b,ilateral p, . ehip , �'the US . and M , exic- o w, oui, d be bte to , c10, me up th s . ategi. es that keep wffio:krs 0nd. smugl , s out of the Unit, Stas while pr , o , tecting the vic . ti m s, . allowio , g shw ;n� ,,., · 0 b · ·:o , o_ u. t· · ·. 1 1 · nk · ,er - -, hi,c : h co ,l i id lead to , mo -1,u .li�n . . •1 u . . . . a . .,a, . . . . . . . . . ' th d . . C -- 1 ' pr,01ec. ttons . wi · · , o , ut ·• · , e nee .. to, p?iti, o,n :o, r , . 1 boo, and eer pveventativ , e meas . mes . at the bo, rd'' ( G, · · .. 4· · 4 · . ·g· 4·4,g · ' )' I , ·· I L . , _. 1 ._., LI lJ . ·.- .• · •. ' W c . l d or . e ,� 'R Ad 1 .= ; B ' .i. ' ' OC!O. 'we,SSlg ' an. ' L lCAlg ong the United StatesM- exioo Boer: e N - . . B ' · 1.t1 , . _ , 1.·. ,, , _ _ _ __ . ee I, or a '<ll . -l M 1rllp. '�O . Journal ofInternatlo · nal . a , ative L , vol.IO, lss i ue 2, 1 Mah 2011, pp. 41. 352. bg, S.M., et aJ .. "'Right Here is. the G . ay': Mobili, Sex Work En HIV sk. along: t h . - M· · ·us ·s d . , . . t - 1 U' - ,_ e ·. e x1co- .. - · - . Oli· er. 1· n .emw,onw : •.it,on, vol. 56, Issue 4, 1 Augu - st 2 1 014- , pp. 27. -·a -,tal .. ·. --. . _I . . , , · · ·1. ... .11 . . . · p · t · ; · a an s· 1·mon Po- ., . ·Co" mnp· ti; at e . . . . 3, . . ' ' . . . ' . . ' . . ' . . . Border: Inters,tioos Beten. US , l.abo Demds, Boer ,cl, d H S mugglig Econo , es .." Antipe, vol. 51, Issie 4, Stem l . 2019, pp.1. 21011230. ld h uj oc . ov . a, Eva, et al ... . Separate routes, Simi]ar Cmes . ? Conci sjng Dices . Betwn mesic In t:ematioa]_ S, ex Tcke. in t]ie Ut S , ta:e.s. •� lritatlonal . Joual of Crime, a Jusce, vol. 62, Stee.r 2020 1 UNIV.RS,ITY of NORTH flORIDA,

Transcript of Human Trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Page 1: Human Trafficking at the U.S.-Mexico Border


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IReil ly Boa les • University of· North Fior�da

Jacks,onv� I le, Florida 32224


Human Traflic:king· is defined ·by th.e United. N.ati,ons .as. �'th.e ret;ruiitnlen!l, t!ra·ns.po,rtation, 1ntnsfier, ha:riboring or veccipt of' peo,pl,e through f,orce, :frasnd or dec,q,tion, with. the .am. of exp,�omtiog· 1:h.err1 :for profit�,; Human Tr.affio:king r.ates have lbeen inc:reas,ing, making it 1:he �� second fastest gr,o,wing criminal �ndustry, .Just behind. ,drng l:rafficldog'" .as veportedl lby th.e U.S. Dq:,a,rtt11,ent ,o,f Jus.tic,e ..

·t th8i l 1 . d . . th · ·. · · · · .. - · · I · · · ... · · · · · I -� • · · · . · · · -. .. .. · .. · · Th.eve a-re man.y ,e ements . . . t p. ay a ro e 1n • .etenmn1ng . e root problems ,o,f' hurruan. tr.affic:king in relatioljj to .siex. trafficking· and. fo:ooed labor .. Th.e look of' enforc,emen.t ,of' existing laws. and impr,oper pr-oced11.11ie at tb.e U.S.-Mexico Border .we ,directly ,cornelated \ rising· sex and fooc,ed. lrubor tr.afficldng rates. Th.e goal ,o,f my researn;::h was. to expl,ove whilt fueh. hFnman traffic.Icing· demand, why it is. so promin,ent .at th.e bo,rdler, and. how ,corruption in. the Mexiic,an. and. Am.erican g;ov,emm.ents oonttib,ute ..


According to, sc;holar Ev.a VeidhMize:n­Oc:hodni,can.ova, th.e U .. S.. ,s1erves as the �'wor1ld '\s secon.d. brgest destination ,cortmtry for women a·nd ,children who .we iilillernation.alilly traffic:ked, ··� dlesjpite having on.e ,o,f the highest n,nrrubers. ,of' acntii-tr.afficldng laws (VeidhMize:n-• Oc:hodni,cairu.ova 2:). Undlocume:nted. migrant women .and. c:hil&en .are t:h.e moist .s.usceptib�e ·to huma1n. tr.affickmg .. Mexico�s border is earsiilly acce.s.sib�e ·to tr.ansfer intem.aiti,o,na!iy 1r.a·fficlood ·victims. to, the United States .. Findings ftom l·nrt·-��-"� ·o•f wo�·en· lirlTie"�o,ufj�y ·1r·--a·�1· ,.,;1�-d 1.� . ..!.-.1.. ,, .1.v. n i3 . -.. .. -.' .•1.11.�. . Jli"·�, "-� . <3,!I... ., lJllJ \.\1\..0.

ac:ros,s. the ·u.S.-Mexico lborder co,n,cluded. 1:bat ••,.,o-c"'"'d -�- ..ill d' e,.,ep.;: .. �e n'!,1,iJTat�on, dep· o-+a·lt·�on · -,�.;:.; :� .. } •� .. _. ,�ru, :: ,· ·�i· . . 11..�••J", .. · :1.Llu�., . �i. 1 · i • . J. . 1.1111.0:11,..i:.::_

as fiorcedl migram,o,n, .and. v,oilluntary m.olbi[ity for sex w,o,rk em.erged. as th,emes h.ow oircrum.s.tan.oes learllin,g to, .an,d :oesuillti"11g· ftom :ru.oNlity shape vomunra:ry sex work entry and se:--:i- · am e:-�p- !o:ii.t · tion'' ,(·· G,oidenJberg-� ,et al 3101), Xill! .X . .. a ... . · · . . .. _ .. . . . . .

. . .

M,,, .... y VI·c-..;m·s •a"'e-·. ·tr.a··· .c.ira1· ,,,;1�e- ··d•· ::-111--,e- ·t·,o, u:r 'S-0-.1.1 ... . .I ,u I I, . .- .l!. - I. llJ�.A..! ... - ' uu . . . - . ■, _ ..•.

employers� deman,ds :fJor ,c .heap laJbor. The lborder ,oper.ates :in terms ,o,f favo,r .ablle outc,omes fo:r U.S, ,emptoyer.s .. . A.ooording to G,e Nova .and. Lo,za, ��some are ,deported. mn order that most ru .ay rerr1ain (un-d.eiio,rted) .as work)ers. Cap,iitalist desires fo:r a tlexilble, depo,rt�ble workf,o,me with :little chang;e to, the OTnrnent laibor ,c,o,nditions. It is w,e:U,ented. that p,rior to, m '91fi5 the Bor,der P.atr,ofil ,did ,o,pen. and. close th,e bo,rder .at SJ!OCifii,c times according to, the needs ,o,f US employers'" (P.alacios 12 ml) .. Th,e Imrnigr.atiio111. and N.aturalizaitio,n S,ervice wa5. called the �'mo1st vuin,erruble to cornuptio,n·· b,y .a n,.a[filas News . . arti_,cle, .and the New ¥0,:rk. Times rev,eaied that ''·bJtween 2005 and. 2015, a.lm,o,s.t 2100 employ,ees. ,o,f the Depa:rtrrient ,of' Homefilan.d Sec:urity took nearfily 1s· 11nlliio111 dollars mn lbrib es:' ( Palaci,os. 12 m S).

"4'0 Millliorn in Modern Slavery and 1 52 milli,orn irn Mode1r!fl1 Labor Ar,ound �h@· Wo rll d ." lnte rna,ti-ona,J Labor Organizatro.n, htt,Q s ;llwww;/Jo, QC-'l�lab.a (l&b out­tbe-i{o/new:;room/ngws/WCMS 574 Z 17& o" --g nfindex, btw

In .a 2,0,ms interview ,o,f m:&O Men,can migrant smuggle-rs, �,�e out of fo,ur �nterviewees (77.2%) indicated. that some US immw.gration. agents. w,eve ,c,o,rrupt as they acoep,ted bribes to altow und.ocmn,ented. bo,l)der aros,s.mngs:·· ,(P.alacios m2 m9). Mexiic,o, also has laws. in. place to, JP1iev,ent human tr.a'ffic:king, whiicl1J. Me severely und,er ,en·fJorced. ,o,r in.co11iectfily impm.,emen.ted, the most importajn.t being ·th.e Mexican .. Anti.-tr.a·fficlcing Law .. A.oc,ordffing· to, O.arza, ··�e law has n,ot yet ibeen ru:lequa:tefily implemented as onfily ,o,ne ,c,o,nvicrtion h.ais been . . achieved. ·to ,date�· ( Garza #01). This law ,states that the Mexican F,ed,eral 0,o,vernment \V01Uld. implem.ent .an filn:ter-Sec:reta.riafil ,C1ommissio:n. of ,g,o,vemrmentafil agencies. and called fo:r .a N mo,nafil Pro,,gram. to Prevent 81nd. Satn .cmon Traffi.cking in. Persons'' ( Ga(rza 44 l ). This commission has stmffl.U. no,t lbeen impiem,ented. The law .also lets ,c,o,nvici-ted. tt-a.:ffi,ck)ers .argu.e t:hat the v�ctims c,onsented to be smuggled, making it haLfd. to pro,v,e victims. were traffic,k--ed. if urnd,er ,coercion or faffl,s1e pr,omises .. T.h.e UN Protocofil coo.tarmns. a p,r,o,vision. making consent inefilev.ant wheve c,oe:ocive means are usied to, olbtain labor or senic,es .. , ho,w,eveT the MexicatD. Anti-Traffi.clcin;g· Law ,o,mitted. it'" (Garza 443) ..

Hlolpuch, .A1rnarnd1:1. "Migrant thiild1ren IHl€:ld i11 IFa,ciility N-�@d Access to D,octors, Atto1rrney Says." June 1 Qthi, z.019.

bttps.;/Jwwi,v ,tb G� u a rd i a □ ,com/us ·o ews/2 o 1 2LJ Y l/08/m i g ra nt-c bi Id mo •dc;tc ntjo o-ce ote r-tcxas-attoro GY·b G<J ltb-c ri sis.

Huma:n. traffic:iking has. becom.e a:n ep,idemio and it's. up to, ,every in.diivi.dual to shwe this iofor1r1ation and ,do their part to, .abo,lish it. Th.e lac:k of ,enforoer11ent .and p,voper proc,edure at the U.S.-Mexi,co B,o,tid,er play,s .a major r,ofile in. rising hU1118Jn tr.afficlcing rates, often leads to, Siex tr.affm.c.king .and. forced. ma)nuafil [abo,r. Proper p,uoceti�1rre iin. 1both governments, aim in,crease in acadleinic writing about ,c,o,miptio,n amon,g U.S .. emplo,y,ers .and their role in traffic:king, .and a 1bilater.a� partnership benveen the U.S. aind. Mexico c-ould .ali gretttly benefit individJU1!a!s wlio, are trafficlred. in ·N,orth America.

The Mexi,ca:n. Anti-Traffic:king· Law needs ·to be .affit,ered. to mak,e co:nsent an ooimp,o;ruunt :factor, .an Int,er-Seoretarial Commission n.eeds to lbe implemented by th,e Mexi, go,vemm.e·nt, and. the United. Staites. needs. to pro,permy tr.ain CBP' offi_,ciaWs to find a:nd. id.e:ntify victiims. If' Mexico ,does n.ot oompfily with. international law, .andl H'' th,e U.S. d.oes not put ·th.eir lbias .asrid.e, we 'Will nev,er .abofilislru ·human traffic:kin,g. A partner,ship betw,een the U.S.. .and .Mexic.,o, ,c1ou�d be ideal. As m,entlon.ed b,y Garza, with a b,ilateral p,artn.ership, �'the US .and M,exic-o w,oui,d be aibte to ,c10,me up with that keep wffio:ke:rs 0JJnd. smug,gl,ers out of the Unit,ed States while pr,o,tecting the vic.tims, .allowio,g shwed ;n� ... ,,., · 0 b··:o•"" ... ,iko_ u.t· ·tr· ·."'ffi11· n.k·,er- -.,, • .,,:hi,c:h co,liid lead to, more -� 1,u .li�n. . . •1..t aiiu . . . . a .,_. . .,a, '!'If . . . . . . . . . 'th th d . .

C. --""1 ' • pr,01Siec'Ul!.ttons. wi · · ,o,ut ·• · • ,e nee .. to, petiti,o,n :.:o,r ,extr.rn..w1boo, and ibetter pveventativ,e meas.mes .at the bo,rder'' (G,·, · · ..

4·· 4·. ·g· 4·4,g· ')' I , ·· I L . , • • _. 1 ._.,ar.2'aJ. LI lJ . ·.· .-.• · •. '!'

W ksc . .,l d or . rte

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B' TJ � .i�. u:"� ' ' OC!O. .· 'we,S.Sltil!g ' ' faL.1..11.lCAlllg

Along the United States�M-exioo Border: The N - dl .ir . B' ·1.�tera1 11!}, . tn _,1...·. ,, ,... ___ ,j __ . ee I, .1.or a '<lli:I . -l 11rM. 1e1rfilllp. 'Lall.n«F�O

.Journal of Internatlo·nal .and ,Compa:rative La\11, vol.IO, lssiue 2, 1 Mairch 2011, pp. 41.3-452.

Gokle:rnberg, S.M., et aJ .. "'Right Here is. the G<'i.teway': Mobility, Sex Work Entry and HIV Risk. along: t h. - M· · ·us ·s d ., .. r: t �""' - 1 U' - � , _e ·.-' ex1co- .. -�·-. Oli· er. 1·n .emw,onw : • .igrat,on, vol. 56, Issue 4, 1 Augu-st 21014-, pp. 27-40.

-·a !9-,....,tafll � .. :··. --. "'. _I . . , , ..: · · ·1. ... .11 . "'. . ·p ·t· ;

l[zcar· a andl s· 1·mon Pedro- .,. ·Co" mnp· ti; on at fue . . . ....... 3, . . ' ' . . . ' . . ' . . ' . . .

Border: Inters,ectioos Between. US, l..abour Demands, Border ,control, and Human S mugglirng Economi,es .. " Antipode, vol. 51, IssiDJe 4, Septem ll!Jer.2019, pp.1.2101.1230.

Veldhujzen .. ochodnican.ov.a, Eva, et al .... Separate routes, Simi]ar Crimes.? Concepmalisjng Differences. Between Domes.tic and Int:ematio,na]_ S,ex Traffickers. in t]ie United S,tali.:e.s. •� lriterna.tlonal .Journal of Law, Crime, and Justice, vol. 62, Septem!l!Je.r 20201