Hubpages Set Up & provides a great...

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Transcript of Hubpages Set Up & provides a great...

Page 1: Hubpages Set Up & provides a great platform for making sales as an affiliate. The advantage is that much like Squidoo, Google

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- Hubpages Set Up & Techniques -

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Hubpages provides a great platform for making sales as an affiliate.

The advantage is that much like Squidoo, Google ranks pages within very highly in their search results and

as with the other Web 2.0 properties that we've talked about in this module, the idea is to create a page of content (or a

'Hub') and get that particular page ranked in the top 10 results for the keyword phrase you are targeting which should be

possible if there are under 50,000 competing pages.

If you have already read the other manuals in this module you will see a pattern emerging in that unlike a couple of years

ago, Web 2.0 sites are getting more picky about the content that they accept. This is also the case with Hubpages.

Again, what you want to avoid is being too “salesy” in your content. Your Hub content should be informative first and

salesy second and it's imperative that you do it this way round or your content won't be approved and your Hub won't go

live. You can bulk out your site with well written articles and videos which will help and then once it is approved you can

concentrate more on the offer.

One of the other advantages of Hubpages is that you can generate income from the transactions that occur on your page,

notably from Google Adsense, Kontera and the Ebay affiliate program.

They can be substantial depending on your content. For instance, if you created a Hub on some area of 'insurance' which

then went on to rank highly for a related keyword in Google, you could end up getting paid at least $10 every time

someone visited your site and clicked on an insurance based Adsense ad.

This manual will show you step-by-step how to setup a Hubpage and will give you some additional tips on how to optimize

it successfully. For affiliate promotional methods, conversion strategies and more in depth SEO and keyword research tips

please visit the relevant modules in this course.

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How To Set Up A Hubpage...

Firstly, go to If you’ve never created a Hubpage before you’ll have to register first, but it’s

very easy to do. Just click the arrow that says “Sign Up Now".

Once you click the sign up button, you’ll be taken to the next page where you create your account. Be sure to choose

your username carefully because once you’ve selected it, it can’t be changed.

After creating your account, the next stage is to create “tags” or keywords for your first Hubpage.

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The next page allows you to import contacts you already have in your email account. Again, you’re given the option of

skipping this step if you prefer.

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see this screen next...

Side note: Honey Wesley, who works for us, created that username, just to dissipate any suspicions! :)

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Next, click the “Create a Hub” button as seen in the above screenshot and you’ll bring up the page to actually start

building your Hubpage.

There are 5 simple steps to get you started...

Step 1 is to choose a title for your Hubpage.

You’re allowed 120 characters, but no HTML. Your title should be the main keyword phrase that you want the Hubpage to

rank for in Google.

Step 2 is to create your URL address.

As you type in your title, the address is automatically created, but you can amend it. However, once you’re done with this

step you can’t come back and change your address so be careful in making changes. Again, your address should be your

exact keyword. (see the screenshot below). If your keyword has already been taken, try placing hyphens between words.

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In Step 3, you’ll select the category you want your Hubpage to be in.

There’s not a huge number to choose from, so try to find one most closely related to your Hubpage topic.

Once you’ve chosen the category, you’re given the option of choosing a sub-category. You could also click the search tab

for other suggestions. When you do, it will bring up the box you see below.

When I clicked on the Search tab, I discovered I had overlooked the Technology category. So I clicked on it and it gave me

sub-categories within Technology including a video category which was perfect.

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Once you have completed your category selection, and added any sub-categories you think are appropriate move on to

step #4.

Step 4 allows you to choose your page layout

This is self explanatory but make sure you choose a layout in which you can add lots of text.

Step 5 is where you add the tags you want to associate with your Hubpage.

You can add or delete tags to your Hubpage at any time. Tags make it easier for people (and the search engines) to find

your Hubpage, so you’ll want to add at least two, including your main keyword phrase. After doing so, click the “Continue”


On the next page you’ll see some guidelines which will tell you how to make sure that your Hubpage gets the best

‘Hubscore’ possible. Choose "Continue".

On the next page, there’s one more captcha to fill in, then click continue, and now you’re ready to start creating your


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Adding Content...

Content is added to your Hubpage through ‘capsules’. You can add text, photos or videos by using a different capsule

designed specifically for the content type.

The first thing you’ll notice is the settings box, where your title and categories are displayed. You can choose if you want

Kontera text links on your Hub, and whether you want to link a slideshow of photos.

The second tab is for your summary text. If you don’t add anything in the box provided, Hubpages will automatically

choose your summary, based on your content. I recommend you add your own summary including your main keyword

twice. Just untick the ‘calculate summary automatically' and you can type in your own words.

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The last tab is for Hub Groups. When you have more than 2 Hubs on the same topic, you can start a Group, based on that


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The Capsules...

Based on your layout choice in Step 4, the initial capsules are already in place and ready for editing. Click on the edit

button in any capsule to begin adding content. At any time you can click the Preview button to see what your Hub looks

like. You can also save it without publishing, and come back later to finish.

Start by clicking the edit button on your text capsule. It will pop up a box in a new window and you’ll add your content

there. Here’s what the finished text box looks like in our video marketing example...

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You’ll notice I was able to add a link within the text capsule. You can do that in the little html editor that pops up when

you click “Edit”. You’ll want your anchor text (the actual link that shows up in blue) to be one of your keywords, and this is

the code to do that, in case you don’t know how it’s done already.

<a href=>Your Keyword Here</a>

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You can see my link, highlighted in the image above. Don’t forget to click the “Save” button at the top when you’re

finished adding your text content.

Adding a photo is super simple too. Clicking on the edit button on the photo capsule brings up this box on the left.

Choose your subtitle, whether you want a border or not and indicate if your image is coming from your computer or

somewhere else on the web.

Browse to find the image you want, then click “Load images”. It will pop up in a preview, and allow you to see a thumbnail

of the image. You can add a caption and decide which width you’d like to use. Don’t forget to click “Save” at the top.

Edit the Comments capsule in the same way. Change the subtitle if you wish, choose your settings, and as always, don’t

forget to save your choices.

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Once you have all your capsules the way you want them, you can put them in any order you like, or even delete them.

That’s really all there is to adding content to your Hubpage. Simply choose the capsule you want to add, click the edit

button and start adding! The entire interface is very user-friendly with directions on every step that are easy to

understand and follow.

Changing Capsule Order...

Before you publish your Hubpage, you may want to change the order in which your capsules appear.

It’s simple as pie. All you do is drag and drop the capsule you want to move, and then click the “Reorder Now” button.

Your capsules will now appear in the order you want.

When you have completed all the above, you can preview your finished page, or just click the “Publish Now” button.

Once you’ve done that, you can see your page as others will see it once it has been approved my the moderators. (Note:

If you’ve made a mistake, Hubpages will give you a little error message telling you what you need to fix.)

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Additional Hubpages Techniques...


You can find out more about monetizing your site within the Help section at As I mentioned in the

introduction, you can sign up for eBay and Amazon, then add areas to display affiliate links from these programs on your

page. If you do this, try to display products related to your Hub topic for higher conversions then if someone buys

something after clicking the link on your Hubpage, you will make a commission.

Google Adsense ads appear automatically on each Hubpage, so you’ll want to be sure you sign up for Google Adsense as

well. (Hubpages will share the revenue with you.)

Hub Score...

You’ll notice a number beside your Hubpage title. That’s your Hubscore - a number calculated by Hubpage’s own

algorithm and which ranges from 0-100.

Hubscores go up and down, so don’t get worried if your score starts decreasing. Some hubs can fluctuate in a single day

over a 10 point range.

It’s important that you spend time making sure your Hubscores and HubAuthor scores are at a good level by adding

additional quality content. If it falls too low, Hubpages will convert any links in on your page to NO FOLLOW links. If you

are linking out to other sites and blogs, then the link juice will dry up and you won't derive any benefit from them.

So you know, at the present time, the No Follow threshold for an individual Hub is 40 and for a HubAuthor is 75 so you

have to make sure you stay above these levels.

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It tell you in the HubPages FAQ how your Hubscore is calculated. However, here are a few tips that we’ve used

successfully to improve our Hubscores on certain Hubs and for our HubAuthor scores.

Firstly are your Hubs being flagged as spam? Hubpages don’t like it when:

There are too many links from your Hub to a single domain – this is their number one definition of spam so don’tput more than say two hyper-links to the same place. If your Hubscore drops, try taking out a link or two and seewhat effect that has.

The content is not original, too short or has no real purpose. Think of it as a discussion board and your contentshould show an intelligent range of views and informed opinions.

Try playing around with these factors until you get past the spam filter.

Once you’re up and running, play around with the following to improve your Hubscore:

1. Have a good title and summary – Make sure your title is a statement of about three to five words, not a questionor a joke. Your summary should be a few well worded sentences, including your keyword phrase.

2. Tags – You need relevant tags and make sure they’re not solely single word tags as people tend to search withphrases, so have a couple of two and three word combinations in there including your main keyword phrase.

3. Content – Vary your capsules so that your hub appears interesting to look at. There are nine different types ofcontent capsules so use them! Incorporate pictures and videos (making sure they are relevant) and links to otherresources if necessary. However, check your links often to make sure they still go to where you intended.

You have to allow time for your hub to get to a decent score. They normally start out in the mid 40's and grow over the

first few days so hang tight for perhaps two weeks before you go trying to improve your score. Eventually the Hub will find

its level and then you can go about trying to improve it.

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Hub Metrics...

Use the Hub Metrics tool (found at the top of your Hub) to analyze your page. You’ll be able to see where you can


You can see how long people hang around on your Hub with the ‘view duration’ tool. One asterisk means they are quickly

leaving, and if this is the case you might want to think about making your hub more attractive (pictures/videos etc.) or

altering any affiliate promotion you have displayed to be more targeted to those people who are visiting your page.

‘Incoming links’ is also a useful tool to see how you are doing with back-links to your Hub. If you’ve only got one or two

asterisks you should get out there and place some back-links in order to improve your search engine rankings.