
Volume 9 Number 30 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, Waterloo, Ontario Tuesdav. November 26. 1968 Cops remove 274 from SW sit47 The Simon Fraser sit-in at the administration building, came to a drastic halt Saturday when police were called in. The stude-nts took four demands to the university senate. Wed- nesday in the form of a 300-man delegation. The demands included: l freedom of transfer and accept- ance of credits in the provin- cial university system. l an elected admissions board with equal parts students and faculty. l opening of all registrar’s files. l more money for education and equitable financing of post-sec- ondary institutions. The senate refused these de- mands, so the students called an emergency meeting and decided to seize the building. When the chained and barri- caded building had been held for four days; acting administration president Ken Strand called in the cops and 114 students were arrested. * Over 150 local RCMP (acting as provincial police in British Colum- bia) hit the campus at 2:15, Saturday morning, as Strand took a bullhorn to announce the build- ing would be clearned in one half-hour. Strand read out his proclama- tion three times, as he stood before the locked building: “To all p$ersons occupying any part of the academic services and administration area of the library building: you are hereby directed to leave the building within approx- imately one half hour. That is, by three am, repeat, three am, Saturday November 23,1968. “The university will no longer tolerate any interference with the use of its property. I, and I alone, have requested the RCMP to come on campus. “There are two options: Each of you may leave the building or the RCMP will remove you. The decision is yours. At the stated time of three am, the RCMP will enter the building. Any person remaining in any of those areas after three am or interfering with the RCMP or myself en- tering the building, will be arrest- ed by the RCMP and will be charged under the criminal code of Canada. A copy of the warning was slid under the door but after a half hour discussion of alterna- tives, only 60 students left volun- tarily. The rest decided to remain and peacefully await arrest. The 60 people who left by the front entrance were led through a cordon of about 20 officers photographed by police, then al- lowed to go their way. Those who remained to be arrested were led out one by one, with a cop on either side. They proceded through a cordon of about 100 police separating them from an angry crowd of students yelling “Keep the fath baby” and “We shall overcome”. Most of the students responded with a “V” for victory sign as they were ushered out. All roads to the university were blocked and everyone ap- r proaching or leaving the campus had their names, addresses and license numbers recorded by the cops. Several cars were turned back. The students, carted off to the police station in paddy wagons, were charged by inspector C. F. Gibbons, chief on the Burnaby RCMP. He said: “114 students will be charged on section 372 of the criminal code” (obstructing law- ful interest or use of Iprivate property ). The charge carries a penalty of up to seven years im- prisonment. The Simon Fraser student council met at 5:40 am Saturday and, after reviewing the events of the morning, passed four motions unanimously : l Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) funds be guaranteed for legal aid and bail for SFU students arrested November - 23rd 1968 and support for aid be guaranteed for all other arrestees. l whereas Doctor Strand ex- pressed his unwillingness to re- solve the conflict internally in the university through ratioal debate between faculty and stu- dents, the SFSS condemns Doctor Strand, acting president, for calling the RCMP on campus in violation of the principles of academic freedom and integral autonomy of the Simon Fraser University community. Further, that this motion and its con- demnation not be constued as being a condemnation of the RCMP. l the executive council of the SFSS accept in principle a motion to be presented at an extraordi- nary meeting of the SFSS Novem- ber 25, asking foi- the resignation of Dr. Strand, acting president of Simon Fraser. l the Simon Fraser student council request students of Simon Fraser University not to attend any tieeting which may be in- stigated by Dr. Strand. A further meeting of council was planned for Sunday night to plan resolutions for the general meeting Monday. While the Saturday morning meeting was one short of a quorum, it is likely the full council will support the motions. The meeting did include “mod- era te” student president Rob Walsh. Earlier a critic of the occupation. Strand is the third person to hold the position of acting admini- stration president of the univer- sity since Patrick McTaggart- Cowan resigned following a cen- sure by the Canadian Association of University Teachers last spring. McTaggart-Cowan was censured along with the board of gover- nors for meddling in academic affairs and mal-administration. At present. the Simon Fraser University administration building is occupied by Burnaby RCMP. When Strand was hired he said if he was censured by the students he would ask the faculty for a vote of confidence. The eight man executive of the faculty asso- ciation has approved of. Strand’s action in calling the RCMP, which Strand called “The toughest decision I’ve had to make as act- ing president”. Some thought it was a sculpture and said it was a modernistic sphinx. Others suggested it was a Trojan-type horse because it has a trapdoor on top. Larry Burke said, W’s a bulletin board to advertise sandbox activities” and he promptly put it to use. Vote carries by two I Grads stay in federation On their fourth attempt at counting, the grad students final- ly determined that they had voted 80 to 78 in favour of staying in the Federation of Students. The question was taken up Thursday at a special closed general meeting which was bind- ing on grad council. Discussion centered around pulling out of the federation in favor of the grad society, therefore controlling the $22 student fee which now goes to the federation. After discussion a yeh-ney vote was taken but it proved incon- clusive. A hand count was then attempted but failed. Dividing the house into “for and against” likewise resulted in confusion. The count was successful only a Student services to be reviewed A complete review will be made of all the departments now report- ing to the office of student af- fairs. Ancillary-enterprises direc- tor Jack Brown will co-ordinate the review. Six departments now report to provost Bill Scott. They are health services, counselling ser- vices, dean of women, foreign students’ office, housing office and university residences. The creative-arts board under the Fed- eration of Students will also be examined. Scott recommended the review in his resignation last month. He stated at that time, “The res- ponsibili ties for the provost’s office may change materially in the future.” Scott has added the job may become unnecessary. Iler commented, “This is the first time the administration has had us participate from the be- President of the Federation of Students, Brian Iler, was asked by Hagey to endorse Brown’s appointment and the method of review. Hagey said, “It is hoped this will provide a means through whic’h students may have a large degree of responsibility in deter- mining operating policies of de- partmen ts that primarily provide student services.” ginning of anything. The structure of the not definite but Iler review is said stu- dents will likely have a majority on the commission: When asked what changes might be effected by the commission Iler said health services and counselling services would be under the academic vicepresident, off-cam- pus housing would go to the federa- tion and residences would be under the ancillary enterprises. when the grads hit upon the idea of passing two different doors to be counted. Having settled the counting problem the meeting resumed with a suggestion from one of the assembly that the decision of the general meeting was invalid since not every grad was in attendance. That suggestion was not taken up formally. A motion was presented calling for a referendum but the motion was ruled out of order by chairman Roger Kingsly. Grad Society president Dick Kinler had pushed for with- drawal from the federation and indicated before the vote was taken that he would consider a vote against withdrawal as a vote of non-confidence. On being reminded of this, the assembly passed a special motion of confidence in Kinler and the executive. However, Kinler said he has no intention of continuing in office and will resign as soon as the Grad Society has a chance to find a replacement. Kinler pre- sumed this will be at th’e next grad council meeting December 5. Renison taken by Dube us Johnson witlkifaws Paul Johnson has given the Renison seat on council to his opponent Paul Dube. He announced his withdrawal from the election Sunday. Johnson was acclaimed to council in a byelection in September but had only held the seat a few weeks when council was voted out of office and a general election called. Johnson, arts 2, and Dube, arts 1, were running as independents and both supported Iler. Johnson said he had had many assignments this week and had not devoted any of his time to campaigning. I%be has worked hard at campaigning and Johnson felt since their platforms were similar, Dube was just as capable as he of filling the position. Dube has promised the discuss issues with his constituents and vote according to their wishes. Johnson said, “I will hold Dube to his campaign promise and also give him all the help I can.”


On their fourth attempt at counting, the grad students final- ly determined that they had voted 80 to 78 in favour of staying in the Federation of Students. The question was taken up Thursday at a special closed general meeting which was bind- ing on grad council. Discussion centered around pulling out of the l Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) funds be guaranteed for legal aid and bail for SFU students arrested November - 23rd 1968 and support for aid be guaranteed for all other arrestees.

Transcript of n30_Chevron

Page 1: n30_Chevron

Volume 9 Number 30 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, Waterloo, Ontario Tuesdav. November 26. 1968

Cops remove 274 from SW sit47

The Simon Fraser sit-in at the administration building, came to a drastic halt Saturday when police were called in.

The stude-nts took four demands to the university senate. Wed- nesday in the form of a 300-man delegation. The demands included: l freedom of transfer and accept- ance of credits in the provin- cial university system. l an elected admissions board with equal parts students and faculty. l opening of all registrar’s files. l more money for education and equitable financing of post-sec- ondary institutions.

The senate refused these de- mands, so the students called an emergency meeting and decided to seize the building.

When the chained and barri- caded building had been held for four days; acting administration president Ken Strand called in the cops and 114 students were arrested. * Over 150 local RCMP (acting as provincial police in British Colum- bia) hit the campus at 2:15, Saturday morning, as Strand took a bullhorn to announce the build- ing would be clearned in one half-hour.

Strand read out his proclama- tion three times, as he stood before the locked building: “To all p$ersons occupying any part of the academic services and administration area of the library building: you are hereby directed to leave the building within approx- imately one half hour. That is, by three am, repeat, three am, Saturday November 23,1968.

“The university will no longer tolerate any interference with the use of its property. I, and I alone, have requested the RCMP to come on campus.

“There are two options: Each of you may leave the building or the RCMP will remove you. The decision is yours. At the stated time of three am, the RCMP will enter the building. Any person remaining in any of those areas after three am or interfering with the RCMP or myself en- tering the building, will be arrest- ed by the RCMP and will be charged under the criminal code of Canada. ”

A copy of the warning was slid under the door but after a half hour discussion of alterna- tives, only 60 students left volun- tarily. The rest decided to remain and peacefully await arrest.

The 60 people who left by the front entrance were led through a cordon of about 20 officers photographed by police, then al- lowed to go their way.

Those who remained to be arrested were led out one by one, with a cop on either side. They proceded through a cordon of about 100 police separating them from an angry crowd of students yelling “Keep the fath baby” and “We shall overcome”.

Most of the students responded with a “V” for victory sign as they were ushered out.

All roads to the university were blocked and everyone ap-

r proaching or leaving the campus had their names, addresses and

license numbers recorded by the cops. Several cars were turned back.

The students, carted off to the police station in paddy wagons, were charged by inspector C. F. Gibbons, chief on the Burnaby RCMP.

He said: “114 students will be charged on section 372 of the criminal code” (obstructing law- ful interest or use of Iprivate property ). The charge carries a penalty of up to seven years im- prisonment.

The Simon Fraser student council met at 5:40 am Saturday and, after reviewing the events of the morning, passed four motions unanimously :

l Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) funds be guaranteed for legal aid and bail for SFU students arrested November - 23rd 1968 and support for aid be guaranteed for all other arrestees.

l whereas Doctor Strand ex- pressed his unwillingness to re- solve the conflict internally in the university through ratioal debate between faculty and stu- dents, the SFSS condemns Doctor Strand, acting president, for calling the RCMP on campus in violation of the principles of academic freedom and integral autonomy of the Simon Fraser University community. Further, that this motion and its con- demnation not be constued as being a condemnation of the RCMP.

l the executive council of the SFSS accept in principle a motion to be presented at an extraordi- nary meeting of the SFSS Novem- ber 25, asking foi- the resignation of Dr. Strand, acting president of Simon Fraser.

l the Simon Fraser student council request students of Simon Fraser University not to attend any tieeting which may be in- stigated by Dr. Strand.

A further meeting of council was planned for Sunday night to plan resolutions for the general meeting Monday.

While the Saturday morning meeting was one short of a quorum, it is likely the full council will support the motions. The meeting did include “mod- era te” student president Rob Walsh. Earlier a critic of the occupation.

Strand is the third person to hold the position of acting admini- stration president of the univer- sity since Patrick McTaggart- Cowan resigned following a cen- sure by the Canadian Association of University Teachers last spring. McTaggart-Cowan was censured along with the board of gover- nors for meddling in academic affairs and mal-administration.

At present. the Simon Fraser University administration building is occupied by Burnaby RCMP.

When Strand was hired he said if he was censured by the students he would ask the faculty for a vote of confidence. The eight man executive of the faculty asso- ciation has approved of. Strand’s action in calling the RCMP, which Strand called “The toughest decision I’ve had to make as act- ing president”.

Some thought it was a sculpture and said it was a modernistic sphinx. Others suggested it was a Trojan-type horse because it has a trapdoor on top. Larry Burke said, W’s a bulletin board to advertise sandbox activities” and he promptly put it to use.

Vote carries by two I

Grads stay in federation On their fourth attempt at

counting, the grad students final- ly determined that they had voted 80 to 78 in favour of staying in the Federation of Students.

The question was taken up Thursday at a special closed general meeting which was bind- ing on grad council. Discussion centered around pulling out of the

federation in favor of the grad society, therefore controlling the $22 student fee which now goes to the federation.

After discussion a yeh-ney vote was taken but it proved incon- clusive. A hand count was then attempted but failed. Dividing the house into “for and against” likewise resulted in confusion. The count was successful only


Student services to be reviewed

A complete review will be made of all the departments now report- ing to the office of student af- fairs. Ancillary-enterprises direc- tor Jack Brown will co-ordinate the review.

Six departments now report to provost Bill Scott. They are health services, counselling ser- vices, dean of women, foreign students’ office, housing office and university residences. The creative-arts board under the Fed- eration of Students will also be examined.

Scott recommended the review in his resignation last month. He stated at that time, “The res- ponsibili ties for the provost’s office may change materially in the future.” Scott has added the job may become unnecessary.

Iler commented, “This is the first time the administration has had us participate from the be-

President of the Federation of Students, Brian Iler, was asked by Hagey to endorse Brown’s appointment and the method of review. Hagey said, “It is hoped this will provide a means through whic’h students may have a large degree of responsibility in deter- mining operating policies of de- partmen ts that primarily provide student services.”

ginning of anything. ” The structure of the

not definite but Iler review is said stu-

dents will likely have a majority on the commission: When asked what changes might be effected by the commission Iler said health services and counselling services would be under the academic vicepresident, off-cam- pus housing would go to the federa- tion and residences would be under the ancillary enterprises.

when the grads hit upon the idea of passing two different doors to be counted.

Having settled the counting problem the meeting resumed with a suggestion from one of the assembly that the decision of the general meeting was invalid since not every grad was in attendance. That suggestion was not taken up formally.

A motion was presented calling for a referendum but the motion was ruled out of order by chairman Roger Kingsly.

Grad Society president Dick Kinler had pushed for with- drawal from the federation and indicated before the vote was taken that he would consider a vote against withdrawal as a vote of non-confidence.

On being reminded of this, the assembly passed a special motion of confidence in Kinler and the executive.

However, Kinler said he has no intention of continuing in office and will resign as soon as the Grad Society has a chance to find a replacement. Kinler pre- sumed this will be at th’e next grad council meeting December 5.

Renison taken by Dube us Johnson witlkifaws

Paul Johnson has given the Renison seat on council to his opponent Paul Dube. He announced his withdrawal from the election Sunday.

Johnson was acclaimed to council in a byelection in September but had only held the seat a few weeks when council was voted out of office and a general election called.

Johnson, arts 2, and Dube, arts 1, were running as independents and both supported Iler.

Johnson said he had had many assignments this week and had not devoted any of his time to campaigning.

I%be has worked hard at campaigning and Johnson felt since their platforms were similar, Dube was just as capable as he of filling the position.

Dube has promised the discuss issues with his constituents and vote according to their wishes.

Johnson said, “I will hold Dube to his campaign promise and also give him all the help I can.”

Page 2: n30_Chevron

. ) x. i . . _I /’ , _. . ,’ I ,’

Pike gives II& iuppoff I 8 support Brian Iler for presi- ctij4RT~itE.D ACC~U~+~TANTS ,

‘dent. ’ I

.’ to Iwin@ university reform ,

JIM’PIKK. / \ . Theelection campaign has forced,

, mech eng 4A .Reprqentativesfrom our Firm will be on campus Wednesday November 29, 1968 to ‘interview studentsfor positions available in offices of our Firm through-

many students to examine the real nature and needs of the univer-

Is grand prix of Cunudu

sity and society; In this respect fo be held on ringroad? I am no exception.

Preliminary-- ‘analysis, led me “The! campus of the IJniversity

’ to support John Bergsma’s posi-

of Waterloo is primarily a pedes- trian campus.)’ I

Further information and’arrangements for inkviews are available through the ’ tion, but I soon saw that I could :, So says all the rhetoric from ‘

‘Placement off ide.

not stop there. the. administration’s propaganda If thisdaie is not suitable; please call us directly.

I Significant changes/are needed in universitystructure and they’re

department. So howcum it’s not

not going to take placein the pre- safe to cross the ringroad, and-why

sent state of relationships between do we have to dodge maintenance trucks on the paths on weekdays

~I’-1.~i~~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I those who want change and those

’ ., -<’

whmhold the power, and tourists driving on the paths

The way to deal with the situa- on Sundays? ,

’ tion is to increase student

Why does the sign just inside

:. awareness and one way is through campus on the rignroad tell motor- ists they must stop forpedestrians -

_ general meetings as the issues . at all times and twenty yards arise.

This form of open decision- further there is a crosswalk glar-

making will help to. build a broad- ingly marked with two hideous $500 flashing pumpkins? I

er base of qoncerned, aware students to force those in power

’ Are motorists to assume -they ’ only have to stop at cr.osswalks 468 AJBERT ST.

to deal with the challenge at thereby creating a credibility gap , ’ hand in a way other than as mast-

OPEN TILL 9:00 p.m. . that seems to encourage them not

_ ers. This is the essence of confront-

to stop for pedestrians at all?,

ation as/it applies to the univer- The ringroad’s blind-curve de- PARKDALE MALL

sign almost makes me believe sity-and this k the @atfOrm Of pp&p Wants to hold the grand Brian Iler. -- prix of Canada here.

I IIOW feel that ICannOt Support ' Wit- all these fun gaxS for * John Bergsma’s position. Progress

, will only be‘ made ‘when adminis- campus drivers is it any wonder freedom parking failed? Let’s

tratOrS are forc’ed to confront . give freedom walking a try-and 1 students as people-people with I leave tactics to your individual legitimate rights and capable of consciences making their own rational deci- ’ sions.

DAVE ANDREWS \ science 1 !L


Support The, Radical Student:- Movement- , . \

Summary Of 0th ProQram - Demoeratization of the University

-parity-veto principle of representation -assistance to the organization of depart-

mental unions

Quality of Education b -continuous evaluation of teaching methods - -large-scale offensive on curriculum content


bniversal.Accessibility -elimination of financial barriers to univer- =,

sity education through free tuition and cost-of-living stipends. Pressure must be brought to bear on government to bring thisabout. /

Continued support -_ --=z -will be given to research projects, spea- .

ker programs, films, etc., that are in- volved in an analysis of that which no,w

\_ exists in the university and in society. ’

Restructuring of the Federation : :amendments will be brought forth to pro-

vide for special general meetings that, will have binding force on Council

-channels will be estabhshed for the regu- lar impeachment of Student Counci Brian Il+,r

Arts : I Sandra Burt Tom Patterson Dave Cubberley

Science : Ian Calvert Geoff Roulet

Reg. Math: Sydnev Nestel . . . \

Co-op Math: - . Glenn Berry: A&aimed -

Eng.: Renzo Bernardini Mike Corbett

Grad: ’ Bill Webb ,


Supp’orters* .And Contributors - ~ ’ I Sponsored by Radical Student Movement - \

Tony de Franc0 Are1 Agnew Ed Hale Brian Boisvert /Dawn Redmond Provost William Scott Cyril Levitt

Gord Doctorow Prof. Leo Johnson Bill Aird Judd Hampton Glenn Berry Trudy Soyko . Jim Wight Chris Swan

Ros Doctorow Tom Patterson Dave Cubberley Rod Hay Renzo Bernardini Gary Robins Joachim Surich

Cathy Dorschner Tony Pasinsky Bryan Grupp John Hood Brian Iler Bernadine Roslyn

Bill Dougherty Eleanor Peavey- John Bender Brian Coulter Bob Mason Geoff Roulet Susan &rich \I Bill Brown

Paul Dube Glenn Pierce Mike Corbett ) N.N. Kalia Diane Mason Dave Young Jim Klinck

Steve Earl’ ’ Rick Powell Ian Calvert 3ave Kardish Vicki Mees Bill Webb ’

Phil Elsworthy Brian Gordon Sandra Burt John Lanteigne Carol Tuchlinskyt Ron Rumm <Doug Gaukroger

Rod F‘innie John Groves I Leslie Buresh Jim Keron Ron Nelson Andy Stanley Mark Davey

Bob Gar thson Fred Albach Betty Burcher Eugene Bourgeois , Sydney Nestel Charlotte von Bezold Jim Pike a

_ ,Organize Democratize Statid United We ller V.&e \ Vote R.&M. \ 1

2 510 The CHEVRON A subscription fee included in their %nnual student fees entitles U of W students to receive the Chevron by mail during off-campus terms. Non-students: $4 annual/y. Abthorized as second-

class mail by the Post Office department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Send address changes promptly 6: The Chevron, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.

\ _ . ’

Page 3: n30_Chevron

D.W. Griffith’s Film Masterpiece

Special Musical Accompaniment


Physics Amphitheatre PI 45

And the famous British cumentary on Griffith

ttTHE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN” by Bet-told Brecht

NOVEMBER 28, 29, 30 8:30w Admission $1.25 Students 79

. Theatre of the Arts University of Waterloo

Dr. Hbwarxf Petch,Vice President (Academic) Mondays,4-6p.m. Campus Centre (Pub Area) I

ELECTION TOMORROW fl \ The election for the position of president, Federation of Students, and representatives to the Students’ Council will take place tomorrow.

Polls will open at 9: 15 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. and will be located in the foyeri of the following buildings

ARTS - Modern Languages ENGINEERING - Engineering GRADUATE STUDIES - by faculty, in the

building as indicated here MATHEMATICS - Mathematics & Computer PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Phys. Ed. RENISON - Renison College ST. JEROME - St. Jerome’s College SCIENCE - Chemistry & Biology

PLEASE NOTE that the Phys. Ed. polling station will be located in the Phys. Ed. building, and not in the Chem. Eng. Bldg. All co-op math students will vote for president in the Math & Computer Bldg. Environmental studies will Vote for president in Engineering foyer. You must bring your student identification card in order to vote.

Michael Robinson Chief Returning Officer


On-campus Review Turini’s concert triumphant

by J. Narveson The Theater of Arts was treated to a stunning

demonstration of piano virtuosity by th.e gifted young Cansdian, Ronald Turini. on Saturday evening. In a program ranging from Bach to Scriabin, the pianist left no doubt that he was equal to anything in the pi- ano literature.

First on the well-balanced program were two or- gan chorales of Bach arranged for piano by Busoni. In the first of these ! Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland, B WV 659 1 especially, Turini was outstanding in his clear and elevated rendering of the inner voices (which is hard to do on a piano unless you have three hands). The other Bach prelude (“Rejoice Beloved Christians”. BWV 710? ) has a marvellous rippling treble obligatto part which lacked the utter legato quality attainable on the organ, but was impressive enough. Next up came a perfectly stupendous per- formance of Beethoven’s “Waldstein” sonata, no. 21, distinguished again by the x-ray like clarity brought to the inner voices. But Turini manages this without losing the warmth sacrificed by many of to- day’s technically gifted pianists. The same was true of the Chopin Ballade no. 4 (op. 52 1, whose inherent romanticism has a cerebral quality which can get lost in the shuffle. Again Mr. Turini managed to keep things crystal clear en in the stormiest passages.

This reviewer was not as taken with the Debussy

and Scriabin selections which followed the, inter- mission. Both are composers difficult to “bring off”. The waters danced suitably in “Reflets dans l’eau”, but where was Rameau in “Hommage a Rameau”? The very finely-rendered Scriabin pieces ( “Poem in F sharp Major and Etude in C sharp minor) some- how did not strike me as worth the effort. But this can’t be said for the two Liszt selections which end- ed the official program. In the Transcendental Etude in F Minor, especially, the formidable technique and strength of the pianist simply swept the diffi- culties of this phenomenally demanding piece aside. The less-than-capacity crowd was suitably impress- ed. and brought Mr. Turini back for two magnificent encores, the Scarlatti Sonata L. 23, which was as graceful and sensitive a performance as I’ve ever heard, and the Etude no. 1, op. 10, of Chopin, ano- ther heroically difficult piece to which Turini brought bravura and precision.

About two hundred gaping seats were the only sour note in this incredible evening, providing fur- ther evidence of ,the cultural immaturity of the Waterloo community. Simultaneous scheduling of a rock band in the Student Center was only to be , expected under the circumstances. Nice of the Fed- eration of Students to subsidize the small but de- voted minority of US who benefit from aftists like Ronald Turini, though.

Masses miss out on oronto music If it only costs 50a, it still

doesn’t have to be bad: eloquent testimony to this pleasant truth was rendered again in the arts theater by seven talented students from the Toronto Faculty of Mus- ic.

Last year I upbraided the 7500 University of Waterloo students who failed to take in a magnificent performance by the same f&ulty’s wind quintet; this year, it’s more like 8900 who lost out. The sixty- odd of us who managed to come were treated to an eloquent and professional rendering of Mozart’s clarinet Quintet, whose trying ar- peggio passages and soaring mel- odies were easily and gracefully taken in hand by Howard Knopf, a young man whd evidently bears watching among wind players.

He still has something of the advanced amateur’s changes ot timbre from soft to loud and from middle t,o high notes, but his fluid

legato and astonishing command of rapid passages more than made . up for such departures from per- fection.

Miss Root’s accompaniment was superb in four song by somebody listed as “Scarlatti” in the prog- ram notes, but who, I suspect, is not the Scarlatti w-e all know, (Domenico, of the 500 sonatas ) but rather Uncle Allessandro, who is no mean composer in his own right. Miss Fallu’s performance in these pieces was perfectly ama- zing for a student: One does not often hear Baroque trills and other figurations delivered with such perfection from anybody, let alone a student.

Concluding the concert was a performance of ,Brahms’ String Quartet no.1 CC minor 1, a de- manding and profound piece which does not lend itself to the efforts of amateurs. .

The same quartet who made

up the Quintet for the Mozart was involved here, consisting of Adele Armin and Elaine Mossop, 1st and 2nd violin, Margot Burton, viola, and David Hertherington, cello.

I agree with the K-W Record’s rebiever that the performance here was not as secure as in the Mozart piece. Intonation was not always perfect, and those slight stringinesses and uncertainties of tone wholly lacking only in the best professional string players were noticeable here and there. (I except the cello, who did yeo- man work throughout. ) Neverthe- less, the results were most listen- able, and that is little short ot a triumph in itself when the subject is a piece so formidable.

The audience ate it up; if there had been ten* times as many, this concert would have received the appreciation it richly deserved.

Dog eat dog world in lpcal drama The Good Woman of Setzuan’s basic message is

it’s a dog-eat-dog world and people who don’t play it that way get trampled. The people who do play the game come out on top.

What is unusual about this play is not its message, but its production. Director Onita, Scott Hedges states flatly that Brecht’s own productions anticipat- ed the current craze for “mixed media,” and that he used every theatrical cliche in the book to demon- strate his message. The word “demonstrate” is the day. to Brechts’ own theories of acting. He sp~ifi- tally forbade his actors to become emotionally in- volved to the point of realism. He made sure they didn’t by throwing in projection 8~ songs to sledge- hammer the message home.

His plays have been referred to as “middle- European soapboxes” by his detractors, but when one considers Brechts? acknowledged aims for thea- tre as a tool of propaganda.

University drama company members have had

to face the problem of playing not only a character in a play, but of also playing an actor playing a char- acter.

And while this has been going on in rehearsal, Ken Quantz, head of set construction has been sawing and hammering to construct a “soapbox” platform that makes the arts theater forget how beautiful it can be. Setzuan may be “anywhere people take advantage of one another,” but the univer- sal slum will appear on stage at Waterloo. Kathy Birch, head of costumes rummaged second-hand shops before coming up with appropriate rags for the cast of twenty-seven.

Heather Hymmen head of props crew has been collecting assorted goodies including a plastic goose, affording almost as much fun as last year‘s pheasant pluchers for Royal Hunt Of The Sun.

The Good Woman of Setzuan will be in the arts theater Nov. 28-30.

Tickets available at the box office: $1.25 general and $.75 students.

Tuesday, November 26, 1968 (9:3Q) 57 7 3

Page 4: n30_Chevron
Page 5: n30_Chevron

_ I -. _ ,-/ i -. ._. -7 - a e I --_ - :i , . i _ ~ . 1

was he pushed from the” bbat, or did he jump?” The pro- ^. ’ - 1, ._

the ,beap jump’ in, are seated quietly in the two chairs minutes later husband laughs.. Laughter:is?interrupted % ,,- + _ was he pushed from the” b

fessbr’ kicks hJdrn iI$entiollarly, allu w1 graduate students- carries him out ifitc phones .his:cblleague to say that the h+ off, and asks him- to phone the Super‘i ings.~He then l - - - - - - it- - I - - - -UP At- t

fessbr’ kicks h&n irltentionalljr, and’with -the help of typo - ’ . ‘.- “1

graduate students-carries him out into the hall.,He then‘ . ’ in the office, and then begin to discuss the possibility of -. :1

phones .h.is:cblleague to say that the kat dde’s’seem to be -forming _a club to debate the problems of staff-student by ringing y-of the phone; this- timme it’s c~lleague's ‘1

K -wife, I I ‘- $‘- Vc I

off, and asks him- to phone the Super‘intendeht e_f Build- - felatio&.::Professor reminds them *politely that there

saying- that if- <he talks to her husb&d’ about the. i- LI :-- ,‘:I

- ’ proposed curriculum changes %onight, she’ll persoqally

ings.?He then leaves the phone.off the hook. a& two such clubs in @@ice, who have been tryisgfor alter his cu&culum., He. shou+ $p to his, wife that ‘the- ’ <- :;:* tie =


1,2,26X00 For the first ten minites, th’e piofessbr ta&s: -, three,: years to -get a staff ?&nber who can spare the ’ --- : i time to deba-te the subjet. Sugkebts that-they might put-, ;.

call’s’ for her.- She fi$she$&ll.,- ail wound up aga’in; @ai- man finishes; with the cFildren:all wound up again; he 4

~*..~‘?~ _“1

in a persua&, coti‘kn’anding ,atithoritatiSe ’ way, and” _ :f ~Y~:~

cdncludes by :asking for other cqmments. There .aren’t ’ the probl’em to the Committee .on Clubs. They.‘bolitely Calls hpsts to a&logize for _ being half-an-hour-:‘late(*, ’ G ‘!‘Y’ 1

any.‘ He deliirers ‘B five-minute homily on the benefits, remitid’ him- that they have+en ‘trying for three ears ” : 1. (explaining that . his- mother’s boyfriend’s ‘typewriter, “..- ^-.‘-; -: “1”

indeed the all-itipor@nce,‘ of an indeptindent,. strenuous . to get. the niatter dn the agenda of ,th&Conimittee. He. / suggests that students wast,e. too%uch of the staff’s

.’ -- etc. ), -and saying that they’ll. be -‘along in &n&her. half-‘, ” ‘, L-. ;<--- -1

relentl&s- search, after jruth: _ He <gain .asks for CO& hour, but not to’ bald' tli& ‘food for them;,Wife appears f _ ’ \ ~1 ‘?f

“What:did yoti~say just before time trying to taik to the -staff. They’-niake a quite im- / proljer suggystion and lqve. Their ange So excites @e

asking- just whenhe?s going- to be ready. He asks if he t :’ . i 1

“The-con’cat~nation_of circu&tai?ices forces ’ . ...;- cari glo as ,he is. Wife says; gently, “No.” He asks if&e T-x ’ 7 - ‘-1

us-to cofisidefi at length the price- of fur~a.ces...‘?” -This sttidents outside thtit .the‘ profeSsor, is -able to clpse -the ‘\ L has time for a b&h’. Wife says,. g‘ently “N$;” He asks if L

gives the professor the-chance he .ba+$)een waitipg-for, L door before any more can get’in. He sits down againand, - , / x stlar.ts to write a l&t&r’ to the te&$hone company, -corn- 17: he-kr& --time to c&$e:--Wife i$a;irs, gently, “No.” He .

and he talks for the rest of the hour. The;cnly iriterrup- plaining that he--hasn’t had a call-Iall afternoon, and gb;&as~eis. - ’ L.m-_ef’y ‘_ :

’ tion is by six maintenance men.who ha,ve come to repair- then remembers that he’s left -the receiver off. He re-

8.45-9.04 .They drive to collea&e’s hgme. AS-they drive; - the beating system. They-do, and leave, ai the tempera-

; - l { .“. ,

ture soars to 97 degrees. + ‘places it, and -the phone immediately rings. It’s- the wife tells husband about,, the ‘phone. &ills during the day: There w_e_re te’n from ?&udents a.sking when‘ he’d be

i telephone cpm\pany apologizing for the interruption in :in his qfffide: :Th’ere-were tell from studenti ,+sking wh& ‘, ‘Eli ’ /

’ 4(Il-O6. As he dismisses the [lass, he- asks Jhe’-last: _ -;

student to shout, as soon as he is out of sight of the office: service.-VHe settles down:.-to thirik ab@t his own work, ; h$d be cqmitig out of h-is’ off&.. There were three gffeping _ : I’+ ’ -!

‘-‘Fire! ” “Pot!,‘: Sttidelit does, so, and -the inqb? outside i..e., -a.philosaphic article bn the theory that time -ex- ‘pands to fill the wo?k available for it. He gets an idea,

great deals in gas mixers, washing machines, furnaces, - :-I .k“ the. door flees, allowing professor. to get $0 dining hall


before the rubber chicken runs out arid j.$-,repl+ed by \ and staits to. write :‘. light bulbs, and catiles.Y- He confess& I that r he had

/ , stance&.,“; “The concatenation of’ circurh-

btit is interrupted by ,.the phbne ringing. He tim& &day only-~to get the +ctric candles. She Forgives-

1.07-14. Finally gets-‘@ W.C. where he\cloiets :hnd . reaches for -it;- changes hip-mind, ?nd pidkcng up his him: They,arriv’e at hast’s hou.; where no one else has( ’

-I- . ‘-1

plastic turkey. : _ -. briefcase, climbs out the window.

yet :appeare$ all-the oth*r male guests .b&g at a’ cop-- - ,-\ a: 1

1,2,26-1iOO r-07 me rmx mm mmuces, in a persuasive, coti‘kn’anding ,atitho cdncludes by :asking for other comma any.‘ He delivers ‘B five-minute homil indeed the all-itipor@nce,‘ of an inder

relentl&s- search, after jruth: _ He ;;‘g; men s. A student -asks: “What:did ya

ts you , aid i “The-cofi~at&nri:-- ,C ,:,a us-to cofisidefi at length tj gives the professor the.& and he talks for the rest (II LIK I I U U I .

tion is by six maintenance men.who ha the beating system. They-do, and leav t . . . . ..X _A.-._,-. cr. nrll .-l,H,,,”

q,,yJl-vv. 4x3 11c ur*Dr+“3J’ student to shout, as soon a ‘-‘Fire! ” “Pot!.‘: Sttidelit uwc3 au, aim

the. door flees; allowing rrnFxnnnV 4fi L-P,,, AL,, ,..L.L,.” ..L.:,l,,$

wat&s: . - T&& a leisurely. lunch, disc&sing the whiie

‘- 5.38-48 Walks to car, kicking any squirrels and co-eds mitt& meeting to discus’s totation. of speeches,& uilder-

y- ,?

1~5-45. gradu+e fun_ctions; -’ ’ -;

-: , - : .-. ’ - ! within reach. the.prac&ability a$ fXGasii>i!iti of establishing a Cross-

*./ c 5.46-6.49 -Drives. home, pursiied by nqgging ftia: that he

9.05-30 Tl?e -other guests arrive, whole the d&&s dir+

College : Interfiliation _ Committee on Infrastructures. culate, and the :talk centres on staff-&ud&t &!lations, * “- ,!.j

$:i j

Agrees to write a circular. lett&,r advocating such a has -forgotten something. Finally&members that there’s ‘which seem. to be-reaching a I &is; meanwhile the fe- , I ’ _

com@tte& \ a ‘danger of a (.power:shortage, and stops -to buy two . candles. slightly damages front bumped on young man

Gale talk centresa_ri‘ku$a?diwif e rela &As,- which seem ’ _j

. . ’ to be reaching’s crisis.’ _ - - -: : ‘I!

/ - / - _ . ‘. \ . I/

I wholooks ai though he might be a student. Still pursued, .

.- _ 9.31-10.30 :Dinn&, flduring which th& is- “da wide’ ’ <1’ ; ‘, 1

this time by a’nagging noise, . - 6.50-51 Reaches home, 2nd opel;ls trunk to remove nag- ~

-v$riety of bpiniohs expl’e’ssed on a new pergpective’: sJ%-

_ ging- noise,:wdich is be$g made by student who had dent-staff relations as they affect wife-husband relations.

- ‘,, ‘.,i I _

hidden there in. hope to having a word---with him. Agrees r A ‘good deal qf.+$d wit: is displayed; and‘ !.orne hysteria.

_ , s.:, 1 ,ti -..’ ’ , t Z; j ’ :’ ]

. - - a:~ r. _‘: .’ j to answerguestior& .sJudent \&ll baby-sit for the evening. ii, , ~

- : I _- ; ‘- * i -e . ’ \ . Student agrees. ProfessoE asks, as he hails a nearby c ‘notary public -to witness the deal, whtit her problem is. - . _t 5

’ Her pkoblem is th.at-she is poor, her mother is spending :

~ all her. money trying to get her. boy-friend’s typewriter / ; fix?d; her own boy-friend is wopking the swing shi@ in . Montreal, %!d consequently she has to baby-sit all the time. Could she, thekefgre, have’ a three-week exten- \ +ion of the essay due three months- ago? Professor ” h agrees, knowing from ‘her story, that she’s mistaken m- . \

: ’ him for :$omec)ne @se; ah&:is.@~:e~~n in-d&is &&s$. ‘T&s>.:, ;’ , .-I t”e*‘a$;” “‘ *‘*’ ’ _ her to come-back at 8.00 for baby+itting duties, and- ndt

to bring her mother; her mothe’r’s boy-friend; her moth: ,

-\ 1 er’s boy-friend’s typewriter, or any shifty svtingers from Montreal.

i.OO-8.00 Oiens front ;door, t6 ,find- five children and ,

I /

/ - , _

4.16 Climbs-in’window ‘tti avoid riot of s$detis outside ’ _ _ ,. joor. ., - L ;j, ‘/ / 1 . . .

4.11-5.37 Sit; db.wn, tiith)&agerness (aL@udent aide) to answer pile of niai’lj~~v@Qc&has giow@@ain during the Bfterni>on. Begins by [email protected] letter of re&Qmmen&ition - For -graduate $tident: who has in-fact -already accepted 2 job as organizer for tke;,new Union, S*&OFF (Stu-’ jents Who &r$ Lined up Outside Offices 1. Writ& ,a note , i- to the publishers -df- Consumers: Report, onXqnsumer , s;;uides, asking for--a subscripticn. ‘Wiiies let,ter.to editor -,f ‘th’e,Can&dian Iri.t.elligent&a, saying,he hope&his review d-i’ so.on be- in the ‘mail,. and askigg9at book he. ‘is nca’nt to reyiew. Writes ‘cheque- to College, p&ng for ;cn” meals of plastic turkey and one of rubber chicken. _ F’celing spm,ewhat better, he.operzs door atid. shouts that8 le can now see,.three7students.-:The three at’tl$ t.6~ of

I - ""‘"M-b Lv- --a*+*, . . . -"-a ' Y-lvu"" " I '*y-Y "

i,46-49.’ ’ Dijnk& $&,@~ c@j-o’f coffee &hile criticizing ’ .

. ‘Pop!-” where’ve you beeri?“.“.Wa& to Indian wJestle?” efforts ofZidistingu’ished.Profe$&E&eritus t’o but out pa- “Lqok’at ho%v much of my popsicle’ is left! ” “Did- YOU pe’r “dolls;’ ‘Q.+ies %%ln&@f atid cuts finger, which hq al- . remember.. .?‘_’

s&d. 1;?” ‘.‘What did you say just befc$e ybu ’ -.

“Wanna -see:,py muscles?J-?-?-“Pick- me, me _ il _ - . _-_

readv.bu&ed while tri$ig tb dlean lighted pipe. ’ - . , ~7 , ,, . ‘_ : I I ’ * .yx- , 1,[email protected]; Walks acro& catipus tb m&ting’,of C&nmit-’ me,: me, up! ” He’ tias a-little pick-me-up, rriost of which

te@,‘oti Committees. Being a kindly man, .he ihrows a few - gets - splashed down. h&- ru,mpled Swam@- BFos, shift - L10.31-i.~2. dver-&of&e,, liqueur, and- the dead bodies of L v- 1~ II::

by quick-flitting hand, @bbw$ arid- teeth,, Remitids wife - -- . .

’ ’ their wives, -the atiad&nicS -strive r&rifully$’ reassess :-

, the tiommi&e stru@ures and &f r+structupBtoYresolve ,& I

p?aiiuts ‘&&red *ithI @bepet litit tli the- sq’uirrels, who 1‘: refuge. t& etit them. .Alio smiles warmly -at s&Vera1 . that’they are going’but for dinner. to fkien@s,d and asks. students who look‘vaguely familiar ; -they’ ;look at --him if it isn’t .tim& they star&d to get, the ki;ds to-b&d., ‘and to

’ : the crisis situation: in faculty-administration -relations, ‘- 1: ‘;

; 7. : . _ - which- h&s a clear non-&lation with yet an&i& crisis ‘Lb

i ’

queerly:. Z - ,-:. \; get\-themselves re&ly.‘tWifG says it is, biit she’has been

* 1::; ‘- 1

. 2.‘11;3.@. Committee”meeting occurs. Nokhing much ’ I just s-o busy that she’basn’t. yet been-able.‘to-get the 1 bituation (this a new anej am.ong-fac,@ty-ad&nistration- - ’ .I - 1

e15e ,ha$pe,ns, t_ho@hour professor makes two errors. * children’s dinner. Husband yolunteers-to get’it while wife pi board-students Our, h&o makei only’ one r&jor contri- -‘if Z .i

- He ‘;idvocates utiting the C&mittee on QP&&tees with ’ unwinds. He does. She-does..The kic$ thi?y laugh. Baby- , : butiQ& which begins : -‘t ‘The concaterigtion ‘of.. . ” Sis of i .,* Z ,

. the ‘-newly-proposed Int,erfil‘i’&ion Cpmmittee on--Infra+;

* seven $aby-sitt:rs ] $&ne *.‘to’.. && ‘-vl$n j the’:crummy :I sitter arrives; hpsl$nd tells wife. @at he’s hired baby- - : : *

structures, o’f which nd on&&qs heard, and ,is by&id@ an sitter. Wife, tells husband that- .she’s- hired baby-sitter, I m-r : ’ party--is .going td &$ so- th$can. gb’-&aggiki withYL&& I(

‘: . “‘ii Y ~ $

’ .- - $ist-, as .secotid bab ;Eer arrives.. Seco_na* xsaay-sitter

I ‘t*e%&ter-repairing b.oyYfrie‘I;ld& Thp -‘<a&y <-&adua@: ’ ‘- 2 /- ” impractical, idealist. ,-He- speaks ftirc&fully .on -the -ques-’ . 1, tioti . pf sqheduling, meetihgs ori; Sundays %-7.30 a.m.,

is ~ girlfriend ,-of re~alr~~~~ ---I- ’ 1-. P~--~--’ -E~---L L-l-- -1,:. -erti@ up:- Our ..:p@&‘ssor -apo1okiz@s to coll+g_ue ~fm :, . ::g& ; :; -w 11

and is ,ostraciied for the re& of the me+ng-as a practi- sitter’s *mother’s bqy-f&id’s t~~~w~~~~1, Z~U LII~J UULU . ?YYrrot taking .the @pdr@@!, ‘to -talk abopi :,p~ap$wd, cuf-: ,‘-

j i 1 ‘. ricUkfm a&era @iqs, ,af.rt ‘sa-ys Jha t t~@@@&$ i I$ = -1.

j I’ ‘_: _) cal realist: . - ’ d&de !Q St&y. I ‘,

4.00& Walks across Ganipu’s to meet&g of the Corn- ’ a : 1 _ bvkr l&n‘ch &jut it t@&yroti. Agre’$ “- I I

. I . -, .1.33-52 W.ife ,driveshotie, asking whjr i< is$hat w&es 5. - -’ Z-e

mittee-on Realignment. On the *af he. throws ti co-& to . - I , . drive, home, *ati’d/ sugg&ti@ that,--if.$$eir seu&ings. out “3

the - squirrels; ,Fho-?eceive .her joyfully, li@ and all. Y’- . ::

- are to; be so st@ulati’ng;> they. spend’ more of them’ at _-__ --:

‘. 9 :. Finds the meeting has; been ctincelled”f the -Chairman I ; 1

-. ’ _ I..: home?Husbtind‘iay$;ve@little. I , -’ I -,, j . ‘!

had; ‘tried to inform him,. but couldn’t get:thfo@gk& the- , phone was off -the hook. Walks back -to. co&&~ with a +- colleague whothtid -gone ‘to the wrong geetitlE-by-mi&ak& : . - -,, Asks colleague’s ad$ic;e: about buying: li&t-bulbs ; c’oll- eague takes Copy b;f The Medium’ to ,the l’&ssiah. out of ’ ~ pocket, ‘s’lips oSf ,the dtis$jack& to reveal, .a-,*&opy of Con-. / surrie’r’s Guide, ahe says .t&$ the q&&on is t,oo compli; ‘, cated’for a simple answ&: . ‘, ^ - c : I ’ ’ _

Page 6: n30_Chevron

The board of governors ‘and adminis- ed hard; on the committee, submitting j .*

L- I,/ ’ tration $resident Gerry Ragey have ,what all ’ group@ admitted’ was the killed any hope students might:. have or@ decent brief. ’ ’ , . ’ - : ’

, I .’

‘i , had. that proper channels could possibl’y- The-board’s ti.&$on for rejecting the ’ .- * - be &dJ to find: solu tionsto the prdbi r .* -iems they faoe: .*c.

study committee’s recommendation ‘, i . - ’ . . . ’ - - -- is clear.- _ 5, * * I_> -

; At the‘ir fali:board meeting,. the They want h maintain.strict control .o

- . governor*, ire jet ted- .a ’ ~$egiderit;jal j over the selection of Ha&y% heir. , :

+ replacement procedure decided upon SC Their substituted .procedure is” 5 .farce -. by a joint : administration-faculty&u- ’ _ designed to cover up this reality. . _ ~ ~ c ;’ - $ .: dent committee that spent two years And insult is _ added-to j the injury ,;‘ * . ,:- ..- i‘, .-jr& , , deliberat@g.. . *,: - : L irrc, % when we recall. that at the studyeom- ’ , -. , ,9< , ” . ~‘- . . c l&r its place they &&di&eIy sub&

tuted,a plan-more~tptheirl~king. mittee meetings the replacement pro- _. L

: ‘- cedure passed w,ithout dissent. Which For two years senior administrators I. means that at the time the. board rep- : I

_ told s‘tudents they shoutd di’rect all’ . resentatives and Ragey let it goby. their energy qnd demands for I osgani- ’ To package the whole ’ thing nicely

_ \

zational ehqnge intothe#,udy +zor_nmity : r Hagey?tried to. incorreictly tell people. _ ’ tee on %n@ersity , government. For .’ the University of Waterloo a$ required’

- . \ _,

lnts did;iust that: . the change (and the Etchener-Waterloo . q i-s .$e&$because the. ’ ‘Record obediently p,ritited the fiction _ _ it@jt that way. -z . in an editoria!) .I1 The act says no such &4$@ri,on&!&at on thing) . Y


zber’ ‘c@n&ittee;. .; ‘. These *kinds .of actions make,,it clear : I

tion+ and why the only alterna~tive.,epen to stud-’ ’ 5 @&w @&pq ’ i ents who want change is’ the only one ” : ,

q+g;< . $hey ,must be willing to take action , , ,.

&n. necessary to ensure ‘the4r re-

couldn’t read it $b to a prim nters erroy. $f’ - .

gatheredtogedher in Bangkok and set off,on a , fourmonth pilgrimagethat was to take them

to@ect(, the ,jirthplace of Mohammed. . For ‘s&h a‘l&ig and&d&us, j oyrney, cone would. I have exIqted *them. to .+avel light-but no, included in their provisions vver~e t,hirty-four hundred

.’ cases of Coca-Cola-well over a bottle a day per-pi1 &derstandably;;the #grims did need readily available refresh-: ‘merit, but this story indica&s a tirong preference for Coca-Cola. It is not known- if ‘Me& was able, to provide thirty-four hundred cages of Coket&make thing& go better on the way back!- ‘- 1 ’

Page 7: n30_Chevron

- \ ‘\

. _\ I


\ I

\ * ‘. 4

I After ,serious consideration . We the. undersigned, all active staff members of the \ Bergsma has collected we find most frightening, Too

\ Chevron, are concerned with the issues and.choice of can- *many of them are people who ’ have ‘been rejected bv didates in tomorrow’s election. ,

We have no vested interest’ in the election as Chevron the students over the,past years as incompetents, at least

staffers. The newspaper’s \independence and budget are . in the area of holding’the high student offices Bergsma would confer upon\ them. 8

protected bv bv-laws and contracts. .,. . For the position of chairman of the board of student . We are moved to make &is statement because we are afraid tomorrow’s vote mav put student awarenesson

activities Bergsma proposes a man previouslv decided to be unsatisfactory for even the orientation chairman-

. ’ this campus back three or four vears. - , - Being active in student affairs on this ca’mpus, some of

ship. For treasurer Bergsma proposes a man previous- . ly decided to be unsatisfactorv for even the orientation

US for a number of years, we find many issues are clearer chairmanship. For treasurer Bergsma proposes a man to us and manv facts better understood than if were -we - who has been twice- fou’nd incapable in the past for non-participants. ’ ’ / / executive positions. For external relations he proposes

I Like/any group of individuals we hold differeht politi- cal and social values ‘and have come together with varied

a team of totally ‘inexperienced people, whose previous

. record of participation serves only to bring them into dis-

concepts of what is good and bad. Some of us origina.lly repute. . ., came to work for the Chevron this year in order to change I The list’goes on.

. . it, not to support it. . Bergsma himself seems confused about his attitudes Until this point in the presidential campaign we felt

-. the Chevron should maintain a position of non-alignment and ideas. The great debate at the* Village was repre- resentative of Bergsma’s confusion. He was reallv unable

_ to answer ‘any question directly unless he could read th&-. / i at the same time providing nearly three times the election

coverage provided in any past year. I answer from-his team prepared platform literature. An&, But now the situation forces us, as people charged * this he often had to do. . I ’ a

a* ‘_ with. the responsibility of knowing what is going. on on the campus and of informing you about it, to take a stand. ’

At one point he’ called for a campus-wide- organized j pressure group to help create course unions, at another

We sincerelv recommend that vou support Brian Iler in tomorrow’s vote.

.I he said such unions should be created from within bv

We know many of vou will ‘call this an expected appeal the students in the departments; and finallv he suggested

but‘we urge vou to consider the reasons that have moved that by being at the top he -could help these groups create

us to take this stand. their union bv themselves.,

\ The only alternative worth considering was John Bergs-

ma. I \ Having closelv followed his campaign and having stud-

ied his platform’we find this alternative grosslvdeficient. .

The sad situation is that on all issues John Bergsma presents us with, this ambivalent, inexperienced confu-

, sion. Brian Iler on the other hand provides us with a clear

Bergsma savs the onlv real difference between him- ’ statement of goals and reasons for those goals. -(Iler

/ ~ used his half-page free ad in Friday’s Chevron to present . self and Iler is their proposed methods. - part of his platform. Bergsma didn’t. ) 1

The real difference we see is that Bergsma is unin- _ Ironically, Iler is actuallv better experienced to deal ., formed about what has been tried and most importantly, with the administration through cooperation.

. that there will be times that he, unlike Iler, would be unwilling\to follow the will of the student body

And Iler, bv binding himself to call general meetings on important issues, offers us the opportunitv to decide

Bergsma calls for co-operation with the administra- tion to achieve the end he agrees should be-sought.

for ourselves when action should be taken and what the action should be. Importantly too, he views action as a

But Brian Iler, who used to work in the senior admin- - last-ditch method to be used only to open doors to honest istration and counts manv senior administrators among cooperation. his better acquaintances, (and whose campaign is sup- ported bv student affairs provost Bill Scott) knows that

Brian Iler has been honest in his campaign. Some of

such -a -*cry: divorced from the firm backing of the the truths he has presented have been hard to swallow’ not because they seem untrue, but because it’s so much

; students, is totally unrealistic. He knows because he has tried and has seen others trv

easier to take an unconcerned, unactive position. .

for vears before him. If John Bergsma was honestly in favor of evervthing

he Bkrgsma calls for better communication with the

said he was in the Village debate then we believe the only thing that will stop him from voting for Iler is a

, ’ students. But Iler knows that every method anybody can think of has been tried in this area1 ’

lack of knowledge of what Iler has reallv tried to do and ’ - wants to continue trying to accomplish.

And Bergsma presents no new untried methods. Mavbe more than anvthing else it is the team John

We support Brian Iler, because of his goals, his exper- . . ‘\ ienbe and his competence.



Jim Allen ’ , David BL&ne y * , u

Wayne Bradley Bili Brown

; Kenneth Coe - Paul Cotton Mike Eagan

\ Lorna Eaton

\ . Phillip Els worthy

Ken Fraser My/es Genest

Whoops-our mistake

Bryan Grupp Rod Hay Rod Hickman Steve Ireland Jim Keron Jim Klinck George Loney Irene Mitchell John Pickles Glenn Pierce Gary Robins ’

We i j switchec

these t /

photos I around 1 last


’ this is gohh &/bank . this is Dexter’ Macmillan




\ \

Stewart Saxe Bill Sheldon -

Alex Smith “.

Paul Solomonian I ’ David Stephenson- ,

Morris Strasfeld - ’ * Dave Thompson~ Bob Verdun . ‘I Brenda Wilson 1 Greg Wormald David Youngs /


a Canadian University ,Press member The Chevron is published Tuesdays and. Fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students, University of Waterlao. Content I is independent of the ‘publications board, the student council and the university adminlstration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 744-6111, local 3443 (news), 3444 (ads), 3445 (editor), night-line 7444111, telex 0295-748. Publications board chairman: Geoff Roulet 11,000 copies

i I .

editor-inchief: Stewart Saxe managing editor: Bob Verdun news editor: Ken Fraser features editor: Alex Smith photo’editor: Greg Wormald’

sports editor: P.au,l Solo’monian editorial associate: Steve Ireland

We have only one regret about the election campaign being over-there’s another starting in the mid- dle of January. . and we’re not even including the administration president song-anddance, Struggling through this issue’s confrontation with truth, fairness and bull: Jim Bowman, circulation manager; Jim Klinck, assistant news editor, Rod Hickman, entertainment coordinator; Pete Huck, Hogtown bureau; Gary Robins, assistant Maritimes bureau for next weekend only; Larry Burko, bulletin..board bureau; Nivek Nosretep, Awatta uaerub; Loneygeorge, disappeared without a trace; John Parlane, sleepy-time bureau, Bill Sheldon, Pat Stuckless, Bill Brown, Mike Eagen, Glenn Pierce, Sydney Nestel, Jan Narveson (we kid-you not), Phil Ford, Ken Smith, Gil Maunder, Knowl- ton Collister, Myles Genest Dave X. Stephenson, Dave Thompson, Pickleypooh, Ted Lot-&ale, Mother CUP, Fearless Fred--the people’s pizza pedlar, Cyril Levitt who’s been back for a week and YOU wouldn’t have noticed, and you’re probably all disappointed there’s no political hot& on the centerspreademetimes we win, and sometimes we don’t bother going out on the field.


Tuesday, Novembtir 26, 7968 (9:30) 575 . 7 i , 1 a /

, , , .

Page 8: n30_Chevron


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Try’the better way-Tampax 1 L tampons. This month. Or next.

. . . . ! . ; .

’ ‘Y.’ * . .





8 516 The CHEVRON

by Phil Ford and’ Ken Smith Chevron staff -

The hockey schedule opened on a winning note Friday when the Warriors overwhelmed the Wind- sor Lancers by the impressive score of 9-O. ’ . The win was the first of the

regular season for the Waterloo hockey squad and the fifth in a row, counting exhibition wins over Queen’s, Carleton, and Lutheran. -

The Warriors resplendent in their colourful new uniforms, opened up a- wide margin in the first period by scoring three goals.

Good digging by ‘Ian McKeg- ney paid off as he banged i-n the puck at 9.06. Dave Rudge picked an assist on the play.

Shortly thereafter Bob Reade deked two Windsor players only to lose the puck on his final move. However, Paul Rapolt was johnny- on-the-spot to fire home a screened shot for goal number two.

Three great attempts were stymied at the fourteen-minute mark, but ’ Rudge scored from Roger Kropf and Ron Robinson a minute later.

Shots on goal in the first period were indicative of the terri- torial advantage that the War- riors enjoyed. They outshot the Lancers 17-5. Windsor had seve- ral good chances to score as the

Cage play opens

defense was lax at times in ,covering up, but the only re-, sults of their efforts were two lhots that hit the goalposts.

The phalanx of the Warriors came on like gangbusters as they demolished the Windsor squad with five big goals in the second period. _

Robertson knocked in Dennis Farwell’s rebound at 1.57 of the period to set the pace.

Reade followed with a beauti- ful rush: to begin his first hat

I trick in this league. Taylor and Laidlaw got assists.

Reade’s second goal of the game came on a welltimed ‘in- terception of a Lancer pass while Rappolt - was serving a two- minute minor.

Farwell was the next Warrior to hit pay dirt at the twelve min- ute mark. Reade completed his hat trick by outwitting the Wind- sor goalie with a minute left in the period.

The Warriors’ dominance was illustrated ,by the shots on goal, which were 23-3 in favor of Waterloo.

Although the shots on goal

- wer 24-5 in the third period, there was only one more goal. It came in a goal mouth scramble as Roberston scored his second of the night.

At, no time were the Lancers able to cope with the Waterloo attack. They were outshot, out- played and outhustled throughout the contest. _

The offense finally found the’ range that they were lacking in the Carleton and Lutheran. The goalmouth scambles that were close calls in other contests finally became goals in this game.

tomorrow vs K-W The Warrior basketball season

is just around the corner with the-opening game tomorrow night against the . Kitchener-Waterloo Seniors at Seagram Stadium.

Gaels Over VVLU 42-74 by Gil Maunder Chevron staff

Gaels’ Don Bayne had another excellent game, directing a varied attack, completing 13 of 18 passes and being named winner of the Ted Morris Memorial Trophy as the game’s outstanding player.

For the Hawks Doug Strong was a one-man team, catching eight passes for 133 yards and running for 63 more, accounting for two-thirds of Lutheran’s total offense of 295 yards.

Lutheran gave it a good try and even led early but made too many mistakes. Queen’s blocked two punts, intercepted two passes and recovered two Hawk fum- bles., I -

posed of Lilles, Keith Eamon and Ron Clark was very sharp as Eamon gained 93 yards in 13, tries while Lilles picked up 57 in 13 carries and Clark 87 in eight.

After Eamon fumbled in his own end zone to give the Hawks their early lead, he came back to gain vital first downs when the Gaels needed them and scored two touchdowns.

Don McIntyre was outstand- ing as a receiver, catching three passes for 107 yards and two touchdowns. One was a 70-yard TD on a triple handoff play back to Bayne who hit McIntyre 15 yards in the clear.

Only four. or five players are returning from last season so coach Dan Pugliese will be going with a large contingent of fresh- men. The loss of Sil Glober, top scorer in the division last season, Neil Rourke and 6’ 8” Bryan Brown leave large holes to be filled.

Overall the team will present a lineup of the same height as last year but it will be much less experienced. Consequently, ‘Pug- liese, who looks for Western to lead the western division of the Ontario-Quebec Athletic Associa- tion (the same basketball six- team divisions exist for basket- ball as do for hockey), will be very happy to match last- year’s third-place finish. t

The Tip-off Tournament Dec- ember 6 must be held in the new building so look for the gymnasium to -be in operation for that date.

Friday night at-varsity Stadium Queen’s Golden Gaels downed Waterloo Lutheran Golden Hawks 42~14 before 19,250 fans and a nation-wide television audience to win the Canadian College Bowl. In the first legitimate na- tional championship, Queen’s pro- vided a superbly balanced offen- sive display to win the Vanier Cup for the first time.

The game was definitely a fin- ancial success as over 2OiQ60 seats were sold. The first game three years ago attracted only 3,000 fans. The proceeds from the game go to the Canadian Save the Children Fund.

The mild weather was a deci- ded advantage both to the or- ganizers and to Queen’s.. The Golden Gaels rolled up 487 yards in total offense, 246 on the ground and 241 through the air: This attack was just too much for the smaller Hawks.

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Admission is reasonable, In factj<&JdentS pay only one dollar and fifty cents on Wednesdays after seven pm.

University of , Waterloo

THE GENERAL MEET- ING of the Federation of Students, origiriajl\t scheduled for Monday, December .2, 1968 is lp ing,postponed until Mon- day, December 9,196B. Items for the agenda’ must now be in the hands of the president by 500 pm, Wed- nesday, December 4,1968. ’

President Federation of Students University of Waterloo

Asked about this performance, Hawk coach Dave Knight stated, “Queen’s is the best college. team I’ve seen in my five years in Canada. ’ q

Injuries also hurt Lutheran as they lost five men for parts of the game.

pro team rather than a college team. Bayne’s faking made the

Queen’s attack functioned so smoothly as to remind one of a

For the Hawks, Wayne Mizen recovered the endzone fumble for

the lake:

the first touchdown and Strong


went over from the three-yard line for the second major late

The goal posts didn’t survive

in the fourth quarter. --Queen and Lutheran supporters

were out in full force, an esti- mated 6000 or more, and the din raised probablv carried across

running attack- go while several the game. - With minute rer times Heino Lilles had the whole Hawk defense-chasing him

maining the field was invaded

as Bayne coolly passed downfield. and the referee,‘realizing the futi-

In rushing, the backfield corn- lity of finishing the game, called it.

i Then,tkatyourselftoachatwith Dr. Howard Petch,Vice President (Academic) Mondz&s,4=6p.m. Campus Centre (Pub Area)

. .