
Flipping the Classroom- The concept of Inverting Instruction Cliff Zyskowski & Julie Hall Napa Valley College Flex Day 2012


Flipping the Classroom- The concept of Inverting Instruction Cliff Zyskowski & Julie Hall Napa Valley College Flex Day 2012. http:// Flipping the Classroom. Agenda Ice breaker Sage on the Stage vs. Guide on the Side revisited - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Flipping the Classroom- The concept of

Inverting Instruction

Cliff Zyskowski & Julie Hall

Napa Valley CollegeFlex Day 2012

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Flipping the ClassroomAgenda• Ice breaker• Sage on the Stage vs. Guide on the Side revisited• Active learning defined• Bloom’s Taxonomy

•Constructivist vs. Cognitivist Learning• Experiential & Transformative Learning

•Obstacles and ways to overcome them• Think- pair- share, Clicker fun &

VoiceThread• Assessment

• “final survey says”……..

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icebreaker• Snowball• Class motto for the semester

“quotation”• Theme for the day’s lesson plan

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Sage on the Stage!

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Sage vs. Guide• Latest in brain research• Talking=learning• Average student’s attention span 10

minutes• Transformation• Passive to active learners through student-

centered vs. instructor-centered focused content & activities

• Research shows: discussion over lecture• Leads to higher-level critical thinking &

learning (McKeachie, 1986; Paul & Elder, 2006).•Re-invent yourself! Be a facilitator of learning vs. the ultimate expert or Sage!

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New Term for “Guide by Your Side”- “Meddler in the Middle”

• Role of the student-centered instructor must shift to be more like a “Meddler-in-the middle [who] positions the teacher and student as mutually involved in assembling and dis-assembling cultural products” (McWilliam, 2008, p. 1).

• The Meddler-in-the middle instructor takes more risk and is free to make errors as he or she learns along with the students!

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Inverted or Flipped Classroom

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Active Learning Defined

• Involvement = activities• More student skill development; less

information transmission• Exploration of attitudes and values• Increase in student motivation• Immediate instructor feedback and enhanced

teaching presence• Higher order thinking: analysis, synthesis,


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Constructivist vs. Cognitivist Approach to Instruction

“Constructivist instructors encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding. Through the process of questioning, students learn the strategies that help them become expert learners. The process of active learning gives students the ever-broadening skill of lifelong learning” (All and Brandon, 2010, p. 1).


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Kolb’s Experiential Learning & Mezirow’s Transformative

Learning• Kolb (1984)- learning as the process

whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of learning in a specific learning environment.

• Kolb’s philosophy aligns with Mezirow’s (1991) transformative learning theory as students are transformed by their learning and ready to apply skills directly in the workplace.

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Kolb- Learning from Experience Requires Four Abilities:1. An ability to experience real-world experiences 2. The ability to view the experience from multiple

perspectives 3. The ability to reflect upon what they learned in

open-minded, non-egocentric way4. The ability to integrate the new experience into

practice through decision making and by finding solutions to immediate problems in the workplace” (as cited in Evans, et al., p. 164).

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• Too much course content• Devising active learning strategies takes too long• Doesn’t work for large class sizes• “But I’m such a good lecturer”!• Student resistance to non-lecture approaches• LOSS OF CONTROL?

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How to Overcome Obstacles• Create learning modules—tweak and edit each

semester• Provide in-class incentives for activities

completed prior to class• Remember! Individual learning prior to class can

be enhanced through in-class, collaborative learning

• Creating multiple ways to learn accommodates multiple learning styles

• Creating fun, interactive activities creates a sense of increased instructor presence (Hall, 2011; Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2010).

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Think, Pair, Share

•Top 3 techniques that have worked•Top 3 obstacles to success

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Clicker Debate• Used to stimulate discussion• Get everyone’s opinion,

participation• Discuss rational for answers

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Voice Thread• Students review material before class

meets• Great for Orientations for online

courses• Class meetings take on higher level

learning in Bloom’s Taxonomy• Students can discuss presentation on

the thread• Students can review material

multiple times

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The true purpose of assessment is to:

a. Provide accountability to governing bodiesb. Develop a transparent process for public

scrutinyc. Provide a rating system for comparing

institutional qualityd. Improve student learninge. Can be Formative vs. Summative

Despite to what extent an instructor uses formative and summative assessments when assessing student learning, it is important that the feedback be “Immediate, specific, and continuous, and appropriate” (Capella University, Assessment Techniques, n.d.).

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Formative vs. Summative AssessmentsFormative- Assess

prior to and during class

• Traditional M/C, T/F, Essays

• Pre-tests• Scavenger Hunts• Think-Pair-Share• Guided Reflections-

Aha! Moments• One-Minute Papers• Clickers

Summative- Assess at end of class or specific instruction

• Traditional M/C, T/F, Essays

• Post-tests• Letters to Successors• Guided

Reflection/Debrief• Portfolios• End-of-Course Surveys

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Surveys- In-Class or Online • In-Class Survey (Handout by Cliff)

• Online Survey with Zoomerang (Julie)http://

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The End! Enjoy Flipping the Classroom Cowgirls & Cowboys!

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References• )

All, A. C, and Brandon, A. F. (2010, March/April). Constructivism Theory Analysis and Application to Curricula. Nursing Education Perspectives. 31(2).

Capella University. (n.d). Types of Assessment Techniques. Retrieved from

Evans, J. J., Forney, D. S, Guido, F. M., Patton, L. D., & Renn, K. A. (2010). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice. (2nd ed.). San Francisco: CA. Jossey-Bass.

Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2010). The first decade of the community of inquiry framework: A retrospective. Internet and Higher Education, 13, 5-9. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2009.10.003

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References (Continued)

Hall, J. (2011). Is my instructor there for me? A Study of reflective practice and students’ perceptions of online teaching presence. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Capella University/Minneapolis, MN..

Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

McKeachie (1986). Teaching and Learning in the Classroom: A Review of the Research Literature. University of Michigan.

McWilliam, E. (2008). Unlearning how to teach. Innovations in Education & Teaching International. 45(3). 263-269.

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). Critical thinking: Learning the tools the best thinkers use. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.