HSOY Paw Prints Winter 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 HSOY Paw Prints Winter 2012


  • 8/3/2019 HSOY Paw Prints Winter 2012

    2/16Humane Society of Yuma Paw Prints Winter/Spring 2012


    To ensure the humatreatment of all animareduce the number homeless pets, and promthe value and importananimals contribute to olives and community.



    John WeilPresident

    Dan MontoyaVice President

    Nancy PattersonSecretary

    Page MisenhimerTreasurer

    Karen Barcklay

    Greg Bussell

    Loma Clark

    Sherrell Judish

    Chuck Nordquist

    Larry PikulaKyla Smith

    John Townsend

    Jan Watts


    Shawn SmithExecutive Director

    Annette LagunasDir. of Operations

    Cookie WagterDir. of Business Admi

    Erin SiteraDir. of Development

    Manuel SotaPatrol Sergeant

    Dennis OwenShelter Manager

    Ed SnookPrint & Electronic



    285 N. Figueroa AveYuma, AZ 85364(928) 782-1621

    from our Executive Director

    Hello again to all o our great supporters and riends,

    Many things have happened since our last newsletter was published. Negotiations with thegovernmental entities are complete, and beginning January 2012, the Humane Society o Yuma will beginto phase out o the animal control business. Te City o Yuma will assume the animal control unction ortheir residents on January 1, 2012, while Yuma County and the City o Somerton will assume the animalcontrol unction or their jurisdictions on July 1, 2012. Tis simply means those entities will employthe animal control ocers to pick up stray dogs, respond to barking dog complaints, and enorce theirown rabies control programs. Te Humane Society will continue to provide kenneling services or thoseentities and allow us to ocus on our real mission: caring or homeless pets, nding them homes throughour adoption and rescue programs, and reducing the number o homeless pets through our low and no-cost spay/neuter program. Were the duty experts in sheltering and caring or Yumas homeless pets, andthis new arrangement will be benecial to the pets and our organization.

    In notable news, the construction phase o our new shelter has begun, and we expect the project to becomplete in October, 2012. We were able to raise nearly $1.6 million dollars o the $3.2 million neededor the project. With a dire need to move out o our inadequate and ailing shelter, and still short othe necessary unds to begin construction, 1st Bank Yuma took a leadership role in our community andofered lending to the project in order to begin construction.

    Although weve secured the loan necessary to start this project, we will continue to seek donations

    in hopes o raising the entire amount necessary to pay or the new shelter without the use o our loanguarantee. Tis presents a wonderul opportunity or all o us. Tis really is one o the most excitingprojects our community has undertaken in decades. With that, were hoping many o you are able todirectly participate in this building project by taking advantage oone o our many naming opportunities. You can sponsor a dogor cat kennel, or i youre really ambitious, you can sponsorour entire spay/neuter clinic. Tese are just a ew o theopportunities available to leave your lasting mark onour new shelter.

    As 2011 comes to a close, I want to say HappyHolidays to all o you, and thank you very much orall o your wonderul and continued support. Tisis your Humane Society and the many successes

    we shared during the last ew years are because oyour generosity. All o you are the hope or Yumashomeless pets! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Warmest regards,



    The Humane Society of Yuma provides animal control and sheltering services to Yuma County,the City of Yuma, and the City of Somerton. It also provides animal sheltering services to theCity of San Luis, the Marine Corps Air Staon, the Independent Naon of the Quechan and the

    Independent Naon of the Cocopah. The shelters eight animal control ocers cover over 5,500square miles within Yuma County.

    July-11 Aug-11 Sept-11 Oct-11 Nov-11

    Dogs entering shelter 523 556 469 424 485

    Cats entering shelter 395 328 280 309 257

    Dogs adopted 131 150 117 103 118

    Cats adopted 58 50 48 24 49

    Animals released to rescue 111 118 107 123 105

    Animals released to owner 51 49 55 52 72

    Cruelty cases invesgated 66 57 54 52 38

    Cats and dogs euthanized 488 527 296 408 382

    Low-cost surgeries performed 321 254 235 235 n/a

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    Te Humane Society o Yuma is honored to have received two grants this all.

    TeArizona Companion Spay and Neuter Committee, charged with disbursing the unds

    raised rom the sale o the Arizona Spay and Neuter

    license plates, awarded HSOY with $10,000 or low

    cost spay/neuter services.

    We also received $3,000 rom the Yuma Community

    Foundation or the Sae Way Home program. Te Sae

    Way Home program allows us to microchip every dog

    adopted rom us at no cost to the adopter. Te unds

    are in addition to the $30,000 received earlier this summer to provide low and nocost spay

    and neuter services (see p.6 HSOY spay/neuter clinic goes mobile to read about how this

    grant is being used).

    We would like to thank

    these two organizations or

    their generous assistance in

    urthering our mission. Teir

    help has been invaluable.


    Volunteer orientaon January 5, 2012

    Annual Membership Meeng January 19th, 2012

    Volunteer Orientaon February 2nd, 2012

    Volunteer Orientaon March 1st, 2012

    Crier Country March 31st, 2012

    Volunteer Orientaon April 5th, 2012

    Volunteer Orientaon May 3rd, 2012

    Volunteer Orientaon June 7th, 2012

    Fore Paws Golf Classic June 9th, 2012

    Te Humane Society of Yuma proudly feed

    our shelter pets Hills Science Diet.

    Listen to HSOYs All Things

    Pets on KBLU 560 AM every

    other Saturday 11am -


    Have a question about pet care or pet

    issues? Call in to talk with the

    Humane Society of Yuma about it.

  • 8/3/2019 HSOY Paw Prints Winter 2012


    Will you be responsible

    for your pets health andsafety?

    Adoption Successes

    Humane Society of Yuma Paw Prints Winter/Spring 2014

    We adopted Penny

    (known as rudy at the

    shelter) six months ago today.

    She was six months old

    when we adopted her so we

    celebrated her rst birthday

    today. Love our puppy dog!

    Jessica Nicole Jones

    Tis is Mia, adopted

    rom PetSmart in

    December o 2010.

    She was a tiny, scared

    little dog who spent

    the rst couple o days

    hiding. She is now ull

    o lie, love, and energy,

    and the best dog we

    have had the pleasure

    o knowing.

    Crystal Nicole

    Do you know what pet is right for you?

    Ar you rdy o dop?

    Your pet may be with you or a very long time. Did you know that dogs can live rom 1015 years,and cats or up to 20 years? You may go through many changes during your lie - marriage, a newbaby, a new job, or perhaps relocating - but your animal will be a permanent part o your lie. Andsince dogs and cats can bond deeply with their amilies, it can be heartbreaking or the pet and orthe amily should that bond be broken.

    Pets thrive on severalhours o exercise andcompanionship everyday. Pets, especiallydogs who are constantlyle alone, can developbehavioral issues.

    Te cost o owning adog or cat is more thanthe initial adoption ee.When estimating thetotal amount, rememberto include basic andemergency veterinary care,toys, supplies, and ood.

    Dogs and cats are not right or everyhousehold. Problems such as allergies,apartment restrictions, or moving issuesshould be explored beore adopting anew pet. Large dogs may be too strong oractive or small children, while small petsmay be too delicate or children. Its smartto ask the shelter sta what animals theyrecommend or your householdtheyreexperts at making perect matches!

    Can you spend quality

    time with your friend?

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    We adopted Fay in November 2010 rom PetSmart. She wasabout three or our months then. A crazy little kitten baby that gotour hearts, even though we came looking or an older, calmer,more sophisticated cat.

    From the inormation in her adoption kit, she was ound as astray cat here in Yuma just a bit ago, so luckily she did not spendtoo much time at the shelter. Now shes a happy, yearandahalold lady, whose best riends are our gerbils, instead o the other

    two cats.

    Fay and Tabby

    abby was adopted back in April 2010 rom PetSmart as welabsolutely did not plan on getting a second cat, as I already hadsmall kitten in a very limited housing or the time being, but tmoment I saw him, I knew I had to get him. So we cancelled tevening plans and got him. Unortunately his lie to that point wnot very happy. He was previously adopted rom the HSOY twiwice in his ve months o lie. I dont entirely understand why,

    he is the sweetest cat, who can be made happy just by a hug.Both Fay and abby, along with their third cat riend and t

    sweetest pit bull ever, are now living in a nice house, and when tweather is good enough, we like to take them outside on the leaso that they can roll around in the dirt and grass. Tey denitehave their orever home with me.

    Zuzana enkrtov

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    6/16Humane Society of Yuma Paw Prints Winter/Spring 2016

    Spay-neuter goes mobileTe Humane Society o Yumas spay and neuter took to the road

    oer nocost surgeries to East and South county.On November 21st, the mobile clinic was in acna to spay or neu

    35 cats and dogs. On December 21st, the mobile clinic will be in SLuis.

    Te surgeries were made possible by a $30,000 grant we receivearlier this year rom the Yuma Community Foundation.

    Rescue works!HSOY works with rescues across the Southwest to

    increase the market of available homes for our homeless

    pets. Over the last few years, nearly 3,000 of Yumas

    homeless pets have goen the heck out of Dodge on the

    Rescue Express.

    We work with many great rescue organizaons, one of

    which is Mixed up Mus and Shepherds, Too. Thats where

    Cynthia Spencer and her family found Bella. Bella went

    by the name Legacy at HSOY and had sat in a her kennel

    waing for a home for weeks unl she got a cket on the

    HSOY Rescue Express to Mixed Up Mus and Shepherds,

    Too, in Phoenix.

    Dear Loma,

    I wanted to send a couple of pictures and let you all

    know how great Bella is doing in our home. We made the

    decision to adopt a dog aer our senior dog passed and

    we were ready to add another member to our family. We

    were so pleased to come across Bella on the website. Sheseemed like a perfect t for our family. We have two young

    girls so we knew we needed to nd a dog that was good

    with children and we wanted to help a dog in need instead

    of shopping around for a puppy. We could not have made

    a beer decision. Bella is wonderful! She is so good with

    our girls and with our two cats. She has had some training

    coming into our home so she was great in her crate and

    minds very well. I am an avid runner and she makes a great

    running partner.

    For any family out there wondering if a shelter dog can

    make a great pet, I am condent to say that we could not

    have found a beer t for our family. Thanks so much for

    bringing her into our lives.

    32nd ST

    24th ST





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    The Humane Society of Yuma Thri Store has compiled over 300

    recipes from friends, sta, volunteers, and board members for a

    cookbook--and it is available now!

    Order your a cookbook today for yourself and a couple for yourfriends. Itll be shipped out to you right away. The price is $12 plus

    $3 shipping and handling. If you pick one up at the thri store or the

    shelter, theres no shipping and handling! Gi wrapping is also available

    at the thri store for only an extra 50. All proceeds, just as with the

    proceeds from the thri store, will go directly and enrely to support

    our low-cost spay and neuter program.

    Tanks to volunteers with Feline Friends,

    a member committee o HSOY, and HSOY

    clinic sta, nearly 100 eral cats were altered

    in a single day at our spay and neuter clinic.

    Everything ran very smoothly and plans are

    already in the works to double the volumeor next year.

    Feline Friends, a member committeeo the Humane Society o Yuma dedicatedto the humane management o eral catsin Yuma, is one o ve organizations toreceive a $1,000 award rom Alley CatAllies to support a .N.R. (trap, neuter,release) event planned in conjunction withNational Feral Cat Day.

    Alley Cat Allies, the leading nationaladvocacy organization or eral cats, beganNational Feral Cat Day in 2001 to increasethe awareness o the plight aced by strayand eral cats. Te organization, oundedin 1990, pioneered the adoption o .N.R.in the United States as the most eectiveand humane means to control eral catpopulations.

    Alley Cat Allies stated in the pressrelease that announced the recipients, thatFeline Friends received the award dueto being among the most creative andinnovative community programs.

    Last year, 127 cats were spayed or

    neutered by Feline Friends with theassistance o Arizona West VeterinaryClinic during the oneday clinic.

    National Feral Cat Day

    Feline Friends requests the

    communitys assistance gathering

    informaon on area feral cat

    colonies that they are aware

    of, whether they are caring for

    them or not. To report a feral cat

    colony or for more informaon

    visit the Feline Friends website at


    Te $1,000 will certainly be a greatboost, said HSOY Director o OperationsAnnette Lagunas, but whats equally asexciting is that this recognition proves wereon the right track in our eorts to humanelymanage Yumas eral cat population.

    rap, Neuter, Release, or .N.R., is amethod o managing eral cat colonieshumanely and eectively. Feral cats aretrapped in humane cages using ood asbait. Tey are then spayed or neutered andreleased where they were originally trapped.

    Once a eral cat has been altered, the tip o itsear is tipped o in order to identiy whichcats in a colony have already been altered.

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    UnchainED HEARTYou dont have to walk the streets o Yuma or very long beore you see a sad dog at the end

    o a chain or rope. Dogs that are continuously tethered live a lie o social isolation, boredom,rustration, and constant physical hazards.

    Dogs are social animals they crave interaction with humans and other animals. Whenyou chain your dog outside, you are physically and emotionally isolating him rom beingpart o the amily. In addition to the psychological trauma caused, tethering presents many

    physical hazards or the dog. A dogs tether can become entangled around a tree, table, orother obstruction, preventing him rom being able to access ood, water, or shelter, or worse,strangling him.

    Dogs are not the only victims o dog tethering. ethering causes a great deal o aggressionand rustration in a dog. Dogs that have been tethered are much more likely to attack otheranimals (or people) than a dog that is not.

    When dogs are aced with a perceived threat, they assess the threat and decide whethertheyll fee the danger or conront it. Chained dogs do not have the option o retreat, so theyhave no choice but to conront and attack everything they view as a threat.

    Te most common reason ortethering a dog is because the owneris either unable or unwilling to keepthe dog inside or to build adequate

    encing to keep their dog inside theyard.

    I your ence is no match or yourescape artist, having to build a newone is understandably daunting, butyou most likely dont have to build anew ence at all i you try to upgradeyour existing one rst.

    o make your chainlink encehigher, you can purchase a roll omesh encing material, also calledhardware cloth, at home improvement,

    hardware, or arm supply stores.Mesh cloth comes in dierent strengths. Some mesh is very thin and easy to bend (likechicken wire) and some is quite thick and sturdy. Select a cloth that is strong enough to stayupright at the top o your ence but light enough or you to bend it into place.

    I your dog is a digger, you can line the base o your ence with large rocks or extend theence with chicken wire about one or two eet below the surace. I you take this option,remember to bend back the edge o the chicken wire so your dog will not be injured i hedoes manage to slide beneath it.

    Installing a trolley system is ar rom the best solution and should only be used i you areunable to keep your dog inside or adequately enced in your yard. Your dog will be attachedby a leash to a line like a clothesline. Te leash is attached to the line by a rolling trolley. Tedog can run back and orth along the length o the line. rolley systems can be purchased atPetSmart and most discount stores.

    We at the Humane Society o Yuma have seen the tragic consequences o lie at the endo the chain and urge pet owners to nd a more humane alternative to keeping their dogs ontheir property.


    On the ourth Tursday o the month, the Yuma Sun includes Paws o Yuma County. Te

    monthly insert eatures 40-50 pets available or adoption, and tips on responsible pet care

    and other pet-related issues. Many thanks to the Yuma Sun or their assisting us in our

    tireless mission to fnd orever homes or Yumas homeless pets.

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    Photo courtesy o Josh Peckler/Yuma S

    Volunteer spotlight

    ere and Gary have been ostering or us longer that anyone else. We have been able

    to save the lives o many unwanted, homeless animals because o their endless eort to

    support our mission here at HSOY.

    ere Wade started volunteering in the cat room in April 2008 and soon became known

    to the sta as the Cat Whisperer. By April 2009, ere and her husband Alex started ostering, and they have had oster kittens in thhome ever since, or a grand total o 90 kittens. Amazingly, they have only had one oster ailu

    Latte. In September 2011, ere adopted Latte. Latte was ound in a cactus bush, where she w

    rescued and brought to HSOY and, not surprisingly, ere was there to oster Latte. Because s

    lost her upper eyesight, the Wades elt she would do best staying at home with their three oth

    cats: Mickey, Nemo, and Zae. ere gives the biggest part o the credit or her ostering success

    Alex and their our cats. ere has also continued her regular Cat Cuddling in the cat room and

    the instructor or volunteers wishing to be Cat Cuddlers.

    Gary Craword has been ostering puppies and dogs since July 2005. Because o a work inju

    years ago, Gary is able to stay home and oster bottle babies, puppies with and without their mothe

    For Christmas last year, Garys wie Paula gave him a huge black wire crate so that he could os

    up to three litters at a time.

    Te record number opuppies in a oster home

    is 17 and that record was

    set by Gary and Paula this

    October and November.

    Gary and Paula have

    adopted several o their dogs to make them the Foster Failure King

    and Queen. Gary will come in rom Dome Valley about any hour o

    the day to pick up a puppy that needs to be ostered. Almost all o

    his dogs and puppies have been to PetSmart to nd a orever home.

    Right now he has ten puppies, two are available or adoption, three

    that are almost ready, and ve that are our week old bottle babies

    that just came in on a Sunday.

    *Foster parents are said to have failed when they adopt one of

    their foster pets. Never has failure had such a silver lining.

    HSOY IS NOW A drop-off point for

    Habitat for humanity and Food Bank

    Te Humane Society o Yuma believes strongly in

    supporting other nonprots in the community.

    We recently invited Habitat or Humanity to place

    one o their signature aluminum can (and plastic)

    recycling sheds at our shelter. We have also placed

    a Yuma Community Food Bank dropo box in our

    lobby. So i youre planning to make a trip to our

    shelter, remember to bring your aluminum cans

    and nonperishable ood items along.

    Humane Society of Yuma Paw Prints Winter/Spring 20110

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    Dont get caught without a license!All dogs three months or older residing in Yuma County

    must be licensed. Te license verifes that your dog is current

    with his/her rabies vaccination. All Yuma County residents

    living outside the City o Yuma must license their dogs with

    the Humane Society o Yuma.I your dog IS vaccinated, you may license online at

    hsoyuma.com with a scanned or axed copy o your dogs valid

    rabies certicate. A valid certicate must be signed by a U.S.

    licensed veterinarian, state whether your dog is altered or not,

    and be current through at least April 1st*.

    I your dog needs to be vaccinated, the Humane Society o

    Yuma holds a number o rabies clinics at locations around the

    county or your convenience.

    *I a rabies vaccine expires during the year, your dog

    must be revaccinated in order to keep the license valid. A

    license is invalid during any lapse between the expiration o a

    vaccination and revaccination.

    WHy license?

    Its the Law. Yuma County requires all dogs three

    months and older to be licensed. Te license veries that

    your dog is current with his/her rabies vaccination.

    A licensed dog that gets loose and is picked up by a

    humane ocer can oen be reunited with its amily without having to be in our shelter, whereas an unlicensed dog may have to stay

    hours until you are allowed to bring it home.

    A licensed dog that bites someone can oen return home or a period o home quarantine, whereas an unlicensed dog must st

    conned at our shelter or a veterinary hospital or at least ten days.

    Unlicensed, lost dogs are guaranteed only a three day stay while licensed dogs are kept a minimum o six days.

    A dog license ensures that your dog is vaccinated and protected against rabies. A rabid dog puts your amilys (and the publics) hea

    at risk.



    1/14 Ave. B Albertsons 10-1

    1/28 Ariz. Market Place 10-1

    2/11 San Luis Cultural Center 10-32/18 Dateland School 9-11

    ButterfeldPark 1-3

    2/25 Somerton Council Park 10-1

    3/10 Target Parking Lot 10-2

    3/17 Pioneer Shopping Center 10-2

    LICENSES 1 year 2 year 3 year

    Fixed $13 $24 $35Notfxed $25 $50 $75

    Temp. $6


    Rabies $20 Da2PPcvk $15 Bordatella $15

    ID Microchip $25 Pet tag $5

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    12/16Humane Society of Yuma Paw Prints Winter/Spring 20112

    CONSTRUCTION OF SHELTER UNDERWAYAer enduring the brunt o the Great Recession, construction

    Yumas longawaited new animal shelter has begun in earnest. Whwe ocially broke ground in the spring o 2010 in order to instthe sites underground inrastructure, urther construction wpostponed until more unding was raised.

    While the new shelter is being built, our campaign to raienough money to ully realize the dream is not over. In order to gthe shelter up and running as soon as possible, the Humane Socieo Yuma procured a mortgage. So your support is needed more thever. Here are some ways in which you can help ulll the dream:

    . Buy a totally cool BE HUMANE tshirt at behumane.com. Purchase a brick online. Te inscribed bricks will line the wa

    o the entryway at the new shelter (see p. 13 or more inormation Attend Fur Ball 2012. Purchase a naming opportunity or cat condos ($5,000), d

    kennels ($10,000), and other areas o the new shelter (includithe crown jewel, the spay & neuter clinic). Opportunities stexist and are listed at hsoyuma.com/newshelter. I you wou

    like to discuss the purchase o any o the new shelters naminopportunities, please call Cristyn Weil directly at 3410983.

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    o order a brick, please enclose this orm along with the orderorm on the inside back cover.

    ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

    ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

    ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

    ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

    ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

    ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

    the humane society of yuma PRESENTS

    FUR BALL BEDAZZLES AGAINOn September 17th, HSOYs New Shelter Project once againrolled out the magic carpet or Fur Ball V to raise money or a newshelter. Te event was held at AWCs 3C building and included aormal dinner, live music, both silent and live auction, and dancing.At the end o the evening, over $100,000 had been netted or theanimals.

    Tank you to Dirk Frauenelder, whodonated the value o his IRA account, a checkor $14,884.64

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    14/16Humane Society of Yuma Paw Prints Winter/Spring 20114


    As a member o the Humane Society o Yuma, you will be helping to carry out our mission.

    Your membership will provide Yumas homeless pets with the love, care, and support they

    deserve. We provide our supporters with the option o either becoming an annual member

    or a Every Day Hero (monthly supporter).

    You can become an annual member or as

    little as $25 a year. Tats just seven cents a

    day. Your nancial support goes directly to

    helping pets in need right here in Yuma. With

    your annual membership, you will receive

    Paw Prints, our semiannual newsletter, and

    ePaws, our weekly email newsletter.

    Bronze Paw $25

    Silver Paw $50

    Gold Paw $100Platinum Paw $250

    Diamond Paw $500

    You can become an Every Day Hero by

    providing a monthly gi to Yumas pets in

    need. Tere is no gi that is too great or too

    small. Please remember that every little bit

    adds up and makes a huge dierence in the

    lives o our ourlegged riends. Our monthly

    giving option is a great way to support our

    mission without breaking the bank. Our

    Everyday Heroes will receive Paw Prints,our semiannual newsletter, and epaws, our

    weekly emailed newsletter.

    Tank you or your support. Te Humane Society o Yuma would not be able to do what

    we do without the help o our riends and supporters. ogether we can make a positive

    change in the lives o our pets and our community.

    Get a tax break when you give Yumas homeless pets a break

    Tere are many ways to show your support or Yumas homeless and abused pets. We

    need your support to provide our shelter guests with the quality care they deserve, to placeas many o them into orever homes as possible, and to eliminate pet overpopulation. You

    may donate by either visiting hsoyuma.com/donate or by mail with the order orm on the

    ollowing page.

    ime is running out to make charitable

    contributions that you will be able to take as tax

    deductions come next April. And wouldnt you

    know it? Our pets have their paws stretched out,

    looking up at you with the saddest puppy dog eyes.

    Yes, wed be honored to be the recipient o your year

    end generosity.

    ...And heres something our sleuthing kittens justuncovered that may be o interest. Did you know that

    you can deduct donations made by credit card based on

    the date o the transaction, not when you pay the credit

    card bill? So, or example, i your credit card has a $10,000

    limit you could take a $10,000 deduction and not have to pay

    a penny o it until next year!

  • 8/3/2019 HSOY Paw Prints Winter 2012




    _____________________________________________________CITY ST ZIP

    _____________________________________________________PHONE EMAIL

    T-SHIRTS $17 ($15 t-shirt plus $2 s&h per shirt)

    Bella Fit PINK BLACK SM L XL



    Total # of shirts _____ x $17 = t-shirt total ______

    BRICKS Small Brick $50 (4 lines with 16 char/line)

    Large Brick $100 (8 lines with 16 char/line)

    (See brick inscription form on page 14)


    Id like to donate ________ to the New Shelter Project.


    I want to join as an annual member at the following level

    Bronze Paw $25Silver Paw $50Gold Paw $100

    Platinum Paw $250Diamond Paw $500

    I want to make a monthly gift of $ ______on the1st15th of thmonth, starting ________ (month/year), until I cancel.

    I want to donate $ ______ to the Roo Bee Cruelty Fund. I prefer to receive my newsletter via email.

    I prefer not to be recognized on the web site


    Id like to order a stone pet memorial

    small ($45) large ($75)both sizes($100)


    COOK BOOK $15 ($12 + $3 s/h)

    Id like to order _____ thrift store cookbooks

    Please send me more information about:

    Volunteering Including the Humane Society of Yuma in my Wi I have remembered the HSOY in my Will.



    _____________________________________________________NAME ON CARD

    _____________________________________________________ACCOUNT NUMBER EXP. DATE



    CHECKS: Make check or money order payable to HSOY and mail t285 N. Figueroa Ave. Yuma, AZ 85364.



    The Humane Society of Yuma has launched the Be Humane

    campaign to both und the construction o our new animal shelter

    and to spread the message of being humane across the countryand the globe.





    PINK: 100% COTTON.





    eam BeHumaneabout to run a hal marathon!

    John, Matthew, Joshua, & JasonMagallanes visited our shelter in theirBeHumane tshirts with their amilyto look or a new amily member. Werethankul that Yumas being humane!

    eam BeHumane

    gets all equestrian.

  • 8/3/2019 HSOY Paw Prints Winter 2012
