HSE 2014-2015 BOOKLET KC final

WHO Ethiopia Health Security and Emergency 2014/2015

Transcript of HSE 2014-2015 BOOKLET KC final

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who Ethiopia Health Security and Emergency


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IntroductionRefugee Crisis : Gambella Regional StateNutrition Emergency: Somali Regional StateEbola disease preparednessHealth and Nutrition Emergency: Oromia Dengue Fever outbreak: Dire Dawa Yellow fever outbreak: SNNPR


Federal Democratic Repulbic of EthiopiaMinistry of Health

Photographs: WHO Ethiopia

Ethiopia faced a number of public health threats including yellow fever, dengue fever, hepatitis E, measles, meningitis and diarrhoeal disease outbreaks as well as nutrition emergencies in 2014 and 2015. The global El Niño phenomenon which caused failure of seasonal rains in many parts of the country resulted in nutrition emergency and climate sensitive disease outbreaks in 2015. Accordingly WHO declared Ethiopia as grade two emergency and have been implementing emergency response activities. The Ebola pandemic of West Africa has also put the country at risk for Ebola virus disease in this biennium. WHO Ethiopia fulfilled its core commitments and performance standards, supporting the country with technical and financial assistance to surveillance, emergency preparedness,

response, and recovery activities.Regional States were also supported with Public Health Emergency Management(PHEM) activities. Emphasis was given to Gambella Regional States following the influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees from South Sudan. Working closely Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Regional Health Bureaus (RHB), and other UN and international partners, WHO Ethiopia has remained the key technical lead in public health emergency preparedness and response in Ethiopia. This booklet highlights public health events that Health Security and Emergency (HSE) team of WHO Ethiopia has been supporting in the biennium.

WHO Partners

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WHO Ethiopia Health Securty and Emergency 2014-2015



Refugee Crisis: Gambella

Gambella regional state housed over 280,000 refugees from South Sudan in the context of weak health system. The refugees are hosted in five refugee camps, governed by the Ethiopian government’s Administration for Refugees and Returnees Affairs (ARRA). WHO and partners supported the RHB and ARRA to provide basic health services for the refugee and host communities in the region. WHO’s supports include public health emergency preparedness and response, coordination, capacity building, Surveillance, EPI activities, and Guinea worm eradication.

Women and children account for over 80% of the refugee population

WHO supports reactivating and facilitating the regional health sector partnership forum, PHEM taskforces and advocacy meetings at various levels to enhance effective delivery of health services in the region.


Capacity Building

WHO provided financial and technical support for trainings of 254 health workers

Standard treatment guidelines, surveillance formats, and case definitions were distributed to all Woredas, and health facilities in the region.

No. Training No. of Trainees

1 Rapid Response Team (RRT)


2 PHEM training 343 Guinea worm disease and

Visceral Leishmaniasis40

4 Immunization In Practice-IIP


Total 254

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WHO Ethiopia Health Securty and Emergency 2014-2015



WHO handed over four inter agency diarrhoeal disease kits (DDKs) and four Inter Agency Emergency Health Kits (EHKs) to Gambella RHB for the refugees and Host Communities.

Outbreak Management

DDKs cover for 60 percent of Cholera cases and the EHKs benefits 40,000 people addressing different communicable diseases.

Regular active case search and sensitization of health workers , health extension workers, and community on both surveillance and EPI has been carried out

Vaccin preventable diseases surveillance and EPI

Investigations of 2 Guinea worm cases were carried out. Billboards and posters with Guinea worm disease messages were distributed in selected districts.

Guinea worm eradication program

WHO also supported the outbreak investigation and response of meningitis outbreak in Kule refugee camp. In line with this the surveillance, case management and vaccination response were enhanced.

Regular supervisory visits and on site trainings were given to health workers in all woredas.

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WHO Ethiopia Health Securty and Emergency 2014-2015



Nutrition Emergency: Somali Regional State

Sitti Zone of Somali Regional state is among the areas highly affected by the 2015 drought caused by the global El Niño phenomenon. Over 400,000 people were affected and situation appeared bleak in woredas such as Erer, Afdem, Shinille Hadigala, Mesio and Ayisha.

WHO supported FMOH conducting rapid assessments and responding to the nutritional and health emergency in the Zone.

WHO provided support to measles vaccination campaign and expanded outreach strategy-nutrition screening.

Emergency technical support team was deployed in the Zone and strengthened the emergency technical coordination and response activities supports monitoring of emergency health and nutrition response activities.

WHO assisted in the establishment of Multi-sector Emergency Coordination Committee and Health Sector Emergency coordination technical committee and emergency response planning

Supported with emergency drugs, logistics and providing guidelines.

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WHO Ethiopia Health Securty and Emergency 2014-2015



Ethiopia was at an increased risk for Ebola virus disease (EVD) introduction due to the existing geo-social vulnerability and linkages with West Africa, where the Ebola outbreak has been widely spread 2014 and 2015. Accordingly Ethiopia has been among WHO priority countries for Ebola preparedness support.

Ebola disease preparedness

WHO supported with the development of National EVD preparedness plan and implementing preparedness activities at National and Regional levels.Over 900 health professionals and supportive staffs were trained on surveillance, infection prevention and control, and the use of personal protective equipment.

Ebola preparedness assessments were conducted in all regions to determine their preparedness status.

Ebola Personal Protective Equipment worth of $94,951.00 was handed over to FMOH.

Visibility materials on EVD prevention, preparedness and response activities have been published.

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WHO Ethiopia Health Securty and Emergency 2014-2015



Health and Nutrition Emergency: Oromia

The weak performance of the rain in 2014 resulted an extended dry season and a poor harvest in areas including East and West Hararghe zones of Oromia regional state. The phenomenon caused malnutrition and rampant communicable diseases.WHO partnered International Medical Corps (IMC) and supported a project to reduce morbidity and mortality resulted from public health impact of disaster in 18 prioritized woredas.

180 health workers from all project woredas received PHEM training and orientation was given 180 health extension workersThe community based surveillance system is initiated and strengthened in all the project areas. A total of 4,638 Health Development Army members were also sensitized at community level. The emergency coordination forums were established revitalized and strengthened at the zonal, woreda and health institution levels.

Dengue Fever outbreak occurred in Dire Dawa Administration and Gode town of Somali regional state in 2015 and over 1400 cases have been reported.

WHO Provided Technical Assistance in the outbreak investigation and strengthening outbreak control activities.

Dengue Fever outbreak: Dire Dawa and Somali

WHO undertaken Dengue outbreak investigation in collaboration with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and RHB in Dire Dawa

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WHO Ethiopia Health Securty and Emergency 2014-2015



Yellow fever outbreak occurred in 2013 in South Omo Zone of the Southern Nations and Nationalities People Region (SNNPR). The second wave of the outbreak arrived in April 2014. WHO continued to provide support in surveillance and outbreak management activities through 2014 in Oromia, Gambella and SNNPR.

Yellow fever outbreak, SNNPR Technical support was provided for reactive vaccination campaign in South Omo and neighbouring woredas of Gamo Gofa zones. 700 000 people in Gamo Gofa, and South Omo were vaccinatedTimely delivery of vaccines and logistics were also facilitated.

Yellow fever surveillance and outbreak management training was given to 242 health professionals from the three regions. Supportive supervisions were made to health facilities in the three regions.

Ebola Virus Preparedness National

Health and Nutrition Emergency E and W


Refugee Emergency Gambella

Yellow Fever Outbreak SNNPR

Dengue Fever Outbreak Dire Dawa

Nutrition Emergency Sitti Zone

AWD in Oromia

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WHO EthiopiaHealth Security and Emergency Team Menilik II Avenue; UNECA Compound; Zambezi Building Ground floorP.O. Box [email protected] Tel. +251 11 553 4777Fax: +251 11 551 4037http://www.afro.who.int/en/ethiopia/who-country-office-ethiopia

www.facebook.com/WHOEthiopia @WHOEthiopia