HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese...

2019年8月 August 2019

Transcript of HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese...

Page 1: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

2019年8月 August 2019

Page 2: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票




























「主要推銷刊物」的第二部分 — 基金結構內





二部分 — 基金結構內「保證基金」下的「保證特







積金條例》或一般 規例禁止的範圍內訂定的條款和


銷刊物」的第一部分 – 產品資料內「權益支付」下










The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus is a mandatory provident fund scheme.

You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.

You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy. You should note that the DIS constituent funds, namely, the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund, may not be suitable for you, and there may be a risk mismatch between the DIS constituent funds and your risk profile (the resulting portfolio risk may be greater than your risk preference). You should seek financial and/or professional advice if you are in doubt as to whether the DIS is suitable for you, and make the investment decision most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.

You should note that the implementation of the DIS may have an impact on your MPF investments and benefits. We recommend that you consult with the Trustee if you have doubts on how you are being a�ected.

The Guaranteed Fund invests solely in an approved pooled investment fund in the form of an insurance policy provided by HSBC Life (International) Limited. The guarantee is also given by HSBC Life (International) Limited. Your investments in the Guaranteed Fund, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of HSBC Life (International) Limited. Please refer to the ‘Warning’ section under ’Guaranteed Fund’ in Part II – Fund Structure of the ‘Principal Brochure’ for details of the credit risk.

The guarantee in the Guaranteed Fund only applies under certain conditions. Please refer to the ‘Guarantee features’ section under Guaranteed Fund’ in Part II – Fund Structure of the ’Principal Brochure’ for full details of the guarantee features and Guarantee Conditions, including the guarantee features in the context of payment of benefits in instalments.

MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or early retirement on or after his/her reaching age 60 can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the Member’s election (in such form and on such terms as the Trustee may, to the extent not prohibited by the ‘MPF Ordinance’ or General Regulation, prescribe). Please refer to the ‘Payment of MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits’ section under ‘Payment of benefits’ in Part I – Product Information of the ‘Principal Brochure’ for full details.

You should not invest based on this document alone and should read the ‘Principal Brochure’.

Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the ‘Principal Brochure’.

Important notes

Page 3: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

滙豐強積金獎項HSBC MPF awards

Reader's Digest 讀者文摘

讀者文摘信譽品牌金獎2019(強積金類別)(連續7年)Reader's Digest Trusted Brands 2019 - Gold Award of Provident Fund Category(7 consecutive years)

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期環球債券Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 3 years – Bond Global

・ 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 環球債券基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Global Bond Fund

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 環球債券基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – Global Bond Fund

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 五年期環球債券Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Bond Global

・ 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 環球債券基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Global Bond Fund

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 環球債券基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – Global Bond Fund

Capital Weekly資本壹週

服務大獎2019(強積金組別)(連續5年)Capital Weekly Service Awards 2019 (MPF Category)(5 consecutive years)


Morningstar最佳基金獎(香港)2019 — 最佳強積金計劃2019 Morningstar Hong Kong Fund Awards - Best MPF Scheme Award

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - ValueChoice

2019 Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv Hong Kong理柏基金香港年獎2019

Page 4: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 五年期中國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Equity China

・ 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 中國股票基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 3 years – Equity Europe

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 自選歐洲股票基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – ValueChoice European Equity Fund

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 五年期歐洲股票Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Equity Europe

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 自選歐洲股票基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – ValueChoice European Equity Fund

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期美國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 3 years – Equity US

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 自選美國股票基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – ValueChoice US Equity Fund

「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 五年期美國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2019 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Equity US

・ 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 自選美國股票基金 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – ValueChoice US Equity Fund

Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv, ©2019 Refinitiv. All rights reserved. Used under license.


滙豐強積金計劃整合及管理費下調Merger of HSBC MPF schemes and reduction in management fees

On 1 July 2019, HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - ValueChoice (the ‘ValueChoice’) was merged into the HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - SuperTrust Plus (the ‘SuperTrust Plus’) and formed one single MPF scheme following the consolidation operating under the SuperTrust Plus.

Details of the merger are as follow:

Six constituent funds under ValueChoice, namely ValueChoice Balanced Fund, Global Equity Fund, ValueChoice US Equity Fund, ValueChoice European Equity Fund, ValueChoice Asia Pacific Equity Fund, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Tracking Fund have been replicated and established under SuperTrust Plus. With such, the number of fund choice available for all members under the merged scheme, SuperTrust Plus, increased from 14 to 20.

Please refer to the below list of constituent funds under SuperTrust Plus with e�ect from 1 July 2019.














Page 5: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

滙豐強積金計劃整合及管理費下調Merger of HSBC MPF schemes and reduction in management fees


These 11 constituent funds under the SuperTrust Plus have the same investment objectives and policies, fee levels and fees and charges structure as those corresponding constituent funds in the ValueChoice prior to the merger.

強積金保守基金MPF Conservative Fund


成分基金Name of Constituent Fund

環球債券基金Global Bond Fund

保證基金Guaranteed Fund

核心累積基金Core Accumulation Fund

平穩基金Stable Fund

均衡基金Balanced Fund

增長基金Growth Fund

環球股票基金Global Equity Fund

北美股票基金North American Equity Fund

歐洲股票基金European Equity Fund

2019年7月1日整合後After merger on 1 July 2019

自選計劃下提供Available underValueChoice

2019年7月1日整合前Before merger on 1 July 2019

智選計劃下提供Available under SuperTrust Plus

智選計劃下提供Available underSuperTrust Plus


65歲後基金Age 65 Plus Fund



自選均衡基金ValueChoice Balanced Fund








亞太股票基金Asia Pacific Equity Fund

自選美國股票基金ValueChoice US Equity Fund

自選歐洲股票基金ValueChoice European Equity Fund

自選亞太股票基金ValueChoice Asia Pacific Equity Fund

恒指基金Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund

恒生中國企業指數基金Hang Seng China EnterprisesIndex Tracking Fund

中港股票基金Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund

中國股票基金Chinese Equity Fund

* *

Page 6: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

1 Management fees of all constituent funds are deducted from the asset of the fund.2 Preferential rate on the management fee is credited on monthly basis. Discount on the management fees are refunded as ‘special bonus’ in the form of fund units allocation to the members’ accounts

each month and are credited into employer’s sub-accounts (if applicable) and member’s sub-accounts (if applicable). ‘Special bonus’ forms part of the account balance and is subject to relevant fees and charges applicable to HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - SuperTrust Plus . If a member terminates his/her account or transfers all assets out before the units allocation of that month, no ‘special bonus’ unit rebate will be granted for that month. The Trustee may o�er other rebate/incentive arrangement to certain participating employers and/or members.

3 Other applicable fees, charges and expenses include, but are not limited to, joining fee, annual fee, contribution charge, o�er spread, bid spread, withdrawal charge and other expenses. For further details, please refer to the ‘Principal Brochure’.

4 Fees and charges of an MPF Conservative Fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of the fund or (ii) members’ account by way of unit deduction. The MPF Conservative Fund of HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - SuperTrust Plus schemes uses method (i) and, therefore, its unit prices, net asset value and fund performance quoted have reflected the impact of fees and charges.

5 The percentage does not include the guarantee charge of 0.75% pa of NAV.

1 所有成分基金的基金管理費會從基金資產中扣除。2 管理費優惠將按月存入。管理費折扣將每月以額外基金單位形式作為「特別派送單位」向成員賬戶退還, 並存入到僱主的賬目(如適用)和成員的賬目(如適用)。「特別派送單位」為賬戶結餘的一部分,將會


提供其他退還╱獎勵安排。3 其他適用的費用、收費及開支包括但不限於計劃參加費、年費、供款費、賣出差價、買入差價、權益提取費及其他收費及開支。有關詳情,請參閱「主要推銷刊物」。4 強積金保守基金的收費及費用可(i)從基金資產中扣除或(ii)從成員賬戶中扣除基金單位。滙豐強積金智選計劃的強積金保守基金採用方法(i),因此所匯報的單位價格、資產淨值及基金表現已反映收費及費用在內。5 該百分比不包括每年資產淨值的0.75%保證費。

HSBC MPF believes that with the merger, you will be able to invest in a comprehensive set of actively managed funds and more passively managed funds (such as index funds) on one single platform according to your own preference and risk appetite. You can also enjoy higher e�ciency in our MPF operation and the corresponding benefit from the larger economy of scale.

In addition, e�ective on 1 July 2019, HSBC MPF reduced the management fees of two constituent funds under SuperTrust Plus – the European Equity Fund and the North American Equity Fund. For both funds, the management fees reduced from 1.35% to 1.30 % per annum of net asset value (‘NAV’).

Details of management fees of all the constituent funds under SuperTrust Plus with e�ect from 1 July 2019 can be found in the list below.




如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽滙豐強積金網站或致電滙豐強積金成員熱線 3128 0128。For further information, please visit HSBC MPF website or contact HSBC MPF Member Hotline 3128 0128.

強積金保守基金4 MPF Conservative Fund4 0.75% 0.75%

增長基金 Growth Fund 1.45% 1.45%

保證基金5 Guaranteed Fund5 1.275% 1.275%

恒指基金 Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund 最高 up to 0.755% 最高 up to 0.755%

北美股票基金 North American Equity Fund 1.35% 1.30%

歐洲股票基金 European Equity Fund 1.35% 1.30%

環球債券基金 Global Bond Fund 0.79% 0.79%

亞太股票基金 Asia Pacific Equity Fund 1.45% 1.45%

中港股票基金 Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund 1.45% 1.45%

中國股票基金 Chinese Equity Fund 1.45% 1.45%

核心累積基金 Core Accumulation Fund 0.75% 0.75%

平穩基金 Stable Fund 1.25% 1.25%

均衡基金 Balanced Fund 1.35% 1.35%

自選均衡基金 ValueChoice Balanced Fund 0.79% 0.79%

環球股票基金 Global Equity Fund 0.79% 0.79%

自選美國股票基金 ValueChoice US Equity Fund 0.79% 0.79%

自選歐洲股票基金 ValueChoice European Equity Fund 0.79% 0.79%

自選亞太股票基金 ValueChoice Asia Pacific Equity Fund 0.79% 0.79%

恒生中國企業指數基金 Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Tracking Fund 最高 up to 0.79% 最高 up to 0.79%

智選計劃下的成分基金Name of constituent fund under the SuperTrust Plus

基金管理費1,2,3(按每年資產淨值的百分比計算)Management fees1,2,3 (As a percentage of NAV per annum)

整合前(2019年7月1日前)Before merger (Before 1 July 2019)

整合後(2019年7月1日起)After merger (From 1 July 2019)

0.75% 0.75%65歲後基金 Age 65 Plus Fund

Supplement to the 'Principal Brochure' of the SuperTrust Plus was issued in July 2019 to reflect the relevant changes and the consequential changes. You may refer to the relevant supplement for further details. The ‘Principal Brochure’ and its supplement are available on HSBC MPF website at or you may request these documents through HSBC MPF Member Hotline 3128 0128.

智選計劃的「主要推銷刊物」的補充文件已於2019年7月刊發,以反映上述變更及其他相關變更。有關詳情,請參閱相關補充文件。「主要推銷刊物 」及 其 補充文件已上載至滙豐強積金網站,你亦可透過致電滙豐強積金成員熱線 3128 0128 索取相關文件。

Page 7: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票


HSBC MPF has launched our WeChat o�cial account in May! With WeChat, we can provide a brand new self-service experience to our customers. Some key features of our WeChat o�cial account:

請即行動!搜尋我們的WeChat ID「HSBC MPF」或掃描右面的二維碼,關注我們的微信官方帳號以獲得有關滙豐強積金的最新資訊!

Act now! Search our WeChat ID ‘HSBC MPF’ or scan the QR code to follow us on WeChat and receive updates from HSBC MPF!

* 請注意,因保安理由,請勿使用微信的內置瀏覽器登入網上理財。 Caution! For security reason, please do not login personal internet banking using the embedded browser in WeChat.

全新強積金刊物經已推出Unveiling our new MPF publications

HSBC MPF strives to provide the best customer experience therefore we have revamped the MPF publications. The new publications were launched on 1 April 2019, aim at using simple and easy-to-understand language to introduce HSBC MPF product and service o�erings. What’s more, the new publications also included information of the recently launched Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions.

You can check out our new publications below in designated HSBC branches or on HSBC MPF website.



HSBC MPFediuG ecivreS reyolpmE

HSBC MPFediuG ecivreS rebmeM


An administrative and service handbook for our employers


A servicing handbook for our members to get the most from the services provided by HSBC MPF


An introduction on the MPF scheme to all scheme participants


A step-by-step guide to direct our members on how to engage di�erent service channels

僱主服務指南Employer Service Guide

成員服務指南Member Service Guide

強積金概覽MPF Overview

服務渠道指南 Service Channel Guide

滙豐強積金微信官方帳號HSBC MPF WeChat o�cial account

虛擬助理「Emma」,隨時隨地為你解答一般查詢Virtual Assistant ‘Emma’ to provide answers for general enquiry anytime, anywhere

輕鬆獲取滙豐強積金資訊及最新發展Easy access to HSBC MPF information and latest updates

強積金賬戶管理及退休計劃小貼士Tips on MPF account management and retirement planning

Page 8: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

可扣稅自願性供款Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC)

更新你的聯絡資料Keep your contact details updated with us


Changes to the Inland Revenue Ordinance have already taken effect on 1 April 2019. MPF members can enjoy tax concessions by making MPF voluntary contributions via a TVC account. This helps you to establish a long-term saving goal for a better retirement protection. Over the campaign period, HSBC MPF offers bonus unit rebate up to HKD3,300 to customers making TVC. Please refer to our website for details about the offers and how to open a TVC account.

To avoid missing any important communications or MPF Member Benefit Statement, please keep us updated with your latest contact details such as correspondence address, contact number and email address by submitting the Personal Details Change Form (Form code: IN91) once you have changed your contact details. Please also be reminded to check regularly if you have received the relevant notices or documents by the designated communication means. For example, if you have selected to receive communications by electronic means, please check the designated e-mail box including the junk mail box to see if you can receive the relevant notices or documents. If you would like to check your personal details in our record, please contact our MPF customer service team for assistance.



Page 9: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票

Consumers have been empowered in recent years by the growing popularity of online platforms such as travel information apps. The same concept now applies to the management of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF). The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) launched an upgraded MPF Fund Platform (, which reveals the components of MPF management fees for the first time and provides more user-oriented navigation. The new platform enables scheme members to obtain more information on MPF funds, and exercise their rights as consumers to select the funds that best suit their needs.

The Platform, which amalgamates the existing Fund Performance Platform, Fee Comparative Platform, Low Fee Fund List and Default Investment Strategy Fund List, provides a one-stop solution for scheme members to examine information about different MPF funds and compare their fees, performance, fund expense ratio, etc., to assess the effectiveness of MPF funds from different perspectives.

The Platform reveals the breakdown of fund management fees, namely the administration fee / trustee fee / custodian fee, the sponsor fee, and the investment management fee. It also shows the guarantee charge for Guaranteed Funds. These information helps scheme members understand whether their investments and services received provide value for money.

On another note, the MPFA has revamped its MPF investment education platform (, which now provides financial planning tips to address the needs of scheme members in different age groups. This helps scheme members understand their personal situation and motivates them to manage their MPF proactively to realize their desired retirement life.

We encourage scheme members to make good use of the various online tools provided by the MPFA to review their investment portfolio regularly, and to formulate an appropriate investment strategy according to their stage of life, investment goals and risk tolerance level.






加強版「強積金基金平台」 助成員揀選物有所值基金Upgraded MPF Fund Platform helps scheme members select value-for-money funds

以上資料由強制性公積金計劃管理局提供。 The information above is provided by Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority.

熱線 Hotline:2918 0102 網頁

Page 10: HSBC MemberNewsletter 2019 Aug r4HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund 「理柏香港基金年獎2019」最佳強積金 — 三年期歐洲股票



2 v0

















豐銀行有限公司),向HSBC Provident Fund Trustee

(Hong Kong) Limited資料保護主任提出。

The MPF associated services, including but not limited to the internet service, ATM, consolidated bank statement, branch network and part of the hotline service, are provided through The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.

The information contained in this publication is for reference only and the provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the e�ect of the contents of this publication, you should seek independent professional advice.

Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the relevant ‘Principal Brochure’.

Customers have a right to request that personal data about them not be used for direct marketing purposes. Requests can be made in writing to the Data Protection O�cer, HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post O�ce.

保證利率Guaranteed Interest Rate

The guaranteed interest rate for the Guaranteed Fund o�ered under HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus is 0.15% per annum in the scheme financial period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. Provided the Guarantee Conditions are met, scheme members will receive the greater of the Actual Balance1 or the Guaranteed Balance2 when payment or transfer of accrued benefits is made. Please refer to the ’Principal Brochure’ for the details of the guarantee features and Guarantee Conditions, including the guarantee features in the context of payment of benefits in instalments.








1 The Actual Balance is the value of the units held in the Guaranteed Fund in respect of a Member or a Deferred Member.

2 The Guaranteed Balance is a nominal balance. It is calculated by taking the value of the Guaranteed Balance as of the beginning of the financial year, adding contributions in respect of the Member or Deferred Member that have been applied to purchase units during the year up to that day, accumulated at the Guaranteed Interest Rate; and deducting a portion of the Guaranteed Balance corresponding to amounts withdrawn from the Guaranteed Fund during that financial year.

1 實際結存是成員或保留成員所持有的保證基金的單位價值。2 保證結存並非實際結存。保證結存是在財政年度開始時的保




Please note that the guarantee will not apply to the following conditions:

1. Monies switching between constituent fund(s)

2. Transfer of monies when the employer chooses another service provider

3. Transfer of monies to another service provider by a Deferred Member not upon the Guarantee Conditions listed in the ‘Principal Brochure’

4. Account balance held in the Guaranteed Fund is crystallised on 31 December in the year in which the member reaches age 65


1. 成分基金之間的轉換

2. 僱主因選擇另一服務提供機構而轉移款額

3. 保留成員並非根據「主要推銷刊物」所列的


4. 保證基金中的賬戶結餘將於成員年滿65歲

那 年的12月31日具體化下來