HRMMMBHli - NYS Historic

/ MEXICO INDEPENDENT MEXICO, TSmSBA F, NO¥, 27, 1873. Ne^softfoeWeels. The Board of Aldermen in New York City have authorized the loan of $2,006,- t'OO to the Department of Public Parks* and Works, to give work to unemployed laborers. In the Virginius matter the Spanish Government has premised to comply with all reasonable demands. The French ministers tendered their resignations on Thursday last, but Presi- dent McMahon declined to receive them. In an address to the students about leaving Rome in consequence of the sup- pression .of t h e religious institutions of which they were inmates, the Pope warned the students from the I'nited Suites against the complete liberty to which they would be exposed. An explosion took place in a eotliery at Wigan, on Friday. Twenty-five ink ners were killed and injured. A patent has been granted to ex-Pres- ident Andrew Jolinson for a combination plane. I'ole Gunning, a notorious burglar, has'been arrested as one of the partici- pants in the Nathan murder. An additional force has been employed in the Brooklyn navy yard. Twenty- six hundred men are now employed in the various departments. Six vessels are being got ready 1'jr pervive. < >f these, the government is doing the work on tv> o and.the others are under contract. The government is jilting tha Colorado and Minnesota ready. The Florida; which carries 23 guns, and is said to - i>e the fastest vessel aifoat, v.iii soo;> he -ready for sea. The government has either purchased or chartered the steam yacht America for a dispatch boat. A demon- stration, has been made by a mob against the l T nitetl States legation in Madrid, but the excitement <>f the people is not shared by the Spanish government, and i General Sickles if- of the upiniun that the legation will b- protected against vio- The following are the prices paid for farmers f roduc*, etc, in this market: 'lour,(retail) Spr^ §7 75, red $S 75, white §10 00 Meal, $ cwt, (retail) . Com, ..... * Oats, , Butter, Loose Butter Cheese, Lard, Eggs, & doz., Beef #ft,-. Beef, $ cwt., Mutton,^cwt., . ....... , Pork, # barrel, *fetfl,) . . ., Pork $? cwt., Apple*, (dried,) t*ft> Ham, $ lb DresVl Poultry, & lb, . Potatoes, 4? bush., . is Fall and "Winter Has just received his Fall and Winter stock of urnitu r of 'enxie. HAS ALL THE L A T EBT S T Y L S S I ^ols, Stands, Notions, &a, &c. J ! CoreHES&MATIIESSES a Specialty NSW STYLE and E L E G A N T DESIGKNB, Consisting of Parlor Suits, Chamber •Suits, Dining Suits, Tete-a-Tetes, Couches, Ladies' and Gents' Easy Chairs, Mar- ble and Walnut Top Cerjr ter Tables, Rockers, Bureaus, Bed- steads, Washatands* Extension Ta- bles, Spring Beds, Cliairs, Mattresses, Cribs, Cradles, Brackets, Whatnots, OV ^i ANl> ,i tF 1 T!u- largest assortment of Couches ever in Mexico, manufactured by an ex- perienced workman. . M at tresses 'of Hair* Husks, Wool, Sea i Weed Tiber, Ac, Also a fine assortment 1 of French. German and American Mir- rors. Having sold the undertaking business : he will devote his entire attention* to- 1 Furniture. Call and examine his stock 1 before purchasing. H. BALLARD, Main St. To the L- n OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mexico and Vicinity : We .are now prepared to cut or manufacture any- thing in the Hne of 1 x . ['-Oil ENT Ladies iii the latest Fall and Winter Styles. Such as Double and Single Breasted English Walking Sacks. Double and Single tBreasted Cloaks, House Sacks, Basques, Waterproofs, &Ci £acks and Waterproofs, cut for (.'liildren. We have a larjjt* assortment of T R 1M I 1 N (1 S , d>9 KAA A- Y B A B %)£)*tJ\f\J miuk with oar splendid Combination Prospectus, It, represents saihplo pages and style of binding of 50 intensely interesting rind useful books, that.1 Fell in every family. Best thing ever tried by Caii-varsors. A-<iK.\TS WANTED., to make a PERM-ASTST BIMN-KSS (.n these works in ivery county. V'ro(i|;>ectliM s e n t p o s t - p a i d on receipt of price, SSI,;..>. . Fur < h-i-uhu-.s ami. liberal term;,, address JOHN II. PoTTKIl & CO.., Publishers, I'hiladeiphia, i'u. ;i A 1 fy Qi \ 1 ii l''«ur Week's Cii-nvass- irJ_/^ ? 0 ' V iiig was one Agent's profit on Bryant's Libfttrti ofI'aetrii and Suuy ; »?0 i-ii out" week tbe A'ar iiuii.t t 'l;t:jic/s M'ui- 11(1.1", by Mi«s ].5(>eoher and M r s . SStnwe. Any ac- tive man or woman can have an ageney,. J. R. 1'OKD &., CO., New York, iVoston, t'liiea^o and San Franciseo. K i\i\ 'i / 1 V V HPU wa-nted for our popular MAI'S and religious and historical cjEkAKTsi, Splendid assortment ! Latj*o sales'! Largo profits 1 Address IIAASIS- & LUBRECirr, Empire Map andi'liartKstab- lishiiieut, 107 Liberty St., New York. BICH" MKHG "ISBSI 1 VOVi S..VLE.VEltV CHKAT'! rri.T PHE. BESTIIMYESTMEIT, _ No Fluctuation ! Always Improving: In value ! TO Piirelmsars of jy Li'Gr OI Sueh as Erinj;os, l^i-ei, <i.inips, Cords, Tin- i qnoia Silk, Watered Silk, Satins, Yolours, Or- j Tl.s \V,.il:\ ••'if., •r.,/>-«i',v/u .u.i-li f;> '/.. .i-',.>wc naments, Frogs, harjje velvet, silk and jet Kr.t' '•' /<•''•'' /«/<f/.\ tons, S^c, &e. j NOW fS Tlli-i TlSlK. Information for changing old" style gar )ED S , Tlie largest and best assi'rtinwi'i. the Town of Mfxiv-o fo- and upwards. i>i-tVw-cT.t ht;,!' ; and circular doors ina.'e i<> ir'L; shortest notice. . i-r I'M MaiiufacttirGrl of the best Material. Mexico, Oct, 23, 1873. 62 lea* er than ever before. Call and c'-itniue before pnrcluisiug. Repairing done on reasonable Tonns. tieneral cilif-naan vUiu-<i the jndus- j 1 v.ill Sfdt Cntters and Siciglis trial Exhibitii-)*i at Newark, New Jers^j I on Friday, ills re'vptii'ii «a-a wry cti- thnsiastic. The meeting <>f tlx> Cahiner, held yn Fridaj was the longest L Id during President Gram's admiia^tratioti." The members ot tlu- ( .tbinet are v<_ry .eiicent and nothing has transpiied of the ilis- cusstons of the st'ssion, In conversation the President said that although the gov- ernment was friendly to Che Sjianiok r«- t<v talk about, but, when you come down t(3 facts In cashwi. more Ooods of Nu»v i* the tiiut^to get a splendid turn our. Manufactory > vposlte Toronto M ^Leo,^ov. 17, i.s?.-.. [Stone Bobinson & 0&., c'-^v-feaiiw'./Er";Ss»fA'-" ."SsSsrLA:" .~-?3 ' Now, than a.ny time since the War ! • v\ G have u large stock of goods on handj , m a n y of which were bought since the . ,. ^ ,, . - . . . : _ . . - i jtfvat panic in Wall sti-eet. and a t a great puHic, Iiu! reparation ior the ^ irginws | TTTKTJX WQB.DS* ' ,iist »«^ froi11 former P riGes . a « d ^ l be outrage woula be uisiste.t npon. A large | , -^-^^ Ui.^U, ; ^ ^ ^ Wl nAi * u low price> 3 . ,, ,, ,-•,., . •,-..; M- ii • , i T> > , .. , -Now :s the time to secure *lerma:ua Hai , New \ork, cif,% on I'll-' I w A W a h v ! i.eiorji.-,. t r . - . ^ w m - ; i \ s ! t daymgiu,, and lesuatious were adopted U^,.,*^ a ^.^t useful faunly „, H •:.,.-. ;\r I , J ^ S ^ ^ ' " ^ *.XJlL-*& CiUUUb Uenouticunr ti -• » :r 3 imu•-, t,;urage. , j,aii.s and aeLes v,e knew notliintr ... ^o :-.! ^s j Shawls, Knit Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, On'Satu-vdj---, .*-;.ige \K\\ h vissed.sen- i the Pain-Kiik-v. For many hit -..d .!; v».-e- i.t . Beavers and tenee on \\ i-e... •... A. 1 weed. IxQ was ; ^j \ wi 4 y u , what we ,j_ iH v ,.. x, _,f.. u , i;y u -i,t; i- Sv?ntenced on ;,:'.! i - f t h e !*) li-nndieil and ' to be wid>-mt a hottle of iJavia' fV.if.-Killer. •'•• : ..»:- ..... «t F o r I h exce,».;: and fourth •• .-. Fr-iun IVvvis &S.,N.. VV.\.. '.:. 1.,— : ii':it>. witii i utnU :--A-kln)'iL,'luiM;rainvr l» ro:i ! ; m n> t .1 )*.-':t-.!v m a d e or I'.-.'il.-Svi);..:-. J ! \KAT. .;f.-.r. s-.Mll'h, third | to your invalnablo iuci-.i.-i'i.-, I'am-ivi li-'l !-..;o gr ami third < tents : -- Akiiou^h a M;r your iuvalnablo men ..,..,. ,f | fonned its ae.|naintaiKv iu )-',?, :. \\ I a u ...n • ' , ' * " . * I Hio.-it-iutiuuite tenn-; \rith it i-tlll ; n:v ej.!i.i-.-ieu.-e . tour. <>n ti:: nv^i. .-'-.•on! and taira jinitsuseonliraw my oeltvf thr.t :!:<•:•<• i> r.o j founts, T\V.*' 'v.J.. -.,•!-.• -n •<•>{ to IWV'il fine I in. dk-ipe cpial to Pain-Kiii. r f o r i!u-(,ui,:. and- . ,. , - . *.-_.._:._,. .. ,- . ,,. x .r... i_ > ' r r e o m v o : S u m m e r t ' o n i p U i m s , S«.iv '!':..!•.• e., ! At.--o $•'•anuels and Domestics. \V e have a large stock of these goods on hand and of six cent -. was sent en v in the c^n.'.;. •• pay a tliti: • : •' until paia. eluding the ;• ..*!.:• }. iirth '.-ount. »e ; (.'r.mi., Kin i Lse.,.'iud('uts.. " ! h:iu- i.*l i; m .ul [ • • :...:;.•'-soiled on>' Vear afid round a spcedv cure in e \ e r v c-a-e. !', I.:--',.;'. i-\, S:.->-X ;ui"d t o \ o.tu-s I V u l y . " T. •!., '..Aij'lvi N K'.'. M. ;». i :-:.i vt'.i!:.! c .Jtiiii-dtt'ed t l.„d^i, lr ,- ;. y our ov.-t: <-\\'- •'••.'•• • : •'.-.. r o. . . ! ;." ' i • i .4. J i ;w ;i:id ill- ;;:a'-e.. a irial .ff IVrvy l»a\i." l'.i : ::-Kil,!.-;-, !i. 'i^-^e 1 w a s s^n are anxious to realize on them within ; '.lie next '.<•> days, and in order to do this j we .>!:'•!• o.u- new goods at a very small not i ; it widely a,.t:i nr^'r^i j udv;iuv fmm cost, and make a. discoimt uhnei<t. and vaiiuibleiiitcriud ::«.!.'.(<ly i«r eoiil-." on,oiil- oilier goods to COlllpare with OUT teneed to >.;.•_• >r .?:\ !u .|i; •avn.en. and I and va^H'o\lR-r comnknt^.- - AV„-./ '.»•„ !'.. : 1^1 pmvhasiS. Call and'examine our ,,, Vv -., L ..j | stock and you will be convinced you can 3-30 tin- remainder ••:' * '•• \.M Was s.•>(•..'•.'. • . each foar .-..:.. Til" w i t •!•• . . - r u iiuine'.ii. e. ; v,' ;-.,-. is -t? i - , i - ,: '- .•.j :nts: <>,i the 'Hie. et'iea. y < f Perrr,- l>a\ i~" v. r! 1 l- •n j i -iinent ; p,,',,,"/,;-'//)'/-. "in all di'seas..-4 .,f the •!..>'«.•! line (,i« :'-•_'.")') on : i>i that t<*rrible s.-oiir','e, tin- A-i ur ei—u i.t, i..n •i 1'ee.i aliipiv attested by tije IUO-L (na.i: -;II^ a,i.- . . . i tii..ritv. Missionaries ifi Cn-ii-.i .n:d India n;e.<• ••: : .-.;-s ».: l.upns- wriu-n houu-in .a ••:' i!:i, ••v ! .,.-dy . ;ui : .!:.•' > i! of tvsies iii t e r m -• .»!us:ild c a r r y e mvi -tii:.; '...'. e .:H.-L I ,. 1 r t h e I.r.v Tweed ^•i'^t!,. -.vid'h. it- p-..j.i.>.i.:i-ii..v :. ; . .o. nn-oai- .,., . tie- nearer In mm n ample piM..; te..^ t.i- vn- wia Sr-rvi- ins --ht-nce m v»:e -coMity tue< claimed for it .-'j* rertl an.; t:i':,i!,: •. Ain<.!i- penir.entiai-v on ::a-kvfel:\ Island. TIi.6 I- •faniily medi.-iit-iw it staifb :: ^h-dtd. /;<>•.•.„! sentence to* i.adb.w •*•-.•< ja : ! i . \»?A \ C ' ourie7 '' sa\e money bv purchasing vour goods 6f STONE f ROBINSON & CO. Mexico, t)ct. '4$, 1873. technicaliiy. Comman h' charge ui't!*-? i"> ••? 1- > id: ; i invy yar i-u-foriiis li-i-- N...'._\ 1 >••!; ti •'!!•• .' ih.i", o n | Fri'hiv bi^ii.i. . ••'( .n n ;• ':.uj''_".l to .gain aanti'. io". 1 •• •'..'• i r o n ••:-i-l 't'» , i-. , f.ttt»r. Th^v w-ero .-•i'.ii -A p-T.n:o-,i<)n t>« g o o n board ot hf-r.. an«l .ir.'d vi r i >n iii'- ccuar. d. Ti lO" i il-'lc.l i .ic sti-!- '.!•:»». ; > ; ' t : • I."H'.-r I'l^nklin li.i.s been pia..\I on ii..e dry d.>."k in the 1 shoul.r 1 ''Iia-;.:!esiuv,n u./y yn..!. A L,ir,;e &KveJ\'- l ' ! ''"" k ''' The S'ttitf-'laii Sreninn <•;,:.• ff- <-f !5o^t..n, ;.iy-: It is inipos.-a'o!e to !ind a pl'.e.-e on ' this nr«' id land where P.'i-ry l>avis's Taiu-Kiihr U :e.t known as a most valuable reuie ly for p'.ivsi pain. In tli'- eountry, ini'te-s I'roi.i p"i\ ~i l e . o r apothecary, the . Paiii-Klll.-r is eher.-h-d ;• iii- exclusive panacea, and it : v!.-., "i'ERitt DAVI--' I'AiN-Ku.i.i-.ii i- realty a ,.K- ualileiiie jieani.'nt, and, unlike im-t,. : the ar- ticles of tint day, is -.i-.-'t I-y many physi -iai.s. it is p.irtieii-larly li'.-sira'.ilt.- m io,-.uinn< v;h. re physicians rre not ne.«r ; and, by la-ephi,: it at h.uid, families will often wu- tue i:.e'.es>ity of seh'-Iin^ out at midnight for a .'•• -c. r. A b..ule be kept in -very ho-. •..'"-/?>••»•./• oney, ernper i.-: e m p l o y e d if: tiinn.; ill ^'lankiiii and Brooklyn {'•>•• .-.•,%; e. From i 'iiarlesi m,, South i '..roiina, Salt Lake and od.^-i- ei: •••; re;> ..;•":; :v\: reeeiv- ed of large a n I -ui.iu.iiasiii: ine.-tit-igs l.eil to or. .-. • i.ns. *.n • v i firi'-i: as. A severe sho.k of c^ri.inpi-*h.' h.ts lieen '• We have tested tile P.dii-Ki!i-.-r. ainl ire our readers diat it not only , po.,.se.s&es all the \iftues claimed for it, hut in many iustiiues „u-r- passts any other remedy we \v..\<- « v. .- ku-avn." & I i\ r Pi\ <£».>/* per day. A- tits w.-uvt- «I?'1U i.U' # 4 1 ; ed everywhere, i'art-u-u- lars free. A. H. BLAIK&<'0., St. Louis, 5lo. felt at Vl^-k:!, ' '.tl. ; An Irish h u m .-* dcn-oiistatlon took ! •placu in Dublia ^n.iniay and w-a.s .pa-r'tici- j pa-ted in by n e a r ! , - ii'•-,«.-Ui ) j.prvms. i lit'a |oliti'.-ii . pe h af. C! : . ;! nv sti Sat -relay u-i-gh' Mr. i'Jls-.-j.••] ].,cM ie;l a- | TUc)NTZK*l7 RY V i c i r j u ^ r ( T i ; fk : iV>:s ? groat struggle i.t SPECIAL I0TI0ES, WETl WWZl WWZl , IS FlooFLAXIVS (JKRMAN TdTTKilS VA- •. .A'^4 T r I'.siu? Crystal » Vi-A \% !••:•.•<. Thoy -are Cleart ^"4i& Vl.-Klia.nt! Perfeef! Are |ML'J\ Oum-tz, antVUighlypol- W » ^ '^Ivri-Foc.x.taoy enable tho -wearer to see perfectly at. any difctancc. ments into new.given with pleasure and for nothing. We have'been to a i;.m.-l de.i-1 of time and ex- pense to procure st.vl.s ami paUriis, and hope yoil will call and e\.i:!iiue them. Stone, 'Robinson k Go. Mexico, Nov. ;., 1S7;;. 1 1873. 1873. Million-, of M.-t-es of the iliiest l.iutb on „the t'oiitinent, in KA.-:.:-I:N NUDUSSKA, now for sale ,-- iiiaini ui Hi.r',1 uii'i 1 'hefifiv iii /.'«.• ijiini t at prices that VKK V < 'l)M VE'VVV 1 < >X. ih.-iuiilT.!, V. u - < Yedit Ciw.i, w/.t'i i t at Six jR-r . ea 1 .. The Land (ira-r. P.-tids of the I'ouipany tak- en at i>ar for lauds. They eau non- be purehased at a lar^e iliseoiint. j- •" IMIII partieulars UIM-II,. new (li.ide with new Map' mailed free, by addres-ii!-< O. V. DAVIS, .'..,. i <'..u/-,'\W".:n- r. f. /'.'. J:.. r DMA 11 \, Xl, 11. t ;.C FMMEB, -oor FraiucK, V/jiaiow i"r..iiu .ore 'i- .uto. <t-c. A:: o;.: ban d-:'.d i.-ia-le t-< Agents Wanted. KKXl) iMRCA'l'Abut.t :; ISew York and Oswego Midland EE. SUMMER AUKANGEMENT. Cliaiige of Time, s Oswego to !i : hiey I'iavns and Waltoii, New iW'liu, l'.-lhi and Aubum.'- S'it : (rii'T and n.ost direci route to Oneida, ITiea, Sa-.atog. . Ai- bany, Troy, New Vt»r"k, Boston, rhi-1 adelphia, and ail oilier points East a. id South.—Lines of Telegraph to all ' Domestic SO'V.ill-g Macllill-8 Oo., Stations tor Itailroad and Piiblie Ser- \ ^?ew Yorlv. vice.—The onlv line in the State run- ' : °^ rr "* 1 '>^%"^'- -,-<, - \ - r ->- - i - ^ , nhigall 12 wiu-.d-d Coa.-hes. J . ZP^kJ k'J i i . V ih U i "~ , Toiai-t i l':i'i< f 'ii'iffiif <!<•!, in,!• I' uf i/,t: ft.urn fhr Commencing Monday, Cet. % Hi. \ IfaOftENOS 'li^WmZr MAmimm 00- Ti-ainn will run tUilv, S-.UI.IJVS ev.-epteJ, as f..::..v.-. : i Ilfil'ii JctTlliiIIJ J t(i CMl ™Znw»lnT* GV ' I EEBUOS PEIOES, 7.00 A, M..; Fulton. T..-7 : IVnuelville, 7.45 ; • « " " ' ""'"^ ft',-<•<//! r<- tu-ll flu'if ?f (*>;"> Jf,,.,-/, \ut> Square, 7.58 a. i..: oa. i.'n, y.-o; Norwich-, ia. .-; . ^j;, Ull j „//„,,.• „/,,/.,,. ; u prmmrUim. Sidney Plains, 1-J..17 p. i-i..; W.iltuii 1.17 ; Hancoek, l.,>; •' " ' ^^. . , ^_,„. J ^.'l^ l .__i.^.'_ a J , Liberty3.44; MiUJU >.... i, ;..i.l ;• Patciv...u s. 40 ,; .IVrst-.- TrTi' H LiOxVi J^N Oi' City 3132 ; arrives at .New Voile at !UH •,.. m. ' ' "" ^ J ~" - --»»"'••*- u -*~ iJ -'» v/- 1 - CHK.M\S»a KX-PREtaS. ,',,• th- < I X LY S iri:-t-/ M'(H-h'ni' thill /• » ( /s 45.P. M. ; stops at all Slati-ma ; tu.rives at Noi-wleli, j-/./,«> ,;.•„//• /,'"•/-.,••./.-,/ /.••// I,ifi'\ir<t, or t-0 GOING WK-.T !.-AVK NI:W voriK. , ".'" '. - . ,,„..,,,• ,..•;. A Y i) TUllol'iliH MAM.. 7.00A.M. ; N'ewaik l..\:\\ MLldle-town m.ju \. \ SI }f !'IJ l IL I). mt.l I-I _!",' •ii-ti-rf flui, m. ; Eilenvilla •?--; l-i-bert-v la.3tf: Watt.m If. 11; : ; ' / / " ' < Sidney Plains 4.20 ; No.ii/j !>.: 1 ; isinith'3 v'alley I;.-JV. ' ' ' ' / " ''•' '' ' ' " -' ""' " ' '''' '•'•' '• On.ida7.25; Cental S,„a« M ; . ; IY„„e!vinJ •,,., _ jrj, Jg M Q W T H E {J-HMPEST! Fulton 9.20 ; Arrive at (Mn-tsjo at !i.45 p in. osv.'i: :<; i:xi'ni-:.-- -LKAVi: NKK'WICJI- • n ) i \ ' S h ! ? iif»d. ('nxi-r!;t'Jt.NK.K I inali- !•> S*L< "t^ «» -VTW<«HJ,.!„-.-.iias-s tl.c TwoExpresst-jain . .ti'.v . a h w:iy, \ikh i-lugaiit •!- j 1;LIV *-t ;i:_'*i*. l':.n l;e ii.si_'.l_"ii aiiy vu.ilm. i;an]i 8.00 a m. . stopa a. 12.30 p. m. /•'/",.,,, -r. .'/.-.• ..... '/(;•• I,'T-'i. A-'ji irl'.svHiiled ^n\ ;vii i\\} iirxiii. ci-xr; ivi'iiNK-K , I i-'-iir s;tlo'l-' ill l..:a,ji lU-ulvr. and nightVars tat »cn. I, ...:: .••'.«• -.-u New ' V" Oswejo vrfthout cliiii.f.-. . __ _ . ._ .... Trains are run by Ai' >..:•• ln-i--. ,!<";:•; -j. 1 ^i\ Vi'^:i \X U 'ii.Sj h'rS' Tickets via "Midia'w" •: !•>: t>r.>j'iTsJ ai the i>.-r.- '- ..',, """' .." ,, ' .- ;> ,-, '*,'. '. .' * i pal-eastern offices, of t-.i. :.. ":. C. xc ii. R. Iiu, a-..l A. . W 1 *':'- -. ''.' L ' '"/'f'- li'"'". 1 . t \ , : !1 l ,ut!sa " ! & S. E.. E. . »i'b--, c..siiii.< X'Al to i?l!)0. •! l-.r uUau{> by Through tickets! t.> thf |>'i;i' ipa! i.'.-U'.-n cities :>:•<: .-.M \ A. i:>.'nvi-: '!'l iUil'.Uinr. .^ Co,, f.atikcr tiio- pdinta Vr'est on sats at tl-.e t:..:n;u.iy's ofllcs-s. ' ! v ..;••:, ;;•.!• W a i l Si., X. Y. BAGGAGE C!I i\ ' K K D T I-I H ' O H : II.'' --psv. |in:« \.\;-y. oi: S;.i'L ciiAJfM- Eassenger8 can se.-itrt; s.-. tioas or berth* m s.I«ci •' s I i- IN(!.'" II"'. 1- -itlior >i'\ may fu-jciiiati* and cars for the iVun ' i.v amplication to ti.^ ' -,-iiiu tin. the !'•••• and afi'c.-ti'iii.s of : r:y jK-r-on company'stek-graiilia.:-, -t.. ih.-vch<«-s'.>. inst:viit!v. inV-iita! a,c- ir,^?"^! fur '•.. , .'"-' ::> ihiH hue are l a n.l.V. .lire. L!I , ,,,,1;.^,,.,^ ri ,U ,.. ul p,,:^, free,-l.y inail, for 25 m the village, a.i.i.bu- t..-- >tase. tuusfer ail.. ' . . ,: -. n ,- „c,,;i •• ,, .• i Time betweeu <)•!•.. .v< :-i-l K.if.oii Uventv mimiim I. Oracit-, L'r.-.un. , runts to LtcliL'... .\ ipa-er quicker than by ai-vo.acr I : M'.-. '* it U. 1:10,(111) -,\U. A.hir.-s •: T. WTi.l.iAM! C -:. r. ^.IM?CLKy, Supt. I !; CO . I'l'.blKh -r«, Pliila<l'c1i>hia. "Wit. H. WEED, •Oed. IMe.t Aut. . . . - - — .spiritual ami t-> inoora! powtrs,. Over ono thousand .-.killed £.dk work- men have riiturned to Flaglatidaud I'h-anee since work stopped in the silk manu fa "to- nes in Paierciu;-. New Jersev. i,o-.w .-'. u.e ] i-'-KCAr^-t:.. IT I-} UKJJAB-LK IN ALL. ("iSiiS. JT IS NOT A RUM HKINK. IT H \ S HKEN TEb'i'].;}) TFIIUTY Yl-iARS. IT WUKCOMMENDKl) tJY i'HVSii IANS IT JUS RHCOMMKNDEU liY- f.LkU(JYM'KN IT TS REC.OMMKNDLiD P.Y LAWYERS. 1 IT IS RKCOMMENDKI) l'JY A L L WHO For sale bv R. L. ALFRED, Jeweler, Alodco, N. V. 2 Selling' oat AT McCartliy's ,Ghina Hall, -Oswego, TO MOVE TO OUR in S! It is stated order* t^ve been re- ; JT WILL CURE LIVKlt C'DMPLAtNT. eotved at Ptiila lel[>Lia to put al! tue raoti itors at I/'aynes inland in iigliting trim. | <ienL;raI Sickles iias given tin; agent of the As3ocia t e<l Prev? in London autliori- IV to deny ali rumor.-; to the eflec-t t h a t Us had broken oTs-.'-ial relations with the Spanish ininistvr of {'urei-^n affairs, or that relations outwee-i him un>I tlic Spanish official h?<\ been ittte'iT.tpied, or that he had said war was inevitable. The ipU'stion nf ;i rfference to iir'oitra- tioll of QUI' truiiiile with. Spain io propos- ed in Spain; the [-hnp«r.«r of -'Germany i'; suggested a s : m arbi-tr.itor : t h e (Jhief of the Ordnanjy l"»«reau at. Washuig-toii strongly rec^n-mi"ndd the armaiit-ut of our sea-.Goa.~it roitiiieation.s. The. United States Caru-idg" Uimpa- ny js workin/j; ni^ht ami day to till or- ders from the 'Jnited States army and navy for oarti ids^es. The United Scat..-.* steamer Fortune, was launched a; the Washington navy yard? on Tuesday. She will carry two thirty pounder ri'hrl "tins, in addition to her torpedo attachment. Th« ninetieth aiiniver.sary of Evacua- tion Day was celebrated in the city of New i'ork on Ttio.iday, [•RON is THE Uuxiu.—When the blood is well siipplieil with its iron element, we feel vigorous and full of animation. It is an iusuftieiency of this vital element that makes us feel weak and low-spirited } in such cases; the Peruvian Syrup (a pro- toxide of iron) can supply this deficiency, and its use will invigorate ur, wonderfully. ..wiiMJ & *>• a Bi» . i "• ||2!PPure RoekC'audy Drips Syrup at Ballard's, the best ever in town. If you •want somethju"; very fine, it can not fail to pleasa yota. IT WILL C'l'RK DYSPKIVIA IT WiLL Ol'UE JAUXDH'K. IT WILT.OtTR-E AIARASMLS. IT WILL CURE HABITUAL CONSTIPA- TION. IT WILL CURE SICK HEADACHE. IT WILL STRENGTHEN THE DEBIL- ITATED; IT WILL TONE UP THE XERVES. IT \ V l U , ( ; i V k A l i O O b A F ' t ' E T i T K . IT WILL AKSIriT' DTGKSTION. IT WILL CURE ALL DISEASES ARIS- ING FROM DISEASED OR BEHILI- TATED DIGESTIVE UKfiANS. lie sun- y.iu get '"iloilanfl's Cfernian Bitters." S"M l.y all I)m- V *" a ts. Printinal i-flke, (iO^ Arch St Phi-la:!, iphia. 1 ?'l-7:n ilavinjj just decided to move to Byra- cu•«•, v here we can extend onir wholes sale business, we. will ( ']'• )S!> ()ut our Entire iStock consi.^tin- of the BEST and FINEST Assortment we ever had of Xt "iysi 'ry! TVTOTICE TO .CREDITORS. -I-ii'imiWai..-e i?i of an order of Timothy W. Skinner, Surro- gate, of Oswego County, notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims against SyLia, ITol- listetviate of the fcowii of Mezico, in said boun- ty, deceased, to present their account',, with the vouchors thereof, to Franklin Washburn, Ad- ministrator of the estate of Sylvia Hollister, on or before the 1st clay of June, 1371, or they will lose the Iieneiit of the srtatu-te in such case made and provided..— Dated Mexico, Nov. 20, l l .73. QTATK O F N E W YOltK - SUPItKME IO f'OUUT— t'ol-KTV op Oswttuo.-^Adoniram I'iaher and jjrtrenzo Ling against William C. Parker.-. Summons. To WiHiani C. Parker, defendant, ynu are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of Adoniram Fisher and Lorenzo Ling, plaintiffs, which was tiled in the office of Ci'erfe of Oswego County, at Oswego City, N. Y., on the 25th day of Xoverabsr, lb7'ii, ami to serve a c>py of your answer on the subscriber at P ^ la ski, Oswego (.'ounty, N. Y., within twenty days after the service of this summon'!, exclu- sive <>f the day of servics, or the plaintiffs will take judgment against you for one hundred and forty-one dollars and seventy tfive cents, with in- terest from November 22d, 187.'?, liexides costs. j. W. FENTON, 4-7 Plaintiff's Attorney, Pulaski, N. Y. ^§F At the Vienna Exposition the E. Howe took a (!rand Medal of Pro- gress, Medal of Merit for superior work, and three Medals of Co-operation for superior excellence of production. 52 tve. At prices to Suit the Times! China, Glassware, Silver" Plated Ware, Looking -Glasses, Lamps-, Lanterns, Table Cutlery, -ay n-ices t< Regardless cf Oost. C'OMK WillLETIiE ASSORTMENT IB GOOD. No, 3 JEFFEBSOM BLOCl, Oswego, N. T. 4-rt-1 y JOHN" McCARTEY & CO, BUILDING FELT (Nil Tar u •;'.•,fnr <>nt -i •!•• w-n-k nnd iui-k-. hi' .st V.d <if fi: lsti.-r. "t'rlt ('.ii].. t i l l ! - ' . >\Ci.-. S.:ll.'i tWO -!-i-int st;ui.i's tin- < 'iu 1 iktr :uid S.i:u|il •-. ("'. J . FAY, C:uiidui, >.. ,i. AKKortinent funipi(..•',. -.^.ui <YHi--r with di.'-pateh. order with, pron ; .>*.' and glass sot WI,>M <>.-d> <:• I : i BLiNia i Living a'li'lcl a n- wJlii.wi Sl:a.; TcU' .-:i .daeliiiK' t<i my w-nrhs. I mis ' uiv > ual.Ied to liil .;;-.!.-io ,".-.:• 4~> to'.'Atv<-nt.i ;••'!• fi-iiit. Ihior : '.i ; ii:'i-. i iiM.iu'-' S-lnittc-TS, A--,, .d:i.^, i n a d o li-» A•!--1- i - «!! tin- s:i-.;.>t r<-a- • yiiaiilo terms. ' MOULDINGS With t.'ie best a n d '••< • ' •'• sortmont of kind-;, i m:i *•-.:• better sat i«LV t i o n * 11 • •.' i -. • • • country. W i\ If \ X -'••IK>:,(Jiiis and 1«>vswant- f H V J t A A t Itu M-H <mi- Pn-]«-li <iiid | American .(..-ui-h-y, iVtioks. (..aiics, ^.-,, in their wwn l.i-i'.it.i.s, N.) ranital >IIH-.!<-.1. {':ttal<i^ue, TI-KIK, i>-.,M-n-t l"n:.;-:. P. o. vrr'-Kl-jiJY & (.'O., An ;:isl:i, id-aii-K-. M l\X VV ^••• ; il-'I'^'l'' •vith HUii.-i! .t Kev iilViliil t'i u -!c Outiu,.. < ',:vi-l.<iie.. and lull, VWVAi. ;s. :,{. H-I-KNI-K-P., Ii7 UauoM-i- :>'t., Mi,.4-iv.. "HRMMMBHli Ml $ W' *S.J?_?L BS-. - 9 . The 8^ ecber.. asiifoiiable Tailors, Vl-# cbisa ^ihs tuA-n - r tse>-* i t . a ^ wail' ft - . - ™- -. -•3 And Bealei'S in Gents 5 FurmsMir? Goods 3 Plicenix Block, Mc:dco, Y. .ily Favorits.! CLABIC I J K i.'-M!')ll.c 1/lld'Mi'.V «> r c. w. Manufacturer and ^V , ho^esale and Retail dt-Hiler in and Patent Well Curbs. All kinds of Thii'i* "ii" I" n"'^ iiHv.-a.iu,,'-, (an ! v.h • A > mit"/ in tu'-.ct.s fur tlii- Fonrtii Grand -Gift Goncert or: !:::NK,i-'i r ur-ni.,: tvK ky. W'l.ii 'i i.i'i- "d in L»iii -villi- <i.i t.n- . ; '.'i : . "f De- ( ..-ui.l.i i- next. U.ivi- i.o'tinii- t" !'<..••. Only (i<),<M)0 T i c k e t s 'HAVE iu:rx lssri-M), AND 1:12,0 0 0 0 A 8 E GIFTS, if 1 A.MOJ'Xmv, TO $1,500,000, WILL LT, DIHTKIHULKD A S i'< M.i.OWS: LIST QW tllffS: ONK CIlAS'liCASll <;.i!T .--r.iVOOO : (j.\i-i t:-i;A.N--i) c.\>n VAW mo.ouo ONK CJ.I(.\N'H f A S H <;iKi' .-.'1,000 (INK i-Asri ina-"r -f>,ooy ONE «itANl> CASH Oll-'T 17,500 10 -CASH (iil-TH .Sin.ODl) ea.-li 100,000 SjMtiAiffitara ;.,iiiioc.ich n.o,ooo 50 (.'ASH GiPTK l.doii ;.(i;000 so OASH (»KT« .'.00 eat-li -l(i,000 100 CASH GIFTS 400 each 40,000 I.V)-CASH tJII-TS Win each - 45,000. iMM.-ASH O-'PTS L'OO ea-cli - - f.O.OUO ir; CASH (.-rT.-i loo each - 3-2,500 11,1100 CASH OlFi-.s i,o t;u -li - 550,000 Whole Tickets, !?50. C'ou-pons, (Tenths) 85. For tickets or infuriTiation, address I*tiblie m«rni:v 13uiliiiny. Loui-s*. IMu, l\\., *-•' Thos. H. Hays & Co., Slxs St§3idQffiiG.o of tfea Late Stass Qia-rk fes Sale. ,..?. 'Wislko^s CaliforniaTin- •'•ih-rs :>rc n. purely Vegetable ::.-:;. iiuiik- cliieuj' from the na- .-, !•• Mid on the lower ranges of ;;•:' Nevada mountains of Califor- :. , :'.c ".;i:di('in:il ))roperties of which ... ..-.!:-.ii-icd thfrofrom without the use i : .'..ic.-hii-l. The question is almost d „:,# •'; -hcii., " W h a t is tho cause of the i:-i.;."i-:-ih-h-d Kiicce^ of VlKEGAU BIT- •i: ••> ." < )".u - an.s'.vcr is, that tliej' remove in.- •'.;••• '• i.f dix!n.5t j , and the pafient re- t : 1.;.; ht-alih. T-lvey are the great 1 i . i t.-;-,-i.i".(-r and a life-giving principle. ;• :-;.'i-(t Kenovator and Invigorator i-i ' {'..•-.-.-.- tem. Never before in the 1 hi-:'..,- i !' the- vnritl has a medicine bcwi v-..'-;:.v'i'.:..,.i. .1 ].;>,.cs.-incr the re-markahi-a c -......-s ui" ViM:.:A.t; healing tho .s'u-:: ul" i;vcir (ii.-c:i-u man is heir to. Tlu-y ;.:•• ,t i.-iiic I'.ivp-'iiVK a.i well as a 'Ionic, r. .:.-.:: .r i : -.n<iv,t..-n «.r Inflammation of Ii i- 1 iin- ;n:.l \'i-(.-'.-:al On-'aus in Bilious 'i'hc proper!i('H of I)K. WAXKEK'S. A'r.-i -.A!; in i i I.I. , :i-:-t< A;r.'rient, Ilianhoretio, <" i-;-.!!,,1-vi-. .N'liivi'.i'-m^ Laxative, IMuretift, S-ci.i i-ic, (.'i.iii.ifr-Ii-rita-nt Sudorific, Altera^ ti-. •-, a:.U Anli-J'.r.iou;. (' rnirfud thnm&mls proclaim Vrx- Kii.iK Brrrr.iis the inost wonderful In^- ^i'.•••:••:.t that ever sustained tho sinkhig s.V.-i'- .h' " No Prrsoa can take these Bitters ;i; r- a i-T to {Jirections, and rera&in. long 1 i::iv. cM, pruvidedtlieir bones are not de- I Miuw-d hy ndnefal poison or other ! n. \iri6, iuvl vital organs wasted beyond i lvnuir. iJIions ileinitteat an«1 Inter- j nut l e n t L^-^vr-rs, which are to preva- i 1 ::..t ' i t.i-.f \ailevs of our -great rivers t!..;•• >\:--,huut the Hinted States, especially Iho.-e of the Mis.sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, 1 i'dnul.*, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- .' : ; . lied, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, l'< arl, Ala-bania, Mobile-, Savannah, Ro- aii'ihc, James, and many others, with tl.'.-ir v;i. t tribi.itar.ies, throughout our fi-ii-irc couu-try du.ring tbe Summer and A;:i i-inn, and remarkably so- during sea- r-iu.i * i umi^ual heat and, dryness, are r.ivar!:iL]y accompanied by extensive de- r:.ii-.,; niciits of the atomacb and liver, ;:•;'! n'.l-icr abdoininal viscera. In tbeir L-« .-it.-ii.-nt", a purgative, es«i-ting a pow- (••:'. tl inllm-at'o upon these various or- -,..:.! •, is <-.j.-(.ntiaiiy necessary. 'There i; ii i c iiihartic for the purpose equai to lm. .). WALKI;U'IS ViNEGAii BITTKKS, P. -• they will speedily remove the dark- K-dind vi> niatter with which tixe li ••.-.• i.s n:-e loaded, at the same time i-.:.i-.i-!,iiing th" : ecretions of the liver, All khtd.-. itin-i •'••••••', .*.<,]<> ..ii-tho ; Ji"'.d ;;t-i,u-niHy restoring the healthy shortest no'i'-c ' I ms of the digestive organs. I s:\5i-Hiy the body against.disease TI'dTMlT' 1 ^- ' '" v i'>u il> lug ail its iluids with. VINEGAE *_L. ^O_-.J_J.,<..J, I J.J j ljC . .;_ Nu oiiidemie can take hold Uf every ili-.^-rijitic.-i do:»u v i t h dis- | o 4 ' a \vsU-i.n thus fore-armed. ,S';,>.jj«"psm or Indigestion, Head- nchf, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, j Ti'jhine.s-s of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour E> \v!;-tUi'is oi the Stomach, Bad Taste in (lie .Mouth, l»iiious Attacks, Ppd-pitrt-i ' tat ion of tho Heart, lutlamination of tho Lungs, I-'ain in the region of tlie lud- j m-\ -, anil a hundred other painful symp- t'mis, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. U'u; Lottie-will pro\o a betterguaiautee of -itsmerits than a lengthy advertise- ment, S^roffila, or Slag's Evil, White Pwcllin.c-.-, Ul.-ers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, ! tiuitT", Scrof'iilous Inflammations, Indolent i i-nilanirnaiions, Mercurial Aii'eetions, Old ; ^i-in--, i.Oi-iiptioiis of tho Skin, Sore Eye*. '-'e„ i lnJhi'-<i, ;..; in all other constitutional his-. I V.l . , Vt*ALEi:a'.S VlXEGAR BlTTUKS ll-ivo ck-.v.-a their great curative po-werd hi the n-if-t ol-> ,1'inato and intractable cases. for tuliaaiiiiatory and Chronic -i "F:»ii.".Jllllltisil3 ? Gout, Bilious, lteinit- ; t i-:it and intermittent Fevers, Diseases of. :• ti: ; HI--ml,. Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, i th- c r.i-t'tcrs have no equal. Such Diseases j aiv c.aised hy Vitiated Blood. :' Scclr.lisieal Biseases*—Person.? en- * ; i:::,o'<\ in Paints and Minerals, such as , r'-...-..:a-r-:. Tyju', .Gold-beaters, and ; H.,;c:-.-., ui they advaneo in life,, are imlijwt j lo- paralysis of iho Bowels. To ir-uard p. t:ii';.^ thi.s, take a do?e of WAIKEU'S"VIS- . L<:..\-i ItrrTirus ocea:-ionally. \ L 'or HI\ in Diseases, Eruptions, Tc-t- 1r-;-. .^.Jt-Khonni, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, : l-'u i-.h.v. Build, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, |' S :i'iiMif:'.(l, Suro Eyps,, Eiysipelas. Itcii, I ^.:-.;"-', l->i.-colorations of the* Skin, IJutnurs j and Pi. cases of the Skin of "svhatever name ; «i :i:.ti'Ti-, are liti'va'.ly dug up. and -carried ; <••"!. if the system in a short time by the ti^e 1 SOEOLL RAWING. ::ri'fh, v i t h pi-i-e-.-s to s-t'i il.i> liniv , and j t i ail. • -•>•• g..^ij|..:., .... . ••"'»;.-JS*' ff :*>*>"'* ' ' •J ^!S3,m,M£-:- •''."•.••.'jp.^.V*^' "•' -"i/'J &-•?-* 1 r ' 1 -\" i ; o:' ti;'-.-o Bitters. I ^ ' . [ Vh\, f i'apo 9 and other "Worms, ' tet&IXQT&l 3 1 Cb C It 3 ~Q i t h I ] ' nl '-'f-' »1 tlle sy.-temoi'-FO many thousands-', ' ;::•• i: 1 .' -tiiuHy destroyed and rnmoved. N'o _s ,.^_ _ r ,_ _ T . i -v t-'-'n <4" nicdk-ine, no vennifugeH, no HU- ' XALRTS-'"! I^ ,! "Y". ' l: '" ,; " •"H'icf willfrve the system from wurais I _-. .». .... j ' " j li'cn ftii-.*i> Bittery. {SHOP XKAi! i'-fK Dl-pOT. : ^** F'0HS ; ale€onipiailstB, in young, i {<• ti!!, married or single, at the dawn of ,VQ- I: • •!. or the tarn of life, these Tonic vat f-'.pchd atifvr.i,' i-Jw-n to i j- . •:. - :. V.'I l..!f l.(Ill Ul Itll!, l!.(JSU iOUJC I Horse Shoeino; :ail Ox S=io.eiBa-, i ~ : ' :: ' -"<•':»'':•'•- decided a- mfiacneo that i ,,,,.. , O :-cn.i-:it .i soon perceptible. v i-M. .i.uve H,,. i „., ,•,-,„ ..... , .'• ,V;. v ";',;.' „...!'/..'..' I ; "'•-••'.- : "> fu-i-1 iis iniparit.osharsting throiirh ;:.- Mr. I'i t .k*.-Ti.s i:,f :i .i „, i, c : .."ij, i.:,,'.,','K.i'-.- I -'-^'•'• i;1: i u ^'hnplos, Eruptions, or N.-rns.; f -.-t-aitttv. ' j (' ..::.:; it when you find it ohstnu-ted and i Parish. July l.v !«•-.;_ ^ -j _ ; ju^jii -h hi the vuins.; cleanse it when it ia ; i iViiiil: your wiii tell yon when. Keep *-• ""'^. --—. ! ti.-' !)i'»'d pure, and the health of the system S'OIi & T/s?"f;.--,php,c'feiT' w:i1 follow. I' 'I>;••! -'i-!s ' Apis.,San Francisco.Califijmia, :..; ...... uf Wasinn^ion ami Clioi^toa Sls„ N. Y. bt>i<t by all Sii-uggists and X>eaiej-s. i - - rv QTATE O F N E W YOP.K-S¥PItEME U COURT--COUNTY OP OSWHOO.—Ezra Cro- well against Judah B. Colt, Marietta T. Colt, Philip H. Ellis and Elizabeth Ellis.—Summons. To Judah B. Colt. Mariette P. Colt, Philip H. Ellis and Elizabeth Ellis, defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of Ezra CrOwell, plaintiff, which | was fiied in the Oswego County Clerk's Office, at Oswego, N. Y., Nov. 7th, 1873, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber^ at his office, in Oswego, N. Y., within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, or the plaintiff, will apply to tlie C 'ourt for the relief demanded in the com- plaint. W. H. KEXV'ON, Plaintiff's Attorney, 4-7 Oswego, N, Y, done on short notice. A specialty in PUMPS FOE DEEP WELLS. Also all kinds of OISTEM PIMPS, Work Wcirrantedtogirc (foodSatisfaction, I am hound not to he Undersold in Prico, nor outdone in Good Work, Bemeinber the place, Dempster Block, Main St.j Mexico. April 17th, 1873. 24 This house and lot is isituntedoii Main H't., nearly opposite the Mexico Hotel, in the village of Mexico, is iu one of the best localities for business pui-jioses, or for a residence in the village. This place can now he purchased on fa-vora- ble terhis, which may he ascertained by calling upon the undersigned, at his of- nce overfc>.II. Stone & Co's in the said village.. A. F. KfiLUicy, Agent. Mexico, July 2, 1873. 35 The Most Buccessful, The Most Pesirabh. The.Hast Poru-hr^ Oiiic-e ovt-f Peck's lirv C"".l Si.-.rr. I " " 7 " il. F. \Vl"N"CHi:-STER, Pnotogr a p her, II. 31 DoubON. TJ <•"( einy MEXICO, H. T., I 1,.- Points of Escsilenee i .Teffur^uii- :-i., > K-: i . , >,'. All tho Latest -.tylos s. Y. ui '•;<-t 1 :r.« f _fi. ui IAfe size -'_-.••,'. :iut: ;;ts- in all tho bi-anelier usu ••'.. In-ni'h an institution. ..: l -.:r..'-,,t vflbrt will be put forth ' • • , .school W O R T H Y sides. QOAL. Tlie following are tho prices for coal : GKATE, JJ.-00- EtlG, : 8.!>o STOVE S.:,0 CHESTNUT S.25 CHARCOAL, (per bushel,) 20 Blacksmith Coal always ou hanil. jjar* All coal must be paid for when delivered. 35 Easy to threat!. ISTot complicated in coiiHtnicth.-ii. Easy to regulate and keep in order. Simple to learn and operate. It runs lightly and W i t h o u t futi'. ;.-;e to *i?SS a F * rt „w, ... Mi.j^WlNG MACiilSSS. Tt . „ , ,. , ,\ Latest Improvement It^nas attachinents ior- ar! k'uds ot | -r • -, , -,^ . work, and they cannot be set »r, •.;... j ^}& ilX ' iulI1 3ll]lg; lliasily Its short and straight need-'. Its small and simple flmttle, whicii i.:-.-.l nut be taken out of the iiiuehivie io c'nr.i^t' the tension. Its movements,, positive and dependino; on no sprint. i .„,,-+,„ i.i,„„ " i' ,"""*' """ v ""^~ Thennder^igned is. Ag,ut for this h ^ ™ - . ^ "J****?™ « ^cur house rated ffiaeliiuef and will <:x- | ^ ^ , ^l 1 '*' Gj :!5 lul e x ^ ^cces- -. •• w... ; -., M-in iJiiecizH j of patronage. to tlio riui.iller.'c Geni, in.-nl-; on short notice.-—I T ('ojoring in Oil or V/at<i ' M o r ; .-lone to i.nW. IT'M: F X ] JC'llSC'S iWO l^CS SPECIAL ATTl. VTioV I-AI., IO COPY1XG. I .,,.,.; IK .,, t :. Jhl itutionB of tbisgnulu. riireaded ; .Xot .vnJ)icct- to lit*. ' Ah honest Maehii>a in all respects. Call at the Photograph Gallery and ex- justly celebra-usu uiatamie, aim A\'iu Ex- hibit the "WEED in ooni])etitioii with other machines at any time. Tor lr.r- ther particulai's call upon or address A. I 5 . AZSSj.&fSat;, IJNIQF SQUAliE, K. Y. Or call at VTEOIL'S BOOK STORE, MEXICO, Wliere can be seen the Weed macliiiie with all the recent and valuable improve- ^ i ments, makbig it the peer of any machine in the market. Be sure and see the Weed Machine sories kept for sale. IL C BEALS, Afft. Mexioo, June 12, 1673. SS V.i.-.v.' c.-ti Iv tihtah.:r , l in private familus airea,- •-. •. ' '.- .-.'. ,. A-i-'-uy .«tudt'3its furnish l&eir i.\. -i ; i •.: '.•_!'-: fm in a club, 2sid hire soma '.\:-.|.!< jicr.on to do their cooking, TL-U3 Ilclucing the Price of Boari to Aotlial Cost, ]•'..!! T'.r.ii of 13%veeks* open3 Augrusi S'j, 157S. - " '' " ' closes Nov. 21, " oncns Dee. 9, " cfob-es March 6,1874. opens_Mareh 34, '' . " •' closes Jiuie 19, " Vcv i-coius or iiirther information ad- drj.^s ;-: MOF.TIMER COOH, A. M., Principal. Mexico, K Y., July 16, 1873. Sv:...:t.-i-T.-nn •' ' '' .C *,! A Good Hunthi<j case Watch I •"'' t '- !ATJE —By the undersigned, I for §5. Silver k-vers §10. Am- j s l' : - ;i ^-yrar old Geldings. 8 Cows. eri««n watches fliI-vor««6e.§17.'i E P EV^ITS Indies Gold ^27.ffO Cta-.ifs A- | :,l,v<ko, Sopt. 24, 1873 *fieri-*aii. «o!d SS.S0. Watches ' W. PENFIELD, ! before purchasingelsewhere ^3S£^ sent CO.*). hy piyfa^r ^,Vn ' * }l - ^hai'g-eg iTnot tei!«eii. Send stfcimpibr Pi<ce "jst. iI.II.Doi!?-ox, -Mexico, N Y' i r "'^ " V LARGE QUANTITY O^ ^^^^ " OATS WANTED A T T H S ^^ v.-r ~ ':!•'< > UONTO MILLS. ^S, «*. x - i <• «P , , : C-"'-^ -1* A. C. THOMAS, ^a ^JS-ew arrival of Teas, splendid)-- . ——JT? :1it.v. Or. nnd K PO „+. . ^.- visiting cards printed at the Indedenpent office. . Go and see tit 32 " Hooss & COBB'S.

Transcript of HRMMMBHli - NYS Historic



Ne^softfoeWeels. The Board of Aldermen in New York

City have authorized the loan of $2,006,-t'OO to the Department of Public Parks* and Works, to give work to unemployed laborers.

I n the Virginius matter the Spanish Government has premised to comply with all reasonable demands.

The French ministers tendered their resignations on Thursday last, but Presi­dent McMahon declined to receive them.

In an address to the students about leaving Rome in consequence of the sup­pression .of the religious institutions of which they were inmates, the Pope warned the students from the I 'nited Suites against the complete liberty to which they would be exposed.

An explosion took place in a eotliery at Wigan, on Friday. Twenty-five ink ners were killed and injured.

A patent has been granted to ex-Pres­ident Andrew Jolinson for a combination plane.

I'ole Gunning, a notorious burglar, has'been arrested as one of the partici­pants in the Nathan murder.

An additional force has been employed in the Brooklyn navy yard. Twenty-six hundred men are now employed in the various departments. Six vessels are being got ready 1'jr pervive. < >f these, the government is doing the work on tv> o and.the others are under contract. The government is j i l t i ng tha Colorado and Minnesota ready. The Florida; which carries 23 guns, and is said to - i>e the fastest vessel aifoat, v.iii soo;> he -ready for sea. The government has either purchased or chartered the steam yacht America for a dispatch boat. A demon­stration, has been made by a mob against the lTnitetl States legation in Madrid, but the excitement <>f the people is not shared by the Spanish government, and i General Sickles if- of the upiniun that the legation will b - protected against vio-

T h e following are t h e prices paid for farmers

f roduc*, e t c , i n th i s m a r k e t : 'lour,(retail) S p r ^ §7 75, r ed $S 75, whi te §10 00

Meal , $ cwt , (retail) . C o m , . . . . . * Oats , , B u t t e r , Loose Bu t t e r Cheese, La rd , Eggs , & doz., Beef # ft, -. Beef, $ cwt . , M u t t o n , ^ c w t . , . . . . . . . . , P o r k , # barre l , *fetfl,) . . . , P o r k $? cwt. , Apple*, (dried,) t*ft> H a m , $ lb DresVl Poul t ry , & lb, . Pota toes , 4? bush . , .


Fall and "Winter

Has just received his Fall and Winter stock of

urnitu r of

'enxie. H A S A L L T H E

L A T E B T S T Y L S S I ^ o l s , Stands, Notions, &a , &c. J ! C o r e H E S & M A T I I E S S E S a Specialty

N S W S T Y L E and

E L E G A N T DESIGKNB, Consisting of

Parlor Suits, Chamber •Suits, Dining Suits, Tete-a-Tetes, Couches, Ladies'

and Gents' Easy Chairs, Mar­ble and Walnut Top Cerjr

ter Tables, Rockers, Bureaus, Bed­

steads, Washatands*

Extension Ta­bles, Spring Beds,

Cliairs, Mattresses, Cribs, Cradles, Brackets, Whatnots ,


^ i




T!u- largest assortment of Couches ever in Mexico, manufactured by an ex­perienced workman.

. M at tresses 'of Hair* Husks, Wool, Sea i Weed Tiber, Ac, Also a fine assortment 1 of French. German and American Mir­

rors. Having sold the undertaking business

: he will devote his entire attention* to-1 Furniture. Call and examine his stock 1 before purchasing.

H . B A L L A R D , Main St.

To the L- n O F


Mexico a n d Vicinity : W e .are now prepared to cut or manufacture any­

th ing in the Hne of

1 x

. ['-Oil

ENT Ladies iii the latest Fall

a n d W i n t e r Styles. Such as

Double and Single Breasted English Walking Sacks. Double and

Single tBreasted Cloaks, House Sacks, Basques,

Waterproofs, &Ci £acks and Waterproofs, cu t

for (.'liildren. W e have a larjjt* assortment of

T R 1M I 1 N (1 S ,

d>9 KAA A- Y B A B %)£)*tJ\f\J miuk with oar splendid

Combination Prospectus, It, represents saihplo pages and style of binding of 50 intensely interesting rind useful books, tha t .1 Fell i n every family. Best th ing ever t r ied b y Caii-varsors. A-<iK.\TS W A N T E D . , to make a PERM-ASTST BIMN-KSS (.n these works in ivery county. V'ro(i|;>ectliM sent post-paid on receipt of price, SSI,;..>. . Fur < h-i-uhu-.s ami. liberal term;,, address J O H N II. P o T T K I l & CO.., Publishers, I 'hiladeiphia, i 'u.

;i A 1 fy Qi \ 1 ii l''«ur Week's Cii-nvass-i r J _ / ^ ? 0 ' V iiig was one Agent's

profit on Bryant ' s Libfttrti ofI'aetrii and Suuy ; » ? 0 i-ii out" w e e k tbe A'ar'l;t:jic/s M'ui-11(1.1", by Mi«s ].5(>eoher and Mrs. SStnwe. A n y ac­tive man or woman can have an ageney,. J . R. 1'OKD &., CO. , New York, iVoston, t 'liiea^o and San Franciseo.

K i\i\ 'i / 1 V V HPU wa-nted for our popular MAI 'S and religious

and historical cjEkAKTsi, Splendid assortment ! Latj*o sales'! Largo profits 1 Address I I A A S I S -& L U B R E C i r r , Empi re M a p and i ' l i a r tKs t ab -lishiiieut, 107 Liber ty St . , New York.

BICH" M K H G " ISBSI 1 VOVi S. .VLE.VEltV C H K A T ' !

rri.T PHE. BESTIIMYESTMEIT, _ No Fluctuation ! Always Improving:

In value !


Piirelmsars of


Li'Gr OI

Sueh as Erinj;os, l^ i -e i , <i.inips, Cords, Tin- i qnoia Silk, Wate red Silk, Sat ins , Yolours, Or- j Tl.s \V,.il:\ ••'if., •r.,/>-«i',v/u .u.i-li f;> '/.. .i-',.>wc naments , Frogs, harjje velvet, silk and je t Kr.t' • '•' /<•''•'' /«/<f/.\ tons, S^c, &e. j NOW fS Tlli-i TlSlK. Information for changing old" style gar

)EDS, Tlie largest and best assi'rtinwi'i.

the Town of Mfxiv-o fo-

and upwards. i>i-tVw-cT.t ht;,!' ; and circular doors ina.'e i<> i r 'L ; shortest notice.

. i - r I'M

MaiiufacttirGrl of the best Material.

Mexico, Oct, 23, 1873. 62


er than ever before.

Call and c'-itniue before pnrcluisiug. Repairing done on reasonable Tonns.

tieneral cilif-naan vUiu-<i the jndus- j 1 v.ill Sfdt Cntters and Siciglis trial Exhibitii-)*i at Newark, New Jers^ j I on Friday, i l l s re'vptii'ii «a-a wry cti-thnsiastic.

The meeting <>f tlx> Cahiner, held yn Fr ida j was the longest L Id during President Gram's admiia^tratioti." The members ot tlu- ( .tbinet are v<_ry .eiicent and nothing has transpiied of the ilis-cusstons of the st'ssion, In conversation t h e P r e s i d e n t s a i d t h a t a l t h o u g h t h e g o v ­e r n m e n t w a s f r i e n d l y t o Che S j i a n i o k r« -

t<v talk about, but, when you come down t(3 facts

In cashwi. more Ooods of Nu»v i* the tiiut^to get a splendid turn

our. Manufactory > vposlte Toronto M^Leo,^ov. 17, i.s?.-.. [Stone Bobinson & 0&.,

c'-^v- feaiiw'./Er" ;Ss»fA'-" ."SsSsrLA:" .~-?3 ' Now, than a.ny time since the War ! • v\ G have u large stock of goods on handj , m a n y o f w h i c h w e r e b o u g h t s i n c e t h e

. , . ^ , , „ . - „ . . . : _ . . - i j t fva t p a n i c i n W a l l s t i -ee t . a n d a t a g r e a t puHic, Iiu! reparation ior the ^ irginws | TTTKTJX W Q B . D S * ',iist » « ^ f r o i 1 1 former P r i G e s . a « d ^ l b e

outrage woula be uisiste.t npon. A large | , - ^ - ^ ^ U i . ^ U , ; ^ ^ ^ Wl n A i * u l o w p r i c e > 3 . , , ,, , - • , . , . • , - . . ; M- ii • , i T> > , .. • , -Now :s the time to secure

*lerma:ua Hai , New \ork, cif,% on I ' l l - ' I w A W a h v ! i.eiorji.-,. t r . - . ^ w m -;i\s! t daymgiu,, and lesuatious were adopted U ^ , . , * ^ a ^.^t useful faunly „ , H •:.,.-. ; \ r I , J ^ S ^ ' " ^ *.XJlL-*& CiUUUb Uenouticunr ti -• » :r3imu•-, t,;urage. , j,aii.s and aeLes v,e knew notliintr ... ^o :-.! ^s j Shawls, Knit Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres,

On'Satu-vdj---, .*-;.ige \K\\ h vissed.sen- i the Pain-Kiik-v. For many hit -..d .!; v».-e- i.t . Beavers and tenee on \ \ i-e... •... A. 1 weed. IxQ was ; j \wi4y u, w h a t w e ,j_iH„v,.. x, _,f..u,i;y „u-i,t; i-Sv?ntenced o n ;,:'.! i - f t h e ! * ) l i -nndie i l a n d ' to be wid>-mt a hottle of iJavia' fV.if.-Killer.

• ' • • : . . » : - . . . . . « t F o r I h exce,».;:

a n d f o u r t h ••

. - . Fr-iun IVvvis & S . , N . . VV.\.. '.:. 1.,— : ii ' : i t>. w i t i i i utnU :--A-kln)'iL,'luiM;rainvr l» ro:i ! ; m n> t .1 )*.-':t-.!v m a d e o r

I ' .- . ' i l .-Svi);. . :- . J !

\KAT. .;f.-.r. s-.Mll 'h, t h i r d | to your invalnablo iuci-.i.-i'i.-, I 'am-ivi

• li-'l !-..;o g r ami third

< tents : -- Aki iou^h a M;r your iuvalnablo men

. . , . . , . ,f | fonned its ae.|naintaiKv iu )-',?, :. \\ I a u ...n • ' , ' * " . * I Hio.-it-iutiuuite tenn-; \ r i th it i-tlll ; n:v ej.!i.i-.-ieu.-e .

t o u r . <>n t i : : nv^ i . .- '- .•on! a n d t a i r a j i n i t s u s e o n l i r a w my oeltvf thr.t :!:<•:•<• i> r.o j f o u n t s , T \ V . * ' ' v . J . . -.,•!-.• -n •<•>{ t o I W V ' i l f i n e I i n . d k - i p e c p i a l t o P a i n - K i i i . r f o r i ! u - ( , u i , : . a n d - . , . , - .

*.-_.._:._,. . . ,- . , , . x . r . . . i _ > ' r r e o m v o : Summer t ' on ipUims , S«.iv '!':..!•.• e., ! At.--o $•'•anuels a n d D o m e s t i c s . \V e h a v e a l a r g e s t o c k o f t h e s e g o o d s o n h a n d a n d of six cent -.

was sent en v in the c^n.'.;. •• p a y a tliti: • : •' until paia. eluding the ;•

. .*! . : • }. i i r t h ' . -ount . » e ; (.'r.mi., KiniLse.,.'iud('uts.. " ! h:iu- i . * l i; m .ul [ • • • :...:;.•'-soiled on>' Vear afid round a spcedv cure in e \e rv c-a-e.

!', I.:--',.;'. i-\, S:.->-X ;ui"d t o \ o.tu-s IVuly. " T. •!., ' . .Aij 'lvi N K'.'. M. ;». i

: - : . i vt'.i!:.! c .Jtiiii-dtt'ed tl.„d^i,lr,- ; .y our ov.-t: <-\\'- •'••.'•• • : • ' . - . . r o. . . !

• ;." ' i • i .4 . J i ;w ;i:id ill- ;;:a'-e.. a irial .ff IVrvy l»a\i ." l'.i:::-Kil,!.-;-,

!i. ' i ^ - ^ e 1 w a s s^n

are anxious to realize on them within ; '.lie next ''.<•> days, and in order to do this

• j we .>!:'•!• o.u- new goods a t a very small not i; it widely a,.t:i n r ^ ' r ^ i j udv;iuv fmm cost, and make a. discoimt

uhnei<t. and vaiiuibleiiitcriud ::«.!.'.(<ly i«r eoiil-." on ,o i i l - o i l i e r g o o d s t o COlllpare w i t h OUT teneed to >.;.•_• > r . ? : \ ! u . | i ; •avn.en. and I and va^H'o\lR-r comnknt^.- - AV„-./ '.»•„ !'.. : 1^1 pmvhasiS. Call and 'examine our

,,,Vv-.,L..j | stock and you will be convinced you can 3-30 tin-remainder ••:' * '•• • \.M Was s.•>(•..'•.'. • . e a c h f o a r . - . . : . .

T i l " wit •!•• . . - r u

iiuine'.ii. e. ; v,' ;-.,-. i s -t? i - , i - , : ' -

. • . j : n t s : <>,i the 'Hie. et'iea. y < f Perrr,- l>a\ i~" v. r! 1 l-

•n j i - i i n e n t ; p,,',,,"/,;-'//)'/-. "in all di'seas..-4 .,f the •!..>'«.•! l ine (,i« :'-•_'.")') o n : i>i tha t t<*rrible s.-oiir','e, tin- A-i ur ei—u i.t, i..n

•i 1'ee.i aliipiv at tested by tije IUO-L ( n a . i : -;II^ a,i.-. . . i tii..ritv. Missionaries ifi Cn-ii-.i .n:d India n;e.<•

••: : . - . ; - s ».: l . u p n s - w r i u - n houu-in .a ••:' i!:i, ••v!.,.-dy . ;ui : . ! : . • ' > i! o f tvsies iii term-• .»!us:ild carry e mvi -tii:.; '...'. e .:H.-L I ,. 1 r t h e I.r.v T w e e d ^ • i ' ^ t ! , . -.vid'h. it- p-..j.i.>.i.:i-ii..v :.;. . o . nn-oai-

.,., . tie- nearer In mm n ample piM..; te..^ t . i- vn-w i a Sr-rvi- i n s - - h t - n c e m v»:e - c o M i t y tue< claimed for it . - ' j* rertl an.; t:i ': ,i!,: •. Ain<.!i-penir.entiai-v on ::a-kvfel:\ Island. TIi.6 I- •faniily medi.-iit-iw it staifb :: ^h-dtd. /;<>•.•.„! sentence to* i.adb.w •*•-.•< ja :! i . \»?A \ C'ourie7''

sa \e money bv purchasing vour goods 6f STONE f R O B I N S O N & CO.

Mexico, t)ct. '4$, 1873.

t e c h n i c a l i i y . C o m m a n h '

c h a r g e ui't!*-? i"> ••? 1- > id: ; i i n v y y a r i-u-foriiis li-i-- N...'._\ 1 >••!; ti •'!!•• .' i h . i " , o n | F r i ' h i v bi^i i . i . . ••'( .n n ;• ':.uj''_".l t o

. g a i n a a n t i ' . io". 1 •• •'..'• i r o n ••:-i-l 't'»,i-.,f.ttt»r. T h ^ v w-ero .-•i'.ii -A p-T.n:o-,i<)n t>« g o o n b o a r d o t hf-r.. an«l . i r . 'd viri >n iii'- ccuar. d.

Ti lO" i i l - ' l c . l

i . i c s t i - ! - '.!•:»». ; > ; ' t : • I . " H'.-r I'l^nklin li.i.s been pia..\I on ii..e dry d.>."k in the 1 shoul.r 1 ''Iia-;.:!esiuv,n u . / y yn..!. A L,ir,;e &KveJ\'-l'!''""k'''

T h e S'ttitf-'laii Sreninn <•;,:.• ff- <-f !5o^t..n, ;.iy-: I t is inipos.-a'o!e to !ind a pl'.e.-e on ' this nr«' id

land where P.'i-ry l>avis's Ta iu -Ki ih r U :e.t known as a most valuable reuie ly for p'.ivsi pain. I n tli'- eountry, ini'te-s I'roi.i p"i\ ~i l e . o r apothecary, the . Paiii-Klll.-r is eher.-h-d ;• i i i-exclusive panacea, and it!.-.,

"i 'ERitt DAVI-- ' I'AiN-Ku.i.i-.ii i- realty a , .K-ualileiiie jieani. 'nt, and, unlike im- t , . : the ar­ticles of tint day, is -.i-.-'t I-y many physi -iai.s. i t is p.irtieii-larly li'.-sira'.ilt.- m io,-.uinn< v;h. re physicians r r e not ne.«r ; and, by la-ephi,: it a t h.uid, families will often w u - tue i:.e'.es>ity of seh'-Iin^ out a t midnight for a .'•• -c. r. A b. .ule

be kep t in -very ho-. •..'"-/?>••»•./•

oney, ernper

i.-: e m p l o y e d if: t i i n n . ; i l l ^ ' l a n k i i i i a n d B r o o k l y n {'•>•• .-.•,%; e.

F r o m i ' i i a r l e s i m,, S o u t h i ' . . r o i i n a , S a l t L a k e a n d od.^-i- e i : •••; re;> ..;•":; :v\: r e e e i v -

e d o f l a r g e a n I -u i . iu . i i a s i i i : ine.-tit-igs l . e i l t o o r . .-. • i . n s . *.n • v i f i r i ' - i : a s .

A severe sho.k of c^ri.inpi-*h.' h.ts lieen

'• W e have tested tile P.dii-Ki!i-.-r. ainl ire our readers d i a t i t not only , po.,.se.s&es all the \ if tues claimed for i t , hu t in many ius t i iues „u-r-passts any other remedy we \v..\<- « v. .- ku-avn."

& I i\ rPi\ <£».>/* per day. A - tits w.-uvt-« I ? ' 1 U i . U ' # 4 1 ; ed everywhere, i'art-u-u-lars free. A. H. BLAIK&<'0., St. Louis, 5lo.

f e l t a t Vl^-k:!, ' '.tl. ; A n I r i s h h u m .- r . i l * d c n - o i i s t a t l o n t o o k !

•placu in D u b l i a ^ n . i n i a y a n d w-a.s .pa-r'tici- j pa-ted in b y nea r ! , - ii'•-,«.-Ui ) j . p r v m s . i

l i t ' a | o l i t i ' . - i i . pe • h af. C! : . ; ! nv s t i S a t -relay u-i-gh' M r . i'Jls-.-j.••] ].,cM ie;l a- | TUc)NTZK*l7 RY V i c i r j u ^ r (Ti ;fk : iV>:s ? g r o a t s t r u g g l e i.t



•. . A ' ^ 4 T r I'.siu? Crystal » Vi-A \% !••:•.•<. Thoy -are Cleart

^"4i& Vl.-Klia.nt! Perfeef! Are | M L ' J \ Oum-tz, antVUighlypol-

W » ^ ' ^ I v r i - F o c . x . t a o y enable tho -wearer to see perfectly at. any difctancc.

m e n t s i n t o n e w . g i v e n w i t h p l e a s u r e a n d fo r n o t h i n g .

W e have 'been to a i;.m.-l de.i-1 of t ime and ex­pense to procure st.vl.s ami paUriis , and hope yoil will call and e\.i:!iiue them.

Stone, 'Robinson k Go. Mexico, Nov. ;., 1S7;;. 1

1873. 1873.

Million-, of M.-t-es of the iliiest l.iutb on „the t 'oi i t inent, in KA.-:.:-I:N NUDUSSKA, now for sale

,-- iiiaini ui Hi.r',1 uii'i1 'hefifiv iii /.'«.• i j i in i t a t prices tha t VKK V < ' l )M VE'VVV 1 < >X.

i h . - i u i i l T . ! , V. u - < Yedit C i w . i , w/.t'i t .nl. i-i t at Six jR-r . ea1..

The Land (ira-r. P.-tids of the I 'ouipany tak­en a t i>ar for lauds. They eau non- be purehased a t a lar^e iliseoiint.

j- •" IMIII partieulars UIM-II,. new (li.ide with new M a p ' mailed free, by addres-ii!-<

O. V. D A V I S , .'..,. i <'..u/-,'\W".:n- r. f. /'.'. J : . . r

D M A 11 \ , X l , 11.

t ;.C


-oor FraiucK, V/jiaiow i"r..iiu .ore

'i- . u to . <t-c. A:: o;.: b a n d - : ' . d i.-ia-le t-<

Agents Wanted. KKXl) iMRCA'l'Abut.t :;

ISew York and Oswego Midland EE. S U M M E R A U K A N G E M E N T .

Cliaiige of Time, s

Oswego to !i: hiey I'iavns and Waltoii, New iW'liu, l'.-lhi and Aubum.'- S'it:(rii'T and n.ost direci route to Oneida, ITiea, Sa-.atog. . Ai-bany, Troy, New Vt»r"k, Boston, rhi-1 adelphia, and ail oilier points East a. id South.—Lines of Telegraph to all ' Domes t i c SO'V.ill-g Macllill-8 Oo., Stations tor Itailroad and Piiblie Ser- \ ^?ew Yorlv. vice.—The onlv line in the State run- ' :°^rr"*1'>^%"^'- -,-<, - \ -r->- - i - ^ , nhiga l l 12 wiu-.d-d Coa.-hes. J . ZP^kJ k'J i i . V ih U i

"~ , Toiai-t i l':i'i<f 'ii'iffiif <!<•!, in,!• I' uf i/,t: ft.urn fhr

Commencing Monday, Cet. % Hi. \ IfaOftENOS 'li^WmZr MAmimm 00-Ti-ainn w i l l r u n t U i l v , S - . U I . I J V S e v . - e p t e J , a s f..::..v.-. : i Ilfil'ii JctTlliiIIJ J t(i

CMl™ ™Znw»lnT*GV' I EEBUOS PEIOES, 7.00 A , M . . ; F u l t o n . T..-7 : I V n u e l v i l l e , 7 .45 ; C e m r . i l • « " " ' " " ' " ^ ft',-<•<//! r<- tu-ll flu'if ?f (*>;"> Jf,,.,-/, \ut> Square, 7.58 a. i . . : oa. i.'n, y.-o; Norwich-, ia. .-; . ^ j ; , Ullj „//„,,.• „/,,/.,,. ;u prmmrUim. Sidney Plains, 1-J..17 p. i-i..; W.iltuii 1.17 ; Hancoek, l.,>; •' " ' ^ ^ . . , ^_,„ . J ^ . ' l ^ l . _ _ i . ^ . ' _ a J , Liberty3.44; MiUJU >....i, ;..i.l ;• Patciv...u s. 40 ,; .IVrst-.- T r T i ' H L i O x V i J^N O i ' City 3132 ; arrives at .New Voile at !UH •,.. m. ' ' "" J~" - --»»"'••*-u-*~iJ-'» v / - 1 -

CHK.M\S»a KX-PREtaS. ,',,• th- < I X LY S iri:-t-/ M'(H-h'ni' thill /• » (/s 45.P. M. ; stops at all Slati-ma ; tu.rives at Noi-wleli, j-/./,«> ,;.•„//• /,'"•/-.,••./.-,/ /.••// I,ifi'\ir<t, or t-0

G O I N G WK-.T ! . - A V K NI :W voriK. , " . ' " '. - . , , „ . . , , , • ,..•;. A Y i) TUllol'iliH MAM..

7 . 0 0 A . M . ; N'ewaik l..\:\\ MLldle-town m.ju \. \ SI }f !'IJ l IL I). mt.l I-I _!",' •ii-ti-rf flui, m. ; Eilenvilla •?--— ; l-i-bert-v la.3tf: Watt.m If. 11; : • ; ' / / " • ' < Sidney Plains 4.20 ; No . i i / j !>.: 1 ; isinith'3 v'alley I;.-JV. ' ' ' ' / " ''•' ' ' ' ' " -' ""' " ' ' ' ' ' '•'•' '• On.ida7.25; Cental S , „ a « M ; . ; IY„„e!vinJ • , , . , _ j r j , J g M Q W T H E { J - H M P E S T ! Fulton 9.20 ; Arrive at (Mn-tsjo at !i.45 p in.

osv.'i: :<; i:xi'ni-:.---LKAVi : N K K ' W I C J I -

•n)i\ 'Sh!? iif»d. ('nxi-r!;t'Jt.NK.K I inali- !•> S*L< "t^ «» -VTW<«HJ,.!„-.-.iias-s t l .c

TwoExpresst-jain . • .ti'.v . a h w:iy, \ikh i-lugaiit •!- j 1;LIV *-t ;i:_'*i*. l':.n l;e ii.si_'.l_"ii aiiy vu . i lm. i;an]i

8.00 a m. . stopa a. 12.30 p. m.

/•'/",.,,, -r. .'/.-.• .....'/(;•• I,'T-'i. A-'ji irl'.svHiiled

^n\ ; v i i i\\} iirxiii. ci-xr; ivi'iiNK-K

, I i-'-iir s;tlo'l-' ill l..:a,ji lU-ulvr. and nightVars tat »cn. I, ...:: .••'.«• -.-u New 'V"

Oswejo vrfthout cliiii.f.-. . __ _ . . _ . . . . Trains are run by Ai' >..:•• ln-i--. , ! < " ; : • ; - j . 1 ^i\ Vi'^:i • \X U 'ii.Sj h'rS' Tickets via "Midia'w" •: • !•>: t>r.>j'iTsJ ai the i>.-r.- '- ..',, """' .." ,, ' .- ;> ,-, '*,'. '. .' * i

pal-eastern offices, of t-.i. :.. ":. C. xc ii. R. Iiu, a-..l A. . W1*':'- -. ' ' . ' L ' '"/'f'- li'"'".1. t\ ,:!1 l , u t ! s a " !

& S. E.. E. . »i'b--, c..siiii.< X'Al to i?l!)0. •! l-.r uUau{> by Through tickets! t.> thf |>'i;i' ipa! i.'.-U'.-n cities :>:•<: .-.M \ A. i:>.'nvi-: '!'l iUil'.Uinr. .^ Co, , f.atikcr tiio-

pdinta Vr'est on sats at tl-.e t:..:n;u.iy's ofllcs-s. ' !v..;••:, ;;•.!• Wail Si . , X. Y. BAGGAGE C!I i\ 'KKD T I-I H'OH : II . ' ' - - p s v . |in:« \ . \ ; -y . oi : S;.i'L ciiAJfM-

Eassenger8 can se.-itrt; s.-. tioas or berth* m s.I«ci •' s I i- IN(!. '" II"'.1- -itlior >i'\ may fu-jciiiati* and cars for the iVun ' i.v amplication to ti.^ ' -,-iiiu tin. the !'•••• and afi'c.-ti'iii.s of : r:y jK-r-on company'stek-graiilia.:-, -t.. ih.-vch<«-s'.>. inst:viit!v. inV-iita! a,c-i r , ^ ? " ^ ! fur '•.. ,. '"-' ::> ihiH hue are lan.l.V. .lire. L!I , , , , , 1 ; . ^ , , . , ^ ri,U ,..ul p , , : ^ , free,-l.y inail, for 25 m the village, a.i.i.bu- t..-- >tase. tuusfer ail.. ' . . ,: -. n , - • „ c , , ; i •• ,, .• i

Time betweeu <)•!•.. .v< :-i-l K.if.oii Uventv mimiim I. Oracit-, • L'r.-.un. , r u n t s to LtcliL'... .\ ipa-er quicker than by ai-vo.acr I:M'.-. ' * i t U. 1:10,(111) -,\U. A.hir.-s •: T. W T i . l . i A M !

C -:. r . ^.IM?CLKy, Supt. I !; CO . I'l'.blKh -r«, Pliila<l'c1i>hia. "Wit. H. WEED, •Oed. IMe.t Aut. . . . - • - —

.spiritual ami t-> inoora! powtrs,. Over ono thousand .-.killed £.dk work­

men have riiturned to Flaglatidaud I'h-anee since work stopped in the silk manu fa "to­nes in Paierciu;-. New Jersev.

i,o-.w .-'. u.e ] i-'-KCAr^-t:.. I T I-} U K J J A B - L K I N ALL. ( " i S i i S . J T I S N O T A R U M H K I N K . I T H \ S H K E N TEb'i '].;}) T F I I U T Y Yl-iARS. IT W U K C O M M E N D K l ) tJY i ' H V S i i I A N S I T JUS R H C O M M K N D E U liY- f . L k U ( J Y M ' K N I T TS REC.OMMKNDLiD P.Y L A W Y E R S .

1 I T IS R K C O M M E N D K I ) l'JY A L L W H O

For sale bv R. L. A L F R E D , Jeweler, Alodco, N. V. 2

Selling' oat A T

McCartliy's ,Ghina Hall, -Oswego,


in S!

It is stated order* t^ve been re- ; J T WILL CURE LIVKlt C'DMPLAtNT. eotved at Ptiila lel[>Lia to put al! tue raoti itors at I/ 'aynes inland in iigliting trim. | <ienL;raI Sickles iias given tin; agent of the As3ociate<l Prev? in London autliori-IV t o d e n y a l i rumor.- ; t o t h e eflec-t t h a t Us had broken oTs-.'-ial relations with the • Spanish ininistvr of {'urei- n affairs, or that relations outwee-i him un>I tlic Spanish official h?<\ been ittte'iT.tpied, or that he h a d s a i d w a r w a s i n e v i t a b l e .

T h e i p U ' s t i o n nf ;i r f f e r e n c e t o i i r 'o i t ra -t i o l l o f QUI' t r u i i i i l e wi th . S p a i n io p r o p o s ­e d i n S p a i n ; t h e [-hnp«r.«r of - ' G e r m a n y i'; s u g g e s t e d a s : m a rb i - t r . i t o r : t h e ( J h i e f of the Ordnanjy l"»«reau at. Washuig-toii strongly rec^n-mi"ndd the armaiit-ut of our sea-.Goa.~it roitiiieation.s.

The. United States Caru-idg" Uimpa-ny js workin/j; ni^ht ami day to till or­ders from the 'Jnited States army and navy for oarti ids^es.

The United Scat..-.* steamer Fortune, was launched a; the Washington navy yard? on Tuesday. She will carry two thirty pounder ri'hrl "tins, in addition to her torpedo attachment.

Th« ninetieth aiiniver.sary of Evacua­tion Day was celebrated in the city of New i 'ork on Ttio.iday,

[•RON is THE Uuxiu.—When the blood is well siipplieil with its iron element, we feel vigorous and full of animation. I t is an iusuftieiency of this vital element that makes us feel weak and low-spirited } in such cases; the Peruvian Syrup (a pro­toxide of iron) can supply this deficiency, and its use will invigorate ur, wonderfully.

— ..wiiMJ & *>• a Bi» • . i "•

| |2!PPure RoekC'audy Drips Syrup at Ballard's, the best ever in town. If you •want somethju"; very fine, it can not fail

to pleasa yota.

I T W I L L C ' l 'RK D Y S P K I V I A I T W i L L O l ' U E J A U X D H ' K . I T WILT.OtTR-E A I A R A S M L S . I T W I L L C U R E H A B I T U A L C O N S T I P A ­

T I O N . I T W I L L C U R E S I C K H E A D A C H E . I T W I L L S T R E N G T H E N T H E D E B I L ­

I T A T E D ; I T W I L L T O N E U P T H E X E R V E S . I T \ V l U , ( ; i V k A l i O O b A F ' t ' E T i T K . I T W I L L AKSIriT' D T G K S T I O N . I T W I L L C U R E A L L D I S E A S E S A R I S ­I N G F R O M D I S E A S E D OR B E H I L I -T A T E D D I G E S T I V E U K f i A N S . lie sun-y.iu get '"iloilanfl's Cfernian Bi t ters ." S"M l.y all I)m-V*"ats. Printinal i-flke, (iO Arch St Phi-la:!, iphia. 1 ?'l-7:n

ilavinjj just decided to move to Byra-cu•«•, v here we can extend onir wholes

sale business, we. will

(']'• )S!> ( )ut o u r E n t i r e iStock consi.^tin- of the BEST and F I N E S T

Assortment we ever had of

X t



TVTOTICE T O . C R E D I T O R S . -I-ii'imiWai..-e i?i of an order of Timothy W . Skinner , Surro­gate, of Oswego County , notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims against SyLia, ITol-l is te tviate of the fcowii of Mezico, in said boun­t y , deceased, to present their account', , with the vouchors thereof, to Frank l in Washburn , Ad­ministrator of the estate of Sylvia Hollister, on or before the 1 s t clay of J u n e , 1371, or they will lose the Iieneiit of the srtatu-te in such case made and provided..— Da ted Mexico, Nov. 20, l l .73.

Q T A T K O F N E W Y O l t K - S U P I t K M E IO f 'OUUT— t'ol-KTV op Oswttuo.-^Adoniram I'iaher and jjrtrenzo Ling against Wil l iam C. Parker.-. Summons.

To WiHiani C. Parker , defendant, ynu are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of Adoniram Fisher and Lorenzo Ling, plaintiffs, which was tiled in the office of Ci'erfe of Oswego County, a t Oswego City, N . Y . , on the 25th day of Xoverabsr, lb7'ii, ami to serve a c>py of your answer on the subscriber a t P ^ la ski, Oswego (.'ounty, N . Y . , within twen ty days after t he service of this summon'!, exclu­sive <>f the day of servics, or the plaintiffs will take judgment against you for one hundred a n d forty-one dollars and seventy tfive cents, wi th in­terest from November 22d, 187.'?, liexides costs.

j . W . F E N T O N , 4-7 Plaintiff 's A t to rney , Pulaski , N . Y .

^ § F A t the Vienna Exposition the E. Howe took a (!rand Medal of Pro­gress, Medal of Merit for superior work, and three Medals of Co-operation for superior excellence of production. 52

tve. A t prices to Suit the Times!

China, Glassware,

Silver" Plated Ware, Looking -Glasses, Lamps-, Lanterns, Table Cutlery,

-ay n-ices t<

Regardless cf Oost. C'OMK W i l l L E T I i E ASSORTMENT



Oswego, N. T. 4-rt-1 y JOHN" McCARTEY & CO,

B U I L D I N G F E L T (Nil T a r u •; '.•, fnr <>nt -i •!•• w-n-k nnd iui-k- . h i ' .st V.d <if fi: lst i .-r . " t ' r l t ( ' . i i ] . . t i l l ! - ' . >\Ci.-. S.:ll . ' i t W O -!-i-int st;ui.i's tin- < 'iu1 iktr :uid S.i:u|il •-. ("'. J . F A Y , C:uiidui, >.. , i .

AKKortinent funipi(..•',. -.^.ui

<YHi--r w i t h di . ' -pateh.

o r d e r w i th , p r o n ;.>*.'

a n d g l a s s s o t W I , > M <>.-d> <:• I : i

BLiNia i L i v i n g a ' l i ' l c l a n- w J l i i . w i Sl:a.; T c U '

.-:i .dae l i i iK ' t<i m y w-nrhs. I mis ' uiv

> u a l . I e d t o lii l .;;-.!.-io ,".-.:• 4~> t o '.'At v<-nt.i

;••'!• fi-iiit. I h i o r : ' . i ; i i : ' i- . i iiM.iu'-' S-lnittc-TS,

A--,, .d:i.^, i n a d o li-» A•!--1- i- «!! t in- s:i-.;.>t r<-a-

• yiiaiilo t e r m s .

' MOULDINGS W i t h t. 'ie b e s t a n d '••< • ' • •'•

s o r t m o n t of k ind- ; , i m:i *•-.:• •

b e t t e r sa t i«LV t i on * 11 • •.' i -. • • • •


W i\ If \ X -'••IK>:,(Jiiis and 1«>vswant- f H V J t A A t I t u M-H <mi- Pn-]«-li <iiid |

American .(..-ui-h-y, iVtioks. (..aiics, ^.-,, in their wwn l.i-i'.it.i.s, N.) rani ta l >IIH-.!<-.1. {':ttal<i^ue, TI -KIK, i>-.,M-n-t l"n:.;-:. P. o. vrr '-Kl-jiJY & (.'O., An ;:isl:i, id-aii-K-.

M l\X VV ^•••; il-'I'^'l'' •vith HUii.-i! .t Kev i i l V i l i i l t ' i u - !c Outiu,.. < ',:vi-l.<iie.. a n d lull, VWVAi. ;s. :,{. H-I-KNI-K-P., I i 7 UauoM-i- :>'t., Mi,.4-iv..


$ W ' * S . J ? _ ? L BS-. - 9 .

The 8^ ecber..

asiifoiiable Tailors, Vl-# cbisa ihs tuA-n -rtse>-* i t . a ^ wail' ft - . - ™- -.


And Bealei'S in Gents5 FurmsMir? Goods3

Plicenix Block, Mc:dco, N« Y.

.ily Favor i t s . ! CLABIC IJK

i.'-M!')ll.c 1/lld'Mi'.V «>r

c. w. M a n u f a c t u r e r a n d ^V , ho^esa le a n d R e t a i l

dt-Hiler i n

a n d

Patent Well Curbs.

All kinds of

Thii'i* " i i " I" n"'^ iiHv.-a.iu,,'-, (an ! v.h • A > mit"/ in tu'-.ct.s fur tlii-

Fonrtii Grand -Gift Goncert or: !:::NK,i-'i r ur-ni.,:

tvK ky. W'l.ii 'i • i.i'i- "d in L»iii -villi- <i.i t.n- .;'.'i:. "f De-

(..-ui.l.i i- next. U.ivi- i.o'tinii- t " !'<..••.

Only (i<),<M)0 Tickets 'HAVE iu:rx lssri-M), AND

1:12,0 0 0 0 A 8 E G I F T S , if 1 A.MOJ'Xmv, TO

$1,500,000, W I L L LT, D I H T K I H U L K D A S i'< M.i .OWS:

LIST QW t l l f f S : O N K C I l A S ' l i C A S l l < ; . i !T • .--r.iVOOO

: (j.\i-i t:-i;A.N--i) c.\>n VAW mo.ouo O N K CJ.I(.\N'H f A S H < ; i K i ' .-.'1,000

(INK i-Asri ina-"r -f>,ooy O N E « i t A N l > C A S H Ol l - 'T • 17,500

10 -CASH ( i i l - T H .Sin.ODl) ea.-li 100,000

SjMtiAiffi tara ;.,iiiioc.ich n.o,ooo 50 ( . 'ASH G i P T K l .doii ;.(i;000 s o O A S H ( » K T « .'.00 eat-li -l(i,000

100 C A S H G I F T S 400 e a c h 40 ,000 I.V)-CASH tJII-TS Win each - 45,000. i M M . - A S H O - ' P T S L'OO ea-cli - - f.O.OUO

i r ; C A S H ( . - rT . - i l oo e a c h • - 3-2,500 11,1100 C A S H OlF i - . s i,o t ; u - l i - 550,000

Whole Tickets, !?50. C'ou-pons, (Tenths) 85. For tickets or infuriTiation, address

A y f . t t I*tiblie m « r n i : v 13uil i i iny. Loui-s*. IMu, l\\., *-•'

Thos. H. Hays & Co.,

Slxs St§3idQffiiG.o of tfea Late Stass Qia-rk fes Sale.

, . . ? . 'Wislko^s Cal i forniaTin-•'•ih-rs :>rc n. purely Vegetable ::.-:;. iiuiik- cliieuj' from the na-

.-, !•• Mid on the lower ranges of ;;•:' Nevada mountains of Califor-

:. , :'.c ".;i:di('in:il ))roperties of which ... • ..-.!:-.ii-icd thfrofrom without the use i : .'..ic.-hii-l. The question is almost d „:,# •'; -hcii., "Wha t is tho cause of the i:-i.;."i-:-ih-h-d K i i c c e ^ of V l K E G A U B I T -•i: ••> ." < )".u- an.s'.vcr is, that tliej' remove in.- •'.;••• '• i.f dix!n.5tj, and the pafient re-t : • 1.;.; ht-alih. T-lvey are the great 1 i . i t.-;-,-i.i".(-r and a life-giving principle. ;• :-;.'i-(t Kenovator and Invigorator i-i ' {'..•-. -. -...- tem. Never before in the

1 hi-:'..,- i !' the- vnritl has a medicine bcwi v-..'-;:.v'i'.:..,.i. .1 ].;>,.cs.-incr the re-markahi-a c -......-s ui" ViM:.:A.t; healing tho .s'u-:: ul" i;vcir (ii.-c:i-u man is heir to. Tlu-y ;.:•• ,t i.-iiic I'.ivp-'iiVK a.i well as a 'Ionic, r. .:.-.:: .r i:-.n<iv,t..-n «.r Inflammation of Ii i- 1 iin- ;n:.l \'i-(.-'.-:al On-'aus in Bilious

'i'hc proper!i('H of I)K. WAXKEK'S. A'r.-i -.A!; in i i I.I. , :i-:-t< A;r. 'rient, I l ianhoret io , <" i-;-.!!,,1-vi-. .N'liivi'.i'-m^ Laxa t ive , IMuretift, S-ci.i i-ic, (.'i.iii.ifr-Ii-rita-nt Sudorific, Altera^ ti-. •-, a:.U Anli-J' .r.iou;.

(' rnirfud thnm&mls proclaim Vrx-Kii.iK Brrrr.iis the inost wonderful In -i'.•••:••:.t that ever sustained tho sinkhig

s.V.-i'- .h'

" No Prrsoa can take these Bitters ;i; r- a i-T to {Jirections, and rera&in. long

1 i::iv. cM, pruvidedtlieir bones are not de-I Miuw-d hy ndnefal poison or other ! n. \iri6, iuvl vital organs wasted beyond i lvnuir.

iJIions ileinitteat an«1 Inter-j n u t l e n t L^-^vr-rs, which are t o preva-i 1 ::..t ' i t.i-.f \ailevs of our -great rivers

t!..;•• >\:--,huut the Hinted States, especially Iho.-e of the Mis.sissippi, Ohio, Missouri, 1 i'dnul.*, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan-.' : ; . lied, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, l'< arl, Ala-bania, Mobile-, Savannah, Ro-aii'ihc, James, and many others, with tl.'.-ir v;i. t tribi.itar.ies, throughout our fi-ii-irc couu-try du.ring tbe Summer and A;:i i-inn, and remarkably so- during sea-r-iu.i * i umi^ual heat and, dryness, are r.ivar!:iL]y accompanied by extensive de-r:.ii-.,; niciits of the atomacb and liver, ;:•;'! n'.l-icr abdoininal viscera. In tbeir L-« .-it.-ii.-nt", a purgative, es«i-ting a pow-(••:'. tl inllm-at'o upon these various or--,..:.! •, is <-.j.-(.ntiaiiy necessary. 'There i; ii i c iiihartic for the purpose equai to l m . . ) . W A L K I ; U ' I S V i N E G A i i B I T T K K S ,

P. -• t h e y wi l l s p e e d i l y r e m o v e t h e d a r k -K-dind vi> niatter with which tixe li ••.-.• i.s n:-e loaded, a t the same time i-.:.i-.i-!,iiing th" : ecretions of the liver,

All khtd.-. itin-i •'••••••', .*.<,]<> . . i i-tho ; Ji"'.d ;;t-i,u-niHy restoring the healthy shortest no'i'-c ' I ms of the digestive organs.

I s:\5i-Hiy the body against.disease T I ' d T M l T ' 1 ^ - ' '"v i'>u il> lug ail its iluids with. V I N E G A E *_L. ^O_-.J_J.,<..J, I J.J j l jC. .;_ Nu oiiidemie can take hold

Uf every ili-.^-rijitic.-i do:»u v i th dis- | o4' a \vsU-i.n thus fore-armed. ,S';,>.jj«"psm o r Indigest ion, Head-

nchf, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, j Ti'jhine.s-s of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour

E> \v!;-tUi'is oi the Stomach, Bad Taste in (lie .Mouth, l»iiious Attacks, Ppd-pitrt-i

' tat ion of tho Heart, lutlamination of tho Lungs, I-'ain in the region of tlie l ud -

j m-\ -, anil a hundred other painful symp-t'mis, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. U'u; Lottie-will pro\o a betterguaiautee of -itsmerits than a lengthy advertise­ment,

S roffila, or Slag's Evil, White Pwcllin.c-.-, Ul.-ers, Erys ipe las , Swel led Neck,

! tiuitT", Scrof'iilous Inf lammat ions , I n d o l e n t i i-nilanirnaiions, Mercuria l Aii 'eetions, Old ; ^i-in--, i.Oi-iiptioiis of tho Skin , Sore Eye*. '-'e„ • i lnJhi ' -<i , ;..; in al l o the r const i tu t ional h i s - . I V.l . , Vt*ALEi:a'.S VlXEGAR BlTTUKS ll-ivo

ck-.v.-a the i r g r e a t cu ra t ive po-werd h i t h e n-if-t ol-> ,1'inato and in t rac tab le cases .

f o r tuliaaiiiiatory and Chronic -i "F:»ii.".Jllllltisil3? Gout, Bilious, lteinit-; t i-:it and intermittent Fevers, Diseases of. :• ti: ; HI--ml,. Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, i th- c r.i-t'tcrs have no equal. Such Diseases j aiv c.aised hy Vitiated Blood. :' Scclr . l is ieal Biseases*—Person.? en- * ; i:::,o'<\ in Paints and Minerals, such as , r'-...-..:a-r-:. Tyju', .Gold-beaters, and • ; H.,;c:-.-., ui they advaneo in life,, are imlijwt j lo- paralysis of iho Bowels. To ir-uard

p. t:ii';.^ thi.s, take a do?e of WAIKEU'S"VIS- • . L<:..\-i ItrrTirus ocea:-ionally. \ L 'or HI\ in Diseases, Eruptions, Tc-t-

1r-;-. .^ .J t-Khonni, Blo tches , S p o t s , P imples , : l-'u i-.h.v. Build, Carbuncles , R i n g - w o r m s , |' S :i'iiMif:'.(l, Suro Eyps,, E iys ipe las . I tci i , I ^.:-.;"-', l->i.-colorations of the* Skin , I Ju tnurs j and Pi. cases of t h e S k i n of "svhatever n a m e ; «i :i:.ti'Ti-, are liti'va'.ly d u g up. and -carried ; <••"!. i f t he sys t em in a sho r t t ime b y the ti^e



::ri'fh, v i t h pi-i-e-.-s to s-t'i il.i> liniv , and j t i ail.

• - • > • • g . . ^ i j | . . : . , . . . . . •

••"'»;.-JS*'ff:*>*>"'* ' '

•J ^!S3,m,M£-:-

• ' ' . " • . • • . ' j p . ^ . V * ^ '

"•' - " i / ' J &-•?-*

1 r ' 1 - \ "

i ; o:' ti;'-.-o B i t t e r s .

I ' . [ Vh\, fi'apo9 and other "Worms, ' tet&IXQT&l 3 1 Cb C It 3 ~ Q i t h I ]'nl'-'f-' » 1 t l l e sy.-temoi'-FO m a n y thousands-', • ' ;::•• i:1.' -tiiuHy des t royed a n d rnmoved . N'o • _s ,.^_ _ r,_ _ T . i •• -v t-'-'n <4" nicdk-ine, n o vennifugeH, no HU-' X A L R T S - ' " ! I^,! "Y". ' l : ' " , ; " •"H'icf wil lfrve t h e s y s t e m from wura is I _- . .». .... j ' " j li'cn ftii-.*i> Bittery. { S H O P X K A i ! i ' - f K D l - p O T . : ^ * * F ' 0 H S ; a l e € o n i p i a i l s t B , i n y o u n g ,

i {<• t i!! , marr ied or single, a t t h e d a w n of ,VQ-I: • •!. or t h e t a r n of life, t he se Ton ic


f-'.pchd atifvr.i,' i-Jw-n to i j - . •:. - :. V.'I l . . ! f l . ( I l l U l I t l l ! , l!.(JSU i O U J C

I Horse Shoeino; :ail Ox S=io.eiBa-, i ~:'::' -"<•':»'':•'•- decided a- mfiacneo that i , , , , . . , O . r .n r • :-cn.i-:it . i soon percept ib le .

v i-M. .i.uve H,,. i „., ,•,-,„..... , • .'• ,V;. v";',;.' „...!'/..'..' I ; "'•-••'.- :"> fu-i-1 iis iniparit.osharsting throiirh ;:.- Mr. I'it.k*.-Ti.s i:,f:i.i „, i,c : . . " i j , i.:,,'.,','K.i'-.- I -'-^ '•'• i;1: i u ^'hnplos, Eruptions, or N.-rns.; f -.-t-aitttv. ' j (' ..::.:; it when you find it ohstnu-ted and i Parish. July l.v !«•-.;_ ^ -j _; ju^jii -h hi the vuins.; cleanse it when it ia ; i iViiiil: your wiii tell yon when. Keep

*-• ""'^. --—. ! ti.-' !)i'»'d pure, and the health of the system S'OIi & T/s?"f;.--,php,c'feiT' • w : i 1 follow.

I' 'I>;••! -'i-!s ' Apis.,San Francisco.Califijmia, :..; ...... uf Wasinn^ion ami Clioi^toa Sls„ N. Y.

bt>i<t b y a l l S i i - ugg i s t s a n d X>eaiej-s.

i - -


Q T A T E O F N E W Y O P . K - S ¥ P I t E M E U C O U R T - - C O U N T Y O P OSWHOO.—Ezra Cro-well against J u d a h B . Colt , Mar ie t t a T. Colt , Phi l ip H . Ellis and Elizabeth Ellis.—Summons.

To J u d a h B . Colt. Mar ie t te P . Colt , Phi l ip H . Ellis and El izabeth El l i s , defendants. Y o u are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of Ez ra CrOwell, plaintiff, which | was fiied in the Oswego County Clerk 's Office, a t Oswego, N . Y . , Nov. 7th, 1873, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber^ a t his office, in Oswego, N . Y . , wi th in twen ty days after t h e service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, or the plaintiff, will apply t o tlie C 'ourt for the relief demanded in t h e com­plaint.

W . H . K E X V ' O N , Plaintiff 's At to rney , 4-7 Oswego, N , Y ,

done on short notice. A specialty in


Also all kinds of

OISTEM PIMPS, Work Wcirrantedtogirc (foodSatisfaction,

I am hound not to he

Undersold in Prico, nor outdone in

Good Work, Bemeinber the place, Dempster Block, Main St.j Mexico.

April 17th, 1873. 24

This house and lot is isituntedoii Main H't., nearly opposite the Mexico Hotel, in the village of Mexico, is iu one of the best localities for business pui-jioses, or for a residence in the village. This place can now he purchased on fa-vora-ble terhis, which may he ascertained by calling upon the undersigned, at his of-nce over fc>. II . Stone & Co's in the said village..

A. F. KfiLUicy, Agent. Mexico, Ju ly 2, 1873. 35

The Most Buccessful, The Most Pesirabh.

The.Hast Poru-hr

Oiiic-e ovt-f Peck's lirv C"".l Si.-.rr. • I " " 7 " i l . F. \Vl"N"CHi:-STER,

P n o t o g r a p h e r ,

I I . 31 DoubON.

T J <•"(



I 1 , . -

Points of Escsilenee i .Teffur^uii- :-i., > K-: i . , >,'. All tho Latest -.tylos

s. Y. ui '•;<-t1:r.«f_fi. ui IAfe size

- ' _ - . • • , ' . :iut: ;;ts- in all tho bi-anelier usu ••'.. In -n i 'h an insti tut ion.

..: l-.:r..'-,,t vflbrt will be put forth ' • • , .school W O R T H Y


QOAL. Tlie following are tho prices for coal :

G K A T E , JJ.-00-

E t l G , : 8.!>o S T O V E S.:,0 C H E S T N U T S.25 C H A R C O A L , (per bushel,) 20

Blacksmith Coal always ou hanil. jjar* A l l coal m u s t be paid for when delivered. 35

Easy to threat!. ISTot complicated in coiiHtnicth.-ii. Easy to regulate and keep in order. Simple to learn and operate. I t r u n s l i g h t l y a n d W i t h o u t futi'. ;.-;e t o

* i ? S S a F * r t „w, ... Mi.j^WlNG M A C i i l S S S . Tt. „ , ,. , ,\ Latest Improvement It^nas attachinents ior- ar! k'uds ot | -r • -, , -,^ .

work, and they cannot be set »r , •.;... j }&ilX' i u l I 1 3 l l ] l g ; l l i a s i l y I t s short and straight need-'. Its

small and simple flmttle, whicii i.:-.-.l nut be taken out of the iiiuehivie io c'nr.i^t' the tension. I t s movements,, positive and dependino; on no s p r i n t . i .„,,-+,„ i.i,„„ " i ' ,"""*' " " " v"" ~

Thennder^ igned is. Ag ,u t for this h ^ ™ - . ^ "J****?™ « cur house rated ffiaeliiuef and will <:x- | ^ , l 1 ' * ' G j : ! 5 l u l e x ^ ^cces-

-. -» •• w...;-., M-in iJiiecizH j of patronage. to tlio riui.iller.'c Geni, in.-nl-; on short notice.-—I T

('ojoring in Oil or V/at<i ' M o r ; .-lone to i .nW. I T ' M : F X ] JC ' l lSC 'S iWO l ^ C S S P E C I A L A T T l . V T i o V I-AI., I O C O P Y 1 X G . I . , , . , . ; I K . , , t :.Jh litutionB of tbisgnulu.

riireaded ; .Xot .vnJ)icct- to lit*. '

Ah honest Maehii>a in all respects. Call at the Photograph Gallery and ex-

justly celebra-usu uiatamie, aim A\'iu Ex­hibit the "WEED in ooni])etitioii with other machines at any time. Tor lr.r-ther particulai's call upon or address

A. I5 . AZSSj.&fSat;,

I J N I Q F S Q U A l i E , K. Y. Or call a t

VTEOIL'S BOOK STORE, MEXICO, Wliere can be seen the Weed macliiiie with all the recent and valuable improve- ^ i

ments, makbig i t the peer of any machine in the market.

Be sure and see the Weed Machine

sories kept for sale. IL C BEALS, Afft. Mexioo, J u n e 12, 1673.


V.i.-.v.' c.-ti Iv tihtah.:r,l in private familus airea,-•-. •. ' '.- .-.'. ,. A-i-'-uy .«tudt'3its furnish l&eir i.\. -i ; i •.: '.•_!'-: fm in a club, 2sid hire soma

'.\:-.|.!< jicr.on to do thei r cooking,

TL-U3 Ilclucing the Price of Boari to Aotlial Cost,

]•'..!! T'.r.ii of 13%veeks* open3 Augrusi S'j, 157S. - " ' ' " ' closes Nov. 21 , "

oncns Dee. 9, " cfob-es March 6 ,1874. opens_Mareh 34, ' '

. " •' closes J iu i e 19, "

Vcv i-coius or iiirther information ad-drj .^s

;-: MOF.TIMER COOH, A. M., Principal.

Mexico, K Y., July 16, 1873.

Sv:...:t.-i-T.-nn •' ' ' ' < » . C * , !

A Good Hunthi<j case Watch I •"'' t '-!ATJE—By the undersigned, I for §5. Silver k-vers §10. Am- j s l ' :- ; i ^-yrar old Geldings. 8 Cows. eri««n watches fliI-vor««6e.§17.'i E P E V ^ I T S Indies Gold ^27.ffO Cta-.ifs A- | :,l,v<ko, Sopt. 24, 1873 *fieri-*aii. «o!d SS.S0. Watches '

W. PENFIELD, ! before purchasingelsewhere

^ 3 S £ ^ sent CO.*). hy piyfa^r ^ , V n ' * }l -^hai'g-eg i T n o t tei!«eii. S e n d stfcimpibr Pi<ce "js t . i I . I I . D o i ! ? - o x , -Mexico, N Y ' i r"'^ "

V L A R G E Q U A N T I T Y O ^ ^^^ • " O A T S W A N T E D A T T H S ^ ^

v.-r ~ ':!•'< > UONTO MILLS. ^ S , « * . x - • • i <• «P , , : C-"'-^ -1* A. C. T H O M A S , ^ a ^ J S - e w arrival of Teas, sp lendid)- - . — — J T ? :1it.v. Or. nnd KPO „+. . ^ . - visit ing cards printed a t the

Indedenpent office.

. Go and see tit 32 " H o o s s & COBB'S.