Hr contacts

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India IT industry contacts

Transcript of Hr contacts

[email protected] Uddipto S. Bhattasali, Sr Director, Visa, [email protected], SVP, FMR [email protected], Group HR, [email protected] AVP talent HSBCmohit mendiratta interglobe enterprise Country Head [email protected] Head [email protected], Associate Director - [email protected] Head [email protected] Addl VP, [email protected] Varghese Abraham. Senior Director, Head of India Technology Center PmoName ofPanellistDesignation &OrganisationEmail IdGayathriRamamurthyHR BusinessPartner and LeadDiversity andInclusion,[email protected] Lal Vice President,SustainabilityInitiatives, TheLemon Tree [email protected] HR,Diversity andInclusion, [email protected] Khurana HR Head, [email protected] Dutt HR Head, [email protected]. M. Gupta Global ChiefPeoples Officer,Aegis [email protected] Patnaik, global PMO HSBC [email protected] Head talent, All state,BangaloreSudhir Kumar, Function head, techmahindra, [email protected] Dunani [email protected] Geometric Software Solutions Co. Ltd(head talent acquisition)[email protected] GM talentDharmendra Sethi Noida Area, India - ?Global Head - Talent Acquisition & Management - [email protected] - CP & head Talent acquisition Capgemini [email protected] HRArokia SagayarajVP HR , Nissan Technology & Business Centre India [email protected] ShankarHead of HR, Indian Subcontinent , [email protected] acquisition seniorAnthony Joseph [email protected] Vice President, Global Human Resourceshinduja global solutionsGayathri Parthasarath Capco India