
NinjaMonials component Installation, configuration and usage This tutorial will show you how to install, configure and use NinjaMonials component Author: Igor Mihaljko Date: 13. May 2008


This tutorial will show you how to install, configure and use NinjaMonials component Installation, configuration and usage Date: 13. May 2008 Author: Igor Mihaljko

Transcript of howtoinstall,configureanduseNinjaMonialscomponentInstallation,configurationandusageDate:13.May2008Au

NinjaMonials component Installation, configuration and usage

This tutorial will show you how to install, configure and use NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko

Date: 13. May 2008

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


Table of Contents

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3

NinjaMonials component installation ..................................................................................................... 4

NinjaMonials component configuration ................................................................................................. 5

NinjaMonials frontend ............................................................................................................................ 8

NinjaMonials backend testimonials handling ......................................................................................... 9

NinjaMonials frontend listing ................................................................................................................ 11

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 11

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008



Welcome, aspiring Ninja. This tutorial will explain how to install, configure and use NinjaMonials component. Tutorial will cover all the steps that are needed to go through to component installation, configuration and customization.


NinjaMonials component is designed to help you quickly and easily collect and display testimonials for your site.

Testimonials improve customer confidence, which in turn improves the ability of your site to convert visitors into customers and members.

Let's start the tutorial by installing the NinjaMonials component. Log into the Joomla Administrator Panel and follow the steps to install component.

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


NinjaMonials component installation

Click “Installers” -> “Components”:

Picture 1: Install new component

Click the “Browse” button and choose the NinjaMonials component archive on disk to install.

Picture 2: Click “Upload File & Install” button

Click on the “Upload File & Install” button to install component.

After a few moments (this depends on your network and internet speed) the screen with a message that installation was successful should appear.

When the component is successfully installed you should do some initial configuration so the component will be customized according to your needs and wishes.

Let’s do that now.

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


NinjaMonials component configuration

Click “Components” -> “Ninjamonials” -> “Configuration”:

Picture 3: Start component configuration screen

Ninjamonials configuration appears with configuration options:

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


Picture 4: Ninjamonials component configuration screen

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


Here are options that can be configured:

reCaptcha – choose if you want to use reCaptcha antispam control on the

frontend of Ninjamonials component

reCaptcha public key – if you choose to use reCaptcha, you will have to open

an account on and use public key provided after registration

reCaptcha private key – if you choose to use reCaptcha, you will have to open

an account on and use private key provided after registration

show website in listing – do you want to show website URL that testimonial

submiter entered on the frontend

collect website info – choose if you want to collect website URL during

submiting of testimonials

Load component CSS – choose if you want to load CSS provided with

component or not. You can test both options to see what best suits you needs

Use which CSS style – there are two different testimonial styles provided with

component. Choose which one to use

Display show all link – if you start the component with submit form, choose if

you want to show link to all testimonials

Display add testimonial link – if you start the component with all testimonials

displayed, choose if you want to show link to add testimonial submit form

Default display – choose what do you want to show when user chooses

Ninjamonial component on the frontend, all testimonials or testimonial submit form

When you are satisfied with choosen configuration option, click on the „Save“ button.

Picture 5: Save component configuration options

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


NinjaMonials frontend

If you choosen to show Ninjamonials on the frontend starting with testimonial submit form, here is

how it will look when user choose it.

Picture 6: Choose Ninjamonial component on frontend

User can submit new testimonial about your site or service or anything else.

Picture 7: Submit new testimonial

When user submits new testimonial he will be presented with message that his testimonial will have

to be approved by site administrator:

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


Picture 8: Start component configuration screen

NinjaMonials backend testimonials handling

When user submits new testimonial, it will not be published until site admin approves it. To do that,

go to joomla backend, choose „Components“ -> „Ninjamonials“ -> „View Testimonials“.

Picture 9: Start component testimonials listing

List of submitted testimonials will show up. Here you can decide if you want to publish it or not and

you can choose to edit testimonial before publishing. To start editing submitted testimonial, just click

on testimonial name under Testimonial column:

Picture 10: List of submitted testimonials

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


When you click testimonial name editor will load up to enable you to edit submitted testimonial.

Change testimonial based on your needs and wishes. Change „Published“ state to „Yes“.

Picture 11: Testimonial editing

When you are done with testimonial editing, click on the „Save“ button on top right corner of Joomla

administrator screen.

Picture 12: Save edited testimonial

NinjaMonials component

Author: Igor Mihaljko E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13. May 2008


NinjaMonials frontend listing

Here is how testimonials looks a like on frontend of site:

Picture 13: Testimonial list on frontend using „Quotes“ style

Picture 14: Testimonial list on frontend using „Beige box“ style


This concludes my tutorial about installation, configuration and usage of NinjaMonials component.

I hope that this tutorial will be useful to some of you.

If you have any questions regarding this component, please, leave message on Ninjoomla support forum which supplies important information and helps you with installing or customizing your Ninjoomla extensions in order to make it as easy as possible for you.

Author is working for Nijoomla extension club as freelancer in charge of writing extension documentation. You can reach him through contact form on his web site or by writing him to email [email protected].