How you may write the SPO1510 Essay

Essay – Some general guidance and example of a structure In general the essay genre is much freer than the other genres, it gives you permission to use your own experiences and thoughts in a completely different way than, for example article. How to write an essay is usually a task often given in upper secondary school and we do therefore not give any guidance or classes in “How to write essay” in higher education. You are all supposed to know how this is done by now. This small guide is just an example, and I put most emphasis on the structure and less on the genre as such. In higher education we focus on what is called “the academic essay”, and just as the common essay this is a genre that has many different ways of expressions. But some basic requirements must be met regardless of the subject and topic for the essay. These include how to formulate and refine issues, the use of sources and how to refer to these, and it requires a clear structure. It is also important to indicate if you want to reproduce facts and opinions by others or to interpret, discuss and assess these. In SPO1510 the topic is ethics and computer games, and it’s your views and opinions that plays centre stage. The essay should show that you have acquired knowledge about the ethical theories mentioned in the online resources, that you have either played the games you chose (or I chose for you) or read extensively about them, and that you are able to put your thoughts about the topic in a structured way. Contents. The starting point for this essay should be your own experience with seven – 7 – games, either the ones listed by the lecturer or of your own choosing. The point with an essay is often to air your thoughts and ideas in a manner that may not lead to any expected conclusions – a bit like a casual walk where you are not quite certain where you will end up. You may start with your thoughts on the topic itself – games and ethics, and then discuss the games as they relate to the topic. Genre. The good formulations are a necessary part of the essay. Feel free to use humour, allegory and other linguistic techniques. Feel free to express your opinions and thoughts on the topic. There is no “false” or “true” answer here.


Used for for SPO1510

Transcript of How you may write the SPO1510 Essay

  • Essay Some general guidance and example

    of a structure

    In general the essay genre is much freer than the other genres, it gives you permission to use your own experiences and thoughts in a completely different way than, for example article. How to write an essay is usually a task often given in upper secondary school and we do therefore not give any guidance or classes in How to write essay in higher education. You are all supposed to know how this is done by now. This small guide is just an example, and I put most emphasis on the structure and less on the genre as such.

    In higher education we focus on what is called the academic essay, and just as the common essay this is a genre that has many different ways of expressions. But some basic requirements must be met regardless of the subject and topic for the essay. These include how to formulate and refine issues, the use of sources and how to refer to these, and it requires a clear structure. It is also important to indicate if you want to reproduce facts and opinions by others or to interpret, discuss and assess these.

    In SPO1510 the topic is ethics and computer games, and its your views and opinions that plays centre stage. The essay should show that you have acquired knowledge about the ethical theories mentioned in the online resources, that you have either played the games you chose (or I chose for you) or read extensively about them, and that you are able to put your thoughts about the topic in a structured way.

    Contents. The starting point for this essay should be your own experience with seven 7 games, either the ones listed by the lecturer or of your own choosing. The point with an essay is often to air your thoughts and ideas in a manner that may not lead to any expected conclusions a bit like a casual walk where you are not quite certain where you will end up. You may start with your thoughts on the topic itself games and ethics, and then discuss the games as they relate to the topic.

    Genre. The good formulations are a necessary part of the essay. Feel free to use humour, allegory and other linguistic techniques. Feel free to express your opinions and thoughts on the topic. There is no false or true answer here.

  • Conclusion. The essay genre allows you not to make a conclusive ending (but you may if you want to). The ending may be open (or it may be closed its your choice), but could if possible - account for multiple viewpoints (but in this task it will be enough for you to state your viewpoint). The ending might contain some kind of doubt or ambiguity, and the final conclusion could be left to the reader.

    Youll find the task in the SPO1510 Blog

    The How to play this course a walkthrough was given online as well as described f2f in


    The structure.

    To solve this task I would suggest the following structure. Here I use the list of games given

    by me in the task.

    1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2. Games................................................................................................................................ 2.1. Manhunt............................................................................................... .......................... 2.2. Walking Dead ................................................................................................................. 2.3. Counter Strike ................................................................................................................. 2.4. Lara Croft Tomb raider.................................................................................................... 2.5. Call of Duty Modern Warfare ........................................................................................ 2.6. Watchdogs...................................................................................................................... 2.7. Deus Ex ......................................................................................................................... 3. Theories............................................................................................................................ 3.1. Ethics .............................................................................................. ............................. 3.1.1. Consequential ....................................................................................................... 3.1.2. Duty...................................................................................................................... 3.1.3. Virtue.................................................................................................................... 3.2. Warfare ........................................................................................... .......................... 3.2.1. United Nations Charter Chapter VII .................................................................... 3.2.2. Law of War........................................................................................................... 4. Discussion .................................................................................................................... 4.1. Ethics ......................................................................................................................... 4.1.1. Manhunt................................................................................................................... 4.1.2. Walking Dead .......................................................................................................... 4.1.3. Lara Croft Tomb raider............................................................................................. 4.1.4. Watchdogs................................................................................................................ 4.1.5. Deus Ex...................................................................................................................... 4.2. War and Geneva Convention........................................................................................ 4.2.1. Counter Strike............................................................................................................ 4.2.2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare ................................................................................... 5. Conclusion............................................................................................ ...........................

    6. Bibliography