How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global...


Transcript of How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global...

Page 1: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,
Page 2: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


The hydrological cycle is an

important part of the climate

system, and its change and vari-

ability have great implications not

only for feedback processes in the

climate system, but also in terms

of the impact on human life.

Particularly in Monsoon Asia,

where more than half of the

world's population reside, people

depend heavily upon rain and will

be affected by its variability and

extremes (i.e., floods, droughts

etc.) in the monsoon season.

In the past several decades, par-

ticularly in the recent two decades

(1980s through 1990s), the global or

hemispheric mean surface tempera-

ture has remarkably increased, as

reported in the Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

report. Under some scenarios of the

anthropogenically-induced green-

house gas increase, most of the

state-of-the-art climate models have

predicted surface-temperature

increases of 3 to 5 ℃/decade by the

end of 21st century. These models

have also predicted an increase in

global precipitation and facilitation

of the hydrological cycle. The range

of predicted values within the mod-

els, however, is far larger than that

of the temperature, due to many

How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change

with "Global Warming"?

Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program, FRSGC and FORSGC, who has received 2002Meteorological Society of Japan's Fujiwara Award, will explain the effect of global warming on the global hydrological cycle.

Tetsuzo YASUNARI ( Program Director, Hydrological Cycle Research Program, FRSGC and FORSGC )

In this edition, we would like to introduce various researches conducted at FRSGC/FORSGC, under the theme"Our Life, Our Water."

Special Topic : Our Life, Our WaterSpecial Topic : Our Life, Our Water

CMAP,GPCP annual (Nov.-Oct.) precipitation

(a) time sequence (1979-1999)

(b) CMAP linear trend (1979-1999)

(c) GPCP linear trend (1979-1999)




1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998

-1.0 -0.2 0.2 1.090
























Figure 1 Time series of global mean CMAP (black bar) and GPCP (white

bar) annual precipitation (November to October) for the period

from 1979 to 1999. Linear trend values for CMAP and GPCP are

plotted with solid and broken lines, respectively. (Yasunari,

Igarashi, Tomita, and Masuda, 2002).

Page 3: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


Jul. 2002No.19

Jul. 2002Frontier NewsletterFrontier Newsletter

unresolved problems and uncer-

tainties in the hydrological process-

es, such as interactions between

cloud/precipitation systems and

land/ocean surface processes.

We have examined the recent

change and trends of hydrological

parameters using the two sets of

nearly homogeneous precipitation

data for the global domain. One

data set is from the Climate

Prediction Center Merged

Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP),

and the other is from the Global

Precipitation Climatology Project

(GPCP) for the same period from

1979 to 2000.

Time series of global-mean pre-

cipitation from the two data sets

for the period from 1979 to 1999

were computed for the whole

year, as shown in Figure 1. The

significant decreasing linear

trends are noticeable in the time

series for CMAP data, whereas no

decreasing or increasing trend is

seen for GPCP time series.

Caution may be needed for this

type of time-series analysis when

the data have been merged and

edited by using different data

source for a different period, but

we should also emphasize that

both sets of data DO NOT show

any increasing trends. The

decreasing trend is mostly attrib-

uted to that over the tropical

ocean areas (Yasunari et al.,

2002). In a broad region of Siberia,

where the recent warming trend is

most remarkable, no increasing or

decreasing trend in precipitation

has been noted either in winter

or summer, though a dominant

period of 6 to 8 years is seen in

summer as shown in Figure 2

(Fukutomi et al., 2002). In the

Monsoon Asian region, large dif-

ferences in trends and decadal-

scale changes are noticeable both

in their regionality and seasonali-

ty, though further intensive study

is really needed.

These discrepancies between

the model predictions and the

observational results strongly

urge us to promote further moni-

toring of the global hydrological

cycle by in-situ and satellite obser-

vations, intensive studies of

hydro-meteorological processes

in the atmosphere and at

land/ocean surfaces, and develop-

ment of high-resolution climate

models with more sophisticated

hydrological processes.

(a) Lena river basin (JJA)

(b) Yenisey river basin (JJA)

(c) Ob river basin (JJA)








m m







79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95




79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95




79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95








Moisture flux convergence

Moisture flux convergence

Moisture flux convergence

Runoff (JAS)

Runoff (JAS)

Runoff (JAS)

Figure 2 Figure 2. (a) Interannual variability of summer water balance

components for the Lena River basin from 1979 to 1995. (b) As

in (a), except for the Yenisey basin. (c) As in (a), except for the

Ob basin (Fukutomi, Igarashi, Masuda, and Yasunari, 2002).

Page 4: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


The 21st century is

called the "century

of water." That is

because there are

regions where water

scarcity results in

poverty, poor sanitary

conditions, and dis-

ease, and anticipated

population growth will

increase the demand

for potable water in

urban areas and irriga-

tion water for crop

production. Economic

growth will induce an

increase in the con-

sumption of cereal

crops and also increase

the water demand.

An accurate future

projection for the sup-

ply and demand of water is essen-

tial for the adoption of suitable

alternatives to cope with such con-

cerns. Water demand in the future is

estimated by considering the

increase of unit demand of water

that accompanies population

growth and economic development.

On the other hand, nowadays, water

supply in the future is commonly

estimated using general circulation

models that consider climate

change such as global warming.

Figure 1 illustrates the change in

annual river discharge estimated

from the results of the general

circulation model developed by the

Center for Climate System Research

(CCSR), University of Tokyo and the

National Institute for Environmental

Studies (NIES). The runoff from the

model is used to calculate the river

discharge using a global river chan-

nel network and a river routing

model (Saruhashi, 2001). Primary

factors affecting the future water cri-

sis are believed to be the societal

ones such as population growth,

with the effects of climatic change as

secondary factors. However, a slight

increase in precipitation and runoff

is estimated for the northern part of

China, close to the Yellow river

basin, as shown in Figure 1, and the

future water stress in the region is

estimated to be less than it would be

without climate change. Conversely,

water stress will increase due to cli-

mate change in the west of the Black

Sea and around the Florida

Peninsula in North America.

In this result of global warming

World Water Resources and

Global Climate Change

Considering the global water issue as a problem closely related to us, Dr. Oki, also serving as a assistant professor of ResearchInstitute for Humanity and Nature, will explain the need of accurate research output through climate model and "virtual water".

Taikan OKI ( Researcher, Hydrological Cycle Research Program, FRSGC )

Change in Annual River DischargeUnder Global Warming Condition

2060 - 1990

210゜ 240゜ 270゜ 300゜ 330゜ 0゜ 30゜ 60゜ 90゜ 120゜ 150゜ 180゜






-5000 -1000 -500 -100 -10 10 100 500 1000 5000

Double CO2 - current[106m3 /year/ 0.5 g゚rid]

Figure 1 Estimated change in annual river discharge based on the runoff simulation under global warming condi-

tions in 2060 using an atmospheric general circulation model of CCSR, Univ. of Tokyo and NIES. A global

river channel network and a river routing model was used.

Page 5: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


Jul. 2002No.19

Jul. 2002Frontier NewsletterFrontier Newsletter

simulation, global mean precipita-

tion and runoff increase, and the

water stress in the future is estimat-

ed to be alleviated on a global scale.

However, there is another research

result that suggests future water

stress will become more serious

due to global warming. Eliminating

the uncertainty in the prediction of

detailed geographical distribution

and quantity of increase and

decrease in precipitation and runoff

is much anticipated.

On the other hand, upstream

water withdrawal, deterioration

of water quality, and the shortage of

social infrastructure limit the avail-

ability of water resources (Oki,

2001), and such social factors

should be considered in an assess-

ment of world water resources.

Even though future projections of

the water supply in some areas of

the world seem very

serious, in Japan, no

population growth is

predicted, agricultural

production is decreas-

ing, and industrial water

use is not increasing, so

there is no concern

about a future water cri-

sis as a whole. However,

Japan should still care

about the anticipated

water crisis in the world.

One of the major rea-

sons is that Japan

imports many agricultur-

al and industrial prod-

ucts from abroad, and

these products consume

local water resources in

the country of origin. In

a sense, importing goods and using

them is just like importing and con-

suming "virtual water."

Miyake (2002) estimated that 8m3

of water is used to produce 1kg of

polished rice and 4m3 of water is

used to produce 1kg of flour if pro-

duced in Japan using irrigation.

Considering the water required to

cultivate feed cereals to feed live-

stock for meat needs several times

more water resources by weight.

Based on the estimates of unit water

consumption, the total annual import

of virtual water to Japan is illustrated

in Figure 2. The total annual import

of virtual water to Japan accounts

for approximately 100 billion m3 and

it is comparable with total national

water use of 90 billion m3 per year. It

is not surprising since the self-suffi-

ciency ratio for food in Japan is 40%

by calorie base. However, Figure 2

shows that Japanese should consid-

er the world water problem as an

issue closely related to thier daily

lives thus Japan should encourage

research on the current and future

situation of global water resources.


Saruhashi, T. (2001): Global Water

Resources Assessment Using Total

Runoff Integrating Pathways,

Master's thesis, Graduate School of

Engineering, University of Tokyo.

Oki, T., Y. Agata, S. Kanae, T. Saruhashi,

D. Yang, and K. Musiake (2001):

Global Assessment of Current

Water Resources using the Total

Runoff Integrating Pathways.

Hydrol. Sci. J., 46, 983-996.

Miyake, M. (2002): International Trade

of Virtual Water to and from

Japan, Graduate thesis, Faculty of

Engineering, University of Tokyo.

Total Import of Virtual Water to Japan



256 27


Share of virtual waterImport to Japan










Domestic Withdrawals in Japan:89.0 bil.m3/yearTotal:103.5 bil.m3/year

Figure 2 Import of virtual water to Japan. The figures illustrate how much water would be required if these goods

were produced in Japan.

Page 6: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


The government of Sri Lanka has

a decision to make. Sri Lanka

generates 60% of electricity from

hydropower, which is cheaper than

oil or coal. It would like to maximize

its hydropower generation by con-

structing an additional dam on the

Mahaweli River. There are two

potential sites near Talawakelle; one

has greater hydro-electricity poten-

tial (125 MW) but greater financial

and environmental costs than the

other site, which has a smaller gen-

eration potential (90MW) but has

also less social and environmental

costs. The suitable choice would

have to be based on a careful assess-

ment of costs, benefits and risks.

This project is to be financed with a

loan from the Government of Japan.

Viability of new dams is tradition-

ally assessed based on historical

stream flow and rainfall records.

Now the consensus of scientific

opinion is that global warming is

indeed happening. Such warming is

also evident in Sri Lanka. Many resi-

dents and water managers feel that

there is less water in the springs

and in the stream. The existing

reservoirs constructed on the basis

of historical stream flow have only

filled up three times in two decades.

Indeed, while there are large year-

to-year fluctuations, the stream flow

in the Mahaweli is indeed declining.

But is this decline due to deforesta-

tion, siltation, environmental degra-

dation, construction of reservoirs or

to climate change? These are ques-

tions that need immediate answers.

Indeed, the rainfall too declines so

Questions for Climate Science from

the Mahaweli Water Managers

Dr. Lareef, originally from Sri Lanka, is a researcher of the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction in New York.He stayed at the FRSGC as a visiting researcher for three months. He will introduce the current problem Sri Lanka government isfacing regarding the dam construction and the need of the climate modeling research in the future.

Lareef ZUBAIR ( Visiting Scientist, Climate Variations Research Program, FRSGC, and Researcher, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, New York, USA )












Victoria Reservoir


Mahaweli River

Sri Lanka

The Mahaweli is the longest river in Sri Lanka and it carries water from the so-called Wet

Zone where water is plentiful to the Dry Zone. A reservoir was built at Victoria for irrigation

and hydropower generation in 1985.

Page 7: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


Jul. 2002No.19

Jul. 2002Frontier NewsletterFrontier Newsletter

that climate change is indeed at play

here. But the water managers still

have many questions. Will the

trends continue? Is it reversible? Will

the frequency of floods and drought

change? What is the role of El Niño

and such climatic variability? Will

there be decadal variations?

These questions are examples of

the challenges that climate change

poses to policy makers, water man-

agers, farmers and ordinary people.

The traditional approach to water

resources planning is based on a

stable climate. Now, the methods

used to optimize risk is not valid.

The guidelines used for operating

reservoirs are suspect. Indeed, one

cannot act based on our past history


These are such questions that

researches such as at Frontier

Research System for Global Change

can answer. A particular difficulty in

using contemporary climate model-

ing work is the need to interpret

from the 250-km scale of global

models to what happens at a few

kilometer scales in the Mahaweli

basin. For example, Sri Lanka is

only 270-km wide and 400-km long

and is covered by only 4 grid boxes

in contemporary global climate

models. The climate however varies

drastically within these boxes.

Hence research from the high-reso-

lution work of the Earth Simulator

(where Sri Lanka would be covered

by 700 grid boxes), will be particu-

larly useful.

Looking from the Mahaweli river

basin, one sees concretely that the

water managers are severely chal-

lenged by climate change and cli-

mate variability. Understanding

climate and environment at suffi-

ciently small scales is necessary to

understand hydrological variability

and change that matters to the soci-

ety at large. Along with develop-

ment in climate and hydrological

sciences, a paradigm shift in water

resources design, and management

and policy formulation is required

to harness our ability to predict

environmental variability and to

adapt to a changing climate. But all

these changes are yet to come; so

Sri Lanka decided to build the larger

dam this year.

The Victoria reservoir and powerhouse on the Mahaweli river has the largest hydro-electricity capacity in Sri Lanka. The picture on the

left is the Victoria when it was full in late 1980's. Over the last 50 years, the stream flow into the Victoria has declined by 40% and rain-

fall has declined by 30%. Much of Victoria's capacity cannot be used as was the case during the last year (photograph on the right).


Page 8: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,

We would like to introduce Dr. Julia Hargreaves, a new researcher

in the paleoclimate group.

Exactly one year ago I came to FRSGC to work as a visiting scien-

tist in the paleoclimate group of the Global Warming Research

Program. Prior to coming to Japan, I worked as a researcher at the

Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory near Liverpool in the UK for 6

years, studying ocean surface waves, with emphasis on the effects

of climate change and impacts on the coastal environment. During

my sabbatical, I have focussed on analysing paleo-data with the aim

of gaining understanding the ice age terminations. Now I am

employed as a Researcher and I am becoming more involved with

the work program of the group. My particular interest is in under-

standing the mechanisms and feed-

backs responsible for the very large

climate changes apparent in the

paleo-record over the last half-mil-

lion years or so. At a technical

level, my work tends to be in the

area of model-data comparison.


Climate Variations Research ProgramClimate Variations Research Program

Hydrological Cycle Research ProgramHydrological Cycle Research Program

Global Warming Research ProgramGlobal Warming Research Program

Atmospheric Composition Research ProgramAtmospheric Composition Research Program

Earth Simulator, the fastest supercomputer in the world, is finally

operational since April, 2002. With this computer, active collaborative

research has been conducted between the Earth Simulator Center and

the Frontier Research System for Global Change. In Climate Variations

Research Program, two researchers, Drs. Yamane and Kagimoto have

been playing the leading role of this joint research. Dr. Yamane is carry-

ing out a detailed calculation of the meso-scale phenomena such as

tropical storm and Baiu-front at global scale, using a super high resolu-

tion atmospheric general circulation model with triangular truncations of

T639 and T1279 (which correspond to 20km and 10km horizontal resolu-

tion, respectively). This model is called AFES and is based on

CCSR/NIES model. Meanwhile, Dr. Kagimoto is simulating the realistic

ocean circulation system with the super high-resolution (approximately

10km horizontal resolution) ocean general circulation model based on

the Princeton Ocean Model, which is called PFES. The research will

excite us soon by providing microscopic view of Earth climate system.

In the Spring Conference on Japan Meteorological Society held in 22-24

May at Omiya, Japan, presenters from our program were; Program Director

Dr. Yasunari, Group Leaders Drs. Kimura and Fujiyoshi, as well as Drs.

Yamasaki, Takata, Suzuki, Endo, Ju, Fukutomi, Yoshikane, and Iwabuchi.

Dr. Ma of Land Surface Processes and Land Atmosphere Interaction

Group joined the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting 2002 held at New

Zealand in July, and presented his research on dry and semiarid areas in


In the Cloud and Precipitation Group, Group Leader Dr. Fujiyoshi par-

ticipated in the Workshop on Japan-China Precipitation System

Observational Research held in Hainan Province, China from 23-26 April

and presented the research result on the model comparison experiment

on meso-disturbance developed over the Baiu Front. Dr. Nakamura

joined the workshop on GEWEX Cloud System Studies (GCSS) in

Kananaskis and presented the result of the analysis and numerical simu-

lation of some disturbances observed during WMO-01.

In April, Dr. Iwabuchi joined the Cloud and Precipitation Group. He is

conducting his research, both from Observation and model perspectives,

regarding the effects of three- dimensional radiative transmission on

radiative characteristics of the clouds.

Program Director, H. Akimoto attended "Air Pollution as a Climate

Forcing Workshop" held in Honolulu during Aril 29 and May 3, midst

of Golden Week. The venue was East West Center located in the cam-

pus of University of Hawaii. The workshop was co-sponsored by IPRC

together with NASA, NOAA, EPA, etc., and IPRC staff members took

care of more than 100 participants. The workshop theme was a link

between non-CO2

air pollutants such as methane, ozone and aerosol,

and climate change. Wide range of topics including atmospheric

chemistry, mitigation technology, and health effects were discussed.

Akimoto met all Japanese members of IPRC during a session interval

as well as the IPRC Director, Dr. McCeary, at the reception. It was very

good to have had a chance to get acquainted directly with IPRC with

which we usually do not have close contact.

Program Activity

Page 9: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


Jul. 2002No.19

Jul. 2002Frontier NewsletterFrontier Newsletter

International Pacific Research Center (IPRC)International Pacific Research Center (IPRC)

International Arctic Research Center (IARC)International Arctic Research Center (IARC)

The IPRC hosted a workshop on Air Pollution, April 29-May 3,

2002. This event was followed May 17-18 by the Second Annual IPRC


As for our researches, S. Xie (IPRC) and H. Hashizume (JPL) have

described the first-ever measurements of the effects of tropical instabili-

ty waves (TIWs) on the atmosphere. They showed that over the cold

meanders associated with the TIWs, the atmosphere is colder and verti-

cal mixing is suppressed, resulting in stronger wind shear and weaker

surface winds. N. Maximenko (IPRC) and P. Niiler (Scripps) have devel-

oped a 1/4 degrees spatial resolution map of the mean sea level in the

Kuroshio Extension region, using drifter data and the sea level anomaly

from satellite altimetry data. X. Fu, B. Wang, T. Li, and J. McCreary

(IPRC) have studied the predictability of the rainy and dry spells during

the monsoon's travel across Asia, which are closely tied to the north-

ward propagating intraseasonal oscillation. They suggested that rainy

spells are predictable from sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean.

On 18th March, IARC Workshop was held at Yokohama Institute for

Earth Sciences. Dr. Motoyoshi Ikeda, IARC Program Director, and Dr.

Noriyuki Tanaka, IARC Multi Disciplinary Group's Leader, served as con-

veyors. Participants were researchers from Frontier Research System for

Global Change, Frontier Observation Research System for Global

Change, Geophysical Institute of University of Alaska, Japan Marine

Science and Technology Center, National Institute of Polar Research,

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, and Institute of Low

Temperature Science of Hokkaido University. 32 oral and 8 poster pre-

sentations were made. The Workshop consisted of six main sessions,

namely, climate variability, atmospheric process and interaction with

land and sea ice, ocean-ice physics and dynamics, poster sessions, and

ocean-ice bio-geochemistry. Very lively cross-cutting discussions among

various fields of atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, land physics, chemistry, and

biology were conducted throughout the day. Researchers from IARC

Frontier, and FORSGC made presentations on their research results, and

exchanged ideas and opinions with the domestic polar research groups.

In May, a new researcher, Dr. Michiyo Yamamoto joined the FORSGC

IARC Multi Disciplinary Group from Graduate School of Environmental

Earth Science of Hokkaido University.

Ecosystem Change Research ProgramEcosystem Change Research Program

Integrated Modeling Research ProgramIntegrated Modeling Research Program

At FRSG/FORSGC Annual Symposium 2002 held in March, two pre-

sentations were made from our Program: Followed by the Overall

Introduction of this year's activity by Program Director Dr. Yasuoka, one

of our researchers, Dr. Ito made his presentation on the role of plants

and soils in the global carbon cycle. In addition, Drs. Tadokoro, Ono,

and Chiba gave a poster presentation to report the recent marine

ecosystem change in the North Pacific. Since biology/ecology is the

theme familiar and interesting to general public, we have very positive

feedback from the audience, as shown in the questionnaire.

Soon after in April, our researchers Drs. Komori and Kubo have trans-

ferred to Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute and Hokkaido

University respectively. We are feeling a bit lonely as our already very

small group has shrunk to only 6 members.

In order to understand the various studies conducted at Ecosystem

Change Research Program, it is important to know that living organisms

will not always act passively to the environmental change, but the

change of the living organisms will affect the global environment. For

example, absorption capacity in the atmospheric CO2

by the ocean will

be affected by the role of plankton. On the other hand, the fact that

compared to physical/chemical processes, there still exist a lot of uncer-

tainties in the biological/ecological processes, makes prediction of glob-

al environmental change. Therefore, even though our Program has a

few members, we still have a lot to research.

For the prediction and research of the mid- to long-term climate change,

it is inevitable to improve the performance of the ocean model. Especially,

it is necessary to develop a high-resolution ocean model in order to resolve

meso-scale eddies, which are well known to play significant role in the

transport of heat and other substances in the ocean. The ocean model

group in our program is developing a high-performance parallel general

ocean circulation code, UMI-1. Its computational speed has reached 3.5

TFLOPS on the Earth Simulator using 1024 CPUs (c.f. abstract of Parallel

Computational Fluid Dynamic Conference 2002). In addition, we must also

improve physical parameterizations to cope with these high-resolution

models. One of the most essential issues about it is on the parameteriza-

tion of the bottom topographic effect, which directly controls the intensity of

the large-scale meridional circulation. Our group has improved the "Bottom

Boundary Layer Scheme" in the ocean model to reproduce the realistic

entrainment on the continental sloop and obtained several new findings.

Furthermore, for the improvement of physical parameterization, a data

assimilation method is also effective. We are preparing to estimate physical

coefficients in the some parameterizations using optimization theory.

Page 10: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


The Indonesian maritime continent

is one of the regions that experi-

ence the most rainfall in the world.

Atmosphere over this region drives the

global circulations, i.e., the east-west

Walker circulation and the south-north

Hadley circulation, through the fre-

quent convective cloud activity.

Regardless of the extremely important

position this region holds in terms of

climate mechanisms, including the

Asian Monsoon System, as an "aerial

crossroads" of water and energy circu-

lations, remarkably limited surface

meteorological and aerological obser-

vation data is available. Therefore, con-

tinuous in situ observation and analysis

of meteorological data in this region

are being counted on not only in view

of climate change prediction research,

but also towards improving cumulus

parameterization techniques, validation

of satellite observation data, and so on.

Currently, our research group has

established the Kototabang observatory

in Sumatra Island (Fig. 1) as a base sta-

tion to develop high-accuracy meteoro-

logical observations that can resolve the

diurnal variation predominant in the

tropical equatorial region. Particularly,

for the first time in this region, we have

been conducting Global Positioning

System (GPS) rawinsonde observations

(Fig. 2) that take measurements every 3

to 6 hours during campaigns, totaling

more than 100 days over a one-year peri-

od. Based on these observations, we are

investigating the interaction between the

detailed variations in the atmospheric

structure and mesoscale phenomena,

such as the torrential rainfall peculiar to

tropical regions, and their relationship

with ENSO and other large-scale climate

change systems. Furthermore, we have

adopted advanced methods using GPS

for observations of short-term variations

in precipitable water and stable isotope

studies of water, and have been simul-

taneously conducting investigations into

the recycling process and water vapor

transport across the wide area covering

Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, and Siberia.

Indonesia is subject to many natural

disasters, such as large-scale forest fires

during El Niño periods, and severe rain-

fall and floods during La Niña periods.

Indonesian government thus has high

expectations of Japan's observational

research activities. Our goal is not only to

serve important meteorological process

studies that will improve climate change

prediction research, but also to produce

scientific output, such as disaster-pre-

venting information, that can benefit the

local community as a part of Japan's

international cooperation.

Observational Research of Large-Scale

Hydrological Cycle and Processes Centered

on the Indonesian Maritime Continent

Shuichi MORI ( Researcher, Hydrological Cycle Observational Research Program, FORSGC )

0 6 12 18 240






2Kototabang NOV 2001

: u : v: Specific humidity


fall (



Local Time (hour)





/s, g



TRMM 3G68 Annual Mean 1998–200010N




10S90E 95E 100E 105E 110E

–2000 –1500 –1000 –500 –200 200 500 1000 1500 2000


Difference of Rainfall between Evening Rain 12–23LST and Morning Rain 00–11LST

Fig. 1 Diurnal variation of rainfall around Sumatra Island observed by TRMM satellite (left panel). Distinct contrastof rainfall characteristics is shown between over the land and its adjacent sea area. Rawinsonde data at Kototabangobservatory (indicated by the cross (+): 0.2S, 100.3E) shows clear diurnal variations of wind and humidity suggestingclose relation with that of rainfall (right panel).

Fig 2. Prior to launching the GPS rawinsonde observation balloon at the Kototabang observatory by local stuff (rightpanel), and precise profiles of observed data in November 2001 with 10m resolution in height (left panel).







0-90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 200

Temperature (deg)

Specific Humidity (g/kg)

Zonal Wind (m/s)

Meridional Wind (m/s)



t (k


Page 11: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,


Jul. 2002No.19

Jul. 2002Frontier NewsletterFrontier Newsletter

The first joint workshop was held

by the FORSGC in cooperation

with the Chinese Academy of

Meteorological Sciences from April

24 to 27 in 2002 at Haikou City,

Hainan Province, China.

With completion of Japan-China col-

laborative field experiment in 2001,

during this workshop, participants

discussed their research results, situa-

tion of the Baiu observation research

activities carried out in China, and the

observation plan for this fiscal year.

Dr. Hiroshi Hotta, Director-General

of FORSGC gave a speech to express

his appreciation for efforts provided

by China and mentioned the signifi-

cance of the workshop.

Group leader Hiroshi Uyeda, sub-

leader Dr. Biao Geng, researchers

Dr. Hiroyuki Yamada and Krishna K.

Reddy delivered presentations on

their observational researches based

on the results obtained through

observations conducted up to now.

The Japanese delegation presented

the observational results

from the Doppler radar

and wind profiler showing

close correlations between

the precipitation system

occurring in the down-

stream of Yangtze (Chiang

Jiang) River and rainfalls

in western Japan.

Afterwards, we accom-

panied Dr. Hotta to visit

the Wuxian, Dongshan, and Wujiang

observation sites located around

Suzhou city. The local observational

activities and observation equip-

ments were explained to Dr. Hotta

by each researcher. They discussed

the issues related to the observation

and research activities for this fiscal


The workshop and the visit to the

observation sites were extremely

helpful to promote the observations

in the downstream of Yangtze River.

The research group is continuing

observations in the downstream of

Yangtze River from June this year.

The First Workshop on Japan-China Precipitation

System Observational Research

Hiroshi UYEDA ( Group Leader, Hydrological Cycle Observation Research Program, FORSGC )

Introduction of the Business of AESTOIntroduction of the Business of AESTO

Visit to local site.

FORSGC Director-General, Dr. H. Hotta delivering opening


Advanced Earth Science and Technology Organization (AESTO) is doing the publication

work of some publications of JAMSTEC from June, 2002. This work is consignment work

from the Computer and Information Department of JAMSTEC. The following publication

are included to this consignment work, (1) JAMSTEC Technical Report (2) JAMSTEC Deep

sea Research (twice a year publication) (3) Japanese Annual Report and (4) Annual Report

(once a year publication). AESTO does the work regarding the publication such as

manuscripts invites, DTP (Desk Top Publishing) and proofreading. AESTO also started

the updating work of the homepage at JAMSTEC. The publications and homepage are very

important because the many people are always watching it. We not only keep a publication

date, but have to guarantee quality of the DTP and the homepage contents. Therefore, in

addition to present staffs, AESTO is going to employ and training DTP staffs and a

homepage designer.

Page 12: How Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change Will the Global Hydrological Cycle Change with "Global Warming"? Dr. Yasunari, Program Director of Hydrological Cycle Research Program,

We are very happy with the fact

that of five recipients of

Meteorological Society of Japan's

(MSJ) Society Award and Fujiwara

Award for this year, three were fron-

tier-related scientists.

Specifically, Program Director Dr.

Tetsuzo Yasunari, Hydrological Cycle

Research Program (HCRP) of Frontier

Research System for Global Change

(FRSGC), and Hydrological Cycle

Observation Program of Frontier

Observation Research Program

(FORSGC), and Sub-Group Leader of

HCRP, FRSGC, Dr. Masanori Yamasaki

both received the 2002 Fujiwara

Awards. Along with the two Fujiwara

Awards recipients, Dr. Shang-Ping

Xie, Researcher of International Pacific

Research Center (IPRC) of FRSGC, first

time as the non-Japanese member,

received the Society Award.

Dr. Yasunari, also serving as a

Professor of University of Tsukuba,

has been contributing greatly to the

research of monsoon system. With

the receipt of the Fujiwara Award, for

the first time in Japan, he has

received all three honorable awards

from MSJ, namely Yamamoto-Syono

Award for Outstanding Papers (1981)

and the Society Award (1986). This

time, his recognized achievement

was under "Promotion of Asian

Monsoon researches, based on

GAME projects." He has contributed

greatly to the execution of the

International Scientific Project for the

first time in Asia, and training and

education of young scientists.

Dr. Yamasaki has been carrying out

the research on typhoons and convec-

tion for a long time. This time, his work

on "numerical experimental research

on typhoons and tropical disturbances"

has been recognized. His researches,

based on numerical experiments on the

formation and development of typhoon,

using a model which directly resolve

clouds, as well as development of a

numerical model which implicitly treats

cumulus convection, were highly appre-

ciated. Dr. Yamasaki received the

Society Award in 1972.

Dr. Xie is a co-team-leader of IPRC

and an associate professor of meteor-

ology at University of Hawaii. The

Society Award recognizes his contri-

butions to the understanding of

ocean-atmosphere interaction that

shapes the climate and its variability.

He also received the Yamamoto-

Shono Award for best research article

from the Meteorological Society of

Japan in 1996.

Date of issue : July 31, 2002Issue : Joint Promotion Office, Frontier Research System for Global ChangeTEL : +81-45-778-5687 FAX : +81-45-778-5497 For inquiries : Attn. Mr.Sato and Ms. OtaHomepage : E-mail address for inquiries : [email protected]

Editing & Framing : Advanced Earth Science and Technology Organization (AESTO)

This Newsletter adopts reproduced paper recognized by the Eco-mark organization.

Frontier Newsletter No.19 July 2002

Three FRSGC/FORSGC Participants Received

the 2002 Society Award and Fujiwara Award

from Meteorological Society of Japan

FRSGC's Visitors for IGCR Formal SeminarFRSGC's Visitors for IGCR Formal Seminar

Professor Jen-Ping Chen, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan UniversityDr. Kikuro Miyakoda, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA), and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), NOAA Dr. William K. M. Lau, Head, Climate and Radiation Branch NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Eileen Lavonne Shea, Climate Project Coordinator, East-West Center Dr. Michio Yanai, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Lie-Yauw Oey, Scientist, AOS Program, Princeton University Prof. Dr. Hans von Storch, GKSS Reseach Centre, Germany

May 7May 17

June 10July 2July 8