How was Jesus born?

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  • 7/31/2019 How was Jesus born?


    How was Jesus born?

    Science has provided innumerable answers to mankind over a period of centuries.

    For example, in olden times, whenever there was a solar or lunar eclipse, people

    thought that the Sun and the Moon gods had become angry, but now we know that is

    not the case.

    Children who remained mentally retarded since birth were considered to be possessed

    with demons and devils, but now, with the help of science, it has been found that there

    are many causes of why children are born mentally retarded, including Downs Syn-

    drome. Another example is schizophrenia in which people can hear and see things due

    to neurotransmitter chemical imbalance in the brain, not due to seeing ghosts and spir-


    Many renowned scientists have been astonished at the scientific facts written in the

    Quran from before, which they have discovered now with the use of extensive equip-

    ment. Hence, Muhammad (PBUH) by no means could have been the author of the

    Quran as there are things written in it which no man in 700 AD (or so) could have


    For example,

    1)Astronomers have discovered that Outer Space is constantly expanding.

    Allah says:

    And The Sky we constructed with strength, and We are Expanding it

    (Quran 51:47)

    2)The Sun moves in an orbit too!!!
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    Allah says:

    "It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They swimalong, each in an orbit. "

    (Qur'an, 21:33)

    When the Sun moves in an orbit, it carries with itself all the planets in fixed orbits. The

    planets do not bang into each other. Hence everything moves in an organized fashion.

    "By the sky full of paths and orbits."

    (The Qur'an, 51:7)

    There is no way Muhammad (pbuh) in 700 AD could have known this.

    3)The ability of the sky which can reflect things.

    Allah says:

    And The Sky which returns

    (Quran 86:11)

    The atmosphere surrounding the Earth consists of many layers. Each layer serves an

    important purpose. Research has revealed that these layers have the function of turning

    the materials or rays they are exposed to back into space or back down to the Earth.

    Now let us examine with a few examples of this "recycling" function of the layers encir-

    cling the Earth.

    The troposphere, 13 to 15 kilometers above the Earth, enables water vapor rising from

    the surface of the Earth to be condensed and turn back as rain.
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    The ozone layer, at an altitude of 25 kilometers, reflects harmful radiation and ultraviolet

    light coming from space and turns both back into space.

    The ionosphere, reflects radio waves broadcast from the Earth back down to different

    parts of the world, just like a passive communications satellite, and thus makes wirelesscommunication, radio, and television broadcasting possible over long distances.

    The magnetosphere layer turns the harmful radioactive particles emitted by the Sun

    and other stars back into space before they reach the Earth.

    4)The gender of the fetus is determined by the sperm:

    Allah says:

    And He created the pairs, the male and the female; From the semen drop when eject-


    (Quran 53:45-46)

    Today science has discovered that the man produces 2 types of sperms; one carries the

    X Chromosome and the other the Y Chromosome. The woman only produces one type

    of egg containing the X Chromosome. If the X sperm fertilizes the egg, a female is pro-duced, if a Y sperm fertilizes the egg, a male is produced.

    Come on. Seriously!!! Do you think Muhammad (PBUH) would have known this in 700



    Some of the information above was found on the following website where you can find

    even more eye opening examples.

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    There are many such examples which makes a person ponder as to how can Muham-

    mad be the author of the Quran?

    One thing however, which intrigued me was the birth of Jesus. If Allah is so

    PRO-SCIENCE, why would He in the same book, give an example of a human beingborn without the intervention of a sperm/man. Coming from a medical background, I al-

    ways wanted to study the birth of Jesus in depth.

    Both Christians and Muslims believe in the immaculate conception of Jesus, and when

    they are cornered by atheists and scientists, their mouths remain shut. All what they

    have to say is, it was a miracle.

    However, this is not a satisfactory answer to a person who is looking for reasoning,

    proof, and evidence. So, I looked deeper into the Quran and was shocked at what I


    The Quran is the only book which can provide scientific proof for Jesus birth, not the


    The Quran says:

    She (Mary) said: O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched

    me? He said: "Even so: God creates what He wills: When He has decreed a plan,He says, Be and it is

    (Quran 3:47)

    However, today science has done discoveries and found out that there are human be-

    ings classified as HERMAPHRODITES who actually have both male and female repro-

    ductive organs within their bodies, and if things work right, they can actually self-impreg-


    Shocking, isnt it? Many people do not know this, and I do not expect a layman, who

    does not have sufficient biological knowledge to know this fact.

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    Was Mary a hermaphrodite? Could this be a possibility? If this is the case, then to un-

    derstand the birth of Jesus, we will have to understand the birth of his mother.


    Allah says:

    When a lady of Imran said: My Lord, indeed I dedicate to you what is in my

    womb freely, so accept from me; indeed you are the All-Hearing, All Knowing

    So when she delivered, she said: My Lord I have delivered a femaleand God

    knows better what she produced;and the male is not like the female;I have

    named her Mary, and I seek refuge with You and her offspring from Satan the



    Please pay attention to the peculiar words used by Allah and their placement in the

    statement as well.

    a) and God knows better what she produced

    What does this mean??? Is Allah trying to tell us that the baby was not 100% female???

    Just think about it. If you have a baby girl today, and go to your family and say:

    yayyyyyyy, I have a baby girl!!!

    Nine people congratulate you, but the tentth comes out with a similar remark, I know

    better what your wife produced Wouldnt you be taken aback? What would your reac-

    tion be?

    b) the male is not like the female

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    What purpose does this statement have here??? We all know that a male is not like a

    female. Both sexes have different functions biologically, physically and socially. When

    Allah gave Yahya to Zakariya in his old age (19:7-9) and Ishaaq to Ibraheem (11:71) in

    his old age, there were no fishy statements like this. Why with Marys mother???


    Allah says:

    And she (referring to Mary) who guarded her gaps/private parts/FARJso We

    breathedIN HERfrom Our spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for the



    And Mary the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her gaps/private parts/FARJand

    We breathed IN HERfrom Our spirit; and she was true with the words of her

    Lord and of His scriptures, and she was from the devotees


    Now pay attention here.

    I have capitalized the portion IN HER in the above 2 verses.

    The reality is the arabic in 21:91 says FEE-HAA

    and in 66:12 it says FEE-HEE.

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    FEE-HAA means IN HER.

    FEE-HEE means IN HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mary is addressed as both male and female!!!!

    If you pay attention to the arabic, both the verses refer to FARJ. The arabic word FARJ

    refers to the pelvic area, the private parts meaning to reproductive organs.


    How do we further fortify this finding? Lets check another verse:

    When it comes to Adam, FEE-HEE has been correctly translated as IN HIM in the

    following ayat:

    So when I have fashioned him, and breathed IN HIM (FEE-HEE) from My Spirit, so fall

    down to him prostating

    (15:29) (Also see 32:9 and 38:72)

    But when the same arabic FEE-HEE came for Mary, no translator correctly translates

    this to IN HIM because they simply cannot think the unthinkable.

    FEE-HAA and FEE-HEE are found in the Quran innumerable times used for sky, heav-

    en, land, The Book, fire etc etc. For these it is usually translated as IN IT. The IT por-

    tion in Arabic has masculine and feminine genders unlike English.

    For example, in Urdu, we say : "TUMHARA" and "TUMHARI" (masculine and feminine

    respectively) but in ENGLISH , we say "YOURS" which does not really tell us which gen-

    der is being addressed.

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    Hermaphroditism is a very very rare condition. Its a person with both male and female

    organs. You can get more information on it from the following link:

    Whenever any baby is born, the genital area is seen to find out the sex of the baby. The

    human tendency is to jump to conclusion for a female if a male organ is not seen sim-


    In a hermaphrodite, the genitalia is ambiguous, a clear visually obvious male organ is

    not seen, and thus, the doctor pronounces the baby as a female in a second. This was

    exactly the natural reply of Marys mother, jumping to conclusion when she did not see a

    male organ of her baby, and she said:

    I have given birth to a female.

    If it was 100% a female baby, the matter would have stopped right there. However, Allah

    further goes on to comment that He knew better what Marys mother had produced!

    Thus Allah made a sperm fertilize an egg in the same person by His command!

    Be and it is


    Quran is the only book which explains the birth of Jesus scientifically!!!

    Quran is compatible with science!!!!!! This is further proof that it has come from the True


    Allah says:
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    For Allah is the Kingdom of the skies and the earth, He creates what He wills,

    He grants females for whom He wills,

    He grants males for whom He wills.

    Or PAIRED/COUPLED/ZAUJ males and females,

    and He makes whom He wills Barren, surely He is knower.


    Allah clearly defines the categories He makes:

    1) Males

    2) Females

    3) Joint/coupled containing both ovaries and testicles.

    4) Infertile.

    Out of these, Mary was Category 3!


    One might ask, then why arent there similar cases seen today?

    1) Well, firstly, its a very rare condition.

    2) Secondly, every hermaphrodite doesnt end up impregnating themselves.

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    3) Every town, village and country doesnt have the means to make an international an-


    4) Fourthly, it depends where the person lives. Do you expect a pregnant hermaphrodite

    to come out in the open in Afghanistan? No; they will probably stone her death!

    5 ) Intentionally hidden. It could be that the media is intentionally hiding news about

    these cases which even happen today (see below). Media hype about women getting

    pregnant themselves would trigger people to inquire as to why it happened, just to find

    out that a particular woman was a hermaphrodite, would definitely make some christians

    (who want to approach things from a scientific point of view) start thinking about the

    possibility of Mary being a hermaphrodite and put the status of Jesus as son of God in


    Following are a few references of studies done on some women who got self impregnat-

    ed, simply because they were Hermaphrodites. Surprisingly, all of their off springs were


    Example of a similar case: Reported in


    Cases reported in Green Journal.




    So the golden question is.............. is Jesus the son of God???
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    The answer is very clearly, a NO. He was the product of a hermaphroditic birth. He only

    had one parent, his mother, and that is why he is only addressed as Jesus the son of

    Mary in the Quran.


    For more information on this topic, see a lecture delivered by Mr. Mohammad Sheikh in

    the English and Urdu languages


    Allah says:

    There is no compulsion in the judgment, surely is distinct the right from the wrong, so

    whoever rejects in conjecture and believes in Allah, so surely he has grasped with the

    firm handhold for which there is no break; and Allah is hears and knows


    Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up

    by them?

    (Quran 47:24)

