How to write with content points for composition writing


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Tips on how to write with content points.

Transcript of How to write with content points for composition writing

Page 1: How to write with content points for composition writing

Dear Parents, Thank you for taking time to come for this Teacher-Parent Conference 2012.

Please note the following:We are to make the best of the 10 minutes allocated to think of ways to bring the best out of our pupils.

Questions to think about while you are waiting for your turn. 1)Have you received emails from Mr Abel Kok recently about the SA1 results matters? Like class average and Top pupils average?2)Are you aware of the class blog and Edmodo site which contain learning resources?3)Are there any concerns for the child’s learning? Let’s work hand in hand and help the child to improve for the next round of assessment.

Page 2: How to write with content points for composition writing

Important URLs to note: (for class 6-7)

Password : english

Mr Abel Kok’s email address:[email protected]

Page 3: How to write with content points for composition writing

Please note that the following slides are meant for both parents and pupils.

Objectives:•Parents are able to offer help and assistance to pupils to write a better piece of composition with more content points.•Pupils are able to recap on what they have learned in class pertaining to composition writing.

Steps to take:

1) Read the question prompt2) Study the 2 sample compositions' content points3) Appreciate the disparity and difference in the number and quality in the content points4) Aim to write at least 10 content points for all composition writing or writing practices.5) Parents and children are to discover the joy of shaping of the story together.

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Read this question prompt

You promised your sister to look after her goldfish for her when she was away for a few days. On the day your sister was to return, you discovered that one of her goldfish had died.

Additional prompts:1.Where your sister had gone2.How you felt when you see the dead fish3.What happened in the end

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Sample composition 1• My sister, Sue, would be going on a school exchange

programme programme at Malacca for three days. She had decided to let me take care of your goldfishes during her absence.

• “I owe you one and I will definitely buy you a souvenir from Malacca,” my sister said with a broad smile before she left for Malacca. I tried to shower the fishes with extreme care and concern. However, I did not know how the right amount of fish food to give to her fishes. After the first few days of feeding the fishes, the water became murky and clouded with excess fish food. I knew I was in for it when one of the fishes died. I felt a shiver down my spine and prepared for a dressing down from my sister when she returned from her trip.

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Sample composition 1 (continuation)

• When my sister returned home from Malacca, she was very upset with the death of her favourite goldfish. I lowered my head and apologised profusely. She reprimanded me severely and refused to talk to me for many weeks. Of course, she did not hand me the souvenir which she had bought for me as she was still fuming mad. This experience was etched vividly in my mind till today.

(197 words)

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Sample composition 2• My sister, Sue, looked at her pet goldfishes swimming gracefully in the fish

tank. They were small goldfishes, which would grow more than two times its size in the months to come. Sue was no stranger to this species of fish because our aunt, whom she visited often, had a much bigger Bubble Eye goldfish. She had watched that one grow from a little fish into a large and graceful creature.

• As Sue looked at the little fishes swimming up and down their small, cramped tank, she had finally made up her mind to entrust them to my care as she was going on a school exchange programme at Malacca for three days. She pleaded with me to take good care of it and even gave me a long list of instructions like feeding times and when to give the tank a change of water. Hesitantly, I agreed because I was busy with my preparation for the coming PSLE examinations. However, I did not want to disappoint my sister especially when she had so much faith in me to hand me her beloved and precious pets under my charge. Usually, she took such extreme care of her goldfishes that she would not even allow me to go near it, not to mention, feeding them. I appreciated the trust that she had in me and I agreed to do my utmost best.

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Sample composition 2 (Continuation)

• “I owe you one and I will definitely buy you a souvenir from Malacca,” my sister said grinning from ear to ear. I took the list of instructions and followed her instructions meticulously on the first day. However, disaster struck on the second day! Two of my friends came over to my place to study for the coming examinations together. While I was in the kitchen, one of them was fascinated by the fishes and decided to feed them. Both of them were utterly intrigued and amazed by the lovely goldfishes and continued to feed them repeatedly.

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Sample composition 2 (Continuation)

• “This is so much fun!” exclaimed Ben, one of my classmates. Hearing the din at the living room, I smelt a rat. I bolted to the living room and was petrified with the scene which was total chaos. I knew I was in for it when I saw that the fish feed had clouded the water.

• “Stop!” I vociferated at the top of my voice but to no avail. The two of them continued to create mayhem. By the time I managed to pin the main culprit on the floor and snatched the bottle of fish feed from him, the fishes were doomed. All of them swam in a funny, hilarious way due to the over-feeding. When one of the goldfishes actually turned belly up, I felt a shiver down my spine and prepared for a dressing down from my sister when she returned from her trip.

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Sample composition 2 (Continuation)

• “This is so much fun!” exclaimed Ben, one of my classmates. Hearing the din at the living room, I smelt a rat. I bolted to the living room and was petrified with the scene which was total chaos. I knew I was in for it when I saw that the fish feed had clouded the water.

• “Stop!” I vociferated at the top of my voice but to no avail. The two of them continued to create mayhem. By the time I managed to pin the main culprit on the floor and snatched the bottle of fish feed from him, the fishes were doomed. All of them swam in a funny, hilarious way due to the over-feeding. When one of the goldfishes actually turned belly up, I felt a shiver down my spine and prepared for a dressing down from my sister when she returned from her trip.

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Sample composition 2 (Continuation)• On the day of her return, I felt an albatross around my neck. I initially

wanted to buy her a goldfish to replace the dead one secretly but my mother who knew about the matter told me, “Honesty is the best policy.” I stared at the door knob waiting for it to turn to signal the start of a tsunami wave of blame. When it turned, my heart actually missed a beat. I inhaled a deep breath and almost burst into tears.

• To my surprise, my sister ran towards me and gave me a big hug. Later that I know, Mother had called her to inform her of how distraught and sorry I was over the death of her pet goldfish and it was my friends who are to be blamed, not me. I was relieved that it ended this way. With my tears welled up in my eyes, I apologised to my sister, “I’m so sorry.” My sister just told me with words as soft as rain, “It’s alright, let’s let bygones be bygones.” She handed me the souvenir from Malacca which was a keychain that reads, “Honesty is the best policy.” I was utterly lost for words and I was glad to have heeded my mother’s advice. From that day on, my sister even allowed me to feed the fishes during the weekends. Honesty did pay off handsomely, we grew much closer and had lots of fun in front of the fish tank.

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Summary• In order to score for Content, the pupil is

expected to write a well developed story that goes beyond the points given in the question.

• The focus of the composition should not be on the introduction (Setting) or conclusion, rather, it must be on the Problem as described in the picture prompt or situational prompt.

• Plan at least 10 content points before you begin your writing proper. (Parents please ensure this from your child)

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Comparison of the content pointsComparison of the content pointsComposition 1•My sister wanted me to take care of your pet while she was away.•Tried to take good care of the fishes but did not know the correct amount of fish food to give to the fishes.•One of the fishes died.•My sister came home and reprimanded me for the lost of her fish.

Composition 2•My sister wanted me to take care of your pet while she was away.•I followed the instructions very closely on the first day.•On the second day, some friends came over and overfed the fishes.•I tried to stop them but it was too late.•One of the fishes died.•Felt apologetic and wanted to get a replacement for my sister.•I told my mother about it but she advised not to do it.•My sister came home and did not blame me for the matter as my mother had already explained to her over the phone.•I was relieved that the matter ended this way.•My sister and I became closer after this incident.

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Now try this question with your child …

You were walking home one day from school when you saw a mysterious looking bag under a tree. You decided to take a closer look.

Additional prompts:1.What you did next2.What was in the bag3.What happened in the end

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Important URLs to note: (for class 6-7)

Password : english

Mr Abel Kok’s email address:[email protected]