How to Write Good Essays. Prepared by: D K Singhal2.

How to Write Good Essays

Transcript of How to Write Good Essays. Prepared by: D K Singhal2.

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How to Write Good Essays

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Oh! Essays….

• Essays are important to get good marks.

• But, after you leave college…….?

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• You may be asked to write project reports, observation reports, audit reports etc.

• A good essay writing capability will help you writing all these with ease, in a fairly readable and presentable manner.

• No doubt, it also gives you an upper edge over your colleagues.

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Why to Discuss it Here?

• Why this separate class for the essays?

• In school-– More focus on marks– Monotony– More number of students– Lack of knowledge of working culture in modern

job scenario– Overloaded teachers

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What is an essay?

• An Essay is a group of paragraphs about a specific subject.

• Like a paragraph, an essay generally makes and supports one main theme point.

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• An essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything

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Is That You?

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Why to Write an Essay?

• You want to convince someone regarding your point of view regarding an issue.

• You want to present multiple ideas/issues that wouldn’t fit into a single paragraph situation.

• You want to sound intelligent and organized.• Finally, you want to get good marks in your

school, college or university!

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Types of Essays

Argumentative Essay Cause And Effect EssayClassification Essay Comparison EssayCritical Essay Deductive EssayDescriptive Essay Definition EssayDiscussion Essay Exploratory EssayScholarship Essay Informal EssayLiterature Essay Narrative EssayPersonal Essay Persuasive EssayResearch Essay Response Essay

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• That was the approach you are used to understand topics in school.

• Don’t be afraid. I am not going to be so BORING.

• So, shell we begin visualizing essays in a different perspective?

• If yes, be prepared to answer a couple of questions.

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Q. 1:

Do you likeGolgappe?

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Do you like Golgappe?

• Funny!• Isn’t it?• What is common

between Golgappe and Essays?

• Anyway, move on to the next question……

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Q. 2:

• Well! If some of you don’t like Golgappe, replace this with Rasgulle, and answer this-

• Can you eat five Golgappe (Rasgulle) at a time?

• Yes / No.

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• I think you cannot eat five Golgappe (or Rasgulle) at one time.

• You eat these only one by one. First, second, third…… and so and so forth.

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• That is the first aspect of writing an essay.• Never try to write the whole essay in one go;

write it in step by step.

• Break your essay in several parts.

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Essay Breaking Examples-

• Introduction• Body Text– About the topic– Its good points– Its disadvantages

• Conclusion

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• Does Introduction need any introduction?

• Tell me if you are asked to write an essay on “My School”, what are going to be first two-three lines of it?

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• My school name is…..abcdef….?• This is a good school.

• I read in …..abcdef…. School.• It is located at ….abc Road……

• Or would you like to consider something different?

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My School

• Basic education plays an important role in developing good citizens for country.

• A good school is like a ‘processing plant’ where capabilities of a student are developed and improved continuously.

• My school, “Name of Your School” is sincerely fulfilling its responsibilities towards its goal to a better nation.

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• Never jump to main topic at once.• Start at some other point, and slowly and

slowly come to the main subject.

• Remember, from something else, you have to come to the point, and not follow the reverse path, like in next example.

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• My school name is …..abcdef…..• My school is very big. Airplane is also very big.

Airplane flies in the air. We breathe in air. Air is very important for us to live. Studies are also very important. So we go to our school. I go by bus to my school. I like going to school and coming back from school. It is the time in between I don’t like much.

• Out of 10, how many marks you’d give to this type of essay.

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Another Example: What are the various sources and types of Air Pollution ?• As a result of removal of natural vegetation, industrialization and

increase in the number of automobiles, the air over big cities is heavily contaminated with dust, smoke and poisonous gases like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.

• The contamination of air with dust, smoke and harmful gases, which adversely affect human beings and other living organisms, is called air pollution. The substances whose presence in air produces air pollution are called air pollutants.

• Some of the major air pollutants are carbon monoxide, excess carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, lower organic molecules, dust and smoke. Polluted air produces a large number of harmful effects on the living and non-living things.

• So Boring……

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• Remember-

• A good introduction must be able to create readers interest in whatever you have written.

• It is the introduction on which the reader usually decides whether to it read further or not.

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What Not to write in Introduction

• Don’t apologize- no starting like- “In my opinion” or “I may not be an expert, but….”

• Don’t begin with dictionary definitions.• Don’t announce what you intend to do. “The

purpose of this essay is to….” or “I am going to argue that….” should be avoided.

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Body Text

• Body text is the main part of essay.

• Here you need to be very clear, specific, straightforward, and systematic.

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Body Text: Outline

• For more clear vision, let us divide body text also in several heads. This is called outlining or structuring.

• A few examples show this-

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Outline: My School

My school• Strength (no. of students)• Canteen….. ……. …….!!!!• No. of Teachers• No. of Classrooms, laboratories etc.• Recreational facilities• Other achievements• etc. etc.• You may decide to write 1-2 or 3 lines on every point.

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• Did you notice something?• In outline or structure, you must have noticed

that the canteen is coming between students and teachers.

• Does it look nice?• No. But after writing outlines, you can change

the sequence of the outline points.

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My school• Strength (no. of students)• Canteen….. ……. …….!!!!• No. of Teachers• No. of Classrooms, laboratories etc.• Recreational facilities• Other achievements• etc. etc.• You may decide to write 1-2-3 or more lines on every


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• Before going further, take a break for a couple of minutes and think if you would like to give good marks to a student in essay where canteen comes in between students and teachers?

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• Well, while many of you are smiling, why there are some faced who are looking sad?

• Remembering Golgappas!

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Body Text

• Flow (Readability)

• Flow is another important requirement in any essay. While you read, you must be able to relate each and every sentence with the earlier one.

• Read what you have written several times. If you find it seems a little difficult, fragment some long sentences or consider changing some words with their synonyms.

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• In most of the lower classes, poor flow is the general observation.

• After you write an essay, try to read by heart several times to find out any flow problem.

• Examples….

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Example: If I were the principal of my school

• As the session begins, I would see to it that all the difficult subjects are not taught one after the other. Science should be followed by English and not by Maths. Sometimes the principals of schools have a poor knowledge of what students like and they thrust a lot down their throats without caring that they are not always receptive.

• I would encourage a lot of sports and extra curricular activities like drama, music, painting, creative writing, clay modeling, photography, horse riding, swimming, dancing, etc. This would keep the students interested in coming to school and they would enjoy their long hours of stay in school. When there are so many interesting activities for the students, they remain happy and their mind is able to absorb the lessons from the most difficult subjects with greater case.

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Example: If I were the principal of my school

• As the session begins, I would see to it that all the difficult subjects are not taught one after the other. Science should be followed by English and not by Maths. Sometimes the principals of schools have a poor knowledge of what students like and they thrust a lot down their throats without caring that they are not always receptive.

• The above underlined matter gives a poor readability (Poor Flow!).

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• Grammar is extremely important. • Grammar should not be confined to a single

sentence but to entire essay.

• How is it possible?

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Grammar (Examples)

• Today my parents were at hospital in Delhi. They will visit my Uncle Raju because he had an operation. My Uncle is feeling well now and he will be home soon.

• Last Sunday, I was on the beach in Goa. I sunbathed and went swimming because it was sunny and hot. The beach was crowded and I had a great time.

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Grammar (Examples)

• Today my parents were at hospital in Delhi. They will visit my Uncle Raju because he had an operation. My Uncle is feeling well now and he will be home soon.

• Last Sunday, I was on the beach in Goa. I sunbathed and went swimming because it was sunny and hot. The beach was crowded and I had a great time.

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• So far you have used grammar mainly to sentences.

• A sentence may be grammatically correct, but if its tense is not the same as per the theme, it becomes incorrect.

• Always pay attention to tenses in sentences.

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Sample: Poor Use of Tenses

• I go to the store and I bought milk.

• I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk with my dinner.

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Sample: Poor Use of Tenses

• I go to the store and I bought milk. – Go is a present tense verb. Bought is a past tense verb.

Bought should be buy milk since these two events both occur at the same time.

• I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk with my dinner. – Will eat is a future tense verb but drank is a past tense

verb. Since the dinner is going to happen in the future, it is not possible that the milk was drunk already.

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Punctuation: Do I need to say more?

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• Spellings should be always correct. If you are in doubt, make a practice to refer to dictionary regularly. This will help you a lot in later stage.

• Sometimes, wrong spellings may make a sentence absurd. Be careful.

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Poor Use of Spellings

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Poor Spellings!

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• Conclusion is for giving a final impression of your topic, essay and your views. In conclusion, you may-

• Give a recommendation what the reader should do after reading essay.

• Give a prediction about what will follow.• End with a relevant quote.

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To write good essays, you must have….

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General Tricks

• Do not write in 1st person. (Avoid ”I”)• Move from weakest point to strongest.• Do not start a body / concluding paragraph with a

quotation.• Always stick to tense.• If you have time, put it aside for some time, and

revise.• Read your essay aloud, as you are making a speech.

You will be able to find out some of the errors.

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How to Write Good!

• In the next slide, you will see simple DO’s and DON’Ts about how to write good.

• Each sentence is true, individually correct, but as a whole, deny of what it itself is saying.

• May look like organizing a Chowmin-Pizza-Burger party to spread the message against fast foods.

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• Practice Well, before you can say it……….

• Whenever stuck, think……..


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About the Author:Born in 1968, D K Singhal is B.E., M.E. (Pulp & Paper, 1993) from Deptt. of Paper Technology, University of Roorkee (now IIT, Roorkee). He was certified as Certified Energy Auditor in 2004 with Bureau of Energy Efficiency. In addition to practical experience in papermaking, project planning, research and development, consultancy, automation etc.; energy conservation and cost reduction have been his main areas of concern.

With nearly 6 dozen publications, he has emphasized on development of low cost technologies and management practices for quality and profitability improvement. With publications on and, he has been constantly contributing to IPPTA. He is also serving IPPTA as a member of Editorial Board and Executive Committee. With Chandpur Enterprises Ltd., development of quality MG poster paper on carbon steel fabricated yankee cylinder, design, engineering, erection and commissioning of surface winding on supercalender both for the first time in India, are some of his achievements.

An initiative by D K Singhal, a cyber campaign initiated against unjustified targeting of paper industry by “Idea” mobile, in their “Sirjee” advertisement campaign, after which this advertisement was taken off air.

He has also moderated a Yahoo group, “PaperTechnology” with nearly 360 members from India and abroad to discuss problems related to pulp & paper making.He can be contacted at [email protected]

Prepared by: D K Singhal