How to Rectify Flaws in the Creative Process


Transcript of How to Rectify Flaws in the Creative Process

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How to Rectify Flawsin the CreativeProcess

Page 2: How to Rectify Flaws in the Creative Process

While creative thinking and problem solving are both key conceptsthat are interconnected with the notion of business,

entrepreneurship, there comes a time when these strongly ingrainedideas can hinder any sort of innovative process moving forward in

your brand.

The inspirational book titled ‘Winning the Brain Game; Fixing the 7Fatal Flaws of Thinking,” by Matthew May provides readers usefulinsight to tackle managing and developing your creative side once

challenges in your business seem out of your reach.

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Known as a very prolific author, May has crafted a myriad ofbooks that include “The Elegant Solution”, “In Pursuit of

Elegance”, “The Shibumi Strategy” and “The Law ofSubtraction” that all collectively examine different strategies

from design thinking to lean thinking.

In terms of “Winning the Brain Game,” May gives advice to hisreaders so they can utilize their minds in ways to more

effectively produce complex solutions to issues or problemsthat you previously felt were impossible to successfully


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Although May discusses business related issues when it comes toapproaching a new business plan, he also takes a step back to accesshow the various flaws of our educational system. He finds the root of

our incapability to brainstorm from the ingrained mentality fromschool which reaffirms to not question or create new ways to approacha problem, but rather find the correct answer through a standardized


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In turn, May notes the fact that this does not only obstruct theproblem solving process from an early age, but also conditions us tothink very narrow-mindedly in a stage of our lives when innovation

should be maximized in every way possible. Throughout the book, theauthor makes it clear that to advance the creative side of your brain,

the first step is to come up with various questions as a means toaddress the problem instead of forming solutions.

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The logic is that these questions have the potential to initiate new ideas orways to approach the problem instead of immediately conjuring up

solutions with a limited originality.

As doubt is one of the many fundamental hindrances that negatively affectthe creative process, May makes it known that censoring this is essential

not only for your sanity, but also in terms of bettering yourself in yourrespective field. He then claims that in order to muster up the courage orbravery to improve creatively, we need to return to a mental state similarto how children act upon their curiosity or desire to experiment without

concern of the outcome.

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Also, he finds that this “ideacide” is rooted from fear, which allowsus to engage in self-censoring to a point when we become

completely incapable of producing anything that challengesnormalcy or the situation’s conformed state. Thus, May arguesthat among all of the fatal flaws, self-doubt is by far the most

dangerous idea threatening any form of innovation.

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To better respond to the self-doubt fatal-thinking flaw, the authormakes an interesting point to undertake new scenarios or situationswith a mindful framework as a means to better approach the matter

at hand with active thinking, instead of indifference or perhapsrejection. The act of questioning or taking other perspectives into

account is highly important when it comes to any sort of professional,personal or academic growth as you move forward in your path.

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