How to Maximize Your Cloud Investment with a Private PaaS

Maximize Your Cloud Investment with a Private PaaS Ho Ming Li, Cloud Engineer [email protected] Troy Topnik, Technical Communications [email protected]


Despite significant investment in cloud hosting or private cloud infrastructure, enterprises are not seeing the expected returns on their investments. Server virtualization alone is not enough to streamline application deployment and get applications to market faster. To get more benefit out of their virtualization efforts, agile enterprises are now looking to private Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to enable rapid application development and deployment for their organizations. Enterprise IT keeps control of application hosting, scaling, and management, while developers benefit from the simple, fast, consistent self-service workflow enabled by PaaS. In this webinar, Ho Ming Li, ActiveState Cloud Engineer, and Troy Topnik, Technical Communications Lead, will discuss: - What a PaaS is - How it differs from other cloud orchestration software - How quickly you can install Stackato - Using the Micro Cloud and PaaS for a smoother development workflow - Using the web console and CLI client to deploy, manage, and scale apps - Turning the Stackato VM Micro Cloud into a full, production PaaS View the webinar recording:

Transcript of How to Maximize Your Cloud Investment with a Private PaaS

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Maximize Your Cloud Investment with a Private PaaS

Ho Ming Li, Cloud [email protected]

Troy Topnik, Technical [email protected]

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What is Platform-as-a-Service?The abstraction of application hosting infrastructure (hardware and

software) from the application code

•easy to use for developers


•automated application hosting configuration

•services rather than virtual infrastructure

•empower developers in development workflow

•"polyglot" or single-platform

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PaaS Examples

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What is Private PaaS?

Just like a public PaaS, but with you as the provider

•set up and administered by your organization

•software providing PaaS functionality

•cuts out at least one middle man

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Private PaaS Examples

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PaaS is one level higher in the app hosting stack:

•IT/Ops manage IaaS and PaaS

•Developers are end users of PaaS

… though there's usually some overlap.

PaaS vs. Cloud Orchestration

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The Problem

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The Solution

● Consistent environments throughout dev cycle● Apps that work in dev will work in production.● Self-service● Automated provisioning

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PaaS Characteristics• designed for application developers as the primary

end users

• users request application resources, not virtual machines as with IaaS

• abstraction at the application and data service level

• more automated than configuration management tools (e.g. Chef or Puppet)

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PaaS should use Secure Containers

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Inside Stackat


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Getting Stackato In house: Download a VM

•using just a hypervisor (KVM, VirtualBox, Xen)

•with cloud orchestration software (e.g. vSphere, Open Stack, Eucalyptus)

Hosted: Start a Stackato instance


•HP Cloud

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Demo: Running a Micro Cloud

The Stackato VM boots as a "micro cloud" with all components and services necessary to provide PaaS.

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Demo: Deploying Applications

Stackato demo applications show how to:

•Configure apps once to deploy to any Stackato system

•Code database connections to consume services

•Use environment variables hold credentials

•Follow the Twelve-Factor App methodology (Heroku)

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Demo: Creating a Stackato ClusterThe "stem cell" philosophy of the Stackato VM

• boots as a fully functional micro cloud

•connects to a Primary node (MBUS IP)

•can take on one or more roles

'kato' command automates most of the configuration• common configuration and maintenance tasks are automated

• more fine-grained control than the web console

No BOSH required, much shorter learning curve

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Questions & Answers

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