How to make money with Keyword Domains (Domaining Europe 2017)

#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten · How to make money with Keyword Domains Ramón Rautenstrauch 1

Transcript of How to make money with Keyword Domains (Domaining Europe 2017)

Page 1: How to make money with Keyword Domains (Domaining Europe 2017)

#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How to make money with Keyword Domains

Ramón Rautenstrauch


Page 2: How to make money with Keyword Domains (Domaining Europe 2017)

#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

About me

RAMÓN RAUTENSTRAUCH • Online Marketing Consultant, Internet

Strategist, SEO and Project Manager. • Passionate about Internet Marketing. • Obsessed with results, leads,

conversions and improvement through analysis.

• WordPress Geek. • Beer lover . • Organic food pioneer in Spain.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

My daily work


Online publisher that creates and manages high

volume websites

Leading Spanish Microsoft Dynamics partner

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Our portfolio of developed sites




.com Geo New GTLDs


More than 400 active sites with more than 50% EMDs (“Exact Match Domain”)

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

What I am speaking about today

• How to make money with Keyword Domains – To start: For us

• Rank = Make Money

– I will be speaking about: • Is it still possible to make money with Keyword

Domains in 2017? • How to get on the Top10 of Google. • How to be successful with Keyword Domains.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

The “EMD”

The EMD domains (“Exact Match Domain”) exactly match the keyword a person uses when

searching for your content.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Ranking of EMDs -1

• Historically the domains with keywords have ranked well for them.

• On September 27th 2012 Google launched the: “Exact-Match Domain (EMD) Update” – Google changed it’s algorithm, so websites that

used domain names like that wouldn’t rank just for the simple fact that the keyword was in the domain name. And yes, that used to be the case, before the update.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Ranking of EMDs

• In USA, Germany, UK and other countries the EMDs have suffered under this update and some newer updates.

• In Spain even now (over 5 years after the update) it still has not been completely applied.

• So, after this update, does it still pay off to use a domain name that includes a keyword? Only if the rest of your website adds up.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Ranking of EMDs -3

• My advice: – If you managed to build a brand around that EMD,

and you still get lots of traffic, keep up the good work.

– If you want to start a business around a new keyword domain, please make sure your marketing is absolutely top notch.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Can you still rank with an EMD in 2017?


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

“Keywords in a TLD do not give any advantage or disadvantage in search”


John ☆.o(≧▽≦)o.☆ @JohnMu Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google.

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Can you still rank with an EMD in 2017?

• Yes. Of course. • But not only by owning the domain name, you

also need: – Great content. – Great links. – OnPage SEO + Speed.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten · 13

Domains do not rank without effort

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·


• Create and share useful and interesting content to atract potential customers.

• Without content there will be no rankings. • Content is necessary, but: DON’T COPY



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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

The importance of content: Does content help to rank? -1


More inform


Ahrefs study across 3 million search queries

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

The importance of content: Does content help to rank? -2


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Ahrefs study across 3 million search queries

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Content Optimization TF*IDF -1 • With the TF*IDF formula, you can identify in which proportion certain

words within a page of a website are weighted compared to all competing pages. – This formula can be used for OnPage optimization in order to increase a

website’s relevance in search engines. – TF is short for “Term Frequency” (also called WDF = “Within Document

Frequency”) • Refers to the frequency of a keyword within a single document.

– IDF = Inverse Document Frequency • The IDF determines a text’s relevancy with regard to a certain keyword.

– TF*IDF • The multiplied formulas show a page’s relative term evaluation compared to all

potentially competing pages containing the same keyword. • There is no “perfect value”, but you always have to keep under the “spam-line”

• Apart from the keyword density, this formula can be used for OnPage optimization in order to increase a website’s relevance in search engines.



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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Content Optimization TF*IDF -2

• A TF*IDF tool can serve for the determination of keywords that should be used ideally in the website’s content.

• Texts cannot only be optimised regarding a certain keyword but the tool also points out which terms should be included in a text in order to make it as unique as possible.



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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Content Optimization TF*IDF -3



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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Never forget: DON’T COPY CONTENT


AVIS copied the text of the SIXT landing page, including the brand name. (Germany, 5th May 2017)

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How to Rank Number One in Google: A Study of 1 Million Pages -1

• Webpages with their target keyword in their URL tended to rank higher in Google than those that didn’t.

• Backlinks matter. – On average, the top 2 results on page 1 of Google equated to

having 38% of all the backlinks from pages on page 1. • On average, the higher up page 1 the result is, the greater

the number of linking domains that the webpage has. – Webpages ranking #1 had an average of 168% more linking

domains than those ranking #5. • Anchor text is still a huge ranking signal.

– Webpages ranking #1 had an average of 5.42% of their anchor text actually including their target keyword. The further up page 1 you look, the higher this percentage goes.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How to Rank Number One in Google: A Study of 1 Million Pages -2

• Webpages on HTTPS had positive correlation with higher rankings. – 33% of all the sampled URL that ranked either #1, #2 or #3 using

HTTPS. • Top-ranking webpages tended to have shorter page titles.

– The sweet spot nearing closer to 8 words in length. • Including your target keyword within your page title

positively correlated with higher search rankings. – Of the sampled data, over 15% of all the page 1

rankings included the target keyword within its page title. A study by Matthew Barby: (last updated March 31st 2017)


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

OnPage SEO + speed


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Make better OnPage SEO than your competitors in the SERPs


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How to get to the Top10 of Google


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How long does it take to rank first in Google? -4

• Almost 95% of newly published pages don’t get to the Top10 within a year.

• And most of the “lucky” ones, which do manage to get there, do it in about 2–6 months.

• Actually, we shouldn’t be framing these pages as “lucky,” because the reason they got to the Top10 in less than a year is most likely hard work and great knowledge of SEO, not luck.

• So here’s to hard work and dedication!


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

For how many keywords can a single page rank? -1

• For anyone monitoring their traffic from Google, it’s not really a revelation that a single page can rank for hundreds (or even thousands) of relevant keywords.

• But how many keywords exactly will an average page rank for? – The average #1 ranking page will also rank well

for about 1.000 other relevant keywords.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How to be successful with Keyword Domains


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How we choose keyword domains to be able to rank for loads of keywords

1. Picking a topic with high search volume potential

2. Research of competitors. 3. Not going after too many high-volume

keywords on one page. 4. Long form content. 5. Good backlink profile.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Finding a .com EMD is nearly impossible

But there’s a new opportunity: The new TLDs


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten · 37

Should we focus on new gTLDs?

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

“2016: A Year in Review for Not-Com Growth and Adoption”

• The third year of not-com availability was marked by exponential growth and major boosts in consumer awareness as businesses continued their online migration away from dot-com.

• Total not-com registrations grew 230 percent to above 27 million this year, including a record-breaking month of June in which 3.8 million new domains were registered.

• There are now more than 500 not-com naming options available to the public – nearly 200 of these are managed by Donuts.

• We’re seeing a major shift in the Internet’s naming system, as more than half of all domains worldwide are registered outside the 'dot-com' extension, with over 10,000 new not-com domains registered every day—roughly one every 10 seconds.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Do new TLDs rank on Google?


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

One example to start:

• First result for “locksmiths Barcelona” is a .barcelona domain registered on 6/april/2016:


The keyword is: "Cerrajeros Barcelona" ("Locksmiths Barcelona") According to Google AdWords: 3.600 searches/month; high competition; Suggested PPC bid: 16,62 €

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Some experiments / examples of the ranking of new TLDs

Two EMD with different extensions Six .barcelona domains


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

EXAMPLE 1: Rankings of two EMDs with different extensions

.tienda (tienda = shop) .online

The keyword is: Cerrajeros Mallorca (“Locksmiths Mallorca”).

According to Google AdWords: 720 searches/month; medium competition; Suggested PPC bid: 0,97 €


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Cerrajeros Mallorca (“Locksmiths Mallorca”)

• Two websites on EMD domains with different extensions created on 2/12/2015:

– (tienda = shop)

• 3.297 words optimized for the main keyword: “Cerrajeros Mallorca”. • The text contains related keywords and variants of the main keyword. • 8 optimized images. • 2 outgoing links to authority websites.


• 1.629 words optimized for the main keyword: “Cerrajeros Mallorca”. • The text contains related keywords and variants of the main keyword. • 5 optimized images. • 2 outgoing links to authority websites.




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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Cerrajeros Mallorca (“Locksmiths Mallorca”)


Rankings 27/05/2016: – Google:

• .Tienda: 15 • .Online: 22

– Bing: • .Tienda: 10 • .Online: 16

– DuckDuckGo: • .Tienda: 5 • .Online: 3

Rankings 10/01/2017: – Google:

• .Tienda: 10 • .Online: 3

– Bing: • .Tienda: 3 • .Online: -

– DuckDuckGo: • .Tienda: 1 • .Online: 9

Rankings 12/05/2017: – Google:

• .Tienda: 7 • .Online: 6

– Bing: • .Tienda: - • .Online: 10

– DuckDuckGo: • .Tienda: 14 • .Online: 7

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

EXAMPLE 2: .barcelona Domains


• (“Alarms Barcelona”): – 110 searches/month; medium competition; Suggested PPC bid: 4,00 €

• (“Antenna installers Barcelona”): – 140 searches/month; medium competition; Suggested PPC bid: 1,82 €

• (“Electricians Barcelona”): – 480 searches/month; high competition; Suggested PPC bid: 3,71 €

• (“Plumbers Barcelona”): – 390 searches/month; medium competition; Suggested PPC bid: 3,90 €

• (“Plumbers Barcelona”): – 140 searches/month; medium competition; Suggested PPC bid: 2,98 €

• (“Locksmiths Barcelona”): – 3.600 searches/month; high competition; Suggested PPC bid: 16,62 €

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Rankings in Google of domains with city extension .barcelona

• 6 .barccelona websites created on 13/05/2016.

• They have one post with 7.000 words including optimized images and social media accounts.

• The outgoing links go to online newspapers, Wikipedia, Chamber of Commerce and the Barcelona's town hall.



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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Rankings in Google of domains with city extension .barcelona

• (“Alarms Barcelona”) – Keyword: alarmas barcelona – 25/04/2016: Page 6 – 27/05/2016: Page 4 (Bing: 3rd result; DuckDuckGo: 1st result) – 01/12/2016: 13 (Bing: 4 y 5; DuckDuckGo: 1) – 10/01/2017: 11 (Bing: 1; DuckDuckGo: 1) – 12/05/2017: Not on page 1-10 (Bing: 2; DuckDuckGo: 1)

• (“Antenna installers Barcelona”) – Keyword: antenista en barcelona – 25/04/2016: Page 3 – 27/05/2016: Page 3 (Bing: 10th result; DuckDuckGo: Page 2) – 01/12/2016: 8 (Bing: 4; DuckDuckGo: 11) – 10/01/2017: 9 (Bing: 2; DuckDuckGo: 14) – 12/05/2017: 9 (Bing: 15; DuckDuckGo: 3)

• (“Electricians Barcelona”) – Keyword: electricistas barcelona – 25/04/2016: Page 6 – 27/05/2016: Page 6 (Bing: 7th result; DuckDuckGo: -) – 01/12/2016: 20 (Bing: 2; DuckDuckgo: 1) – 10/01/2017: 10 (Bing: 5; DuckDuckgo: 3) – 12/05/2017: 18 (Bing: 5: DuckDuckGo:4)


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Rankings in Google of domains with city extension .barcelona

• (“Plumbers Barcelona”) – Keyword: fontaneros barcelona – 25/04/2016: Page 5 – 27/05/2016: Page 3 (Bing: 5th result; DuckDuckGo: 2nd result) – 01/12/2016: 21 (Bing: 4; DuckDuckGo: 1) – 10/01/2017: 13 (Bing: 2; DuckDuckGo: 1) – 12/05/2017: Not in page 1-10 (Bing: 2: DuckDuckGo: 3)

• (“Plumbers Barcelona”) – Keyword: lampistas barcelona – 25/04/2016: Page 3 – 27/05/2016: Page 3 (Bing: 7th result; DuckDuckGo: n/a) – 01/12/2016: 17 (Bing: 4; DuckDuckGo: 55) – 10/01/2017: 13 (Bing: 3; DuckDuckGo: 22) – 12/05/2017: 9 (Bing: 15: DuckDuckGo: 3)

• (“Locksmiths Barcelona”) – Keyword: cerrajeros barcelona – 25/04/2016: Not in first 10 pages. – 27/05/2016: Not in first 10 pages (Bing: Page 2; DuckDuckGo: Page 2) – 01/12/2016: 36 (Bing: 9; DuckDuckGo: 1) – 01/12/2016: 16 (Bing: 12; DuckDuckGo: 3) – 12/05/2017: 18 (Bing: 9: DuckDuckGo: 4)


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Additional information


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How does Google

treat new gTLDs?


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How does Google treat new gTLDs? Official questions and answers from Google (1/3)

QUESTION: How do new gTLD influence search? Will Google change algorithms to boost these TLD? ANSWER: In general, our systems treat new gTLD as all other gTLDs, for example, .com y .org. Keywords in the extension of a TLD do not have advantages or disadvantages in search.


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ation: googlewebm


Gestión de Google de los nuevos dominios de nivel superior (martes, 21 de julio de 2015)

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How does Google treat new gTLDs? Official questions and answers from Google (2/3)

QUESTION: ¿How are city or regional gTLDs managed (for example .london or .bayern)? ANSWER: Although these TLD may seem specific to a region, we will treat them as all other gTLDs. In this way, we remain consistent with how we manage regional TLD like .eu and .asia. There may be some exceptions to appear in the future as we see how they are used in practice.


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ation: googlewebm


Gestión de Google de los nuevos dominios de nivel superior (martes, 21 de julio de 2015)

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How does Google treat new gTLDs? Official questions and answers from Google (3/3)

QUESTION: ¿TLDs like .BRAND will rank better than the .com? ANSWER: No. These TLD will be treated as all other gTLD. QUESTION: Will Google help my SEO efforts when moving from a .com to a new TLD? ANSWER: No. These domain migrations will be treated as any other domain migration.


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ation: googlewebm


Gestión de Google de los nuevos dominios de nivel superior (martes, 21 de julio de 2015)

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

The tools we use in our daily SEO workflow







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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Wrapping up


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

How to make money with Keyword Domains?

• To rank a keyword domain we build: – Great (optimized) content: Unique and useful content. – Great links to the content: "Ranking without links is very, very hard" – Optimize OnPage SEO + Speed: No errors, no broken links, clear calls to

action, etc and fast loading pages (including http/2 and https). • To be successful you need: Patience, hard work and dedication. • We try to rank for our main money keyword and the greatest possible

number of other keywords: Good rankings are money.

• Our goal is to be always better than our competitors in the SERPs. – If in the analysis we find competitors that are doing a great job, normally we

search for alternatives.

• Today to rank a keyword domain you need the domain and a great effort in Content, Links and Optimization. 5 years ago you only needed the domain.


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

The new GTLDs are an opportunity to own great domains.


But if we can get the .COM domain, we

go for it!

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Do we need SEO in 2016?


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Do we need SEO in 2016?


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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten · 61

Domains do not rank without effort

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

Thank you.


Ramón Rautenstrauch [email protected]

@ramonrauten Main Blog:

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#DomainingEurope Ramón Rautenstrauch · [email protected] · @RamonRauten ·

All images are from our partner

