How to Make Karedok

How To Make Karedok (Sunda) Ingredients: Recipes How to Make Karedok 100 grams of fresh sprouts 100 gr long beans into small pieces Finely sliced cabbage leaves 100 grams of eggplant 100 grams of yam, cut into 1/2 cm 100 g cucumber, cut, cut into 1/2 cm 25g basil leaves Peanut sauce: 200 gr peanuts, fried 5 pieces of cayenne pepper 2 pieces of red chilli 2 tsp chopped Kaempferia Galanga 1/2 tsp shrimp paste 1-2 tbsp vinegar 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp brown sugar 150 ml of lukewarm water How to Make Karedok: 1. Grind all peanut sauce ingredients until smooth. 2. Combine all ingredients raw vegetables with peanut sauce, stir well. 3. Karedok ready to be served

Transcript of How to Make Karedok

How To Make Karedok (Sunda)     Ingredients:

         Recipes How to Make Karedok          100 grams of fresh sprouts          100 gr long beans into small pieces          Finely sliced cabbage leaves          100 grams of eggplant          100 grams of yam, cut into 1/2 cm          100 g cucumber, cut, cut into 1/2 cm          25g basil leaves

     Peanut sauce:

         200 gr peanuts, fried          5 pieces of cayenne pepper          2 pieces of red chilli          2 tsp chopped Kaempferia Galanga         1/2 tsp shrimp paste          1-2 tbsp vinegar          1 tsp salt          1 tbsp brown sugar          150 ml of lukewarm water

     How to Make Karedok:

     1. Grind all peanut sauce ingredients until smooth.      2. Combine all ingredients raw vegetables with peanut sauce, stir well.      3. Karedok ready to be served

How to Make Colenak (Sunda)Materials colenak Sundanese

     1 kg peuyeum (fermented cassava) which are being matured      a little salt      2-3 pandan leaves      1/2 grated coconut rather young      Little starch      Sugar semanisnya

How to Make colenak Sundanese

First of all peuyeum grilled over charcoal, Once cooked and rather hard, and fiber waste into small square pieces How to make gravy: To make the sauce in advance spiked brown sugar boiled with 2 cups of water until it is destroyed, then strain jerangkan again. Enter the grated coconut, pandan leaves and a little salt, then bring to a boil Bubuhi approximately spoonful of starch that has been diluted with a little water, so that the sauce is slightly thickened. Feel, lift, then chill. Sundanese colenak ready to be served. Serve with pouring sauce to top grilled peuyeum.

Typical food of Yogyakarta "Geplak"


     750 grams of rice flour      500 grams of sugar      250 ml of water      1 coconut grated lengthwise      Fine salt to taste

How to Make:

     Roasted rice flour to dry, then add the grated coconut and rice flour. Stir until blended and set aside      Boil sugar with water to the boil then remove from heat. Enter the coconut mixture, stir quickly until the mixture becomes thick, then remove from heat. Print dough or shape was round object like its original form, to shape adjust it to your liking, respectively, leave to cool and harden.

Typical Food Manado

How To Make Dabu-Dabu Typical Manado

Prepare The Ingredients !

To Make The Sauce Dabu-Dabu Is Quite Easy . Special, The Necessary Materials Can Also Be Found Everywhere . The Materials In Question Are:

    1 Large Red Chilli Seeds As Much . Clean And Then Sliced Into Small Pieces.    Green Chili As Much As 5 Seeds . Clean And Slice Then Also To Form A Small Circle .    As Much As 5 Grains Of Red Onion . Clean And Then Slice Thinly .    Fresh Red Tomatoes , As Many As 1 Piece . Choose A Medium-Sized . Clean And Then Dispose Of The Inside Along With The Seeds. Further Cut Into Squares .    Fine Salt 1 Teaspoon Much .    As Much Sugar ¾ Teaspoon .    8 Basil Leaves Sheet . Rinse And Slice Into Small Pieces .    Lemon Juice 1 Tablespoon .    Cooking Oil 5 Tbsp .

Let Dispensing Sambal Dabu - Dabu Special !

After All The Necessary Ingredients Ready , It's Time We Mix This Spicy Sauce . As For How To Make A Delicious Sauce Dabu-Dabu Is , Step By Step , As Follows :

    First , Mix All The Ingredients That Have Been Cut Into Pieces Into A Container Watu . Stir Well .    Add Salt And Also Subtle Lime Juice . Back Stir Until Evenly Distributed .    Finally, Prepare A Skillet And Heat Oil In It . Once It Is Hot , Lift The Skillet And Pour The Cooking Oil In A Hot State Into A Container Of Other Materials . Stir Well .    Serve Sauce Dabu-Dabu Favors For Your Family .

Solo FoodsPancake SOLO ROLL

Rating :

Want to taste the delicious and tasty snack . Let we make Solo pancake rolls . Snack made from rice flour and coconut milk was tasty and it was delicious in our tongue . Let's create a dish for iftar.

ingredients :225 grams of rice flour1/2 teaspoon instant yeast50 grams sugar1/2 teaspoon salt1 egg600 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut1 sheet of pandan leaves , concluded1/2 teaspoon saltCheedar 150 grams of cheese , for topping

Material Content :4 pieces of jackfruit , cut in squares 1/2 cm

Material areh :100 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut1/4 teaspoon salt4 pieces of pandan leaves

How to make :

    Boil coconut milk , pandan leaves , and salt , stirring until boiling . Chill .    Pour 150 ml of boiling milk mixture to the rice flour , instant yeast , and sugar . Knead .    Keplok dough while the rest of the coconut milk is added in small increments . Keplok - keplok 20 minutes after the milk out. Let stand 1 hour .    Areh : boiled coconut milk , salt and pandan leaves , stirring until thickened . Set aside .    Heat a cast-iron skillet . Pour batter then press the middle with the bottom of the ladle as he moved toward the edge of the skillet so that the batter widened . Let perforated . Sprinkle the content material .    Cover the pan . Allow to mature . Apply areh . Close again for a while to absorb . Lift .    Put on a banana leaf to fit the shape of a round pancake solo. Place the grated cheese in the middle. Roll with the leaves . Cover with plastic .