How to interact with players

inbow_Seizure’s Guide O w to interact with peop Written by the most socially awkward homeschooler… So Yeah.

Transcript of How to interact with players

Page 1: How to interact with players

Rainbow_Seizure’s Guide OnHow to interact with people

Written by the most socially awkward homeschooler… So Yeah.

Page 2: How to interact with players

This is your average player.Let’s call him Jim.

Jim is joining the server for the first time, and is a little confused by the grandness of the server.

We are going to try and make this a little easier for Jim.

Page 3: How to interact with players

Let’s start with greetings.

Okay. So, as much fun as these greetingsWould be, we shouldn’t start like this…

It will really freak them out. Okay… Maybe I should have omitted 9 from the mixEntirely! And never say you are bored, instead you can ask if someone needs help. *Ding, Thumb up *

I like to start with something like “Welcome to the Ourcrafty server, ____”But, it is great to personalize it. Personally, from experience, I think that people really enjoy getting greeted into the community the first time. It makes the start less intimidating. (Pfft… Like I know how to greet someone)

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What should we say to Jim?

1.) Oh Jim, I knew I guy named Jim, he liked to take cats from the street and force feed them Pizza

2.) Welcome to the server, Jim! Is there anything I can do to help you?

3.) Yo, Jimmy, mah man! Jimmy Dawg, I know a house over there that would look great missing half of its blocks.


The answer is 1…. Just kidding, but that would be great, wouldn’t it. A good format is 2.

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It is just them trying to work things out… Now, I know, when they repeat the question and your name over and over again within one minute of you not answering, it can get old, but we are here to try and help the server, so helping the people is included in that mix.

Now, unlike these cows, we should “care”About the players questions.

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Jim wants to know how to start off at spawn,What should you say?

1.) Jim, who cares about you and your whining, Just build a freakin’ place.

2.) Jim, can I offer you a tour (how about we have Blue volunteer ;D )

3.) Jim, each portal represents a biome. Example, the boat is the water biome.

4.) *Crickets*

Meh, the last three answers work, if they keep asking, don’t use 4.), try and help them

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A sense of humor is good, and can either 1.) Make a person “lol” or 2.) Confuse people

Be cautious of what you say, some people will just not get it, and some people might take offence. (Meh, people these days… You have to be in person for them to get any hint of joking and playing around. )

Page 8: How to interact with players

You are playing around and making jokes with Jim, which line is the best?

1.) Jim, you are a complete and total dumb-face. I mean absolutely stupid. I Bet yo momma talks about your older brother 99% more than you, doesn’t she?! Pfft, Just kidding.

2.) I had a dog once, I named him ‘Stay’ “Come Here, Stay” ... He’s insane now.

3.) Jim, why did the chicken cross the road… To get away from your face.

4.) Jim, do you want to hear a yoke? Too bad, I only eat egg whites *pours egg whites into pan*. Oh he he, I am SO funny!

Well, 4 could almost be pulled off, but you would have the have the right audience. Personally, 1 is my favorite, and I think you should TOTALLY use that format, ALL THE TIME . (Please understand that I was joking)

Page 9: How to interact with players

People do stupid things… It is human nature to mess up every once in a while. If someone if being absolutely irresponsible, irritating, and idiotic, then why fight withThem… It disturbs all peace, and leave the person hating you even more.

Just like this kitten, players have feelings. *Makes a rainbow gesture with arms* Can’tYou see the other side of the rainbow, the happy unicorn land where you can have all Your dreams? When you see that, and feel that emotion, remember it, and treat othersAs you would that magical rainbow unicorn you were petting, with kindness.

A lot of people on the server are either 1.) Young and don’t know what they are doing or2.) Teenage and trying to test boundaries. With the younger ones, just be really soft. With the older ones, try and be “nice” while affirmative.

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Let’s say Jim is 9 and grieved a house. He was jailed and is demanding to get outHow should you shine the bright, happy rainbow on Jim?

1.) Jim, You need to go to and submit an appeal in the ForumsSection.

2.) Shut up and quit your whining, Jim.

3.) Jim, you should be plenty mature to realize we are trying to help you, and if you Don’t want help, and are going whine. LEAVE.

4.) Jim, everyone on the server hates you, why do you keep trying to convince us That you are “oh so great”

While none of these options have a “Bright, happy rainbow” option 1 is the ideal response!

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Okay, lastly, just rememberTo keep calm and be “nice”

Maybe take a 10 minute break And just look at happy animalPictures. Or do something toChange your mood.

Find the RAINBOW!

Kindness is always important. (Gosh, I sound like a pre-school teacher). Personally,I just try and assess peoples problems and try and solve it in a kind matter. :D

“And remember, little kids, always report to an adult if someone tries to start a fight.”

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Please realize that this was made as a joke, and although it might contain important pointers, not all of it is to be taken seriously.

Now Jim has a great start, nice job