How to get great abs after fifty years old a six pack in 60 days

How to Get Great Abs After Fifty Years Old - A Six Pack in 60 Days No Sit Ups Required! Old Spartan Fitness `



Transcript of How to get great abs after fifty years old a six pack in 60 days

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Why Build Your Core?

The primary purpose of the core muscles are to provide stabilization and flexion of the spine as your body moves through space. The core is the generic term for all the muscles surrounding the lower spine. This includes all the low back muscles as well as the abdominal muscles.

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Inner Abdominals

The transverse abdominis (TA) is the deepest layer of abdominal muscle and one you probably have never paid too much attention. It plays a key role in stabilizing the thoracic spine and pelvis and is sometimes referred to as the corset muscle for it’s ability to flatten the belly.

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How to Get a Flat Belly

You probably have never directly stressed the TA with an exercise. It is difficult to activate directly but there is one movement geared towards strengthening the TA. If you want a flatter lower belly, you need to work on the TA. More on that later.

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More on Abs

The internal obliques (IO), along with the TA, make up the inner abs. The external obliques and rectus abdominis are considered the outer abs. The IO perform two basic functions; aid in breathing as an opposing force to the diaphragm and work in conjunction with the external obliques (EO) to rotate, bend and twist the trunk.

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Your Six Pack Today

The rectus abdominis (RA) are the abs we all care about. The RA is the 6-pack muscle that becomes visible if your body fat is reduced low enough. The RA is important for posture, flexing the lumbar spine and holding the internal organs in place by exerting intra-abdominal pressure.

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You Are Only as Strong as Your Weakest Link

The RA contracts hard when lifting heavy things to stabilize the spine, transfer the load into the legs and protect the organs from excessive stress. A strong core is imperative to remain injury free.

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The Rules of Great Abs

There are really two parts to building abs:1. The first is performing the proper

movements to stimulate and build the muscles.

2. The second is reducing your body fat to a point where the abdominals, primarily the RA becomes visible.

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Two for the Price of One

This presentation primarily addresses point #1. What exercises are the best and most efficient way to build strong abs? But don't despair. You are in luck because the exercises that build a strong core are the same exercises that blast fat fast.

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Burn it Up

The best ab exercises are core stabilizers that simulate real life movements. Complex, full-body exercises that engage the largest muscles of the body and burn a lot of calories are best. Thats the key to fat burning; do efficient work to maximize energy consumed.

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Eat Real Food to Tune Your Engine

The real deal for body fat reduction is dictated by nutrition. What you eat will be the determining factor in your ability to get the 6-pack to show. And nutrition is the subject of another article.

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What You Do Get

If you implement these exercises in a serious way, you will be:

1. building strong abs in the most efficient manner

2. performing exercises that also consume a lot of calories

3. just a great nutrition plan away from 6-pack abs (or something close)

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The Plan

What to do? What not to do?

No traditional sit ups or crunches. While they do activate the abs to some degree, they are not very efficient. In fact, a muscle called the psoas, part of the hip flexors, is a primary mover of the sit up. It has nothing to do with strong abs.

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The A,B,C's of Ab Training

OK, this is what we are going to do. We will perform exercises that:

1. require stabilization of the spine in the vertical plane (standing up)

2. require stabilization of the spine in the horizontal plane (in the plank position)

3. bending and twisting of the lumbar spine

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More A,B,C's of Ab Work

A continuation of ab movements we'll do1. Move the pelvis towards the rib cage (like

lifting the legs)2. Dynamic movements; pick stuff up and put

in down requiring a stabilized core through a range of motion

3. And a specific move to train the transverse abdominis

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Vertical Core Stabilization

SquatsA primal move. Use bodyweight or any of the many weighted variations. You can't go wrong. Squat often and squat deep.

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Vertical Core Stabilization

Goblet SquatAnother great squat exercise. Legs & core together.

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Vertical Core Stabilization

Overhead SquatThis will surprise you. Most of us have poor thoracic spine and shoulder mobility. You'll feel it here. Start with a very light weight.

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Vertical Core Stabilization

Overhead PressOne of the standard lifts for shoulders, triceps and core. Any time you put a weight overhead, the core must contract hard. Pressing is good for you.

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Vertical Core Stabilization

Single Handed Dumbbell PressSingle-handed work presents an asymmetrical load which stresses the core in another dimension.

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Vertical Core Stabilization

CarriesIf you think about it, the only practical reason for picking something up is to move it to another location. Do your carries to stay in shape for real life.

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Horizontal Core Stabilization

Push UpsEveryone knows what a push up is but many don't perform them correctly. Do full range of motion reps for the best results. A great exercise.

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Horizontal Core Stabilization

PlanksGet your timer out for a great plank workout. Do intervals; hold for 45 secs, rest for 60 secs & repeat until you are unable to continue.

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Horizontal Core Stabilization

Renegade RowThis adds the asymmetrical loading effect which really makes this move a more advanced plank-type exercise.

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Horizontal Core Stabilization

Inverted RowA reverse plank position combined with a back, bicep and forearm workout.

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Horizontal Core Stabilization

Mountain ClimberThis is actually a cross between a plank workout and leg lifting movement.

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Bending & Twisting Exercises

T Push UpMix a chest, shoulder, tricep, plank and twisting exercise all in one. Now that is efficiency.

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Bending & Twisting Exercises

Wood ChopperJust good stuff. Try swinging a sledgehammer (outdoors please) for even better results.

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Bending & Twisting Exercises

Floor SweeperWeighted or unweighted, this one hits the obliques hard. The weighted version is done by holding a barbell or dumbbells with extended arms

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Bending & Twisting Exercises

Duck UndersEver wonder why boxers have muscular, trim waistlines? Bobbing and weaving builds great abs.

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Leg Lifting Exercises

V Sit UpsIf you are going to do sit ups, pick one where hands and feet are both moving.

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Leg Lifting Exercises

Hanging Knee RaisesAdd a twisting finish to incorporate the obliques; left knee to right elbow, right knee to left elbow, etc. This one works really well.

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Leg Lifting Exercises

360 Degree Back RollsThis works surprisingly well but looks kinda funny.

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Leg Lifting Exercises

Skin the CatThese were easy in 3rd grade. Once you can perform Hanging Knee Raises pretty well, try the old Skin the Cat. It will shred you.

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Leg Lifting Exercises

Abdominal Hold/Knee RaiseA simple alternative to Hanging Knee Raises (HKR) if you don't have an overhead bar to hold. A good starting move if you can't perform HKR's.

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Dynamic Moves

Kettlebell SwingGotta swing the bells. A full-body, endurance workout including core stabilization. If you do nothing else, get a kettlebell and swing it.

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Dynamic Moves

DeadliftOne of the foundation exercises. Both standard and straight leg versions are great for core strength.

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Dynamic Moves

Power CleanA must-do exercise for power and overall fitness. A real fat blaster.

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Dynamic Moves

ThrusterThe thruster rules for fat burning efficiency and building a strong core.

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Transverse Abdominis

The VacuumAnd finally the one exercise you can do to strengthen the TA and get a flatter stomach. The vacuum can be done lying face down, kneeling (as shown), sitting upright in a chair or standing up. Exhale first and them suck your navel in towards your spine. Hold for 10 secs. Release and then repeat. It's harder than you think.

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How to Get Great Abs After Fifty Years Old - A Six Pack in 60 Days