How to build great relationships through cold calling

How to Build Great Relationships through Cold Calling

Transcript of How to build great relationships through cold calling

  1. 1. How to Build Great Relationships through Cold Calling
  2. 2. Salesperson persona
    It often feels fake, and it often is.
    This artificial role puts a great stress.
    When we arent genuine, its a red flag to the other person that we have a sales agenda.
    This puts nearly everyone on guard.
  3. 3. Person we are calling
    This person doesnt know us.
    The momentum were trying to impose puts him or her in a defensive position.
    Theyre protecting themselves from a potential intruder who might have a self-serving agenda.
  4. 4. Shift to relationship
    Begin by focusing on the relationship rather than salesmanship.
    Call with the anticipation of meeting someone new
    Looking forward to a pleasant conversation
    Find out whether you can be of service.
    This mindset is felt by the other person.
  5. 5. Building relationships
    It humanize your cold calling conversations
    And yourselves.
    You are less artificial.
    Cold calling conversations become more natural.
    People tend to respond with more warmth and interest.
  6. 6. 8 keys to building relationships:
    Focus on the other persons needs
    Surrender to the outcome of your cold call
    View the human connection as an exciting journey in which you encounter new and interesting people
    Speak graciously and naturally
    Remember its about how you come across, not about how many people you call
    Allow the conversation to evolve naturally
    Both of you should decide whether its worth your time to pursue the conversation further
    Use phrases that are non-aggressive yet very effective
  7. 7. For more tips visit