How sponsors can use Social Walls during live events ?


Transcript of How sponsors can use Social Walls during live events ?

  2. 2. What is a Social Wall/TweetWall? Where are Social Walls/TweetWalls used? Sponsoring opportunities Mobile World Congress NFL Games in London Q&A Agenda Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  3. 3. A tool to Increase the digital presence on social media Create a buzz Create engagement Generate revenue A modern way to communicate and much more! What is a Social Wall? Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  4. 4. What is a Social Wall? Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  5. 5. Lets take a closer look on a Social Wall Animation Animated Tweet display Background Messages User Profile picture Text (140 characters) Shared picture (if included) Hashtag/number Parameter used to pull in messages Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  6. 6. Where are Social Walls used? Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  7. 7. Where are Social Walls used? Concerts & Festivals Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  8. 8. Conferences and Congress Where are Social Walls used? Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  9. 9. Exhibitions & Trade Fairs Where are Social Walls used? Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  10. 10. On TV Where are Social Walls used? Raphal LinartRaphal Linart - @raphlienart
  11. 11. At Sports Events Where are Social Walls used? Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  12. 12. Concerts Conferences Trade Shows Corporate Meetings Restaurants Bars & Nightclubs Product Launches Sports Events Brand Activations Shopping Malls Hotels Universities . Anywhere theres a screen! Where are Social Walls used? Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  13. 13. Sponsoring opportunities Advertisments/Announcement Basic : One single display Regular : Displayed at a regular interval of time Enhanced : Multiple advertisements Specific time or intervals Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  14. 14. Sponsoring opportunities Contest Different level of customization Bronze : logo integration Silver : background integration Gold : fully customized contest Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  15. 15. Sponsoring opportunities TagCloud Different level of customization Bronze : logo integration Silver : background integration Gold : fully customized contest Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  16. 16. Sponsoring opportunities Highlighting Standard Highlight Standard highlight options : White flash Avatar blink Branded Highlight Highlighted in brand colours Priority Highlight The only Tweet displayed at that time Custom Highlight Tweet appears on custom background to the brands specification Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  17. 17. Mobile World Congress Highlight Key benefits for sponsors: Increase messages visibility Raise profile of brand username Key message delivery via social media on the big screens Visibility of the brands usernames venue-wide Raphal Linart - @raphlienart
  18. 18. Sponsoring opportunities Logo integration Raphal Linart - @raphlienart Permanent solo logo Permanent multiple logo Logo loop
  19. 19. Contact Details Raphal Linart Telephone: +32 475 80 63 32 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @raphlienart Raphal Linart - @raphlienart