How safe are girls in cities?

? How safe are GIRLS IN CITIES ?

Transcript of How safe are girls in cities?

?How safe areGIRLS IN CITIES?

Girls move to cities to find jobs, access healthcare, get an education or escape early marriage and abuse.

In Nigeria, girls from rural areas are at twice the risk of child marriage


Girls in cities are less likely to get married early

School attendance for adolescent girls is 37% higher in

cities than in rural areas

girls in cities are more likelyto go to school


In Kampala,

45% of girls reported sexual

harassment when using public transport

96% of adolescent girls

from Delhido not feel safe

in the city

“The government don’t do anything for girls on the street. They should

take them by the hand and say ‘I am going to support you’ but no – they look at them as they

would any other rubbish.”Jessica, 17, street childfrom Nicaragua

By 2030,

700 million girls will live in urban areas

Source: /

We must create

safer cities for girls

All sources are from 2015 Plan International’s report,The unfinished business of girls’ rights unless stated otherwise

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