How not to get back together with my ex – don’t make my mistakes

How Not To Get Back Together With My Ex Don’t Make My Mistakes By Crystal Pennell


How not to get back together with my ex – don’t make my mistakes

Transcript of How not to get back together with my ex – don’t make my mistakes

Page 1: How not to get back together with my ex – don’t make my mistakes

How Not To Get Back Together With My Ex –

Don’t Make My Mistakes

By Crystal Pennell

Page 2: How not to get back together with my ex – don’t make my mistakes

When I was trying to get back together with my ex I made so many dumb

mistakes. At times I felt like I was running uphill and the top was nowhere to be

found. To say that I struggled would be putting it mildly. I was trying all kinds of

things and most of them did not work. And I am guessing that they are the kinds

of things that you are trying yourself, which is why I want to make sure that you

learn from my mistakes. Here are just a few.

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Mistake # 1: Begging to be taken back

Man oh man does this one not work. So many times I found myself actually

begging and pleading with her. I found myself so many times begging to get

back together with my ex and it got me nowhere. The reason it got me nowhere

was because it made me look pitiful. It made her not want to be with me more –

If you are making this mistake then stop it immediately.

Mistake # 2: Calling all the time

The one thing that you must remember is that you are not dating her any

longer. You can no longer just call out of the blue to talk to her and to see how

she is doing. If you have been making phone call after phone call then you need

to stop – before she puts a restraining order on you.

Page 3: How not to get back together with my ex – don’t make my mistakes

Mistake #3: Telling her to come back

The first thing you need to realize is that she is not a child and is not a pet. You

cannot tell her what to do. Telling her what is good for her and what she needs

to do is a quick way to ensure that she never wants to have anything to do with

you again. If you find yourself acting like this then you need to walk away and

walk away quickly.

These are some of the major mistakes I personally made when I was trying to get

back together with my ex. I am going to guess that you are making similar

mistakes as these as well. The best things to do when you are trying to get back

together with your ex, is to sit back and really think about whether or not your

advances are annoying to her or really getting through. Taking this honest

approach and listening to these get back together with my ex advice will help you

to better win her heart back for good.

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