How Marketing Leads to Sales



You need a more than a website. You need a digital marketing agency, and that takes the experience, knowledge and design you will find at ATAK Interactive. To Know more information about How Marketing Leads to Sales please visit the website

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A FULL SERVICE DIGITAL AGENCYINBOUND MARKETINGHOW ATAK WORKS FOR YOUUnderstanding Inbound MarketingWaitwhat is Inbound Marketing?!?!Inbound Marketing is a holistic, data-driven approach to marketing that attracts individuals to your brand and CONVERTS them to lasting customers.3How Marketing Leads to SalesUnderstanding the Funnel that Turns Browsers Into Buyers$SalesLead GenerationPoint of Conversion3Lead GenerationHow do we get your target audience to enter into your world?Organic SearchGoogle, Bing, YahooYelp YouTubeSocial MediaTwitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Instagram

OutreachBusinessMedia OrganizationsPaid SearchGoogle AdWords Facebook Ads Display AdsReferralHappy Clients Networking Partners EmployeesOfflineTrade Shows Traditional Advertising Direct MarketingRetentionEmail Newsletters Email Automation Retargeting3Point of ConversionYouve brought them to youhow do you turn them into customers?WEBSITEIs it clear to users how you can solve their problems?CONTENTIs there interesting, unique content there for users to learn more about your product, concept, or business?CONNECTIONDo users trust your expertise in the field enough to take the action you want them to?3cta1, 2, 3Prioritized Site HierarchyStart with your Call-to-Action and begin highlighting your value propositions thereafter.rdResponsive DesignOptimize for all devices with a site that is responsive and easy to navigate on desktop, tablet, or mobile.Social ProofUse case studies, testimonials, press, etc. to showcase your credibility.imageimageThe Website: Inbound Marketing InfrastructureUse Conversion Centered Design to Build a Website That SellsClear Calls-to-ActionEvery website should have an objective it wants users to complete whether it is filling in a contact form, signup for a newsletter or buy a product3The Content: Your Portal to TrustDifferent ways you can be creative and educate your audience.imageimageimageimageimageimageLeadLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Phasellus tinciduntimageimage3EmailsimageBlogsWhite PapersWebinarsSlideSharesPodcastsInfographicsProduct CatalogsVideoHow-To GuidesimageebooksPhotosWhat Your Content Showcases to ConsumersTPEVcomfortable in your hands.Expertise. Customers want to work with people that knowwhat they are doing.Personality. People want to work with people, notbrands.

Trustworthiness. They want to know they are3Viewpoint. You have a unique perspective and stance in your industry.Content DistributionHow to do we further spread the word with our content?PressEmailSitePaidFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,Pinterest, InstagramPress Release, Blogger Outreach,Influencer OutreachSocial10AdWords, Retargeting, Outbrain,FBX, Facebook AdsSliders, Sidebars, LandingPages, Blog PostsNewsletters, Behavioral,Third PartyThe Connection: Key to the ConversionEveryone can build content. Yours must fulfill the promise of its headline.Engagement. You want it, but how do you get it? Make sure your content connects with your audience. Follow this checklist below to help ensure you are building inspiring, educational, and memorable content.Is it informative? How likely is it to be shared on social?Is it well organized and put together? Do you avoid industry jargon? Does the content take a unique point of view?Is it well written and grammatically correct? Do your graphics make the content more visually appealing?image12Why Invest in Inbound Marketing?12Because it works.48% More TrafficComes to websites with 51 to 100 pages than those with just 1 to 50 pages.90% of ConsumersFind custom content useful and 78% believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships with them.14.6% Avg. Close RateFor leads that come from SEO, compared to the 1.7% close rate of traditional outbound leads70% More LeadsCome from companies that blog 1 to 2 times per month as opposed to those that do not blog.95% of Qualified ProspectsOn your website are there to research and are not yet ready to talk with a sales rep, but as many as 70% will eventually buy from you or one of your competitors.78% of ConsumersBelieve that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships with them.52% of Marketershave found a customer via Facebook.80% of Decision Makersprefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement.5REFINE CAMPAIGN BASED ON DATA4DISTRIBUTE CONTENT1DEFINE STRATEGY2TEST LEAD CHANNELS3BUILD CONTENT12Lets Get StartedHow to Implement the ProcessLearn More abouP.PtLAANNTERAKTWIITnTEtReracStKiYvPEe:www.atakinteractive.com1-855-472-1892 |[email protected] Westwood Blvd. #206, Los Angeles, California 90024