How golf makes an important difference in the world of business?

You Know It’s Good For Business But Not Enjoying Golf Yet? –Get The Golf Bug! (Practice Makes Perfect) Golf is an awesome game no doubt. But still you may wonder what the relationship is between golf and business in general. You may ask, “How is it good for business?” Well, the aim of this article is to help you understand the marriage between the two (business and golf). Beyond that you will see the need to become a golfer and no, you do not have to be a professional golfer. In case you didn’t know, golf has for a long time been associated with the business scene. Statistics have shown that playing golf makes an important difference in the world of business. Aside from the fact that golf, like most sports enhances personal, professional, physical and mental well being, it can serve as an avenue for business transactions and deals to take place. It has a special way of bringing together people of all ages who are from various works of life. Most business professionals see golf as the ultimate networking tool. Golf just like a business involves competing with opponents pretty much like what goes on in the business circle today. A golfer navigates his way through different courses and surmounts the obstacles and face various conditions while competing with stronger opponents. Most people do not like golf because they consider it to be a boring game. You may not like it as well, but wait till you understand how good it is for the business. How is golf good for business? It keeps you Active Inactive lifestyles take its toll on your health and also affect your productivity. You need to find the balance in life. Try to always be up and doing. Playing golf helps you burn calories, lower cholesterol level, minimize the risk of


Most people do not like golf because they consider it to be a boring game but wait till you understand how Golf game Good for Business.

Transcript of How golf makes an important difference in the world of business?

You Know Its Good For Business But Not Enjoying Golf Yet? Get The Golf Bug! (Practice Makes Perfect)Golf is an awesome game no doubt. But still you may wonder what the relationship is between golf and business in general. You may ask, How is it good for business? Well, the aim of this article is to help you understand the marriage between the two (business and golf). Beyond that you will see the need to become a golfer and no, you do not have to be a professional golfer.In case you didnt know, golf has for a long time been associated with the business scene. Statistics have shown that playing golf makes an important difference in the world of business. Aside from the fact that golf, like most sports enhances personal, professional, physical and mental well being, it can serve as an avenue for business transactions and deals to take place. It has a special way of bringing together people of all ages who are from various works of life. Most business professionals see golf as the ultimate networking tool.Golf just like a business involves competing with opponents pretty much like what goes on in the business circle today. A golfer navigates his way through different courses and surmounts the obstacles and face various conditions while competing with stronger opponents. Most people do not like golf because they consider it to be a boring game. You may not like it as well, but wait till you understand how good it is for the business.How is golf good for business?It keeps you ActiveInactive lifestyles take its toll on your health and also affect your productivity. You need to find the balance in life. Try to always be up and doing. Playing golf helps you burn calories, lower cholesterol level, minimize the risk of heart diseases and increase the life expectancy. The longer your life expectancy the more time you have to conquer more grounds both in business and in golf. What good is a sick or dying person to the growth of a business?Helps you unwindNothing beats the feeling of being in a green open environment with fresh air and sunshine. After a long day at work, playing golf in the great outdoors is a wonderful way to relax, unwind and clear your head. It is an exercise that improves your self esteem, mood, mental health and well being by reducing the stress level. By the start of the next working day, you resume work feeling refreshed and a lot lighter than the previous day. You are ready to give your very best to your business.

It is a game for everyoneOlder people are not capable of playing more rigorous games like football or tennis. One of the virtues of the game golf is that people of any age can play it. Golf is not restricted to a particular set of people, anyone can play golf. The old and young, experts and novice, the rich and poor, male and female, all can play golf if they want. Even the physically challenged now have a unique handicap system that makes it easy for them to play this game. This means that no matter your ability, you can compete against each other and have fun. More relaxation and fun time produces amazing business ideas.

Brings people togetherOf all the sports, golf builds social and business contacts. Golf creates a social atmosphere where different people from various social strata come together in a serene environment where business deals can be done as more time is spent walking than to hit the ball. This gives room for conversations unlike sports like tennis, basketball or football.When people come together to play golf, friendships, bonds, alliances and connections are bound to be formed. It is a fabulous way to meet other business men and women both old and young, interact and share ideas. You can invite your friends, colleagues, potential clients, associates or business partners for a game of golf, away from the pressures of a formal environment like the office. The informal and unofficial nature of the course encourages striking business deals without pressure.It helps you build a strong characterGolf is a test of true character. It reveals how people can react under pressure, do they lose their temper? When you do business with people, you basically know little or nothing about them. When playing golf just like in business, you learn to stay calm even under pressure because any miscalculation on your part could be detrimental. Golf involves focus, patience, strategic thinking and various techniques. Playing golf helps to boost your morale and stimulate mental skills and stamina. These are skills enable and empower you to get ahead in business. It instills confidence which helps you take better decisions in the business and do better. What else? In business just like in golf you need to take physical and mental efforts to better yourself and correct any past mistakes, flaws or shortcomings. Golf teaches you to make changes when necessary to improve yourself or your business. Get over wrong choices, youre your shortcomings and prepare a new strategy to make a comeback. Set specific goals. Whether it is in business or playing golf you need to have an aim and objectives. You can set targets to reach while playing golf just as you can do the same in your business. Do not give up if you are not able to hit your target, but learn from previous mistakes. And plan to do better the next time. Dealing with the ever present competition. Learn how to get inside the mind of your golf opponent or business rival to know what they are thinking. Find out what their next move will be and stay ahead of them. Understanding the concept of self believe. Have faith in yourself.Thinking of taking golf lessons?These are the ways in which golf is good for business as well as physical and mental well being. So, having discovered the ways of playing golf can help your business are you willing to give it a try? If the answer is YES, then the first step should be to register for a good golf course. Although golf takes a little bit of investment to get into and maintain, you will find that it is worth every dime spent. The benefits and dividends it yields are long lasting. Company executives who play golf have been discovered to make a 17% profit than those who do not play. As if that is not enough an estimated 90% of fortune 500 CEOs plays golf.1. Allow the professional teach you the basics and follow them step by step. You can get pretty good at it if you want. Dont be scared of driving range and putting green, you know why? Because practice makes perfect, the more you practice, the better you get at it. 2. Before hitting the ball, visualize yourself on an actual golf course. Imagine yourself hitting the ball to a far away green before you actually hit it. Stay focused, your mind and your body should be involved in the process. 3. Get your mind prepared with a pre shot routine. Do it each time you want to hit another shot. Most professionals like Tiger Woods have pre shot routine. If you have ever observed him on the golf course you will notice what he does, before hitting the ball.4. Set a target in your mind of where you want the ball to land. Try hitting that specific target. Aim for something that is some distance away before you hit the ball. The more you aim at a particular distance or target, the easier it becomes for you to track how much progress you have made.5. For your one hour practice session, you can try hitting up to 50 or more. As a beginner, you might want to quit while you score lower if you want to make big gains. Consistent practice is what you need to reduce your scores.6. When you get to putting greens, the same rules as the ones for driving range apply. Improve on your stance and your swing.Remember, it does not have to be perfect on the first try. So, if you do not get it on the first try, try, try and keep trying because practice makes perfect. Never get discouraged. A few hours a week will be just right. Be deliberately consistent in practice. And most importantly, watch and see how this golf activity transforms your mentality and gives your business a facelift. Catch the golf bug today; reap the benefits. You will definitely have fun with it.