How Garden Roses are Diverse ?

Garden roses are diverse, even within their relatively small niche, is hardly surprising, considering the vast universe of real garden roses, with their many categories: Albas, Galicas, Damask, Provence and Moss roses, to name a few. Generally speaking, breeders from different countries are best known for specific strengths, for instance: the Germans have hardy varieties, they are beautiful, but with less fragrance. The French type is beautiful and fragrant as well, but don’t last very long. The English category of garden roses is in between, but they are exception in every way. JardinMajorele Flowers has tested hundreds varieties and finally come up with a short list of those that meet our quality standard. But even so, within relatively small grouping of royals (garden and scented variety), there is diversity not only in appearance but also behavior and requirement. It is true, that primarily, garden roses come only in red, pink and white. With color demand, driven by the wedding market, those colors still dominate today’s cut garden roses, but demand for other colors are in the rise. JardinMajorele Flowers started experiencing new varieties of long lasting garden roses for weddings and events. Events Florist in NJ | Wedding Flowers NJ

Transcript of How Garden Roses are Diverse ?

Page 1: How Garden Roses are Diverse ?

Garden roses are diverse, even within their relatively small niche, is hardly surprising, considering the vast universe of real garden roses, with their many categories: Albas, Galicas, Damask, Provence and Moss roses, to name a few.

Generally speaking, breeders from different countries are best known for specific strengths, for instance: the Germans have hardy varieties, they are beautiful, but with less fragrance. The French type is beautiful and fragrant as well, but don’t last very long. The English category of garden roses is in between, but they are exception in every way.

JardinMajorele Flowers has tested hundreds varieties and finally come up with a short list of those that meet our quality standard.

But even so, within relatively small grouping of royals (garden and scented variety), there is diversity not only in appearance but also behavior and requirement.

It is true, that primarily, garden roses come only in red, pink and white. With color demand, driven by the wedding market, those colors still dominate today’s cut garden roses, but demand for other colors are in the rise. JardinMajorele Flowers started experiencing new varieties of long lasting garden roses for weddings and events.

Events Florist in NJ | Wedding Flowers NJ