How Do I Unclog A Toilet Effectively?


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Transcript of How Do I Unclog A Toilet Effectively?

Page 1: How Do I Unclog A Toilet Effectively? 305-662-0668

How Do I Unclog A Toilet Effectively? At one point, you’ll be surprised waking up in the

morning and finding out that your toilet is clogged.

Instead of letting your day get spoiled because of this

horrid, unexpected circumstance, keep calm and focus

on the problem. Clogs aren’t really rare. They happen

quite often especially when homeowners do not

properly maintain and care for their toilets.

What cause toilet clogs?

While toilet clogs are caused by a lot of factors, most

instances are often associated to human waste. If

waste materials are not transported all the way to your septic tank or the public

sewer system where your home is connected to, they may cling onto the walls of

your drainage pipes and accumulate thereby causing blockages. While some

plumbing experts are okay with disposing toilet paper down the john, our take on

this matter is that prevention is always better than cure. If you flush too much

toilet paper and they don’t decompose fast, they will surely block your drains.

If you have kids at home, you should also tell them not to drop toys or any other

foreign objects into your ceramic throne. If these objects are not removed from

your toilet and eventually gets transported inside the pipes, you’ll surely be in for

a lot of trouble. Also note that you should not use your

toilet as a garbage bin or an ashtray. Never ever flush

cigarette butts, tampons, sanitary napkins, diapers and


How do I unclog a toilet?

You can try several tried and tested methods to get rid of

the toilet blockage. If the clog isn’t that bad, simply pour a

bucket of boiling hot water into the bowl and flush it. If

Page 2: How Do I Unclog A Toilet Effectively? 305-662-0668

this doesn’t work, get your reliable plunger.

Remember that there are several types of plunger

so make sure that you’ll use one that’s specially

designed for toilet bowls. Position it right in the

middle of the hole and start plunging up and down

in a steady pace. Repeat the plunging action for

about 15 times and fill the bowl with water.

Hopefully, this resolves the issue. Otherwise, you’ll

have to hook out whatever has caused the clog.

If you don’t have a plumbing snake, get a wire coat

hanger. Unravel the wire to disconnect both ends

from each other. To avoid damaging your toilet’s

porcelain surface, wrap one end with an old rag.

Insert this part of the wire hanger into the bowl and twist it around to find the

clog. When it touches on a solid object, just keep on pushing and twisting it to

break through the blockage.

When a coat hanger is still not enough to make your toilet run smoothly again,

use your plumbing snake. Just like what you did with the wire coat hanger, insert

the snake into the bowl and turn the crank clockwise to further push it into the

drain. When it touches on the clog, keep on turning the crank while pushing the

snake further inside. This will help break

through the blockage. When you’re no

longer feeling any hindrance, slowly pull the

snake out and dispose of any waste that

came with it.

These are some of the methods that will

help you unclog your toilet. Should DIY

plumbing fail, just rely on a trusted and licensed West Palm Beach plumber.

Contact Plumbers 911 Florida by phone or visit their website to schedule a service
