How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?



Transcript of How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

Page 1: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

Page 2: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

IntroductionEvery time a Google algorithm update is announced we, among lots of businesses, must stop whatever we are doing and address the implications. It has almost become routine because if we don’t stay ahead of these updates our websites will undoubtedly suffer the consequences and may never recover. | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075

Page 3: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0? | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075

The main reason for these Google algorithm updates is to refine the results that show up on a SERP (Search Engine Results Page). While we may not approve of these updates, Google has the ‘monopoly’ of search engines (see pie chart below) so the importance to adapting to these updates will mean the difference between ranking on page 1 and being at the bottom of the search results.


Page 4: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

Google’s Penguin 2.0 update refers to anything concerning web spam including:Author Text: Although it has been focused on by previous updates,

Google are now looking more carefully at the anchor text being used for linking your website. In this update Google will frown upon the majority of the anchor text being keyword rich, as it is deemed abnormal. And as a ‘punishment’ Google will go down to keyword level and lower your rankings (thankfully not of the whole website though). Resolving this is fairly straightforward and just means refining the copy and ensuring the flow of copy is logical which will gradually reverse any negative impact over time. | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075

Page 5: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?


This is where the major change in algorithm occurs. Google’s aim is to support websites so that they become an authority in their niche, and then wants to rank those sites higher in the search engine.

There are numerous ways to become an authority for your industry sector including the use of rich snippets, author rank, social sharing and of course Google’s own Google+. | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075

Page 6: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

Hacked CMS There is a growing number of websites that are

getting hacked due to their content management system (CMS) not being updated regularly or is not secure enough.

On the old updates this typically penalised a website, which would lower the rankings, whether it was the fault of the Webmaster or not. The algorithm in Penguin 2.0 change is putting a focus on this to make things reasonable and give Webmasters a certain period of time to fix the problem to avoid them receiving a penalty. | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075

Page 7: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

Advertorial For those of you unaware of this former off-line

term, this relates to links that were clearly sold and not earned by any given company. This technique is not tolerated by Google and will now not ensure successful Google SERPs.

The new algorithm means that any website paying for links such as sponsored posts and blog posts will now have to include a disclaimer or alternatively use only no-follow links. | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075

Page 8: How can your website recover from Penguin 2.0?

Solutions to manage the Penguin update

Position your site as an authority by using authorship (use authorship tags) and social shares (tweeting and sharing your news/articles) and creating business relations with others.

Remove low quality and irrelevant links If you’re using either advertorial or black hat

tricks stop it straight away. Earn links organically! This may take longer but will be more beneficial to your site

Don’t be keyword rich in your anchor texts | [email protected]| 0333 101 0075