How Attorneys Dentists and Surgeons Can Leverage Twitter and LinkedIn

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Kami York-Fiern, Page 1 Solutions social media specialist shares insights with lawyers, dentists and surgeons on how to better leverage Twitter and LinkedIn. It includes background information and tips on content, engagement and expanding your social media influence.

Transcript of How Attorneys Dentists and Surgeons Can Leverage Twitter and LinkedIn

  • 1. How to Utilize Twitter and LinkedIn for Your Business

2. Lets Talk About Twitter! Launched in March 2006 More than 36 million unique monthly visitors 255 million active monthly users Over 100 million daily active users More than 500 million tweets sent everyday 3. Debunking Twitter Myths Myth #1: Twitter will make you famous overnight Truth: Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work Thomas Edison You have to work at building a relevant following; this could take days, months, a year. Myth #2: I dont think Twitter is right for my business Truth: This is where your audience is; Twitter has more than 36 million unique visitors each month and 560 million unique active users currently Twitter feed is constantly updated with new tweets 4. One More Myth Myth #3: You have to keep your personal separate from business Ok, so this might be a little true, BUT: It all blends together on social media You want to portray the human aspect of your business People will connect with you on a personal level before they do on a business level Create content that evokes a personal connection (ie. quotes, images, share an experience/story) Value + human interaction = community 5. How Do I Create a Personal Connection? 6. What Metrics Should I Measure? Unless you can monetize them, the numbers (followers, retweets, favorites, DMs etc.) arent that important Kim Garst (Twitter Specialist) 7. 4 Keys to Dominate Twitter Connect with Influencers Engage with like minded users Find Real Time Leads Can identify an audience by keyword search Search for your audience and offer them something Target Your Followers Manage them! (unfollow, follow new people etc.) Follow people with keywords in their bio Generate Evergreen Content Content that will have relevance today, tomorrow, 6 months from now (it lasts) Re-Tweet your old blog content 8. Posting Ideas Motivational Quotes Humor Articles related to personal interests Social Media Tips Industry Related General Company News Promotions Blogs Invitations to Guest Blog 9. Closing Twitter Thoughts What is your overall marketing goal for social media? (Brand awareness, leads, engagement) How do you define your ideal customer? You know what you want from them but what do THEY want from YOU? What do they care about outside of your brand or service? Lastly, people arent searching for solutions, they are searching by their problems 10. LinkedIn: The Definitive Professional Publishing Platform 1 of every 3 professionals on the PLANET is on LinkedIn Content/Group pages get 6x more page views than job pages Use LinkedIn to: Generate Awareness Generate Traffic/Leads Build Community 11. Tips for LinkedIn Marketing Use Company Pages to Engage Your Audience Establish your presence Attract followers Engage followers Amplify content through your networks Analyze and refine Stand out with an eye-catching image or other rich media Using images can lead to 98% higher comment rate Links to YouTube videos that play directly in the LinkedIn feed can get up to a 75% higher share rate BUTyou get a very small SEO boost from your company page 12. Company Pages: Whos Doing it Right? 13. Industry Example 14. Creating Magical Content Optimizing Content Always ask why would my audience read this? Use concise and compelling intros and headlines Ask questions to involve your target audience Include a clear CTA Optimizing Visuals Mix it up!! (images, videos, presentations) Include relevant thumbnail Managing Updates Plan your editorial calendar but also react to timely events Respond to comments and group discussions regularly Dont be afraid to engage over the weekend EXPERIMENT!!!!!! 15. What About Groups? 16. We Cant Forget About Mobile! 17. Questions?