House of Commons Treasury Committee€¦ · for her role as Chair of the OTS against two criteria -...

House of Commons Treasury Committee Appointment of Angela Knight as Chair of the Of fce of Tax Simplifcation Fifth Report of Session 2015–16 HC 734

Transcript of House of Commons Treasury Committee€¦ · for her role as Chair of the OTS against two criteria -...

Page 1: House of Commons Treasury Committee€¦ · for her role as Chair of the OTS against two criteria - personal independence and professional competence - as the previous Treasury Committee

House of Commons

Treasury Committee

Appointment of Angela Knight as Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification

Fifth Report of Session 2015–16

HC 734

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Page 3: House of Commons Treasury Committee€¦ · for her role as Chair of the OTS against two criteria - personal independence and professional competence - as the previous Treasury Committee

House of Commons

Treasury Committee

Appointment of Angela Knight as Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification

Fifth Report of Session 2015–16

Report, together with formal minutes relating to the report

Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 January 2016

HC 734 Published on 25 January 2016

by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited


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Treasury Committee

The Treasury Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of HM Treasury, HM Revenue and Customs and associated public bodies.

Current membership

Mr Andrew Tyrie MP (Conservative, Chichester) (Chair)

Mr Steve Baker MP (Conservative, Wycombe)

Mark Garnier MP (Conservative, Wyre Forest)

Helen Goodman MP (Labour, Bishop Auckland)

Stephen Hammond MP (Conservative, Wimbledon)

George Kerevan MP (Scottish National Party, East Lothian)

John Mann MP (Labour, Bassetlaw)

Chris Philp MP (Conservative, Croydon South)

Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg MP (Conservative, North East Somerset)

Rachel Reeves MP (Labour, Leeds West)

Wes Streeting MP (Labour, Ilford North)


The committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the internet via


Committee reports are published on the Committee’s website at and by The Stationery Office by Order of the House.

Evidence relating to this report is published on the Committee’s website at

Committee staff

The current staff of the Committee are James Rhys (Committee Clerk), Chloe Challender (Second Clerk), Gavin Thompson (Senior Economist), James Mirza Davies (Committee Specialist), Shane Pathmanathan (Senior Committee Assistant), Amy Vistuer (Committee Assistant), Elektra Garvie-Adams (Committee Support Assistant), Toby Coaker (Senior Media and Communications Officer, and Committee Specialist),David Hook (on secondment from HMRC), and George Barnes (on secondment from the Bank of England).


All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Treasury Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 5769; the Committee’s email address is [email protected].

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1 Appointment of Angela Knight as Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification

Contents 1 The Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification 3

Background 3

The conduct of OTS hearings 3

Vacancy 3

2 The Appointment of Angela Knight 4

Background on Angela Knight 4

Our evidence 4

Conclusions and Recommendations 5

Appendix 1 - Letter from Chairman to Chancellor of the Exchequer 10 August 2015 7

Appendix 2 - CV of Ms Angela Knight CBE

Appendix 4 - Extract from Draft Finance Bill Clauses about Appointment of OTS


Appendix 3 - Questionnaire in advance of the Treasury Committee Hearing 11

Board Members 14

Formal Minutes 15

Witness 16

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament 17

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3 Appointment of Angela Knight as Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification

1 The Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification


1. The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) was established in 2010 in order to provide independent advice to the Chancellor on simplifying the tax system. In the Summer Budget, the Chancellor confirmed that it would be set on a statutory footing, and the relevant draft clauses for the 2016 Finance Bill were published on 9 December 2015.

2. These clauses include provision that the members of the OTS are to be appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. This is at odds with the recommendations made to the Chancellor by the Chairman of the Committee in a letter of 10 August 2015 (appended to this Report), as it does not establish a clear line of accountability to Parliament which, in turn is essential for OTS independence.

The conduct of OTS hearings

3. The Treasury announced the appointment of Ms Knight on 9 December1.

4. In this Report, the Committee has considered the suitability of Ms Angela Knight for her role as Chair of the OTS against two criteria - personal independence and professional competence - as the previous Treasury Committee did for her predecessor and for appointees to the Bank of England’s Policy Committees and the Office for Budget Responsibility. In this appointment hearing, the Committee also wanted to ensure that the candidate’s personal and professional background does not give rise to any conflicts of interest with the aims of the OTS.

5. The Committee took evidence from Ms Knight on 12 January 2016. She provided a full CV and answered our questionnaire prior to her giving oral evidence. The Committee thanks her for her evidence which is appended to this Report.


6. The vacancy as Chair of the OTS arose from the departure of the Rt Hon Michael Jack CBE who served for a full Parliament from the OTS’s inception. The Committee would like to thank Mr Jack for his work for the OTS. News Story: New Chair of Office of Tax Simplification announced, From HM Treasury, David Gauke MP and Office of Tax Simplification, First published 9 December 2015


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2 The Appointment of Angela Knight

Background on Angela Knight

7. Prior to her appointment as Chair of the OTS, Ms Knight had been Chief Executive of the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers, the British Bankers’ Association and Energy UK. Between 1992 and 1997 she was the Conservative MP for Erewash and served as the Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer between 1994 and 1995 and as the Economic Secretary to the Treasury between 1995 and 1997.

Our evidence

8. In oral evidence, the Committee questioned Ms Knight about her personal independence and her suitability for the post. Topics covered included:

• Her knowledge of tax matters, as well as her experience of negotiating with HMRC;

• The trade-offs that Governments face when making tax policy and her role as Economic Secretary to the Treasury - where her only tax responsibilities were on highly specialised elements of the tax system as it affects financial services;

• Her independence - how she intends to demonstrate it in the face of perceptions that her appointment could be politicised, and whether it is affected by the appointment process which is currently exclusively within the Chancellor’s gift;

• The principles of taxation recommended by the previous Treasury Committee and their bearing on the OTS’s work;

• The OTS - its work programme, its resourcing model and the implications of its being put on a statutory footing; its remit, and the distinction between tax simplification and tax policy; its work and effectiveness to date; the role of its chair and their relationship with the chief executive; remuneration for the Chair and Tax Director of the OTS, and the expertise of various OTS board members;

• Specific tax issues - HMRC’s plans for Making tax digital, small businesses’ perspective on tax, the relationship between tax simplification and avoidance by multinationals and banks, including whether there is a simpler model for taxing corporates;

• Her time at the BBA - her responsibilities in respect of Libor, including lessons learned from the Libor manipulation scandal; the role of the regulators in the BBA’s 2008 review of Libor; her role in the BBA’s decision to pursue a claim for judicial review of PPI compensation; her appearances before the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards and the Treasury Committee; the BBA’s response to speculation about the manipulation of Libor; the reasons for her resignation from the BBA; and

• Her past roles in the private sector and politics and her other current business interests, including non-executive directorships, and whether these conflict with her role as Chair of the OTS, and her time commitment to those other roles.

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9. In the course of this oral evidence, the Committee highlighted the need for the OTS to prioritise simplification that will reduce the scope for avoidance and evasion, and to work constructively with the Treasury Committee to hold the Government to account for adhering to the principles of good tax policy making.

Conclusions and Recommendations

10. The Committee notes that Ms Knight has been appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer without any reference to Parliament. This procedural arrangement is defective in that it does not adequately entrench the independence of the OTS’ Chair. The arrangement is to be given statutory effect in the 2016 Finance Bill. The Committee recommends that the Government should reconsider its approach. It should, instead, introduce a “double lock”, similar to the one set out in the Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act 2011, for the appointment and dismissal of Budget Responsibility Committee members, to safeguard the independence of the post.

11. The Committee has concerns about:

• Ms Knight’s leadership, based on her role at the BBA, and her engagement with the previous Treasury Committee and the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards;

• Her personal independence from the Treasury and her limited knowledge of tax issues; and

• Her other responsibilities as a non-executive director, both because of potential conflicts of interest and because the time commitments might not leave her enough time for her OTS role.

12. These concerns are not insuperable. People should not be barred from public office simply because they had the courage to take on the challenges of a difficult job in the past. In Ms Knight’s case, the unhappy experience at the BBA represented a small, but important, part of her career. The Committee noted that as Chair of the OTS, Ms Knight will be supported by tax experts and that conflicts of interest can be managed on a case by case basis. It is unreasonable to expect a part-time Chair of the OTS to have no involvement with another organisation, be it in the commercial, charitable or any other sector. Any of these may pay tax and could conceivably benefit from a specific recommendation made by the OTS. Such implied conflicts of interest should not necessarily be a bar to appointment.

13. The Committee recommends that Ms Knight, acting on independent advice, should recuse herself from any specific OTS Board consideration of issues which might be held to create a conflict of interests with her other activities, and that OTS Board minutes should record this and be available for public scrutiny. The Committee further recommends that the OTS Board identify from among its independent members a person responsible for ensuring that this is done. This person should perform a function similar to that of the Senior Independent Director on a company Board. This would require a small change to the proposed legislation (appended to this Report). Currently this does not require independent members. If there are any, it states that they would be nominated by the Chair. The Committee recommends that at least three

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non-executive members be appointed to the OTS to ensure that, with the Chairman, there is a majority of non-executives on the Board, in accordance with the principles of the UK Corporate Governance Code.

14. Notwithstanding its reservations based on the evidence it heard, the Committee is content to endorse Ms Knight’s appointment. The Committee wishes her every success in her role as Chair of the OTS and hopes that she will be able to find sufficient time to perform her new role effectively.

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Appendix 1 - Letter from Chairman to Chancellor of the Exchequer 10 August 2015

Office of Tax Simplification

I am glad to see that measures to expand and strengthen the OTS are being implemented. We welcome your acceptance that the OTS’s role in the wider efficiency of the tax system should be spelled out in the interim Framework Document.

However, your proposals appear to fall short of the level of independence the OTS requires. Nor do the steps you have taken to establish a clear line of accountability to Parliament which, in turn, is essential for OTS independence.

The safeguards to the independence of the Office of Budget Responsibility indicate what is required. One of these mechanisms - the “double lock” on the appointment and dismissal of Budget Responsibility Committee members - ensures that, at the very least, the independence of its leader is entrenched. This also establishes a clear line of accountability to Parliament. Your suggestion that the Treasury Committee may wish to hold post-appointment hearings with the Chair and Tax Director is not sufficient to establish this clear line of accountability.

I will be placing this letter, and in due course your reply, in the public domain.

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Appendix 2 - CV of Ms Angela Knight CBE

Current Non-Executive Directorships and advisory roles

2011 to date Senior Independent Director, Tullett Prebon plc; member of Audit, Nomination and Remuneration Committees. Led the search for the new Chairman.

2008 to date Senior Independent Director Brewin Dolphin plc; member of Audit and Nomination Committees and first chair of Risk Committee; INED on Board of the Irish subsidiary, Tilman Brewin Dolphin and soon to become its Chair. (I time out from Brewins in 2016, but it is intended that I become the Chair of Tilman).

2013 to date Board member Transport for London; member of Finance and Policy committee (ends at the Mayoral election 2016)

2015 to date Member of the Advisory Board of the economic consultancy OXERA; Chair of PARC, the Pay and Remuneration Centre business round table (PARC is part of Strategic Dimensions); advisor to the financial training organisation Goodacre UK.

Previous NED roles

2001–July 2008 Trust Member Port of London Authority; Vice Chairman; Chair Audit Committee

1999–May 2008 Non-Executive Director, LogicaCMG Plc; Member of Audit Committee; Chair of Remuneration Committee

2002–Oct 2006 Non-Executive Director, Lloyds TSB Plc; Member of Audit Committee

1998 - May 2006 Non-Executive Director, South East Water; Chair of the pension fund

1997–Oct 2006 Non-Executive Director, Scottish Widows; Deputy Chairman; Member of Audit Committee; Chairman of With Profits Committee

1999 - May 2002 Non-Executive Director, Mott Macdonald

Employment History

1 September 2012 until 31st December 2014 Chief Executive, Energy UK

Energy UK is the overarching association for the energy industry with some 80 members who collectively generate more than 90% of UK electricity and provide light and heat to some 26 million homes. The decision to create Energy UK was taken by the industry in May 2012 by combining three existing organisations (the Energy Retailers Association, the Association of Electricity Producers and the UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy) plus a communications team. I was hired to bring this about and establish the new organisation as the focal point for representing all the energy industry–that is independent

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electricity generators; independent suppliers of gas and electricity and companies that both generate and supply - in the key areas of policy, technical excellence and thought leadership.

1 April 2007–July 2012 Chief Executive, British Bankers Association

The BBA represented the banking industry located in the UK and due to the internationality of banking, the members were from all types and sizes of banks and from many different home jurisdictions.

Primarily the BBA acted for the industry on non-competitive issues in retail matters, wholesale market issues, regulation and tax and financial policy. Due to the internationality of the community the policy work covered UK, European and the global standard setters and it undertook the trade association role of representing the industry with Government, regulators and central banks as required.

I was the CEO of the organisation during the biggest banking crisis that the UK has experienced for more than a century. As a consequence, in addition to the traditional role of TAs, public presentation became a significant part of the job.

1997–2006 Chief Executive of APCIMS, the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers. (The name changed to the Wealth Managers Association in 2013)

Responsible for the trade body activities of 224 member firms operating on 500 sites, undertaking over 50% of all agency trades in UK equities and with £280Billion under management for the private investor. APCIMS operated in both the UK and Europe and provided thought leadership particularly in market, trading, and regulatory activities, relevant to the wealth management industry.

Political Career

1992–1997 Member of Parliament for Erewash; Treasury Minister (Economic Secretary 1995–1997) responsible for the HMT interests in banks building societies, financial markets, financial regulation, other City matters and small business affairs.

1994 Parliamentary Aid (PPS) to the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke MP, then Chancellor of the Exchequer and previously to Sir Tim Sainsbury MP, the Industry Minister.

Industrial Career

1977–1992 Set up the specialist metal heat treatment company, Cook & Knight (Metallurgical Processors) Ltd., a successful small company based in South Yorkshire and providing a regional service. Employees–40; Turnover–in excess of £4 Million

1972–1977 Air Products Limited - the UK subsidiary of Air Products & Chemicals Inc. At that time only the second ever female graduate trainee.

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Other Interests

Family pursuits; Renovating a Grade II listed building; historic cars; skiing; War Widows Association

Personal Details

Awarded CBE for services to the financial services industry in 2007 New Year’s Honours

Educated Penrhos College North Wales; Sheffield Girls High School; Bristol University, honours degree Chemistry

January 2016

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Appendix 3 - Questionnaire in advance of the Treasury Committee Hearing 1) Please would you let us have an explanation of how your experience to date has equipped you to fulfil your responsibilities as Chair of the OTS.

The HMT specification for the Chair of the OTS stated that they were looking for an individual who has the ability to influence at the most senior levels; has experience as a Chair, CEO or head of function in a major organisation, or relevant area of the public or voluntary sector; a general understanding and interest in taxation; an interest in wider public policy particular economic and financial policy; and is able to demonstrate the potential to understand the trade-offs and political choices that government face when making tax policy and issues faced by taxpayers.

It is also clear from discussions with the OTS that among the desired attributes of the Chair include someone able set the strategic direction of the organisation and to be able to build and progress the profile of the body both publicly and politically.

My experience relevant for the role of Chair is as follows:

i) I was the MP for Erewash until I lost my seat in 1997 and from 1995 until 1997 I was the Economic Secretary to the Treasury. The EST now invariably referred to as ‘the City Minister’ and although this was correct when I was in the job, I also had some involvement with tax, as I was responsible for Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve tax, including the changes consequent upon the implementation of the CREST settlement system for equities. I took through the changes to company financing known as ‘loan relationships’; worked on some small business taxation and business rates issues; and took on some other aspects of tax from the Financial Secretary, such as OEICS and their tax, market makers tax exemptions and gilt strips.

ii) Since leaving Parliament I have been the CEO of three trade associations (two of which represent financial firms), and held a number of non executive positions on PLC Boards. Running a Trade Association requires the obvious business skills of any small company, but an interest in public policy is also essential, as is being able to create and maintain an excellent relationship with the senior executives running the companies who are the members of that TA and the ability to interact at a high level with Governments, regulators, European authorities and others. It also requires being clear with members about what they can reasonably expect authorities to deliver, to bring to the table solutions and not just problems and that industry issues need to be looked at from the perspective of what it means to the consumer and not just to the company.

iii) I have also maintained a long term interest in financial issues, developed in my period in HMT, through both executive roles and my non executive directorships. In a non exec capacity I have been a member of the Audit Committee of all the Companies where I have been a NED. In addition I have chaired a Board Risk Committee, Board Remuneration Committees and a pension fund; I have been a deputy chairman on two occasions and am currently the Senior Independent Director of Brewin Dolphin Plc and Tullett Prebon Plc - both FTSE 250 companies.

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iv) In respect of strategy, clearly this is one of the responsibilities of the Board of plc’s. In addition, I have recently been appointed to the advisory board of Oxera the economic consultancy, to assist with the strategic direction of the organisation and have an advisor role with the training company Goodacre UK Ltd, again to help the strategy of the company.

v) The OTS is a body that has many stakeholders from the business community (of all sizes), individual taxpayers, representative bodies, tax advisers, ministers, politicians and more. I bring experience in dealing with many of these groups and in handling situations where stakeholders have differing views on issues and the outcome they seek. I have seen and understand the interactions and pressures on such bodies and also those of the ultimate decision makers.

vi) I have run small businesses both before and since entering Parliament and business is the tax collector for Government, I therefore have some direct knowledge of their concerns.

2) What do you consider to have been the main successes of, and challenges to, the OTS in its first five years?

Essentially, the first five years of the OTS has been an experiment on whether tax simplification can be achieved. From when it was set up until March 2015, the OTS has published 33 reports and papers and completed nine simplification reviews. These reviews cover tax reliefs, small business tax, employee share schemes, pensioner taxation, partners taxation, employee benefits and expenses, improving the competitiveness of the UK tax system, tax penalties and employment status. It has made a total of 60 big picture recommendations, of which 275 have been accepted or partly accepted and 20 are under review. Of the 342 other formal recommendations, 189 have been accepted or partly accepted, with 76 under review. Further, it is working in a complexity index and has published a paper looking into the reasons for tax complexity. It is currently working on projects looking at the closer alignment of Income Tax and National Insurance and the taxation of micro companies.

The conclusion therefore is that it is a tiny organisation, but it has done much. It has established itself, developed a successful modus operandi, dealt with a significant number of issues, made detailed proposals, put in place consultative mechanisms and determined some of the areas where it can make the most impact. In short the OTS has shown that tax simplification can be achieved and as such is worth investing in.

The main challenges that it has faced include that the tax system remains complex and every budget has added to that complexity. The OTS also has had no real impact on the ‘taxpayer in the street’ who probably feels things just get more complex, not less. It has therefore had difficulty in being recognised as being effective by taxpayers and by business. Another challenge is that it is not yet in a situation in which much more than half its recommendations are accepted in whole or in part and as it has been generally concerned with detailed recommendations on the operation of the tax system it has not had an input into high level tax policy development. Meanwhile it does not appear to be included earlier enough where changes are being considered. And a last challenge is that resources have been very tight for the job it seeks to undertake.

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3) What are your priorities for your term as chair of the OTS?

At this stage I can only set out my priorities at a very high level, as I want to have first some detailed discussions with stakeholders such as yourselves, ministers, business representative bodies, taxpayers, advisers and others, before firming up the strategic plan.

So far I see the four key area of operation for the OTS as being:­

i) The OTS should operate on three levels. The detailed work which is widely acknowledged at doing well at; interacting at the policy level to bring simplification considerations much closer into the decision making process; and increasingly taking broad issues - and particularly where there are winners and losers - for wider public consideration and debate.

ii) The OTS should be seen as a body of stature with more of a public facing profile, whose views and reports are of interest and importance and, given the volume of participation in its consultations, are considered to be more persuasive.

iii) The OTS should move from a situation in which only around half of its recommendations are implemented, to one in which a large majority are implemented; and

iv) The OTS should engage more with parliamentarians and have a regular dialogue with the Treasury Committee (or a related Committee).

The OTS is currently undertaking work on income tax and NICs and on micro company taxation. This work should conclude in the next three months. During this time I propose to work internally and externally to develop a set of strategic priorities for the OTS for the next five years including deciding on the next set of proposals for review and . I would be interested in discussing these priorities as they are being developed with the Treasury Committee and receiving their input.

4) What business or financial connections or other commitments do you have which might give rise to a conflict of interest in carrying out your duties as Chair of the OTS?

I am not aware of any interests or connections that might give rise to a conflict of interest when carrying out my duties. Meanwhile I would intend to use any connections I have to provide introductions for the OTS where these would be useful and if possible help generate resources for them. I have attached my CV for reference.

5) The OTS is in the process of being established as a permanent, statutory body, having previously been established for the life of the last Parliament. The draft legislation states that your period of appointment may not exceed 5 years, and that it may be terminated if, inter alia, you fail to comply with the terms of the appointment. What are the terms of the appointment? What is the period for which you have been appointed and do you intend to serve out the full term?

I understand that the role specification has been sent to the Committee by HMT. It is my intention to serve the term of my appointment. Reasons for not doing so apart from breach of the terms, could include ill health or being offered and accepting a role where there was or was likely to be a material conflict of interest.

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Appendix 4 - Extract from Draft Finance Bill Clauses about Appointment of OTS Board Members SCHEDULE TO CLAUSE 83



1 (1) The OTS is to consist of not more than eight members.

(2) The members of the OTS must include—

(a) a chair,

(b) a tax director (see sub-paragraph (5)),

(c) a representative of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, and

(d) a representative of the Treasury.

(3) The additional members, if any, are to be nominated by the chair.

(4) The members of the OTS are to be appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

(5) A person may be appointed as a tax director of the OTS only if the Chancellor of the Exchequer is satisfied that the person has the necessary qualifications and experience to direct the manner in which the OTS discharges its functions.

(6) The Chancellor of the Exchequer must consult the chair of the OTS before appointing a person as a tax director (subject to paragraph 3(3)).

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Formal Minutes Wednesday 20 January 2016

Members present:

The Rt Hon Mr Andrew Tyrie, in the Chair

Mr Steve Baker Chris Philp Mark Garnier Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg Stephen Hammond Rachel Reeves George Kerevan Wes Streeting John Mann

Draft Report (Appointment of Angela Knight CBE as Chair of the Office of Tax Simplification), proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

Ordered, That the draft Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1 to 14 read and agreed to.

Papers were appended to the Report.

Resolved, That the Report be the Fifth Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chair make the Report to the House.

[Adjourned til Tuesday 26 January at 9.45am

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Witness The following witness gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry page of the Committee’s website.

Tuesday 12 January 2016 Question number

Angela Knight CBE, Chair, Office of Tax Simplification Q1–125

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List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament All publications from the Committee are available on the Committee’s website at

The reference number of the Government’s response to each Report is printed in brackets after the HC printing number.

Session 2015–16

First Report Reappointment of Robert Chote as Chair of the Office for Budget Responsibility

HC 459

Second Report The appointment of Dr Gertjan Vlieghe to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England

HC 497

Third Report The re-appointment of Ian McCafferty to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England

HC 498

Fourth Report Appointment of Tim Parkes as Chair of the Regulatory Decisions Committee

HC 735