HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a...

September 2017 Vol. 7 Issue 9 • Hospice Happenings • 1 Kids in the House! Our Family Volunteering Program was created to allow the opportunity for youth volunteers to have a safe and suppor:ve volunteer experience at Hospice Simcoe. Since the program’s incep:on, registered hospice volunteers have par:cipated in this program in various ways. Linda Gooderham, a long:me Hospice Simcoe volunteer, has been bringing her granddaughter, Sofi, to the hospice kitchen once a week during the summer for the past 3 years. Together they help families and staff create ‘wicked’ sundaes. Sofi’s original Gummy Worm sundaes have been a hit in the House! Through this experience Linda says, “ Sofi has learned the art of bringing joy to others. She has also learned the respect that Hospice Simcoe shows to families when a loved one dies and that it is ok to share sad feelings and tears. She has learned that our memories cannot be taken away from us and we will always be connected by our ‘Invisible String’. “Making sundaes has been a giP to both of us,” says Linda. How do you feel about bringing kids into the death and dying conversa7on? Read more on page 4. volunteer Newsletter The opportuni:es and requests for volunteer support that appear in this newsleSer are designed for Hospice Simcoe registered and trained volunteers. If you wish to become a registered volunteer, please contact Kathy or Tonya; [email protected] [email protected] Thank you! HOSPICE HAPPENINGS You won’t want miss this! Wills, Advance Care Planning, Power of A5orney... Do you have ques:ons? Join Barriston Lawyers Lisa Roszell and Janice Mumberson for a 2 hour informa:on session. Oct. 5th 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Bring your ques:ons! Viable informa:on all staff & volunteers! For Smile Cookie details, see page 8!

Transcript of HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a...

Page 1: HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a game or watching TV, and enjoy the delicious homemade baking and ... HOSPICE HAPPENINGS

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Kids in the House!OurFamilyVolunteeringProgramwascreatedtoallowtheopportunityforyouthvolunteerstohaveasafeandsuppor:vevolunteerexperienceatHospiceSimcoe.Sincetheprogram’sincep:on,registeredhospicevolunteershavepar:cipatedinthisprograminvariousways.



v o l u n t e e r N e w s l e t t e r


Ifyouwishtobecomearegisteredvolunteer,pleasecontactKathyorTonya;[email protected]@hospicesimcoe.caThankyou!


You won’t want miss this!Wills,AdvanceCarePlanning,PowerofA5orney...Doyouhaveques:ons?


Oct.5th1:30-3:30p.m.Bringyourques:ons!Viableinforma:onallstaff&volunteers! For Smile Cookie details, see page 8!

Page 2: HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a game or watching TV, and enjoy the delicious homemade baking and ... HOSPICE HAPPENINGS

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Our First Pediatric Memorial Service | Thursday, Sept. 14th

Inconjunc:onwithSeasonsCentreforGrievingChildrenandCandlelighters,SimcoeHospiceSimcoewillbeholdingamemorialservicetoprovideanopportunityforcommunitymemberswhohaveexperiencedthedeathofachildtogathertogetherandremembertheirlovedone.TheprogramwillbeheldonThursdaySept.14thfrom6:00-8:00pmattheKiwanisPaviliononBarrie’swaterfront.(NeartheGOsta:on.)Theeveningwillinclude:•BuSerflyrelease•Music•Inspira:onalreadings•PhotoTree(Par:cipantsmaybringa5x7orsmallerphotooftheirchildforthetree)•Readingofthechild’snameFormoreinforma:on,[email protected](7057225995)[email protected]

Continuing Education... It’s Mandatory Folks!As you know Hospice Simcoe went through an accreditation process and was successful in completing it. From the accreditation, a Quality Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, one of the standards that we were required to meet was that all staff and volunteers be trained on Advance Care Planning and Substitute Decision Making. We have developed a quick, fifteen minute video on these topics from HPCO. This video and short, one-question quiz must be completed by everyone by September 31, 2017. (You should have received an email to complete this. If you did not, or are having issues logging in, please contact me ([email protected]) for assistance.) Copies of the slide deck are available at the reception desk. If you view the presentation on the slide deck, please let me know so we can track that you completed the training.FromTonya


Teresaforfurtherdetails,[email protected]

Page 3: HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a game or watching TV, and enjoy the delicious homemade baking and ... HOSPICE HAPPENINGS

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Healing After Loss by Martha Whitmore Hickman




A book review by Mary English

Congratulations Tammy!Pleasejoinmeincongratula:ngTammyPollardasournewResiden:alCareManager!Tammyisperfectfortheposi:on.Shethoroughlyunderstandstheresidentflowprocessandknowstheclinicalteammembersverywell!Shepossessesstrongleadershipskills,expansiveknowledgeofpallia:vecaresymptommanagementandisdedicatedtoHospiceSimcoe’smission,visionandvalues!-KellyHubbard,Execu:veDirector


Page 4: HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a game or watching TV, and enjoy the delicious homemade baking and ... HOSPICE HAPPENINGS

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Talking To Kids About Death

Page 5: HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a game or watching TV, and enjoy the delicious homemade baking and ... HOSPICE HAPPENINGS

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Mini Lasagna Cups: Easy, yummy lasagna in single serve portions. Yield:12servingsPrep.Time20minCookTime:20min


• 1Toliveoil• 2Italiansausagelinks,casingremoved• 1c.marinarasauce• 1andahalfc.ricoSacheese• Saltandpeppertotaste• 242inchwontonwrappers• 1andahalfc.shreddedmozzarella• 2Tchoppedfreshparsley


1. Preheatovento375degreesF.Lightlyoila12cupstandardmuffin:n.

2. HeatoliveoilinalargepotorDutchovenovermediumheat.AddItaliansausageandcookun:lbrowned,about3-5minutes,makingsuretocrumblethesausageasitcooks.Drainexcessfatands:rinmarinarasauce.

3. SeasonricoSacheesewithsaltandpepper.Setaside.

4. Fitwontonwrappersintoeachofthe12muffin:ns,pressingcarefullytomakesurethereisanopeninginthecenter.Filleachcupwith1TricoSa.Topwith1Tmarinaraand1Tmozzarella.Repeatwithonemorelayer.

5. Placeintoovenandbakefor10-12minutesorun:lthecheesehasmeltedandwontonwrappersaregoldenbrown.

6. Serveimmediately,garnishedwithparsley.


Another yummy creation from the kitchen team…

From the Kitchen

"The Heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?" -Buddha

Page 6: HOSPICE HAPPENINGS · 2017-09-05 · Improvement Plan was developed. On this plan, ... , playing a game or watching TV, and enjoy the delicious homemade baking and ... HOSPICE HAPPENINGS

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Lunch & Learn12-1pmLight lunch provided.

Mon. Sept. 25thThe Meaning of Hope in DyingSonja FreeWhile there is no cost for the light lunch, some volunteers have indicated they would like to make a donation. There will be a donation box available for those who wish to do so.

BON Pre-conference Community EventFreeofcharge


Community OutreachTeresaandTenealwillbeattheBarrieCommunityHealthCenter(BCHC)onSeptember14thfrom1:30-3:30todiscussHospiceprograms,andhowtheBCHCandHospicecancollaboratetomeettheneedsofthecommunity.Jointhemifyoucan!

What’s Happening?

Community Update ... from TenealWednesdayaPernoonswerefilledwithfun,companionshipandlaugherasourLivingWellpar:cipantsgatheredthissummer.FacilitatedbyvolunteersMarjanandGaile,thisgrouphadtheopportunitytoshareexperiences,receivesupportandcreatefriendships.




[email protected]:on.




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Hospice Simcoe Patio Project



Golf for Hospice . . . SOLD OUT!That’s right... we are officially sold out! Thank you to all of the incredible supporters of this year’s golf tournament. We look forward to hosting everyone on September 11th at the Barrie Country Club! Thank you to our wonderful chair Marta Duivenvoorden for all she has done in organizing this event!Visit our website for more information http://www.hospicesimcoe.ca/golf-for-hospice/

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Animals Voice ‘Pawdcast’WehadthechancetospeakwithOntarioSPCAviaSkypeforthe"Animals'VoicePawdcast"andsharesomeofthegreatthingsDaisyhasbeendoinghereatHospiceSImcoe.Followthelinkbelowtolistentothepodcast:hSps://soundcloud.com/ospca/facility-dog-gives-hope-to-hospice-simcoe-pa:ents-animals-voice-pawdcast-season-6-episode-16

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@Hospice Simcoe

Hospice Simcoe

336 Penetanguishene Rd

Barrie, ON L4M 7C2



Registered Charity #134433234 RR0001


Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign