Horry herald (Conway, S.C.). 1917-11-01 [p SEVEN]. · ARMYDRAFTRULES HOWCOMPLETED * Washington..New...

\ ARMY DRAFT RULES HOW COMPLETED * Washington..New regulations f~r applying the army draft wore virtually completed tonight at the office of the provo3t marshal general and prob ably will be submitted to President Wilson tomorrow for final approval. The president already has approved thi general plan, under which all rcgi«t,j|pro(l men not yet called will bo classified in five groups in accor 1- ' atu'e with their availability for mill- i tury service. Provost Marshal Gencra' Crowder tonight cleared up the question as to how the draft numbers now held bv the nearlv 9,000.000 un.' * i called registrants will be applied to | the new classifications. In each local district the key made un from the draft number in the order of their drawing will bo applied to each class or group. In other words, the men of Class 1, in which will vc pfciced those of the least value at I Vwjme, and with the slightest obhgations to dependents, will be called in the order of their serial numbers until that class is exhausted, just as though all other classes had been exhausted. When Class 1 is exhausted, the same p.ocess will he applied to Class 2 and so on down to Class 5. Thus a man whose series in the great war army lottery had led him to believe that he would he among the last summoned, may bo assigned to the fi:st class and ordered into scrwith the first quota. On the other hand another whose number assured him originally a place with the next increment may be so classified as to make it very certain he never will be called. o GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUSOE Make a beauty lotion for a fev cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons an< any drug store or toilet counter wii suppiy you wun uiree ounces 01 ore. ard white'for a few cents. Squeez the juice of two fresh lemons into bottle, then put in the orchard whit and shake well. This makes a quai trr pint of the very best lemon ski) whitener and complexion beautifie known. Massage this frugran creamy lotion daily into the fiu< neck, arms and hands and just se how freckles, tan. sallowness, redne: and roughness disappear and 1'' smooth, soft and clear the skin be comes. Yes! It is harmless, and th» beautiful results will surprise you.adv. o COPY SUMMONS IOIC RELIEF. (Complaint Not Serve*' * STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Horry. Court of Common Pleas. George J. Holliday, Plaintiff, a « i I I U.^l Albert Norris, Manassa Norris, Ma? nus Norris, Helen Norris, Mar; Norris, Flora J. Holliday; and a' and singular each and vecry of th hiers at law of J. A. Norris, deceas eel, and of Purifoy Norris, deceaseo the names of whom are unknown t< plaintiff, Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVl NAMED: jtffOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED fwd required to answer the complainl in this action, which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, for the said County, nad to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office at Conway, S. C., wihtin twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer th ecomplaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded m hte complaint. Jilted October 3rd, A. D. 1917. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. W. L. BRYAN, (L. S.) To Magnus Norris, Manassa Norn's Helen Norris, Albert Norris,.am all and singular, each and every of the Heirs nt. I.nw of .1 A Wawj Dec'd., and of Purifoy Norris, DccM the Names of Whom are Unknown to Plaintiff, Absent Defendants: % TAKE NOTICE That the On j plaint in the foregoing stated act:.' and the Summons of which the f i going is a copy were filed in the offi 1 * o1' t' c Clerk of the Cuirt of Omnv P'u\s in and f?r Hern/ County, C< nway, S. C.t on the Cth day of C : tober, A. D. 1917. 4 Hf. L. Bryan. (ISO I C. C. C. P. 1 H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. J T't British r' iI<-> ' \ ser, the Oram a, hrs been torpedce- 1 and sunk, and B't'i-h c'e.droyer ! : been sunk in a collision. * NOTICE OK SALE. Und:r r.nrl by virtue rf a Dwcretal Ord-r tiK.de by His Hear John S. Wilson, Circuit Judge Presiding in J 2th Circuit, at Chamber.?, Georgetown, S, C., in the case of Ex Parte: W. A. Freeman, Receiver of Farmers & Merchants Dank, Petitioner, In Re. The State Ex-Relatione I. M. M&uUlin. State Bank Examiner, Plaintiff \s. Kar.ne s & Merchants Bank. W. R. Lewis, et rl, Djiecters, Defendant.:, and dated October ICth, 1017, Notice is hereby iven that 1, \V. A. Free man, Receiver, wi'l offer for sale before the Comt House doer in Conway, S. C., within legal hours of s -.lc on Monday November 5th, 1917, th: t being the legal sales day in said month, the following described pap erty, to wit: 1. All and singular that certain lot and the buildings thereon situate, within the Town of Conway. County o( Horry, State of South Carolina, and on the North side of Third Avenue n the said town, measuring and contain ing 24 ft. and 3 inches front on said avenue, and running back same widt,. 70 feet,.together with the four (4) foot alleyway running and extending therefrom out to Laurel street. Bounded by Conway Bargain House property, J. E. Nicholas, Third Ave" lie and Laurel street, and being th« identical property conveyed to tie Farmers <Sr Merchants Bank by SV W Kuss, et al by deed of date Decenibe20th, 1918, recorded Clerk's office fo Horry County in Book XXX at pay< 185; and by A. C. Thompson to Fry mors and Merchants Bank by deed dated May loth, 191-1, recorded Clerk's office in Book //// at p:;g' 257, to which deeds and the rcccrd thereof reference is craved for a mor complete description hereof. 2. All and singular that certain parcel of land, situate ip Galivants Ferry township, Horry County, Stat< aforesaid, and in Lake Swamp, con taming Ten hundred and eighty-five (1085) acres, more or less, bour.de-' North by estate lands of E. Gerrald S. P. Gerrald, E. E. Gerrald, F. B Graham, J. M. Elvington, and Mayo Holmes; West by lands of Burroughs & Collins Co., South by Buroughs X Collins Co., and Reddin Smith; West l,,, 1..... I. e I.. i i- v n u n) iaiuib luiiuciiy owned oy I. r. ivitQueen said lands being represented on plat made by J. E. Moore, Surveyor in 1912, and being the identiea' lands conveyed to W. A. P'rceman. Receiver by Will A. Freeman, Special Master, as Tract No. 2, by deed dateF IXecember 14th, 1916, recorded Clerk'.Office, Horry County in Book HHH at >c.ge 318. 3. Those two certain parcels situate :n Conway Township, Horry County State aforesaid, containing in the ag gregate 50 acres, more or less, am1 known as the F. S. Powell land, parcel No. 1 containing -10 acres, more o) loss, and parcel No. 2, containing 1 acres, more less, bounded by lands of Si-rah Hardee, Jasper Powell, Hani] Gowham, J. T. Jordan and Meitoi Jordan, and being the identical prop. itty conveyed to Farmers & Merchants Bank by L. I). Magrath, Trustee, by his deed of date October 9Lb. 1917, unrecorded. 4. That certain parcel situate in Crnway township, Horry County State aforesaid, containing One hundred seven (107) acres, more or less, known as the L. .J. Watts land, fully represented on plat made by K. Hamp Hardwick, surveyor, of date May 18th, 1911, and is fully described in deed from M. J. West to W. A. Freeman, A~FAMILY MEDICINE In Her Mother's Home, Says This Georgia Lady, Regarding BlackDraught. Relief From Headache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga.. Mrs. Chas. Gaston, of this place, writes: "I am a user of Thodford's Black-Draught; In fact, It was ono of our family medicines. Also in my mother's home, when I was a child. "When any of us children complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave us a dose of Black-Draueht. which would I rectify tho trouble. Often in the Spring, we would have malaria and chills, or troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty regular until the liver acted well, and we would soon be up and around again. We would not be without it, for It certainly has saved us lots of doctor bills. Just a dose of BlackDraught when not bo well eaves a lot of days In bed." Thedford's Black-Draught has been In use for many years in the treatment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles, and the popularity which it now enjoys Is proof of its merit If your liver Is not doing Its duty, rou will suffer from such disagreeible symptoms as headache, biliousness, constipation, Indigestion, etc., ind unless something is done, serious trouble may result Thedford's Black-Draught hat been found & valuable remedy for these troubles. It Is purely vegetable, and icts In a prompt and hhtural' way, regulating the liver to Its proper 'unctions and cleansing the bowls of Impurities. Try it. Insist on Thedord's, the original and gtfiulue. B 79 THE I/ORRY HERA] Through Our I in the Federal Reserve 8 are placed in a stronge I before to take care of 3 all our depositors, whe I whether they keep c 8 accounts; and at thesa 8 the most modern banki 8 Why not open an a 8 begin at once to partic 8 fits and the additional ] 8 system gives to youi 8 with us? I PEOPLES M 8 Conway, S receiver, of date January 2nd. 10id. ] recorded Clerk's Office Horry County "n Hook M l at page 159, to which plat and deed reference is craved for a mere complete dscription hereof. 5. All and singular that certain lot in the town of Loris, Simpson Creek township, Horry County, State aforesaid, measuring and containing 251 ff.pt f Vnnf ! .it,/I !^AO -1 . - - 4 I- f * 11 ! . ^ v . .vr.-w.^v; hum ICL'l Ut'(iUI .' UI I V described in deed from B. S. Butler to B. L. Robertson of date March 30th, 1914, recorded ZZZ at page 317, and is the identical property conveyed to W. A. Freeman, Receiver by J. A. Lewis, Sheriff of Horry County, by : his deed of date April 3rd, 1916, re- corded Clerk's office Horry County, n Book HHH at page 256, to which deeds and the record thereof reference is craved. 6. All and singular those certain Five (5) parcels of land situate in Bucks township. Horrv Count v. Stuff* aforesaid, known as the Joanna R Harrison lands, containing in the -g gregate Two Hundred fifty-four (254) \cres, more or less, fully represented on compiled plat by H. C. Cannon, surveyor, of date Sept. IGth, 1915. ' tract No. 1 containing 31 acres and j designated on above mentioned plat as Parcel B. Tract No. 2 containing 69 acres and represented on said plat a.> ' Tract B; tract No. 3 containing 25 l1 acres and represented on said plat as Parcel C.; tract No. 4 containing 32 acres and designated as the upper or | northern part of tract marked "l;"j | and tract No. 5 containing 100 acrer, and designated on said plat as Tract \Tc. 2. These being the identical 'ands conveyed to W. A. Freeman, Receiver by J. A. Lewis, Sheriff, by his deed dated Feby. 7th, 1910, record- ( v! Clerk's Office for Horry County in Rook OOO at page 556, to which Iced reference is craved. Terms of Sale, Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. A. FREEMAN, Receiver of Farmers & Mor- < chants Bank. ; Conway, S. C., October 16, 1917. o A summary of salaries paid at Re ! Cross national headquarters slmw that 73 officers and clerks are giving uK-ir services Tree and that 4N(> ir.eiv.- 1 hers of the staff are paid employees. ( It ;s essential that Christmas pae.c- s ages for American soldiers in Franc be mailed not Viter than November 1"» n in order to insure their delivery or a Christmas day. ' >' ! have in this week forty I can buy. I have enlarged my this season a full supply Horsi and Harness. .You can get a go my line. Come to see me and v your money than you can possib 8.8. JE! I C.D, CONWAY S 0 . . Membership ' Banking System we I r position than ever I the requirements of I ither large or small. I c hecking or savings I me time to give them I , ing service, I ccount with us and I :ipate in these bene- I protection which this | ' money deposited I ATIONAL BANK I outh Carolina. fl 'JOH! OALOMB. IMES YOU DEATHLY SICK Stop using dangerous drug before it salivates you! It's horrible! You're bilious, sluggish, constipated and believe you need vile, dangerous J calomol t0 start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee. Ask your | Iruggist for a bottle of Dodson's l,iv- ! er Tone and take a spoonful tonight. ! If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the st >re and gel your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel ^ eak and sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work. Take i spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and j svake up feeling great. It's perfectly j harmless, so give it to your children nv time. Tt. riin't ciliviTn or, V UMIITUVV) O w ivt them eat anyhting after wan Is.-. adv HAVE YOU WEAK LONGS ; Do colds settle 011 your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the respiratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and :ieals the tender membranes of the throat, Scott's is prescribed by the best specialists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott & Dovrne, Bloomfield, N. J, GERMAN jVcKTABS II wiiatf 1 WUIiNTA! USItfiO Amsterdam..A mutiny anions 0*r nun sailors at the Belgian port of j )stend, who refused to JCO on board ubmarines, is reporter! by the B'd:isrh Dagblads. The ncwsra^e-- says ,n officer was thrown into the so* rd that fO mut-n- o s -veve re. v- ' * handcuffs to Brugse. "W. .. .IW»«IWNMW.mmmo.himih iimii *nnn | ihtj forses and Mules, the best I r Stables and will keep during' es, Mules, Wagons, Buggies, i od selection of any thing in v !\II give you better value for c ly get any where else. » MKIHS Is ^1.. » 111 IRM OUR SOLDIERS i WITH 8EST EQ1JJPMENT secretary MoAdoo Makes a ( Strong Appeal For the Government. Atlanta.Germany's efforts to keep £ Vmericnn ships off the high seas hrouph her ruthless submarine wartiro was a direct blow aimed at the )respevity of American farms and of Vmeriran business, Secretary Mr- ^ \aioo declared in his Liberty Day ad- * Ivess here. After reminding his hearers that VmeHca went to war in 1812 to vindicate her freedom of the seas and had steadfastly maintained it since then to continued "Why- is that li^ht so wsential to America's life and security. It is because we have always p: educed more than we can consume 1 at home. Ard the very prosperity of mr people, their very life, in fact, dom\/\n h1 ' i 11 1 ' v.ivn iu.um,y ai an unv ^ j :< roll that surplus in the op< n mar-1 ko's of the world." The German emperor had been led by disloyal people in this country to believe that America never would ight, the secretary of the treasury cm tinned, "and that any transgrose'rn of our rights would be met simply by protests. ''Had America submitted and kept '.or ships of f the seas, discord and discontent among American people v.u'd have followed Mr. McAdoo said, and the German emperor by one' orokc of his pen would have accomplished "more destruction Upon Am?fican farms, in American factories and in American business bouses and to American interests all ovver this j 'and than ho could accomplish with ad the armies and navies of the German empire." After telling what stoppage of American sea commerce would have meant in loss to cotton growers of the South and of German's efforts to involve the United States with Japan and Mexico through the Zimmermann ntrigue, the secretary turned to ruth'ess submarine warfare, and recited the stories of helpless men and women being drowned at sea. "Some man has said, or is alleged :o have said, that America had no justification for this war with Germany," the secretary declared. "If there be on American, or any man in this land whether he is an American or not, who knowing this record, says that we did not have justification for war with Germany, the yellow blood flows in his veins.he hasn't any red j blood in him." Mr. McAdoo denounced those indi-j viduals who would make peace with the kaiser's government and the "alhged peace societies" in this country. 'Phi latter are merely "German wolves masquerading in the hides of Amcie.an traitors," he declared, while some of the former are deluded and simple people and "some are in the pay of vhc kaiser." * | The secretary, who has completed a .cur through the West and Southwest; n the interest of the Liberty Loan,, said his trip had convinced him that America is awake to the fact that this | t:*y is waging a war for self-presc» *vation and knows that when the :\\i v.ggle is carried to a successful con elusion the liberty of the United Stat- os will never bo imperilled again. j! After describing the liberty bond which the government is selling a-u hi ving the entire country's guaran j < toe of the safety of the principal.the j' money invested in it, the secretary M p-'dod "but America cannot assure I or soldiers of the principal.their { I ves. , * "The soldier does not ask the g v-' > nr.iont to guarantee him safely,"!1 »i (id Mr. McAdoo. expects to dioj if necessary, but he has a right to 3 Ai the ci . i'ir.n population to do this S lU'.ch for hirv--to arm him with t'n "st gun that American money a d Vim u'l-nui inge: uity can de\ is , :i gun at will shoot faster a <1 fartiu r t o r or* gun yet made, and give hhn the v >ejU bayonet that can be forg ul by ( a.n\oj*icaV. hill and brawn. "It < t! e only chance be has for his To. That is "1! we can do for aim. | .-.n't ii * entitled to it ?" The $5,000,000,000, raised through ^ he second liberty loan will be devot' l chiefly to this, the secretary sa d (t n closing and "we shall end this thing ^ crever, and America's liberties will ^ icver be imperilled again." I ^ o I (! M. C. Butler spent a day in Con- ^ /ay last week. ( ^ Vhenever Yon Need General Tonic , Take Grove's. i The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless hill Tonic is equally valuable as a v General Tonic because it contains the q /ell known tonic properties of QUININE s ,nd IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives >ut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and n luilds up the Whole System. 60 cents. SEVEH iiS ARE NOT VERY SUCCESSFUL Germany for First Time Comes to Rescue of Army Battered Hard CAPTURE OF 6,000 IN SHORT TIME Jo Confirmation of Reported Resignation of German Chancellor. General Cadorna's skill and strate;\, which made possible capture of h( heights on the eastern bank of the fsonzo, is being put to the test by a strong Austro-German offensive on ? c front from Klitsell to the Bainsi/.11 plateau, northeast of Gorizia. The 'irst blow has been struck, but apparently with no great >ucceSs for the attackers. Austria's army could do little against the Italians, who were pressing forward and breaking the mor;de of the Austrian army. Tlie Chiapavr.no valley already had been entered and soon the Austrian force would have been cut into. Triest was t 1 I'O'i t <ino< i «» «»«» ! G - 1 -* 1 k v...v,nv.mi ofllWllJI^ illMI I Old, IIH5 Great Austian port, were in danger The Italian efforts were having their effect. . . To Austrians* Rescue. Germany, which up to this time, has sent little of men or munitions to thi.s front, has come to the help of the losing Ausrians, and it is German soldiers and German munitions anil guns that are thundering against Cadorna's defenses along the Isonzo. The Italians, General Cadorna reports, are "steady and prepared." After a heavy bombardment, the Austro-German infantry was thrown forward aganist the Italian position* near Flitsch, near Tolmino and on the northern part of the Buinsizza plateau, a front of 25 miles. The first blow brought no great gains, the Austro-Gcr by their own report gaining only the foremost Italian defenses at these points. Generally the Italians have some tui vantage in terrain, but the Austrian;* and Germans hold many high mountain positions near the Italian lines. The Italians also are fighting with their backs to the Isonzo river. German Political Situation. The German political situation is .-till clouded, but the absence of definite news may be the calm before tho torm. Dr. Michaeli. , the bureaucraft chancellor, is reported to have placed his resignation in the hands of the Emperor, but there has been no conf 11 mat ion. Nearly all the political parties in the Reichstag have joined in the drive against Dr. .Michnelis, which became most intense when ho attempted to thiow the b'ame for the mutiny in die German navy onto the intlependt lit Socialists who have I o n persist ent hecklers of his policies. The furor raised by the announcement P the mutiny his suhsMcd apparently, but the government has taken no steps to prosecute the Socialist Deputies accused by Miekaelis and Admit ill von Capellc. Emperor William probably is in a (|Uandi y as to who to select for the hancollorship. Prince von Buelow is )p.posed by the Socialists and other Beichstag elements do not want von Bethmann-Hollweg returned. But Midiaclis evidently will go in order to ippease the wrath of the Reichstag, vhose opposition even the Emperor r.ust consider. o MENREGIMENTS GOING TO FRANCE Skeletonized Units to Form Rpscrvc from Which Pershing IVlay Draw. Washington.Officers and r- en loft 1 National (iuard regiments which ave boon heavily drawn upon to fill p other organizations will have their banco at the front. It was disclose! day that the War Department plans .> use all these skeletonized units to orm a reserve in France, from which Jen. Rershinp may draw to keep his ighting forces always at full trength. Secretary Raker and Gen. Bliss, hief of staff, explained the plan tony to five New England Governors, ho went to the department to inuire what was to be done with tho even New England infantry regiments and other units not included in he Twenty-sixth division.

Transcript of Horry herald (Conway, S.C.). 1917-11-01 [p SEVEN]. · ARMYDRAFTRULES HOWCOMPLETED * Washington..New...

Page 1: Horry herald (Conway, S.C.). 1917-11-01 [p SEVEN]. · ARMYDRAFTRULES HOWCOMPLETED * Washington..New regulations f~r applying the army draft wore virtually completed tonight at the




Washington..New regulations f~rapplying the army draft wore virtuallycompleted tonight at the office ofthe provo3t marshal general and probably will be submitted to PresidentWilson tomorrow for final approval.The president already has approvedthi general plan, under which all rcgi«t,j|pro(lmen not yet called will boclassified in five groups in accor 1- '

atu'e with their availability for mill- itury service. Provost Marshal Gencra'Crowder tonight cleared up thequestion as to how the draft numbersnow held bv the nearlv 9,000.000 un.'*

icalled registrants will be applied to |the new classifications.

In each local district the key madeun from the draft number in the orderof their drawing will bo applied toeach class or group. In other words,the men of Class 1, in which will vcpfciced those of the least value at I

Vwjme, and with the slightest obhgationsto dependents, will be called inthe order of their serial numbers untilthat class is exhausted, just as thoughall other classes had been exhausted.When Class 1 is exhausted, the same

p.ocess will he applied to Class 2 andso on down to Class 5.Thus a man whose series in the

great war army lottery had led himto believe that he would he among thelast summoned, may bo assigned tothe fi:st class and ordered into scrwiththe first quota. On the otherhand another whose number assuredhim originally a place with thenext increment may be so classifiedas to make it very certain he neverwill be called.



Make a beauty lotion for a fevcents to remove tan,freckles, sallowness.

Your grocer has the lemons an<

any drug store or toilet counter wiisuppiy you wun uiree ounces 01 ore.

ard white'for a few cents. Squeezthe juice of two fresh lemons intobottle, then put in the orchard whitand shake well. This makes a quaitrr pint of the very best lemon ski)whitener and complexion beautifieknown. Massage this frugrancreamy lotion daily into the fiu<neck, arms and hands and just sehow freckles, tan. sallowness, redne:and roughness disappear and 1''smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and th»beautiful results will surprise you.adv.


COPY SUMMONS IOIC RELIEF.(Complaint Not Serve*' *


Court of Common Pleas.George J. Holliday, Plaintiff,

a «i I I U.^l

Albert Norris, Manassa Norris, Ma?nus Norris, Helen Norris, Mar;Norris, Flora J. Holliday; and a'and singular each and vecry of thhiers at law of J. A. Norris, deceaseel, and of Purifoy Norris, deceaseothe names of whom are unknown t<plaintiff, Defendants.


jtffOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONEDfwd required to answer the complainlin this action, which has been filed inthe office of the Clerk of the Court ofCommon Pleas, for the said County,nad to serve a copy of your answer tothe said complaint on the subscriberat his office at Conway, S. C., wihtintwenty days after the service hereof;exclusive of the day of such service;and if you fail to answer th ecomplaintwithin the time aforesaid, theplaintiff in this action will apply tothe Court for the relief demanded m

hte complaint.Jilted October 3rd, A. D. 1917.

H. H. WOODWARD,Plaintiff's Attorney.

W. L. BRYAN, (L. S.)To Magnus Norris, Manassa Norn's

Helen Norris, Albert Norris,.amall and singular, each and every ofthe Heirs nt. I.nw of .1 A Wawj

Dec'd., and of Purifoy Norris, DccMthe Names of Whom are Unknown

to Plaintiff, Absent Defendants:% TAKE NOTICE That the On jplaint in the foregoing stated act:.'

and the Summons of which the f igoing is a copy were filed in the offi 1

* o1' t' c Clerk of the Cuirt of OmnvP'u\s in and f?r Hern/ County,C< nway, S. C.t on the Cth day of C :tober, A. D. 1917. 4

Hf. L. Bryan. (ISOIC. C. C. P. 1

H. H. WOODWARD,Plaintiff's Attorney. J

T't British r' iI<-> ' \ser, the Orama, hrs been torpedce- 1and sunk, and B't'i-h c'e.droyer ! :

been sunk in a collision.



Und:r r.nrl by virtue rf a DwcretalOrd-r tiK.de by His Hear John S.Wilson, Circuit Judge Presiding inJ 2th Circuit, at Chamber.?, Georgetown,S, C., in the case of Ex Parte:W. A. Freeman, Receiver of Farmers& Merchants Dank, Petitioner, In Re.The State Ex-Relatione I. M. M&uUlin.State Bank Examiner, Plaintiff \s.

Kar.ne s & Merchants Bank. W. R.Lewis, et rl, Djiecters, Defendant.:,and dated October ICth, 1017, Noticeis hereby iven that 1, \V. A. Freeman, Receiver, wi'l offer for sale beforethe Comt House doer in Conway,S. C., within legal hours of s -.lcon Monday November 5th, 1917, th: tbeing the legal sales day in saidmonth, the following described paperty, to wit:

1. All and singular that certainlot and the buildings thereon situate,within the Town of Conway. Countyo( Horry, State of South Carolina, andon the North side of Third Avenue n

the said town, measuring and containing 24 ft. and 3 inches front on saidavenue, and running back same widt,.70 feet,.together with the four (4)foot alleyway running and extendingtherefrom out to Laurel street.Bounded by Conway Bargain Houseproperty, J. E. Nicholas, Third Ave"lie and Laurel street, and being th«identical property conveyed to tieFarmers <Sr Merchants Bank by SV WKuss, et al by deed of date Decenibe20th,1918, recorded Clerk's office foHorry County in Book XXX at pay<185; and by A. C. Thompson to Frymors and Merchants Bank by deeddated May loth, 191-1, recordedClerk's office in Book //// at p:;g'257, to which deeds and the rcccrdthereof reference is craved for a mor

complete description hereof.2. All and singular that certain

parcel of land, situate ip GalivantsFerry township, Horry County, Stat<aforesaid, and in Lake Swamp, con

taming Ten hundred and eighty-five(1085) acres, more or less, bour.de-'North by estate lands of E. GerraldS. P. Gerrald, E. E. Gerrald, F. BGraham, J. M. Elvington, and MayoHolmes; West by lands of Burroughs& Collins Co., South by Buroughs XCollins Co., and Reddin Smith; Westl,,, 1..... I. e I.. i i- v nun) iaiuib luiiuciiy owned oy I. r. ivitQueensaid lands being representedon plat made by J. E. Moore, Surveyorin 1912, and being the identiea'lands conveyed to W. A. P'rceman.Receiver by Will A. Freeman, SpecialMaster, as Tract No. 2, by deed dateFIXecember 14th, 1916, recorded Clerk'.Office,Horry County in Book HHH at>c.ge 318.

3. Those two certain parcels situate:n Conway Township, Horry CountyState aforesaid, containing in the aggregate 50 acres, more or less, am1known as the F. S. Powell land, parcelNo. 1 containing -10 acres, more o)loss, and parcel No. 2, containing 1acres, more less, bounded by lands ofSi-rah Hardee, Jasper Powell, Hani]Gowham, J. T. Jordan and MeitoiJordan, and being the identical prop.itty conveyed to Farmers & MerchantsBank by L. I). Magrath, Trustee,by his deed of date October 9Lb.1917, unrecorded.

4. That certain parcel situate inCrnway township, Horry CountyState aforesaid, containing One hundredseven (107) acres, more or less,known as the L. .J. Watts land, fullyrepresented on plat made by K. HampHardwick, surveyor, of date May 18th,1911, and is fully described in deedfrom M. J. West to W. A. Freeman,


In Her Mother's Home, Says ThisGeorgia Lady, Regarding BlackDraught.Relief From Headache,Malaria, Chills, Etc.Ringgold, Ga.. Mrs. Chas. Gaston,of this place, writes: "I am a user

of Thodford's Black-Draught; In fact,It was ono of our family medicines.Also in my mother's home, when Iwas a child. "When any of us childrencomplained of headache, usuallycaused by constipation, she gave usa dose of Black-Draueht. which would Irectify tho trouble. Often in theSpring, we would have malaria andchills, or troubles of this kind, wewould take Black-Draught pretty regularuntil the liver acted well, andwe would soon be up and aroundagain. We would not be without it,for It certainly has saved us lots ofdoctor bills. Just a dose of BlackDraughtwhen not bo well eaves alot of days In bed."Thedford's Black-Draught has been

In use for many years in the treatmentof stomach, liver and boweltroubles, and the popularity which itnow enjoys Is proof of its meritIf your liver Is not doing Its duty,rou will suffer from such disagreeiblesymptoms as headache, biliousness,constipation, Indigestion, etc.,ind unless something is done, serioustrouble may resultThedford's Black-Draught hat been

found & valuable remedy for thesetroubles. It Is purely vegetable, andicts In a prompt and hhtural' way,regulating the liver to Its proper'unctions and cleansing the bowls ofImpurities. Try it. Insist on Thedord's,the original and gtfiulue. B 79


Through OurI in the Federal Reserve8 are placed in a strongeI before to take care of3 all our depositors, wheI whether they keep c8 accounts; and at thesa8 the most modern banki8 Why not open an a

8 begin at once to partic8 fits and the additional ]8 system gives to youi8 with us?I PEOPLES M8 Conway, S

receiver, of date January 2nd. 10id. ]recorded Clerk's Office Horry County"n Hook M l at page 159, to which platand deed reference is craved for amere complete dscription hereof.

5. All and singular that certain lotin the town of Loris, Simpson Creektownship, Horry County, State aforesaid,measuring and containing 251

ff.ptf Vnnf ! .it,/I !^AO-1 . - - 4 I- f * 11!. ^ v . .vr.-w.^v; hum ICL'l Ut'(iUI .' UI I V

described in deed from B. S. Butler toB. L. Robertson of date March 30th,1914, recorded ZZZ at page 317, andis the identical property conveyed toW. A. Freeman, Receiver by J. A.Lewis, Sheriff of Horry County, by :his deed of date April 3rd, 1916, re-corded Clerk's office Horry County,n Book HHH at page 256, to whichdeeds and the record thereof referenceis craved.

6. All and singular those certainFive (5) parcels of land situate inBucks township. Horrv Count v. Stuff*aforesaid, known as the Joanna RHarrison lands, containing in the -ggregate Two Hundred fifty-four (254)\cres, more or less, fully representedon compiled plat by H. C. Cannon,surveyor, of date Sept. IGth, 1915. '

tract No. 1 containing 31 acres and jdesignated on above mentioned plat asParcel B. Tract No. 2 containing 69acres and represented on said plat a.> '

Tract B; tract No. 3 containing 25 l1acres and represented on said plat asParcel C.; tract No. 4 containing 32acres and designated as the upper or

| northern part of tract marked "l;"j| and tract No. 5 containing 100 acrer,and designated on said plat as Tract\Tc. 2. These being the identical'ands conveyed to W. A. Freeman,Receiver by J. A. Lewis, Sheriff, byhis deed dated Feby. 7th, 1910, record-

(v! Clerk's Office for Horry County inRook OOO at page 556, to whichIced reference is craved.Terms of Sale, Cash. Purchaser to

pay for papers.W. A. FREEMAN,

Receiver of Farmers & Mor- <chants Bank. ;

Conway, S. C., October 16, 1917.o

A summary of salaries paid at Re !

Cross national headquarters slmwthat 73 officers and clerks are givinguK-ir services Tree and that 4N(> ir.eiv.- 1

hers of the staff are paid employees. (It ;s essential that Christmas pae.c- s

ages for American soldiers in Francbe mailed not Viter than November 1"» nin order to insure their delivery or aChristmas day. ' >'

! have in this week forty Ican buy. I have enlarged mythis season a full supply Horsiand Harness. .You can get a gomy line. Come to see me and v

your money than you can possib8.8. JE!


C.D, CONWAY S 0. .

Membership '

Banking System we Ir position than ever Ithe requirements of Iither large or small. I c

hecking or savings Ime time to give them I ,ing service, Iccount with us and I:ipate in these bene- Iprotection which this |' money deposited IATIONAL BANK Iouth Carolina. fl


Stop using dangerous drug beforeit salivates you!It's horrible!

You're bilious, sluggish, constipatedand believe you need vile, dangerous Jcalomol t0 start your liver and cleanyour bowels.Here's my guarantee. Ask your |Iruggist for a bottle of Dodson's l,iv- !

er Tone and take a spoonful tonight. !If it doesn't start your liver andstraighten you right up better thancalomel and without griping or makingyou sick I want you to go back tothe st >re and gel your money.Take calomel today and tomorrow

you will feel ^ eak and sick and nauseated.Don't lose a day's work. Takei spoonful of harmless, vegetableDodson's Liver Tone tonight and jsvake up feeling great. It's perfectly jharmless, so give it to your childrennv time. Tt. riin't ciliviTn or, !«


them eat anyhting afterwan Is.-. adv

HAVE YOU WEAK LONGS ;Do colds settle 011 your chest or in yourbronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or

are you subject to throat troubles?Such troubles should have immediate

treatment with the strengthening powersof Scott's Emulsion to guard againstconsumption which so easily follows.Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liveroil which peculiarly strengthens the respiratorytract and improves the quality of

the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and:ieals the tender membranes of the throat,Scott's is prescribed by the best specialists.You can get it at any drug store.

Scott & Dovrne, Bloomfield, N. J,


WUIiNTA! USItfiOAmsterdam..A mutiny anions 0*r

nun sailors at the Belgian port of j)stend, who refused to JCO on boardubmarines, is reporter! by the B'd:isrhDagblads. The ncwsra^e-- says,n officer was thrown into the so*rd that fO mut-n- o s -veve re. v-


* handcuffs to Brugse."W... .IW»«IWNMW.mmmo.himih iimii *nnn


ihtjforses and Mules, the best I r

Stables and will keep during'es, Mules, Wagons, Buggies, i

od selection of any thing in v

!\II give you better value for c

ly get any where else. »


^1.. » 111


secretary MoAdoo Makes a (Strong Appeal For the


Atlanta.Germany's efforts to keep £Vmericnn ships off the high seashrouph her ruthless submarine wartirowas a direct blow aimed at the)respevity of American farms and ofVmeriran business, Secretary Mr- ^

\aioo declared in his Liberty Day ad- *

Ivess here.After reminding his hearers that

VmeHca went to war in 1812 to vindicateher freedom of the seas and hadsteadfastly maintained it since thento continued "Why- is that li^ht sowsential to America's life and security.It is because we have alwaysp: educed more than we can consume 1

at home. Ard the very prosperity ofmr people, their very life, in fact, dom\/\nh1 ' i 11 1 '

v.ivn iu.um,y ai an unv ^ j:< roll that surplus in the op< n mar-1ko's of the world."The German emperor had been led

by disloyal people in this country tobelieve that America never wouldight, the secretary of the treasurycm tinned, "and that any transgrose'rnof our rights would be met simplyby protests.

''Had America submitted and kept'.or ships of f the seas, discord and discontentamong American peoplev.u'd have followed Mr. McAdoo said,and the German emperor by one'orokc of his pen would have accomplished"more destruction Upon Am?ficanfarms, in American factoriesand in American business bouses andto American interests all ovver this j'and than ho could accomplish with adthe armies and navies of the Germanempire."

After telling what stoppage of Americansea commerce would havemeant in loss to cotton growers ofthe South and of German's efforts toinvolve the United States with Japanand Mexico through the Zimmermannntrigue, the secretary turned to ruth'esssubmarine warfare, and recitedthe stories of helpless men and womenbeing drowned at sea."Some man has said, or is alleged

:o have said, that America had nojustification for this war with Germany,"the secretary declared. "Ifthere be on American, or any man inthis land whether he is an Americanor not, who knowing this record, saysthat we did not have justification forwar with Germany, the yellow bloodflows in his veins.he hasn't any red jblood in him."

Mr. McAdoo denounced those indi-jviduals who would make peace withthe kaiser's government and the "alhgedpeace societies" in this country.'Phi latter are merely "German wolvesmasquerading in the hides of Amcie.antraitors," he declared, while someof the former are deluded and simplepeople and "some are in the pay ofvhc kaiser." *

|The secretary, who has completed a.cur through the West and Southwest;n the interest of the Liberty Loan,,said his trip had convinced him thatAmerica is awake to the fact that this |

t:*y is waging a war for self-presc»*vation and knows that when the:\\i v.ggle is carried to a successful conelusion the liberty of the United Stat-os will never bo imperilled again. j!After describing the liberty bondwhich the government is selling a-uhi ving the entire country's guaran j <toe of the safety of the principal.the j'money invested in it, the secretary Mp-'dod "but America cannot assure Ior soldiers of the principal.their {

I ves.,


"The soldier does not ask the g v-' >nr.iont to guarantee him safely,"!1

»i(id Mr. McAdoo. expects to diojif necessary, but he has a right to 3Ai the ci . i'ir.n population to do this SlU'.ch for hirv--to arm him with t'n"st gun that American money a dVim u'l-nui inge: uity can de\ is , :i gunat will shoot faster a <1 fartiu r t o r

or* gun yet made, and give hhn the v

>ejU bayonet that can be forg ul by (a.n\oj*icaV. hill and brawn."It < t! e only chance be has for his

To. That is "1! we can do for aim. |.-.n't ii * entitled to it ?"The $5,000,000,000, raised through ^he second liberty loan will be devot' lchiefly to this, the secretary sa d

(tn closing and "we shall end this thing ^crever, and America's liberties will ^icver be imperilled again." I ^

o I (!M. C. Butler spent a day in Con- ^/ay last week. ( ^

Vhenever Yon Need General Tonic,Take Grove's. i

The Old Standard Grove's Tastelesshill Tonic is equally valuable as a vGeneral Tonic because it contains the q/ell known tonic properties ofQUININE s,nd IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives>ut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and n

luilds up the Whole System. 60 cents.


iiSARENOT VERY SUCCESSFULGermany for First Time Comes

to Rescue of Army BatteredHard


Jo Confirmation of ReportedResignation of German


General Cadorna's skill and strate;\,which made possible capture ofh( heights on the eastern bank of thefsonzo, is being put to the test by astrong Austro-German offensive on

? c front from Klitsell to the Bainsi/.11plateau, northeast of Gorizia. The'irst blow has been struck, but apparentlywith no great >ucceSs for theattackers.

Austria's army could do littleagainst the Italians, who were pressingforward and breaking the mor;deof the Austrian army. Tlie Chiapavr.novalley already had been enteredand soon the Austrian forcewould have been cut into. Triest wast 1 I'O'i t <ino< i «» «»«» ! G - 1 -* 1 kv...v,nv.mi ofllWllJI^ illMI I Old, IIH5

Great Austian port, were in dangerThe Italian efforts were having theireffect.

. .To Austrians* Rescue.Germany, which up to this time, has

sent little of men or munitions to thi.sfront, has come to the help of the losingAusrians, and it is German soldiersand German munitions anilguns that are thundering against Cadorna'sdefenses along the Isonzo. TheItalians, General Cadorna reports,are "steady and prepared."

After a heavy bombardment, theAustro-German infantry was thrownforward aganist the Italian position*near Flitsch, near Tolmino and on thenorthern part of the Buinsizza plateau,a front of 25 miles. The firstblow brought no great gains, the Austro-Gcrmans,by their own reportgaining only the foremost Italian defensesat these points.

Generally the Italians have some tuivantage in terrain, but the Austrian;*and Germans hold many high mountainpositions near the Italian lines.The Italians also are fighting withtheir backs to the Isonzo river.

German Political Situation.The German political situation is

.-till clouded, but the absence of definitenews may be the calm before thotorm. Dr. Michaeli. , the bureaucraftchancellor, is reported to have placedhis resignation in the hands of theEmperor, but there has been no conf11 mat ion.Nearly all the political parties in

the Reichstag have joined in the driveagainst Dr. .Michnelis, which becamemost intense when ho attempted tothiow the b'ame for the mutiny indie German navy onto the intlependtlit Socialists who have I o n persist

enthecklers of his policies. The furorraised by the announcement Pthe mutiny his suhsMcd apparently,but the government has taken no

steps to prosecute the Socialist Deputiesaccused by Miekaelis and Admitillvon Capellc.

Emperor William probably is in a(|Uandi y as to who to select for thehancollorship. Prince von Buelow is)p.posed by the Socialists and otherBeichstag elements do not want von

Bethmann-Hollweg returned. But Midiaclisevidently will go in order toippease the wrath of the Reichstag,vhose opposition even the Emperorr.ust consider.



Skeletonized Units to Form Rpscrvcfrom Which PershingIVlay Draw.

Washington.Officers and r- en loft1 National (iuard regiments whichave boon heavily drawn upon to fillp other organizations will have theirbanco at the front. It was disclose!day that the War Department plans

.> use all these skeletonized units toorm a reserve in France, from whichJen. Rershinp may draw to keep hisighting forces always at fulltrength.Secretary Raker and Gen. Bliss,

hief of staff, explained the plan tonyto five New England Governors,ho went to the department to inuirewhat was to be done with thoeven New England infantry regimentsand other units not included inhe Twenty-sixth division.