Horror research


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Transcript of Horror research

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Most the titles for horrors, are short and snappy. For example, psycho, the exorcist, devil inside, saw and the grudge. We haven’t thought of a good title yet but we plan to make the opening first and then work around that.

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Our story line, is going to be aLike paranormal activity, devil inside, grudge. This means we will use ghosts not monsters, also the story line will be something that can happen to anymore. Viewers will then find it more frightening. The filming will be dark and gloomy as well as our editing. Using sound effects and typical horror music. Most horrors have fast filming and dramatic music.

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Horror films must scare the viewer, or negative emotional reactions. Horror films usually use the supernatural, monsters, sc-fi or real stories. Personally i think real stories work best in horror films as it can scare the viewer more as its realist and can happen to anyone. the basics are serial killers, diseases, ghosts evil, werewolves, monsters, haunted houses and vampires. Some horror films can be tacky and cheesy if not layed out and prepared properly. With horrors, the sound effects are everything from squeaky doors to wolves howling.

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Horror films began in roughly 1980 with Frankenstein, one of the most popular horrors. also other early films were Dracula, the invisible man, waxworks and phantom of the opera. The big part of horrors is the make up artists, creating cuts, scars etc on the bodies to create a scary image, also with things like Frankenstein, the make used was detailed as his face was green but also bolts in his neck, the whole mise en scene of the films needs to be planned. From costumes to lighting, to create the perfect scene to scare viewers. Horror films in the 21st century have become extremely graphic. The newer technology available has really helped directors, editors and so on.

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