Horana Indutrial park

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Transcript of Horana Indutrial park

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  • 8/19/2019 Horana Indutrial park





    fgure. 01 location map

    Under the Megalopolis Development

    Project (MDP) Horana has been identified

    as one of the industrial  cities which serve

    for the whole region as well as the

    country’s economic development is

    concern Horana !own is located in

    "olombo District which is #$ %m away

    from the city of "olombo &t ta%es very

    good connectivity via main roads vi'

    "olombo Horana and Panadura  

    atnapura&t is having accessibility from

    the *outhern +,press -ay via .alanigama


    !he Horana &ndustrial !ownship falls

    within administrative boundaries of Horana

    Urban "ouncil/ Horana Pradeshiya *abha/

    and Part of the 0andaragama P* area &t is

    about 11#  s2%m in e,tent Horana/

    Po%unuvita and Moragahahena &ngiriya are

    the main town centers in the area 3 more

    than 456 of the lands are inherited with the

    rural character Most of them are

    homestead/ paddy lands/ wetlands/ and

    rubber and cinnamon estates &t covers

    Horana 3 part of 0andaragama/ Milleniya and Maduruwela Divisional *ecretariats comprised the

     population of 789:59 according to the 1577 census

    Main objective of the Horana Proposed &ndustrial !ownship is to promote nonpolluting industrial

    activities specified under "+; ;ct *pecially in the selected area will be provided with all the

    infrastructure 3 other services with oads/ -ater/ +lectricity/ *chools/ Hospitals and related services


    !o develop this area/ it is necessary to identify suitable land for the proposed industrial development

    that should not contradict with the surrounding land uses

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    2environment of the region which is more concern for sustainable development Main objective of this

    &ndustrial city is promote industrial activities specially in the selected area by providing all relevant

    infrastructure and other services in door step to get best and optimum contribution to the social and

    economy sector in the region as well as the country

    Conceptual esins

    Horana industrial 'ones has divided in three clusters based on ;ccessibility/ =and availability/ +,isting

    industries/ .>?D* boundary/ Urbani'ation pattern/ Population Density/ "onnectivity/ ;vailability of

    &nfrastructure?services and future development trends etc

    7 "luster & @ Moragahahena ? Millawa

    1 "luster && @ Porowadanda

    # "luster &&& Millaniya

    !he total land area for industrial Development is about ##55 acres

    Figure. 02 Industrial Development Locations

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  • 8/19/2019 Horana Indutrial park




    42.  Cluster t!o )Poro!adanda

    "oning categor#

    esidential area

    &ndustrial Bones

    Mi, Use Development

    .reen 0uffer 


    $ite e%tent *+,,C - 1/00 acres

  • 8/19/2019 Horana Indutrial park


    5'.  Cluster three )Millani#a

    "oning categor#

    esidential area

    Mi, use activities

    &ndustrial cluster 

    .reen 0uffer 


    $ite e%tent -2/ +cres

    .Proposed industries in Horana

    Permitted Uses

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    6Food Processing


     Ago based

    IndustriesCoconut husk

    based industries

    Wood Based

    Industries (Wood

    crafting etc)

     Auto mobile

     Apparel industry

    Rubber based

    products solid

    tires and surgical


    "anufacturing#based industries


    electronics$ etc)

    %ile factory%e&tile

    "ineral Water

    bottle industry

    PackingPlastic '

    polythene product



    manufacturing*lectronics and

    *lectrical items







    oad 3idth 3ater





    1380 Main road $5

    =ocal road85ft

    Poru!adanda 1500

    Millani#a 425

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  • 8/19/2019 Horana Indutrial park


    9tool room?(s)/ wor%shops/ boiler room/ treatment plants/ etc/ !he amount of wor% space allowed

    for each wor%er should be not less than 855 cu o space over a height of 78 ft from the floor 

    shall be ta%en into account when calculating this cubic space

    $ !he ma,imum no of floors of the buildings should be ground and one upper floor &n storiedfactory buildings/ in addition to the main stairway leading to the wor%ing area there shall be

     provided an additional stairway which would serve as an escape route in case of fire ;ll

    stairways should be provided with railings and the top railing should not be less than 45cm high

    !he completed structure consisting of anchor posts and railings should be of solid construction

    and should be capable of withstanding a point load of at least 45 %gs applies in any direction at

    any point on the top rail

    A ;ll wall openings/ open side floors/ platforms and catwal%s should be suitably guarded by means

    of railing or fencing -here there is a ha'ard of material falling from open side floors/ platformsetc/ suitable protective measures should be adopted by the provision of toe@boards or screens of 

    solid construction

    9 !he boundary walls along the perimeter of the side at the gate shall be A ft high !he minimum

    width of the gate should be Am Prior approval should be obtained for location of the gate

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    17# During the planning stages due consideration shall be given to the e,pansion programmes of the


    $anitation 7 health re4uirements

    ;s regard to ventilation and thermal comfort/ effective and suitable provisions shall be made for 

    securing and maintaining ade2uate ventilation in each wor% room by the circulation of fresh air !heminimum fresh air re2uired in a wor% room where there are no contaminants to be removed from air 

    shall be such to effect at least three air changes per hour

    -here natural ventilation through windows and other openings is found to be inade2uate/ mechanical

    ventilation either by e,haust of air or by positive ventilation or a combination of these two shall be


    &n the case of industrial buildings wider that 95 ft ventilation may be augmented by roof ventilation

    -here the desired temperatures and humidity cannot be obtained by mere ventilation/ air conditioning

    should be resorted to

    ;ir movement and distribution may be achieved by re@circulation of inside and ? or outside air by

    installing an ade2uate number of fans?blowers !he rate of air movement in the vicinity of wor%ers shall

     be such as to give reasonable comfort without objectionable draughts

    +ffective provision shall also be made for maintaining a reasonable temperature in each wor%room !he

    following methods are recommended for controlling temperature

    I. Isolation

    =ocate heat producing e2uipment such as furnaces so as to e,pose only a small number of wor%ers to the

    hot environment -here possible/ enclose the wor% areas and supply conditioned air to enclosures

    II. Insulation

    &nsulation of the roof and providing ceiling would be very effective in controlling heat .ood result

    could also be achieved by painting roof sheets with heat reflective shades&n addition/ hot surfaces of 

    e2uipment such as pipes and vessels may also be insulated to reduce hat absorption? radiation

    $anitar# Convenience

    7 ;de2uate and separated sanitary conveniences shall be made available for wor%ers of either se,

    with water accessible on tap -here persons of both se,es are employees/ sanitary conveniences

    for each se, shall be so screened so as to provide ade2uate privacy

    1 !he minimum re2uirement is one sanitary convenience for every 1$ wor%ers (male or female)

    However/ in the case of any premises where the number of males employed e,ceeds 755/

    sufficient urinal accommodation should also be provided on the basis of one urinal for every 85


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    1# *anitary conveniences should have ade2uate ventilation and lighting =arge windows and or

    e,haust fans should be provided in passages and in open areas >arrow/ dar%/ ill ventilated

     passages should be avoided

    Provide In6rastructure e4uirements

    3ater $uppl#

    1. 3ater $torage

    &n every factory a suitable sump and an overhead water tan% should be constructed ta%ing into

    consideration the total daily re2uirements of water for domestic use as well as processes/ if any !he

    total capacity of the sump and the overhead tan% should not be less than one day’s re2uirement !he

    sump shall be located so that water could be drawn from it for firefighting if re2uired &t shall be

    designed in such a way as to facilitate cleaning and inspection &f located on the fire gap the design of 

    the sump should cater for passage of heavy vehicles over it

    2. 3ashing Facilities

    *eparate washing facilities shall be provided for male and female wor%ers !he minimum re2uirement of 

    one wash basin for every 15 persons -here troughs are provided they shall be tiles and the width shall

     be more than 1ft -ashing areas provided for female wor%ers should be enclosed or screened so that the

    interior is not visible from any place where persons of the other se, wor% &n addition to the above/

    ta%ing into consideration the nature of operation in the factory there shall be provided a sufficient

    number of showers for the use of employees *howers for the use of female wor%ers shall be enclosed


    Provision shall be made for securing and maintaining ade2uate lighting whether natural or artificial in

    every part of the factory where persons are wor%ing

     &n areas where persons are regularly employed the intensity of illumination shall not be less than 855

    lu, (85 ft candles) as the height of #ft from the floor &n other parts of the factory over which persons

    employed pass/ the intensity shall not be less than $5 lu, ($ft candles)!he above are the minimum


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    11. Meal oom

    !he meal room shall be ade2uately ventilated and provided with sufficient tables and chairs to

    accommodate at least #56 of the wor%ers at a time !he floor area of the meal room e,cluding the area

    occupied by e2uipment/ fittings and furniture other than tables and chairs or benches shall not be lessthan 75 s2 per person

    *uitable washing facilities shall be provided within the meal room together with provisions for draining

    off e,cess water

    1 First +id oom+very factory should have a well@e2uipped first aid room -ith an attached bath room sited so as to beeasily accessible from all parts of the factory !he door for the first aid room should be large enough to

    allow passage of a stretcher !he floor and wall should be covered with smooth washable material easy

    to clean and ade2uate lighting and ventilation must be provided

    !he factories where both male and female wor%ers are employed the first aid room should be capable of 

    accommodating minimum of two beds !he floor area of the first aid room should not be less than 715

    s2 ft

    # Changing ooms and Loc9ers

    ;de2uate loc%ers for personnel belongings and suitable accommodation for changing cloths shall be

     provided at factory premises

    . Facilities 6or esting.

    !here shall be provided and maintained for the use of all female wor%ers whose is done standing/

    suitable facilities for resting *ufficient to enable them to ta%e advantage of any opportunities for restingwhich may occur in the course of their employment

    $  Fire Precautions;de2uate precautions should be ta%en to minimi'e the ris% of fire within and outside the factory


     >o building or other structure including any projection shall be built within a distance of 15 ft from any

    of the boundary e,cept with the prior approval of the 0oard !his passage shall be motor able right


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    General guidelines for industrial zone

    1. The paddy felds adjoining to the industrial area to be protected.2. 50m buer one to be !eep "rom the edge o" the industrial land.3. 100m buer one should be !eep "rom the edge o" paddy felds.

     The permit able uses# by roads "or light $ehicles %&al!ing paths%'ar!

    %'lay par!s and grounds and other recreational uses4. (esidential acti$ities &ithin 200m o" the main industrial area &ill be discouraged.

    • )inimum land subdi$ision "or residential purpose should 20


    •  The ma*imum number o" +oor should be ,-2

    5. The main access should be 12m in &idth and 4m reser$ation in either side o" the

    road in der to pro$ide ser$ices/ landscaping etc.. nternal road should be m in &idth and 3m reser$ation in either side.. The minimum plot sie o" industries must be 40 perch in e*tent.8. The permit able industries area as "ollo&s.

    • ntensi$e industries# electrical euipment and instruments/ te*t tile

    and apparel/ printing and publishing

    • ntermediate industries# urniture industries/ 'rimary metals/ rubber

    and plastic• 6*tensi$e ndustries#7ather/ glass/ cement/ porcelain/

    . aste &ater treatment plants should be allocated &ithin each site and should not

    discharge to the storm &ater lines.10.The industrial building/ par!ing/ open spaces etc should be according to the 9:;


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    Under the Megapolis Development

     project it has been identified the

    Mirigama is one of the industrial city

    which serve for the whole region as

    well as the coentry as well Mirigama

    industrial 'one located within the

    divisional secretariat area in .ampaha

    district and $9 Em away from the city

    of "olombo ; class maintained by the

    oad Development ;uthority !he

    access to the site is through the main

    road networ% .iriulla@ Eurunagala via

    lin% the city through the country &t has

    shorter distance entrance to the city

    which lin%s the proposed Eandy

    highway through the


    !he e,isting Mirigama industrial estate

    has been established under the 0C&

    enactment in the year of 744: at

     present 87 no of factories function in

    the 'one and provide 1955

    employment of the people in the

    region and country

    Main objective of this &ndustrial city is promote industrial activities specially in the selected area by

     providing all relevant infrastructure and other services in door step to get best and optimum contributionto the social and economy sector in the region as well as the country

    !hese guidelines are designed for the proposed industrial town area by applying guidelines and

    regulations it has been proposed to promote to special users in each selected 'one further it is guided to

    maintain and promote e,isting social and physical characters in the proposed industrial 'one !o develop

    this area it is necessary to identify suitable land for proposed development without contradiction with

    other users

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    1concern for sustainable development !a%ing in to consideration of above facts objectives of the 'oning

    can be shown as follows

    !he >on Polluting industries allowed industrial town is intended for a wide variety of industrial uses and

    e,cludes uses with unmitigated ha'ardous or nuisance effect !he design controls are less stringent than

    those for the industrial town +,amples of typical uses are warehousing/ wholesaling/ and light

    manufacturing *ites designated light industrial may also contain service establishments that serve only

    employees of businesses located in the industrial areas &n addition/ warehouse retail uses may be

    allowed where they are compatible with adjacent industrial uses and will not constrain future use of the

    subject site for industrial purposes -hen located within an area with a combined industrial ?

    commercial general plan designation/ a broader range of uses will be considered including uses such as

    retail/ church ? religious assembly/ social and community centers/ recreational uses/ or similar uses but

    only when the non@industrial use does not result in the imposition of additional constraints on

    neighboring industrial users in the e,clusively industrial areas

    Conceptual esins

    &n here Mirigamaindustrial city has dived in two segments based on ;ccessibility/ =and availability/

    +,isting industries/ .>?D* boundary/ Urbani'ation pattern/ Population Density/ "onnectivity/

    ;vailability of &nfrastructure ? services and future development activities etc

    7 Mirigama town "enter development plan

    1 Mirigama industrial cluster 

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    1Mirigama to!n Center Design Concept Plan

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    2Mi%ed Development "one

    71 "onvention "enters7# Hotels?estaurants

    78 &nformation "enters?"ommunication "enters

    7$ 0us *tand ? ailway station7A Par%ing

    79 Petrol *hed

    7: Medical "enters 3 Pharmacy74 *upper Mar%et

    15 esearch centers

    17 etail?wholesale?Merchandise?Marts11 "ar rental facilities

    '. esidential "one

    # Housing units

    8 wor%ers 2uarters

    . 5reen elt

    # ecreational facilities

    8 !ree line

    Proposed industries in Mirigama


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    !hese guidelines are designed for the proposed industrial town area by applying guidelines and

    regulations it has been proposed to promote to special users in each selected 'one further it is guided to

    maintain and promote e,isting social and physical characters in the proposed industrial 'one !o develop

    this area it is necessary to identify suitable land for proposed development without contradiction with

    other users

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    29 &nternal roads should be 7$ m in width and # m reservation should be %ept in order to ma%e

     provision for above said facilities

    : >o boundary walls are permitted facing internal roads "hain lin% fences are recommended for 

    such locations for other boundaries Masonry walls with a ma,imum height of 1m are permitted

    4 +,isting trees as possible should be preserved and only which need to be removed for buildings

    should be felled

    75 the minimum plot si'e must be 715 perch in e,tent

    77 on@alcoholic beverages manufacturing


    715 p 7$ m

    esidential hotels/ guest houses/ rest houses

    with 5$ or more and less than 15 rooms

    :5 p 7$ m

    ice mills having dry process operations

    .rinding mills having production capacity of 

    less than 7/555 %ilograms per month

    75 acre 7$ m

    !obacco barns "innamon fumigating


    75 acre 7$ m

    "omputer hardware manufacturing and 715 p 7$ m

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    2assembling institutions

    Manufacturing of candles where 75 or more

    wor%ers are employed

    715 p 7$ m

    +dible salt pac%ing and processing industries 75 acre 7$ m

    Printing presses and later press machines

    e,cluding lead smelting

    :5 p 7$ m

    Gehicle repairing or maintaining garagese,cluding spray painting or mobile air@

    conditioning activities epairing/

    maintaining or installation centre of 

    refrigerators and air@conditioners

    75 acre 7$ m

    *aw mills having a milling capacity of less

    than $5 cubic meters per day or industries

    involved in 0oron treatment of wood or 

    timber seasoning "arpentry wor%shops

    which use multipurpose carpentry machine

    or wood based industries where more than $

    wor%ers and less than 1$ wor%ers are


    75 acre 7$ m

    "oncrete pre@cast industries Mechani'ed

    cement bloc%s manufacturing industries/

    =ime %ilns having a production capacity of 

    less than 15 metric tons per day/ =ime shell

    crushing industries Plaster of Paris

    &ndustries where less than 1$ wor%ers are

    employed/ !ile and bric% %ilns

    75 acre 7$ m

    !he processing of raw materials/ the ma%ing/

    manufacturing or assembling of semi@

    finished or finished goods/ products or 

    e2uipment/ the cleaning/ servicing/ repairing

    or testing of materials/ goods and e2uipment

    normally associated with industrial or 

    commercial businesses or cleaning/ servicing

    and repair operations to goods and

    e2uipment associated with personal or household use/ !he storage or transshipping

    of materials/ good and e2uipment

    715 p 7$ m

    "oncrete pre@cast industries Mechani'ed

    cement bloc%s manufacturing industries/

    =ime %ilns having a production capacity of 

    less than 15 metric tons per day Plaster of 

    Paris &ndustries where less than 1$ wor%ers

    715 p 7$ m

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    2are employed !ile and bric% %ilns *ingle

     borehole blasting mining activities using

    e,plosives/ having capacity of less than A55

    cubic meters per month

    Minimum Plot



    Plot "overage $56

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    2&ndustrial 'oning is often development upon the amount of lot coverage (which is the land area covered

     by all buildings on a lot) and building height ;dditionally/ set@bac% re2uirements are higher for 

    industrial 'oned properties !he following institutional regulations are applicable for the industrial 'one

    7 "entral environmental authority

    1 &ndustrial development board

    # 0 C &

    8 =abor Department regulation


    118 ;s regard to ventilation and thermal comfort/ effective and suitable provisions shall be

    made for securing and maintaining ade2uate ventilation in each wor% room by the circulation of 

    fresh air !he minimum fresh air re2uired in a wor% room where there are no contaminants to be

    removed from air shall be such to effect at least three air changes per hour

    a -here natural ventilation through windows and other openings is found to be inade2uate/mechanical ventilation either by e,haust of air or by positive ventilation or a combination of 

    these two shall be provided

     b &n the case of industrial buildings wider that 95 ft ventilation may be augmented by

    roof ventilation

    c -here the desired temperatures and humidity cannot be obtained by mere ventilation/

    air conditioning should be resorted to

    d ;ir movement and distribution may be achieved by re@circulation of inside and ? or 

    outside air by installing an ade2uate number of fans?blowers !he rate of air 

    movement in the vicinity of wor%ers shall be such as to give reasonable comfort

    without objectionable draughts

    e +ffective provision shall also be made for maintaining a reasonable temperature in

    each wor%room !he following methods are recommended for controlling


    & &solation=ocate heat producing e2uipment such as furnaces so as to e,pose only a small number 

    of wor%ers to the hot environment -here possible/ enclose the wor% areas and supply

    conditioned air to enclosures

    && &nsulation&nsulation of the roof and providing ceiling would be very effective in controlling heat

    .ood result could also be achieved by painting roof sheets with heat reflective shades

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    2&&& &n addition/ hot surfaces of e2uipment such as pipes and vessels may also be insulated to

    reduce hat absorption? radiation

    11$ *anitary "onvenience

    11$7 ;de2uate and separated sanitary conveniences shall be made available for wor%ers of either 

    se, with water accessible on tap -here persons of both se,es are employees/ sanitary

    conveniences for each se, shall be so screened so as to provide ade2uate privacy

      11$1 !he minimum re2uirement is one sanitary convenience for every 1$ wor%ers (male or female)

    However/ in the case of any premises where the number of males employed e,ceeds 755/ sufficient

    urinal accommodation should also be provided on the basis of one urinal for every 85 males

    11$# *anitary conveniences should have ade2uate ventilation and lighting =arge windows and or 

    e,haust fans should be provided in passages and in open areas >arrow/ dar%/ ill ventilated passages

    should 11A -ater *upply

    11A7 -ater *torage

    &n every factory a suitable sump and an overhead water tan% should be constructed ta%ing

    into consideration the total daily re2uirements of water for domestic use as well as

     processes/ if any !he total capacity of the sump and the overhead tan% should not be less

    than one day’s re2uirement !he sump shall be located so that water could be drawn from

    it for fire fighting if re2uired &t shall be designed in such a way as to facilitate cleaning

    and inspection &f located on the fire gap the design of the sump should cater for passage

    of heavy vehicles over it

    11A1 -ashing

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    2&n other parts of the factory over which persons employed pass/ the intensity shall not be less than $5 lu,

    ($ft candles)

    11A8 =ighting should be provided in such a manner as to avoid glare !he following table gives the

    recommended illumination levels for certain operations

    i -or%shop 855 lu,

    ii *ewing A55 lu,

    iii *tores $5 lu,


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    2distance of 15 ft from any of the boundary e,cept with the prior approval of the 0oard !his passage

    shall be motor able right round

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    Plot "overage A56 "om @:56

    es @A$6

    "om @:56

    es @A$6


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    37A Medical "ounseling service centers/ Dispensaries@ Minimum e,tent of 

    the premises #55s2m and floor area should be #55s2m


    79 Gehicle repairing centers@ minimum e,tent of the premises $55s2m 85

    7: Utility services and common services centre 15

    74 *how rooms 7$

    15 &ndoor entertainment and related activities 85

    17 *ocial and cultural centers@ minimum e,tent of the premises 7555s2m 8511 Hospitals/ Medical institutions minimum e,tent of the premises 7555



    1# "ottage industries (with residential development)@ minimum land

    e,tent to be $55s2m ma,imum floor area shall not e,ceed $5s2m

    and employment not more than 75 persons or machinery utili'e not

    more than $/Hp subject to ma,imum decibel level off $$ in day time

    and 8$ in night time stipulated for the residential 'one by center 

    environmental clearance


    18 -hole sale trading 85

    Minimum land e,tent

    =and plot coverage ratio esidential @A$6

     >on esidential@$56

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    ?o. Permitted =ses Minimum Land

    %tend *Perches

    57 esidential 0uilding(housing/ Dwelling Houses) 75

    51 esidential use apartment 85

    5# "onsumer service centers #5

    58 Hostels 3 .uest houses minimum land e,tent 7555 s2m 85

    5$ etail shops/ shops/ open stalls minimum land e,tent 1$5s2m

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    3114 +gricultural "one

    ?o. Permitted =ses Minimum Land

    %tend *Perches

    57 ;gricultural urseries/ Crnamental flowers and related 85

    59 &ndustries ?selling Cutlets 85

    5: Paddy stores?