Honors&IntegratedMath&/ SummerAssignmentcookevillecavs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Math-3... ·...

Honors Integrated Math / Summer Assignment The rigor of the Honors Integrated Math curriculum includes ,luency of procedures, mathematical understanding of concepts, and the ability to apply concepts to reallife situations. Retaining mathematical concepts and practicing mathematical 4luency both are essential for students to succeed in Putnam County. The attached assignment is due on the 0irst day of your Honors Integrated Math $ class. This material is mostly a review of basic skills you are expected and required to have mastered for this course. The assignment is to be completed on separate notebook paper with each question clearly labeled. Only the solutions to graphs (grids/number lines) go directly on the packet. All other work and solutions must be on your paper stapled to the packet. While arriving at the correct answer is important, students are expected to understand how to arrive at the correct answer. We do NOT accept just answers. All work must be shown. You are to bring the completed work with you to the 6irst day of class and your teacher will answer any questions you may have at that time. A test will be administered on the material during the 3irst week of school to determine your eligibility to remain in the course. Anything you need to review should be researched. We suggest the websites below. www.purplemath.com www.khanacademy.com www.helpingwithmath.com The mathematics department is very excited to see our students ready for the curriculum in July! Sincerely, Putnam County Schools, Tennessee Cookeville High School Algood Middle School Monterey High School Avery Trace Middle School Upperman High School Prescott South Middle School Upperman Middle School

Transcript of Honors&IntegratedMath&/ SummerAssignmentcookevillecavs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Math-3... ·...

Page 1: Honors&IntegratedMath&/ SummerAssignmentcookevillecavs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Math-3... · 2017. 5. 12. · HONORS!CRITERIA!! Honors& courses& will& substantially& exceed&

                         Honors  Integrated  Math  /  Summer  Assignment  

     The  rigor  of  the  Honors  Integrated  Math  curriculum  includes  ,luency  of  procedures,  mathematical  understanding  of  concepts,  and  the  ability  to  apply  concepts  to  real-­‐life  situations.    Retaining  mathematical  concepts  and  practicing  mathematical  4luency  both  are  essential  for  students  to  succeed  in  Putnam  County.    The  attached  assignment  is  due  on  the  0irst  day  of  your  Honors  Integrated  Math  $  class.    This  material  is  mostly  a  review  of  basic  skills  you  are  expected  and  required  to  have  mastered  for  this  course.      The  assignment  is  to  be  completed  on  separate  notebook  paper  with  each  question  clearly  labeled.  Only  the  solutions  to  graphs  (grids/number  lines)  go  directly  on  the  packet.    All  other  work  and  solutions  must  be  on  your  paper  stapled  to  the  packet.    While  arriving  at  the  correct  answer  is  important,  students  are  expected  to  understand  how  to  arrive  at  the  correct  answer.  We  do  NOT  accept  just  answers.    All  work  must  be  shown.      You  are  to  bring  the  completed  work  with  you  to  the  6irst  day  of  class  and  your  teacher  will  answer  any  questions  you  may  have  at  that  time.    A  test  will  be  administered  on  the  material  during  the  3irst  week  of  school  to  determine  your  eligibility  to  remain  in  the  course.      Anything  you  need  to  review  should  be  researched.  We  suggest  the  websites  below.  www.purplemath.com   www.khanacademy.com   www.helpingwithmath.com        The  mathematics  department  is  very  excited  to  see  our  students  ready  for  the  curriculum  in  July!        Sincerely,      Putnam  County  Schools,  Tennessee     Cookeville  High  School     Algood  Middle  School     Monterey  High  School     Avery  Trace  Middle  School     Upperman  High  School     Prescott  South  Middle  School               Upperman  Middle  School

Page 2: Honors&IntegratedMath&/ SummerAssignmentcookevillecavs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Math-3... · 2017. 5. 12. · HONORS!CRITERIA!! Honors& courses& will& substantially& exceed&

 HONORS  CRITERIA    Honors   courses   will   substantially   exceed   the   content   standards,   learning   expectations,   and   performance  indicators   approved   by   the   State  Board   of   Education.   Teachers   of  honors   courses  will  model   instructional  approaches   that   facilitate  maximum   interchange  of   ideas   among   students:   independent   study,   self-­‐directed  research   and   learning,   and   appropriate   use   of   technology.   All   honors   courses   must   include   multiple  assessments  exemplifying   coursework   (such   as   short   answer,   constructed-­‐response  prompts,  performance-­‐based  tasks,  open-­‐ended  questions,  essays,  original  or  creative  interpretations,  authentic  products,  portfolios,  and  analytical  writing).  Additionally,   an  honors   course   shall   include  a  minimum  of   0ive   (3)  of   the   following  components:          

!. Extended  reading  assignments  that  connect  with  the  speci3ied  curriculum.      

!. Research-­‐based  writing  assignments  that  address  and  extend  the  course  curriculum.      

!. Projects  that  apply  course  curriculum  to  relevant  or  real-­‐  world  situations.  These  may  include  oral  presentations,  power  point  presentations,  or  other  modes  of  sharing  3indings.  Connection  of  the  project  to  the  community  is  encouraged.    


!. Open-­‐ended  investigations  in  which  the  student  selects  the  questions  and  designs  the  research.    


!. Writing  assignments  that  demonstrate  a  variety  of  modes,  purposes,  and  styles.        

a. Examples  of  mode  include  narrative,  descriptive,  persuasive,  expository,  and  expressive.      

b. Examples  of  purpose  include  to  inform,  entertain,  and  persuade.      

c. Examples  of  style  include  formal,  informal,  literary,  analytical,  and  technical.      

!. Integration  of  appropriate  technology  into  the  course  of  study.      

!. Deeper  exploration  of  the  culture,  values,  and  history  of  the  discipline.        

!. Extensive  opportunities  for  problem  solving  experiences  through  imagination,  critical  analysis,  and  application.  


!. Job  shadowing  experiences  with  presentations  which  connect  class  study  to  the  world  of  work.        Additional  components  of  study  may  also  be  included  in  the  honors  curriculum.  These  are  simply  the  MINIMUM  requirements  of  the  course.

Page 3: Honors&IntegratedMath&/ SummerAssignmentcookevillecavs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Math-3... · 2017. 5. 12. · HONORS!CRITERIA!! Honors& courses& will& substantially& exceed&

Honors  Integrated  Math  .  Summer  Assignment  SHOW  ALL  WORK  on  a  separate  sheet  of  paper  and  staple  it  to  the  packet.  

 Part  1:  Algebra  Skills  Review  

1. Simplify  the  following  expressions  

a.       b.            

c.       d.        

2. The  distance  formula  for  finding  distance  between  two  points  is   .    Solve  the  equation  for  x1.    

 3. Simplify  the  following  expressions  using  the  rules  of  exponents.  

a. −22x5y6

14x13y−3         b.       –a3b2( )

2–b2c2( )

3–a3c4( )


 4. Simplify  the  following  rational  expressions.    Rationalize  any  denominators.  

a. 675       b.       56a2b4c5       c.       638  

 d.   3 75 + 4 125 − 5 50       e.       3 − 2( ) 3 + 2 2( )  

f. 2 -7

3+6 7           g.     -1- 5i

8 -8i    


Part  2:  Linear  Review  

5. Find  the  rate  of  change  for  the  following  graph  to  the  right:  a. Points  (–3,  8)  and  (5,  4)      


b. The  graph  to  the  right  over  the  interval  [–2,  0]  c.  


6. What  is  the  equation  of  the  vertical  line  that  goes  through  the  point   ?  

 7. Write  the  equation  of  the  line  in  slope-­‐intercept  form  for  the  following  lines.  

a. Goes  through  the  points  (3,  4)  and  (–1,  –5)    

b. Parallel  to  the  line   4x −3y = 9  and  through  the  point  (3,  –1).    

c. Given  a  line  through  (–2,  4)  and  (8,  –1),  write  the  equation  of  the  line  perpendicular  to  the  line  through  the  midpoint  of  those  points.    



23x + 45y− 12x + 7y 2x 3w+ 4x( )+ 5w w− 2x( )+ 5w2 − 2x2

3x −1( )2 − x +3( ) x − 2( ) 5x −3x2 +15+11x2 − 21x +8

d = x2 − x1( )2 + y2 − y1( )2

3, – 34





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Part  3:  Systems  Review  

8. Lucille  has  a  total  of  23  dimes  and  pennies.    The  value  of  her  coin  collection  is  $1.85.    How  many  dimes  does  she  have?  How  many  pennies  does  she  have?  


9. Suppose  you  buy  3  shirts  and  2  pairs  of  slacks  on  sale  at  a  clothing  store  for  $72.    The  next  day,  a  friend  buys  2  shirts  and  4  pairs  of  slacks  for  $96.    If  the  shirts  you  each  bought  were  all  the  same  price  and  the  slacks  were  also  all  the  same  price,  then  what  was  the  cost  of  each  shirt  and  each  pair  of  slacks?    Set  up  and  solve  a  system  of  equations.  


10. Solve  the  following  system  of  equations.  

a.  –x – 2y = –32x + 4y = 6

      b.    y = 2x2 + 4x −12x − y = 5



11. Graph  the  union  of  the  inequalities   1x + y > -42

   and  y  ≤  2  to  the  right.  


12. Given  the  system  of  inequalities   ,  determine  which  of  the  following  points  is  a  solution.    

 a. (5,  1)       b.      (3,  –2)     c.      (4,  1)  



Part  4:  Exponential  Review  

13. Solve   9x = 27x−2  for  x.      

14. Solve   ( )− +

⎛ ⎞=⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠

25 61 2


xx  for  x.  

   Part  5:  Polynomials  Review  

15. Classify  the  polynomial   4x3 − 5x5 +10x2  by  degree  and  terms.      

16. Subtract:     ( ) ( )+ − − −27 9 3 5 2 .x x x    Express  as  a  polynomial  written  in  standard  form.      

17. Expand   ( )−32 3x .    Express  as  a  polynomial  written  in  standard  form.  


3x − 4y > 82x2 + y > 5x ≤ 7y ≥ –1






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Part  6:  Quadratic  Review  

18. Factor  the  following  expressions:  a. 25x2 −100       b.       2x2 + 9x − 5       c.       x2 + 5x −36  

 d. 6x2 + 5x − 4       e.       6x2 +8       f.         8x6 + 4x4 − 2x2  

 g. 3y y−3( )− 4 y−3( )     h.         a3 − a2b+ ab2     i.       3x2 −10x +3  


19. Use  the  discriminant  to  determine  the  type(s)  of  solutions  for  the  quadratic  equations  below.    

a. 24 5 7 0− − =x x         b.     2 11 3− + =m m       c.     2 4 12 8+ + =p p          

20. Graph  the  following  quadratic  functions.  a. = −2( ) 2 3f x x                                         b.         = − − +2( ) ( 2) 4g x x       c.     = − +2( ) 3 6 5h x x x    


21. Explain  how  to  find  the  zeros  of  the  quadratic  function   f x( ) =15x2 + x – 28 .        

22. Solve  each  quadratic  by  factoring.    

a. 3x 2x − 5( ) = 0       b.       2x −1( ) x − 5( ) = 0     c.     9+ x2 = 6x    

d. 1− x = 2x2       e.       2x2 = x       f.      15x2 +1= 8x        

23. Fill  in  the  blank  to  create  a  perfect  square  trinomial.  (Complete  the  square)    

a. x2 + 20x + _____       b.         2x2 +8x + _____     c.       3x2 + 9x + ______

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Honors  Integrated  Math  .  Summer  Assignment  SHOW  ALL  WORK  on  a  separate  sheet  of  paper  and  staple  it  to  the  packet.  

 24. Gnash,  the  Predators  mascot,  launches  T-­‐shirts  into  the  crowd  during  the  intermission  of  all  home  

games.    The  height  of  the  T-­‐shirt  can  be  modeled  by  the  function   h x( ) = −16x2 + 48x + 6 ,  where  h(x)  represents  the  height  in  feet  of  the  T-­‐shirt  after  x  seconds.    

 a. At  what  height  was  the  T-­‐shirt  launched?  

b. What  is  the  maximum  height  of  the  t-­‐shirt?  

c. When  was  the  maximum  height  reached?      

Part  7:  Functions  Review    

25. If   ,  find  x  if        

26. Let  the  following  graph  to  the  right  represent  a  function  f(x)    

a. Find    f(0)  =  

b. Find  f(–2)=  

c. If  you  found  f(–4)  –  f(5),  would  the  answer  be  positive  or  negative?  


27. Given  the  equation   = −253

y x ,  fill  in  the  table  of  values.    



28. Write  a  function  that  is  described  by  each  of  the  following  tables.                        

29. Determine  whether  each  relation  is  a  function.  a. (5,  4),  (–2,  6),  (0,  –8),  (–2,  1)   b.             c.        


f x( ) = 5x −12 f x( ) = 22

x   y  –3       17


5       1  9    

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Part  8:  Basic  Geometric  Shapes  Review  

30. The  table  below  lists  some  different  shapes  and  properties.    In  each  box  place  an  “X”  indicating  the  shape  has  the  property.       Square   Rectangle   Kite   Trapezoid   Isosceles  

Trapezoid  Rhombus   Parallelogram  

All  angles  are  right  angles  


All  sides  are  congruent  


Diagonals  bisect  each  other  


Diagonals  are  perpendicular  


 31. Complete  each  of  the  following  statements  with  sometimes,  always,  or  never  true.  

a. A  square  is  a  rectangle  b. A  rectangle  is  a  square  c. A  quadrilateral  has  four  sides  d. A  pentagon  has  a  greater  perimeter  than  a  triangle  e. The  angles  in  an  octagon  have  a  greater  sum  than  the  angles  in  a  hexagon.  

 32. The  three  angles  of  a  triangle  are  3x,  x  +  10,  and  2x  –  40.    Find  the  measure  of  the  smallest  angle  in  the  


33. Suppose  one  base  angle  of  an  isosceles  triangle  has  a  measurement  of  440.    What  is  the  measure  of  the  vertex  angle?  

   Part  9:  Trigonometry  Review  

34. Roger  is  looking  up  at  a  guard  tower  that  is  45  feet  tall  in  the  forest.    The  angle  of  depression  from  the  top  of  the  guard  tower  is  400.    How  far  is  Roger  from  the  guard  tower?  


35. Find  the  length  of  both  AC  and  BC.     36.    Using  the  diagram  below,  find  the  distance                      between  CB.  


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Part  10:  Angle  Relationships  

37. In  the  following  diagram,  line  m  and  n  are  parallel.                      

a. If  m∠4 = 2x −17  and  m∠1= 85 ,  solve  for  x.                    b.    If  m∠1= 4y+30  and   7 8 6∠ = +m y ,  solve  for  y.  


38. Find  the  measure  of  all  angles  below.                          Part  11:  Surface  Area  and  Volume  Name  the  (igure.  Find  the  surface  area  and  volume  of  each  (igure.  Round  your  answers  to  the  nearest  hundredth,  if  necessary.    

!".     !".                          !".   !".