HONOLULU, ISLANDS. VOL. II....world. U. LEVY & SON, Enlarged to 48 Pages--:o:-Importers, Wholesale...

r.3M InflkMi 4 If H I l I- - S I f i r 1 .,. v . S. r -- "r . V-- - &f-"- v-- HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, IS8J). PRICE CENTS, VOL. 1X.--N- O. 04. sfxoxd sTonr thieves: usiius$ Cards. justness Cards. THEIR DARING ROBBERIES GENERALLY CARRIED OUT. HOW ARE Australian Mail Service Brewer's Block. II. THOS. (i. T Hjuvrtiiiin Fertilizing Co., No. 106 Fort Street. Miinufuctnrers of and Dealers in 5 r The Planters' Monthly Cane Fertilizers FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The new and fine Al steel steamship P.ONF, MKALS inado to order; STAl'.LK MANl'UK, rotted and mixed, THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS l'l'BLISUia) Every Morning Except Sundays. BL'HSCRIITIONM : 5 V. C. Ad.htik.o.. 7-- -; tt jier mouth &u ..... 5 DO oue year Hawaiian Uazehk, W jccklt .. " foreign (in-eludi- ioatae) Paynhle Invnrlnbly in A.Iyhim. ADDBEhb; HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Honolulu, 11.1. Dox O. 6 iLAMEDA" STATIONER, BOOKSELLER, NEWSDEA LE R Etc., Etc. Respectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and resident? of the islands generally that having resumed business as above and etVected connections abroad with the ob- ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining promnt attention to orders, with best goods at lowest market rates. While the following enumerated line enibodv the several department:-- , patrons ON II AND AND FOR SALE In quantities to suit. A. F. COOKE, Manager. Factory, Honolulu, II. I. lG4-3- m Jobs Th:t Are llono Onlv. After Careful manning; .lewelry tit Veenliar riun lcr of the "Sreoml Story" Thief Tiarely Caught at Work. Tlx? ni-os- t ciT(Vtive work at present among tliuso who steal for a living, t being done by ih:it i; Uvhtiii'ally known to the tralo a "squill st or-- " tnoru IZoblvrit-- s by this class of tbi'vos liavo Ixvonu' alarmingly fmiuent, anJ thoro havo U-e- n many cases nortel to the polifv, few cf whieh hav Ikx'H mad? public, Kvau tli thieves havo not been ctuzlit ami it is the ilioy of the tliee dv jvtrtmcnt to keep everything quiet when suc- cess Las not attended their efforts. "Sevnvl tery' thieves have leeii under "cover" for a long hile, and ibis city has Uvn free from their depredations. W here they have come from v- - suddenly is a mystery. T'f.r work is ilrst class and they must K l men. exin rts m their line. Their efforts Devoted to tha Encouragement of The Liverpool and Lon consideration. Of the Oceanic steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Apr. Gtli, 1889, AtH will leave for the abuve port with mails and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. U. Irwin & Co., 4HEXTB. For Sydney and Auckland. Fine Stationery. don and Globe ESTABLISHED 1836. Books: A full assortment of Fashionable and Commercial Stationery is now on hand and will be replenished monthly with Staple tiJods and Novelties as they an ear. Notwithstanding the distance from sourct o. supplies the stock of miscellan- eous Books is large and varied and will be made just as fml and attractive as ti e tastes and demands of the people require. Special orders forwarded by regulai steamer and filled at list prices excepting a few certain lines. Thio feature having been taken up again will be given careful attention for prempt delivery to city or mail subscribers. Latest dates to hand by every mail. Counter customers can have their supplies reserved, if notified in time, special Bibles. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, STOCK RAISING and INDUS- TRIAL TURSUITS GENERALLY, A met SO.O.IO.OOO News Agency. llli'Miir ... - awwt papers or periouicais jirutanu iu .r.i.. t i v. ntncl T nsa nr Pamiee bv Fire The leading American and English Magazines rnd Keviews regularly received, also a varied list of Fashion publications. Subscriptions can commence at auy as Magazines. 1 ,rn i n tf on lJuilrtintfs, Miichintry. Siit;ar SlillH.Uwelliujjs and Furniture, on the most teruia. time Choice Novels. LEWEItS & COOKE, (Successors to Lew-er- & Dickaon) IuiKrterM nuri lU'lers In I.uuibrr And all Kinds of Building Materials. No. 82 FOUT STREET, Honolulu. lf J. ALFRED MAG00N, jVttornev - a-- t Law, 42 Merchant Street. Honolulu. Uf are obi rat ierized by a lioldness and dash that must make old "Troy" Dennis smile in his grave. "Troy" is still treasured in tho minds of thieves, us well as detectives, as tht king of tho "second story" workers, lie was cool, daring and brae, and had a chivalrous .train that would not termit him to injure any one weaker physically than himself, lie died with hib'otson. While climbing a pillar in Fiftieth street ho loosened a heavy stone, and it fell on him aud flattened hint out lik a piece 01 pajxr. Alter Ib-nni- s the famou3 men are Ijong John ( Jarvey and "Jack" Koilly, the leader of the Murray Hill gang. Garvey walked through a skylight in Brooklyn and had the fiesh pretty well scraiod from his hones, and was killed" Iteilly di 1 a neat job iu "clean- ing out" a lA'vingtoa nvenue houso. He took the stolen oods back for a rewanL The amount did not suit him anil ho removed the got" Is again. It will bo many years yet he can practice his profession. He is now making sho"s for tho state. With this trio out of the way New Yorkers hare leen able for several years to enjoy a dinner in comfort without feeling nervous about their treasures iu the uper stories. A GOOD "SECOND STORY" MAN. '.vrnd storv" thieves aro techcjcallr de Music. Some 7000 copies of Seaside. Lovell and other Libraries re forced on the mar ket not loi g since and yet people are crying tor more. A lres'i stock has just been received of favorite authors aud new issues will arrive ly e tch mail. At present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon as public demand warrants it a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music aud standard Co- llections will be kept on hand. Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and and AH jsts' Sundries. Drawing Paper, plain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice Sets YW.ter Colors, us also a large variety of cheaper grades lor the little folks. In order to close out this line of really fine Pictures-subje- cts from eminent artists a large reduction in prices have been made. Dargains are ofit red ulso in quite a variety of Fanel l'.ctures, plain or framed; Photo. I rames. etc. The new and flue Al steel steamship Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Mar. 16, 1889. Bisliop fc Co. 118ft-C- S. FOSTER & CO., WHOLESALE OKOCEKS AND Purchasing Auents. And more especially to the develop- ment and perfection of Cultivation of Cano and the' Artists Materials. Artotypes aud Frames. Toys aud Notion9. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Tt r,v,nn t.-- , rarrvtbis stock as a feature of the sir through Hie year, 1 nsieae. , Fancy And will have prompt dipatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freisrbt or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. GL Irwin & Co., AGENTS UUOU8. Solo Agents, for Sinis' Top-o-C- n lirantl Diamond Creamery BUTTER. Specialties. MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. of confining it to the holidavs, iu order to meet the birthdays aud their lecuinnt demands that are always happening in every will regulated community. This class or line of goods in stock, whle full and varied, is being added to con- tinually, as attractive and serviceable novelties appear from time to time. The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinc lair's IsmoKNors Floweus enables all orders to meet with prompt attention. By the opening up of the larcels Fok admired work can mow be mui en system with the United States this universally Hawaiian Annuals, Jakvis' Histoky of Haw n. Is . thither at a moderate charge. Andrews' Dictionary, Uawn. Cook Dook, etc., constantly on hand. Collections or sets of the full Beries of engraved Postage Stamps of Hawaii, mounted, showing date of issue, etc., on hand or put up to order on s.iort notice; new or cancelled. Having special facilities and advantages in this department, customers can rely on all orders meeting with care aud attention lor execution in the highest style of the art. All orders for Binding also faithfully atterded to. whether magazines papers. n.,i.i. rnlins. or the nianuracture of special sizes or kinds of Db.uk Books. Hawaiian Stamps. Importer and Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. '25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents Cor. Fort & Queen Sta.. Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, Fort Street, iioite Wlldi-- r to.", H. J. IsOLTE, rUOl'lUETOU. Lunches, Served lth Tea, Coffee, rirst-clan- . Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. 0,hu From 3 . in. till 1 !.". fcfTSinokers IiequisiU-- ajcjalty lt rrlntlng Orders. rpiIIS CELEBRATED BUTTER IS X of the finest quality, made upon the Danish and American systems combined. Tacked in hermetically sealed tins, and warranted to keep in hot climates. Claus spreckels Wm. G. Irwin. CLACS SPRECKELS & C0.; BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Bind in sr Thia pnpuliii JtmilJa! bag entered eighth volume, and having been point iu ui uu3iu.c"-- - - - - . businessaset f&th aboVe it is planned to conduct.it cm a cash scribed as a cross bet ween a burglar and sneak thief. They are usually tall, slim fel- lows, possessed of great strength and nerve. Tlicy take pride in their calling and look upon a highwayman or pickpocket as be- neath their notice. Comparatively few thieves have the grit to follow this line. Their numler is thus limited, and they be- come well known and respected by the fra- ternity. They are known as the "long chance" men in tho thieves' vocabulary. ti.. k oil Muickvitt'd and intelligent and do not have tho truuii no , Of thieves who go around with murder iu their hearts. There is a fellow feeling omons them and they never "squeal." "Second story" jobs are not done by rash Impulse, but only after careful study and planning. Sometimes there are two partners, but more often three. It is a rare thing for them to work alone, unless they turn up broke in a strango place. One of the gang makes a special business of locating place to be robbed. He picks out a house with a front stoop and iortico, or heavy stonework O mi Terms Cash or Monthly Settlements 20 and 28 California St, SAN FRANCISCO, : : CAE. 1C8 1200-t-T noasihle though accounts lor prompt mounuj mr.. ... - - - hh Orders from unknown parties on the. other Islands mu3t be accompanied cash or responsible city reference. attended to. whether for City or out of town patrons GooSno "n ickfin be procured as speedily as possible, in town or from abroad as directed. Finally. Draw Exchange on the principal parts o tht world. -- :o:- Enlarged to 48 Pages U. LEVY & SON, Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Will receive deposits on open account, malie collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Respectfully submitted, Tlios. G Commission Merchants Deposits bearing Interest received in their Sav lngs Department subject to published rules aDd l7oc3tf regulations. 1261-l- m C0-- 9t In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Monthly, makes a yearly volume of nearly 600 pages, devoted to the agricul J- - B- ATIIEKTO. S. N. CASTLE.. TENNrY' ED- - D- - W. A. BOWEN. R. W. FRAZER, MERCHANT TAILOIt, Cor. Kin and AUkea Sts., Honolulu. Moderat. charge, good workmanship audf a perfectat guaranteed. UEKMAN1A MARKET. rUOriUKTOR. OW. BI. BAin'P. ' lurt Ntrcet, Honolulu. BEEr, MUTTON AND VEAL. around the front door, or else wnere mere is a leader, piazza or some other arrangement that will give a foothold in the rear. The ottin-'s- s of the occupant is looked into. Brokers are considered tho best prey and hankers come next. Jewelry is the peculiar plunder of these thieves. Sometimes their attention is attracted by the names and do tcriptioncf jewelry worn at social gather I:i3. Tho habits of tho inmates of the hou. A w-- e studied with great care and a note U made of the number of servants and their rV-in-c. When any of the family tural and commercial prosperity of the MWBISf ' I TTnn-oiin- n Telnnils. 4 We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our line, ami I make a specialty in packing all kinds of fruit for long distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. MS and 530 Sausome St., San Francisco. P. O. Dox 174 MArsnAIX( Honolulu. llS-f.- n Agent lor HawaiiajuIsUnda. ALAKEA, SEAR QUEEN STREET. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, 174 Telephone 55. served on short Shipping Constantly on hand. SUN FIRE OFFICE, notioe. 1MPORTEKS AND DEALERS IN General Mlerclaandise. ALSO, AGENTS FOK II. G. CRABBE, OF LONDON. The attention of the business men of tit in ire c r Honolulu and of all persons engaged in HONOLULU nam Estoblishod 1710 industrial pursuits is called to this I HAY & GRAIN Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. iodical as a medium for Kobala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Pala Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. Cooler., r.s MilW, .,llcrM, Kuenr r TntP,1 m-io- every description of leave tho house a "piper off" takes a good took ut tho jewelry. All this takes time. When enough has been found to indicate t'.iat it will" pay the house i3 said to be "planted" and a time is set for the work. WinU r, when night comes on early and quickly, is the "second story" man's season. Iho "piper off1' never does the stealing, as he mu have been seen in tho neighborhood and -- oa'.d te identified. At dusk the thief ap- proaches the house. He knows what tha cxK-t.l- e within are doing in a general way. The gong that sounds for dinner is tho signal 'or th j ''climber' to slip on his rubbers, if he aas not already put on a pair of shoes with rubber soles. The lookout is stationed closa it hand to give tho thief warning after he has got inside. FINE '.VORK WITH A ".milTY." Time is given for the family to got thr-Dugh- ly interested in the good things before thern,"and then tho thief, with a glance in svery direction, rtarts on his journey rwvr".- - are bold, of course, but they never. and I.ead faHlinsH, A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Eaual, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. 1 II It I liV . property at current rates of premium. And machinery f every ??S;tS Total Sum Insured in 1885 327.333,700 Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. King Street, Honolulu, - Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. notice. with promptitua-am- i nwri-i..- .. - .. - , lion of the Local Tribunals recognized. Advert, sins; & Information G. W. 3Iactarlane & Co. THE ROYAL SALOON, Opp. the old Police Station. 32-l- m The New England Mutual Life insurance uo., 01 xsi-- . D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New Vork and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fiancisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines Wilcox & Gibbs, Rcmlnstoii and Wheeler & Wilson niul Jlfrtlinnt Mrootn Agents fir Hawaiian Islands. KuuBiiH im Under the Management of TT T-- I. 1. "NVolter TIIEO. P. SEYERIN Which can be obtained in no other pub THOMAS LINDSAY Has Kemovttd His Manufacturing Wines. " l.W:j; sn S ice coU Lers on draught at I Photogi'apher, lication, here or abroad. - - iii nun --- 2V " it is fat id, undertake a job without just a around the lart at the begin- - Th'; climber follows tho plan which haa Lo'. previously marked out as the easiest way of gaining admittance, either in front Dr rear. With soft, stealthy, catlike he goes up to the second story, somo-thr- es j:j riming, and then racing Ids body vith his hjnds and arm-i- . If the window is lot k '1 it is only a wer-nd'- s work to slip the aseiih: with a wire. Once in the house Jewell fctiislienl Has taken the Stuilio formerly occupied by A. A. Montano, corner of KING and FORT STS., and Is prepared to take JOHN NOTT U1KC1. w aa Street to Pictures in any Stvle 13T Piiniing done for Amateurs, til he Thomas Block, Kin?; Street. i aror thief takes out a jimmy, wui.,u it a foot long and Las a claw at one enL tak"s in everything in the room at a t,.. The light Ls usually burning dimly. He Cabinets $6 a doz. Work guaranteed, j Particular atier.tlou paid to repairing. 113 f , not touc h it. llureau xna r.t ,i,..ts ai.d wardrolK-- s fly open at 173-t- f Entrance on Tort Street. . Woodeh Building g?"The price of subscription is very low Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50) per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad. ;i,.ij cf the jimmy, as if it were a magic i. The thief wor'ks at high speed, with ..r iist-nin- g for a fotstep in the hall. ! V.i- -; i; no time to exa.n'ue jewelry, and BtlcV, stour - Estimates Given. Ae-- e.. jobMn rr-n- r.r 7G KING STREET. P.O. Box 423. i !00K LUN & CO, 113 Nuuanu Street, epposite Emma Hail IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN rythmg that spancies or suine- -, is ui.t It i.i te.-te- d afterward. If a decent haul is r u the s-- ond floor the thief quietly PIOXEEK Steam Candy Factor BellTelraone -- ..utf d as he tame, but if he is not xausuou wid go higher an-- take his chances. Oncd the htr-v- t r.''ain the thief goes uncon- - A few copies of bound volumes of the years 1SS6 and 1S37 can be obtained: $4.00 each . 'Chinese & Japanese Goods AND DAVIS & WILDER 52 FOUT STREET. N,wIUM.n, in Cups and Flre Cml.?. rrid'y away so is not to attract attention, audtn n gots u ruler "cover" and waits until tho robbeVv is stale before coming cut. ' ".cond story" thieves are rarely, if ever, ' caught at work, hi the olden time, when tLemenin this 1 jio were all known, it was ; uuailv ea-y- t get them after a robbery. ' at it and the po Thev are all new men now, BAKERY Stoves, Ilangcs and IIousekceiii!S Goods. Address Saurees, Tea, Cigars, u -- Goods At C: really liertiicea rrlre. IT, HORN, RS lice are at a Joss wmen way vo mm vt XiVXX iort Jnbune. II. M. WHITNEY, Editor Tlanters' Monthly, ture them.- - Regular shipments by ecry steamer. - ..in rnler. Practical Ccr.feetioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work C7 1 Orocfr""'" 71 Hotel Street- - ' ic 1254-J- m Hoaoiuiu, 11. 1. -- r GOODS BY EVERX STEAMER J rosT OFFICE BOX SO. 253.

Transcript of HONOLULU, ISLANDS. VOL. II....world. U. LEVY & SON, Enlarged to 48 Pages--:o:-Importers, Wholesale...

r.3M InflkMi

4 If

H I l I- - S I f i r 1.,. v . S.

r --"r .V-- - &f-"- v--


VOL. 1X.--N- O. 04.

sfxoxd sTonr thieves:usiius$ Cards.justness Cards.



AREAustralian Mail Service Brewer'sBlock.II.THOS. (i. THjuvrtiiiin Fertilizing Co., No. 106

Fort Street.Miinufuctnrers of and Dealers in

5 r The Planters' MonthlyCane Fertilizers FOR SAN FRANCISCO.

The new and fine Al steel steamshipP.ONF, MKALS inado to order;STAl'.LK MANl'UK, rotted and mixed,


Pacific Commercial Advertiser

IS l'l'BLISUia)

Every Morning Except Sundays.


5V. C. Ad.htik.o.. 7-- -;

tt jier mouth &u

..... 5 DOoue yearHawaiian Uazehk,W jccklt.. " foreign (in-eludi-


Paynhle Invnrlnbly in A.Iyhim.



Honolulu, 11.1.Dox O.



Etc., Etc.Respectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and resident? of the islands generally that

having resumed business as above and etVected connections abroad with the ob-

ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining promnt attention to orders,with best goods at lowest market rates. While the following

enumerated line enibodv the several department:-- , patrons

ON II AND AND FOR SALEIn quantities to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.

Factory, Honolulu, II. I. lG4-3- m

Jobs Th:t Are llono Onlv. After Carefulmanning; .lewelry tit Veenliar riunlcr of the "Sreoml Story" Thief TiarelyCaught at Work.Tlx? ni-os- t ciT(Vtive work at present among

tliuso who steal for a living, t being done byih:it i; Uvhtiii'ally known to the tralo a"squill st or-- " tnoru IZoblvrit-- s by this classof tbi'vos liavo Ixvonu' alarmingly fmiuent,anJ thoro havo U-e- n many cases nortel tothe polifv, few cf whieh hav Ikx'H mad?public, Kvau tli thieves havo not beenctuzlit ami it is the ilioy of the tliee dvjvtrtmcnt to keep everything quiet when suc-

cess Las not attended their efforts. "Sevnvltery' thieves have leeii under "cover" for a

long hile, and ibis city has Uvn free fromtheir depredations. W here they have comefrom v-

- suddenly is a mystery.T'f.r work is ilrst class and they must K

l men. exin rts m their line. Their efforts

Devoted to tha Encouragement of

The Liverpool and Lon


Of the Oceanic steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Apr. Gtli, 1889,

AtH will leave for the abuve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. U. Irwin & Co.,4HEXTB.

For Sydney and Auckland.


don and Globe


A full assortment of Fashionable and Commercial Stationery is now on handand will be replenished monthly with Staple tiJods and Novelties as they an ear.

Notwithstanding the distance from sourct o. supplies the stock of miscellan-eous Books is large and varied and will be made just as fml and attractive as ti e

tastes and demands of the people require. Special orders forwarded by regulaisteamer and filled at list prices excepting a few certain lines.

Thio feature having been taken up again will be given careful attention forprempt delivery to city or mail subscribers. Latest dates to hand by every mail.Counter customers can have their supplies reserved, if notified in time, special






A met SO.O.IO.OOONews

Agency.llli'Miir ... - awwtpapers or periouicais jirutanu iu

.r.i.. t i v. ntncl T nsa nr Pamiee bv Fire The leading American and English Magazines rnd Keviews regularly received,also a varied list of Fashion publications. Subscriptions can commence at auyasMagazines.

1 ,rn i n t fon lJuilrtintfs, Miichintry. Siit;ar SlillH.Uwelliujjsand Furniture, on the most teruia. time



(Successors to Lew-er- & Dickaon)

IuiKrterM nuri lU'lers In I.uuibrrAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.

No. 82 FOUT STREET, Honolulu. lf


jVttornev - a-- t Law,42 Merchant Street. Honolulu. Uf

are obi rat ierized by a lioldness and dashthat must make old "Troy" Dennis smile inhis grave. "Troy" is still treasured in thominds of thieves, us well as detectives, as thtking of tho "second story" workers, lie wascool, daring and brae, and had a chivalrous.train that would not termit him to injure anyone weaker physically than himself, lie diedwith hib'otson. While climbing a pillarin Fiftieth street ho loosened a heavy stone,and it fell on him aud flattened hint out lika piece 01 pajxr.

Alter Ib-nni- s the famou3 men are IjongJohn ( Jarvey and "Jack" Koilly, the leaderof the Murray Hill gang. Garvey walkedthrough a skylight in Brooklyn and had thefiesh pretty well scraiod from his hones, andwas killed" Iteilly di 1 a neat job iu "clean-ing out" a lA'vingtoa nvenue houso. He tookthe stolen oods back for a rewanL Theamount did not suit him anil ho removedthe got" Is again. It will bo many years yet

he can practice his profession. He isnow making sho"s for tho state. With thistrio out of the way New Yorkers hare leenable for several years to enjoy a dinner incomfort without feeling nervous about theirtreasures iu the uper stories.


'.vrnd storv" thieves aro techcjcallr de


Some 7000 copies of Seaside. Lovell and other Libraries re forced on the market not loi g since and yet people are crying tor more. A lres'i stock has just beenreceived of favorite authors aud new issues will arrive ly e tch mail.

At present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon as public demandwarrants it a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music aud standard Co-

llections will be kept on hand.

Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and and AH jsts' Sundries. DrawingPaper, plain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice Sets YW.ter Colors, us

also a large variety of cheaper grades lor the little folks.

In order to close out this line of really fine Pictures-subje- cts from eminentartists a large reduction in prices have been made. Dargains are ofit red ulso inquite a variety of Fanel l'.ctures, plain or framed; Photo. I rames. etc.

The new and flue Al steel steamship

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Mar. 16, 1889.

Bisliop fc Co.118ft-C-



Purchasing Auents.

And more especially to the develop-

ment and perfection of Cultivation

of Cano and the'





JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Tt r,v,nn t.--, rarrvtbis stock as a feature of the sir through Hie year, 1 nsieae. ,


And will have prompt dipatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freisrbt or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. GL Irwin & Co.,AGENTS


Solo Agents, for

Sinis' Top-o-C- n lirantl

Diamond Creamery



of confining it to the holidavs, iu order to meet the birthdays aud their lecuinntdemands that are always happening in every will regulated community.

This class or line of goods in stock, whle full and varied, is being added to con-

tinually, as attractive and serviceable novelties appear from time to time.

The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinc lair's IsmoKNors Floweus enables allorders to meet with prompt attention. By the opening up of the larcels Fok

admired work can mow be mui ensystem with the United States this universallyHawaiian Annuals, Jakvis' Histoky of Haw n. Is .thither at a moderate charge.

Andrews' Dictionary, Uawn. Cook Dook, etc., constantly on hand.

Collections or sets of the full Beries of engraved Postage Stamps of Hawaii,mounted, showing date of issue, etc., on hand or put up to order on s.iort notice;new or cancelled.

Having special facilities and advantages in this department, customers canrely on all orders meeting with care aud attention lor execution in the higheststyle of the art.

All orders for Binding also faithfully atterded to. whether magazines papers.n.,i.i. rnlins. or the nianuracture of special sizes or kinds of Db.uk Books.


Importer and Dealer In

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. '25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort & Queen Sta.. Honolulu, ltf


Fort Street, iioite Wlldi-- r to.",H. J. IsOLTE, rUOl'lUETOU.

Lunches, Served lth Tea, Coffee,rirst-clan- .

Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

0,hu From 3 . in. till 1 !.".fcfTSinokers IiequisiU-- ajcjalty lt


rpiIIS CELEBRATED BUTTER ISX of the finest quality, made upon the

Danish and American systems combined.Tacked in hermetically sealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

Claus spreckels Wm. G. Irwin.



Bind in sr

Thia pnpuliii JtmilJa! bag enteredeighth volume, and having been point iu ui uu3iu.c"-- - - - - .

businessaset f&th aboVe it is planned to conduct.it cm a cash

scribed as a cross between a burglar andsneak thief. They are usually tall, slim fel-

lows, possessed of great strength and nerve.Tlicy take pride in their calling and lookupon a highwayman or pickpocket as be-

neath their notice. Comparatively fewthieves have the grit to follow this line.Their numler is thus limited, and they be-

come well known and respected by the fra-ternity. They are known as the "longchance" men in tho thieves' vocabulary.ti.. k oil Muickvitt'd and intelligent anddo not have tho truuii no ,Of thieves who go around with murder iutheir hearts. There is a fellow feeling omonsthem and they never "squeal."

"Second story" jobs are not done by rashImpulse, but only after careful study andplanning. Sometimes there are two partners,but more often three. It is a rare thing forthem to work alone, unless they turn upbroke in a strango place. One of the gangmakes a special business of locating place tobe robbed. He picks out a house with afront stoop and iortico, or heavy stonework

O mi

Terms Cashor


20 and 28 California St,

SAN FRANCISCO, : : CAE.1C8 1200-t-T

noasihle though accounts lor prompt mounuj mr.. ... - - -

hhOrders from unknown parties on the. other Islands mu3t be accompanied

cash or responsible city reference.

attended to. whether for City or out of town patronsGooSno "n ickfin be procured as speedily as possible, in town or from

abroad as directed.Finally.Draw Exchange on the principal parts o thtworld.

-- :o:-Enlarged to 48 PagesU. LEVY & SON,

Importers, Wholesale Dealers andWill receive deposits on open account, malie

collections and conduct a general banking and

exchange business.Respectfully submitted,

Tlios. GCommission Merchants Deposits bearing Interest received in their Sav

lngs Department subject to published rules aDdl7oc3tfregulations.

1261-l- m C0-- 9tIn Foreign and Domestic

FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Monthly, makes a yearly volume of

nearly 600 pages, devoted to the agricul J- - B- ATIIEKTO.S. N. CASTLE.. TENNrY'ED- - D- -W. A. BOWEN.


MERCHANT TAILOIt,Cor. Kin and AUkea Sts., Honolulu.

Moderat. charge, good workmanship audf a

perfectat guaranteed.


OW. BI. BAin'P. 'lurt Ntrcet, Honolulu.


around the front door, or else wnere mereis a leader, piazza or some other arrangementthat will give a foothold in the rear. Theottin-'s- s of the occupant is looked into.Brokers are considered tho best prey andhankers come next. Jewelry is the peculiarplunder of these thieves. Sometimes theirattention is attracted by the names and dotcriptioncf jewelry worn at social gatherI:i3. Tho habits of tho inmates of the hou. A

w-- e studied with great care and a note U

made of the number of servants and theirrV-in-c. When any of the family

tural and commercial prosperity of theMWBISf' I TTnn-oiin- n Telnnils. 4

We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, ami I make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

MS and 530 Sausome St., San Francisco.P. O. Dox 174 MArsnAIX( Honolulu.llS-f.- n Agent lor HawaiiajuIsUnda.


Shipping and Commission Merchants,174 Telephone 55.

served on shortShippingConstantly on hand. SUN FIRE OFFICE,notioe.


General Mlerclaandise.ALSO, AGENTS FOK

II. G. CRABBE,OF LONDON. The attention of the business men of

tit in ire c rHonolulu and of all persons engaged inHONOLULU nam Estoblishod 1710industrial pursuits is called to this


HAY & GRAIN Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.iodical as a medium for

Kobala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Pala Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.

Cooler., r.sMilW,.,llcrM, Kuenr r TntP,1 m-io- every description of

leave tho house a "piper off" takes a goodtook ut tho jewelry. All this takes time.When enough has been found to indicatet'.iat it will" pay the house i3 said to be"planted" and a time is set for the work.WinU r, when night comes on early andquickly, is the "second story" man's season.Iho "piper off1' never does the stealing, as hemu have been seen in tho neighborhood and-- oa'.d te identified. At dusk the thief ap-

proaches the house. He knows what thacxK-t.l- e within are doing in a general way.The gong that sounds for dinner is tho signal'or th j ''climber' to slip on his rubbers, if heaas not already put on a pair of shoes withrubber soles. The lookout is stationed closa

it hand to give tho thief warning after hehas got inside.


Time is given for the family to got thr-Dugh- ly

interested in the good things beforethern,"and then tho thief, with a glance insvery direction, rtarts on his journeyrwvr".-- are bold, of course, but they never.

and I.ead faHlinsH, A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Eaual,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

1 II It I liV .

property at current rates of premium.

And machinery f every ??S;tS Total Sum Insured in 1885 327.333,700Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.

King Street, Honolulu,- Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidEtna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.notice. with promptitua-am- i nwri-i..- .. - .. - ,

lion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

Advert, sins; & InformationG. W. 3Iactarlane & Co.THE ROYAL SALOON, Opp. the old Police Station. 32-l- m

The New England Mutual Life insurance uo., 01 xsi-- .

D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.The New Vork and Honolulu Packet Line

The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fiancisco.Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines

Wilcox & Gibbs, Rcmlnstoii and Wheeler & Wilsonniul Jlfrtlinnt Mrootn Agents fir Hawaiian Islands.KuuBiiH im

Under the Management of

TT T-- I. 1. "NVolter TIIEO. P. SEYERINWhich can be obtained in no other pubTHOMAS LINDSAY

Has Kemovttd His ManufacturingWines.

" l.W:j; sn S ice coU Lers on draught atIPhotogi'apher, lication, here or abroad.

- -iii nun ---

2V "

it is fat id, undertake a job without just aaround the lart at the begin- -

Th'; climber follows tho plan which haaLo'. previously marked out as the easiestway of gaining admittance, either in frontDr rear. With soft, stealthy, catlike

he goes up to the second story, somo-thr-es

j:j riming, and then racing Ids bodyvith his hjnds and arm-i- . If the window islot k '1 it is only a wer-nd'- s work to slip theaseiih: with a wire. Once in the house

Jewell fctiislienl Has taken the Stuilio formerly occupied by A. A.

Montano, corner of KING and FORT STS.,

and Is prepared to take JOHN NOTTU1KC1. w aa Street to Pictures in any Stvle

13T Piiniing done for Amateurs, til heThomas Block, Kin?; Street.

i arorthief takes out a jimmy, wui.,u

it a foot long and Las a claw at one enLtak"s in everything in the room at at,.. The light Ls usually burning dimly.He

Cabinets $6 a doz. Work guaranteed, jParticular atier.tlou paid to repairing.

113 f , not touc h it. llureau xnar.t ,i,..ts ai.d wardrolK-- s fly open at173-t- fEntrance on Tort Street.

. Woodeh Buildingg?"The price of subscription is very

low Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50)

per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad.;i,.ij cf the jimmy, as if it were a magic

i. The thief wor'ks at high speed, with..r iist-nin- g for a fotstep in the hall.! V.i- -;

i; no time to exa.n'ue jewelry, and

BtlcV, stour -

Estimates Given.

Ae-- e..jobMn rr-n- r.r


P.O. Box 423.


!00K LUN & CO,

113 Nuuanu Street, epposite Emma Hail


rythmg that spancies or suine- -, is ui.tIt i.i te.-te-d afterward. If a decent haul is

r u the s-- ond floor the thief quietlyPIOXEEK

Steam Candy FactorBellTelraone --..utf d as he tame, but if he is not xausuou

wid go higher an-- take his chances. Oncdthe htr-v- t r.''ain the thief goes uncon- -

A few copies of bound volumes of the

years 1SS6 and 1S37 can be obtained:

$4.00 each .'Chinese & Japanese Goods


52 FOUT STREET.N,wIUM.n, in Cups and

Flre Cml.?.

rrid'y away so is not to attract attention,audtn n gots u ruler "cover" and waits untiltho robbeVv is stale before coming cut.

' ".cond story" thieves are rarely, if ever,'

caught at work, hi the olden time, whentLemenin this 1 jio were all known, it was

; uuailv ea-y- t get them after a robbery.' at it and the poThev are all new men now,

BAKERY Stoves, Ilangcs and IIousekceiii!S Goods.AddressSaurees, Tea, Cigars, u --

GoodsAt C: really liertiicea rrlre. IT, HORN,RS

lice are at a Joss wmen way vo mm vtXiVXX iort Jnbune.II. M. WHITNEY,

Editor Tlanters' Monthly,ture them.- -

Regular shipments by ecry steamer.- ..in rnler. Practical Ccr.feetioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.

Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WorkC7

1Orocfr""'"71 Hotel Street- - ' ic 1254-J- m Hoaoiuiu, 11. 1.





CALENDAR SNtSrfTtinrr.ru. rCtiu CUifrrtiscmcnts.Cues From Other Circuit.


Kalauoia vs. Kekukahiko. Ejectment.Kane fur plaintiff; Kaulukou for de-fendant.

Kaloa, alias Kameuaiku vs. Nalimu.Ejectment. Achi for plaintiff; Castlefor defendant.

J. K. Kaunamano vs. W. A. Kiha etal. Ejectment. Holokahiki for plaintiff.

C. K. Kaihenui et al. vs. Kalala.Ejectment. Achi for plaintiff.


and denials, considerable uncer-tainty. The publication of the"White book" above mentioned has,however, settled the question con-clusively, and upon the authority ofno less a personage than the PrinceChancellor himself, who put3 the

squarely where it bo-long- s,

namely, upon his own country-men.

In an Instruction of October C,

1S8S, to the Consul General in Zanzibar, the truth is laid open in theclearest manner. Bismarck there

(EG A. 1ST & CO.) Honolulu, H. I.


English and American

75 and 77 Fort St.




FUKXISIIIXCi GOODS,I-Ia-ts and Caps, Trunks and Valises.

13XJY YOUKLadies', Misses', Children's & Gents' Shoes


50 l'JGl-oi- n

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.






Departments of Business:Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Coli.kctioxs will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a SSpkcialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedLegal. Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Pike ani Life Insurance effected in tirst-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Ni:gotiati:i at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skii.lkd and Unskilled Laror Furnished.Any- - Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

13 n utljoritii

mm)March 17th being named by Resolution

of the Legislative Assembly passed May4, 1382, as the Uirthday of KarueliamehaIII., and falling upon Sunday thiyear. SATURDAY, March l''th. will be ob-

served ns a National Holiday, and all'overnment Others throughout the Kin- - i

dom will be closed on that day.L. A. THURSTON. !

Minister of the Interior. (

Interior Oliee, March o, lss:. j

56-- 3t lld-l- t

Sealed TpiIt"Will be received at the Interior Office untiiMONDAY, Man li Is, l.s), at 12 o'clocknoon, to erect a Fire Engine House onMaunukea street.

I'lans and specifications can be seen atthe Office of the Superintendent of I'libl'ieWorks.

All tenders must be endorsed "Tcndcr-fo- rFire Engine House on Maunakca st.'

The Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or anybid.

LOKKIN A. THURSTON.Minister of Interior.

Interior 0ll.ee, Feb. 2'!. !.o2-.i- t


Royal Hawaiian Hand Concert, ThomasSquare, 7 :30 p. in.

Honolulu Rifles Company D, drill,7:30 p. in.

Kameiiameha (i'uakd King's Own, drill.7:30 p. ni.

J. (). O. F. Polynesia Encampment,7:30 p.m.

I. O. R. M. Hawaiian Tribe, Oahu Lodgeroom, 7:30 p. in.

Church Services St. Andrew's Cathedral.7 p. in.


Paciflc Commercial Advertiser.

He just and fear not:Let all tbe ends thou aim'st at bo

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

Fill DAY, march ir, isso.


Samoa is not the only part of theworld where the intemperate zeal ofthe local German officials, and theirdisregard of the rights and feelingsof other people, has brought about acondition of affairs which reauired

; uUmu guvernment to interposewith at least a partial disclaimerof having intended or desired theresults which have been actuallyproduced. At the same time, errorsin former proceedings have beenpointed out, and injunctions issuedas to more cautious action iu thefuture, in such a way as to bo verymuch like a reprimand.

It is not long since the Germanpapers were filled with copious ex-

tracts from a collection of oHieialdocuments, published by the Gov-

ernment in the form of what iscalled a " "Whito-book.- " Forty-fou- r

written instruments, all relating tothe East African troubles, were laidbefore the public. Theso includedOrders and Instructions of PrinceBismarck ; Reports of the Consul-Gtnera- l

in Zanzibar ; Directions ofthe German Government to its dip-lomatic representatives in England,France, Portugal and Belgium ; andlastly Resolutions in respect of thesuppression of the slave trade.

The founding of the East Africancolony had avowedly two distinct ob- -



Having had an extensive business experience for over twent3'-fiv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel conijjetent to attend to all business of an iintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

Bell Telephone No. 274.

Of Cae for the April Term, 18SU. ofthw Supreme Court.

HAWAIIAN JURY.The King vs. Jim Crow. Selling

liquor. Attorney-Gener- al for the Crown ;

Kaulukou for defendant.The King vs. Samuel Maikai. Per-

verting jubtice. Attorney-Genera- l forthe Crown.

The King vs. Kailiwai. Assault andbattery. Attorney-Gener- al for theCrown ; Kane for defendant.

The King vs. Sam Kalalau and LouisaAh Tim. Adultery. Attorney-Gener- al

for the Crown ; V. V. Ashford for de-

fendants.K. Kualii vs. Kaneluaia. Ejectment.

Kane for plaintiff; Barenaba for defendant.

Manini et al. vs. Kaaihue et al. Eject-ment. Poepoe, Kaneakua for plaintiffs.

Jsaahelua vs. Kaimana et al. Eject-ment. Kosa for plaintiff.


Miriam Keau vs. Antone J. Lopez.Ejectment. Achi for plaintiff; Kosa fordefendant.

Minister of Interior vs. James Keau.Assumpsit. Attorney-Gener- al for theCrown.

B. II. Kahananui vs. V. V. Ashford.Crim. con. Kosa for plaintiff; Creightonfor defendant.

Frank Joliva vs. J. L. Kaulukou. As-

sumpsit. Whiting for plaintiff; Kosafor defendant.

John F. Bowler vs. Ekalesia o Kau-makapi- ii.

Whiting, Creighton for plain-tiff; Castle for defendant.

M. K. Colburn vs. K. Cavford. Tort.Rosa, Whiting for plaintiff ;V. V. Ash-ford, Creighton for defendant.

Kaahanui vs. C. Kingsley. Trespass.Kaulukou for plaintiff; Peterson for de-

fendant.Naaina vs. Antone Richard. Eject

ment. Achi for plaintiff ; Brown lor de-

fendant.Edwin J. Hart vs. Executors wiil of

II. J. Hart. Assumpsit. Monsarrat forplaintiff".

John Scott et al. vs. E. M. Crowning-bur- g

et al. Assumpsit. Carter forplaintiffs; Brown for defendants.

Executors will of II. J. Hart vs. Hale-akal- a

Hart. Assumpsit. Brown forplaintiff; V. V. Ashford for defendant.

Trustees estate James G. Ilayseldenvs. Kekuewa. Ejectment. Hartwellfor plaintiff; Kane for defendant.

G. R. Keomaka vs. H. B. Lolielani etal. Ejectment. Achi for plaintiff ; Kanefor defendants.

Maria Coffin Apai et al. vs. Naholo-wa- a

et al. Ejectment. Rosa for plain-tiffs.


The King vs. Fred. Blackburn. Fastdriving. Attorney --General for the Crown ;

Neumann for defendant.The King vs. P. McDonald. Fast driv-

ing. Attorney-Genera- l for the Crown;Kaulukou for defendant.

The Kinir vs. Lau Niu. Possession ofopium. Attorney-Gener- al for the Crown ;

V. V. Ashford for defendant.The King vs. Capt. II. C. Iloudlette.

Violating immigration laws. Attorney- -

General for the Crown: Neumann fordefendant.

The King vs. J. R. Robertson. As-

sault with dangerous weapon. Attorney-Gener- al

for the Crown; Neumann, V.V. Ashford, Wilder for defendant.

The King vs. Chov Tung Sung. Possession of opium. Attorney-Gener- al forthe Crown : Castle for defendant.

The King vs. Ho Hee. Possession ofopium. Attorney-Gener- al for the Crown;Kaulukou for detendant.

The Kiner vs. Ah Lim. Opium in possession. Attorney-Gener- al for the Crown.

The King vs. Ah Kea. Possession ofa iril fvi lilt! - J U V II .

The King vs. George Hons. Disorder-ly house. Attorney-Gener- al for theCrown ; Neumann for defendant.

The King vs. Julia de Souza. Disor-derly house. Attorney-Genera- l for theCrown.

E. Barry vs. L. MeCully. Assumpsit.Ro.--a for plaintiff : Peterson for defend-ant.

Crawford & Co. vs. R. Briggs et al.Assumpsit. Magoon for plaintiff; Smithfor defendant.

G. W. Macfarlane vs. J. S. McCand-les- s

et al. Assumpsit. Ashford & Ashfordfor defendant.

Peacock & Co. vs. Bento d'Aubren.Assumpsit. Whiting for plaintiffs ; Ash-ford & Ashford for defendant.

Assignee Bankrupt Estate of A. K.Telekaluhi vs. W. C. Peacock. Trover.Brown for plaintiff; Whiting for defend-ant.

Wong Yau vs. Wong Wa Hoy. As-

sumpsit. Castle for plaintiff; Whitingfor defendant.

Ah Hoy vs. William Larsen. Case.Magoon for plaintiff; Attorney -- Generalfor defendant.

John F. Bowler vs. Hawaiian Govern-ment. Assumpsit. Hartwell and Whit-ing for plaintiff; Attorney-Gener- al fordefendant.

Administrator Estate of Wong Kim vs.Hawaiian Government. Assumpsit.Castle for plaintiff; Attorney-Genera- l fordefendant.

R. More et al vs. Hawaiian Govern-ment. Assumpsit. Neumann for plain-tiffs; Attorney-Genera- l for defendant.

Palmer & Kay vs. Pacific CommercialAdvertiser. Assumpsit. Creighton forplaintiff; Neumann for defendant.

Assignee . Bankrupt Estate W. II.Graenhalgh vs. L. J. Levey. Replevin.Ashford & Ashford, Creighton for plaintiff; Neumann for defendant.

James Love vs. A. Sing, et al. As-sumpsit. Monsarrat for plaintiff.

L. Ahlo vs. Anin, et al. Assumpsit.Castle for plaintiff; V. V. Ashford fordefendant.

F. J. Hills vs. J. E. Brown. Assump-sit. Brown for plaintiff; Neumann fordefendant.

S. Skinner & Co. vs. Tax Collector,Honolulu. Neumann for plaintiff; Atto-

rney-General for defendant.Hawaiian Government vs. E. B.

Thomas. Assumpsit. Attorney-Genera- lfor plaintiff.

Bishop & Co. vs. G. W. Willfong. As-

sumpsit. Smith for plaintiff.Gaspar Sylva vs. Administrator with

will annexed Estate Z. Y. Squires. As-

sumpsit. Hartwell for plaintiff; defend-ant per se.

J. F. Bowler vs. Hawaiian Govern-ment. Assumpsit. Hartwell and Whit-ing for plaintiff; Attorney-Genera- l fordefendant.

Administrator with will annexed Es-tate S. G. Wilder, et al. vs PhilipMilton. Assumpsit. Wilder for plaintiff.

William Henry vs. II. R. Macfarlane.Contract. V. V. Ashford and Magoonfor plaintiff.

Skinner & Co. vs. Hawaiian Govern-ment. Assumpsit. Hartwell and Neu-mann for plaintiff; Attorney-Genera- l fordefendant.

Assignee Bankrupt Estate A. M.Ilewett vs. James Campbell. Trover.Ashford & Ashford for plaintiff.

J. E. Brown vs. F. J. Hills. Assump-sit. Neumann for plaintiff; Brown fordefendant.

George Lucas vs. Brewer & Co. As-

sumpsit. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff.

THE RISDOIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beat and Howard Streets,

San Francisco CaliforniaW. H. TAYLOB. . . . PresidentK. S. HOoKE . Superintendent

Builders of Steam Minerv !

1 i

In all itsSteamboat, Stean-fbi- . Entaen Boiler,Uigh Pressu e or Conij-.ound- .

STEAM VESSELS of kind a built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or compo.-it-e.

ORDINABY ENGINES compounded when ad- -visable.

STEAM LAUNCHES, Herges and Steam Tugs con- -

structed witti refrreiice to the trade iu whichthey are to be em loved. Si tonnage anddrai t of water guaranteed. j

SUGAR MILLS and Su-.- ir Making Machinery '

ioadeafte- tne most approved plaus. Also, allBoiler Iron Work cou ut-cte- theie with.WATER TH E. of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any ;

size, made iu auitaMe lengths for connectingtO!ieth-r- , or Sheets rolled, punched ami packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HY')ItAULlC RIVETING, Boiler W ork and Waterl'ipes made by thU establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machi uery, that quality ofwork beius? far superior to hand work.

SHIF WORK, Ship and Steam Capstaus, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating I'uiups, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Aleuts and manufacturers for the TacificCoast of the Heine Safety Uoiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pinups for irrigation orcity works' pun oses, built witb the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

TOIIN DVKK HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Sprecktls' Block.

41-ri- in Agent for the Ilawn. Islands.


Paauha v Plantation, 1

Hawaii, March l, 188.Risaou Ii-o- and Locomotive Worts, San Fran-

cisco.Gentlemen We have used two of your

Filter I'i cssps this season. Theyare convenient, easily lianlled and ave workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed! A. Moore,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

These Presses are tcin carried in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prieesto meet the demand. A consignment Is now ontUe way.

Kisdoi) Iron & Vork,San Francisco.

JOHN" DYF.R HonoluluRoom X . 3 Spreckels' Ulock,

82 12 14 Asrent for the llawn. Islands.


This First-clas- s Family Hotel.IP bavins just changed hands, has beenthoroughlv renovated, together withthe KAPEXA PKEM1SKH now attached,and is prepared to receive gests

By the Day, Week or MonthAt treasonable Rates.

TABL.B UNSCTtPASSED. Transient questswill find every accommodation, a place whereall the comforts of a home cau be obtained

THOS. KROUSI Prop.Honolulu, II. 15f

PacificHardware Co.,

Fort St. Honolulu

Have Just Opened

New Lines of Goods

Which will repay inspection.

gFIn the Salesrooms on the secondfloor are many articles entirely new tothis market.

Special Goods at Special Prices JHousehold Goods in Large Variety!

Complete Lines

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,Etc., Plantation Supplies, Kero-

sene Oil of best ijuality.

I'acific' IIai;)Waki;.C., L'd.,12C.1 57-- v Honolulu.

Planters' Monthly

For February. UYdiK


NoKvsAVith our HeadersBeet Crop of WatsonvilleImprovement of Surar Cane(iov. YVarinoiith on 1 i II tisi nCoi'jzrrsMonal Snar Statistics1 illusion and t he Wanze Suu'ar FactoryHawaiian Commercial Company's

Plantation on MauiIniproVi-nien- t of Surar CaneYai iation and Selection in Plant Cul-

tivationProf. ILirris'jrr.s Letter on Cane Seed-

lings.California Beet Suuar IndustryEconomy of Sii'rar Hons FindSiiirar F.ounty in th" United StatesSuar Industry of the Cnited States.lava Diffusion SuccessfulNew Piine'p'e in Steam J'a kingAgriculture in ChinaDitfeience Ietween Cyclones and Tor-



Yearlv subscription .f 2 501 ore i in " 3 0liound Volumes 4 0


GZETTE PUBLISHING CO.,Merchant St., Honolulu.



Grocers, Provision and Eeed DealersNo. 52 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, II. I.

MIX hp JURY.L. T. Valentine vs. P. P. Kanoa. As-

sumpsit. Achi for plaintiff.Hannah Birch et al. vs. Hawaiian

Commercial x Surar Co. Trespass.Achi for plaintiff; Hartwell for defend-ant.

C. J. Fishel vs. B. II. Kahananui.Assumpsit. Neumann fvr plaintiff".

FOP.EIfiX Jl'KY.W. II. Cornwell vs. J. Fernandez.

Trespass. Neumann for plaintiff"; Ash-ford iNc Ashford for defendant.

Hawaiian Government vs. W. II.Cornwell. Ejectment. Attorney-Genera- lfor plaintiff; Neumann for defendant.

DIVORCES.Nawilia Brush vs. Manuel Brush. W.

O. Smith for plaintiff.Kaalemauna (w) vs. Alika 'k). S. K.

Kane tor plaintiff"; A. Kosa for defendant.Almira M. Kahananui vs. B. H. Ka-

hananui. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff;A. Kosa for defendant.

Ellen Davis vs. Daniel Davis. A. Koafor plaintiff".

Kaiann Kaai vs. David Kaai. A. Kosafor plaintiff.

Kamalu (k) vs. Waiwaiole (w). W.C.Achi lor plaintiff.

Akima vs. Louisa Akima. Neumannfor plaintiff".

Henrietta Simonds vs. S. P. Simonds.V. V. Ashford for plaintiff.

DAVID P. SMITH,Manufacturers' Agent, Importer and

Commission Merchant,

No. 28 Merchant St.. Honolulu.12U2 C2-3-


Artistic Engraver on Wood

(Late of Harper Bros., X. Y.)

Contracts Executed on ModerateTerms.

(Specimens of work at office).

DIPLOMA.Art Dkpt., Harper Bros, )

New York, April, 18874Mr. Felix Ollert was for several years em-

ployed in this establishment, and found acompetent engraver and in all respects ureliable and upright person.

J. d. Smith wick,Supt. Eng. Dept., Harper Bros., X. Y.

Orders received at J. E. Brown &Co.'s, 28 Merchant st. Gl-l- m


T ITE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFOREexi-tin- g under the firm name of the

Hawaiian Transfer Co. has this day beendissolved bv mutual consent.

(Sitrned) J. MuQUEEX.J. MCUllKli..

The above business will be continued byJ. McGuire, who will be responsible for alldebts of the old firm, and to whom allbills should be paid.

(Signed) J. McGUIEE.March 1, 1SSD. 02-3- t


The Weil-know- n Bk. Amy TurnerV

Will be laid on the berth in

BosiOTi for TilonoluTVu.In CIIAS. BREWER & CO.'s Line

of Packets,

To Sail in Julv Next!Persons desirinp to ship poods by this

vessel will please forward their orders asearly as possible to in-u- re shipment.

33" For further information apply to

C. BREWER & CO.,ucen street.

Honolulu. Feb. 19, ls. 1219 45-ln- i

JA "vl ES CAJRTYCau be found next door to the P. C. A.

Ufiiee, Merchaut Street.

Hacks Nos. 1J5, 37. 60, 75, 180AND WAGONLTTi: 1 J O.

XST liell Telephone J04, Mutual 590.2.i:(-t- f

HARRY'S LUNCH ROOMShotj:l stkkkt.

Open all Night! Meals at all Hours.

Keeis tlie liest Coflee, Tea ami Choco-late to be had in the City.

Mush ami Milk every morning.A Change of Dinner Every Day!

Cigars ! Cigarettes !

TOBACCO.'Choice Lots .Tust Keceited by

CHR. GERTZ, Fort Street,148-t- f liet Kin snl Merchant.

Firewood For Sale!

38 per Cord,


2n- - i i to FOKT ST KELT.


KG AN Si CO., 75 ami 77 Fort St.


29 12b0-- ti



Habaiia Cigars.

Bavarian Beer.of the Hackerbrau Brewery, Munchen;

Strasslmrg Beer.

Flenslmrg Beer.

Double Extra StoutBottled by M.IJ. Foster & Sons, London;

French Clarets,of superior qualities;

German Preservein tins.



150 1203-t-f

Ten DollarsKeward.

the Daily At,vERT1!.eu l0"?'1the store or resident of .ubScSf"-- 6 fro

oaoluln, March 30" iSf" OAzisTTE

repeats that according to the treatybetween the Sultan and the GermanEast African Society, the adminis-tration of the coast territory shouldtake place in the name and under theHag of the Sultan. The planting ofthe Society's flag in the face of thistreaty is declared to have been' neither ordered nor advisable."The conflict which broke out in con-

sequence of this planting is declaredto have been "caused by the agentsof the Society not having actedwithin the limits of what is actuallynecessary, as preliminary to accom-plishing daring undertakings in un-

known territory."This Instruction, which is long,

goes into many details of the doingsof the Society's agents and is a mostsevere and crushing criticism uponthe manner in which its affairs havebeen managed.


Transfixed by the shaft of truth,the Bulletin kicks like a bug on apin. Ilowover it may try, it cannotget away from the record it has madefor itself concerning frauds on therevenue. It had better drop pointlessgeneralities, and state concisely andplainly just when, where and how,wo have "misstated" tho case, or"misrepresented" tho Bulletin in thepromises.

If tho Advertiser were as fond ofwashing "dirty linen" as tho Palaceorgan pretends, tho time and spaceremaining at our disposal for otherpurposes would be seriously cur-tailed. The supply of soiled ma-

terial seems practically inexhaustible. Considering that it was notvery long before tho revolution of1SS7 that the Bulletin took occasionto remind its readers that it had beensometimes found necessary to cut offtho heads of Kings, in order to teachothers of their kind their properplaces, the present concern of thatjournal for tho reputation of theHead of tho Government is moreamusing than impressive. Fromregicide to regiolatry is a big jump.

Tiirj UA11U KA1LWAY.

Kapicl rrogress Made in CJrailiufj AIMeasant Koute.

Mr. B. F. Dillingham took the Adver-tiser reporter in his buggy behind asmart span yesterday afternoon, to seegrading operations of the Oahu Railwayline at Moanalua. Ng Fawn, the con-tractor for the grading, was met near thescene of operations and conducted theobservers along the banks of the abound-ing fish ponds to the place. "Work hasonly been going on lour days, yet thereis a stretch of the permanent way thrownup over a quarter of a mile in length.This represents the labor of forty men,and another gang of the same 'numberwas operating in sight half a mile nearertown. The latter having had to cutdown bush ahead of them, they had notdone so much grading-a- the former. Asthe embankment constructed is 22 feet

j wide at the bottom, 12 feet at top, from 3i to 3 feet high, and made very even on

top and sides, the progress made is al-- j

mnt surprising. The contractor had ex-- :p'rience in the same business on the

i Central Pacific read, and evidentlyknows how to get the most possible out

) of his labor. The men are living in vil- -

lages of tents, being provided with sup- -

plies by the contractor. They seemed'

to cnjy the supper they were having atthe nearer encampment on thi.- - occasion.

the contractor will not have to apply foran extension. At the place referred toabove (which is on land of Hon. S. MDamon) the earth seems to be of aquality to make a very firm roadbed,being a sort of clayey peat formed of de-composed seaweed. S'g Fawn calculatesthat an allowance of three inches will besutlicienc againt settling.

In Mr. Dillingham's preliminary pros-pectus he said nothing about the inter-mediate trathe in the three miles be-tween Honolulu and the Moanalua riceplantations and settlement. The terri-tory in question is, however, closely in-

habited for a large portion of the dis-tance, ensuring no despicable quota ofpatronage to the railway. Passingamidst very romantic scenery andblessed with delicious breezes from themountains, the line is bound to be pop-ular even as a health and pleasure route.The Chinese as well as the Hawaiiansand other settlers down country are de-lighted at the beginning of the railwayconstruction, as they fully appreciatethat it will be a great boon to them ina Hording cheap transportation to andfrom Honolulu, for themselves, theirfamilies and their merchandise.

Supreme Court.Mr. Justice Bickerton at Chambers on

Thursday gave another hearing to thematter of probate of will of CharlesPrenig. A. S. Hartwell for proponent;A. Kosa for appellant, Kenahu, thewidow. Upon exceptions of appellantat January term to order of Judge Bick-erto- n

allowing proponent's motion todismiss appeal, the question as towhether exceptions lie in such a matter

i was reserved for the full Court.

OUR GOODS tVE GIMKANTKKAlways Jt'reali and

CHOICE FRESH BUTTER,Island and California Our Special tvl

OUR MOTTO!Excellence of Quality



A- -

i J

i '


y i


' " r---


Family and Island. Orders Filled' with. Scruplons Care

gST TELEPHONE 130. ' SXT V. O. BOX 505.

jects ; one patriotic and commercial, j Ac-ordin- to the contract the wholeand tho other humanitarian. While i Uliks-

- l":Uvt;eu Honolulu and Pearlj Harbor is to bo graded bv July 1st.

on tho one hand German trade was j There being few if any formidable engin-t- o

be extended and German national i eering ditlieulties, the prospects are that

Manhattan Life

insttx.a:c:e co.Of Xcw Vork. KHtablished 1 K.).

This old Company now offers to the In-

suring Public its new

Survivorship Dividend Han

Which affords all the advantages of LifeInsurance during the earlier years of life,and at the same time makes a provisionfor old ae, as the Policy-hold- er can sur-render his Policy at the end of the Sur-

vivorship Dividkxd Peiuod and receiveits Fi ll Vaixe in Cash thus combin-ing Investment and Protection.

Any information cheerfully fur--

ni.-he- d.

JOHN II. PATY,26 12o6 Agent.


X TISIN'G AGENCY, 61 and 05 Merchant's Ex-- Ichancre, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts forkdvertirit ng cm be maie for It.

prestige increased, the suppressionof tho slavo trade throughout alargo portion of tho eastern coastwas also a result to bo secured. Theenterprise appealed powerfully topatriotic feeling, and great enthu-siasm was excited in its behalf, par-ticularly among tho younger mem-bers of tho aristocracy. Many .ofthose sent out as commanders oftrading posts were young noblemenwho had been trained for a militarycareer, and whoso enthusiasm forseeing tho German flag floating overtheir heads in foreign lands wasnaturally paramount to their in-

terest in the commercial aims of thocolony, or their sympathy for thevictims of the Arab slavo dealers.

Unfortunately, and as it now ap-psar- s,

unnecessarily, what shouldhave been a civilizing and beneficentmovement resulted in the productionof active hostilities. Serious andbloody collisions ensued, and tho entire region was thrown into a stateof violent disorder. As to the originof those troubles and where thoblame properly belonged, thero wasfor somo time, owing to contradic-tory reports, and a multitude ofofficial and somi-ofiici- al assorticn is




f1 1 Til 1 99


rROYALrjSolS J 4

IS We have just received a consignment of the


Canadian " Club Whiskey !

And olier the same for Sale

111 Bond or Duty Paid.W. C. PEACOCK & Co.

jm i;:?f


All Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices.




Pioneer Sliirt Factory, of Honolulu.INo. IT Emma Street.

-- o-

AKKIVAI.S.Till K- -l Y Mar. It.

Mmr F.w;i from l"va.Mmr J A (.'miliums. N" t il - ; i . t r t n Kuo- -

lau.Am vclir Rosalind, I.o r..ill,-- t r, JO i vs

f rotii .m i'ratn ico.N hr HtM-i- trm 1'iiuina.

itiii'Aiin i:r.s.Tut y. Mar. 1 1.

. Haw S S Australia, Ilou.llctti-- , for SanJ"r.irn'i-- ' 1.' in.

rv hr K;t M"i for IIamaku:i, Hawaii.

Ve-l- s I.-ai- To-tla- y.

StmrW'r; Hall, f'hunry, for Maui andHawaii. 1 a m.

Mmr i' U I . i 1 i . !. t.'Iaire. fr circuitor Oali'i. ! a in.

Sttur I'.wa for I'.wa.li r Mary t' r llan.-iN-i- .

N-h- .ir.tli ain 1 Kii.a lor Koolau.

V'h-1- h in I'orl from l'or-ij;i- i l'ortn.i: SS Al rt, ir't'ii. Hawaii.JI 15 M S Cormorant, Nirholl. Kauai.lik Aldcn l'.fs, ( 'tm-i- m, San 1'ram ico.lik lle-i't- r, Kyin r. Ni-- a-t- lc.

l!k IMnmri'l riiinney, Vniin, Newratlc.ling Alexander, Hal-e- y, New i'.fuford.l'.tne 'io H Iou'las. .1 tu'i i! immi , S I'.Am Mm kt Morning Star, ' in Hand . S .S I.IV't J 1 sprtekel-.- , ( hritian-en- , Kalmlui.Haw lik Lady Lam p' m , Soilerrren, S '.l!k Wloritv, Martin, Honykontj.Schr Rosalind, Le lialliter, San Francisco.


Vhh'!h I :!-- ' 1 . I Irmii Kor-l;jt- i

Wlicre l'rrrn .

O S S Walla Walla. San Francisco . Apt i!.Selir J i North . . San Francisco . Mar 10Hk C I) liryant.. San Franci-r- o MarSchr V S liowiic San Francis o . Mar 1 1

hchr Kourio . . . San Frami-co- . Mar L'ojsr.hr Ma Sehn.nuor.. San Frami-c- o .MarI?K'tn' W Irwin.. .San l,'ran'ico .Mar Hlik Sonoma .San Franri-c- o Mar JOTun J (' l''orl San Francisco Mar inI?k Forest Queen .San Franc ix o . .MarLViHk J A Kinj; San Franri-c- o Mar:ilIiktne I'lanter San Francisco Mar L'O

Tern F E Saii'lers . San Francisco .MarL'7Tern Dora l'.Uihm. San Francisco MarLM15k t Amelia San Francisco MarLTijs .S Mariposa San Francisco. ..Mar 15lik S C Allen San Francisco Mar 31l!ktneSt W'ihler . San Franei.seo. Mar L".

Ilk Ir MezK'er Newcastle .Mar 1.)

likt Robert Mnltlcn Neveatl . . I V h rlik Victoria Newcastle. .

lik Del. Melanie . . Newca-tl- e .Mar ."'.o

lik Maatlan Newcastle Mar .51

lik laf rrypvascn. Newcastle April 1

lik(. 15 Kenney Newi-a.-tl- April 10lik Now shoy. ..... . .Newcastle. ... .April L'olik I'akwan Newcastle April inliktnejohn Smith Newcastle. .. .April 1"15k Haiiea ........ . Liverpool Aui; 2015r bk IJoyal .Mice. Liverpool May '21JSchr Triumph Victoria . Mar ''."S-h- r Waiiualti P.aker's Island.. M ir !.'likt (ieo C Perkins. Mexico Mar f!

lik N Wilcox .... P.remen May J

Ilk Deutsclilanl IJremen July L'")

15k Jamaica (Jlaow pril 2JSli l'aul Isenherj?. . . ilaow Slav 4

Daily Kcrcipls of I'roducp.l'tMia HUirar. ltaj,'s rice. yUa. pkfe'a.

Jjtrar Cummins.. 1 30) ... ....



. San Fr.iiu isco, tier chr Kesalinil,Mrs 11 Kvanrs.

liKPAItrt 1!1 s.For San Francisco, er S S Australia.

Mar 14 Mrs M Loiiis.-o- n, Miss I'elle buis-son- ,M r-- J Coit and maid, T I iVrgenj Miss

K Milian, Mrs H l'erger and .son, F. A"Ward, D J Treiher. wife and child, U J bil-li- e

ami wife, Mrs lieimett, Mrs 5ilboiis,Kev A C Walkup and .'i chil.lren, Win Mi-ller and wife, Mrs A do S Canavarro andChild, O Spalding, J H Uohinsoiu andwife, W finrnh.im, Mrs A A Pratt, Mrs PT Cro.ss. J T Cros, Mrs V. M Mar.shall andchild, J L McLean and wile, Hon E 1 1 Al-

len arid wife, M r Fletcher and 2 child icn,Col (Jlaus Spreckels, Mrs Sjri'ckels, MissEmma Spreckels, Wm Whitehead, .t SItichards and wife. It E Hilliard and wife.Mrs A M Tufts, Miss MV Tufts, Miss MF Cushing, Miss M S drilling, Miss L J'Parks, II P Roy, H W Parke. II A Smith,Misses Smith (h V" Williams, A Page andwife, Henrv K Hyde. F E Rand. L V (Janl-,ie- r,

Mrs A Clarke, Sifter Winifred. P ('Jones and wife, O liv.ldsmith and wife, 1' HRoyce, Miss M E Dcrhv. MrsJ II Fisherand child. .) A McCandloss, Dr P A Mor-row, C E Williams, li Uraham, II C Lyon,II 1) Taylor, and 1H steerage passengersincluding 13.'$ Portuguese (50 adults and 77children).


The bnrk Lady Lampsou is still on theMarine Railway."

The steamer W. C. Hall sails at 10 o'clockthis morning for Maui and Hawaii.

The schooner Heeia brought W hagssalt from Puuloa on Ihursday for Hon J 1

H?1"1,' ;The barks Alden Rosso and Edmund

Tit ... .1... 1.,1 ....i,,., i;,,..their coai.

The hark Velocity will finish unloadingcargo next week. She will return to Hong-kong with Chinese passengers.

The steamer J. A. Cummins arrived onThursday from Heeia and Waimanalo with1,300 hags sugar for the hark lle.spc-r- . Shewill leave again next Monday.

The stern-whe- el teamer Ewa arrived onThursday from Ewa with soo bunches ba-

nanas from the Hon. M. P. Robinson'sranch for the steamship Australia.

The American topsail schooner Rosalind,Captain J. E. Le RallNter. arrived Marchlttli, L'O davs from San Franci-c- o, and wasmoored at" ltrcwer's wharf. She broughta cargo of general merchandise, consignedto Messrs. Theo. 11. Davirs A: Co. Hadlight winds from tho S. W. tho lirst part ofthe passage; thence had northwest winds.The Rosalind has been iecently plying be-

tween Kahului and san Francisco. Marin-ers are puzzled to know what her rig is, hutthe captain claims ho is a topsail schooner.It is safe to state that she is the firt vesselof her rig that ever came here.

Tho Hawaiian sto uudiip Australia sailedon Thursd iv, March 11th. for San Fran-

cisco with saloon and IIS steerage pas-

sengers. l!),0U'i bags Miar (L.7l,41l lbs.),(kHO bags rice. 7 bags eottee. 3 I barrels tallow 4 packages Hawaiian e.nuii, i.ti.hides, 1,0LV goat and -- hoep skins, ".o07

bunches bananas. 1 box gold com eontam-incX- l(iO0 shipped by Messrs. M. Phiihps

iV Co.. and 3:." packages sundries. The.chief consignors were; W. L Irwiu tt Co..

"j(i,0i:hags sugar; H. A. Wideniann, 2. lis j

do.; C. Afong. 1.1 10 do. ; A. . . ( ampbell.4t) bunches bananas; W. L Irwin it t o.,

l ti Camarino. !:o do. loreign ;

value, '$10,xs0. Dome-ti- c value, $133,037.41.

Tb undersigned Vies to Inform the public of these islands tbit he ia making Shirts bymeasurement. Directions for will be ttireu on application.

White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Gowns.A fit guaranteed by making a sample Sbirt to every order. Island erders solicited.


.a.,gW Bell Telephone 410.


Soo Tramw ays Co.'s special ii"ic; f...rSatunlav ainl Sunday.

1'aia I'laiit it ion's annual mc-'ti-;

l on Mond.iv m-xt- .

Mr. N-- r t I.o'us Stt-vcii.-- re ri.-- -

tl-i-! ai tilt- - IT.ffl

To-n- i M's moonlight rt will !.in tin -- had-.-, of Thorn ,s V.jaari-- .

Th? Koyal Ac:i''orii in "-- t i n lt ap-pointed for to-'la- y has I .. n

Tho ruail Mnt to San Franei-:r- o j.orS. S. Au.-tral- i.i comprised 4,-14- I'ttt-r- s

ami 'J,l;j'2 prints.

Two now nu-rnber- s Here elected at theiVbatin Sx;i-ty'- s ineetin;,' Thursdayni'ht. At next meeting tho suhject will

j he, " Iosoleil, That marriage is not afailure." Mr. Lalfer'y, affirmative ; Mr.

' Lulling, negative.

James Thorn p.--on ye.-terl-ay eveningj rarj from Fort .street to the police re-

ceiving station in nineteen .seconds. TheI exact distance is unknown but Jamesj considers lie made tr iod time. Perhaps

some ether lad will pve him a contest ofspeed.

There was a reat throng on theOceanic wharf to see the steamer Aus- -

tralia otf vesterdav. The hand finished aprogramme with American, Lnylish and(leiman national airs. The pasenTlist, to he found in the shipping news, iso ie of the very largest on record for thehue.

Special olhcer Kinsloy having col-lected fifteen suspectetl lepers at Lwa,thej- - were examined by Dr. Alvarez,( iovernraent physician, w ho oeclared sixinfected and ordered the rest to report tohim monthly until further notice. Therebellious lepers are still in their cavestronghold.

The U. S. S. Monongahela sailed fromSan Francisco under sealed orders onthe same day with the schooner Rosa-lind. Some people thought she wasgoing to Honolulu, although a reportpreviously publisiicd here was that shewas going direct to Samoa. The Motion- -

gahela is the stoieslnp lor the Pacificstation.

Excavations near the Insane Asylumhave disclosed a large deposit of astrange crystalline substance somewhatresembling amber. It is nearly trans-parent, looks like dirty ice, and takes ahigh polish. Samples are in the handsof Mr. John A. llassinger, (Terk of theInterior, and will be submitted to anassayer.


Interest IJeriviii: ! Jtoth IJatlalionw"The Kamcli.iiiicha Guard."

Last night was the regular drill nightof Co. A, Honolulu Riiles (at the Rifles'Armory), and of the Lelciohoku Guard,of the 'Jd Rattalion (at the Queen streetarmory). Thre was a good attendance

over thirty privates, besides ollicersand file-close- rs in each company. Col.Ashford visited both armories.

Mr. K. R. Thomas proposed to presentCo. A w ith steel engravings of American,English, German and French militaryincidents, for the decoration of that company's room in the Armory. Capt. Zeig- -

ler and his command formally acceptedMr. Thomas' oflcr by company vote.

It is reported that interest in militarymatters is decidedly reviving. This isespecially the case in the Rifles. A newdrum corps is being formed by DrumMajor King.of that Rattalion, and prepar-ations are being pushed by ollicers andmen for a full parade on Decoration Day

as that has come to be acknowledgedas a sort of military holiday in Honolulu.It is also understood that orders wentforward to the East, by yesterday'ssteamer to complete the equipment ofthe ollicers of the lM Rattalion.

This latter corps have unanimouslyadopted tho suggestion made by CoLAshford at the dinner some time agogiven by him to the ollicers (and report edin the Advertiser at the time), by tak-ing the name of " Kamehameha Guard "for the liattalion a proposition whichhas been approved at military headquar-ters; and the L'd Rattalion will hence-forth be known by that name, as the 1stBattalion is known bv the name of the

Original companv of that now historic1 1 ju.VV'l'S Hie uuuuiuiu inula.


A Cmmlttal for liurglary.Iopia Kabele pleaded not guilty,

Thursday, to the charge of house-breakin- g.

Piling Xum, a Chinaman living onLiliha street, testified that on returningfrom down town he found defendantsearching about in his room. He gavealarm and chased defendant, who turnedand struck him. He found that twopurses one containing small change,the other a tax. receipt were missing,also that his door had been broken open.Defendant was committed for trial at thenext term of the Supreme Court.

Win. Carrigan forfeited $G for drunk-enness.

Vee Cluing alias Ah Sain, chargedwith embezzlement of $00, was triedafter remandments running back toFebruary 14th. V. V. Ashford assistingprosecution; J. A. Ma goon for defend-ant. The trouble arose in laundry trans-actions. Defendant was remanded fordeoi.-io- ii till to-da- y.

. . --

PuWie Moonlight Conceit.The Royal Hawaiian Rand will give a

concert this evening at Thomas Square,commencing at 7 :L.. Follow ing is theprogramme :

1. Overture Tancrcdi ...... Uos-i- ni

Fin V Tannhau-e- r WarnerW '. Morjjenblatter ... Strauss

i. Reminiscences of Verdi. . . ... GodfreyHooheno. Hilo Kuna Loke Oiwi Nani.

5. Eanta-i- a Eonre in the Eore-t.Michao- lis

Fantasia Echoes of the Forest. HiedelF.urlesciuc A Comical Contest ..Godfrey

. (uadril!e- - don Jour ..Zik.Hawaii Ponoi.

3Iorch.-n- t Street Claims.Claimants for damages in the wid:-n-im- ;

of Merchant street were notiliedearly in December last that the Govern-ment was prepared to settle. Those whocame forward in response to that notiti-catio- n

were settled with, except such asdeclined to accept the awards, and thesewill require a new commission to adjudi-cate on their claims.

There are 7809 places licensed tosell liquid refreshments in Xew YorkCitv. I

' ;wr la. L. .Mol.pan and Mi .Ir-ntii- r

K. (irieve Vnited for Life.I:i the fresh and cheerful light of yes-

terday morning Mr. James IouzadaM Lean and Miss Jennie Rowe Grievev re joined in the marital bonds at therei i..nce of the bride's parents on Nuu- -

arm Avenue. Rev. E. G. Reckwith, D.D., pastor of Central Union Church.o;!iciated in the solemnization of thecntract, in the presence of the nearrelatives and friends of the parties.Decoratioi.s of the parlor, in which themarriage took place, were very pretty,consisting of palms, vines and bouquets.At the aj 'pointed hour oi half-pa- st l thebridegroom led the bride into the roomand beneath a lover's knot of flowerstied with silken ribbon, w hich connected ',

tw o upright palms so as to form an arch.Mr. Wray Taylor having heralded andsaluted the entry of the couple with the"Endal March" on the piano, Dr. Reck-with was not long in reaching his beni- -

zons upon them as husband and wife.Those who had the great pleasure of

congratulating the very happy lookingtwain made one were Mr. and Mrs.Robert Grieve, the bride's parents; Mrs.Eberhardt, grandmother of the bride;Capt. and Mrs. V. R. Godfrey, Mr. andMrs. Robert Gray, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.Reynolds, Mrs. E. II. Pomro3', Mrs.Auld, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLean, Mr.and Mrs. V. II. McLean, Mr. and Mrs.W. L. Grieve, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hare,Miss and Master Hare, Mr. J. II.and Master Robbie McLean, and Messrs.Taylor and Logan of the Rulletiu andA ovektise k res pec t i vely .

As Mr. and Mrs. McLean were leavingat noon by the steamer Australia for awedding tour ttirough the States andCanada, the bride was married in a snugbiown traveling costume. Both brideand groom carried themselves throughthe ceremony with a natural and un-all'ect- ed

grace that heightened thecharms of youthfulness belonging toboth. A brighter and more engagingpair has not joined life interests in Hon-olulu. Miss Grieve had frequently de-

lighted audiences in public with hercultivated talent in vocal music, and asMrs. McLean it is pleasant to know thather home is not to be bej-on- d this com-munity. Mr. McLean being head book-keeper for tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navi-gation Company, will of course begin hissettled married career in Honolulu afterreturning with his bride from theirhonevmoon excursion. This is a pleas-ant assurance to the young lady'sparents, who are among the mostesteemed of the older foreign residents.

After the marriage the company wereconducted to the dining room, where asumptuous wedding breakfast wasserved. Resides the grand wedding cakereferred to in last issue, tho table bore aprofusion of most toothsome viands. Be-

sides the delicacies furnished by Mr.Horn, caterer for the occasion, there wasdelicious cake of the mother's own mak-ing. All did full justice merrily to therepast, the health of the newly-wedde- d

couple being enthusiastically honored.After rising from the festive board

there was not much time left to escortthe happy pair to the steamer, nearlythe whole party driving to the Oceanicwharf in procession. At that point theyreceived the hearty congratulations andgood wishes of many other friends. Thebridal stateroom engaged by Mr. Mc-

Lean on board the Australia was beauti-fully decorated with Mowers. Beforeleaving the house the gues-t- inspected alarge array of wedding presents, includ-ing beautiful objects of silverware, handsome household goods ot dmerent sorts,and other friendly tokens.


Corporation Notice.


of the Paia Plantation will beheld at the o trice of Castle & Cooke, onMONDAY, March 18th, at 10 o'clock a.m.,to consider business of importance.

II. LAWS,01-- 3t Treasurer.



nage Horse (mare preferred).Applv at No. 50 Merchant street.

02-3- t

Taken Under Distress.

T II ERE AS, D. T. BAILEY OF HONO-- 'lulu, agent or assignee of the former

occupant, has made default in the paymentof rent of certain premises situated onMaunakea street, in said Honolulu, andhas allowed the same to become in arrearsand, whereas tho undersigned has dis-trained tho goods and chattels of said 1).T. bailey to satisfy such arrears. Noticeis hereby given that said goods and chat-tels, to wit: 5 bedsteads, 1 lounge, range,water heater and furniture, 2 large tables,1 coilVe and tea container, 3 lamps, 1 mir-ror. 3 dozen plates, 2 ice chests, i dozentups, 5 sugar hols, 1 hand wood saw, 8doon small dishes, 2 dozsm falks, 1 dozenknives. 2 dzen spoons, 10 pitchers, andsiindrv articles wilt be sold at public auc-tion on FRIDAY, March 22, A. D. 1SS9, at12 o'cioek noon. KALAMA,

Landlord.Honolulu, Marcli 0, lss'j. 50-- 2 w

Hawaiian Traoiways Co.




March loth and 17th.

Half Hourly Service to Waikiki !

The O.uir C'oi.i.i:t;n Car will not runon Saturday.

No Car from Palama at 12. 00 noon,4.00 . m. and 5.00 p. m.

On and after 9.30 a. tn., all Cars leav-

ing Palama will run through to Waikikiexcept O.Aiir College Car on Sunday,which will leave Palama at 12.20 p. m..and S.oO p. m. the other times as perTime Table. 04 -- 2t

The Anti-Illic- it I.iUurL nfUit Sen-- :i

ion Declared Void. t

A four-fifth- s majority of the Supreme,Court has declared unconstitutional andvoid the main provisions of the Act oflast session of the legislature, to prevent i

the unlawful sale of intoxicating liquors.The Court rind the title not applicableto the objects and therefore unconstitu-tional. Certain provisions are foundcontrary to the Constitution as beinjclass legislation, and others likewise inviolating the property rights of citizens.The wording of one of the principal sec-tions is severely condemned as indefiniteand ambiguous.

This opinion is rendered on the appealof August C. Fernandez against conviction and fine of $L'o and costs in theHonolulu Police Court, for the offenseunder the Act of having on bis premisesfive gallons of wine and beer, he hold-ing a license to do business and notbeing one of those coming under the ex-

ceptions of druggists and licensed liquordealers. Another provision of the sameAct was recently declared unconstitu-tional in a suit by Wing Wo Chan Com-pany to recover liquors seized under theAct."

Associate Justice Dole dissents fromthe Chief Justice and other three Asso-ciate Justices. He holds that the intention of the Legislature being plain, thereis not such ambiguity in the expressionas should justify judicial nullifying ofthe legislative will, the Legislature hasthe power to restrict the liquor traffic, andto limit constitutional property rights inthat respect for the common welfare. Ithas a right to use very strict measuresfor the suppression, particularly, of theunlawiul sale of liquor.

Where the majority order the conviction quashed, the dissenting Justice holdsit should stand.

Cnu Uncrtiscniriits.

Subscribers to the Daily Advertiser ofWeekly Gazette, who do not receive theirpapers promptly by the carriers, are requested to give immediate notice by tele-phone or otherwise to the Gazette office,telephone number 88.

Partnership Notice.

MESSRS. WILLIAM A. BO WEN ANDD. Tenney have been admitted

as partners in the firm of Castle & Cooke.S. N. CASTLE,J. B. ATIIERT0N,GEO. P. CASTLE.

Honolulu, Marcli 5, 18W).1201 50--1 w

DUESSMAKIimRS. M. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCEDthe business of Dressmaking, Cutting and

Fitting, at her residence, 'o. 73 iVretania street,opposite the Hotel. The patronage of the ladieBis respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaran-teed. 88-t- f 1243-l-

TO LET.THE STORES, Nos. 85 and 87

km King street, next door t the cor.of Fort street, will be to let onthe first day of May next.

iTiy-Ter- ms liberal. Inquire ofl0-3- m HENRY WATE11HOUSE.

IK. WEIR,VVTOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY HISt 'riends and the public generally that he

has purchased the Blacksraitn and Carriage Shopformerly conducted ry A. Morgan at Nos. 79 and81 King street, where he Is now prepared to doall kinds of Carriage Painting and Trimming,Carriage and Heavy Wagon Work and GeneralBlacksmithing with promptness and dispatch.Satisfaction guaranteed. 131-t- f

Rooms to LetAT NO. 4 GARDEN STREET,Honolulu 31-l- ui



from one to an entire set in-

serted on sold, silver, allurj- -inum and rubber bases. fil

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with the'atest improvements in dental science. W.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

:& 98 Hotel street, at Dr. Grossman'sold stand. 55--1 y

Election of Officers.

T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF- the stockholders of the People's Ice &

Refrigerator Co., held this day, the follow-ing named persons were elected as officersfor the ensuing year:

J. K. Wilder PresidentYV. W. Hall Vice-Preside- nt

AV. E. Foster SecretaryW. E. Wall TreasurerW. O. Smith Auditor

The above named officers constitute aBoard of Directors.

W. E. FOSTER.Secretary P. I. it R. Co.

March 5. I$s9. 57-2- w



EXPECTING TO LEAVE HONOLULUJ for China shortly, notice is hereby

given that Mon ai will transact allmatters of business connected with thetirm of Tong On Jan Company under afull power of attorney. X1 CHAN,Managing' partner of" the firm of Tong On

Jan Company.Honolulu, Feb. 15. 1S50. 41-l- m

TO LET.A LARCE AND COMFORTABLEHouse on Punchbowl street, bet.Palace Walk and ISeretama street.

Applv to IK. J. S. McOREW,46-t- f Hotel Street.


Absolutely Pure.For quick raising, the Royal Baking Powder isuprior 10 an otner leavening amenta. It is ab-

solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening rower. It is always uniform Instrength and quality and never fals to makengnt, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Hread, biscuits, muffins, cake. etc.. rais.l vituRoyal Baking Powder may be eaten ho withoutdistressing results to the most diicate digestiveorgaus. it will keep in any climate withoutueterioration.

Prof. H. A. Mott. tr. B. Government Dinmlatafter examining officially the principal bakingjMwurj-- ui i country, reported:

"The Roval Baking Powder is ahsolutelv pure,for I have so found it in manv tests mii hnthfor that company and the United States Government.

"Because or the facilities that company havefor obtai ni n perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of tho same, ana the method of itspreparation, the Royal Baking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Db. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. P.,"5 1221-l- y rj. S. Government Chemist.


FLORIDA WATERThe Universal Perfume

For the Toilet, the Bath and the Handkerchief.

In view of the attempts maderecently by some unscrupulousdealers, to foist upon the publica worthless imitation, bearing thegeneral outward appearance ofthe genuine, we call attention tothe distinguishing marks of thegenuine Murray & Lanmah

FLORIDA. WATER.Each bottle of the genuine

article bers on its neck the TradeMark, which appears alongsidethis notice ; and on each leaf ofthe pamphlet, which is wrappedaround it. appears in faint watermark letters the words

LANMAN & KEMP,NEW YORK.n Ielther Ie lacking1 reject

the article as spurious.

DOWNING & SCnMIDTWholesale Agent

San Francisco, CaU



119 1240-l- y

Bi.? G has given univer-salf Jr Cnrei In """C satisfaction in thef TO 6 DATS.Xf cue of Gonorrhoea and

i'OoarmntMd not to VI

fSf aiue Strtotur. Gleet. I prescribe It andfeel safe in recommend-ingVrd only by (halnj It to all sufferers.

V dnclnnsU.t: "JiS k. J. ST0XER. M.D.,V Ohio. Jt I Decatur, lit.

PRICK. SI. 00.Trade Sold by Druggists.

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,1201-l- v Apents.

riio Only nig PITfl 11 P" HFJIFDTihat will cure B 1 f- 1 IlHI" Electricity.i)R. Piekck's iiUl 1 CJ I1& is tho onfyKLFTRtc Truss in the world. Cauipiiiots mailed fre.i:. T. Co. 704 Sac'to St, San i'rancisco.C'al. U.S--

FOR ITiiPURITYOf the blooiT, no other medicine is equalto Ayer'a Compound Concentrated Ex-tract of Sarsaparilla. This preparationspeedily and effectually expels from thesystem all lurking taints and obstruc-tions ; heals Ulcers and Sores ; removesBlotches, Pimples, and other skin dis-figurements; and makes the complexionclear and beautiful. For


it is an unrivalled specific, and shouldbe resorted to at once by all who barethe poise- -, of scrofula in their systems.

Ayer's Sarsaparillais an excellent tonic, and is invaluablefor restoring the nervous forces to theirnormal condition. It promotes thedigestion and assimilation of food, givesstrength and vigor to the constitution,and cures all diseases arising fromdebility and poverty of the blood.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla is pleasant totake ; has stood

THE TEST OF TIMEhaving been for forty years a family

medicine cf the highest repute ; andphysicians of all schools, to whom itsformula is known, recommend and useit freely In their practice.


Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.

Sold by Drugist3 and Medicine Vendors, .


HM y Bole Agnts Hawn. Islaisds.

Aud JtiMt Lauded

Galvanized Barb Wie,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Naila,

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Hhoe Nails.

- fim

m:. millis- -104


1 11 Flue Order.

Barrel Shooks and ITeads,Ax Handle,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

Ct nal Baarows,Nests Trunks.

Daily P. C. Advertiser

IMedl.ims in the J Kingdom

Second-han-d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, "White Tine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, Fire Claj, Marble Dnst.

if,Electric5 Kerosene Oil,"Downer's" Oil, "Eelmontine" Oil, Tard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallon in each).Plaster, Koaendalo Cement, Portland Cement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lacterns.

Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

Hair MattrensJes, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, Ox Bows,

. Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks).Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

Hand Carts, Baby Cairia. Basnets, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension TopCarriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage.


H. E. --Molntyre & J3ro.,IMPORTERS AKD DEUBRH IK

Q-rocerie- s, ."Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

5Tew (Joods received by ev-r- v parttpt from the Eastern States and Europe resh CaliforniaPrcdare by every steamer. A II orders fith?iii!y attend-- d to, find Ooods delivered to any part of ttmcity free of charge. Island orders ao'.icited. s . refaction (ruaranteed. PoRtolnce Box No. 41

mai;i:ii:i.McLEN-(iIUEVE-I- n this city. March

14th, bv tho Rev. Dr. E. (J. Reckwith. Mr.Jarues L. McLean to Miss Jennie lL.onlvdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grieve.

Keservolr Cmitrart.

Messrs. Walker A Red.vard have boon

awarded the contract for constructing a

reservoir near the Electric Light Station,

Kuuanu valley. Mr. Wory's tender was

lower than theirs, but his and Mr.

Rovle'a bids were not considered, as

thev wanted more time than was speci-

fied Following are all the tenders :

Peter High ...... 10,600 00


The Weekly Gazette and

At tl BestSAdTsrtlsins:



,1 1


- SIDAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MARCH 15, 18S1.Igeneral 7 I r c r t is c iu c n t s . ' f ?T f f f c



HOW THEY ARE PERFORMED.r--pv TCE3A Murvelmn MiUv of M.lr-Wnnd- or-


tractor, and is now better prepared tu do any and all kinds of wurkappertaining to contracting or any other class of work beh-n-'ini- to his trado, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds f work appertr.iii-in- g

to the building trade that: may be entru-te- d to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull timet1, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doir.g well.






Sehvig & Lanse's Pav.ent

S i

Thanking the public for past favors.I remain respectfullv vours,

GEO W. LINCOLN.05 AdvertiserIS to SO fliamliprs.

W),i h lnvo rrovp.l a trreat pn.-rrs- s at Ltlaie,ILiuMunuln, Kekata, Vinii', Koloa, Labaina,Lau5,i!:of hot-- , etr., ami wt.n h are j rovideJwith tLe late st iiuj rovemeuts ; also.


. Tresident ana Manapor

.Trt asurer and hecretaryAuditor

T'. Joiif". Jr. . . .I. O. CarterIlea. W. i . Alien.

ful l'flfortnaiice of M:m Ini

With thf riwiTH of the l ire and j

Itrlmotoii World.

Tlio jn .f.'scr wns a Tittl-- i rrrin, ;?rroin !

anl xi:uisivo ia tlm inntt r t shirt frcijt,red ns to hair nn i LV.ol wit!) a surprLinnmrditii'l f slfi'vi-aii'- l tail.

"inli's j:nl ho 1 nn, con:into tho front Z ta .sLi-- p on-- l turning backLis t ufT-- i with nn inri'r"'. nt air an-- that gen-

erally cloau f.ngcrt-.- l dfxti-rit- wl.irU char-acterizes tho tiiatmal moti'Tis cf .'leih4; ofban.l iiwn "ladies and goniL-ir.cn- . -- z,tzyour iardoii ii; a:lvn cr- - for tl.j LL-'f.- I uintalcing, I wLh to ?t-U- o that in the hall ofthis ri.'ra ln-us(- just titsiu. tho door, thereUafuwet corno'-tf-- with tho ruj" bi--

supply tho city svith water. If some younsgontleniau in the au-iienc- w ill ho so kind 03

to fill this tin utensil in my hand' ho lilteda tin quart Ludf-- t fmm tho tablo and tapixlic wiLh his forefinger "with water tromthat faucet, I thall proceed to hurn it notLoil it, understand mo, but burn tho waterwith a lhirno waich you may all see."



Hon. C. R. I'.iBtop. Don. II. Vsaterliouse

"W" Y E T TrT ' S


Contains all the nutritive virtues of the best Malt Liquors while it is FREE(round corners)

Iron Tanks. 3 sizes;Baxter Engines,

Deane's Steam Pumps,irom an siimuiaimg enecis.NUUAXU STREET,

Have Just Received by Late Arrivals jStot beyeeage. Steel Bails & FixturesPoi table Track", Sleepers & Switches,

Corrugated Iron, all lengths;--o-A large and well assorted Stock of

hand-painte- d China The following analysis the proportion of alcohol in the Malt Extract as Com- -

pared witn --uau 141101.Dinner and Tea SetsTo which the attention of intending DUX Alcohol... CTJ

tirworv w lir't.cl ns no rofxlft of ooualw - - . - - -y ripialitv have ever been imported into

After a littlo natural persistence and somourging from tho professor u couplo of j oungentlemen, acl af .out 13 summers, eonveyt 1

tho tin bucket :mt into tho hall, whence theypresently returned with a quart of water,ivhich tho professor demonstrate 1 to Ijo purewater by drinking a few swallows of it. AUgestion from tho rear of tho hall that tha

growler might contain beer w as properly ig-

nored, and tho remainder of tho clear fluidwas iourod from tho bucket iuto a glass iruitdish.

"tialamandissimus, salaniandDsl'' remarksthe pi 'fessor, solemnly, while ho wavei iiLands over tho surface of the water. "I com-

mand thee, once; I command thee, twice; Icommand thn three times, in tho jiamo ofbrimstone, lire I''

1- - ire bricks, Mates,Fire Clay, Asbestos,

AVliite Bros Portland CementGermania P. Cement,Keg Shooks, Rivets,Sugar and Coal Rags,Coal Baskets, Twine,Stockholm and Coal Tar, Etc.

T"r Sale at Lowest Kates by

Extractive WaterMatter.

2.1 iU.l2.S 91.4

15.0 S2.4;

IX THEthis market. Also, all varieties and English snall beerqualities oi Lager beer (Brooklyn). 2.8

2.54Malt extract (Wyeth's).Silk Uaiulkerchiefs,The Manufacturers, Messrs. Jno. Wyeth & Bro., Phil., have appointedOf Chinese and Japanese make. Also,

TO ARRIVE by bark "VELOCITY,"BENSON, SMITH & COMPANY,now due, an assortment of


13;-li- a

Notice of Copartnership.m SOLE AGENTS i OK '11 1, haw isiv?.ravins: and Curl) Stones

-- :o:-and a few

CLINKER BUILT BOATS.155-- 1 y Hawaiian Transfer Co.

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

A roso colored flaaio appeared on the water,and gradually spread vntil it embraced thwhole area of the surfaro and roso pyranu'Jwise to a height of about twclvo inches. During the subsequent proceedings tho water cdntinued to burn.


Then ensi ed tho cracking-- of a number Oi

raniiliar ches tnuts, puoh as tho cooking of anomelet in a lorrowcd silk hat, tho mysteriousproduction Irorn nowhere of an outfit of tin-war- o

and a guinea pig, ct id omno genus.A bar of lead was melted i?i a crucible over

a small furrace, and according to the prom-ise on the Lilla the professor proceeded towash his hands in the molten metal. Ho didtho work thoroughly, plunging his hands tctho elliow into tho crucible, now and thenBcooping up the liquid ltad in his palm an.ldropping it upon the board floor of tho &tage,whero it instantly hnrdoned in thin flake.The blade of an ordinary steel table knife

OF THE TJjSriTHX) STATES.LEWIS & CO.;FOPwT STREET, StanOs First Aioi tlis Leading; Life AmuanGe Compaaies of the World


(Except Sunday.)


THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINGthe business of .1. Green and the

American Express Company, have con-solidated under the tirin name of the


arp. nrenared to earrv on the Dr ivilififIn Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,

Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in in Premium Income, in tne annual mcieao i 'u'i"u

Assets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,Tmonrtint ReSlect3. and Express bu.ines.-- s ot all kinds.

I ttllU 111 Ull v... i - - -

81,478.001 85.Groceries and Provisions. Assets Dec. 31, 1887,jfCT-Teleph-

one ofllee at No. o K;ng St.,next door tu Root. More's.

liell 160 Telephones Mutual 5C5.,S483,OS5,.'tv;138.023,105

House ooli a Spefialty.El HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO181-- tf

Outstaudlnpr AssuranceNew Baslnede of IPS?Surplus (4 percent, standard)Increase la Surplus during the YearIncrease In Assets during the YearTotal Income '.

Premium IncomePercentage of Assets to Liabilities

IS, I 04.255l,74,3Tt

t3,240,84!1U,I 15,175

127 1-- 2

jrs?-- All kinds of carting faithfully andpromptly attended to; furniture removedand eareVully handled; always on hand onarrival cf steamers.

If vou want a watron or dray you willfind "it to your advantage to riiifr up eitherof our telephones. J. W. MeUl'IRE,

Ki-l- J. McQUEEN.

melted like wax In the llame of a Tallowcandlo under tho influence, of his touch, andthen, dipping a pen into tne dish of burningwater, the professor went through tho mo-

tions of writing upon a folded newspaperhanded to him by one of the audience. "Whenthe hall was darkened the words, "Pherguson,the 1'hire King, right hand of his MajestyDiablosi" stood out in green flames from thesurface of tho paper.

Ho far, so good. Tho trick3 were per-

formed; but tho city editor's instructions tofind out how they were performed and towrite an exnoso of tho Fire King's secrets un

HONOLULU MARKET.A Careful Study of the above Proves Conclusively that the Equitable Society

IS me uiusi rruiiiuuic hum nvniiu aji.i -

Company for intending Assurers.(Successor to "Wra. McCandless.)


90-- tfnolulu, 11. 1. $6.00 per AnnuniSubscription,Just Received ex Stmr. Mariposa

From New Zealand !

The First Lot of New Zealand

i, i

H 1



i i-

V i

H i

r i

r it


f ! i

i '

V h




s i


Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, FishHAWAIIAN GAZETTE

Or 50 Cents per Month. :VEGETABLES, ETC.,

Always Kepi on Hand. Potatoes

happily wero not yet carried out. While thoaudience was convej-in-

g itself through thedoorway into the street I elbowed my waybehind the scenes and corralled the professor,who was engaged in packing his parapher-nalia, When you want a man to do you afavor, it is by no means bet to approach himwith an obsequious air; if you do, he willprobably tumble to your racket, so to speak,and givo yon the cold shako. I cept my haton and paralyzed the professor with a steelyglare and just a shade of hauteur.

"Represent ing iLo press," 1 said brusquely,producing a pasteboard. '"Are not thechemicals used in your ah ah tricks, arethey not dangerous of an inflammable nat-ure apt to explode; and all thatf


While I was talking, I made some notes ina manuscript book, giving the professor theidea that the jottings were to the effect thathis entertainments were of a characterhazardous to the audience.

'Good gracious, ir! no:" he gasped; ' by

AND- -

Delivered by Carrier.Printing EstablishmentFamily and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to.

Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice.

Telephones STo. 212


II. MAY & CO.35-l- w

Honolulu.Merchant St.,


Xo. 73 Nuuann Street.

MRS. ROr.T. LOVE, - - - Proprietress.

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,F EES H

Rock Salt for Cattle.s! - vi !'.... fv Yfl


Represents the Interests of the Politiciau, the Merchant, thePlanter, the Storekeeper, tho Lawyer, the "Workman, and, infact, all Classes of the Community.


-- .tiv y " t t- -.j ' r JjA few tons still un tisposeJ of.


Tueo. H. Davies & Co.14'Mm1

Soda CrackersA X D

Saloon Bread.Ihsj's on IIiil.

mss l '

all means do not xubli.sh such an insiuuitiou; I

it would ruin me. Ail my agents are innocentwhen l ightly used." j

I smiled cynically '"Yes, of course you sayBO."

"But I can prove it. Potassium, phc-phor- tis,

brimstone, quicksilver. Are t hey ex-

plosive "The trail was geLtivig warm."Well, of course, that dciends. The pot as

bium, for instance, how do you use itf'I drop a small quantity cf it upon tho sur-

face of tho water in the glass dish. Uponcontact with the water it immediately Haresup and burns with a rose colored flame.Simplest thing in the world. W ith tho brim-stone I men I v touch a piece of stec madered hot in th " 'no or a candle, and tho steelwelts like t; No danger there. A stickCf phosphoru .s affixed to xuy ien when Iwrite upon the newspaper, and of course inthe darkness the writing stands out. To washmy hands in molten lead it is only ne cessaryto bathe them previously in an ointment madeof ono ounce of quicksilver, two ounces ofbole ammoniaco, half an ounce of camphorand two ounces of aqua vita?. l?aten togetherwith a pestle in a brass mortar. I keep thismixture by mo constantly, and have neveryet had the slightest accident."

The still, small voice of the call boy's clocksaid "11" just as the professor was finish-

ing his meaty sentence, and I rushed aroundto the office with scant t'm to write up andband in my copy by o'clock. I had non

exiosed the professor's whole- - business, but Ihad got at the marrow of four of Lis besttricks. Detroit Free Press.

jSIILK beeadVI m k LNi"S


for the Toilet, the Rath andthe Handkerchief.

PR Has for many years been noted for its Reports of Legislati aProceedings, Important Law Cases, etc. These are recordedVerhatim when the importance of the occasion warrants it.


1iHlaiid )rler Promptly Attended to.172-3r- a


Prof. Alexander Wassil'cwitsch PoehlAn.-ihvinj- Chemist

for the Kiii in Ck vtrnmcstSt. IVtersburj: :

Plain and Fancy Printing THE ADVERTISER'fkkicwA FLORIDA WATER does

No r contain any i literal partsi -- i 'si .vhirh could be pernicious toTrevor. d h,.;i!th." Is a necessity to Every English. speakinz Inhabitant nf


Murray & Lanman's-- INCLUDING- t;;;S Sa7hiC7ucrsrly Kingdom who desires to keep pace with the times.t:X'rt:rAr & Lanman's FLORIDA ;

WATER r'-es- in a vola- - i

'J iiii.v.i str.te a creater ability an3. "ifto i'un:v the a:r man r.au

f.i -- id in this r"ST.cctMurray cV. Lanman's


V,'ifiM rr.n,M- - to th wc.l-'- .. 1 THE ADVERTISERLaw Books and Blanks, Pamphlets of any kind,FLORIDA WATER,

Best for TOILET, BATH,


Tho Cloud Dispelled.Alouzo Doaivft Edith, candor comifIs mo,

on tho evo of our weddiny, to confess th.:u Iam n

Edith (in consternation) Not a. marrivlman?

Alonzo No; but a somnambulist.Edith And Is that all, dearest? That

should not separate u. Why, papa wasbrought up an old fashioued Methodist ar.Jmamma has always been a clo. commumonUaptu--t, u'ul they've got alon very well to-

gether. Harper's Bazar.

An Epidemic of Kluumiitlsm.The Philadelphia IM.Kt rhiuwS there is aa

epidemic of rheumatism this viaier, and saysthat "rest for the brain, the body mid thedipstion, and n diet of hot water and cheer-fulness, is tho treatment 'xt warranted tobring tho sufferers right.'

Is copious and prompt in the publication of Local News, andits readers are kept constantly posted as to the course of eVentR

ntlipr riJirta nf fhn xrnrA rt i .: n ti?i o -- K- i tt:.- - .i o.

Xo. Z V) 1 Sept. Z- th. l-- o.


JactfcW, from Londoni w - " t"'"-mtu- j in lijo uniiea otates.TO PLAXTEKS!

Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Books,

Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work,

Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Cards,

Ball and Wedding Cards, Programmes, Billheads,

Letterheads printed in ".Copying Ic!s, Etc., Etc., Etc.


AVING RECENTLY IMPROVEDITI and stre nstheued our conetrwenon oiMills, ns al30 the eUt feeding mechan-

ism for eaiue with very satisfactory results, we



are now rrerrei1 t0 contract for that class ofmachinery at Ehort notico. We have patterns on

hand for 40x'6in., StJxCo'ln., S2xCin.. 30x60tn.,

aosi4in.. 20x54in. sizes of rollers, steel shaftingand etel gearing throughoiit with any desiredtyre of engine, or they can be driven fromengine In use on Mill, by compounding

Foiice Wire,Galvanized lUickets,

Best Coil 3Iattino:,

tCTTor Sale at Lnwft TricPS byfcl

SViina can bo removed from lr.rrbV bymalrins n mortar ot liruo and 'ye andtprcadins thieUy on tho diseoloratior-- : lei-- e

tor several days, then wash oil perfectlyclpnn with a scrubbing brush. ,

It VTi!d lie Tuterestln;.LChieazo I.eer.l

Ak Benares, in India, the monkey is

considered sacred, and regarded with'eelings of reverence. It would bo in-

teresting to know with what sort ofdevotional feeling the avcrago Lrahmiawould regard tho American small My.

H. M. WHITNEY, Manager,

Honolulu, II. I.



II. M. WHITNEY, Business Mannger.

tbe earae, thereby economizing steam. Resultsunder equal conditions guaranteed unsur-P1?ft- D

by any other construction or system of



Agent Pisvlonlron and Locomotive Works,

12ei2iS-t- f San FrtnoUCO.

G. W. Macfiu'lane & Co.1

