Home Remed

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  • 7/31/2019 Home Remed


    Here is a homemade pack, which reduces the blemishes from the skin and improvesthe complexion.Take two spoonful of gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric to it as turmeric havesome agents in it which reduces the marks,few drops of lemon juice and make a paste with a spoonful of curd. Apply this pack on the face regularly and you will notice drastic changes in your skin.

    Honey added in milk powder helps in reducing the blemishes if applied on the skin.

    If you have real dark blemishes on the skin make a powder of dry lemon peels andorange peels. You can keep this powder for further usage. Whenever you want addsome rose water or curd water to it and apply on the skin. Its regular usage re

    duces the spots and blemishes from the skin.

    A paste of honey and turmeric reduces the marks if applied on the skin regularly.

    Make a mixture of tomato juice and lemon juice. You can fill it in a bottle andkeep it in the refrigerator.

    You can apply this mixture on your face daily with a cotton ball. It lightens the skin tone and facial hair and reduces the blemishes.

    You can rub a lemon peel on the skin with a little sugar on it or without the sugar. After rubbing it leave it on the skin for at least 10 minutes.If you practice this regularly you can reduce the acne and pimple marks finely.

    split ends

    Add one table spoon of honey to half cup of curd. Mix it well and apply it generously all over the hair ans scalp. Leave it for 20 mins and experience a smooth,

    shiny mane.

    Take a medium sized ripe papaya slice it well after skinning and deseeding it. Blend it in a blender to make a smooth paste. Now, mix this paste with one cup of

    fresh yogurt and apply this mixture lavishly on your scalp and hair. Make sureyou apply it on every inch of your hair. Let it remain as it is for around 30 mins and rinse it off with shampoo. Repeat this procedure for 4 weeks and experience a shiny mane with reduced split ends.


    Acne Mask #1: Salt Mask This one of the easiest homemade acne masks that you canmake.

    To make it you need sea salt or cooking salt and some water.You put the salt in the water for 20 minutes then apply the mask to acne spots and leave it on for 10-30 minutes.

  • 7/31/2019 Home Remed


    Salt cleans the skin and dries acne spots which makes it perfect treatment for acne scars.If you have the option then go to swim in the sea and you do not even have to make the mask, you just swim in it and enjoy the natural acne treatment.

    Acne Mask #2: Baking Soda Another easy homemade acne mask which makes miracles for some of us when it comes to acne treatment.To make this mask all you need is water and baking soda.First clean acne spots with preferred cleanser (skin cleanser that you use normally will do the task),then mix the water and baking soda and apply the mixture on acne spots. Leave the mixture on for a while, do some household chores,read a book, go on internet, talk to your friends, watch television or do whatever makes you happy and then rinse the mask off your face.

    When soda mask will be removed you can feel how soft and clean is your skin. This treatment does not work the same for everyone,

    while some see drastic improvement in their acne treatment, others do not see any results.

    It depends on a person and skin type but if you find this mask suitable and efficient repeat the treatment several times a week for few weeks andyou can say good bye to acne.

    Acne Mask #3: Yogurt Mask If two masks mentioned above were easy to make here isthe third simple homemade acne mask that everyone can make.

    It consists of Yogurt and Honey and does not need a lot of preparation.Take one teaspoon of honey and heat it up a little so it becomes softer (if youhave dry skin ad additional teaspoon of honey for better effect).Then mix the honey with one tablespoon of natural yogurt which is medium fat (do

    not use low or non-fat yogurt).Mix the ingredients at room temperature for a while. When it is prepared apply

    it to acne spots that you wish to treat.Leave it on 10-20 minutes and then was it off with washcloth. If this acne mask

    helps you, try to use it several times a week and get rid of acne fast.

    You can throw apple slices into a blender to make this acne recipe at home. Makesure you remove the peel, the stem, and any seeds inside the apple.

    Once you have the apples ground up you can add a tablespoon of honey to create asoothing facial for your skin.

    If you want an ultra cool facial, chill the apples for a half hour before you make the recipe.

    You can leave the facial resting on the skin for fifteen minutes or so. It can then be washed away with a mild cleanser.

    Sea Salt Facial

    Sea Salt is an all natural purifier and works wonders on the skin. Using about acup of sea salt, you will need to add about a tablespoon of fresh, warm water t

    o the salt. Stir the water into the salt to make a paste; if you require more water to make the paste, add a tablespoon of water at a time to prevent the mix fr

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    om becoming to watery. Apply the paste to your face for twenty minutes; gently rub the mix on your face to get rid of pore-clogging dead skin cells.

    Another of the many recipes for this affliction that will give you a clear complexion within two weeks is by making a paste combining honey and cinnamon powder.

    Apply this to your face every evening for fourteen nights just before bed and remove with lukewarm water in the morning.

    for pimples

    thick curd, turmeric nd 2 drops of oil