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Community Conversations - Streetscene Ward 9 – Nith Introduction The Community Conversations held in May and June 2018 across all 12 Council Wards were a new approach to engaging residents in discussion about Council services – what and where we currently focus on and how you could be involved. This first series of Conversations were around the “Streetscene” services - local parks, open spaces, burial grounds, streets, community and village halls, school crossing patrols and public toilets. We are very grateful to those of you who were able to come along and give us your views and we were inspired by the passion that people across our region have for the places they live. There were many examples of joint approaches between our Council, community groups and individuals – litter picks, fundraising for new play equipment, managing local buildings, planting etc. Our thanks go to all of the people already involved and we look forward to developing the additional ideas suggested. This document details the questions and suggestions made, along with our responses to them and you will see that your comments have already influenced what we do. The comments relating to other Council services or partner organisations have been forwarded on to them for consideration. You will also see that we had a really positive response to the format of the events and so we’re going to have a further round in early spring in 2019. We look forward to seeing you there! For any further information about the ‘Streetscene’ services, please get in touch with our officers whose details are below. Thanks again for your participation.

Transcript of Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots...

Page 1: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

Community Conversations - Streetscene Ward 9 – Nith

IntroductionThe Community Conversations held in May and June 2018 across all 12 Council Wards were a new approach to engaging residents in discussion about Council services – what and where we currently focus on and how you could be involved.

This first series of Conversations were around the “Streetscene” services - local parks, open spaces, burial grounds, streets, community and village halls, school crossing patrols and public toilets.

We are very grateful to those of you who were able to come along and give us your views and we were inspired by the passion that people across our region have for the places they live.

There were many examples of joint approaches between our Council, community groups and individuals – litter picks, fundraising for new play equipment, managing local buildings, planting etc. Our thanks go to all of the people already involved and we look forward to developing the additional ideas suggested.

This document details the questions and suggestions made, along with our responses to them and you will see that your comments have already influenced what we do. The comments relating to other Council services or partner organisations have been forwarded on to them for consideration.

You will also see that we had a really positive response to the format of the events and so we’re going to have a further round in early spring in 2019. We look forward to seeing you there!

For any further information about the ‘Streetscene’ services, please get in touch with our officers whose details are below.

Thanks again for your participation.

Community Asset Manager (Nithsdale) - Jamie JamesEmail - [email protected] Telephone - 01387 271100

Community Assets Supervisor (Nith) – Brian McAvineyEmail – [email protected] - 07764148864

Ward Officer (Nith) Chris Woodness – Email - [email protected] Telephone - 07799 342222

Page 2: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked you about Grass CuttingYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Why don’t the Council lift the grass?We would like to see it cut and lifted.

Grass outside of main council buildings including Council HQ is cut and lifted so why is that not applied in other areas.

Why is there grass on foot paths after cutting?

Cutting verges inside and outside of 30 mile limits.

Why do you not carry out litter picking prior to grass cutting?

Areas of land that border DGHP, Transerv and the Council are neglected or just simply not done, Why is this?

Special Events Galas/Occasions

It is good compost for the grass and so for the last 10 years we’ve been using machinery that doesn’t lift it. It is also expensive in terms of time for it to be lifted manually and so the only places we continue do that are small patches in recognised high profile locations.

We have started a pilot where a community group comes and lifts the cuttings and distributes it to gardeners for composting; and as we replace machinery, the newer ones like the Toro cylinder cut the grass into smaller pieces so it will be less unsightly and mulch down more quickly.

These locations are identified on the grounds maintenance plan as high amenity areas and as such are scheduled to a cutting programme of up to 26 times per year

Thank you for raising this concern - We have taken this comment on board and instructed our operatives who use the blowers to try and ensure cuttings are blown off the public pathways.

The Council is responsible for some grass verges. Within 30mph zones this is done by Streetscene and out with these zones it is the Roads Department. Verges on Trunk roads are maintained by Transerv. If you have concerns about specific areas please let the Community Asset Supervisor know.

All Streetscene staff have been instructed to carry out a dynamic risk assessment on arrival at any location of work and where required, they carry out a litter pick prior to commencing grass cutting operations. Operatives will be reminded of this process.

We are developing better working arrangements between all partners to ensure areas are maintained to a similarly high standard. We are currently engaging our partner RSL’s and Transerv through colleagues in Economy Environment & Infrastructure.

Where possible, we will amend schedules to bring cuts

Page 3: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked you about Grass CuttingYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Would the Council provide grass cutting machines / strimmers for volunteers?

forward for special events or occasions on request and whilst we cannot guarantee meeting all requests, every effort will be made to support our communities. We will also work closely with community groups in both preparatory and reinstatement work for community events to ensure maximum benefit for the local community and visitors alike.

We would be happy to discuss this with anyone willing to volunteer. Please discuss with the Community Assets Supervisor

We asked you about weedingYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

What weeding?

We want to conduct weed spraying, can the Council assist.

Concern that the focus is on the Town Centre and not the wider areas/roads/streets.Weeds in our area are causing issues on footpaths and roads.

Could we promote people taking responsibility for the area in front of their own properties (i.e. pavements)? And could this be linked in with Dumfries in Bloom?

We have an annual weed spraying programme, the delivery of this activity is weather dependant and must be carried out during a dry spell. Weed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes two weeks for it to be fully effective so it’s appreciated it’s unsightly for that temporary period

Areas are normally sprayed twice a year. There are strict rules about the use of chemicals so we’ll work with each group about specific areas about what is needed. The Community Asset Manager will be delighted to talk to you about any offers to assist with this work.

We recognise those areas currently prioritised in our spraying plan may not match the priorities of our local communities and community councils, we will work closely with our community partners to develop a future plan that will as far as resources allow, enable a better preventative and more responsive programme to be developed and delivered.

Thank you for your suggestion, we would happily support any community initiative which would help to improve the look of our communities and at the same time reflect Dumfries and Galloway positively through an event such as the Nithsdale in bloom

competition or indeed the Beautiful Scotland event.

Page 4: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked you about plantingYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

The shrubs and bushes in some areas are unsightly, if the Council could clear the area the community could develop a partnership to maintain it.

Trees have died and been removed – could other trees be planted in their place? Could we encourage more tree planting by offering sponsoring of trees?

A key success of encouraging an appreciation and interest in gardening is the early intervention with schools.

As well as horticultural education in Dock Park could we promote the historical significance of the plaques for the Coronation and the Silver Jubilee?

Welcome the variety of trees that have been planted in the park

Please contact your local Community Asset Supervisor to discuss opportunities to develop this idea further.

We have been working closely with a number of community groups, volunteers and local primary schools to undertake a programme of tree identification, adoption and planting currently focused on dock park, however, we are keen to expand this successful programme across our community.

Environmental education for our children is extremely important to us and we have several initiatives being delivered in partnership with schools, local voluntary groups, the town centre ambassador and our own horticultural specialists. We understand and value the importance of these successful programmes.

Our Community Asset Team and Town Centre Ambassador are very supportive of questions on the history of the park and we regularly engage with our partners, ‘The Friends of Dock Park’ to host events and activities that showcase the history, flora and fauna.

Page 5: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked you about litterYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Can children be issued with fixed penalty notices for littering?

High school pupils are causing a lot of the litter issues on the route from the schools to the supermarkets/ takeaways

Litter picking undertaken with local businesses, could this be expanded?

Where can I get litter pickers?

Trunk Roads are a disgrace.

We would like to see the plain clothed Community Safety Officers first thing in the morning and last thing at night to catch the offenders.

Dog fouling is a big issue some owners use the dog bags but then throw the bags into trees or hedges. ‘Cigarette butts’

Concern regarding the levels of litter in Calside by plastic bottles,

Children under 16 cannot be issued with fixed penalty notices. The Community Safety Team along with the Town Centre Ambassador are all working with local schools on environmental awareness campaigns, with primary and secondary school pupils and local youth projects actively involved with area based clean-up campaigns.

Additional bins have been added to the route and as indicated in the above response, educational programmes are regularly delivered across schools.

Community Assets Managers and their area teams are working in partnership with several community based groups and local businesses across the region in an effort to support local community environmental campaigns

Litter picking packs are available for community groups and can be accessed by contacting your local Asset officer and for the Nith Ward, the Town Centre ambassador can access these packs too, in addition, we will also arrange for the collection of waste.

The Council is responsible for grass verges within 30mph zones and beyond that on trunk roads it’s the responsibility of Transerv. If you have concerns about specific areas please let us know.

Our Community Safety Team do conduct plain clothes patrols across the area and review their schedule regularly. The team publish regular reports and have proven to be successful in this approach.

Our Community Safety Officers welcome any additional information the community can offer especially on matters of location, activity and times - anyone can contact the Community Safety Team confidentially with information for them to pursue - [email protected] or call 030 33 33 3000. The Community Safety Team work with retailers, community groups and schools to educate, prevent and where required, enforce in order to keep our communal areas litter and cigarette butt free.

The Streetscene team litter pick on each occasion they visit a location on their specific route and welcome the support of

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polystyrene containers and takeaway cartons/boxes.

In general the Ward area is looking a lot cleaner

Quay End – Glencaple, This area would benefit from larger bins, or the bins in place being emptied more often.

community members in helping to keep our communities clean and free of waste/litter.

The Community Asset Officer is currently monitoring the use of and requirements for larger bins in this area.

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We asked you about street cleaningYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Why do we not see the street sweeping service any longer? We would like to see Council staff back with a brush to clear the areas.

Numbers of litter bins.

Why are the Council using Leaf blowers to blow litter onto the street.

Why do shop owners not take more responsibility?

We need a pavement sweeper.

Community Assets do conduct street sweeping however the staff are now Streetscene and conduct all areas of the service.

There are 418 litterbins in Nithsdale.

This practice has stopped.

Community Enforcement teams are continually educating shop keepers on their responsibilities.

Community Assets are currently investigating a pavement sweeper.

Page 8: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked you about cemeteries and burials

You Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

In general it was felt that the cemeteries in the ward were well maintained and this was welcomed due to the historical importance and visitor attraction of these sites

Closed Cemetery grass cutting, why is it only three times a year?

Closed Cemetery’s with operating churches and grass cutting.

Uneven ground and sunken graves.

Leaning Gravestones.

This decision was brought into effect from 2015 and has been followed for the past three years.

We would be keen to work with and support community groups or kirk sessions who may wish to provide additional cuts to these grounds out with the three programmed cuts each year.

These are continually topped up every winter.

A programme of inspections is ongoing and repairs will be conducted accordingly. Responsibility is with the lair owner.

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We asked you about school crossing patrolsYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Many communities expressed support for their school crossing services, and a wish to retain these.

Page 10: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked you about playparksYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Complaints about the state of the playpark at Glencaple

Many of the complaints relating to playparks are around the maintenance of the play equipment, could we support communities to become involved in the maintenance of play equipment?

Community Asset Officers will investigate and review the conditions of the park and undertake any maintenance required.

Our Council has identified £500,000 of funding for the development of inclusive play parks and we are keen to continue the work we have delivered to date around partnership building to enhance and improve our play facility stock. One are of particular success has been through engaging communities to promote match funding opportunities. Further information can be accessed through the Community Asset Officer and your local Ward Officer.

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We asked about volunteeringYou Said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Would like to see the development of a Communities Directorate Facebook page which would make the sharing of information and linking people in communities easier

Rather than just asking for volunteers could we promote available roles needing to be filled or jobs needing done to residents to try to engage new volunteers and to raise awareness of what we are trying to achieve in the community?

Concern that volunteering shouldn’t be seen as a substitute for paid employment

Some groups expressed concern that if they wanted to undertake work in their local area, it should not overlap with work already undertaken by the Council or other groups.

Organising small groups to look at specific areas

Concerns raised over snow clearance, residents fear that if they clear the snow they could be liable.

This matter is currently under consideration through our Communities Directorate Communication Group.

Great idea, thank you for your suggestion and whilst we cannot advertise specific roles, we welcome all positive suggestions as we progress our volunteer strategy across Dumfries and


We do not and would not see the offer of volunteer time and commitment towards the shared enhancement of their community as a substitute for employment; we do however recognise the opportunities can bring to both the community and the individual volunteer by way of enhanced opportunities to develop skills and networks whilst improving local environs.

By working closely with your local community asset officer, we are confident that this conflict would be ruled out at the very start and we have examples across the region of good practice and excellent working relations between community organisations volunteering their time and resources and our assets/Streetscene team.

Great idea, thanks! Contact Jamie James, our Community Assets Manager who will help you get access to training and equipment and possibly some

plants too!

We will ensure any necessary training and supplies is provided and when that’s been done, then volunteers are covered by the Council’s insurance

Page 12: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes
Page 13: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

We asked if there were any other ‘Streetscene’ issues

You said We are doing… or we can’t because…

Dock Park: when damage is done by contractors who rectifies it?

Dock Park: there are still drainage issues in the park. Will these be rectified?

Georgetown Community Centre management committee are willing to work with DGC to explore options of an employment programme to train people in the use of grounds maintenance and grass cutting equipment

Georgetown Primary: could Janitorial staff at schools be used to cut grass in school grounds

Grass cutting for disabled residents. How do they get it done?

Communities staff do liaise with contractors when damage is reported and the contractor is asked to rectify the damage.

Some drainage issues have been resolved and work is ongoing to address other areas within the park.

Working in partnership with our community is certainly an option we would be happy to explore further and discussions with your Area community assets manager would be a good starting point for this.

Janitorial staff have specific duties within their job descriptions which are accommodated within their contracted hours. Increasing their range of duties would therefore impact on their hours. Although they are located at schools the type of equipment used to cut playing fields could not be held within all schools and would, in all probability, require significant additional investment. We will discuss the potential for voluntary input so that it makes a real difference where communities want it.

If you are finding it difficult to look after your garden, help is ordinarily available through our Home Garden Maintenance Scheme. There is a yearly charge for this service. Unfortunately the application period for Nithsdale has now closed: for further information please refer to our web page information: http://dumgal.gov.uk/article/15827/Help-with-garden-maintenance-

The service is available VAT free if you have health problems.

You must not have another adult over 16 years of age living with you who could do the work.

Application forms are available from your local Community Assets office or Customer Service Centre.

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Could neighbours be supported with equipment/training to undertake this work? Can they be told who gets this done?

Why were the main public toilets at Munches Street closed at 3.40 p.m.? The toilets are also covered in graffiti and are generally unclean and smell. I would be helpful to have a list detailing the location of public toilets and the opening/closing times.

Concern over the lack of consultation with the community prior to the sale of Parkhead to Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership. Would like to see the grass cut and the park bench and goal posts put back.

Glencaple - Public toilets are not well maintained. These toilets are well used by tourists and more cleaning needs to be in place to cover peak Scottish and English holiday times.

Yes we actively encourage this type of partnering and will give training on equipment for all volunteers.

The Community Assets Officer responsible for public toilets is conducting a review of the facility and the reported incident.

Maintenance responsibility of this land remains the responsibility of the current owner DGHP, our colleagues in Property Services and legal services are currently engaged with their counterparts from DGHP and have highlighted the requirement for them to maintain the ground.

This matter is being addressed by your local community assets officer.

Page 15: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

Issues raised for other services and organisations

Responsible service

Would like to see more hands on support to community groups to secure external funding

Would like to see more support provided to community groups wishing to take on community assets either through asset transfer or long term lease to ensure the community understand what they are taking on and the challenges involved

“Report It” system does not feedback to individuals

Cigarette butts at the front entrance of Dumfries Ice Bowl – not a good impression

Bus Shelters: Cleaning – Calside Road, can this be dealt with? Vandalised but needs to be improved as this gives the wrong message for the community.

Pot Holes

Roadside gutters/gullies – residents of Gilloch Avenue are now cleaning these at surface level themselves! What is the route plan?

Bins being stored in units which cost the Council money that could be better targeted at Streetscene

Flooded areas from heavy rain – Nith Place/War Memorial at Lovers Walk/Brooms Road

Broken manhole covers

Third Sector D&G

This information is available in the first instance through your local ward officer with further supporting information available via our Community Asset Transfer webpage: http://dumgal.gov.uk/article/16441/Community-asset-transfers

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Customer Services.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Children, Young People & Lifelong LearningDirectorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

Page 16: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes

Birch trees need thinning and clearing from Station to Nunholm. Who is responsible?

Parkhead - In the ownership of DGHP, concern over lack of consultation with the community prior to the sale of this land. Would like to see the grass cut, the park bench and the goal posts put back

Footpath around the river – past cemetery and Rosefield Mills

Moat Brae - Rapidly getting overgrown with weeds this year.

Brooms Road – When the funfair is in town or other shows/events are taking place there is an increase in litter issues.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Architectural & Property Services.

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Directorate and Loreburn Housing Association

We have passed this comment on to colleagues in Economy, Environment & Infrastructure & the Moat Brae Trust

This matter is being addressed by a cross department group of officers made up of Property Services; EEI; Communities, Licensing and Legal.

About the event

Attendees - 22


86% said they felt the Community Conversation gave them the opportunity to discuss the local issues that were important to them.

100% said they felt the Community Conversation was a good way of involving people in deciding how Streetscene services will be delivered in the future.


1. Really good. Should be held every year so more feedback would be available.2. Advertise to local groups/facilities.3. Good discussion in our group – people from the following Wards – Kingholm Quay, Abbey

and North West.

Page 17: Home page - Dumgal · Web viewWeed killer needs to be sprayed onto the leaves to get to the roots so it wouldn’t kill them all off if we pulled some up before spraying. It takes