Holden Judgement

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Transcript of Holden Judgement

  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    i Sep 30 10:23:34 2011 From: PERALES,HOPE To: 8195668219P_ge 3 of 10


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    APUlPIllJALl!1!!J"WMP l"MePTDqJJNCTlpl!..

    1. 0Ia" 1bIa 41)'. 0IIIl0 beIbro the Ccat Platatlff STATB Oll TlXAS ad Dof'Iac1lDll. BOLDIN llOOPlNo. INC. . .BU'lT BOLDIN ID. thB abcm .utlecl1llCl JIQIIlbeq4 __


    ". STATS OP T.BXA8. by 1111 t1aoPah , . . . . AtIoaIDJ 0IIUnI 0lllJG. ABBOTT. _.D e h ~ b y " bIaQP-1ltaaItJofftlCOl'd.I1III01I1lOIIC11O." Qmrt tbaI aU 1DIttInI.'!'Aat'1D41b1ap .In COIdIoYIr.y 11. . . hem.hId boa fiJ1ly aad BDaUy compmndaed ad nttlld.peBtICl to tho Court t i tA.-s1'W Jdamealt UId p ~ ~ I ~ \ 1 I I O t I c i i l ("JudJlDlDl"), andtIkcd dat Ccmrt1D I'fDdor tad alan thta ludamaat11anc1 011 tbt I&fIIIIlIIlt of1beperdu.

    BtlPDLATl0N82. '. By their dalyllJtbadlDllllpatareadIxed below. tho padIaa ItipuJatad to the CoIrt thollUowIaa: Cbat tho)' 11DCIerataa4 the __ of1biI Judpacat; that theJ ... o the tImlI of tid, .

    that. . . . . . . I teity aDd whanCIdlymacle wlthout"'l; that dIoy UIlYllyputlaipated fa the DIIptiIIIoaI WDa up to thIt JUdpaIllt end are IWII'O of1he dutIea pJacacl1I)XJI1 duD by if. aDd _ daIkauI 1114 oa.pIIblo of oat tbaIe datIeI in 1:aU;' that 0IGhumed pari)' 1ICI1cDow1edp Naelpt ofcapIea or thII J1IdptDt and haw full aad ICtulllIOdco of

  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    '. ... 'II (I" r I J I ~ - J I f 'Ills- il r t fN . .II = i ,. ,g 1 I - r I ( ' - IIfi ri-t :!llljl:tIg I t . t !-H- 1 til r f 2 I g I i !-! f i . f I ( f. i 'I f ! i iII I- i I tII Iii t i! i' i i i i.. ~ I I - r . l ~ i 11 If t i l

    ! i e ,I I I t I ! rf i ;"r ~ ' - ~ t fa ' is If I r i ; tI i -t I . I , , 1-1"lit 2. . S' II i I. ! ! i f ! r 8'af l-I - r I r i ; f i i ' I I i ir f If I I a If J rIt

  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    f t ~ ~ E S BonE ~ o : 8195668219PSne 5 of 10i Sep 30 10:23:34 2011 From: ~ , ' ~ :J

    mNDlNGB5. It .".. o the Caad1hat .up d. . . . o tIut lIdry'ofthta J\1cJaaMIIt aad tIIIt tboy

    . . . . . l l . , . " heir c1U1y . . . . . . . at..... _ tba 1lPt-or. . III)IICtlveattcxlll,Ylbelaw, _ Comt, 1IJOD 1ho IlijiUlltlODIof",..... er .... b11y acltIaIclla1bIamau.,'" lIibDowa: -

    . . 'l'bItlthujurlldlatlcm ofa.JIIItleIlIU1l\1bjeotmlttar ofddlault;~ -" r . -- .. - . - - b. 1.1II11haPdiinlatof_dilJiateJt .,r.IIOIIIble. aadjulq

    0. That tbJt 1nc1ptDt -iJ-1u accmI wIdr Ibo t ID i :DIiUijIIlWi '11ifI l1iii1IIiIi ..CoaIaa8' PlUtlotlaa Aot. TaX. . . a CoM. CClDB AlIN. 1.17.41. ..,. rarPA");

    .... .- .

    . 0bIpIw .1 ~ a . -, . . B1.1IIaIa JiIlCommerce ecde;-CarLJ1.:1u-. \if CHili .---.- ... . . .... ~ , . . . . . . . . . TIX. But. " COM. Qma AltN. t 601.001, . t 8f. ("Homo,. aouDlt.b Aor' . . dJ18A">; IIId tb8 Tal l Debl COUealicm Act. nx. PIN. COJ)I

    A1e4.f'ft.OOl ".Nf. ("TDCA" _ I I plOpII' In III napeaII; "d. That the ahil pIIII1ty payable 10 IIld IJr thobcDalit of he StDor,... s bat"" . . . ,underblDkruprGy JR1I'IUf:Dl to 11 U.S.e. 523(a)(7). IIid.. That i t would ba Ia tho beet1atereIII of abep d_ If he Court thO

    "IIltlemId DClnadnclJadpMt aeconUDal,.5. Buecl DB .. ID.,... lid hmDa hoad ad ccailidcnd tho lIIpalatlana uc1.HJduililtadcn JIIIde by the paUli. tho Court II of tho D,bion that peImIIIIIlt iJduDatiaDIhoultl JIIUI4 . . puled In tblIJudpeat and that PlalnlHf !TATB 0 ' TEXAS is .tll1ed 10IICO\I8l' ofllld tum Def'eadaDtlUIIII tbrtb below.


  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    i Sep 30 10:23:34 2011 From: PERALES,BOPE To: 8195668219P_ge 6 of 10

    ' .INIUNCl'IYBJIBI.JQ' ' .- ,.-,_.

    7. rr lS TRBUPOIB OlWBIBD thIt ] ) d a d_ BOLDIN llOOPINO, JNC. adBJUrJTBOlDIN, Ibafr oI!OIII, ...........apto,... IIUl ay 0tJa01*lO.IllllDaln acmaert ftlpdolpdoD with nertad. .whonoolve aotaa1 DOdOloftbll.1ldoD bypcII01IJ1 - . J . or otbIIwJIe, aball ptIDIlDeatly dlllat . . . rahIa ttom . . . . . . . in. oratttwptIDs fa IIJIIIOIa, tba fo1lowIDa deIcIibecl_:

    L PaIUJIa to p1O'IIdo with CDP1 of fbi CaaIaltatlon .AanementconbIn'n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOIloo of'tho ...... iPtto -.oel. In t1ta ... d1bnDatnqabldby HBA I dOl.052(a) IftC1 (b). at liltdmDor. .QnIIIIIIIftt't aeaatIoai

    .', b. PaIItDa to . . . . . a cample1ed "lfatlte of CI1Ice1lttloD18 1brm (Ja dupUoate ad...u, cIetuhIb1a), In tho bID IftCl ibrmat required by HSA I 8)1.053. ID Che. CcJIIIu1tatIoa ApIcIaaeatat tho1lme otthl. . . . . . . . . .wtlODi

    .. .. ' ..o. PIiIiD& to bdbaD GOJIaUIIHI'I onUy It tho time 1ht 'COan1tatlOll ApemIbt IIaIpac1 of1h.r tlpt D caael the tnailiaIloa;d. FtdlIaa to pvvldo CICJIIIIJIa'I with cow oftha llo.oftDll CODtract C G ~ c r J ~ ~ .... _ .

    ... t. :7": -:. r - - . a . i w l ; w i ~ ,wUUit , " "1IID WUM. . . . . . nam to OIIIlGOl, jD Uio IbnD iJId mriDat . ' . 'reqaIred by H8A ISJl.OS2(a) ami (b). at tho timeoftbeCIOIdract', eaautioD;eo l'IIlbIs to attaah aompllled "Notice of Caoel1IdOll" (fa dupUaate.. .

    .'oaIIy deCachUla), fa tho tbrm and bmIt required by BIA 1601.053, to the R.ooftaa.. .. .Ccmtraat at the time of ho oaalrlot'. GewtlOD;. .f. JlIIDIq to iafomt ao..... onlly at t1II time the Roatlna Ccmtnct ia . . d ofthIIIrriabt II )__ he tnmncIkm;

    .....",................ ........... IIIIpIIaI. . . . . . . . . . . -. . . .4


  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    r i Sep 30 10:23:34 2011 From: PERALES,BOPE To: 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 2 1 9 P ~ g e 7 of 10



    .. 11I01u4Iaa hi . , GOIdIut car . . . . . . . . hduc1I111 t1Io Caaaa1IatIm AP,aasI.. ootJaa CoIIInat, Uqnldltld ......... Wldab DDt p1aIaIy I I I Ida ..da1Iar. . . . r.. ............ a aood :8dda 10 boreaowra1l1ohltheCMllt at...h. p... o apooify. in doDIr ad .... hO GOIt or prloo of the . . . . batCODIUIDfII wJU beaharpc1WarthlCoDaultatlcmApemaat;L AODI,tIua JDODBY .... or p&lI'IU1q Jopl utlon' ........ GOIIIIIIIIOI'I fiIr ID1. . . . rt1leoJd CoDIIa1IatlanAplmeld;J. 1IIOAtJ .... or pmnafaa '1_ aalion . . . . . . GDIIIUmm whoCIDOIJlec11heold llootJDB Coblnalbalbnt lDymoflnlwodcwupodbn_ ."k. "l'InItInIq to file a JaviIIIIr. or lObJaUy BUaa nit, .... ll, ...... orftIGO'IIWJ of 1fqaIdIlecJ ..... br the biaaah of .. 014 Cuula1tIdlOli OfI.oofIaa 0IatnsDt 1hIt WII aatInIcIlato prior to tho cWo the1*11. tlpDd IDC1 aarced tothia luiIjment;1. MlaaOJtlll...... bOJIUtPOIO,DIb1rO, orelfoatattheConIaliatlonJIl. hUIDI aaadltIon on a....... dpt to CII1OI1 thI appllcablo tJuwclay CIDCODIdlDa parIocl (ildil1lna. but DOl Umited to. tho pii'iIftiiI-rt uf i Ciaj;

    n.AUomey Oanl baa "proved lIlY.pad or .mae I01c1 or o&toc1 tor lIle byDeliacIa1dI.or hu 1}JJIl'CmId . , uIlD-.pracdue ofDel'oluJantl.


  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    r i Sep 30 10:23:34 2011 From: PEBALES,BOPE To: 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 2 1 9 ~ g e 8 of 10

    I. rrm JI'OIlTBBR.OIDBUD", ))6 . . . . wI:


    .. N1JIHaIt or . . . . . DJ "'.111 peadIDa lawaahII1Ued by Do&IDdantt dIat nllItI4 10 the tol1euIlma of1lquk1atlc1"1III1Dm1nu1a ottbo aiel CoaIa1tIdIaa . . .AaItIIIIlceAac. . . . . . ld lao ....CoJdaIat; ."1. NotIfy aU COIIIaIIIoID, Who receIve4 ...... IIltw fiaaa Do&It4Inta ra1ata410 .olIIm ........ he JIqak1aIec1 c1........ ftboo1c1 CoaIubtloDApemeatIDdold llMfImaCaDIraGt. tUt DO laWlUlt wiU bemod.

    MOlGTAltyJUDGMINT9. IT IS PUlmIBR. OlmBRBD 17 the Coaat tbIt-PlllnliffS!rAT-B:bp-1mWJ- baft-irid'

    ". .1'ICIMIr- frDIQ Dalal . . HOLDBN ROOI'JNB.- -INCr-lIIId-iDt1ftT BOIfllINt . . . . . . . . at--- --- .... -S35,DOO.OO. . . . .otthol6wlaa. . . . . . .

    .. 1110 lIftOIIIItot'25.000.00u aaI-.il peaaltyla" STATB OPTBXAS; l idbe 1111 IIDWIIt of '10,000.00 1'OIIOIIIb16 IIlC1 . . . . , Ittamoy'l .. o thoSTATBOPTBXA8 In thepralllWtloAofdU.aatkII apllIIlDcrCeIMIIJdI.10. rr 18 l'UJl11lBlORDBRBO'b)' ..c.t hatDItIad_1hau reftmd ID__ aid

    11)' COlIIumtntoDoftmdaaIa _to IItIIr,I ...., ar oJ_ .... Dder tbc liquidated...... Jftho 014Ccau1tatlcm.A.... ii&dIor thI oldR.oofIqCoatraat; thatDa&ad.ntslball."ply $500.00 to . . cmmmor whi,- WII a1IId by D6tdantI (on I a1abn IriIIDJ __ thelIqaldlted_ _.. la1IIe of ho old CaaIulIldonApIDIat or olelRoobI CoJdrut),batwho.... bOt paid Ill)' DICIIIIY to DefeadInta .and that DefendIatI sba1l provide doaamIntldoo. In


  • 8/4/2019 Holden Judgement


    r i Sap 30 10:33:24 2011 From: PERALES,BOPE To: 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 2 1 9 ~ q a 7 of 7



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    made mho 1bml of a odfIed abeat or JnOn8Y cmler ad Ulado ,.,.Wo to the 01101 of the..Auaru, a. . . t 0.T... . The a.tIflecl or IDDQey cm1w aWl 11_ the l c J ~ aumber aM No. 1I325I998.N 1IUl11la1111o cIctmnd to the omao of. . AUmM,y a...t.Coanmer PmtIadoIl ad PubHo Health 'DMIIaa, 3201 N. MoCo1l Bold. SuIte B, MDAUcm.'.,....71501.12. rr II trtmTBBllORDBIBD that il l 001II ofccnat.,.wor lDuarIod In thlI 011lI0 ..uiitaed..... .pattylnaaalDl.m..13. rr IS PDllTHBR ORDBB.1iD 1hat PltdidlttabIU haYo III wiIia of ..... 11 IIDd other

    i ."roaea.... 1'1 to.... bIa.Ji14ameD.t.14. Tbo . . ._ mtaUoa or .... IIau of tho dati- _ ob1..... mpDHd by fbIIJnjunotIoJI and ..... eralD. cJoes lOt Imply 1ho .Otudcm of III otb.- dud. . . WlpUauIIDJOOIOII OIlDofeDd. . y lpplIalblo. . . . 'odeII111W1 ad n=p1atkmaiDd cJoaIDDt reiiIIeDoftIadlfttl &aD Idbadua 10, abldIDa by, oroamplyJqwith, othw pcwialODl of UCb law. lid

    15.' TJd8 .lad . . Dt . . . . IIpoa_ of.n a1eImI md III ,.u.. '1110 Court xataIu thojurJlcUatlOJl to earorao 1Id11ad&meat.16.. AU relIefaot upiwaly ar8Dled ba'eiD II dealld.SIONBDOIl 37> . . 011.

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    i Sep 30 10:33:24 2011 From: PERALES,BOPE To: 8 1 9 5 6 6 8 2 1 9 ~ g e 5 of 7


    .. ~ A S ' 1 ' 0 1 ' O I M A N 1 l I O B 8 ' 1 ' A N C B A N D m n u ~ : ."'.


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