Hoff William Margy 1972 Mexico

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Transcript of Hoff William Margy 1972 Mexico

  • Name


    Date_ /?j7Slin full /:U/^apf /f~ /^n/f

    Complete address on field . ^ /O ^L.t T,

    Complete forwarding address ^ /2xL>^ J^aJL^Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:

    ,, A .- . > fiJ --

    _J^%n7tOv^AjU)^RtrfiP.t, 4/ fV^./lAMu) . Street 3/3 Ja.^.City ZonS2lEl, RfatP, CMyZ>^ Zo '^^ ^^^fstate^_^:^=^Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:

    Rtrppt.^ 7^0 Av '^v^?f7~ 7 ^ street ^Pity 7.M^ ^ Zone State.Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourageother churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow avisiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impossible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a responsible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the valueof your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers aboutyour church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share thecredit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share theirconviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will helpconvince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES tospread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recommendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of



    nity 'stnfp

  • oZ
  • Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:

    Place Service Dates

    //7^-7// f70 " 7/

    7SCHOOLING (high school and later);

    Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted

    What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hopeto accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leadingothers into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space): a a/> - nn ^ /

    /UxTX. (Xtff' ^


    Describe briefly in outline form the nature of yo^ daily duties on the field;


    Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?

    Rvflng-plifit. Bible College Tpaohpr. Public School Teacher^

    Homemaker..___ T^nf>tnr Nurse_^_- Social worker. Music teacher^

    Radio ministry, Radio followup^SiChristian Service Camp Linguistics.Maintenance of mission equlpment_. Benevolence Office work Name other;


    Father's namfi anH 'hnmfi ^T.itnng Deceased^State.

    His ofif.iiparHnn Tg he a Christian? yp.Q jV^nr>.What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

    What Christian service does he now do?

    Mother's full maiden name: , Deceased,

    StrAPt /S f/n flCXr. ity

    Is she a Christian? VAg-""^Nn Her occupation if employed outside the hnmp

    What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church.?


    - Street^^Z^lZ^NameCityitv-^X!^ 7.nnft_ ^^Rtatft. Telephone: 77'^QWhere attend nhnrnh?

    City.,7^2L^4^^^ Zone2^j!5stateDoes the forwarding agent receive a salary?.

    Should money be sent to the forwarding agent nnly?.

    In what form should funds be sent?

    xmiit-;:, i l.l-i ^ w -y . .

    What duties are performed by the forwarding ag^nt- kJ^%^

    If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how todo it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.

    Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you thinkmight be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:


    Date ^// 7^Name in full

    Complete address on field 7^ 'Vc ^

    Complete forwarding address ^ /^y\ ^/cA^y^c^-sy-gj/eg -g.yee>T/-c?j

    Name and address of Livingllnk church or churches:

    , V3.lJ&_y CA^isl^/u-yjRtrfiet V9 7V S. RtrP^t 5'^7f7^^ /^G. ffy ^

    City i-'BS StC '^^ CM^J^Onc_g_3^^ 7,^ '^Names and addresses of other sponsoring or .endorsing churches:

    /^j y\sY' C.^^y/S 3-~y7Rtrppf ^ ^5^ a/' 7~^Ji yX iznnp Sf-afp nty, Zone__State,Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourageother churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow avisiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impossible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a responsible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the valueof your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers aboutyour church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share thecredit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share theirconviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will helpconvince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES tospread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recommendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.

    Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of/ yo ^ each letter, thanks.ly / / //namf: My' Afsyye^ Namp /^y- c{

    Rtrppt SYk Rf-T-PAt

    riTty ^ Pity

  • Name and address of hometown n^wapapRr

    Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work;


    Street.f^ho^ y^/'x , :z.

    Y.nnf.. StflfP

    Place of T^TRTH

    Day of hirth Mnnfh ^ Vpar V/

    Where haptisftd?^Jur/s"^Pity RtatP J^rf rjsv/i/^:yycg^ /S"^

    On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care tomention.

    MARITAL STATUS;MarriedSingle. Divorced.


    City - Zor^e - State -


    Date of mar-riagp .J' ~ Where married? ^Ao i ^ /Jf /'yf

  • Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:

    Place Service Dates ^ 7\ Ohr/sf/a-^i. /yJuVo/ /r^C'^ Ya77 6'S^Tune.-y-

    Pk^ '^& yjfyc C-krf^'h^-t^ .7rcJ t4:JaJs^ ffrj3L. 5Number of years Degrees and date granted

    ^ . Di/>/d>^-a- ^T>',^LS. i"?l 1 f .

    ^S^Jn ^-yjjsA

  • ^What Christian service does he now do? ZT/grYt&y

    Mother's full maiden name: ^T^v-g. .A/^y/gs /^^vy f^/C. LivingsDeceased.StrPfft nify 7nnP_ RtatP,

    Is she a Christian? YesJ^^No..,_. Her occupation if employed outside the home.

    What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local churchi?,


    Father's name and home aHrtrPsg. T.itHng Deceased,

    8^6^ Rtrppt Li^i.k^ia.lcf ^Zo '^^ StateoZ Scktp



    MARK 16:15



    BILL....William Fowler was born on April 21, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William F.

    Hoff, Sr. of Los Angeles. His father's work drew the family to LasVegas, Nevada. Following graduation from high school Bill realized hecould not be a 'Sunday Christian.' This realization brought him to PacificChristian College.

    At P.C.C. Bill became interested in Mexican evangelism. He states,"1 began to spend as much time as I could in Baja California working onan orphanage. I also helped supply the needs of the orphanage. Throughthese experiences I began to feel that perhaps my call was to Mexico. Atrip to El Salvador, Central America, strengthened my desires to work inLatin American evangelism."

    In June 1971, Bill received his B.S. degree in Christian Ministriesfrom P.C.C. For the past twc years Bill and Margy have been working inDominguez First Christian Church, Long Beach, California. Bill hasserved as deacon and eider and has done occasional preaching. Margyhas served as Bible school teacher, done secretarial work, and helpedplan programs for the women's group.


    Margy Pearl was born on May 16, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Troutof Vanderbilt, Pa. Her grandfather was the minister there and servedChrist in the Christian Church for over 50 years. In 1955, because of hermother's health, the family moved to Arizona. Four years later Margygraduated from high school and then went to work for the telephonecompany for four years.

    Margy comments, "In the fall of 1963 I entered Pacific ChristianCollege with my sister, not knowing exactly what I planned on doing afterI graduated. During the five years there 1 taught Sunday School classes,worked in Beginner and Primary worship services, and helped in Primaryyouth programs. During my senior year 1 became very interested in Mexicoand made several trips to an orphanage in Baja California to learn of thework, and do some typing for them. In June 1968, I received a B.S. degreein Christian Education.

    After returning to Arizona for a year, 1 was asked to go with a smallgroup from P.C.C. to El Salvador, Central America. We visited a missionary and helped him for four weeks. During this time I came to know Bill.We saw a great need for Christ in Latin America and knew we had toreturn."

  • the field

    Mexico, our nearest neighbor to the south, has long been called "TheLand of Maffana," but that hardly describes the Mexico of today. Mexicohas a population of over 50 million people, most of whom are nominallyRoman Catholic. A generation ago only 20% of al I Mexicans were Iiterate.Today the figure has risen to 70% literacy. Mexican children are requiredto attend school until age 15. The schools are free.

    Another boost to education is Mexico's thriving economy. The outputof industry in Mexico in the last 20 years has more than tripled. All ofthese improvements mean that now is the time for evangelizing Mexico.Superstitions of the past are dying, and many can find the living Christas Lord of their lives.




    Bill and Margy will be living in Queretaro and working closely withNorm and Mary Dungan. Queretaro is a city of over 100,000 in populationwhich is 140 miles north of Mexico City. The Dungan's outreach isthrough 19 rodio stations which carry their program over a three-statearea. (The states of Guanajuato, Queretaro, and Hidalgo cover an area of20,000 square miles and have a population of over 3 million people.) Theprogram is 15 minutes of music, preaching by a native minister, andannouncements. It is heard twice a week.


    All interested individuals then write in for the first booklet of aseries of four in the correspondence course. When the first booklet iscompleted, Mary grades it and returns it with the second booklet. At thistime Norm tries to moke o personal call on the interested person to talkto him obout accepting Christ.

    Preparing and delivering the topes, making the personal calls,handling the correspondence courses, attending church services In thesmall villages, preparing tracts for distribution and distributing them aresome of the different phases of work in which Bill and Margy will beengaged. The present goal is to expand the current work and help theDungans do their work more effectively.


    Bill and Margy will be totally dependent upon fellow Christians fortheir spiritual and physical support.

    Their financial needs for the work in Mexico are:

    1. Living-Link Support $ 300.00 per monthThis support includes rent, food, clothing ond other personal needs.

    2. Service-Link Support $ 200.00 per monthThis support includes traveling expenses, insurance, printing, radioexpenses, etc.

    Bill and Margy are recommended and sponsored to the mission fieldby the Vegas Valley Christian Church, Las Vegas, Nevada.


    Dick and Jackie Baker have consented to serve as forwarding agentsfor the Hoffs. Jackie is Margy's sister. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baker haveattended Pacific Christian College and are members of the ParkcrestChurch of Christ in Long Beach, California. All correspondence andfinancial aid should be sent to them.

    Address yourcorrespondence to:

    Bill and Margy Hoff% Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker12141 Aegean Street ^Norwalk, Calif. 90650. t


  • August 29, 1972

    Dear Family and Friends,

    We arrived safely in Queretaro, Mexico, on August I8thToday is the first free moment we have had, and I am takingthis opportunity to write a letter.

    We are currently acquainting ourselves with the workand the people in the area.

    On September 1st we will be enrolling in languageschool which starts on the ^th. We will be going for threeweeks and probably six weeks in a row. We decided to go tothe one in Mexico City for although it is 1^0 miles awayand we will have to live there, it is about l/3rd as expensive as the on^ m San Miguel de Allende. _

    We will not attempt to rent an apartment in Queretarofor awhile because we will only be here on weekends and theDungans have graciously invited us to stay with them duringthis time.

    We are unable to get a post office box until October;so please write to us % Norm Dungan, Apdo. Postal 7^1,Queretaro, Qro., Mexico. Any financial support should continue to go to our forwarding agents in California.

    Please remember us in your prayers.

    Yours in Christ,

    Bill and Margy Hoff

    P.S. No packages are allowed to be sent to us in Mexico.

  • Gleanings ( For Hor by W. E Mc Sept. 13, 1972 )Bl^l and Mrs. Margy Hoff are now in language school in

    Mexico City^Mexico. They report that no packages are allowed

    to be sent to them in Mexico. Letters can be sent in care of:

    Norman Dungauy Apdo. Postal 7419 Queretaro, Qro., Mexico.




  • New ChristiansSunday, October 29th, I was gone from 6100

    A.M. until 9100 P.M. and traveled 268 miles.The day was well-worth it though because I wastransporting people in order that they might bebaptized into Christ. Six people became Christians that day. Please pray for these newbabes in Christ as their lives will be filledwith many stumbling blocks.

    On Our Own"What is the word for bacon?" I asked. Bill

    didn't know so I looked it up in the Spanish-English dictionary. This dictionary has provedquite useful especially during the month ofNovember. For this was the first month thatthe Dungans were gone to the States and we"were on our own" in Mexico.

    Norm and Mary had proved very helpful in getting us through the initial "cultural shock" of

    JOexico. _ We, had ust,^about learned the oit.yQueretaro and the surrounding area and what wecould expect to find.

    But being left alone proved to have its difficulties. A particular item or a particularstore wasn't quite where we thought it was.Also, even though I had helped Mary with manymeals, I wasn't quite ready to cook in Mexico.

    The greatest difficulty though has been tosolve the problems of the work, the correspondence for me, and the taping of radio programsfor Bill. But we have made it through Novemberin surprising good shape.

    Otra Vez (Once Again)The first three weeks of November we spent in

    Mexico City going to language school for thesecond course of Spanish. This course provedto be a difficult one as we learned the variouspast tenses and when to use them (or that iswhat we were supposed to have learned).

    We plan on returning the first part of nextyear for another course.

  • .1... -,.1

    "" Ih.A ""

    27tS'RS'7>4'!^0Eor_two__years .the Christians in Queretaro

    had been meeting in a part of one house whichBob Wright had been renting for the orphanage;but now Bob was moving to the new house out inthe country and there would no longer be aplace for the congregation to assemble.

    For a month the leaders of the church lookeddiligently for a new meeting place. It wasn'teasy to find a place that was not expensiveand one that was close to the center of town.Then one day Norm and a man in the congregation found a house for rent. As it turned outthe place proved to be just what was needed.

    From this time on the congregation has takengreat pride in this new location. They havedecorated it so that it does look like achurch. The members take turns preparing thecommunion, cleaning the church, etc. Thechurch has been able to completely pay for therent since they have moved in.

    More important than all of this is the factthat the congregation is growing. Most Sundays find every chair filled. The four BibleSchool classes have great attendance also.

  • ContributorsRichard Baker

    La Crescenta, CaMrs. Archie Cook

    Buckeyej Ariz.M/M Robert Legg

    San Diego Ca.M/M W. T. Merrick

    Avondale, Ariz.Miss Marge Phipps

    Long Beach, Ca.Mrs. E. J. Prentice

    South Gate, Ca.M/M Richard Shine

    Las Vegas, Nev.M/M Chet Stilabower

    Sunland, Ca.

    The Christian ChurchAtascadero, Ca.

    Dominguez First Chr. Ch.Long Beach, Ca.

    Lake Mount Ch. of ChristRogers, Ohio

    New Hope Christian ChurchColumbus, Ind.

    First Christian ChurchPhoenix, Ariz.

    Church of ChristVanderbilt, Pa.

    Adult Class, Vegas Valley-Las Vegas, Nev.

    Vegas Valley Chr. Ch.Las Vegas, Nev.

    Financial ReportCorrected Balance 8/31/72 - $2,32^.06Receipts 9/1/72 - II/30/72- 1,6^1.30Expenses 9/1/72 - II/30/72- 1,851.78$1^00.00 has been set aside from our savingsfor-a new truck which we "will be needingwithin a year. Balance - 713.58

    FORWARDING AGENTS ADDRESSMr. & Mrs. Richard Baker2829 Stevens St.La Crescenta, Ca. 91214


    Dominguez First Christian Church21300 Santa Fe AvenueLong Beach, California 90810

    FIELD ADDRESSMr. (Sk Mrs. Wm. HoffApdo. Postal 7^1Queretaro, Qro.Mexico

    Non-Profit OrganizationU. S. POSTAGE PAIDPermit Number 657Long Beach* California

    Mission ServicesP. 0. Box 177Kerupton, Ind. 46049